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Succinct part of the Chief Justice's rulings on March 10, 2020 ...


The Acting Chief Justice said the injunction is granted, restraining the Returning Officer for District Four โ€œfrom any manner, whatsoever, declaring the votes in District Four, recorded for each list of candidates in District Four, before complying with, or ensuring, the compliance with the process, set out in section 84 of Chapter 103โ€ณ.

She said also that the injunction, restraining GECOM from declaring the total number of votes cast for each political party, until the Returning Officer or the Deputy Returning Officer for District Four complies with the relevant measures, as outlined in the legislation, is also being made final.

The Acting Chief Justice said that because of the urgency of the situation, she was making the following orders: โ€œThe Returning Officer and Deputy Returning Officer for District Four must commence compliance, with section 84 (1) of the Representation of the Peopleโ€™s Act  Chapter 103, no later than 11 hours on Thursday March 12, 2020.

โ€œThat in the interest of transparency, taking into consideration the need for urgency, the Returning Officer, the Deputy Returning Officer in District Four is to decide, whether the process of ascertaining the total votes cast in favour of each list in the District, by adding up the votes recorded in favour of the list, in accordance with the statements of poll, should be restarted or continued.


Guyanaโ€™s High Court Orders Recount Of Ballots In Disputed Election Region

in International News , Source --


Sean in the trench

Who will enforce the contempt of court ? Is all PNC monsters around, from GECOM, to the Police and PNC. This is an international disgrace. Imagine Singh who is a retired judge is allowing all of this nonsense to continue. The Americans are probably wondering what kind of animal state Guyana has grown into in three short year.

We are here because the PPP has so ruthlessly used their office to lock out Africans from any benefits n the state that t hey are violently oppose to being voted out by their superior numbers. We are in for a long battle as the psychology of ethnic divisions have begun to weight more than usual with oil money.
Last edited by Former Member


The Press Release of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), issued on the 12th day of March 2020, by the Public Relations Officer, Ms. Yolanda Ward, presents incontrovertible evidence that there is a grand conspiracy to violate the Orders of the Honourable Chief Justice granted on the 11th day of March 2020 and the relevant provisions of the Representation of the People Act, Cap 1:03.

The terms of the Order are by now well known.

The relevant portions read:
(i) An injunction restraining the Returning Officer District 4 from in any manner whatsoever, declaring the votes recorded for each List of Candidates for District 4 before complying with or ensuring the compliance with the process set out in Section 84 of the Representation of the People Act, Chapter 1:03 Laws of Guyana;

(ii) An injunction restraining the Guyana Elections Commission from declaring the total number of valid votes cast for each political party until the Returning Officer or Deputy Returning Officer for District 4 complies and ensures compliance with S. 84 of the Representation of the People Act, Chapter 1:03;

(iii) An order directing that the Returning Officer or Deputy Returning Officer for District 4 are to commence compliance with S. 84(1) of the Representation of the People Act. Chapter 1:03 at no later
Section 84 (1) of the Representation of the People Act, Cap 1:03, provides:
"...the returning officer shall, in the presence of such of the persons entitled under Section 86(1) to be present as attend, ascertain the total votes cast in favour of each list in the district by adding up the votes recorded in favour of the list in accordance with the Statements of Poll..."
It is already public knowledge that the Returning Officer attempted to use a pre-prepared spreadsheet, instead of the Statements of Poll, as the basis for the ascertaining and adding up of the votes cast in the presence of the Political Parties representatives. Even if such a spreadsheet is permissible, the Political Parties must be able to witness its preparation, so as to ensure that the information contained thereon were extracted from the Statements of Poll in the possession of the Political Parties.
This was not done.
Every lawyer knows that it is the Order of Court, which is binding on the parties and not the written Judgement of the Court, since the written Judgement constitutes only the reasons for the Orders and can contain statements, which are obiter dicta and that are not binding pronouncements. It is for this precise reason that the Learned Chief Justice made the Order of Court available, shortly after Her Honour delivered her written Judgement. These are trite and axiomatic principles of law, which must be known to the Chairperson of GECOM, a former Judge of the Supreme Court of Guyana of over 30 years standing.
Reference in the said Press Release, therefore, that the Chairperson is awaiting a copy of the written Judgement of the Learned Chief Justice is either inaccurate, or renders the Chairperson complicit in a conspiratorial design to subvert the Orders of the Honourable Chief Justice and to violate the provisions of the Representation of the People Act.
GECOM is enjoined by Article 162 (1) (B) of the Constitution of Guyana to always act with impartiality, fairness and in compliance with the provisions of this Constitution or any Act of Parliament.
The Commission, led by the Chairperson, seems to be making a mockery of this constitutional prescription.
Again, I demand compliance with the Orders of the Honourable Chief Justice and the Representation of the People Act.

March 12th, 2020



The Peoples Progressive Party โ€“ PPP- led by Bharrat Jagdeo has advanced a false narrative that GECOM is rigging the 2020 elections. This is a classical tactic of an election rigger accusing GECOM of rigging to camouflage his own rigging actions and blame GECOM; In fact, the PPP wants to introduce rigged SOPs into GECOM. GECOM is an independent constitutional body who regulates its own affairs. The RO for Region 4 followed the law and GECOM procedures. These practices are in ... See More.

The intended false narrative propagation resides precisely with you. Here you are selling a tall tale that the PPP can insert fraudulent sops when we all know that those were generated on election day and posted on polling places and are carbon copies handed out to all competing parties.

You are telling a lie, plain and simple. Worse, the PPP cannot dispute it no less than the PNC when all they have to do is compare it with others from the same original and/or count the actual ballots


This is ground breaking news. 

@ Rama

Uncle Sam just sent a very stern warning. Looks like US is close to recognizing the PPP as the legitimate government of Guyana. I man have faith that USA will deliver. 
PNC pissed of the US ambassador. 

I hope that Rochelle is a legit lawyer. Those supporting the illegal PNC administration will soon be sanctioned. DJ is a US citizen and might be sanctioned to appear to testify before Congress. 

PNC is being labelled a defacto regime. 

They are most likely monitoring GNI. 

Last edited by Former Member
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