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Gerhard it appears you wanna paint a dirty picture of the present admnistration and the expenditures of the state.....and delibrating omitting that those expenditures are being spent on the working class of the country...a simple glance at the National Budget will illustrate where the bulk of the tax payers money is being spent.....on the social sector...that is of most benefit to all citizens...especially those of the working class...

Rethoric from the cake shop gathering is not unexcepted
Originally posted by albert:
Gerhard it appears you wanna paint a dirty picture of the present admnistration and the expenditures of the state.....and delibrating omitting that those expenditures are being spent on the working class of the country...a simple glance at the National Budget will illustrate where the bulk of the tax payers money is being spent.....on the social sector...that is of most benefit to all citizens...especially those of the working class...

Rethoric from the cake shop gathering is not unexcepted
albert! Have you now resorted to talking to yourself? Really?!

Now albert, the PPP has saddled the working people of Guyana with 16% VAT - VAT today nets around 8 billion more than it did 4 years ago - and then have taken a lot of that money to engorge themselves. Not just through corruption by paying contractors for the same work over over, but by engaging in wasteful expenditure such as on Jamzone and Feminition, and by filling their pockets directly.

The pension package of the President and Opposition Leader is some $4.5 million a month, or US$750 a day, when the working person's old age pension is $7,500 a month or US$1.25 per day - and these people have to attain the age of 60, while the President and Opposition Leader get theirs upon demitting office regardless of age. Because the Berbice Bridge is being used to fatten favoured investors, poor people have to pay $600 per day for their children to cross to go to school in New Amsterdam. Gail Texeira, a Presidential advisor, is paid G$880,000 per month, or US$145 per day, and Odinga Lumumba, another advisor is paid G$660,000 per month or US$110 per day. For purely propaganda work, Dr Randy Persaud was reputed to have been paid US$10,000 per month plus benefits and allowances for the year he was here, and Dr Misir is reputed to be paid the same for the two jobs he holds, totalling some US$220,000 per year.

Wouldn't it have led to greater progress for the working people if some of this money were going to the social sector? And albert, you are making a shameless admission to these obscenities and you are trying to justify them too! You are in effect saying to the working people, "Be grateful for what we give you, don't worry with what we give to ourselves." Shame, albert, shame.

All sea defence structures in the eight districts across Guyana have been completed - Public Works Ministry.

The sea and river defence unit of the Public Works Ministry is reporting that all sea defence structures in all eight districts across Guyana have been completed last month.

According to the unit’s report for may 2011the maintenance programme has been approved some $189.8M for 2011 works, including rehabilitation of earthen embankments, repairs to revetments and packing of sand and earth filled bags to prevent overtopping. During the month of May, there were two spring tide events which prompted the sea and river defence unit at the Ministry of Public Works to take steps in ensuring residents are protected from flooding or reduce the effects.

Many low -lying communities along the coast require sea defence works to protect their villages from sea level rise, which is also attributed to climatic changes.

Districts three, four and five were engaged in packing sand and earth filled bags during the spring tide periods of April 1 to May 7; and May 15 to May 21, to ensure overtopping was minimized in these communities.

The Sea Defence Unit in its report for the month of May said in an effort to safeguard these communities, it embarked on a rigorous programme to have sea and river defence works expedited with several contracts recently awarded to contractors such as BK international.

The unit says works at Zeelugt on the West Coast of Demerara are now 60 percent complete and at park 80 percent complete.

Sea and river defence works under the Ninth European Development Fund at Springlands is completed, Clonbrook 93 percent complete and works at Kitty are complete as well.

However, some areas like Non- Pariel, Coldigen, La Bonne Intention and Chateau Margot on the East Coast of Demerara are behind schedule, while other areas required a change in the scope of works and redesign in construction.



Impress Youth Conference and Expo attracts capacity crowd

REVOLUTIONARY, refreshing and re-energizing best describe the Impress Youth Conference and Expo, held under the theme: ‘Making our Mark’, which attracted thousands of Guyanese youths at the Guyana International Conference Centre (GICC), Liliendaal, yesterday.
President Bharrat Jagdeo emphasizes the importance of youth involvement to the PPP/C at the opening of the Impress Youth Conference and Expo yesterday

Young people from all strata of Guyanese society converged on the centre to participate in the event geared towards connecting and engaging young people and policy makers for the expansion and creation of opportunities, while encouraging participation in policy-making and social awareness.
In his presentation at the opening ceremony, President Bharrat Jagdeo pointed out that the PPP/C relies on the youths of this nation for inspiration to develop policies and programmes geared towards overall growth and development.
The Head of State emphasized to the massive gathering that the work they undertake at the event will serve as a guide for the party over the next five years in government.
“ Your ideas here can become policy; make sure you grasp this opportunity as not many people have ever had that, no other political party has organized this type of conference to bring young people together to contribute to their agenda for running this country; this is a continuous aim of the PPP,” he emphasized.
Jagdeo urged them to learn about what the country was like before the PPP/C assumed office in 1992, and not to listen to persons in society who are bent on “distorting” the history of the party.
He reminded of a time when citizens were arrested for having certain food items, like bread, or for speaking out against the government.
Alluding to the progress made over the years, Jagdeo stated, “We have freedom today in this country , no one gets locked up for criticising the government, newspapers could freely publish, you have real freedom, people do not have to belong to a political party to get a job. This is the Guyana that we have come into; I want you to read about that era, because if you do not have a sense of how far we have come, there will be nothing to defend, because you will not see the progress made in this country.”

The president also took the opportunity to highlight to the crowd the cardinal principles of the oldest ruling party, which includes ensuring that Guyana move forward, that there is economic and social growth, and that all of the people of the country benefit from this; and an aggressive fight against racism to ensure that Guyanese remain united as one people.
These basic tenets still remain the primary objective of the PPP/C today, even as the Presidential Candidate, Mr. Donald Ramotar, is poised to take over the helm of the party, President Jagdeo assured.
He urged the youths to join in the fight against racism and prejudice.
“This country makes progress when all of its people do well; that is what we need to fight for, bringing people together. Do not be prejudiced by people who live in the past, as they have lived their lives in bitterness; as young members you have to promise that in every way, you will fight against this,” the President advocated.
He encouraged participants to express themselves during the break-out sessions, and to say what they think the party should focus on as it moves forward.
PPP Presidential Candidate and General Secretary, Donald Ramotar, emphasised that youths are the main stakeholders in what is taking place in the country, and as such their continued involvement is vital to the party’s agenda.
According to Ramotar, young people have always been at the center of the PPP/C, which has always fought for their rights, and has blazed the trail at every important juncture in merging with youth and in creating better conditions for them.
“I am looking forward to hearing your views and ideas as we are preparing and finalising the manifesto so that you who are here will be able to have a direct input in this important work, so that we can build a better and brighter Guyana,” he said.
He too reminded participants that the PPP was founded by young people, much like them, who were fighting for the liberation of all Guyanese people during the 1950s.

As to the important role played by young people throughout the party’s history, he said, “Comrade Cheddi Jagan was only 32 in 1950, and in 1953 the first democratically elected government in our country again was founded by young people; Cheddi Jagan was 35 years at that time, the same age that Comrade Bharrat Jagdeo was when he assumed the presidency of Guyana in 1999.”
On this note, the Presidential Candidate highlighted the importance of youth involvement, even at this stage in the country’s history, and assured that the PPP/C will continue to represent this group.
He stated, “We have always kept faith in our young people; and because we have a deep foundation in youth, we have always championed their cause. Many who fought in the 28 years of opposition are national leaders in our country, and we have never lost faith in youths, which is why we have promoted young people to be at center of operations.”
Other ministers of government also addressed the gathering, including Minister of Agriculture, Robert Persaud; Minister of Public Services; Jennifer Westford; and Minister of Culture Youth and Sport, Dr. Frank Anthony, who offered a special tribute in recognition of International Youth Day, to be celebrated today.
The Impress Youth Conference and Expo provided a platform for the mainstreaming of young people and youth issues as part of the continued fortification and expansion of Guyana’s democracy.
Discussions were centered on three main themes: expanding opportunities for young people in a changing economic environment, facilitated by Minister of Finance, Dr. Ashni Singh; transformation and modernization agenda of Guyana, facilitated by Minister of Housing and Water, Irfaan Ali; and confronting social and cultural challenges in a diverse society, facilitated by Reverend Kwame Gilbert, MP.
The GICC was filled to capacity yesterday, as thousands of youths thronged the venue to participate in meaningful discourse and to harness as much as possible from the ground-breaking event.

Alluding to the progress made over the years, Jagdeo stated, “We have freedom today in this country , no one gets locked up for criticising the government, newspapers could freely publish, you have real freedom, people do not have to belong to a political party to get a job. This is the Guyana that we have come into; I want you to read about that era, because if you do not have a sense of how far we have come, there will be nothing to defend, because you will not see the progress made in this country.”


PPP/C Gov’t scholarship programme unparalleled, continuous – Minister Westford
14 August 2011

Over 2,800 youths have benefitted from tertiary level training under the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) administration; an achievement which Minister of Public Service Dr. Jennifer Westford said is unparalleled.
“Let us think about any other country in this hemisphere or out of this hemisphere who would have given the opportunity for its citizens, especially its young citizens to be trained free of cost, â€Ķ there is no other country, no other government that can boast of this development and we must give credit where credit is due,” Minister Westford said.
She was at the time addressing over 5,000 youths who had gathered at the Guyana International Conference Centre (GICC) for the first ever Impress, Youth Expo, organized by the PPP/C to create a forum for youths to disseminate ideas and seek clarification from Government officials on its policies and programmes for development.
Minister Westford was one of several government officials who addressed the youths, encouraging them to value the treasures of education and aim for the sky which she said is the limit of success.
Minister Westford who holds a masters degree in international studies shared some of her earlier academic training as a Cuban scholarship awardee.

“As I look around today I see faces, I see expressions, I see persons who want something, who are looking for something that is out there something that they can reach for and let me assure you that something is with your grasp. Without a doubt and we hear this many times and its being said that our young people are the future of our country and I believe that and I know many of you believe it, generally young persons have a lot of vigor, you have a lot of vitally, you’re innovative, you’re willing energetic and more so optimistic and that optimism is what we need in the Guyana,” Minister Westford said.
Youth development has been one of the main pillars of the PPP/C administration since taking office in 1992 according to Minister Westford and was the motivating factor behind President Jagdeo sealing an accord with then Cuban President Fidel Castro for 500 scholarships in medicine in 1992.
“Imagine that 500 of our young Guyanese, our brilliant Guyanese being trained as medical doctors, coming back to this country to serve our people. What a great idea, what a great vision of this young man who led our country,” Minister Westford said.
The cadre of trained professionals also included veterinary doctors and engineers, agricultural scientists, meteorologists, engineers, agronomists.
Within this group are six from the hinterland who have returned as medical doctors and are serving their communities. Reference was also made to Wowetta, Region Nine Senior Counsellor, Bertie Xavier who sits on the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues.
“With all the talk that we hear from our developed countries about rights for indigenous people and human rights, tell me which of those countries can boast about giving equal opportunities and rights to their indigenous people as we are doing here in our country. I can answer, none of them,” Minister Westford said.
With the Information Communication Technology (ICT) sector rapidly emerging in Guyana, Minister Westford said the endless benefits to youths have been the reason so much attention has been given to technology and youth.

there is no other country, no other government that can boast of this development and we must give credit where credit is due,” Minister Westford said.
She was at the time addressing over 5,000 youths who had gathered at the Guyana International Conference Centre (GICC) for the first ever Impress, Youth Expo, organized by the PPP/C to create a forum for youths to disseminate ideas and seek clarification from Government officials on its policies and programmes for development.
Originally posted by albert:
The Guyanese populace are in full support of the P.P.P/C....they will endorse the party with the mantle of governance...and let progress continue
albert, the PPP has saddled the working people of Guyana with 16% VAT - VAT today nets around 8 billion more than it did 4 years ago - and then have taken a lot of that money to engorge themselves. Not just through corruption by paying contractors for the same work over over, but by engaging in wasteful expenditure such as on Jamzone and Feminition, and by filling their pockets directly.

The pension package of the President and Opposition Leader is some $4.5 million a month, or US$750 a day, when the working person's old age pension is $7,500 a month or US$1.25 per day - and these people have to attain the age of 60, while the President and Opposition Leader get theirs upon demitting office regardless of age. Because the Berbice Bridge is being used to fatten favoured investors, poor people have to pay $600 per day for their children to cross to go to school in New Amsterdam. Gail Texeira, a Presidential advisor, is paid G$880,000 per month, or US$145 per day, and Odinga Lumumba, another advisor is paid G$660,000 per month or US$110 per day. For purely propaganda work, Dr Randy Persaud was reputed to have been paid US$10,000 per month plus benefits and allowances for the year he was here, and Dr Misir is reputed to be paid the same for the two jobs he holds, totalling some US$220,000 per year.

Wouldn't it have led to greater progress for the working people if some of this money were going to the social sector? And albert, you are making a shameless admission to these obscenities and you are trying to justify them too! You are in effect saying to the working people, "Be grateful for what we give you, don't worry with what we give to ourselves." Shame, albert, shame.
Gerald your Campaign rethoric about VAT and how much who work for...its quite distasteful and is totally irrelevant to this thread.....

Day in day out....Gerald repeats his campaign rethoric....One day the snake oil salesman/ failed horiculturist will let his conscience be his guide and realize that Guyanese is on the road of progress under the P.P.P/C administration....a fact he could never deny
Originally posted by albert:
Gerald your Campaign rethoric about VAT and how much who work for...its quite distasteful and is totally irrelevant to this thread.....

Day in day out....Gerald repeats his campaign rethoric....One day the snake oil salesman/ failed horiculturist will let his conscience be his guide and realize that Guyanese is on the road of progress under the P.P.P/C administration....a fact he could never deny

Parbatti quit repeating you self from one thread to another.
Change your GINA printed sheet every now and again. You confusing the PPP voters.
Originally posted by albert:
Gerald your Campaign rethoric about VAT and how much who work for...its quite distasteful and is totally irrelevant to this thread.....

Day in day out....Gerald repeats his campaign rethoric....One day the snake oil salesman/ failed horiculturist will let his conscience be his guide and realize that Guyanese is on the road of progress under the P.P.P/C administration....a fact he could never deny

On the road to progress alright, to Surinaam and the islands.
Originally posted by albert:
The administration is investing highly in the social sector which is of benefit to all especially citizens of the working class....19 years of progress....under the people party...the peoples progressive party
albert, the PPP has saddled the working people of Guyana with 16% VAT - VAT today nets around 8 billion more than it did 4 years ago - and then have taken a lot of that money to engorge themselves. Not just through corruption by paying contractors for the same work over over, but by engaging in wasteful expenditure such as on Jamzone and Feminition, and by filling their pockets directly.

The pension package of the President and Opposition Leader is some $4.5 million a month, or US$750 a day, when the working person's old age pension is $7,500 a month or US$1.25 per day - and these people have to attain the age of 60, while the President and Opposition Leader get theirs upon demitting office regardless of age. Because the Berbice Bridge is being used to fatten favoured investors, poor people have to pay $600 per day for their children to cross to go to school in New Amsterdam. Gail Texeira, a Presidential advisor, is paid G$880,000 per month, or US$145 per day, and Odinga Lumumba, another advisor is paid G$660,000 per month or US$110 per day. For purely propaganda work, Dr Randy Persaud was reputed to have been paid US$10,000 per month plus benefits and allowances for the year he was here, and Dr Misir is reputed to be paid the same for the two jobs he holds, totalling some US$220,000 per year.

Wouldn't it have led to greater progress for the working people if some of this money were going to the social sector? And albert, you are making a shameless admission to these obscenities and you are trying to justify them too! You are in effect saying to the working people, "Be grateful for what we give you, don't worry with what we give to ourselves." Shame, albert, shame.
Originally posted by asj:
Alluding to the progress made over the years, Jagdeo stated, “We have freedom today in this country , no one gets locked up for criticising the government, newspapers could freely publish, you have real freedom, people do not have to belong to a political party to get a job. This is the Guyana that we have come into; I want you to read about that era, because if you do not have a sense of how far we have come, there will be nothing to defend, because you will not see the progress made in this country.”


OK only Indians head the 41 govt commissions, committees, corporations etc. And blacks in Guyana who point this out face vicious and subtle retaliation aimed at destroying them or driving them out of Guyana.

No need for prisons when some goon can be paid to attack for a couple of dollars.
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
, Dr Randy Persaud was reputed to have been paid US$10,000 per month plus benefits and allowances for the year he was here, and Dr Misir is reputed to be paid the same for the two jobs he holds, totalling some US$220,000 per year.[/IMG]

Yet teachers at QC are reputed to earn as little as US$350/month. This is why the better ones either flee to Barbados or force the kids to attend their after hours classes.

Tuesday, 23 August 2011 02:50
- as part of a larger $254 million project
THE National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA) yesterday commissioned a rehabilitated pump station at Victoria on the East Coast of Demerara, part of a larger $254 million project within the Golden Grove-Victoria area.
The project is part of the Agricultural Support Services Project (ASSP) of the Ministry of Agriculture, according to CEO of the NDIA Mr. Lionel Wordsworth.

He said the project represents the kind of investment that the Government, through the Ministry of Agriculture, is making in the agriculture sector. Wordsworth said that a similar project is to be executed at Black Bush Polder in Berbice.
He said too, that there will be a new sluice built at Buxton and a new pump station at Greenfield, both East Coast Demerara communities. The rehabilitation of three pump stations at Victoria, Craig Milne and Cane Grove cost a total of $161 million.Minister of Agriculture Robert Persaud speaking at the commissioning of the rehabilitated pump station at Victoria yesterday.

Wordsworth said that about 20 percent of land clearing activity is left for completion in the backlands of Victoria and adjoining villages and these works would be completed shortly.
Speaking at the ceremony, Minister of Agriculture Mr. Robert Persaud said the improvement of the drainage and irrigation structures in the village is hoped to catalyse a very vibrant agriculture sector.
He said Government takes the issue of food production and providing opportunities for all very seriously. “We hope that it will generate incentives for the young and old,” the Minister said.

He also spoke of the opportunities that have been presented with the upward movement of food prices in recent months, indicating that Guyana’s farmers can take advantage of these. The Minister said that many countries are counting on Guyana to meet its full potential in agriculture productivity.
“We are setting the foundation for farmers to produce and take advantage of the opportunities. I want to give you a commitment that we will be receiving several excavators and bulldozers,” he said, adding that one of the bulldozers will be dedicated to clearing and developing farm to market access roads.
“I like the call for the community to take ownership [of the works being done],” the minister said. He added, “With all that is being done, if the farmers do not go back to the land, the investments will not be worth their while.”
Speaking in admiration of the approach of the community which has a strong community development group, the Minister said that they must ensure that Victoria becomes a model community for others to emulate. He said that the response of the people of Victoria to the Government’s mangrove project has been exemplary. A section of the gathering at yesterday’s commissioning ceremony. “We have to reactivate the spirit of the 83 slaves who bought Victoria. They went forward with commitment and vigour and we need to do the same,” he said.The rehabilitated pump station at Victoria. (Adrian Narine photos)

The Chairman of the group outlined a number of agricultural initiatives that he said the community would be willing to embark upon with some backing from Government. He said there is no need for anyone to be out of work in the community with all of the agricultural and related entrepreneurial possibilities that exist in the village.
Saul also spoke of pig rearing, coconut production and canning of food items which he said could catapult the community into a coastal supplier of food.
Last Updated ( Tuesday, 23 August 2011 03:00 )


Tuesday, 23 August 2011 02:50
- as part of a larger $254 million project
THE National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA) yesterday commissioned a rehabilitated pump station at Victoria on the East Coast of Demerara, part of a larger $254 million project within the Golden Grove-Victoria area.
The project is part of the Agricultural Support Services Project (ASSP) of the Ministry of Agriculture, according to CEO of the NDIA Mr. Lionel Wordsworth.

BTW, has Mr. Wordsworth or his wife been able to provide an adequate explanation of how the acquistion of that Bel Air Park house was achieved on their salaries; and has Mr. Kurshid Sattaur adequately protected the interests of the Guyanese taxpayer by reconciling their income to their propertied and material expenditures as he has done with Freddie Kissoon for example?
Originally posted by albert:
Gerhard it appears you wanna paint a dirty picture of the present admnistration and the expenditures of the state.....and delibrating omitting that those expenditures are being spent on the working class of the country... a simple glance at the National Budget will illustrate where the bulk of the tax payers money is being spent. ....on the social sector...that is of most benefit to all citizens...especially those of the working class...

How about if we took a real good look instead of a simple glance, wanna bet the scenery changes?
Originally posted by squingy:
Tuesday, 23 August 2011 02:50
- as part of a larger $254 million project
THE National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA) yesterday commissioned a rehabilitated pump station at Victoria on the East Coast of Demerara, part of a larger $254 million project within the Golden Grove-Victoria area.
The project is part of the Agricultural Support Services Project (ASSP) of the Ministry of Agriculture, according to CEO of the NDIA Mr. Lionel Wordsworth.

BTW, has Mr. Wordsworth or his wife been able to provide an adequate explanation of how the acquistion of that Bel Air Park house was achieved on their salaries; and has Mr. Kurshid Sattaur adequately protected the interests of the Guyanese taxpayer by reconciling their income to their propertied and material expenditures as he has done with Freddie Kissoon for example?

He could have taken a loan from the Bank, or he could have come in to some unexpected finances or better yet, he and his wife could have had a savings. Once he has filed his taxes yearly, there is no reason that Mr Khurshid Sattaur should be involved. The thing is with you AFC guys, you are quick to pull the trigger and shout 'thief' with no conceivable evidence, you guys are like the kid who cried 'wolf' Big Grin

Originally posted by albert:
The people will turned out in their thousands at rallies of the P.P.P/C...and on election day will put their X by the cup....thus ensuring progress to continue.....VOTE P.P.P/C
albert, the PPP has saddled the working people of Guyana with 16% VAT - VAT today nets around 8 billion more than it did 4 years ago - and then have taken a lot of that money to engorge themselves. Not just through corruption by paying contractors for the same work over over, but by engaging in wasteful expenditure such as on Jamzone and Feminition, and by filling their pockets directly.

The pension package of the President and Opposition Leader is some $4.5 million a month, or US$750 a day, when the working person's old age pension is $7,500 a month or US$1.25 per day - and these people have to attain the age of 60, while the President and Opposition Leader get theirs upon demitting office regardless of age. Because the Berbice Bridge is being used to fatten favoured investors, poor people have to pay $600 per day for their children to cross to go to school in New Amsterdam. Gail Texeira, a Presidential advisor, is paid G$880,000 per month, or US$145 per day, and Odinga Lumumba, another advisor is paid G$660,000 per month or US$110 per day. For purely propaganda work, Dr Randy Persaud was reputed to have been paid US$10,000 per month plus benefits and allowances for the year he was here, and Dr Misir is reputed to be paid the same for the two jobs he holds, totalling some US$220,000 per year.

Wouldn't it have led to greater progress for the working people if some of this money were going to the social sector? And albert, you are making a shameless admission to these obscenities and you are trying to justify them too! You are in effect saying to the working people, "Be grateful for what we give you, don't worry with what we give to ourselves." Shame, albert, shame. So why would they vote for this to continue, albert dunno
Gov’t committed to ensuring long term financial strength of NIS- Minister Singh

Wednesday, 24 August 2011 02:23

-at commissioning of reconstructed $69M office in Corriverton

The National Insurance Scheme (NIS) , Monday commissioned a $69M reconstructed office in Corriverton, Region 6, that will improve the quality of services being offered to the NIS clientele in that region. Speaking at the commissioning, Minister of Finance, Dr. Ashni Singh, said that that government has always been concerned about the welfare of citizens, and as such, it has no regrets when it comes to investing money for improved social services.

“Without a doubt also, this facility will contribute to a more comfortable environment for employees,” Minister Singh said.
Anyone traversing the region can bear testimony to the rapid transformation, such as “new buildings, more businesses and other infrastructure,” Minister Singh said.
This trend of development, he said, is not only confined to Region 6, but has been taking place across the country.

“NIS is a big institution and an institution like this does not make a decision to commission a new office in a casual manner; and so the decision to expand and modernise the services points to a deliberate judgment on the part of those charged with the administration of the institution and their optimism for the region’s development,” Minister Singh informed.
NIS, he said, is a strong institution which has grown over the years, from paid benefits of $100M in 2001 to $9B in 2010.
“Our government is firmly committed to ensuring the long-term financial strength of the schemeâ€Ķevery day thousands of pensioners and contributors get outstanding service from the staff of NIS,” Minister Singh said.

Minister Singh also urged the institution to accelerate its data base system, using new and improved technologies, to ensure that contributors can access service in a timely manner.Minister of Finance, Dr. Ashni Singh, addresses the gathering at the commissioning of the NIS Corriverton Office.

He also urged the scheme to fast track its public awareness campaigns, so as to make the public more informed, especially self-employed persons, about the benefits of having NIS.
Minister Singh also used the opportunity to inform residents about the many investments by government to improve their lives, including the US$34M road resurfacing programme (New Amsterdam to Moleson Creek), US$6.5M Black Bush Polder road, US$10M east and west Canje road, the Skeldon Sugar factory and the Berbice River Bridge.
Residents, he said, continue to feel the phenomenal impact of government’s investments in their region.
General Manager of NIS, Doreen Nelson, recommitted her dedication to ensuring that contributors have access to quality and speedy service. She also used the opportunity to share some of the challenges that the institution had to overcome to reach the point where it is today.
The NIS office in Corriverton was established in 1989.
Senior managers and members of the NIS board, including Chairman, Dr. Roger Luncheon, were also at the ceremony.


No $69M question, but how many people will this newly reno building gun bring back from the grave, to collect their NIS or will they remain dead according to the NIS.
You lucky you are not a pensioner in Guyana today, waiting hours in the sun and rain to collect their few dollars and when money is not available, they limp back home for another day.
Hope you don't mind, asj, but I will just bring forward our conversation:

Originally posted by asj: Hi Gerhard, whats up bro, man! I saw you on TV the other night and my my, surely a Bollywood Material....and that is meant as a compliment.

I know that there is dissatisfaction with the VAT but as unpopular as it may be, I can only think of good things the the Government might have used this for, and the only way to get this information is for the opposition to table this as a motion and get same in parliament, I would love to hear how this fund is being used. Speculations of its usage, means nothing.

I lived in Guyana and I lived in the USA and I can tell you that medical expenses costs a fortune in the USA, and now in Guyana everyone can go to a health clinic in their respective district and gets free medical attention. I will not attempt to explain all or any of the points taken up by you as I cannot. What I know is that the PPP/C has moved Guyana foward since they have taken over in 1991. Have they made mistakes? certainly they have, and they can only learn from some of those mistakes. My honest belief is that only the PPP/C can take Guyana foward.
Hey bro, thanks, and I know you are sincere Smile

Now to what takes place in Guyana. No sane person will say there is no progress. Of course there has, and a lot has been achieved. If you saw my Bartica thread you'd see I praised the Gov't school at 3 Mile as the best I have ever seen in Guyana.

Here is the problem, asj: Since Dr Jagan died, and in particular since 2001, the PPP has been ensuring that its favoured people progress more than the rest of the country, which of course, includes its own people in Gov't as I mentioned earlier in this thread. Now let me take you back to the 1985 to 1992 period. No one will deny that progress was made in that time too. In fact, asj, that is when our business made the most money ever. During that time we were able to purchase 4 scrapped German trucks, a reconditioned Toyota pickup, a reconditioned Nissan wagon, 2 cars when the German consulate closed down, and 3 scrapped Russian Nivas from Freedom House. Out of the three Nivas we got one and donated it fully to the 1992 campaign. All of the other vehicles, including two German trucks also served in the 1992 campaign.

The point is asj, we were doing so well back then that we could have afforded to do all those things. We had a booming resort and flower business much the same way many are doing well today. Now despite the progress, what we voted the PNC out for was the squandermania, waste, mismanagement, nepotism, cronyism and corruption. Back them we abhorred the Guyana Chronicle and GBC because they were PNC agencies. Today asj, is not very different to then; undeniable progress, but the working people still burdened and with all that I have mentioned.

Last night I spoke at Herstelling, and I connected with the truck drivers in the community, who today are not getting work for their 7 tonne trucks because of all the 3 and 4 axle trucks. On the surface, asj, you may say this is the price of progress. But look at it this way: these large truck are designed with North American and European roads in mind. The consequent damage they do is paid for out of the taxes of the very small truckers who now can barely compete. Were this Gov't a truly working class Gov't that not only cared for the working people, but how taxes are spent on road repairs, it would have applied weight and speed restrictions according the physical limits of the road and the communities the roads pass through. This would have allowed the small truckers to compete and not have to sell their trucks or have to work for the bigger contractors.

Today too, asj, contracts, just as under the PNC, are only given to favoured people who hardly ever provide employment in the communities they work in. This is something Dr Jagan spoke out against vehemently, and of course, the squandermania, waste, mismanagement, nepotism, cronyism and corruption. asj, from where you are, you wouldn't know the anger the working people feel, and this includes former diehard PPP supporters. You may think I am but thumping my chest, but the elections results will show which of us had the correct perception.

Important to note too, you asked why we don't raise this in Parliament; well the AFC piloted the Freedom of Information Act since 2006 which the President repeatedly promised to make into law, but never did. What we have today is a watered down version which is not even in force as yet. This is what the PPP has become, not very different to the PNC, asj.

When you have a moment please see this thread:

In the meantime you and I will remain friends, and I am sure, after the elections too wavey
albert, what is Cde Ramotar's position with regards to the PPP saddling the working people of Guyana with 16% VAT - VAT today nets around 8 billion more than it did 4 years ago - and then taking a lot of that money to engorge themselves? Not just through corruption by paying contractors for the same work over over, but by engaging in wasteful expenditure such as on Jamzone and Feminition, and by filling their pockets directly.

The pension package of the President and Opposition Leader is some $4.5 million a month, or US$750 a day, when the working person's old age pension is $7,500 a month or US$1.25 per day - and these people have to attain the age of 60, while the President and Opposition Leader get theirs upon demitting office regardless of age. Because the Berbice Bridge is being used to fatten favoured investors, poor people have to pay $600 per day for their children to cross to go to school in New Amsterdam. Gail Texeira, a Presidential advisor, is paid G$880,000 per month, or US$145 per day, and Odinga Lumumba, another advisor is paid G$660,000 per month or US$110 per day. For purely propaganda work, Dr Randy Persaud was reputed to have been paid US$10,000 per month plus benefits and allowances for the year he was here, and Dr Misir is reputed to be paid the same for the two jobs he holds, totalling some US$220,000 per year.

Is Cde Ramotar aware of all this, albert?
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Hope you don't mind, asj, but I will just bring forward our conversation:

Originally posted by asj: Hi Gerhard, whats up bro, man! I saw you on TV the other night and my my, surely a Bollywood Material....and that is meant as a compliment.

I know that there is dissatisfaction with the VAT but as unpopular as it may be, I can only think of good things the the Government might have used this for, and the only way to get this information is for the opposition to table this as a motion and get same in parliament, I would love to hear how this fund is being used. Speculations of its usage, means nothing.

I lived in Guyana and I lived in the USA and I can tell you that medical expenses costs a fortune in the USA, and now in Guyana everyone can go to a health clinic in their respective district and gets free medical attention. I will not attempt to explain all or any of the points taken up by you as I cannot. What I know is that the PPP/C has moved Guyana foward since they have taken over in 1991. Have they made mistakes? certainly they have, and they can only learn from some of those mistakes. My honest belief is that only the PPP/C can take Guyana foward.
Hey bro, thanks, and I know you are sincere Smile

Now to what takes place in Guyana. No sane person will say there is no progress. Of course there has, and a lot has been achieved. If you saw my Bartica thread you'd see I praised the Gov't school at 3 Mile as the best I have ever seen in Guyana.

Here is the problem, asj: Since Dr Jagan died, and in particular since 2001, the PPP has been ensuring that its favoured people progress more than the rest of the country, which of course, includes its own people in Gov't as I mentioned earlier in this thread. Now let me take you back to the 1985 to 1992 period. No one will deny that progress was made in that time too. In fact, asj, that is when our business made the most money ever. During that time we were able to purchase 4 scrapped German trucks, a reconditioned Toyota pickup, a reconditioned Nissan wagon, 2 cars when the German consulate closed down, and 3 scrapped Russian Nivas from Freedom House. Out of the three Nivas we got one and donated it fully to the 1992 campaign. All of the other vehicles, including two German trucks also served in the 1992 campaign.

The point is asj, we were doing so well back then that we could have afforded to do all those things. We had a booming resort and flower business much the same way many are doing well today. Now despite the progress, what we voted the PNC out for was the squandermania, waste, mismanagement, nepotism, cronyism and corruption. Back them we abhorred the Guyana Chronicle and GBC because they were PNC agencies. Today asj, is not very different to then; undeniable progress, but the working people still burdened and with all that I have mentioned.

Last night I spoke at Herstelling, and I connected with the truck drivers in the community, who today are not getting work for their 7 tonne trucks because of all the 3 and 4 axle trucks. On the surface, asj, you may say this is the price of progress. But look at it this way: these large truck are designed with North American and European roads in mind. The consequent damage they do is paid for out of the taxes of the very small truckers who now can barely compete. Were this Gov't a truly working class Gov't that not only cared for the working people, but how taxes are spent on road repairs, it would have applied weight and speed restrictions according the physical limits of the road and the communities the roads pass through. This would have allowed the small truckers to compete and not have to sell their trucks or have to work for the bigger contractors.

Today too, asj, contracts, just as under the PNC, are only given to favoured people who hardly ever provide employment in the communities they work in. This is something Dr Jagan spoke out against vehemently, and of course, the squandermania, waste, mismanagement, nepotism, cronyism and corruption. asj, from where you are, you wouldn't know the anger the working people feel, and this includes former diehard PPP supporters. You may think I am but thumping my chest, but the elections results will show which of us had the correct perception.

Important to note too, you asked why we don't raise this in Parliament; well the AFC piloted the Freedom of Information Act since 2006 which the President repeatedly promised to make into law, but never did. What we have today is a watered down version which is not even in force as yet. This is what the PPP has become, not very different to the PNC, asj.

When you have a moment please see this thread:

In the meantime you and I will remain friends, and I am sure, after the elections too wavey

Hi Gerhard, I have carefully noted your points, and as most politician would, one would try to find and highlight the mistakes of their opponents, not saying that you are, as a matter of fact I was hearthened by your acceptance that we have come a long way, and there are progresses being made, you have pointed this out just as Mr Ramjattan has.
In 1985 - 1992 I can vaguely remember the Hoyte's Economic Recovery Programme, which was in its infancy stage, things were rough then for many, at least your family was one of the lucky ones to have progressed in that period. God bless your dad for having the foresight to have invested wisely. In the year 1990 I leave these shores, leaving a very good job and migrated to the USA, and was trying to make ends meet by putting bread on the table. During that period I had lost track of Guyana's Politics.

From your allegations and I quote "Today too, asj, contracts, just as under the PNC, are only given to favoured people who hardly ever provide employment in the communities they work in. This is something Dr Jagan spoke out against vehemently, and of course, the squandermania, waste, mismanagement, nepotism, cronyism and corruption."

I would not know about or even vouch for these allegations that you have listed, always thought that the contracting of jobs were done through the bidding process.....and as far as I am made aware of today it still happens. Like I said that a bit of cronyism would happen despite of whoever becomes the government. What is eating the valuable finances of the country is like you said squandermania, waste, mismanagement, and corruption. You will agree that all these happened in the past, during the Burnham days, (not that it should happen now)....I think that that is where it took its roots, and have grown hugely.......can we stop this or can the Government of the day stop this? Your guess is as good as mine. But it is important that when these occurances takes place then it becomes our duty to highlight same with relevant makes no sense to say that Tom or Dick or Harry is a thief whils't there is no proof to back up the allegations......and what we have seen here today on most occasions are speculations and then some more speculations and eventually those speculations has been repeated so many times that it becomes like gospel.

I think that in the next Government (despite if it is the PNC/APNU, The AFC or the PPP/C) we will have a more vibrant parliament with more questions being asked, would love to see a youngster like you show what you have in Parliament. Good luck Gerhard, and yes I hope that we do remain friends, even after the elections. As for now seeing that we are on the opposite side, I am sure that we can agree to disagree, without any hard feelings. Smile


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