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I wonder what will happen to all of you when your PPP/C loses once again. Don't worry, I would happily sponsor the serving of cookup with a drink of your choice. It's on me. .

If the PPP lose in a fair fight then they lose. The PNC never won an election on their own (statistical fact). Any time they claimed a victory they did it by theft ( statistical fact) ... so the odds are against them


Amral, I've followed previous instructions you provided on the forum to embed the below video by using the URL link. Not sure if it will embed:

Rochelle - did you look at this explanation. 

Fella this is the fake spreadsheet APNU created and use to compare to PPPC

PPPC compared with the actual SOPs signed at polling station, using it side by side.

APNU is not comparing signed SOPs. 

Rochelle YOU are BUSTED.

Gawn so. 



@D2 irrespective of which, I will happily drink your and other tears of the PPP/C supporters. Looking forward to the swearing in of Mr. Granger. I am confident in an APNUAFC victory!

I am not a PPP supporter. I never was. I am a patriot. I love my country and the performance of both parties have impoverished us and made us into a den of corruption. I supported Granger the last time as any here will attest but his performance was lack luster and as crooked and racist as the PPP. He did some truly stupid things and in that respect I think he is a complete waste of time. In addition to my country I look at my tribal peoples and he screwed them over thoroughly


@Former Member the video reviewed the SOPs directly posted by PPP/C on a website created by PPP/C. Now that they were caught in a lie, suddenly its APNU's fault?!!


You can't make this stuff up, people. Amazing.



the video is a make up spreadsheet . That’s not the way you fight a case in court ( you claimed to be a lawyer but you are fake lawyer) you should not even be the clerk in a law office, if this is how you are fighting a case . Anyone can create a spreadsheet for comparison. 

APNU has the sign SOPs from their polling agent... that’s what you should be comparing with.  


@Former Member even Mr. Jagdeo in his video last night made reference to the SAME website as proof of PPP/Cs SOPs and indicated they should be treated as valid.

He never once said it was a made-up spreadsheet. You saw on the video where the spreadsheets were downloaded from: the same website used by PPP/C. 

Stop lying to yourself. PPP/C's lies caught up to them and the video explicitly shows that.


Mingo will claim that he goadie flair up again, Singh will shut she door due to depression and Lowefield will claim that he may have contracted Coronavirus and that everyone should vacate the building.

The Sops for region 4 would have mysteriously changed numbers with Volda's signature on them and a prepared spreadsheet would have already been on Mingo's desk. He is ready once again to announce final results for Region 4.

Ramjattan will show up with Volda while PNC is declared the winner.

Burnham does it again !!!!

Is sheer drama today.


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