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Distrust by both parties have caused this situation. We need to let the process work and accept the final decision. Clearly there was something asunder when Mingo departed from the procedure for counting all the other regions.  This will be a win win for all if we allow the law to work its course. Even better yet if this elections can be resolved peacefully and give the people confidence that the democratic process has worked.  Remember Guyana is a fragile democracy, no one political party should derail the path we took to get to this point in our development. 


The problem Cain is that  it has nothing to do with arithmetic. Everyone should know that when there is a group of 33 persons and another group of 32, the group of 33 is the majority. Similarly if the votes are tabulated whether using a spreadsheet, abacus, fingers or toes, the party with the most votes still is the majority. What you have here as in the case of the 33/32 silly argument by the Coalition is the Coalition refusal to accept their consequence.


@Totaram @Django, it mystifying the belief the two of you have that some miracle awaits the PNC.  Their sponsors now balking, all my relatives in Guyana, even the few who supported them want them gone, a award recipients is handing back her award, and Ayuh two still on the same track. Do you realize you have both become the GNI comedy show with cheerleader @Rochellee on stilts!


@  Totaram .....

1. In Guyana the SOPs reflect the votes for each polling station. The total number represent the votes cast for each region. Hence once again .... the total votes for each region MUST reflect the SOPs.

2. Regarding Canada ....

At the Federal and Provincial elections, I am intimately involved with the political campaigns for the two individuals who are my friends and am recognized by the election officials as the official representative for the individuals.

Now it is my personal practice that about half an hour before the closing of the polls, I visit one of the polling station and like other representatives of the other political parties accommodation is made for us to be seated and observe the proceedings.

When the polls are closed, all of the representatives are present to ensure and verify that the ballot boxes are secured and everything is in order.

NOW ...

The election official then provide the results for that polling station on a special public location where each one of us can immediately record the votes cast for each political party.

3. Guyana again ...

The process in Guyana is identical to Canada ...

SOPs in Guyana equal to the process in Canada for the election results at each polling station.

Last edited by Former Member

@  Totaram ...

My explanation is explicit and to the point with your relevant post.


Now to your question in your last post on Guyana ...

Should there be a disagreement, the matter indeed must be resolved.

a. PPPC published the SOPs for the 10 regions.

b. Chairman of GECOM has not published the SOPs for the regions nor provided the official declaration of the results for the elections.

c. Again, the numbers provided for Region 4 by the Officer at GECOM are inconsistent with the process done for the other nine regions.


Instead of deliberating with uncertain pretenses that creates argument we have to activate the man to put our reasoning into effect. People are jumping the gun because the bearing or bullet cannot be compromised like the yolk of an egg. God is trying to change the foundation of Krishna's creation and that must not happen. 

System: normalize forces around the bearing  (for example a mango) so there will be an equalization of forces to net 0 that'll create physical change for Lord Krishna and Jesus with their conscience.  In this way they can manifest in this world. 

Ronald Anthony Arjune

Granger says GECOM-CARICOM recount accord needed; Jagdeo suspicious


Flashback: Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo meeting with President David Granger.

President David Granger Sunday afternoon said the Caribbean Community’s  (Caricom) supervision of a national recount of votes cast in the March 2, 2020 general elections depends on an agreement between that regional organisation and the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), a move that Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo sees as a sinister plot.

β€œI am not sure that they want to delay this further so that they can then compromise the ballots themselves and the ballot boxes as they did with the Statements of Poll,” Jagdeo told Demerara Waves Online News/News-Talk Radio Guyana.

Granger said he told Caricom’s Chairperson, Barbados Prime Minister Mia Mottley on Sunday that the Caricom Initiative should operate within the legal framework of the Constitution of Guyana and respect the role of the Elections Commission and the rulings of the Supreme Court.

β€œI urged, also, that the Commission be allowed to craft the Terms of Reference governing the relationship between the CARICOM Initiative and the Elections Commission. The Organisational Structure which should embody supervisory and technical elements should be determined by the Elections Commission,” Granger said.

Jagdeo plans to raise his concerns with Mottley.

He said a new legal framework was not necessary for a Region Four recount because the laws permit the GECOM Chairman to order such an exercise.

Jagdeo stopped short of accusing Granger of wasting Caricom’s time to mobilise the members of the High Level Team to oversee the national recount on a special aircraft to land here Saturday night with a view to begin work almost immediately. β€œIt seems that he wants to move backward one step…I can only surmise that since he asked for this, that it’s a matter of urgency…They get here based on an initiative that he proposed and now suddenly they have to sit and wait because he wants some legal framework to conduct a recount,” Jagdeo said.

He said Caricom would not be taking over the exercise but would be having oversight because β€œmany of the compromised staff they are still in GECOM so we had to get people to supervise that who are impartial.”

The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) General Secretary Jagdeo noted that a recount of Region Four’s ballots does not require a new legal framework because the GECOM Chairman has already given an undertaking that that would be done. The Returning Officer of Region Four, Clairmont Mingo has refused several requests for recounts, saying that no counting agents had been appointed.

The GECOM meeting, under the Chairmanship of Retired Justice Claudette Singh, began at 2 pm instead of 11 am as had been previously suggested to give Caricom the green light to begin supervising the counting of ballots.

The Chief Elections Officer, Keith Lowenfield is expected to craft a work plan for the recount.

The GECOM Commission is expected to reconvene a meeting on Sunday at 6 pm.

Representing Caricom at the meeting with GECOM were Secretary General, Irwin LaRocque; Assistant Secretary General (Foreign and Community Relations), Ambassador Colin Granderson and members of the Caricom high-level counting supervision team.


I tell you, this is just another stunt to muddy the waters.  Their lobby firm has gone in high gear in DC. PNC intends to mess this up that the only alternative are new elections. 

I never trusted BJ agreeing to the CARICOM oversight. They are not his friend.  This is kith and kin.  Have OAS, Carter Center etc do the oversight. 

When these PPP will come to their senses. They do some things so well, but they trust and faith are misplaced!

Indians are a small pond in a sea of Afro-Centric sentiment. Guyana is a sore thumb, Indian governed and now oil rich.  It’s the missing piece of the puzzle!

This will end bad!

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