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Agreement between GECOM and CariCom must clearly show ...

1. Recounts must be in the presence of the party representatives, foreign and local observation teams, etc., who were present at the original one.

2. Precaution must be taken to ensure that the tallied amounts correspond to the SOPs available and obtained when the polls were closed.

3. As the legal and legitimate organization for election purposes, GECOM must present the results, specifically under the direction and supervision of the Chairman, for all to know of this new poll counting process.


Rohan Singh


Can you believe the audacity of these people! It’s unbelievable. GECOM Secretariat has lost ALL credibility. Lowenfield, Claudette Singh, GECOM staff, Roxanne Myers, Ward, Mingo are all implicated by their direct and indirect aiding and abetting of the fraud they had intended to perpetrate on the Guyanese people.

Guyanese and the entire world has seen the complicity of ALL GECOM’s staff in this sordid adventure to thief an entire election. How then, can they be active participants is finding a solution when they were, and are the problem? They are the ones who created the problems in the first case.

These people have to get skin like alligator. Brass face and no shame. How can they face themselves, their loved ones and Guyanese in general? Now can they dare think and propose, β€œCount to be done by GECOM staff...?” Why suddenly, it appears turpentine has been applied to their backsides to work from 09:00 to 23:00 hrs? Is the plot thickening? Or, is it unravelling?

The names above - including Volda Laurence - should be kept clear out of the process considering criminal case has been brought against her and others.
Had I my way, same would have applied to all three of the PNC’s GECOM commissioners. Same for the drug addict, alleged felon and instigator of racial violence in Berbice Carol Joseph.

It is clear, GECOM which has morphed into the voice of the PNC has a toxic dislike for the International Observers. Why GECOM finds it organizationally, ethically and morally proper to suggest β€œResults per ballot boxes will be printed, signed and circulated to the persons entitled to be present excepting The Observers?”

One would have thought, given the crucial role played by the duly accredited International Observers, they would have been totally embraced as part of the solution to this entire quagmire brought about by the PNC’s GECOM. The CARICOM high level actors do not have that first hand experience. Trust is an issue.

God help us all. I have my doubts.

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U.S. Embassy Guyana is cancelling all nonimmigrant visa appointments, reducing immigrant visa appointments, and reducing routine American citizen services appointments in order to comply with Government of Guyana guidance to prevent the spread of coronavirus.  The embassy remains open and is prioritizing urgent services, however access to the premises is limited to those persons with appointment only.

This is because of the Coronavirus people.. sanctions coming later. 


Last edited by Former Member

@Django: Looks like Corona hit the convention center. GECOM want fumigation before counting starts.
I have said before and will say it again, if the PNC strongly thinks they have won the election, they would not be playing "catch me if you can".
I said that Granger is going to use this recount nonsense to stay in power longer so he and his thieves can rob and empty the treasury. I wonder if the $18 mil is still around or is it in his and Harmon's kids name overseas.

Calling Django. What is going on?



@Former Member I said that if they were confident of victory, they would have been dancing in the streets and wine down. Given all the possible scenarios that GECOM could take to prove that PNC won, they went and hid under a rock offering excuses: pregnant woman, too tired to work, me own spreadsheet, recount before CARICOM intervene, fumigate. Just now a dog is going to bite one of them. Granger is dragging this. Wonder if he is negotiating his exit with the army taking over? Don't put it past him. He is a dictator who is a military man.

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