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@Mits, the US gon clap lash pon dem belligerent PNC hunchos in Guyana and the US hell bent on rigging. Then they will deprive them full access to oil funds and have an eagle eye on dem rass domestically.   America will not allow a two-bit hungry-belly bunch of bullies in a forth-rate jungle Republic to humiliate the world community on global media!


Despite David Granger's speech, it must be noted that .....

1. Chairman of GECOM has not yet announced the election results as to whether the count for each region confirms to the established procedures and also with the SOPs.

2. David Granger's statement should have been focused on actions for CARICOM's involvement and not with unrelated issues in his speech.


Address to the Nation by President David Granger on the CARICOM Recount Initiative 15/3/2020, Mar 15, 2020,


Two things Mits, I am not related to Ali nor had I any role in the 2015 elections. You did. Remember you asked me to give the Coalition 100 days to see if they will fulfil their 100 days manifesto plans before I start criticizing them? Plus you became their consultant and lastly you are related to Ramjattan. I did not that you did not mantion if you will talk to him to see what he can do to stave off any sanctions.


Yog Mahadeo

Update at 4:30pm March 15.

According to Commissioner Corbin the Commission met and will now contemplate the procedures to be worked out only after receiving the documented agreement (the Granger/Jagdeo/Caricom agreement).. The Secretary-General (Caricom) will ensure that the agreement is given to GECOM so that the finer details of the politicians's agreement will be in GECOM's consideration.

He said that GECOM will be guided by law and documented procedures. What was agreed is that the CEO will now come up with an operational proposal. The commissioners will meet at 6pm to ratify that document.

Corbin stated that the 15-day deadline is still to be cleared up, but that the position of the political directorate will be considered


Kaakaatootoo was kicked deep in his arse and relegated to cleaning the toilets and kissing the soles of the shoes of the PNC. 


After all they did get tricked into voting like bosses in 2015. The trouble is that they ended up voting for the ass Granger and that neemak haram Nagamootoo.

Then Granger kicked Nagamootoo in his ass out.


Granger backtracks on CARICOM conducting independent recount


…says team will work under GECOM Secretariat

In light of a high-level CARICOM team being invited to supervised the recount of the votes cast in the March 2, 2020 National and Regional election, the body will not work independently but rather under the terms and reference of the Guyana Elections Commission.

This was echoed by President David Granger in an address to the nation earlier today. The head of state noted that during a teleconference with Prime Minister Mia Mottley, he had proposed that the CARICOM Initiative should operate within the legal framework of the Constitution of Guyana and respect the role of the Elections Commission and the rulings of the Supreme Court.

The CARICOM team presently in Guyana

β€œIt will not act independently. I urged, also, that the Commission be allowed to craft the Terms of Reference governing the relationship between the CARICOM Initiative and the Elections Commission”, the president stated.

He further stated that the organisational structure which should embody supervisory and technical elements should be determined by the Elections Commission.

β€œThe Government of Guyana looks forward to a β€˜total national recount’ being completed as soon as possible under the auspices of the Elections Commission”.

He nevertheless reiterated that the General and Regional Elections were conducted peacefully and in accordance with the Constitution and laws of Guyana.

President David Granger

β€œThe events, thereafter, have marred the excellent work of the Elections Commission.”

He went on to say that statements following the events of March 4 by the observer missions also created uncertainty in the minds of the citizenry.

β€œThe Opposition People’s Progressive Party (PPP), so far approached the Supreme Court on three separate occasions to obstruct the work of the Elections Commission. Those actions coupled with the calls for recount, allowed for the Supreme Court to determine the way forward. This was done.”

He added that the Chairperson of the Elections Commission, Justice (Ret’d) Claudette Singh, has stated publicly that she will abide by the ruling of the Court. I, too, have said that I will abide by the ruling of the Court.

β€œI urge you to be patient as we comply with the rulings of the Court and the decisions of the Commission.”


APNU/AFC financiers denounce elections rigging


…say they did not bargain for sanctions

As the threats of sanctions by the major western powers, especially the US, become increasingly certain on account of the APNU/AFC/GECOM combine’s obdurate refusal to allow the election results to be determined in a transparent process as demanded by the law, various individuals and groups who had supported the coalition financially in their re-election campaign are now demanding that they change their stance immediately.

Several of these individuals, including a pharmacy owner, a major real estate developer, a city car dealer, a contractor from East Coast  , a rice miller and a gold miner have reached out to the Guyana Times after it published its story on sanctions in its March 15, 2020 edition, β€œSanctions loom over persons stymieing elections resolution”.

President David Granger and Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo

They claimed, in the aggregate that the Guyana Times compiled, that they gave the APNU and especially the AFC hundreds of millions of dollars. But that was for the elections campaign and they never expected that the coalition would go to the lengths they have done to rig the elections. They spoke with growing apprehension of being ensnared when sanctions kicked in.

The article had stated, β€œtypically, US sanctions on individuals would begin with removal of their visa privileges, seizures of assets in the US, a freeze on bank accounts. These sanctions would extend to the families of these individuals.

Last Thursday the US had its starkest warning to the Guyanese election authorities, which last Thursday warned that they should β€œfollow accepted procedures and allow international observers to verify the results”. The State Department cautioned that β€œunder US Law and Practice, those who participate and benefit from electoral fraud, undermine democratic institutions and impede a peaceful transition of power can be subject to a variety of consequences.”


Sanjeev Datadin

The Government Commissioners at GECOM are resisting and obstructing in every stupid way the recount by CARICOM ... yet Granger says he wants a recount to satisfy the nation. There must clearly be two factions of APNU/AFC and one which Granger has lost control over ... the faction involved in the blatant rigging of our elections are apparently still in control of some things ... the fight continues !!!

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