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Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Storm, please stop your disgraceful behaviour in this post and allow those who wish to offer their condolences to do so, gracefully.

 Why should I stop? Is this not karma per your kathar definition of it as a katahar pandit? As one lived so shall they be remembered.

You ARE a DISGRACE to the Human Race!!!!

Originally Posted by raymond:

dead or alive..a person who abuses is still an abuser


I don't know the fella and if he did what many said he did....

He'll be judged by his maker...

i KNOW i WILL CATCH YOU one of these days, what maker?? Only those who believe in the one God will be judged and have a judgement day, you moron!  All others who worship anything else than God are cremated and then will born again either as a dog or a girl as D2 said or as a monkey.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

R.I.P. Pandit.

there is no rip for hindus. The jeva simply jumps to another body if it has not attained bliss. The attachments to the temporal is as stones being deposited at the bottom of a river and  as these accretions predicate the flow of the stream so does ones attachments to self predicate  the karmic path of the soul. this one is coming back as a horny toad.

Please educate Raymond.

Originally Posted by Chief:

Pandit is dead and we should have some respect. tHE MAN WAS NEVER CHARGED OR ACCUSED OF ANY INDECENT ACT, SO KEEP IT CLEAN, D2.

Chief ....I agree as we get ready to say farewell to the Pundit we should show some respect.

Although many saw him not as the decent man....... you want to paint him with a Clean & Decent Brush ....

there are many women who never had any trust or respect fuh de pundit.....

Many men believe he was wicked....

others like Kwame and BJ worshiped him.

It would de in order to hold back some of these things for a few days......

I join those who hope he RIP..... and hope those who knew Pundit for what he was....forgive him.


I have to say that Stormborn expresses two things that cannot be ingnored. The less contentious one is indeed for a Hindu the soul never dies and so RIP is somewhat misplaced. Secondly, while I do not know Pandit Reepu, the one constant I hear about him is his attraction to women. The one dichotomy I see though is that he was associated with a Party whose leaders held fast to the belief of socialist principles that left no room for God.


Jalil is even-handed by paying respects to a departing soul, but Chief and Nehru, silence would have been a better reaction to Stormborn. Let others who are not so close provide their comments.


Speak no ill of the dead, untilâ€Ķ.

April 8, 2013 | By | Filed Under Features / Columnists, Peeping Tom 

When a man dies, his family, friends and associates are thrust into deep state of grief. If that death is sudden, then the grief is mingled with shock. It is a sad time for the grieving family, a most difficult period, one that requires some adjustment. It is inconsiderate and unkind to in the midst of someone grieving to add to their pain and anguish by making comments of the dead that are insensitive and unsuited to the occasion. Yet it seems that there are persons who delight in using the death of someone, often whom they never knew or have ever met as the occasion to cast negative and insensitive comments about that person. This seems to be profusion of such comments on blogs and other social media. Those who make these painful comments often do so because the deceased person may have belonged to a political party of their disliking. They choose the immediate hours after the death of someone to bare the hatred and bitterness in their hearts and they do so freely because they enjoy the license to assault the memory of the departed and a time when they should spare the grieving family the disparaging and dishonorable comments. Those who lash out at the dead even before they are interred do not represent the collective conscience of society; they never have. They are a minute and insignificant minority. However because of use of the social media their comments now have extensive reach. It is unregulated and uncontrolled. The grieving families and those sympathizing with them are not insulated from the ill-timed and ill-meaning vilification of the dead which only adds to their pain. The social media has become a free –for all in the name of free expression. It shows the dangers to which free expression can be out. But even free expression has its limitations of a legal and moral nature. And of the moral intonations is the need to be sensitive to those in mourning. There is a time and place for everything and being critical of the dead should always be sensitive to the feelings of those who are grieving. Every individual and more especially those whose actions have been felt in a public way, are subject to public scrutiny. The lives of public figures must be examined both as source of inspiration to others as well as for the lessons- both positive and negative- the lives impart. The immediate period before someone is either interred or cremated is however, by an unwritten convention, a time to speak no ill of the dead. It is the occasion to celebrate the good and meaningful things that their lives represented. This is done not out of sensitivity to the grieving family members. However, by refraining from negative judgments about the individual before their physical remains are disposed of, it allows the family of the deceased that needed respite of not having comments which may add to their anguish. There is no hard and fast rule as to when the bombardment of the person’s memory should commence. Sensitivity to the family should however be the guiding norm. The unwritten rule is to speak no ill of the dead until interment or cremation. Unfortunately, the social media do not have much respect for such conventions and some very disturbing comments have been known to be made and are likely to continue to be made about persons in the immediate wake of their death. It would be imprudent to regulate such negative comments because this could be abused to the extent of curtailing free expression. This is why apart from the legal restraints that exist- and which prohibit free comment that libels, promote ethnic hatred and incite violence- there will always be a need for an ethical dimension, unwritten rules that should guide public and private speech during the period following the death of someone. Speak no ill of the dead, until their bones are interred or turned to ash! Respect the feelings of the grieving family!

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by raymond:

dead or alive..a person who abuses is still an abuser


I don't know the fella and if he did what many said he did....

He'll be judged by his maker...

i KNOW i WILL CATCH YOU one of these days, what maker?? Only those who believe in the one God will be judged and have a judgement day, you moron!  All others who worship anything else than God are cremated and then will born again either as a dog or a girl as D2 said or as a monkey.

rest yuh rass


Party and country have lost a stalwart – President


The death of pandit and former Agriculture Minister Reepu Daman Persaud was sudden and unexpected President Donald Ramotar said today as he reacted to the passing of the well-known People’s Progressive Party(PPP) figurehead.


“The passing of Pandit Reepu Daman Persaud, comrade, friend, father, brother, advisor to thousands of people, was a  big surprise. Although we knew that he was not enjoying the best of health for some time now, it’s still sudden. ”


Fomer Agriculture Minister and Pandit Reepu Daman Persaud

Fomer Agriculture Minister and Pandit Reepu Daman Persaud


The President noted that the late Persaud lived a full life, and contributed tremendously to many of the freedoms that Guyanese enjoy today.“He must be recalled that until his death that he was the longest serving member in the leadership of our party having served the general council from 1958 continuously until the time of his passing.”


The former minister was described as  one of the best parliamentarians the country has ever produced. He also was a fighter and defender of his religion and culture and the difficult days of the undemocratic rule of the PNC.


Persaud also defended religious freedom and fought strenuously to defend the independence of religion in society, President Ramotar said. He added that he will also be remembered for his fiery speeches both in and out of Parliament.


“A man of real depth, a person who spoke very often without any prepared speech. I don’t know, I can’t remember ever seeing him with a prepared speech, but he was just a tremendous and great martyr. He made many important points, turning points for the struggle for independence and the struggle for democracy in our society. We in the PPP  will surely miss him. We have lost a tremendous comrade, a man who has done so much for our country and for our party,” he stated.


“On behalf of myself and family, on behalf of the PPP, I express deepest sympathy to the Dharmic Sabha leadership and membership, to the family of Pandit Reepu Daman Persaud, I want to extend my deepest sympathy, just to say that I think all of us can be consoled by the fact that he lived his full life, a very eventful life. He had rubbed shoulders with the top leaders of our society.”


Persaud served as Minister of Agriculture and Parliamentary Affairs until resigning from active politics about seven years ago due to poor health after being diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease.


The active pandit continued to be a member of the Central Committee of the PPP, a position he held for more than 50 years.


“He managed to skillfully blend religious and cultural needs to the needs of the whole country, and brought it to be part of the general movement that eventually brought freedom to Guyana,” President  Ramotar said one year ago at a special birthday ceremony to honour him at the Dharmic Sabha.


Persaud, in July 2012, was honoured by the National Assembly for his 41 years of parliamentary service and was in Parliament attending Budget Debate up to last Friday.


He also served as Chief Whip, Deputy Speaker, Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee, Chairman of the Constitutional Reform Select Committee and Leader of the House and, over a 14-year span, Vice- President, Minister of Agriculture and Minister of Parliamentary Affairs.


Peeping tom be dammed! His piece is the usual bit of sententious, hypocritical, bullshit by one who is committed to willful ignorance. If ever there is a time to speak to the ills of a person then indeed it is when they are alive. To this point only one man had the courage to take up the mantle and speak out against this fellow for his propensity to feel up little girls and worse.


Further, he was a member of the PPP in instrumental roles and worked to fulfill his role as a party member not as seeing the population at large. We still have the dictatorial constitution despite him being an important figure on the constitutional reform panel. Further we still have complete opacity as to the PPP administrating the nation’s business.  And this fellow did exactly what parasites do, installed his kid in leech position in the state. Anyone of you remember those Mercedes Benzes that the nation bought for the world cup? Who profited from that deal? Even to the end he was given a gratuity of 400k monthly as adviser He was a public figure and his life is owned by the public.


Today, Mrs Thatcher died. Ken Livingston, the former Mayor of London and one she treated as her favorite boot wipe was uncompromising in his description of her and rightly so.  Today on hearing of her passing he called her an unforgiving, spiteful, vindictive patrician and the truth be told she was.


Why should any speak kindly of people who had a life time to be kind and to leave a legacy of kindness? As many of us will say of Pope Benedict when he leaves this world, he failed the Catholic Church in one specific odious way. He was negligent in his duty to aggressively handle complaints of pedophilia in the church.  All of you who know the rumors and the reality of the life of this gentleman deserved to be told    you are equally at fault when you hide the truth.


You fawning sycophants can go about writing your sunny obituaries about this fellow and exult  in his supposed  life of service and sacrifice. I will tell you of a young   girl  whose mother still grieves and now lives with the knowledge of the loss of a child she needed to be here to comfort her in her old age. Instead a miserable sex obsessed priest took advantage of her and robbed her of a life and robbed her mother of a care giver in her old age. As a pandit, Hindu dharma prescribes a role and that was never inclusive of feeling up young girls. Ionizing such a life is the worst thing one can so in her memory. I am remembering her today.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
We still have the dictatorial constitution despite him being an important figure on the constitutional reform panel.

For more than the n-th time and quite simply ...


It requires, at least, sixty six percent ( 66% ) of the elected MPs to amend the constitution.


For practical purposes, the PPP/C currently has 50%, and at times about 55%, of the MPs.


When has the AFC/PNC presented concrete proposals for the changes?

Originally Posted by Observer:

Abidha, it is a thread full of hot air.  If the naysayers want to be taken seriously, they should put their correct names and credentials.     

What does that mean...this skunk bag will achieve bliss? This is a forum and were those requirements a necessity most of us would still be here. It does not require a PhD to write ones opinions. And what is this stupid idea about nay-saying? to what may I ask?

Originally Posted by Observer:

Abidha, it is a thread full of hot air.  If the naysayers want to be taken seriously, they should put their correct names and credentials.     

With a name like Observer you're going to ask people to list their correct names?


Stormborn has granted evidence of an historic figure - larger in life than Pandit Reep - Margaret Thacher who was not spared comments that are uncharitable. does this not convince people here that this is an accepted principle. When Osama bin Laden was declared dead, did anyone shot back at President Obama for calling him America's no 1 enemy, and all the press out-pourings of Osama be damned?


Please, will someone disabuse me of the notion I've heard about Pandit's proclivity towards the opposite sex (I never heard of the under-aged angle)!

Originally Posted by Observer:

  If the naysayers want to be taken seriously, they should put their correct names and credentials.  

LOL! I don't think Observer wants anyone to take her seriously, else she would put her correct names and credentials.

Jagdeo bamboo marriage to Varshnie was not registered. Was this negligence or willfull by Reepu?

Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Chief:

My religion teaches me that one must not say anything bad about the dead.

That is good for you. Don't try to impose your religion on everyone else. 


If the man was a wicked man, then he ought to be called out for his sins, alive or dead.

WHAT DOES YOUR RELIGION TEACH? Does it say that at the time of somone's passing you should publish his errors or his sins? NO RELIGION TEACHES THAT, so youguys stop your nonsense and show some respect for the late Pandit Repu Daman Persaud and his family and loved ones. There are many many people who respected this man!!

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Chief:

My religion teaches me that one must not say anything bad about the dead.

That is good for you. Don't try to impose your religion on everyone else. 


If the man was a wicked man, then he ought to be called out for his sins, alive or dead.

WHAT DOES YOUR RELIGION TEACH? Does it say that at the time of somone's passing you should publish his errors or his sins? NO RELIGION TEACHES THAT, so youguys stop your nonsense and show some respect for the late Pandit Repu Daman Persaud and his family and loved ones. There are many many people who respected this man!!

Your have your rules that you follow and I have mine. I have no obligation to live by yours, only by the law of the land. There are many who respect the pandit and that's fine for them to pay their respects. There are many who think that's he's a wicked man and it's fine for them to voice their disapproval too. It's their right under the law of the land. Ms. Thatcher is a highly respected world figure and some are celebrating her death in the UK and saying that she was a wicked woman. There's a Facebook campaign to make "Ding Dong the Witch is Dead" the number one song. That's their right and they are exercising it loud and clear. Who are you to deny anyone their rights? Piss off!  

Last edited by Mars
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Chief:

My religion teaches me that one must not say anything bad about the dead.

That is good for you. Don't try to impose your religion on everyone else. 


If the man was a wicked man, then he ought to be called out for his sins, alive or dead.

WHAT DOES YOUR RELIGION TEACH? Does it say that at the time of somone's passing you should publish his errors or his sins? NO RELIGION TEACHES THAT, so youguys stop your nonsense and show some respect for the late Pandit Repu Daman Persaud and his family and loved ones. There are many many people who respected this man!!

Chief, were Hitler to die today I wonder how many would sing his praises and refrain from his speaking out on his evil doing. Same for Obama. People here are just operating within a context - no absolutes.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Pandit is dead and we should have some respect. tHE MAN WAS NEVER CHARGED OR ACCUSED OF ANY INDECENT ACT, SO KEEP IT CLEAN, D2.

Keep what clean?I only say what is common place. And why should I have respect for this dead?

Not everyone is a dragged up Donkey like you!!!!!!

It doan surprise me, ie., ur comment. You also demonstrates a ficticious affection for indians. Do you also practice the customs of India pertaining to untouchables. Having designated utensils for the lower castes. And how would a person in GUYANA identifies a lower caste person. DO YOU KNOW?

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
We still have the dictatorial constitution despite him being an important figure on the constitutional reform panel.

For more than the n-th time and quite simply ...


It requires, at least, sixty six percent ( 66% ) of the elected MPs to amend the constitution.


For practical purposes, the PPP/C currently has 50%, and at times about 55%, of the MPs.


When has the AFC/PNC presented concrete proposals for the changes?

Didn't the PPP at one time had the necessary majority...

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by raymond:

dead or alive..a person who abuses is still an abuser


I don't know the fella and if he did what many said he did....

He'll be judged by his maker...

i KNOW i WILL CATCH YOU one of these days, what maker?? Only those who believe in the one God will be judged and have a judgement day, you moron!  All others who worship anything else than God are cremated and then will born again either as a dog or a girl as D2 said or as a monkey.

rest yuh rass

Chief, I was invited to come and render a few Bhajans in tribute at a popular temple this Sunday. I am unable to decide at this time, since I am aware of his transgressions and on the other hand Dharma teaches us not to sit on the seat of judgement.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Chief:

My religion teaches me that one must not say anything bad about the dead.

That is good for you. Don't try to impose your religion on everyone else. 


If the man was a wicked man, then he ought to be called out for his sins, alive or dead.

WHAT DOES YOUR RELIGION TEACH? Does it say that at the time of somone's passing you should publish his errors or his sins? NO RELIGION TEACHES THAT, so youguys stop your nonsense and show some respect for the late Pandit Repu Daman Persaud and his family and loved ones. There are many many people who respected this man!!

My religion, secular humanism, informs me that the basis of morality is truth telling. I also believe the dead is dead. What lives on is their memories and this is all a part of the "memorizing" so what is passed on bears something of the reality of the life that was lived.


Pundit Reep stood up against the PNC in the dark days when most pundits became opportunists and sold out to the PNC.  For this he earns my respect. He was one of very few pundits who explained the Hindu scriptures well. I recalled Pundit Reep skillfully counter-attacking George Correia at Sybils in Brooklyn. He was a guy with a great intellect.


May his soul rest in peace.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
We still have the dictatorial constitution despite him being an important figure on the constitutional reform panel.

For more than the n-th time and quite simply ...


It requires, at least, sixty six percent ( 66% ) of the elected MPs to amend the constitution.


For practical purposes, the PPP/C currently has 50%, and at times about 55%, of the MPs.


When has the AFC/PNC presented concrete proposals for the changes?

Didn't the PPP at one time had the necessary majority...

The PPP/C had a majority of perhaps 55% of the MPs.


Forbes Burnham, however, "secured" about 75% of the MPs. He changed the Constitution, which should be considered for amendments.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by raymond:

dead or alive..a person who abuses is still an abuser


I don't know the fella and if he did what many said he did....

He'll be judged by his maker...

i KNOW i WILL CATCH YOU one of these days, what maker?? Only those who believe in the one God will be judged and have a judgement day, you moron!  All others who worship anything else than God are cremated and then will born again either as a dog or a girl as D2 said or as a monkey.

rest yuh rass

Chief, I was invited to come and render a few Bhajans in tribute at a popular temple this Sunday. I am unable to decide at this time, since I am aware of his transgressions and on the other hand Dharma teaches us not to sit on the seat of judgement.

Boy, please stay home. Politically, the man was divisive-HE WAS NEVER FOR A UNITED GUYANA-down right, he was a closet racists. 

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Observer:

Abidha, it is a thread full of hot air.  If the naysayers want to be taken seriously, they should put their correct names and credentials.     

With a name like Observer you're going to ask people to list their correct names?


Stormborn has granted evidence of an historic figure - larger in life than Pandit Reep - Margaret Thacher who was not spared comments that are uncharitable. does this not convince people here that this is an accepted principle. When Osama bin Laden was declared dead, did anyone shot back at President Obama for calling him America's no 1 enemy, and all the press out-pourings of Osama be damned?


Please, will someone disabuse me of the notion I've heard about Pandit's proclivity towards the opposite sex (I never heard of the under-aged angle)!

Kari, I hope and pray that you are not comparing Osama THE TERRORIST to Reepu or Thatcher.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Observer:

Abidha, it is a thread full of hot air.  If the naysayers want to be taken seriously, they should put their correct names and credentials.     

With a name like Observer you're going to ask people to list their correct names?


Stormborn has granted evidence of an historic figure - larger in life than Pandit Reep - Margaret Thacher who was not spared comments that are uncharitable. does this not convince people here that this is an accepted principle. When Osama bin Laden was declared dead, did anyone shot back at President Obama for calling him America's no 1 enemy, and all the press out-pourings of Osama be damned?


Please, will someone disabuse me of the notion I've heard about Pandit's proclivity towards the opposite sex (I never heard of the under-aged angle)!

Kari, I hope and pray that you are not comparing Osama THE TERRORIST to Reepu or Thatcher.

Pavi, let me reconstruct this for you....and Chief.


Pandit Reepu Daman Persaud passed away and naturally he was written about as a leading figure in Guyanese society at large.


Along came other posters who decried what Pandit Reep was as a living being - mostly for sexual involvement of females and some under-aged.


Then my buddy Chief took it upon himself to berate such posters for not allowing a sense of bereavement to prevail over commentary over a less savory aspect of Pandit Reep's life, warranted or unwarranted.


I then applied caution to Chief by pointing out that we have the current death of a noted historical figure, Margaret Thatcher, of whom more vitriol was written than what we witnessed on this Board about Pandit Reep.


Everyone seem to ignore the Thatcher reference and continued with the aimless to-and-fro over not speaking of anything bad about the late Pandit. That's when I introduced the analogy of Osama bin Laden's death and Obama's announcement of America's #1 enemy being killed.


So far so good?


You then ask me the incomprehensible question, and one totally out of context, may I add, about you hoping and praying I am not equating Osama the TERRORIST to Reep and Thatcher. I looked hard and long to find the wisdom of this question, and alas, I gave up on the futility of this pursuit.


Then Chief in a subtly sarcastic way - digging at you for the terrorist label on Osama bin Laden, and linking me in a subsidiary way - educated us on the loving ways of Osama to people who are being suppressed by Israel.


I trust I have redirected the readers of this thread to the fundamental question as to whether someone with failings in his living life who has now passed away should never mention such failings - especially a public figure, and one who's actions influenced the course of Guyana's history. Either that fundamental question, or maybe one that questions the truth about the failings of the Pandit being mentioned. Either he's a pure soul, or he had indiscretions and we should not mention this either now (in this period of bereavement) or never.


I eagerly await your answer Pavi. I know what Chief's is.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Observer:

Abidha, it is a thread full of hot air.  If the naysayers want to be taken seriously, they should put their correct names and credentials.     

With a name like Observer you're going to ask people to list their correct names?


Stormborn has granted evidence of an historic figure - larger in life than Pandit Reep - Margaret Thacher who was not spared comments that are uncharitable. does this not convince people here that this is an accepted principle. When Osama bin Laden was declared dead, did anyone shot back at President Obama for calling him America's no 1 enemy, and all the press out-pourings of Osama be damned?


Please, will someone disabuse me of the notion I've heard about Pandit's proclivity towards the opposite sex (I never heard of the under-aged angle)!

Kari, I hope and pray that you are not comparing Osama THE TERRORIST to Reepu or Thatcher.

Pavi, let me reconstruct this for you....and Chief.


Pandit Reepu Daman Persaud passed away and naturally he was written about as a leading figure in Guyanese society at large.


Along came other posters who decried what Pandit Reep was as a living being - mostly for sexual involvement of females and some under-aged.


Then my buddy Chief took it upon himself to berate such posters for not allowing a sense of bereavement to prevail over commentary over a less savory aspect of Pandit Reep's life, warranted or unwarranted.


I then applied caution to Chief by pointing out that we have the current death of a noted historical figure, Margaret Thatcher, of whom more vitriol was written than what we witnessed on this Board about Pandit Reep.


Everyone seem to ignore the Thatcher reference and continued with the aimless to-and-fro over not speaking of anything bad about the late Pandit. That's when I introduced the analogy of Osama bin Laden's death and Obama's announcement of America's #1 enemy being killed.


So far so good?


You then ask me the incomprehensible question, and one totally out of context, may I add, about you hoping and praying I am not equating Osama the TERRORIST to Reep and Thatcher. I looked hard and long to find the wisdom of this question, and alas, I gave up on the futility of this pursuit.


Then Chief in a subtly sarcastic way - digging at you for the terrorist label on Osama bin Laden, and linking me in a subsidiary way - educated us on the loving ways of Osama to people who are being suppressed by Israel.


I trust I have redirected the readers of this thread to the fundamental question as to whether someone with failings in his living life who has now passed away should never mention such failings - especially a public figure, and one who's actions influenced the course of Guyana's history. Either that fundamental question, or maybe one that questions the truth about the failings of the Pandit being mentioned. Either he's a pure soul, or he had indiscretions and we should not mention this either now (in this period of bereavement) or never.


I eagerly await your answer Pavi. I know what Chief's is.

Osama is a TOTALLY different Animal and should NOT be discussed with Reepu and Thatcher.


The point Nehru is not about Osama bin Laden and whom he's discussed to. It's a literary vehicle (and I know you're literary, literally ) to bring into focus the fundamental question (as yet unanswered) of whether one should not speak about a deceased failings regardless if the person was a public figure with impact on a nation's course.


I'm still eager to hear your answer on this.


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