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AMCHAM distances self from ‘Russian allegations’


The American Chamber of Commerce of Guyana (AMCHAM Guyana) has dismissed allegations made by APNU+AFC candidate Cathy Hughes that the Chamber facilitated “four suspicious Russians” in the country during the general and regional elections.

In a statement Thursday, AMCHAM said it is concerned with Hughes’ statement which “attempts to impugn the character and integrity of AMCHAM.”

Hughes, who has been serving as Minister of Public Telecommunications under the APNU+AFC Government, posted on Facebook Thursday that the Russians arrived in Guyana on Saturday, February 29 – just two days before Elections Day – under the pretence of been observers.

“Security personnel at the direction of Minister [of Public Security Khemraj] Ramjattan directed immigration to detain and question these individuals. Cyber Equipment was seized and 3 of the 4 Russians were found and deported. The fourth Russian operative has still not been located,” Hughes alleged.

She further noted, “Have the Russians influenced our election process? Did they interfere?â€Ķ Americans do not accept this in their country why should we here in Guyana?”

But AMCHAM said its team of accredited election observers do not include Russian citizens.

“These observers have also undergone intensive training about the elections processes including what their mandates are as an observer. Further, all of our members signed an international code of conduct for observing the elections,” AMCHAM said.

AMCHAM is an organization established in Guyana to represent the interest of US persons and companies doing business in Guyana. It was formed under the auspices of the former US Ambassador Mr Perry Holloway, and the current US Ambassador Carol Ann Lynch, who sits as its honorary Chairman.

Their membership includes companies such as Hughes Fields and Stoby, ExxonMobil, Hess, Republic Bank, Massy, to name a few, all of whom have business interests in Guyana


We are witnessing the most barefaced attempts to rig the elections-Sanjeev Datadin


Attorney-at –Law and Candidate for the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), Sanjeev Datadin, is convinced that the citizenry is witnessing the most barefaced attempts to rig the 2020 General and Regional Elections while noting that his party will ensure every effort is made to thwart such actions.

During an exclusive interview with the Guyana Standard, Datadin reported some of the occurrences that took place at the Command Centre for the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM). Datadin recalled that Region Four Returning Officer (RO) Clairmont Mingo fell ill yesterday which resulted in the tabulation of the Statement of Polls for Region Four being stalled. The process was supposed to commence at 9: 00am today but further delays continued. The lawyer noted that another commitment was given to restart the process at 12:00PM but a more shocking sequence of events took place.

Datadin said that Mingo returned to the Command Centre after being absent since yesterday, and without the tabulation of the Statements of Poll, attempted to make a declaration of the Region Four results. The lawyer said that several persons prevented him from making such statements as they expressed their anger and frustration.

Additionally, Datadin told the Guyana Standard that he is aware of attempts to have APNU+AFC’s Presidential Candidate, David Granger sworn in on the basis of unverified Statements of Poll that give Granger’s party the edge for Region Four.

Datadin said, “â€ĶThis would be unlawful and contrary to the Constitutionâ€ĶThis is the third attempt we have seen to rig the elections. And it is the most brazen attempt that I have ever seen to steal an election. But let me say this, any judge who swears in a President in these circumstances would be in breach of the Constitution and does not deserve to be a judge.”

He added, “It is inappropriate for any judicial officer or anyone for that matter to participate in the destruction of our democracy and to be an active participant of the rigging of elections.”

The lawyer said that the PPP will not allow Guyanese to be deprived of their democratic right while noting that they will continue to be vigilant at the Command Centre.


US Homeland Security projects PPP/C win


â€Ķexpresses concern over APNU arrest threats against international observers

Homeland Security News Wire: Tensions are rising in newly oil-rich Guyana with nearly 100 percent of the votes now reported from Monday’s national election. The governing APNU party appears to have lost to the opposition Peoples Progressive Party (PPP). International elections observers – mostly Americans – are now being menaced and threatened by APNU to leave or face arrest. Guyana’s election is being watched closely because the winner will be in control of a coming oil boom which will transform Guyana. In December Exxon began commercial exploitation of a huge 2016 oil discovery off the coast, and production is expected to grow from 52,000 barrels per day to over 750,000 by 2025.

Tensions are rising in newly oil-rich Guyana with nearly 100 percent of the votes now reported from Monday’s national election, and the governing A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) party – formerly the Peoples National Congress (PNC) of longtime strongman Forbes Burnham — appears to have lost to the opposition Peoples Progressive Party (PPP). International elections observers – mostly Americans – are now being menaced and threatened by APNU to leave or face arrest.

Results from the official certification of 80 percent of the Statements of Poll already tallied, and counts of the official Statements of Poll published, but not yet officially tallied from the balance, show a 5 percent victory by the PPP. That translates into 34 seats for the PPP, 30 seats for the APNU, and one seat for a minor party, in Guyana’s National Assembly. Under the country’s constitution, the largest party automatically elects the President, who will be the PPP’s designate, Dr. Irfaan Ali.

However, APNU refuses to concede and the APNU-controlled Elections Commission refuses to complete the official tally of the results from the remaining 20 percent of the country’s 2,300 polling sites – each of which counted and reported the actual votes four days ago.

Instead, the APNU government is engaging in increasingly desperate attempts to void the election, and change the already-reported results.

On Wednesday, the government-appointed Elections Director, Keith Lowenfield, attempted to discard the certified results from 500 polling sites and substitute instead a self-created “spreadsheet” adding tens of thousands of votes to APNU’s actual vote. Under heavy pressure from the international community, the Elections Commission ordered Lowenfield to withdraw that brazen attempt to steal the election.
Now the APNU government is threatening the international observers with arrest and violence.

A “bomb threat” was called-in today to Election headquarters and international observers were ordered to “clear the building.” Instead, many refused to leave – which would have left the remaining 400 packages of certified results and the actual ballots unattended in an open room.

Police have now entered the Elections offices and are threatening to arrest and deport the international observers.

APNU are also busing-in angry supporters from the slum areas of Georgetown, the nation’s capital – many of whom are intoxicated or armed – to mob the Elections Commission offices. Riot police are now deployed across the city.



US Homeland Security projects PPP/C win -


Oil Bonanza Plunges Guyana Into Political Crisis

The discovery of a wealth of oil in the tiny country, one of the poorest in South America, has deepened ethnic divisions and exacerbated tensions during a crucial election.

Days after voters cast their ballots in Guyana the results were uncertain, casting a pall over the tiny, and now oil-rich, nation.
Days after voters cast their ballots in Guyana the results were uncertain, casting a pall over the tiny, and now oil-rich, nation.Credit...Adriana Loureiro Fernandez for The New York Times



GEORGETOWN, Guyana — The discovery of an enormous oil deposit off the coast of Guyana was meant to catapult this tiny country into the top echelons of petroleum producers and put its citizens on the path to better lives.

Instead, it has deepened the historical tensions shackling the nation, leaving some Guyanese afraid that the newfound wealth will subvert the country’s fragile democracy and wipe out other industries, as happened in neighboring Venezuela.















Rio de







By The New York Times

The tensions surrounding the elections for president and members of the National Assembly this week may be a sign of trouble to come.




Court injunction filed to block GECOM from declaring unverified results


The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) has filed an injunction in the High Court which restrains the Guyana Elections Commission from declaring unverified results of the March 2, 2020, general and regional elections and to compel the Returning Officer to comply with the legal process of verification.



Guyana Election law, 1964

An Act to make provision for the election of members of the National Assembly under a system of Proportional Representation and for purposes connected therewith.

(25TH, SEPTEMBER, 1964)

Guyana Election law, 1964

Source -


1. Subject to the provisions of this Act, the votes cast at the polling places in each district shall be counted by the returning officer of that district in accordance with the provisions of this Part.

2. If the Chief Election Officer is satisfied that it is necessary or expedient in the interests of the carrying out of the provisions of this Part with due despatch or security he may, by notice published in the Gazette, direct that for the purposes of the counting of the votes the returning officers of districts specified in the notice shall count the votes for their respective districts at a place appointed by the said notice and this Act shall have effect accordingly.

3. Where the Chief Election Officer has given a direction pursuant to subsection (29)

   a. he may designate one of the returning officers of the districts specified in the notice to exercise general direction and supervision over the counting of votes at the place so appointed;

  b. references in this Part to election officers, duly appointed candidates and counting agents shall have effect as if they included references to such persons appointed in respect of any of the districts in respect of which the direction applies.


1. No person shall be present at the counting of the votes except-

  a. the returning officer and such other election officers as he may appoint to assist him in the counting.

  b. the Minister, members of the Commission and members of any team of observers appointed by the minister;

  c. duly appointed candidates;

  d. counting agents;

  e. such other persons as, in the opinion of the returning officer, have good reason to be present.

6. The returning officer shall give the counting agents all such reasonable facilities for overseeing the proceedings and all such information with respect thereto as he can give them consistent with the orderly conduct of the proceedings and with the discharge of his duties in connection therewith.



1. No person shall be present at the counting of the votes except-

  a. the returning officer and such other election officers as he may appoint to assist  him in the counting.

  b. the Minister, members of the Commission and members of any team of       observers appointed by the minister;

  c. duly appointed candidates;

  d. counting agents;

  e. such other persons as, in the opinion of the returning officer, have good reason to be present.

6. The returning officer shall give the counting agents all such reasonable facilities for overseeing the proceedings and all such information with respect thereto as he can give them consistent with the orderly conduct of the proceedings and with the discharge of his duties in connection therewith.


@Dem_guy , with all the Rukus and breaches of  the counting area , doesn't seem like the Law applies .Which Minister appoints the Observer team ? me thinks GECOM invites the observer teams.

Last edited by Django

Django ...

International and national observers are approved by the Government to be present during the proceedings.

Guyana Law states that this is done by the Minister of the Government.

Most likely like others, you have read the articles where the Minister of the Government made statements to have observers removed from the place.

Also you may read in the news outlets where the Minister of Foreign Affairs threatened to revoke accreditation for international observers.

Last edited by Former Member

Amral ---

GECOM needs radial changes which Surujbally and Patterson did not do while they were the Chairmen for close to 20 years --- Surujbally for 16 years and Patterson for about 3 years.

Hopefully, should matters develop that the PPPC becomes the government, those needed changes/improvements should be one of the number of issues to be addressed.

AmralSuper Administrator

Well when Ali gets in.

Let's see what they will do with GECOM.

Will not surprise me if little changes are made between now the next Elections


@ Base, the verification is not about opening the box, counting the ballots and verifying it against the numbers on the SOP. It is about ensuring that the SOP that GECOM has has the correct info as checked against those given to party agents at the polling stations. Tge PPP placed on the internet copies of all the SOP for Region 4 so that all can see for themselves.


@ Sheik I do not believe that they have the number of votes they claim to have in Region 4, verify using the SOP which the PPP has published on the web. Coalition cannot show sop to verify their numbers. Also, Jonas of ANUG, someone I really trust said that the PPP has won and Granger is lying to his people. All the parties and the observers have copies of the sop for region 4 so know that the coalition has lost and GECOM is rigging for the coalition.


Ray,   PNC in your ass, the bareface Granger says another 5 years. Where are Moses and Rumjaat, is Moses still the Prime Minister.

 Sad to say , you can never remove the stripes from a zebra.

 PNC is going about telling their supporters that they won the election even before the Chairman of GECOM making the declaration, in other words priming their supporters to riot when the OFFICIAL results are out showing that the PPP won.



Guyana could forget about holding elections as of now. Because regardless which party holds the lead, APNU will somehow manage to beat them.

I've never seen anything like this. This is barefaceness to the core. This is a great shame for Guyana and I'm not surprised at all. APNU was never going to play fair.

And yes Ray, APNU supporters would've run amok if they had lost and I still think they did.


These fools don’t think Venezuela will take advantage and make a move.  They did the day after the NCV and then backed off.  

Watch for a Rupununi rebellion #2. Remember, Shuman in the mix and the majority went PPP. 

PNC open up a can of worms on themselves!  The Russians already accuse the Coalition of hosting hostile forces against Venezuela.  They will not let this opportunity slip by. 

Watch big men go about their game. Ayuh stick to sponge ball!


@Django. The PPP NEVER grab power through illegal means. They won every election fair and square. True they had the benefit of the majority of the population being Indians but nowhere in the world outside of Israel is the minority of the population allowed to have the majority vote. You have been saying for a year now that the PPP cannot win again because the Indian population is a minority when compared to the black plus mixed race population. I have been saying that even non Indians want a government that is not hapless and the elections from Monday proved that many of those voted for the PPP.

On the other hand, the PNC has never won a majority of the electorate. Yet they ruled legally but mostly illegally for 33 years.


Just to revisit. The political parties intervened because the CO began reading numbers off a her computer that were not complied from the declared SOPs. It seems that those numbers were eventually used in the announcement by DPI. Therefore the political parties were within their right to object to the shenanigans of the PNC ran RO office.


Neither the PPP or the PNC would have changed or changed the culture of Guyana. Whether Indians or Negroes they are both complacent in developing a nation, instead they both is for the moment.

For over seventy years, Guyanese of generations would say Guyana would get better. The question is when?

Let nature take its course. I've said this election is a sad day for Guyana.

The options are fight in the streets or use the Venezuelians for insurrections or demand partition.

With any of those, the common man will die.

Perhaps, covid-19 viruses would choose its victims, the Chinese have brought to Guyana the country's solution.


The options are fight in the streets or use the Venezuelians for insurrections or demand partition.

@Siegnet ,let it be done ,if that's will settle the problems. Jagdeo the East Indian savior should start making the move ,he can be ruler for life in the partitioned part of the Country ,he can take Berbice ,Venezuela will take Essequibo ,Demerara remains for the rest of the people.


Bai Sheik. I hope the international community put so much pressure on the demonic PNC to force them to do the right thing. Guyana is no longer a backwater country to the powers that be and hopefully they exercise that power. What the PNC did yesterday was really barefaced and they must be hoping that no one cares. So far all their shenanigans have not gone unanswered and hopefully this one wouldn't.


rest of the ppl is like other ppl in colonial times. who in their right mind would want to live among the rest of the ppl. the rest of the ppl doan believe in democracy. 

Guyana is done, it was dying a long time now. Now, it dead. The place really has no Alterntives.

@Siegnet , they can move to the partitioned part  where ,the leader will be for life. I haven't seen none here condemn the undemocratic putinisque  and clan of the homeland .


@Django The only Guyanese who has demanded being leader for life is Burnham. In fact, it was Jagdeo when as President amended the constitution to allow only two terms for a President. Furthmore, Jagdeo hasn't even been continuous leader of the PPP as he relinquished that role between 2011 and 2015. So your characterization of him as leader for life is very unwarranted. But that is nonsense compared to the brazen theft of the lections yesterday and so far you have not issued a clear condemnation of that. I did not see you comment on why Vulga Vulva's vulva appears to be on that declaration form yesterday. Can you provide some opinion on those far more important matters than this pretend split of Guyana? Thanks.


The only Guyanese who has demanded being leader for life is Burnham. In fact, it was Jagdeo when as President amended the constitution to allow only two terms for a President. Furthmore, Jagdeo hasn't even been continuous leader of the PPP as he relinquished that role between 2011 and 2015.

@Kazma ,why was the court challenge that went all the way to the CCJ ,claiming the amendment was unconstitutional ?  who are you fooling ?

Last edited by Django

At a time when the world see the blatant fraud by the PNC  Django still going after Jagdeo.  Jagdeo is the only Elder in the room with experience to handle the clowns. 

I saw a video with Granger and Harmon declaring their victory to their tribe , Crooks.

 Can DJ tell me where are the Indians in the coalition , I have not see Moses or Rumjaat the two Prime Ministers. Even the wild crowd ONLY show the wild heated Blacks ready to burn and loot in a second.  PNC is and will always be a Blackman Party.


PPP attempting to officially request recount of Region 4


The People’s Progressive Party is attempting to officially request a recount of all votes cast in Region Four at the March 2 general and regional elections.

The request was made by the PPP’s counting agent, Charles Ramson Jr and up until the time of this article, Ramson was outside the office of the Returning Officer (RO), Clairmont Mingo at the Command Centre of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) on High and Hadfield Streets, Georgetown.

But Ramson has been unable to serve the request for a recount to the RO as the GECOM office is closed and is being guarded by a heavy Police presence.

As a matter of fact, GECOM Commissioner Sase Gunraj, told the News Room Friday that he has been prevented from passing the Police barricade at High and Brickdam and High Streets in order to access the GECOM office.

The letter of the recount requested by the PPP

As at this time, there has been no official declaration of a winner of the March 02 elections by neither the Chief Elections Officer Keith Lowenfield nor the Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission, Justice (Rt’d) Claudette Singh.

On Thursday, the Returning Officer for Region Four made a declaration of unverified results from that region, which put the APNU+AFC Coalition in the lead.

The PPP, other parties and the international community have all declared that the declaration did not follow due process and urged that the Region Four RO follow the legal process for the declaration.

The PPP attempted to block the declaration with a High Court order but the Order never reached the Returning Officer.

On Thursday night, the ranks of the Tactical Services Unit, better known as the riot squad entered the GECOM Command Centre and ejected all observers and party agents.

It is not known if they extracted any documents.

The Chairman of GECOM has not spoken to the media since Tuesday.

On Thursday night, President David Granger suggested that he would be sworn in today.

Meanwhile, on Thursday night, a group of opposition political parties joined together to condemn the declaration of the unverified results from Region Four.




Totaram, Cool it bro! Guyana would be better off under the PPP administration run by Irfran Ali.  Remember during the Jagdeo era, Guyana recovered from the bankruptcy which the PNC was responsible for.  Foodstuff and medicines were banned. I am not going to mention National service where Indian girls were rapes left, right and centre.Long lineups at grocery stores and gas stations.  No money to pay teachers and other government workers  and so on and so on.




Two protests were launched this morning along the Bath Settlement Public Road, West Berbice against what protesters said was the rigging of Monday’s general elections.

Protesters also blocked the road with burning tyres.  They chanted:  â€œGranger must go” and also stated that they believe the elections were rigged.

Riot police have arrived and are removing the items blocking the road.

Last edited by Amral

Tota, work and build your own and don't envy others. What! don't you have a shelter? so who cares?

 Don't close your eyes, the PNC thief a lot more with Big Bank accounts overseas, there is proof.

 Anyway, UNCLE SAM is watching.  I just informed the Canadian government of the situation in Guyana. I repeat, the PNC will not get away with this shit, not in this modern times.


Foreign powers call on President not to be sworn in


See below full statement issued Friday by the US Embassy, the British High Commission, the Canadian High Commission and the EU:

The Heads of Mission of the Embassy of the United States of America, H.E. Sarah-Ann Lynch, the British High Commission, H.E. Greg Quinn, the Canadian High Commission, H.E. Lilian Chatterjee, and the Delegation of the European Union, H.E Fernando Ponz-Canto, express deep concern over credible allegations of electoral fraud which may influence the results of this election.

Mr Granger meeting with the diplomatic community on Thursday

We call on all to ensure proper procedures are in place to yield a credible election result.  A fair and free process is vital for the maintenance and reinforcement of democracy in Guyana.

We call on President Granger to avoid a transition of government which we believe would be unconstitutional as it would be based on a vote tabulation process that lacked credibility and transparency.


General recount for Reg. 5 and 6 today at request of APNU+AFC


A general recount of votes cast in Regions 5 and 6 will get underway today following requests made by the APNU+AFC coalition.

The recount in Region 5 commenced just after 10:00hrs and just minutes before the 11’ o clock hour, they were still on the first ballot box.

The New Room spoke to the Returning Officer for that Region, Laikharam Pancham who said he will have to go through a total of 158 ballot boxes in order to complete the process.

He could not say how long the process will take since it will be determined by the pace of those involved and the number of objections made.

The recount is being done at the RO’s office at Fort Wellington Registration Office, West Coast Berbice.

Currently observing the recount process are agents of the two major political parties, the APNU+AFC coalition and the People’s Progressive Party along with observers from the European Union mission.

Meanwhile, a general recount of votes in Region 6 is also underway at the BK Building, Public Road, Adventure Village, Corentyne Berbice.

The RO for that Region, Savitri Mangar said already the agents from the political parties along with local and international observers have been invited to attend that recount.

The general recount means a total of 378 ballot boxes will have to be reopened to complete this process.

Guyana voted in the general and regional elections on Monday, March 2, 2020, with an official declaration of the winner still to be made by the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM).

There is also contention in Region 4, the largest voting bloc in Guyana.

The People’s Progressive Party has said that they have been unable to serve their request for a recount to the Region 4 RO.

The timing for that request expires at noon on Friday.


America to the rescue of the communists who post hay. Commies hiding and whining, Baseman and Django calling fuh partition and Venezuelan occupation. SMFH. Cowards.

America gon rescue alyuh again, don't worry. Then in true bombay form, you'll repay them by cussing them night and day and insulting the ambassador in he own house. LMFAO.


Granger tells CARICOM, OAS that elections were lawful


See below a press release issued by the Ministry of the Presidency on Friday:

Georgetown, Guyana – (March 6, 2020) – President David Granger, this morning, met with Secretary-General of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Ambassador Irwin LaRocque and representatives of the Organization of the American States (OAS) at the Ministry of the Presidency.

President Granger, during his briefing, iterated that the March 2, 2020, General and Regional Elections were orderly, and in full compliance with the law and the Constitution.


President David Granger meets with representatives of the Organisation of American States (OAS) At the Ministry of the Presidency. [Photo issued by MOTP]
The Head of State reminded that GECOM is a Constitutional body and it is unlawful for the Executive to interfere in the operations of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM). The President said also that it is not the role of the Executive to interfere in the work of the Commission. The President has not acted unlawfully.


“We are awaiting the final declaration from GECOM,” President Granger said.

The President has briefed also Commonwealth Secretary-General Baroness Patricia Scotland and Chairman of CARICOM, Rt Hon. Mia Mottley via telephone. Yesterday, the Head of State briefed diplomats from Britain, the United States of America, Canada and the European Union.


Mysterious statements from people who claimed they won

Mar 06, 2020 Features / Columnists, Freddie Kissoon 2 Comments

Maybe I am not deeply intelligent to understand when people make complex statements, but I confess that I am at a complete loss to comprehend even in a small way, something Ms. Amna Ally said to me on Wednesday.
I was on the panel of Kaieteur Radio on Wednesday when it made contact with Amna Ally. On giving my questions to Ms. Ally, this is what she said to me; first, APNU+AFC will be asking for a recount in most of the Regions, and secondly, the elections had dead people voting. Unlike all the candidates from the other parties that contested the elections that we have interviewed, Ms. Ally cut herself off.
Ms. Ally’s first words when I questioned her were that APNU+AFC won. Surely, if you win an election, get on with urging the national election body to declare the results so you can swear in your president. Why delay your return to office by asking for recounts?
Secondly, every major stakeholder, external and internal, has assessed the 2020 balloting as free and fair. You do not expect the winner to make claims of skullduggery. That is an exercise that always resides in the opposition, who has good reason for wanting to delay the results.
If dead people did in fact vote, then it contradicts the pellucid announcement of all internal and external observers, that the 2020 election was a smooth process that was free and fair.
Finally, in relation to Ms. Ally, all over the world at election time, candidates seek whole day media coverage. If you interview them, they do not want to stop talking. It makes sense, they want to be heard. Ms. Ally was an exception. She just put down the phone from her end.
I come now to the counting of the statements of poll (SOPs) for Region Four. From Tuesday, until the time of penning this column (Thursday 8 pm), I have not seen one utterance in front of the television cameras of any candidate of APNU+AFC urging the speedy counting of the SOPs. From Tuesday until now, it is the candidates and leaders from the ten other contesting parties that are calling for quick verification.
Isn’t this mysterious? If APNU+AFC has won, why not keep a vigil from Tuesday urging GECOM to verify the results so you can get on with the swearing in of your president. Why are the “losers” so emotional about getting the verification done? What good will it do them when the SOPs will show that they have lost. And it will do the winner a whole lot of good, because the quicker the count the earlier you can get on with swearing in your president.
At the time of writing, I have not heard that GECOM has completed the verification. These are some of the mysterious dimensions I have encountered with the results of the 2020 poll. The PPP has produced their SOPs yesterday.
Khemraj Ramjattan had held a press conference yesterday and announced that his outfit won. He said his coalition team won by a small margin. Surely, APNU+AFC’s credibility would have been enhanced if he had spread out his SOPs on the table where he was seated.
It would have meant we, the Guyanese people, and we, in the media would now been able to juxtapose the two documents – that of the PPP and that of APNU+AFC. It would have helped his credibility if he had done what the PPP did – produce his party’s SOPs. Not doing so up to Thursday evening doesn’t seem right
Where Guyana goes from here no one knows. From all that I have seen inside GECOM since Tuesday, Guyana is again the focus of Caribbean people, who will continue to see us as the perennial pariah of the Caribbean. The ABC/EU envoys and the Commonwealth Observers have issued a statement in which they said that the results of the Region Four tallies is still to be done, and is urging GECOM that it be done according to the law.
Here is what APNUI+AFC and all the opposition parties must understand and comprehend it quickly – late last Monday night into the morning of Tuesday, international and local observers were witnesses to GECOM’s verification of the 2020 elections results. They know the results. They know who is lying.
One thing I know for sure, if the international observers deem the results of the elections were tampered with and did not reflect the will of the people, then, the new government will not be able to govern effectively. That government will be seen as a fraudulent one. Until tomorrow, stay safe.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this newspaper)


Action speaks louder than words. Many did not believe me when I said that Lowenfield and Claudette Singh and APNU/AFC were part and parcel of an extensive and massive electoral rigging machine. I further stated that the three named above were big time thieves. I also said that BJ believed every word coming from the lips of these crooks. Now you see what I was saying was true. I hope alyuh eyes clean now. That being said, I declare the PPP/c the winner in the 2020 elections. 


@Former Member

You said that and then linked it to them being on the side of BJ. Yuh old paramour Bibi then show up speaking Spanish and saying that Venezuelan troops joined with PPP protestors, acting like she found a cure for a disease. Alyuh guh long wid dat.

Guyana, with all its worries, is a far more progressive nation than Venezuela. If you and Bibi think that an alliance with Maduro holds any benefits for Guyana, just remember, Maduro doesn't even have toilet paper to wipe his ass.

Our biggest problem is RACE, it is a mistrust of each other going back to colonial days. And there  are many reasons for each side to mistrust the other. Injecting Venezuela into that makes BOTH sides prisoners in our own land.

Caveat Emptor!

Last edited by Former Member

US, UK and Canada call on Guyana President to avoid transition of government amid alleged electoral fraud


The United States, Canada and the United Kingdom today called on the Granger-led administration of new oil producer Guyana to “avoid a transition of government” following grave concerns with the conduct of the verification process following Monday’s election.

Political parties contesting the elections, including the main opposition People’s Progressive Party Civic have said the process that led to declaration of results for the most populous district – Region 4 – was marred by alleged fraud.

The US Sate Department also said on Friday that it joins with other stakeholders in this call.

“No candidate should declare victory or be sworn in while serious questions remain about credibility of March 2 elections and whether procedures were followed,” Michael G. Kozak, Acting Assistant Secretary for U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs said in a tweet.

See joint statement from the US, UK and Canada below:

Joint Statement

March 6, 2020


The Heads of Mission of the Embassy of the United States of America, H.E. Sarah-Ann Lynch, the British High Commission, H.E. Greg Quinn, the Canadian High Commission, H.E. Lilian Chatterjee, and the Delegation of the European Union, H.E Fernando Ponz-Canto, express deep concern over credible allegations of electoral fraud which may influence the results of this election.

We call on all to ensure proper procedures are in place to yield a credible election result. A fair and free process is vital for the maintenance and reinforcement of democracy in Guyana.

We call on President Granger to avoid a transition of government which we believe would be unconstitutional as it would be based on a vote tabulation process that lacked credibility and transparency.



You said

PPL can't get along, then there must be a solution. What goes on Guyana have no solutions but separation.

Separation, partition and all that are not a solution for Guyana. As much as labba man and he mentor Toupee Man pushing it.

I'll go Waaayyyyyyy out on a limb here and say this is NOT about race. It is about corruption. Yes, there are racists on both sides in Guyana, but somehow they manage to cohabit when it comes to corruption and teefing. This is part of life in Guyana where people steal from their bosses, steal at the store, kill and steal others' land etc. It is part of our society and has been so from colonial times.

Teefing is in we blood. So why should we expect it to be any different at election time. We have a fondness for corruption. Fifty plus years of independence and it has gotten worse. No regime can stem it, not black not Indian. Even in developed nations we Guyanese are champion teef men. Check Richmond Hill.

Right hay on this forum you got people posting from a white man swamp 26 hours a day, shooting shit morning, noon and night  from he "job". Then you got another one in the bursar's office writing shit from he job computer 24/7. These people are THIEVES. Getting paid for X hours of work while spending that time on personal shit is TEEFING.

So I posit this is about corruption and getting their hands on the assets of the state. It's a Guyanese thing. BOTH sides are interested in that and not serving the people. We own Gurkha soldier Baseman was feteing Granger in he basement prior to elections looking fuh lil drippings. Where are them Indian delivers like Moses and Ramjattan?

Look at the black guys from Burnham time - big time PPP men now. House of Israel thugs now tun saints. It's all for the soup bai.

This is all about corruption, money and wealth. Race is just a foolish excuse. You all think for one minute Granger and Jagdeo got the welfare of blacks or Indians on their minds? BOTH major races live in poverty. Indian living in zinc sheet huts in the countryside, black people struggling in poverty in the cities, each open to a lil "freck" just to survive. This after 50 years of "independence" and about equal terms of BOTH parties.

Race and mistrust is the excuse they use for their corruption. Alyuh Indian racists hay need to move on from de "black man" ting. Ronan, Caribj and myself never use racial pejoratives at alyuh. Shows how low class y'all are. Fools.

Last edited by Former Member

@Former Member

I know I'm right on it being about corruption and not race. Our thinking is mired in the 50s because you have trenchwater rats like Sean and Nehru regurgitating racist shit 24/7. Meanwhile the teefing goes on. Guyanese in the homeland have moved on, they're voting for their best interests - whoever is going to give them more. Why else you think PPP stalwart Moses is with Granger?


Breaking News! ABCE Diplomats in receipt of “allegations” of electoral fraud

– urges President to delay transition of Govt.

Mar 06, 2020, News, Source - https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...-of-electoral-fraud/

The Heads of Mission of the Embassy of the United States of America, Sarah-Ann Lynch; the British High Commission, H.E. Greg Quinn; the Canadian High Commission, H.E. Lilian Chatterjee, and the Delegation of the European Union, H.E Fernando Ponz-Canto, have expressed “deep concern over credible allegations of electoral fraud which may influence the results of this election”.

In a statement released to the press the four diplomats called on all to ensure proper procedures are in place to yield a credible elections result.

“A fair and free process is vital for the maintenance and reinforcement of democracy in Guyana,” the statement outlined.

The ABCE diplomats have therefore called on President David Granger to avoid a transition of government which “we believe would be unconstitutional as it would be based on a vote tabulation process that lacked credibility and transparency.”


PPP successfully serves request for recount of Region 4 results


The opposition People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) on Friday said it was able to successfully serve its request for a recount in District Four to several Deputy Returning Officers (DROs).

The request was served just hours before the deadline for that request expired at noon today.

The PPP had to take the route of serving this request to several deputies in the face of challenges to make contact with the Returning Officer, Clairmont Mingo.

Mingo has not been seen or heard from since he made the declaration of the unverified Region 4 results on Thursday.

Party agents of the PPP have been outside the ROs office all morning making attempts to serve the request even as recounts, requested by the APNU+AFC coalition, are underway in Regions 5 and 6.

Attorney-at-law and PPP candidate in these elections Sanjeev Datadin explained that Court Marshalls have also been making attempts to serve a court order on officials of the Guyana Elections Commission but have been prevented from entering the building by Deputy Chief Elections Officer, Roxanne Myers.


Attorney-at-law, Sanjeev Datadin [Photo: News Room]
Datadin said this is contrary to law as these Marshalls should not be stopped or interfered in the execution of their duties.


He added that what is alarming is that one of the Marshalls, although being instructed by the Police to enter the building turned around and left with the documents without any explanation.

Datadin explained that for an order of the court to be obeyed, it does not require that it be served on a person, only knowledge is required.

He believes that there is a fair inference to be made that the order is known.

The PPP is now waiting to hear from GECOM on the way forward.




U.S. State Department says no candidate should be sworn in until Region Four issues resolved

, Source --

The U.S. Department of State has urged that no candidate be sworn in until issues are resolved surrounding the declaration of unverified results for the country’s largest voting district.

“At this juncture, preparations to install officials without resolving the serious issues identified in the vote counting process would create a climate of uncertainty for the citizens of Guyana, Guyana’s international partners, and businesses looking to invest in Guyana,” said Ambassador Michael Kozak, Acting Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs of the U.S. Department of State.

Mr Mortimer Mingo, the Returning Officer for the Region Four Electoral District, on Thursday signed off on a declaration that put the APNU+AFC in the lead to take the seat of government, but the opposition say if a verification of the statements of poll are verified, it would show the PPP winning.

The opposition PPP and international and local observers want to see the verification process completed before any declaration of the overall results of the elections are made.

Michael Kozak, Acting Assistant Secretary of State

In a statement to the News Room, Kozak stated: “We urge that no further results be announced and that no candidate take an oath of office until the vote count is complete and all questions have been resolved according to the process established under Guyanese law.”

According to Kozak, the Department of State is tracking the vote count after Guyana’s March 2 elections, and we share the concerns expressed by OAS and other electoral observers about the credibility of the counting process,”

He said that a resolution of the issues in accordance in law is what will ensure the ability of the Guyanese people to choose their leadership. He noted that independent electoral observation missions are on the ground to verify that the votes are counted accurately and transparently.

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