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Originally posted by Bookman:

Come on, squingy. Know your plants. I never saw a young palm tree without a goady-looking palm. This is what a young palm tree looks like:
It is actually swiped from this image format and Photoshopped to be different. I hope they paid the owner since it is a copyrighted product.

I hope someone contact the owner to see if the paid the usual fee or stole it as is their usual habit.

Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Bookman:

Come on, squingy. Know your plants. I never saw a young palm tree without a goady-looking palm. This is what a young palm tree looks like:
It is actually swiped from this image format and Photoshopped to be different. I hope they paid the owner since it is a copyrighted product.

I hope someone contact the owner to see if the paid the usual fee or stole it as is their usual habit.

Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Cobra:
The two hands and plants are different. Please take a second look!
They stole the concept. That is clear.

Either way Cobra from a public relations stand point we need to get away from this planting a seed idea.

We have been in office for over 19 years if we are now planting the damn seed something is terribly wrong.
Originally posted by Horse Man:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Cobra:
The two hands and plants are different. Please take a second look!
They stole the concept. That is clear.

Either way Cobra from a public relations stand point we need to get away from this planting a seed idea.

We have been in office for over 19 years if we are now planting the damn seed something is terribly wrong.

I do not see anything wrong with a growing plant as it depicts a growing Nation.

And as for being in government for nineteen years you will have to admit that every conceivable infrastructures in the country was broken down, the PPP/C not only had to rebuild new infrastructure but to get rid of the decaying one. You should know that when a poor country has to rebuild infrastructures it takes a long time and money, which the country can ill afford, and they can only act as finances becomes available.


Gov’t responsive policy creates positive environment for investment, says Prime Minister Hinds

At commissioning of Metro’s $120M Region 6 branch

Monday, 22 August 2011 01:30

PRIME Minister Samuel Hinds Saturday joined the proprietor of Guyana’s office supplies giant, Metro, in commissioning its newest branch at New Amsterdam in Region 6. New Metro branch in New Amsterdam, Region 6.
Prime Minister Hinds wished the proprietor well in his new endeavour, and noted that the PPP/C Government, since its tenure in office, had started a process of moving Guyana forward to prosperity and progress.
The new facility is just a symbol of the responsive policy of the Government, he said.

Proprietor Taaj Jadunauth said that his investment is testimony to his confidence in the economy, noting that Metro has become a household name for many in Guyana.
Residents in Berbice “will now have access to bigger and better service...even better than those in the capital city,” he said.
He also indicated that plans are in the pipeline to transform the upper flat of the building into a mini shopping mall. (GINA)


Originally posted by Cobra:
A young palm tree!!!
Confirmation that the PPP=PNC.

I guess you don't have knowledge or ever study the importance of a palm tree. Silly comments on things you see will not win elections. Your party needs to do something more constructive.

I am hearing your comment here has produced a twinkle in the eye and a hopeful smile on the faces at Sophia this morning.
Originally posted by Cobra:
The PPP gives people reasons to twinkle and smile in Guyana. For those who don't, they belong to the daily complaint group.

A visit to Guyana will give someone even more when they looked at the Constructions Boom that is taking place, the many housing schemes that are popping up all over the country. Houses that people dreamed of are now becoming a reality. Infrastructures of Roads in Berbice, Demerara and Essequibo are now visable, and ongoing developmental works are still continuing, Guyana is now in the four lane mode.

Asj, all the BS that's going on is plain jealously. The oppositions are tired of being on the side line and want to get their hands in the cookie jar so bad. PNC had Guyana in a hole, and the PPP brought Guyana out of the pit and put it on the world stage. There was a time when the outer world doesn't even know where Guyana is. Can you imagine that?
Affnoon asj wavey

Please give us your take on the Gov't saddling the working people of Guyana with 16% VAT - VAT today nets around 8 billion more than it did 4 years ago - and then taking that money to engorge themselves. Not just through corruption by paying contractors for the same work over over, but by engaging in wasteful expenditure such as on Jamzone and Feminition, and by filling their pockets directly.

The pension package of the President and Opposition Leader is some $4.5 million a month, or US$750 a day, when the working person's old age pension is $7,500 a month or US$1.25 per day - and these people have to attain the age of 60, while the President and Opposition Leader get theirs upon demitting office regardless of age. Because the Berbice Bridge is being used to fatten favoured investors, poor people have to pay $600 per day for their children to cross to go to school in New Amsterdam. Gail Texeira, a Presidential advisor, is paid G$880,000 per month, or US$145 per day, and Odinga Lumumba, another advisor is paid G$660,000 per month or US$110 per day. For purely propaganda work, Dr Randy Persaud was reputed to have been paid US$10,000 per month plus benefits and allowances for the year he was here, and Dr Misir is reputed to be paid the same for the two jobs he holds, totalling some US$220,000 per year.
Originally posted by asj:

Important to note that Guyana were once like this

Voters in the coming elections will not want us to go back to this way of living. So there is only one sensible choice and that is


Ah have you ever been to plastic city or pigeon island it is worse than this. Do not be fooled by the nice houses you drive past on the road guh in de back of dem street lil bit budday boy.
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Affnoon asj wavey

Please give us your take on the Gov't saddling the working people of Guyana with 16% VAT - VAT today nets around 8 billion more than it did 4 years ago - and then taking that money to engorge themselves. Not just through corruption by paying contractors for the same work over over, but by engaging in wasteful expenditure such as on Jamzone and Feminition, and by filling their pockets directly.

The pension package of the President and Opposition Leader is some $4.5 million a month, or US$750 a day, when the working person's old age pension is $7,500 a month or US$1.25 per day - and these people have to attain the age of 60, while the President and Opposition Leader get theirs upon demitting office regardless of age. Because the Berbice Bridge is being used to fatten favoured investors, poor people have to pay $600 per day for their children to cross to go to school in New Amsterdam. Gail Texeira, a Presidential advisor, is paid G$880,000 per month, or US$145 per day, and Odinga Lumumba, another advisor is paid G$660,000 per month or US$110 per day. For purely propaganda work, Dr Randy Persaud was reputed to have been paid US$10,000 per month plus benefits and allowances for the year he was here, and Dr Misir is reputed to be paid the same for the two jobs he holds, totalling some US$220,000 per year.

Hi Gerhard, whats up bro, man! I saw you on TV the other night and my my, surely a Bollywood Material....and that is meant as a compliment.

I know that there is dissatisfaction with the VAT but as unpopular as it may be, I can only think of good things the the Government might have used this for, and the only way to get this information is for the opposition to table this as a motion and get same in parliament, I would love to hear how this fund is being used. Speculations of its usage, means nothing.

I lived in Guyana and I lived in the USA and I can tell you that medical expenses costs a fortune in the USA, and now in Guyana everyone can go to a health clinic in their respective district and gets free medical attention. I will not attempt to explain all or any of the points taken up by you as I cannot. What I know is that the PPP/C has moved Guyana foward since they have taken over in 1991. Have they made mistakes? certainly they have, and they can only learn from some of those mistakes. My honest belief is that only the PPP/C can take Guyana foward.

Ah have you ever been to plastic city or pigeon island it is worse than this. Do not be fooled by the nice houses you drive past on the road guh in de back of dem street lil bit budday boy.

Bai I do not know where is Pigeon Island or Plastic City, but what I know is that the Village District cleans these areas and then weeks after it gets back to the same insanitary conditions as it were before......cant blame the PPP/C for that or can we?

Originally posted by asj:
Ah have you ever been to plastic city or pigeon island it is worse than this. Do not be fooled by the nice houses you drive past on the road guh in de back of dem street lil bit budday boy.

Bai I do not know where is Pigeon Island or Plastic City, but what I know is that the Village District cleans these areas and then weeks after it gets back to the same insanitary conditions as it were before......cant blame the PPP/C for that or can we?


Listen up ASJ PPP ultimately is responsible do not pass the buck, we are responsible for all of this because if we had held local govt elections for 15 years this would not be an issue.

We have failed to create competition for these jobs and thus we have a bunch of incompetent nincompoops all over the place who his excellency should fire.
Originally posted by Horse Man:
Originally posted by asj:
Ah have you ever been to plastic city or pigeon island it is worse than this. Do not be fooled by the nice houses you drive past on the road guh in de back of dem street lil bit budday boy.

Bai I do not know where is Pigeon Island or Plastic City, but what I know is that the Village District cleans these areas and then weeks after it gets back to the same insanitary conditions as it were before......cant blame the PPP/C for that or can we?


Listen up ASJ PPP ultimately is responsible do not pass the buck, we are responsible for all of this because if we had held local govt elections for 15 years this would not be an issue.

We have failed to create competition for these jobs and thus we have a bunch of incompetent nincompoops all over the place who his excellency should fire.

It is simple logic, do not know what rationale you are using, to get at your way of thinking but, me, I would blame the irresponsible persons in the community for dumping their garbage all over the place.

Now if you are telling me that the PPP/C should prosecute those that dumps without a concern and they are not doing their job, then I might agree with you.

Originally posted by asj: Hi Gerhard, whats up bro, man! I saw you on TV the other night and my my, surely a Bollywood Material....and that is meant as a compliment.

I know that there is dissatisfaction with the VAT but as unpopular as it may be, I can only think of good things the the Government might have used this for, and the only way to get this information is for the opposition to table this as a motion and get same in parliament, I would love to hear how this fund is being used. Speculations of its usage, means nothing.

I lived in Guyana and I lived in the USA and I can tell you that medical expenses costs a fortune in the USA, and now in Guyana everyone can go to a health clinic in their respective district and gets free medical attention. I will not attempt to explain all or any of the points taken up by you as I cannot. What I know is that the PPP/C has moved Guyana foward since they have taken over in 1991. Have they made mistakes? certainly they have, and they can only learn from some of those mistakes. My honest belief is that only the PPP/C can take Guyana foward.
Hey bro, thanks, and I know you are sincere Smile

Now to what takes place in Guyana. No sane person will say there is no progress. Of course there has, and a lot has been achieved. If you saw my Bartica thread you'd see I praised the Gov't school at 3 Mile as the best I have ever seen in Guyana.

Here is the problem, asj: Since Dr Jagan died, and in particular since 2001, the PPP has been ensuring that its favoured people progress more than the rest of the country, which of course, includes its own people in Gov't as I mentioned earlier in this thread. Now let me take you back to the 1985 to 1992 period. No one will deny that progress was made in that time too. In fact, asj, that is when our business made the most money ever. During that time we were able to purchase 4 scrapped German trucks, a reconditioned Toyota pickup, a reconditioned Nissan wagon, 2 cars when the German consulate closed down, and 3 scrapped Russian Nivas from Freedom House. Out of the three Nivas we got one and donated it fully to the 1992 campaign. All of the other vehicles, including two German trucks also served in the 1992 campaign.

The point is asj, we were doing so well back then that we could have afforded to do all those things. We had a booming resort and flower business much the same way many are doing well today. Now despite the progress, what we voted the PNC out for was the squandermania, waste, mismanagement, nepotism, cronyism and corruption. Back them we abhorred the Guyana Chronicle and GBC because they were PNC agencies. Today asj, is not very different to then; undeniable progress, but the working people still burdened and with all that I have mentioned.

Last night I spoke at Herstelling, and I connected with the truck drivers in the community, who today are not getting work for their 7 tonne trucks because of all the 3 and 4 axle trucks. On the surface, asj, you may say this is the price of progress. But look at it this way: these large truck are designed with North American and European roads in mind. The consequent damage they do is paid for out of the taxes of the very small truckers who now can barely compete. Were this Gov't a truly working class Gov't that not only cared for the working people, but how taxes are spent on road repairs, it would have applied weight and speed restrictions according the physical limits of the road and the communities the roads pass through. This would have allowed the small truckers to compete and not have to sell their trucks or have to work for the bigger contractors.

Today too, asj, contracts, just as under the PNC, are only given to favoured people who hardly ever provide employment in the communities they work in. This is something Dr Jagan spoke out against vehemently, and of course, the squandermania, waste, mismanagement, nepotism, cronyism and corruption. asj, from where you are, you wouldn't know the anger the working people feel, and this includes former diehard PPP supporters. You may think I am but thumping my chest, but the elections results will show which of us had the correct perception.

Important to note too, you asked why we don't raise this in Parliament; well the AFC piloted the Freedom of Information Act since 2006 which the President repeatedly promised to make into law, but never did. What we have today is a watered down version which is not even in force as yet. This is what the PPP has become, not very different to the PNC, asj.

When you have a moment please see this thread:

In the meantime you and I will remain friends, and I am sure, after the elections too wavey
albert, please relate your saying the PPP is a working class Government with them saddling the working people of Guyana with 16% VAT - VAT today nets around 8 billion more than it did 4 years ago - and then taking that money to engorge themselves. Not just through corruption by paying contractors for the same work over over, but by engaging in wasteful expenditure such as on Jamzone and Feminition, and by filling their pockets directly.

The pension package of the President and Opposition Leader is some $4.5 million a month, or US$750 a day, when the working person's old age pension is $7,500 a month or US$1.25 per day - and these people have to attain the age of 60, while the President and Opposition Leader get theirs upon demitting office regardless of age. Because the Berbice Bridge is being used to fatten favoured investors, poor people have to pay $600 per day for their children to cross to go to school in New Amsterdam. Gail Texeira, a Presidential advisor, is paid G$880,000 per month, or US$145 per day, and Odinga Lumumba, another advisor is paid G$660,000 per month or US$110 per day. For purely propaganda work, Dr Randy Persaud was reputed to have been paid US$10,000 per month plus benefits and allowances for the year he was here, and Dr Misir is reputed to be paid the same for the two jobs he holds, totalling some US$220,000 per year.

These things, and more, are not only what Mr Ramotar is aware of, but he voted for the President's and Opposition Leader's pension packages as well. So please illuminate us too, on how this is "the Beacon of Cheddi Jagan".
Originally posted by albert:
No amount of character assasination by snakeoil vendors of the cakeshop party.....can hurt the people party....the people's choice....the people's progressive party.....I landslide victory is near...I victory for the P.P.P/C is a victory for all Guyanese...
Still, albert, please relate your saying the PPP is a working class Government with them saddling the working people of Guyana with 16% VAT - VAT today nets around 8 billion more than it did 4 years ago - and then taking that money to engorge themselves. Not just through corruption by paying contractors for the same work over over, but by engaging in wasteful expenditure such as on Jamzone and Feminition, and by filling their pockets directly.

The pension package of the President and Opposition Leader is some $4.5 million a month, or US$750 a day, when the working person's old age pension is $7,500 a month or US$1.25 per day - and these people have to attain the age of 60, while the President and Opposition Leader get theirs upon demitting office regardless of age. Because the Berbice Bridge is being used to fatten favoured investors, poor people have to pay $600 per day for their children to cross to go to school in New Amsterdam. Gail Texeira, a Presidential advisor, is paid G$880,000 per month, or US$145 per day, and Odinga Lumumba, another advisor is paid G$660,000 per month or US$110 per day. For purely propaganda work, Dr Randy Persaud was reputed to have been paid US$10,000 per month plus benefits and allowances for the year he was here, and Dr Misir is reputed to be paid the same for the two jobs he holds, totalling some US$220,000 per year.

These things, and more, are not only what Mr Ramotar is aware of, but he voted for the President's and Opposition Leader's pension packages as well. So please illuminate us too, on how this is "the Beacon of Cheddi Jagan".
Gerhard it appears you wanna paint a dirty picture of the present admnistration and the expenditures of the state.....and delibrating omitting that those expenditures are being spent on the working class of the country...a simple glance at the National Budget will illustrate where the bulk of the tax payers money is being spent.....on the social sector...that is of most benefit to all citizens...especially those of the working class...
Originally posted by albert:
Gerhard it appears you wanna paint a dirty picture of the present admnistration and the expenditures of the state.....and delibrating omitting that those expenditures are being spent on the working class of the country...a simple glance at the National Budget will illustrate where the bulk of the tax payers money is being spent.....on the social sector...that is of most benefit to all citizens...especially those of the working class...
albert address what I have I said: The PPP has saddled the working people of Guyana with 16% VAT - VAT today nets around 8 billion more than it did 4 years ago - and then taking that money to engorge themselves. Not just through corruption by paying contractors for the same work over over, but by engaging in wasteful expenditure such as on Jamzone and Feminition, and by filling their pockets directly.

The pension package of the President and Opposition Leader is some $4.5 million a month, or US$750 a day, when the working person's old age pension is $7,500 a month or US$1.25 per day - and these people have to attain the age of 60, while the President and Opposition Leader get theirs upon demitting office regardless of age. Because the Berbice Bridge is being used to fatten favoured investors, poor people have to pay $600 per day for their children to cross to go to school in New Amsterdam. Gail Texeira, a Presidential advisor, is paid G$880,000 per month, or US$145 per day, and Odinga Lumumba, another advisor is paid G$660,000 per month or US$110 per day. For purely propaganda work, Dr Randy Persaud was reputed to have been paid US$10,000 per month plus benefits and allowances for the year he was here, and Dr Misir is reputed to be paid the same for the two jobs he holds, totalling some US$220,000 per year.

I am not saying the Gov't has not spent in other areas. But address what I have stated. Let us know if there are any inaccuracies in my statement. Thank you, albert.
Originally posted by albert:
There is continuous progress in Guyana under the P.P.P/C....with the envitable acension to office of Donald Romatar...progress will continue
albert, will you address what I have I said?

"The PPP has saddled the working people of Guyana with 16% VAT - VAT today nets around 8 billion more than it did 4 years ago - and then have taken a lot of that money to engorge themselves. Not just through corruption by paying contractors for the same work over over, but by engaging in wasteful expenditure such as on Jamzone and Feminition, and by filling their pockets directly.

The pension package of the President and Opposition Leader is some $4.5 million a month, or US$750 a day, when the working person's old age pension is $7,500 a month or US$1.25 per day - and these people have to attain the age of 60, while the President and Opposition Leader get theirs upon demitting office regardless of age. Because the Berbice Bridge is being used to fatten favoured investors, poor people have to pay $600 per day for their children to cross to go to school in New Amsterdam. Gail Texeira, a Presidential advisor, is paid G$880,000 per month, or US$145 per day, and Odinga Lumumba, another advisor is paid G$660,000 per month or US$110 per day. For purely propaganda work, Dr Randy Persaud was reputed to have been paid US$10,000 per month plus benefits and allowances for the year he was here, and Dr Misir is reputed to be paid the same for the two jobs he holds, totalling some US$220,000 per year."

I am not saying the Gov't has not spent in other areas. But address what I have stated. Let us know if there are any inaccuracies in my statement. Thank you, albert.

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