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Mars posted:

Irfaart seh he want to correct some facts. How do you go about correcting facts? Lawd, these people dunce. 

Well they don't know the difference between "through" and "true".

Mr. Bharat Jagdeo goes to international forums chatting about "tings". At a UN conference a delegate asked another one if English wasn't the official language of Guyana.

Say what they would of Burnham but this wasn't the criticism.  If "Irfaart"became President the UN would have to install a Guyanese Creolese translator or a screen with English subtitles.

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
Dave posted:

From sources, PNC have their eye on Sharma Son.. he is a suspect to jump ship. 

And im not surprised.  The Coalition have strayed far from their message.  I suspect JFAP and WPA not fully on board!   

WPA is quite clear that as much as they have lost faith with the PNC they still see the PPP as an abomination.

caribny posted:
Mars posted:

Irfaart seh he want to correct some facts. How do you go about correcting facts? Lawd, these people dunce. 

Well they don't know the difference between "through" and "true".

Mr. Bharat Jagdeo goes to international forums chatting about "tings". At a UN conference a delegate asked another one if English wasn't the official language of Guyana.

Say what they would of Burnham but this wasn't the criticism.  If "Irfaart"became President the UN would have to install a Guyanese Creolese translator or a screen with English subtitles.

Stick to being Racist at Large.

Dave posted:

Anyone listening to the debate heard when Basil tell Nandlall “ I gon  Deal with yo” upon taking his seat. ( a min or so ago ) 

Black PNC Bully  what a shame and Harmon attack Jagdeo about his marriage.  How low can they be, they have NO account of progress. This debate is day and night the PPP well prepared. 

Baseman posted:
caribny posted:
GTAngler posted:

I went to primary school with the two youngest ones. Melanie and Ulele. Both very well mannered and unpretentious. You'd never be able to tell their father was Prime Minister/President. Unlike another future President's younger daughter god rest her soul.

And from what I see they still remain like this.  Ordinary upper middle class Guyanese who have to earn their daily bread.  Ditto for their older sisters.

What ever $$$ Burnham stole Viola must have spent, because her daughters clearly don't have it.

Because burnham tief nuff and invest in Zambia’s copper mines, which went belly up.  Jagdeo took his hard earned savings and invested in real estate deals in Guyana and became super rich!

Dont blame BJ for being a shrewd investor!  And he had “top notch” WS advisers in his corner.  Burnham had Julius Nyrere!

Burnham's investment must be the reason a new subdivision at Black Bush Polder was named Zambia, during the Burnham government.

BBP Zambia was populated mostly by Africans, with land taken away from Indians to grow rice and other crops. 

But the project failed and BBP Zambia was abandoned.  Today many houses are still there, ready to fall down.

People always wanted to know why a part of BBP was named after an African country and the name might have come directly from Burnham.    


APNU+AFC MP Charrandass Persaud votes yes to no confidence motion, gov’t falls

This story is developing and will be updated.

APNU+AFC MP Charrandass Persaud has voted in favour of the PPP/C motion of no-confidence throwing the House into uproar.

His vote means that new general elections would have to be called and there will be a premature end to the APNU+AFC term in office.

The sitting was stalled as the apparently stunned government side tried to figure out the way ahead and to have Persaud change his vote. Persaud later repeated at least four times that he had voted in favour of the PPP/C’s motion of no-confidence.

His shock vote came after PPP/C Chief Whip Gail Teixeira had called for a division to ascertain the votes of the each MP.

The voting came at the end of nearly seven hours of gruelling debate on the PPP/C’s motion which had had the political class on tenterhooks.

Drugb posted:

I feel sorry for djangy, dat bai might now have go find a lil wuk at McDonalds sweeping the floor and fetching out their garbage. Do suh nah like suh. The AFC/PNC did the same to Ramoutar, now PPP return the favor. But what is next is left to be determined.  

A few us knew all along but had to keep it close to our hearts. DJ has to swallow his arrogance and ignorance. 

kp posted:
caribny posted:
Mars posted:

The PPP put all their black MP's on camera. 

You mean all those people who cannot get 2 blacks to support them and are only tokens?

Let the PPP select a black presidential candidate.  They have a chance now.

Why. Karma is a bitch.

So I guess "ahbe pan tap again".  Glad that you now "tek back Guyana from black people".  I hope that you enjoy your stay.  Like you said "karma is a bitch".

caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Charrandas already has two death threats in the last half hour!!!

Just like Naga, Ramkarran and the numerous people who left the PPP plantation.

Go read Ravi Dev's comments in 2001 when he faced daily threats of violence from the PPP.

Hey hey hey...PPP dey kill two ROAR peopkle foh true.

caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Charrandas already has two death threats in the last half hour!!!

Just like Naga, Ramkarran and the numerous people who left the PPP plantation.

Go read Ravi Dev's comments in 2001 when he faced daily threats of violence from the PPP.

I know Ravi he was receiving death threats from blacks because of his Indian State Guyana.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Don't forget the harrassment the MP Charrandas suffered at the hands of the police.

Others also treated him badly. He was slapped by the wife of a  PPP official at a Canje meeting. 

This guy swore that he will not have anything to do with the PPP, but his recent police harassment must have changed his mind.

As was experienced  by other Berbicians  who jumped ship, he might be in for a rough personal ride, especially in New Amsterdam, a PNC strong hold. 


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