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No need to jail 232k, but there are the perpetrators of a treasonous act and the US-based cohorts in Brooklyn, etc instigating violence in Guyana. 

Don't worry, Uncle Sam's watching!  Everyone knows they are waiting for an excuse to lay waste Guyana and brutalize the outspoken Blacks and the PPP traditional base.  The Blacks speaking out against injustice and lawlessness will be dealt with worse than Indians.  Remember Rodney!

There's more than one ways to skin a cat!


Of course you don't owe anyone any explanation. Now use that to understand that no one  owes you any either. But your choosing that picture in your profile tells a ton. Rajesh Khanna is known for being mean and controlling to all the women he was either rmarried to or involved with. Were you considering that when you chose it?



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By about half past midnight of 5th March 2020, Jagdeo said that only 421 of the 879 boxes from District 4 had been verified in accordance with the section 84(1) process. He said that the PPP/C’s tabulation of the verified votes for these 421 boxes showed that APNU got 63,856 votes against the PPP/C’s 24,545.

The PPP are afraid of recounting ,they got shell shocked after the results  above was declared ,from then on they are creating chaos under the guise of DEMOCRACY. Breaking every protocol since then .

Last edited by Django

You don't give a fvck about the peoples' welfare. You are in this for you and those jungle creatures who are imposing police rule on Guyana. Everyone else who have witnessed the events over the past two weeks have stood next to the PPP against the APNU/AFC. Yet you still chose to support the people who the US, UK, EU, Canada, CARICOM, Commonwealth, and all other private and civic observers state clearly are subverting democracy in Guyana. But that is your choice. I have a few days left here and state my disgust for as much as I will be allowed to do. Whether you turn it into Congress Place or not will none of my business.


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  • mceclip0

You don't give a fvck about the peoples' welfare. You are in this for you and those jungle creatures who are imposing police rule on Guyana. Everyone else who have witnessed the events over the past two weeks have stood next to the PPP against the APNU/AFC. Yet you still chose to support the people who the US, UK, EU, Canada, CARICOM, Commonwealth, and all other private and civic observers state clearly are subverting democracy in Guyana. But that is your choice. I have a few days left here and state my disgust for as much as I will be allowed to do. Whether you turn it into Congress Place or not will none of my business.

You are free to choose ,it's the American way. What ever your take are recorded here digitally for posterity.

Last edited by Django

The reality is that the contents of those ballot boxes do not just reveal which party won the election ... it also reveals the criminals ... and those very criminals (both in GECOM and APNU-AFC) will do whatever it takes to stop that revelation. As a country we have to accept this reality but prepare ourselves to prevent its eventuality.


I honestly taught Django will at least have some compassion and see what goes on in plain view to the world and will speak out ... instead he point the fingers at PPP. 

All the small parties have rep and is posting live coverage. 

Well if a man can say the Russians hack a stone age voting, you can image how deep his fcking hand is.


Since the PPP 'lost' the elections in 2015, Jagdeo has done everything according to law and convention. The manner in which he conducted his presence in Parliament to the manner in which he successfully tabled and carried the NCV and the intelligent manner in which it was advocated for at the CCJ to the calm and concise manner in which he went about gathering Guyanese from everywhere to buy into the PPP manifesto which secured a resounding victory in the March 2, 2020 elections. During those same 5 years Granger has violated the constitution several times and in his final act before a different person is sworn in as President, he is frustrating the elections process and encouraging his minions to rig the elections. It is only in your warped mind that everything Jagdeo did backfired. Not so long ago, you bragged that America does not like Jagdeo. Today, it is Granger they are talking of isolating and bringing sanctions against.


Do you really think I have any concerns about anything that I write? I have mentioned before that everything I write I intended to. I don't write as responses to others but make the statements that I want to make. And I do so clearly and without efforts to disguise them. You can't do that. You run and hide and make bungled statements perhaps in an effort to disguise your actual thinking or convictions.


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  • mceclip0

Do you really think I have any concerns about anything that I write? I have mentioned before that everything I write I intended to. I don't write as responses to others but make the statements that I want to make.

And I do so clearly and without efforts to disguise them. You can't do that. You run and hide and make bungled statements perhaps in an effort to disguise your actual thinking or convictions.

Concerning the disguising ,let the world be the judge.

Last edited by Django

I am on board with not starting the recount tonight. That place is not properly lit and once that container is opened pandemonium will break loose. Adding the effects of being at night will only compound the PNC crime. There is still a lot of concerns about the safety of the contents of those containers though.

Everyone talking about this being the mother of all elections. Couldn't they get some more lighting where those containers are?


From what I am reading regarding the fear of a recount, it seems APNU is the one responsible for doing everything in its power to not have a recount in a timely manner. They are in govt, they should hold GECOM's feet to the fire. If APNU is sure they won, why the hell doesn't Granger order GECOM to stop the dam *****footing and start the dam counting.

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