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Saturday, 20 August 2011

At the launch of the Grow More Food Phase Two on Wednesday, August 17, PPP’s General Secretary spoke about the importance of Agriculture in Guyana.

Ramotar noted that today in our world one of the major problems is food security. He pointed out that rising prices of food is causing grave social tensions in many parts of the world.

He noted that the upheavals that have gripped the Middle East for some eight months began in Tunisia where people protested the rising prices of food. That then escalated into a major uprising which has not yet concluded.

Turning to Guyana, Ramotar noted that Guyana has land that is indispensable to the production of food.
He added that we are also blessed with talented and hard working farmers.

He noted that the Caribbean is a huge market for food. At the moment, Ramotar said the Caribbean imports more than four billion US dollar in food every year. He was of the opinion that Guyana could take advantage of this and produce to satisfy part of that market.

If we succeed, the PPP’s General Secretary declared, we will be adding revenues for our country and farmers would be able to have a better life.

Speaking also at the occasion was President Jagdeo and Minister of Agriculture, Robert Persaud. President Jagdeo declared that Agriculture’s future in Guyana was secured because of the interest of our government in the sector.

The President promised to give full support to farmers with developing correct policies in developing infrastructure for the sector.
The event was well attended by farmers from across the country. The gathering was enthusiastic and motivated to produce more.


Expanding Grow More Food Campaign A Priority for the Government
Friday, 19 August 2011

The Government of Guyana through the Ministry of Agriculture will expand the “Grow More Food Campaign” following the successful implementation of its first phase.

Reports from the Ministry are that the campaign will now be intensified to cater for greater challenges and support not only for small farmers, but also towards expanding medium and large scale agro investments. This is to allow for all investors to capture the benefits from the Global Food Crisis.

As such, the government through its various outreach programs to facilitate the expansion of the highly lauded Grow More Food Campaign, will be distributing fertilizers, seeds, planting materials and livestock to farmers and farmers’ groups across the country. Last Wednesday several hundred farmers attended a Ministry of Agriculture Grow More Food activity at the Cuffy Square, Georgetown.

The steady rise in global food prices aided by the lack of adequate food supply on the international and regional market has enhanced Guyana’s opportunity as a food secure nation, to significantly benefit from tapping into those markets and being a leading player. Thus with the adequate support of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Government of Guyana, farmers are now more at greater advantage as their agricultural practices are more subsidized and thus allows them to be competitive on the world market.

The greater risk posed by the ever present topical issues of Climate Change, Recurring Pest and Diseases and the Vulnerability to external price shocks can be minimized drastically. Developing climate smart agriculture is thus crucial to achieving future food security and climate change goals. With the current support given by the government, the Agriculture sector has undergone major transformation in recent years and thus output has increased significantly over the years. Excellent negotiations have aided bilateral and multilateral agreements and this has paved the way for farmers to access markets for their products.

The Grow More Food Campaign was launched on March 20, 2008, by Agriculture Minister Robert Persaud to increase food production in Guyana by adopting a market-led approach, sustained by regular consultatios with the farming community.

This was realized through the implementation of a plan which included:
â€Ē Implementation of a US $21.9 M Agricultural Export Diversification Programme
â€Ē Implementation of a US $6 M Rural Enterprise & Agricultural Development Programme
â€Ē Increased investment in drainage and irrigation by restoring drainage to areas abandoned by farmers and training farmers to manage the maintenance of rehabilitated structures at a cost of G$12 B since 2008.
â€Ē Enhanced Extension Services through the creation of the Guyana Livestock Development Authority and the revised National Agricultural Research and Extension Institute.
â€Ē Increased availability of agricultural inputs such as seeds,
planting materials and improved breeds for all categories of livestock which includes Cattle, Small Ruminants and Poultry.
Guyana is the only country in the southern hemisphere that is a net exporter of food, and has achieved the United Nations First Millennium Development Goal of eradicating hunger. The Ministry of Agriculture will continue to place prominence on food security and climate change by transforming agriculture and adopting practices that are “climate-smart”.

Meanwhile the Agricultural Export Diversification Program (AEDP) continues to be one of the principal pillars to broaden the productive base of the economy. Government continues to focus on the expansion of this sector with specific emphasis on the implementation of the strategic plans for the three non-traditional agriculture cluster groups, namely fruits, vegetables, livestock and aquaculture. In this regard, measures have already been taken and investments made to provide institutional strengthening, capacity building, credit facilities and improved physical infrastructure. In 2010, a total of $1.3 billion was spent to expand the non-traditional sectors.

In 2011, Government will accelerate diversification and modernization of the agricultural sector with a budgetary allocation of $1.5 billion. Investments made in the non-traditional agriculture sector allowed exports to increase by 115% in 2010, when compared to 2005.

The Agriculture Export Diversification Programme (AEDP) credit facility will target individual farmers, as well as farmers’ associations on a larger scale, through providing requisite infrastructure and equipment in an effort to boost value-added interventions, improve the business climate, encourage private sector involvement and create competitiveness within this sector.

When fully realized, the Grow More Food Campaign will introduce agriculture at scales previously not seen in Guyana and make Guyana a significant player in the global market for the diverse products cultivated.


Guyana is the only country in the southern hemisphere that is a net exporter of food, and has achieved the United Nations First Millennium Development Goal of eradicating hunger. The Ministry of Agriculture will continue to place prominence on food security and climate change by transforming agriculture and adopting practices that are “climate-smart”.

Originally posted by asj:
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
Is the status of the Skeldon factory indicative of progress?

The PPP will see to it that what ever it takes, the Skeldon Sugar Factory, in the end will do the job that it was build for.

Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
ASJ: The PPP will see to it that what ever it takes, the Skeldon Sugar Factory, in the end will do the job that it was build for.

Meanwhile let's reward them for messing up? And for the extra financial burden the messing up will impose upon the Treasury?

TK, I would not termed it as messing up, but if you want to reward them for doing a good job and bringing Guyana out of the Doldrums, then I with you on that.

As in anything there has to be some ups and down as the Skeldon Sugar Factory is just a temporary humbug.


About 1200 persons benefitted from eye care during 17 community outreaches-91 Amerindian leaders among beneficiaries
Friday, 19 August 2011

Expanding eye care services continues to be the focus of the Health Ministry’s Regional Health Services (RHS) Unit which has undertaken a series of medical outreaches throughout Guyana since the start of the year.

Seventeen outreaches have already been conducted in communities including Mabaruma, Region 1, Suddie, Region 2, Wakenaam and Leguan, Region 3, Ann’s Grove, Agricola, Buxton, Enmore and Cane Grove, Region 4, Ithaca, Bath Settlement, and Number 9 Village, Region 5, Skeldon, Region 6, Bartica, Region 7 and Lethem, Region 9; with a total of 1197 persons benefiting from the services offered by the visiting teams.

This project is in tandem with the Ministry’s thrust to improve access to eye care services throughout the country and targets the elderly, in particular, since taking the service to the grassroots has proven to be both convenient and effective for the beneficiaries.

Apart from eye care services Visual Inspection using Acetic Acid (VIA) screenings were added and it is hoped that oral health will also be offered.


PPP/C administration’s economic performance commendable - despite negative reports by the AFC
Friday, 12 August 2011

In wake of the recent attack on the current People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) administration by the Alliance for Change’s (AFC)

Economic Advisor, Dr. Tarron Khemraj the administration said it will maintain its commitment to the developmental process, and continue the quest for improvement in the various sectors.

It is a known fact to all that the restoration of democracy after the PPP/C took office in 1992 was the dawn of a new era. Guyana had a $2.1B debt, which left the country financially paralyzed, and it took at least 10 years for the economy to be revived before we moved forward financially as a nation.

Noteworthy is that after the great flood of 2005, Guyana recorded a growth in GDP of 5.4 percent, while only 3 percent of total GDP was diminished. The global rise in fuel and food prices in 2008, when food prices in Guyana increased by 27 percent, did not affect the country’s economy significantly due to sound economic policies implemented by the administration.

The government’s initiative of increasing the tax threshold by 25 percent from $28,000 to $35,000 per month and removing the Value Added Tax (VAT) from many items played an important role in stabilizing the economy at that time.

The facts are there for Dr. Khemraj’s perusal and it is evident that this economy has been elevated from a Highly Indebted Poor Country (HIPC) status to a Lower Middle Income (LMI) country through favourable and well defined macroeconomic policies along with improved fiscal and monetary policies that can be attributed to prudent management. Notwithstanding these, the government has continued its drive for sustained growth and development. Virtually, this was not a possibility in the treacherous days of opposition rule. The slow growth from the late 1990s into the early part of the new millennium can be attributed to the opposition’s quest to make the country very unstable. The views that criminal elements were aided by the opposition also made it worse for the government, as it had to grapple with a spiraling crime wave.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF), in its outlook for Guyana in 2011, an elections year, stated that Guyana’s economic outlook remains positive. The multilateral lending agency also said that road projects, construction of a large hydropower plant at Amaila Falls (AFHP), and implementation of the Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS) should sustain growth levels above the long- run trend of three per cent, at around five per cent over the medium term, before tapering off in 2015 as one-off projects are completed.
Guyana’s LCDS, which seeks to boost competitiveness and private investment through its successful implementation, has significantly put Guyana on the map. As such, it is thus geared towards more sustainable development while at the same time work in conjunction with the Poverty Reduction Strategy Programme (PRSP) to reduce poverty significantly.

Further, the IDB stated that despite external and domestic shocks, the Guyanese economy demonstrated resilience and registered a fifth consecutive year of robust growth in 2010. Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) expanded by around 3.4 per cent — slightly more than in 2009 — supported by expansion in the gold and services sectors, which helped offset lower output in the sugar sector. End of year inflation rose to 4.4 per cent from 3.7 per cent in 2009, reflecting higher food prices, as these tended to reflect the impact of higher fuel costs/procurement.

In light of the attack by the AFC, based on the trends in the mid-year report, Guyana’s economy was poised to exceed previous years’ growth. This is according to President Bharrat Jagdeo. The inflation rate at the end of the first half of 2010 was 2 per cent, driven primarily by movement in the food category; and, based on developments during this period. The major sectors upon which the economy is built, such as rice, forestry and gold, continued to be important drivers of growth, with favourable performances being recorded in other sectors, such as construction, information and communication, health, and social services.

The government, under the current PPP/C administration maintains that the favourable performance of the domestic economy demonstrates the strong underlying fundamentals on which the economy is built, and reflects gains made over the years at diversifying the sources of growth.

These figures are glaring facts that the AFC has misrepresented their statements about the efforts of the current administration in terms of the economy. It also goes to show that there is no evidence of comprehensive efforts being made by opposition parties to work towards making Guyana a more highly developed country.

Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
ASJ: Skeldon Sugar Factory is just a temporary humbug.

That's a US$200 mill humbug for a poor country.

Does not mean that the Factory will be left at the wayside to gather cobweb, as soon as the Chinese or Indian deal is closed, the Factory will be back in motion again. Ten years from now will look at this investment and applaud the PPP/C

Originally posted by asj:
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
Is the status of the Skeldon factory indicative of progress?

The PPP will see to it that what ever it takes, the Skeldon Sugar Factory, in the end will do the job that it was build for.

What a mediocre loser mentality. From one screw up to another. This is a great example of weak and warped decision-making. this is one of their big investments, and what a debacle and the excuse-making spin doctors like you comes with an excuse for an excuse. This is loser mentality man, you can never be better than mediocre. Performance culture is non-existance in the PPP, so is accountability.

Berbicians reject APNU - expresses continued support for PPP/C

Region 6 seems to be the hunting ground for the political opposition as they carry out their twisted propaganda in an effort to woo Berbicians to their side.
However, a closer look on the campaign tales has noted that Berbicians have totally rejected the attempt to twist and distort the progress made by the PPP/C Government.

The Alliance for Change (AFC) has gone frantic on their television programme, which is aired every Saturday night, they have resorted to hurling abusive remarks to Berbicians, referring to them as illiterates, fools, backwards, lazy, etc. This is as a result of the total rejection of Berbicians to the AFC and their Presidential Candidate Kemraj Ramjattan.
A number of AFC public meetings have been cancelled for the simple reason that no one turned up to listen to them -- at Edinburg Village, East Bank, Berbice, only the three policemen oresent when the AFC entourage turned up, at Fort Ordnance, No. 2 Village, East Canje, Berbice, when the AFC arrived, they met two police officers only, they hurriedly packed up and left; at Chesney Village, at their meeting place at the ball field, they met a group of five young men having a game of cards, they cut short their meeting; at Train Line, Port Mourant, when they arrived on a busy Saturday afternoon, they met some small children from the nearby school and a few passersby who were busy conducting their own business.

AFC chief organizer, the so called Dr. Ramayya, who is promoting “Drinking your pee for all aliments”, at the home town of AFC presidential candidate, a public meeting that was publicized in the village, turned into an ordinary bottom house meeting, with only one person from the village turning up. It is clear that Ramjattan’s own friends and family from the village where he was born has rejected him. Berbicians recalled, during the 2006 elections, the AFC and the polling place at the hometown of Ramjattan, No. 48 Village, Corentyne when AFC got merely 3 votes out of the hundreds who voted at that particular polling station.

The AFC attempted to have a walk through – at Topoo Albion, but this had to be aborted as the residents showed no interest.
The PNC’s new outfit “APNU” held a public meeting in New Amsterdam, a community that was once a PNC strong hold. However, the attendance were just under some two hundred people and lack of interest shown by those who were there, clearly indicated that New Amsterdam is no longer interested in the PNC and their new outfit APNU and its presidential candidate David Granger, persons were overheard saying “Gad Walter Rodney mussy turn in he grave”, when Rupert Roopnarine was speaking, they were referring to the assassination of Walter Rodney by the PNC and the role of Granger as he was a senior member of the Guyana Defence Force at the time the assassination of the WPA Leader.
Those who were present noted the large entourage of expensive, brand new vehicles that brought Granger, Corbin and others from Georgetown (more than 15 vehicles), one person remarked “like dem boys get big runnings, is weh dem get all dis money from”.

PPP/C presidential candidate, Donald Ramotar, visited the Berbice Expo last Saturday evening at Albion Corentyne, and was well received by the thousands who where there, both young and old, gathered around Ramotar, hugging and shaking his hands, and expressed their full support in the upcoming National and Regional Elections. It took the presidential candidate of the PPP/C more than four hours to tour the booths at the Expo, as at every booth people swarmed around him, many took pictures, and he interacted with the children who were there. Over the last two weeks or so, the PPP/C held a number of community meetings in Region 6, in areas such as Light Town, Plantanker, Kotbraat, Sisters, Edinburg, Canefield, Susannah, # 19 Village, Boundyard/Freeyard, # 48 Village, # 52 Village, # 55 Village, # 71 Village, #79 Village, Rampoor, Little India, Topoo, Black Bush Polder. These meetings were well attended with attendance ranging from 60 – 120 with the largest being Topoo Albion and # 71 Village. Members of the central committee of the PPP expressed their full confidence in Donald Ramotar as the party’s Presidential candidate and the tremendous work done by the PPP/C Government.
These community meetings were addressed by members of the central committee of the PPP who informed the residents of government plans and programmes for the respective communities, they also listen to concerns from the residents.

The PPP/C held one public meeting at Whim Village, Corentyne, the hometown of AFC chief organizer Ramayya where the entire village came out, this caused Ramayya to because furious as on the said night on his television programme he began to abuse to residents of Whim for turning out in their large numbers for the PPP meeting, speakers at this meeting included the Honorable Dr. Ashni Singh, PPP Central Committee Members P Shurry, Z. Mustapha and F. Jaffarally; residents opening endorsed the PPP Presidential candidate Donald Ramotar and had very harsh words to say about Ramayya and Ramjattan. It is noted because of the poor turnout at the AFC and PNC now turned APNU public meetings, they have now resorted to preach their hate game, distorted propaganda, lies and distortion from behind the camera from a particular TV Station in Berbice.

Lap top distribution started, 300 doctors will soon be graduated and will be returning home, major investment in education, communication, roads, bridges, sea defense, potable water, schools, technical institutes, recreation parks (state of the art Olympic swimming pool), 10,000 more house lots to be distributed in the upcoming months, solar power initiative being implemented, electricity, huge investments in the gold and diamond industry, Hydro project, drilling soon, huge investments in the agricultural sector and the list goes on and on. These are not talking points... these are the dreams of the PPP blossoming into realityâ€Ķright in front of yall eyes...the Guyanese people will vote on these issues...PP Pall the way flag
Originally posted by Rahmah bin Jabr:
Again, how many meaningful jobs have been created?

Bai, how come you have not heard of the booming constructions drive in Guyana, and the many thousands of constructions jobs being created, the opening up of the interior, has shown that many more are going into the gold business, there are more people in the 'rice' cultivation business.........wake up bai, or you will miss the coffee. Smile

Originally posted by SuperMike:
Lap top distribution started, 300 doctors will soon be graduated and will be returning home, major investment in education, communication, roads, bridges, sea defense, potable water, schools, technical institutes, recreation parks (state of the art Olympic swimming pool), 10,000 more house lots to be distributed in the upcoming months, solar power initiative being implemented, electricity, huge investments in the gold and diamond industry, Hydro project, drilling soon, huge investments in the agricultural sector and the list goes on and on. These are not talking points... these are the dreams of the PPP blossoming into realityâ€Ķright in front of yall eyes...the Guyanese people will vote on these issues...PP Pall the way flag


Prime Minister Samuel Hinds and officials in the mining sector at the culmination of the Mining Week Walk in the compound of Girl Guides Pavilion on Brickdam

The Mining Week walk on the move through the streets of the capital city

PM urges miners to broaden horizon

Monday, 22 August 2011 01:38

– as Mining Week 2011 begins

THE mining sector will be under the spotlight during the next seven days as Mining Week 2011 is celebrated, under the theme “Evolving Methods, Embracing Excellence, Enjoying Success.” Prime Minister Samuel Hinds, performing the duties of President, is encouraging miners to broaden their horizon, and “know where they will be mining not six months into the future, but three years into the future"

Hinds was at the time speaking to a large gathering that converged on the Girl Guides Pavilion, on Brickdam, at the conclusion of “Mining Week Walk” early yesterday to signal the start of a list of activities to mark the occasion.
Speaking to the gathering, the Prime Minister highlighted the challenges miners often face and urged that they rapidly improve the sector, promote restoration of mined out areas, and adopt revolutionary ideas to better operations.
He was speaking in the presence of Commissioner (ag) of the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC), Karen Livan; Manager of the Petroleum Division, Noel Dennison; and Major General (ret’d) Joe Singh, among others.

The walk commenced at the Avenue of the Republic and Church Street, with GGMC Guyana Gold and Diamond Miners Association (GGDMA) and Takara Resources Inc representatives participating.The Mining Week walk on the move through the streets of the capital city

Prime Minister Hinds described mining week as an event that promotes togetherness among miners, and with the rest of Guyana, and provides opportunities for reflection of the sector’s development over the years.
He apprised the gathering of the various features of mining that make it unique from other activities, foremost among which is the fact that miners are constantly progressive, and as such, are continuously brainstorming new properties.

“Generally, you are going from the more easily recognized resource and you have to find the more difficult ones to spot and process, so you are under pressure to raise your level of capability,” Prime Minister Hinds said.
He also explained that another inevitable truth about the sector is that mining reserves in a particular area will play out, and, recognizing this, miners have to think of alternatives that would augur well for the sector.

He went back in history, speaking about Mackenzie/Linden which rested on the backbone of mining, but has today diversified into agriculture and other activities to keep the economy of the town going.
“You have to contemplate, when mining is gone, when the mineral resources are gone, you need to use some of that first money, to set in train other things,” Prime Minister Hinds said.
Mining week runs until August 27, and features a
three-day mining and quarrying conference, a world energy outlook forum, also in Georgetown, national mining exhibitions in Georgetown and Bartica, and
Porkknocker Day at Bartica. (GINA)

Ongoing move to get more into the mining industries

PPP/C All the way

Originally posted by squingy:
Originally posted by asj:


Heheheheh! what is this supposed to represent?

A young palm tree!!!

Confirmation that the PPP=PNC.

Come on, squingy. Know your plants. I never saw a young palm tree without a goady-looking palm. This is what a young palm tree looks like:


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