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@Former Member

Of course you think the BLACK judge who ruled in the PPP's favor is now "wrong". SMFH. We know yuh good bai. Yuh tink the only good black person is a dead one.

Did you ever blame Rat Man fuh refusing Granger's choice for GECOM? Rat Man was TOLD to take Claudette, nodded pleasantly, walked away smiling shaking he batty. But no, now the BLACK judge is to blame fuh alyuh problems. Always to blame - black man, the USA, Trump, Caricom, the CCJ etc. Who next? Who else y'all want to scream and wail about? chumps.


In these tense times in Guyana, the postings of shitabatty Sean, Nehru and Princess Swampwater calling for invasion by America and on Trump for assistance are amusing. All 3 are supporters of a communist cabal in Guyana that hates America.

Nehru cusses America and Trump daily. Calls Americans "pigs" and "dogs". Now he wants America and Trump to help he po lil communist band to regain power.

Shitabatty sean screaming for invasion. America got Corona to worry about. Trump couldn't care less about y'all. America got cheap oil now, got their own reserves and the world is overflowing in oil, rice, bananas etc. 

50+ years of sheer incompetence and being unable to run your own damn country. Look at the degradation of Guyana from colonial times to today presided over by  both these parties. Massive FAIL.

Suh stop your antiman screams for "invasion" and always relying on the white man to solve your problems while simultaneously cussing he and lavishing in he country.

Let the people count the votes and see what happens.

The referees are gone. they say the game is need to wait for t he end. They even give their remedy...Granger installs himself on a theft of the elections and we are a pariah state. Welcome to the era of Guyana's own fleshly minted Mugabe. I guess we have to be friends with the chinese by selling out the state!

@Former Member: The "black judge" as described by racist Green Gwana did a fair job. Her instructions were not detailed and specific enough. She gave the leeway to racist Mingo to do whatever the racist wanted to do. Mingo has defrauded the Guyanese people except for you and Rochelle. Mingo will be responsible for Guyanese blood spilled in the streets of Guyana. You will be a happy fraudster dancing hungry belly chewing on your dry coconut.


NOW shitabatty Sean and swamp creature come bytching about Claudette Singh, heaping abuse pon de woman. Y'all correct me if I'm wrong, but I think ahwe "constitution" (de same one burnham crafted) seh dat the OPPOSITION leader is to submit a list of GECOM head and the President is to pick one. Or somethign like that.

Instead alyuh noble, fearless warrior, champion Indian Rat Man was TOLD by Granger to take Claudette and he generously conceded to Granger. I undastand alyuh cussing Claudette, but how is Rat Man some brave warrior to alyuh when he parted with the process to choose the gecom chairperson hmmm???????

Baseman mumbling something about Rat Man don't tek shit. He DONE tek it!!!! But ow me lard, alyuh SWEAR by Rat Man and he "smarts". Nehru - fire up a thread deh for rat man. Yuh kno, one a dem ones wheh yuh scream he name out in orgasmic frenzy! Idiots!

Last edited by Former Member

@Former Member stop make me laugh. 

That is our problem. Always running behind the white man to solve we problems. Accept the results and move on. Let us all live in peace and harmony under a Granger government.

That hapless mantra has lost all resonance. It is what the morally and intellectually stunted always retreat to when the lack they fortitude to be their best selves and instead settle for scumbag status.  I will rather the state rot than live with granger. It will rot as we are denied the us banking system. Say bye bye to any US branded hotels, airlines etc. Do not ask for health aid when afflicted etc.
Last edited by Former Member

@Former Member

Maybe, just maybe, now the people who LIVE in Guyana will realize the status quo can't continue. The answer is not violence of course, but now the PEOPLE themselves will realize their has to be some concept of nationhood in their heads. They will be the ones who feel the brunt of sanctions, it is NEVER the ruling class. Rat Man will eat well. Irfart has never missed a meal and will now have an extra one. Granger will eat well. They may not. Hopefully they will realize the enemy is not the black or Indian they so hate.

And hopefully the likes of black hating clowns like Sean, Nehru, Swamp Man and Skeldon Man living in Guyana do us all a favor and drop dead!


@Former Member: The answer is not violence of course, but now the PEOPLE themselves will realize their has to be some concept of nationhood in their heads.

If the fair election results were in favor of the PPP, mayhem would have broken loose already since March 3, 2020. You Gwana Man is also a coolie hater. You want negroes to forever bully coolies in Guyana. What happens to the fair reporting of the election results? Do you yaaze in both eyes or a malfunctioning brain?


Hey Skelly, Claremont Mingo must use SOP to count...Chief Justice Roxanne George forced to explain  her own ruling which was handed down on Wednesday..The ruling was since breached by the RO which resulted in Contempt of Court proceedings to be filed against him. However, the SOPs in used to tabulate the count is not matching the original SOPs. 

All observers have concluded, their is evidence of tampering. Where will this take us now.... GECOM can continue counting, but their SOPs are fraudulent, as evidence is shown. This will result in APNU as the winner and Granger been sworn in as President. 

Should GECOM fail to announce a legitimate declaration, i believe Guyana is heading back to the poll. Since GECOM is a corrupt body, they must  be disband and new officers install. When will this process starts and end, is the big question. A interim government should be put in place until such election is held.

Understanding Jagdeo interview, he do not believe in the system anymore and have indicate PPP will not attend parliament. 

Note: Granger keep insisting GECOM is a independent body and he cannot make decision for them, so clearly he is protecting himself like a true soldier. 


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While all this is on going, the shelves  are empty, Guyana is at a stand still. There are long lines at RBC, as people are caught between the election and the coronavirus. 

Investors are redrawing, property value has decrease to the point that no fcking person is interested... and no one is to say its too early for this. It happened  to us yesterday because of this fcking granger and his thieving cabals .. this mother fcker. GUYANA IS FROCKING DONE WITH.. ONLY A MIRACLE FROM GOD TO SAVE THIS NATION.

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