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Listen to me and listen to me carefully.
Read my words carefully.
If there is anyone planning to derail President Granger’s initiative to recount the votes they must and should be aware that the whole world is watching and there will be dire and grave consequences.
Yesterday we saw fire being lit in the area where the boxes were stored luckily residents in the area raised the alarm and the fire service responded immediately and extinguished the fire.

President Granger initiated this process for the national recount under the supervision of Caricom.

The Opposition leader
Bharrat Jagdeo is fully supportive and in total agreement with this recount.

The Chair of Caricom is fully supportive of the President’s request and have already send in a Caricom team to supervise the recounting process.

The Chair of Gecom gave a strong and personal commitment not only to Guyana publicly but also to the Chief Justice in the court on Saturday that Gecom will facilitate the recount supervised by Caricom.


41 mins Β· 

Is President Granger genuine or is he being undermined?

Last edited by Former Member

Interesting that matters reached to this stage, when the Chairman of GECOM should have officially made a statement on whether the count for all regions are proper or incorrect.

She is the head of GECOM and responsible for its operation; specifically for the declaration of the election results.

Hopefully, all election containers are secured in their original state and are available for the eventual counting and rendering of the results.

Also, provisions must be made for the designated representatives from all political groups; international and national organizations, etc., be present for the retabulation of the results.


Rochelle are blacks hiding something because they're not insightful. Is a Jew backing you up? 

Because of my rape when I was 6 years old the gun was jammed and could not fire because we don't know if the ejaculation occured. This unknown disabled the man and so his power could not be used in carrying out our decisions. Because of this, reasoning with gecom and the APNU is not getting much acknowledgement. So it could mean that that black black pudding lady was responsible for the rape since the black pudding has a shape of a penis. 

Ronald Anthony Arjune
Last edited by Ronald Anthony Arjune

GECOM has wide and omnibus powers to do anything that is necessary or expedient to ensure impartiality, fairness and compliance with the law in relation to the decisions or acts of any person performing electoral functions.

GECOM also has the power to extend any time prescribed for doing any act in relation to electoral matters. These provisions are set out in both the Constitution and the Representation of the People Act Cap 1:03.

Please see Article 162(1)(b) & section 5 of the Representation of the People Act below...

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No photo description available.


News-Talk Radio Guyana 103.1 Mhz FM- Demerara Waves Online 

12 mins Β· 

CARICOM National Vote Counting Supervisors arrive at the Guyana Elections Commission's headquarters. Earlier, Chief Elections Officer Keith Lowenfield arrived for a meeting of the Elections Commission which is expected to grant formal approval for the recount. That's in keeping with a request by President David Granger and endorsed by Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo as a means of settling the controversy over the credibility and transparency of the March 2, 2020 general and regional elections.

CARICOM Secretary General Irwin La Rocque and CARICOM Assistant Secretary-General (Foreign and Community Relations) also went to GECOM

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Earl Milton
4 hrs Β· 


By disclosing what should be very confidential information obtained from purported whistleblowers. Further, by doing so at this critical juncture demonstrates that Canadian High Commissioner Ms. Chaterjee is displaying very poor judgement and that she is incapable of being an impartial arbiter, or worse she is revealing her bias against the APNU-AFC coalition.

Ms. Chaterjee's revelation of the GECOM whistleblowers must be seen in a larger context as described in a TV interview with GECOM Commissioner Vincent Alexander aired on March 14.

In the interview Mr. Alexander disclosed that the GECOM commissioners were assembled for a meeting of the commission when the Canadian High Commissioner Ms. Chatergee barged into the meeting and made demands of the assembled GECOM body. Hers was a very brazen act and far exceeds either her remit as High Commissioner or an accredited election observer, and it speaks to an arrogance, and possible bias both of which make her unsuitable for a diplomatic portfolio that requires nuance and temperance.

Guyana is a sovereign country and our relations with other states and their accredited representatives are governed by international laws. At the very least Ms. Chaterjee has violated protocol and established diplomatic norms, and her actions separately and wholly are only serving to further inflame a very tense situation.

It is within Guyana's right as a sovereign state to revoke her credentials as High Commissioner and we should seriously consider taking such action.

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The Canadian Ambassador is not under attack from them. 
Mohabir Anil Nandlall
25 mins Β· 

There is a GECOM meeting ongoing. The three (3) government Commissioners are doing everything possible to frustrate the operationalization of the statement made by Caricom. Clearly, they do not want the recount to take place. Either they are carrying out the political design of a cabal within APNU/AFC who are complicit in the rigging of the elections or they are carrying out a sinister and duplicitous design of David Granger himself who wishes now to undermine his own agreement for the recount to take place.

If they succeed, the international sanctions will not only be more condign but Guyana will also be ostracized from within the region by Caricom. In my previous post, I have shown pictures of the law indicating the wide powers that GECOM has. So there is absolutely no legal impediment for GECOM not to carry out the recount as per the Caricom statement.

Finally, a President can be sworn in notwithstanding the time prescribed for declaration of results has expired. All provisions in relation to time in law are directory only and not mandatory. Courts all around the world have so ruled on repeated occasions.



Someone please take away Sherod Duncan phone ,caz like no body in his camp told him that CARICOM is here after a request made by President -David Granger to supervise the recounting of the ballots for all the Regions as agreed to by the LEADER OF THE OPPOSITION- Dr. Bharat Jagdeo

Now this SUPER BANDIT is worried about his 5 million and the PRADO.

Na worried Sherod Avery Duncan you wont be flying anywhere soon..ya grounded!!


Image may contain: possible text that says 'Sherod Duncan hrs welcome the RECOUNT. Yet I'm trying to follow the legality of what is being considered by CARICOM. consistently been adding mandate as set challenged PPP [the Justice has this jurisprudence). Politics aside, what is the legal basis for the CARICOM recount? political process trump the legal process? Especially backdrop where step, since Region begun the PPP sought to GECOM observe the letter of the law. Again, what is the legal basis for CARICOM? challenge it its GECOM governed by laws, not politics. We have stressed the independence of it's We've maintained'


Dear Guyanese ,
Yall watch and see who running from the Region #4 recount; which is scheduled to take place in front of the Caricom observers...

Think about this...If APNU-PNC truly won the Elections and want to prove beyond reasonable doubt that is the case ; dont u think they will be more excited to show the WORLD..


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