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Bibi Haniffa posted:
GTAngler posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Harmon reminds me of the PNC clan on this site.  No substance.  So they resort to personal attack.

So that's why you get personal. Thank you for the clarification.

Get lost.  You are not my type.  

This is hilarious. Wishful thinking on your part my dear. What have I ever said or done that in any way inferred, insinuated, gave the impression etc. that I was ever, ever, ever interested in you????

GTAngler posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
GTAngler posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Harmon reminds me of the PNC clan on this site.  No substance.  So they resort to personal attack.

So that's why you get personal. Thank you for the clarification.

Get lost.  You are not my type.  

This is hilarious. Wishful thinking on your part my dear. What have I ever said or done that in any way inferred, insinuated, gave the impression etc. that I was ever, ever, ever interested in you????

I met one of your country men who works there with you.  He told me you bring half Roti every day for lunch, and you always go and hide in a corner and eat it.  Is that true?

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
GTAngler posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
GTAngler posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Harmon reminds me of the PNC clan on this site.  No substance.  So they resort to personal attack.

So that's why you get personal. Thank you for the clarification.

Get lost.  You are not my type.  

This is hilarious. Wishful thinking on your part my dear. What have I ever said or done that in any way inferred, insinuated, gave the impression etc. that I was ever, ever, ever interested in you????

I met one of your country men who works there with you.  He told me you bring half Roti every day for lunch, and you always go and hide in a corner and eat it.  Is that true?

There you go proving how personal and nasty you can get when you have nothing of substance. Aren't you ever going to stop with your lies or have you become indifferent to the truth?

Last edited by GTAngler
Demerara_Guy posted:
Ray posted:

Dinisaurs cannot manage GUyana  

Soooo, why is the PNCR/AFC managing/governing Guyana?  

I felt deeply embarrassed to observe those PNC clowns representing the People of Guyana. The worst is Williams, is he really AG ? Is this the best that they can offer Guyanese ?

God please help Guyana.


Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:

What time is the vote?

Filibuster in the making? Does Guyana have a rule or debate until somebody pisses his pants or drop dead?

Vote is expected around 7:30 pm.  

Thank you dawling, will stream in my fahrzeug.

Base, Lucky you are not in Guyana talking to a lady like Bibi. I have heard some of the vilest actions (from a woman) she would do to you.

skeldon_man posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:

What time is the vote?

Filibuster in the making? Does Guyana have a rule or debate until somebody pisses his pants or drop dead?

Vote is expected around 7:30 pm.  


Recess ends at 4:20 pm.  Next in the line up.  Ramjattan for the PNC.  Anil for the Opposition.  Get ready for some “Haul you ass” comments from the PNC bench.  

Bibi Haniffa
skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:

What time is the vote?

Filibuster in the making? Does Guyana have a rule or debate until somebody pisses his pants or drop dead?

Vote is expected around 7:30 pm.  

Thank you dawling, will stream in my fahrzeug.

Base, Lucky you are not in Guyana talking to a lady like Bibi. I have heard some of the vilest actions (from a woman) she would do to you.

Not getting personal, but you really don’t know the lady or you’d staan easy!

Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:

What time is the vote?

Filibuster in the making? Does Guyana have a rule or debate until somebody pisses his pants or drop dead?

Vote is expected around 7:30 pm.  

Thank you dawling, will stream in my fahrzeug.

Base, Lucky you are not in Guyana talking to a lady like Bibi. I have heard some of the vilest actions (from a woman) she would do to you.

Not getting personal, but you really don’t know the lady or you’d staan easy!

And he's using "lady" loosely in this case......

GTAngler posted:
Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:

What time is the vote?

Filibuster in the making? Does Guyana have a rule or debate until somebody pisses his pants or drop dead?

Vote is expected around 7:30 pm.  

Thank you dawling, will stream in my fahrzeug.

Base, Lucky you are not in Guyana talking to a lady like Bibi. I have heard some of the vilest actions (from a woman) she would do to you.

Not getting personal, but you really don’t know the lady or you’d staan easy!

And he's using "lady" loosely in this case......

You became a lady hater since Kathryn dash some good slap on you.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
GTAngler posted:
Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:

What time is the vote?

Filibuster in the making? Does Guyana have a rule or debate until somebody pisses his pants or drop dead?

Vote is expected around 7:30 pm.  

Thank you dawling, will stream in my fahrzeug.

Base, Lucky you are not in Guyana talking to a lady like Bibi. I have heard some of the vilest actions (from a woman) she would do to you.

Not getting personal, but you really don’t know the lady or you’d staan easy!

And he's using "lady" loosely in this case......

You became a lady hater since Kathryn dash some good slap on you.

Me a lady hater. That's a good one. A woman scorned. The claws are coming out. By the way, I don't like "hate". Let's say I severely dislike you.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Jagdeo is speaking.  The hooligans are pounding the tables and screaming, trying to drown out his voice.

What does Jagdeo have to say that is important for anyone to hear?  "Me gun tek back Guyana from blackman!"

Wake me up when the PPP selects an Afro Guyanese as its presidential candidate given that you and other scream how much they love black people.

Baseman posted:

Nothing to do with him. Feds sucking Obama’s air bubble out of the markets.  No more central bank subsidy!  Trump paying the price.   He is doing everything right.  

I find you "interesting"  When the markets were soaring last year you screamed that this was all due to Trump, given the impression that it had hit a 10 year low in Jan 17 when Obama left office.

Now that its dropping like a big rock tossed out of a high rise building its now all to do with Obama.

Here is a fact.  The titans of industry are in pure panic at the dangerous Big Baby who resides in the WH.  His cabinet are all bailing out on him and now one with credibility wants to replace Kelly.  Kelly said that baby sitting a 72 year old infant is too much stress at his age.

Mars posted:

The biggest tiefman in Guyana’s history talking about tiefin and corruption. He ain’t gat no shame 

Jagdeo said that he is the only allowed to tief.  Anybody else is barred unless he gives permission. He is enraged that Harmon is bare faced enough to tief without given him a cut. After all Jagdeo used to drop 2 cents in Harmon's pocket for every million that he stole.

Fair is fair and this confounded nonsense has to stop!

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:

The biggest tiefman in Guyana’s history talking about tiefin and corruption. He ain’t gat no shame 

Burnham dead and gone.  Let his soul Rest In Peace.

Burnham didn't tief as much as you all scream that he did. If he did where is evidence of all of his wealth. NONE of his 5 daughters display anything more than they clearly worked for.

Jagdeo...................................big mansion and other assets!


Burnham wasn't driven by money.  Like Jagdeo he loved power and the domination and abuse that this allowed. Unlike Jagdeo this was enough for him.

Last edited by Former Member
Demerara_Guy posted:

Gail is making valid and pointed points on deficiencies in the PNCR/AFC.

Just love it when one set of incompetent, corrupt and racist thieves use such language to brand the other set of incompetent, corrupt and racist thieves.

Really funny.  Basically APNU/AFC is continuing what the PPP did and using the same cast (BK, Muneshwar, etc.) Jagdeo should be praising them for being good students and learned their lessons well!

What Jagdeo needs to tell Guyanese is that a certain senior PPP official, who fled Guyana as soon as the Coalition came in, fearing that he would suffer the same fate as RK, subsequently called Harmon cussing him down for not passing over the proceeds of corruption as it was agreed that he would.

The PPP and APNU have an arrangement where they share the spoils with the winner taking 99% and the loser 1%. That way no one goes to jail.  But this PPP personality was apparently demanding more than 1% as he screamed that the deal was arranged before the PPP lost so that he deserved more.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Jagdeo is speaking.  The hooligans are pounding the tables and screaming, trying to drown out his voice.

What does Jagdeo have to say that is important for anyone to hear?  "Me gun tek back Guyana from blackman!"

Wake me up when the PPP selects an Afro Guyanese as its presidential candidate given that you and other scream how much they love black people.

Here you go with your Bloody  Racist remarks, Listen to them Black Airheads and Amana the Clown.

caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:

The biggest tiefman in Guyana’s history talking about tiefin and corruption. He ain’t gat no shame 

Burnham dead and gone.  Let his soul Rest In Peace.

Burnham didn't tief as much as you all scream that he did. If he did where is evidence of all of his wealth. NONE of his 5 daughters display anything more than they clearly worked for.

Jagdeo...................................big mansion and other assets!


Burnham wasn't driven by money.  Like Jagdeo he loved power and the domination and abuse that this allowed. Unlike Jagdeo this was enough for him.

I went to primary school with the two youngest ones. Melanie and Ulele. Both very well mannered and unpretentious. You'd never be able to tell their father was Prime Minister/President. Unlike another future President's younger daughter god rest her soul.

Baseman posted:
Ray posted:

some of these idiots are uncouth

Lest we forget, this is the type of contempt Blacks hold for Indians in Guyana.  

And when the PPP was in power they listened intently?  No.  They didn't listen to APNU, screamed "we gat de mandate so we nah gun lissen to dem blackman". 

Pity when they show moves from what foot to the other.  Revenge is a bytch.

Baseman posted:
Ray posted:

I may not like Jagdeo, but no need for this low down abuse by supposed leaders...real shame

It’s not like or don’t like, it about civility in the seat of the national office!  Remember, tone at the top.  

I think that you should listen to the "debates" in the British parliament.  Theresa May chats and she has to scream above the boos, some from her party.

Demerara_Guy posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Ah watching Gail Texiera speaking ....

She takin a swipe at Moses....

why are people heckling in the background?

In all parliaments, there are heckling by members. At times the Speaker would have to call for a stop to such actions and, in extreme situations unfortunately, member(s) are ejected.

Recently a fight almost broke out in the parliament in Jamaica and T&T parliament always has drama.

Maybe Barbados might be "civilized" but certainly not the UK.

GTAngler posted:

I went to primary school with the two youngest ones. Melanie and Ulele. Both very well mannered and unpretentious. You'd never be able to tell their father was Prime Minister/President. Unlike another future President's younger daughter god rest her soul.

And from what I see they still remain like this.  Ordinary upper middle class Guyanese who have to earn their daily bread.  Ditto for their older sisters.

What ever $$$ Burnham stole Viola must have spent, because her daughters clearly don't have it.

caribny posted:
GTAngler posted:

I went to primary school with the two youngest ones. Melanie and Ulele. Both very well mannered and unpretentious. You'd never be able to tell their father was Prime Minister/President. Unlike another future President's younger daughter god rest her soul.

And from what I see they still remain like this.  Ordinary upper middle class Guyanese who have to earn their daily bread.  Ditto for their older sisters.

What ever $$$ Burnham stole Viola must have spent, because her daughters clearly don't have it.

Because burnham tief nuff and invest in Zambia’s copper mines, which went belly up.  Jagdeo took his hard earned savings and invested in real estate deals in Guyana and became super rich!

Dont blame BJ for being a shrewd investor!  And he had “top notch” WS advisers in his corner.  Burnham had Julius Nyrere!

Baseman posted:
Mars posted:

The biggest tiefman in Guyana’s history talking about tiefin and corruption. He ain’t gat no shame 

Shut yuh poke.  

Showdown in Guyana, shut down in America.  No wonder markets down.  

Donald really wants this Shutdown and it will be a long one. I won't be affected this time if it happens.

Last edited by Former Member

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