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Guyana's Granger Claims Victory as U.S. and EU Question Vote Results



GEORGETOWN — Diplomats and foreign observers on Thursday questioned preliminary results of Guyana's presidential election as incumbent David Granger claimed victory and the opposition denounced fraud, setting up a showdown in the oil-rich South American nation.

The former British colony on Monday voted to choose who will oversee an oil boom that promises to be transformative for the poor country thanks to recent crude discoveries off its coast.

Opposition leaders denounced "thievery," and diplomats from the United States, the European Union, Britain and Canada said results released by the elections council for one of the country's regions were not credible.

"This is an embarrassment that this emerging oil giant has to be sitting here at this table now and speaking on the brink of a dictatorship," said Kian Jabour of opposition party A New and United Guyana. 

A disputed election could derail the country's plans to use its newfound oil wealth to spur economic development. It would fuel long-simmering ethnic tensions between the country's Afro-Guyanese and those of Indian descent, who have grown suspicious that the other is seeking to control oil revenue.

Opposition leaders said the elections commission altered results from an area called Region Four, the most populous electoral district, to give Granger, the sitting president, of the APNU-AFC coalition, a wide margin over Irfaan Ali of the opposition PPP party.


Former President Bharrat Jagdeo said the commission's results for Region Four did not match the sum of votes tallied in the statements of poll - the official documents that reflect voting results at each individual polling station.

"Based on our observation of today's (election's commission) proceedings at their Region 4 office, and the fact that the full count was not completed, we question the credibility of the Region 4 results," the heads of the four diplomatic missions said in a joint statement.


The electoral commission has not yet proclaimed a winner. Representatives of the commission did not respond to requests for comment. 

In the face of the criticism, Granger gave celebratory statements to a rally of supporters on Thursday.

"We are here to serve you for the next five years," he said. "I thank you from the bottom of my heart. When the sun rises ... the president is sworn in again."

The Region Four results were also questioned by the Commonwealth Observer Group, made up mostly of former British colonies, as well as the Carter Center, founded by former U.S. President Jimmy Carter and his wife and which in 1992 helped Guyana hold a free election after decades of rigged votes.

Critics had for days complained of unnecessary delays and what they called stalling tactics, including the unexpected hospitalization of a key election official.

Guyana, which has a population of less than 800,000, is expected to become a major oil producer in the coming years as a consortium of companies including Exxon Mobil Corp taps into 8 billion barrels of oil and gas off the country's coast.

The country's politics has remained divided along ethnic lines since Guyana's 1966 independence from Britain.

Granger's APNU-AFC coalition is largely made up of black Guyanese descended from African slaves while the PPP mostly represents descendants of Indian laborers who arrived in the 19th century to work on sugar plantations.


Region 4 Returning Officer Mr Mingo received 1000 extra Ordinary Ballots serial no 447013 to 448012
He also received 60 packets (4 SOP in a packet for a total of 240 SOP) of SOPs for national Election and 60 Packets ( 4 SOPs in a packet for a total of 240) of SOPs for Regional elections.
In addition, he received 60 packets of tally sheets for General Election and 60 packets of tally sheets for Regional Rlection.

We will be checking to see that he accounts for these. And they will have to be reconciled with those that were used.


The vast difference between the PPP members and the PNC ones. Here is Priya and Vindhi out on the road trying to calm the protestors tempers down. The PNC members would have been out on the road encouraging their supporters to mo fiah slo fiah violence.

I see black folks amongst the protestors too. So how did some here say that the PPP cannot win again because the Indian population is no longer the majority? I have been saying that not only Indians want a good life. Others do too.


Reports are that Devon Subhan 18 years of Cotton tree died from injuries after police opened fire to disperse crowds of people whose protest action turned violent today. He was shot to his torso area and according to information lost alot of blood resulting in his demise.This is a sad development to the chaos that rocked the communities of west coast berbice earlier today..

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Critical teen stuck at Fort Wellington due to protests

Annuradha Sukra
Annuradha Sukra

A teenage Bush Lot Village, West Coast Berbice, girl is presently critical at the Fort Wellington Public Hospital after being shot with pellets by police, who mistook her for a protestor.


Jayshree Sukra told Stabroek News that her daughter, Annuradha Sukra, 19, sustained injuries to her head, chest and legs after a missile was thrown at law enforcers, who fired pellets in response. She said her daughter was heading out of a street where the incident occurred at the time. “She need surgery,” the woman lamented.

However, Sukra said the hospital is afraid to transfer the young woman due to the protests on the roadway. “Them a send me and my husband to find out if the protest clear,” she explained

A desperate Sukra is asking whether the police can escort the ambulance to the Georgetown Public Hospital so that her daughter can receive the necessary medical attention.


The APNU+AFC on Friday night said it wants to see the swearing-in of the President “very quickly” and is looking to the discharge tomorrow of a court injunction blocking the declaration of the overall results in favour of its leader David Granger.

“We would like to have this matter dealt with very quickly. So in order for there to be calm, stability, restraint, we have to have the President sworn in very quickly and that his government be able to take the necessary steps to guarantee the peace, stability and security of the people of this country,” Joseph Harmon, General Secretary of APNU+AFC said in a video release.

The Region Four returning officer on Thursday declared the results of the largest electoral district without the legal process of verification and when added with the declarations from the other regions showed a win for APNU+AFC; however, the Opposition has claimed the Statements of Poll show it winning and that the results declared by the Returning Officer was heavily padded and is not credible.

The international community, including the leading developing partners in Guyana and international observers, have urged that the verification process take place, otherwise the government would be unconstitutional.

Harmon, in his statement, said after the Region Four declaration, a declaration of the overall winner should be made by the Chief Elections Officer followed by a meeting of the Guyana Elections Commission and a confirmation of those results by the Commission.

Thereafter, he explained, the chairman would then send a statement to the Chancellor of the judiciary who will then act upon that to have the Chancellor sworn in.

Harmon said the Commission should have met today to conclude those processes when it was served with an injunction on behalf of the People’s Progressive Party.

However, Harmon said the Chairman of the Elections Commission, Justice Claudette Singh, decided that she will follow what the court says and have agreed that this procedure for the swearing-in of the President will be put on hold and that the parties will go to court tomorrow at 10 a.m. at where the injunction will be discharged

“So the situation has been on hold until such time that matter is discharged and we expect that will be done tomorrow,” Harmon stated.

“Once that is done, it will then clear the way for the Commission to meet and for them to issue that statement which will clear the way for the President to be sworn in,” Harmon added.

The Commission is split evenly between Commissioners of the PPP and the Coalition; so in the end, the Chairman would have to make a casting vote on declaring the winner.

“It is our expectation that this matter will be treated with some amount of speed…,” Harmon declared.



We have to be careful ,the forces are in control they can take over the government and we have a military Rule.


That dummy Cummings must be getting her advise from that jackass Williams. She surely walked mightily in her own shit. I never saw someone want to run out of a room so fast after marching into it thinking she was a somebody. 


🥰What happened to night was madness. I WAS ARRESTED....
Someone call the ambulance because the GECOM chairperson called one of the officer wife who takes care of her and said she was not feeling good. he called her and there was no answer so he called the ambulance and he came there, we all rush upstairs to make sure that she was okay when the EMT'S went upstairs there was no answer so they start banging on the door everyone start chanting free the chairwomen THERE WAS NO ANSWER so everyone rushed upstairs start banging on the door and video taping, of course I'm in the middle of it. Everyone was pushing the door in and we ALL went in but no one was there, there was another door inside so they tried to push that door to get inside, that was madness of course, we are in the middle of everyone video taping, they push open the door, we were swept inside while we were inside it got physical so we pushed our self out of the crowd to the back where there was another door that door suddenly opened BECAUSE SOMEONE WAS COMING OUT. we saw the chairwomen, it was a lot of us, I had my camera on and we were able to video her, Anter asked her if she was okay she said no I am not feeling well I am in fear of my life and that's when the officers grabbed our phones and pushed us out of the room they start shoving people against the door to get out we backed off and lift our hands up, by then they were able to close the door and we got stuck in there then they start letting know that we broke into government property and we're under arrest so they took our phones away and proceeded to take us outside in the meanwhile the we had our hands up so they knew we are complying with them. the curtain fell and everyone was outside videoing that's why our hands was up.
The women Officer start taking statements of our names and our badges and the head guy was saying we were going down to Brickdam because we broke into government property. We did no such thing we were pushed in with the crowd to video and see if she was ok. Dr. Kanhai, Anter Narine and the other gentleman i do know his name was arrest and taken down to Brickdam police station. video's to follow. -Jeany Persaud NY Observer.

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