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Who do you prefer as President?

Donald Ramotar 46%
David Granger 23%
Khem Ramjattan 8%
C.N Sharma 1%
Others 1%
Not Sure 21%

If we were to go by this poll then that figure of 'Not Sure' can be the deciding factor........however even if the PPP/C were to harnessed just a margin of five percent then it is goodbye all oppositions.



Vishnu Bisram is a licensed teacher in NYC. In order to obtain a teacher’s licence, one needs to pass a series of exams and have at a minimum a Masters Degrees in the licensed area. Bisram is the recipient of several Masters Degrees and also did doctoral studies in various disciplines at different universities. Bisram will be in a better position to expand on his education and occupation.

The acronym NACTA stands for North American Caribbean Teachers Association. NACTA is the brain child of Dr. Latchman Narain and myself among other educators and it was formally launched in the mid 1990s organising lectures, tutouring sessions, and providing general assistance to Caribbean people in North America and the Caribbean.

NACTA was not founded by Bisram, although he gave a donation for its launching. The organisation is involved in general educational, humanitarian, socio-politico and charitable activities. The organisation has provided considerable assistance to groups in Guyana, Trinidad, NY and other societies and organised lectures in NY.

NACTA’s polling is an offshoot (a continuation) of the polling of Turkeyn Research and Polling Institute founded by Dr. Baytoram Ramharack, author of several books including “Against the Grain: Biography of Balram Singh Rai”.

Polling was not the main trust of the organisation’s mission as that was done by TRPI. NACTA became involved in polling after TRPI Director, Dr. Ramharack, was unable to continue his polling. NACTA’s members were approached by interested Trinidadians to conduct a poll in Trinidad relating to the 1995 elections.

Dr. Ramharack signaled his unavailability and Bisram, who assisted TRPI with its polling in Guyana, conducted a poll in November 1995.
NACTA requested Bisram to conduct and publish the Trinidad poll under the NACTA brand to give the newly launched organisation publicity. Hence, the start of NACTA poll. Prior to NACTA, there were the Ramharack or TRPI Polls and the Bisram Polls as were conducted in Guyana.
On the 1995 Trinidad poll, I recall distinctly that NACTA projected a 17-17-2 tied election while another poll, conducted by Prof. Selyn Ryan of UWI, projected a landslide for the incumbent PNM. Analysts and commentators ridiculed Bisram’s NACTA poll saying it was not practical.
I recall Dr. Tara Singh, former lecturer at UG, commenting in NY that he thought the NACTA findings of a tied election were not practical given the racial polarization of voting. Even the UNC did not feel it would “win” the election. The actual outcome vindicated Bisram mirroring exactly what he predicted.

Right after the Trinidad poll, Dr. Ramharack signaled his intention to become politically active in Guyana’s politics and withdrew from polling. Thus, the NACTA Polling Institute was established and Bisram was requested to become its Director. He accepted the position and members of the NACTA often accompany him in his polling assignments at their own expense.

Almost all of the NACTA brand polls are funded by Vishnu and the members whenever they accompany him in much the same way that Dr. Ramharack funded the TRPI polls.
NACTA is thankful that Bisram has graciously allowed it “to ride” on the popularity of his name attributed to his polls, writings in various publications, organising skills, and NYC community advocacy. Bisram has been one of the most prolific Caribbean writers in NY and stood forefront in the struggle for the restoration of democracy in Guyana from the 1970s through the 1990s and to uplift the lives of Guyanese in America.

Let the record show that I and other teachers accompanied Bisram for many of his polls. We were with him “in the fields”. He hired students from UG and UWI as well as teachers and retired educators and others as interviewers. I met with many of them at UG and at St, Augustine. During my travels with Bisram in the polling fields, I never observed any unprofessional acts in the conduct of the polls. Almost all of Bisram’s polls, like Dr. Ramharack’s, reflected the outcome of elections.

Vassan Ramracha

". . . Out of concern that Mr Bisram’s evasiveness in answer to simple public queries in the media about his polling and other topics was undermining his credibility, and raising questions about his good faith, Ms Benjamin phoned him and told him he was his “own worst enemy.” She said that on principle he should be prepared at least to answer SN frankly at that stage, even though the issues did not bear directly on the quality of his polling.
She [Anna Benjamin] enquired about NACTA, and was informed that its original purpose had been largely although not exclusively charitable, and that most of its activities since had been concerned with charity. When pressed about the current status of NACTA, Mr Bisram did admit it was at that point more-or-less dormant, and that he personally was the one responsible for the polls. The latter was in conformity with what this newspaper had always understood, namely, that Mr Bisram was the pollster, and NACTA – at least latterly – was to all intents and purposes just a name."

Stabroek News: Editor's Note (Letters)
August 23, 2011

NACTA poll confirms what is widely known

INTERESTINGLY, the NACTA poll results released mirrored the reality in Guyana vis-а-vis a PPP/C victory at the 2011 polls. The AFC, a fledgling party which sees the State Department as its Lord and Saviour, continues to live in self denial proclaiming that they will win the elections. Without doubt they will win! They have won it on the blogs and maybe in the US and Canada but that’s as far as their victory goes. Campaigning in the US and Canada will not translate into a victory in Guyana. This is perhaps the biggest mess the AFC has engulfed itself in. They cannot conduct meetings with the grassroots, simply because their membership consists of the elite who scorn those on the ground.
In other words, they are unable to relate with the ordinary man in the street. And therefore the NACTA poll which gives them an approval rating of 5% paints a realistic picture of their chances in the 2011 elections.
In relation to the APNU, the poll confirmed that which was already known, a resounding defeat for the APNU, with Granger as its head and his accompanying baggage of being part of the PNC‘s dictatorship which catapulted Guyana into a chasm of criminality, underdevelopment and poverty.
His modus operandi is well known; however, for one to get an understanding of the kind of leader Granger is, one event stands out.

The launching of the APNU was held on Granger’s birthday. This seems by no means coincidental given that Forbes Burnham, Granger's mentor, was accused of doing the same thing in relation to our Republic Day celebrations. Perhaps this is precisely the autocratic, personalized style of leadership that Granger has assumed in the APNU but Guyana does not need it again.

This situation leaves me as a voter one choice and only one choice, the people’s choice, i.e. the People’s Progressive Party.

Originally posted by redux:
". . . Out of concern that Mr Bisram’s evasiveness in answer to simple public queries in the media about his polling and other topics was undermining his credibility, and raising questions about his good faith, Ms Benjamin phoned him and told him he was his “own worst enemy.” She said that on principle he should be prepared at least to answer SN frankly at that stage, even though the issues did not bear directly on the quality of his polling.
She [Anna Benjamin] enquired about NACTA, and was informed that its original purpose had been largely although not exclusively charitable, and that most of its activities since had been concerned with charity. When pressed about the current status of NACTA, Mr Bisram did admit it was at that point more-or-less dormant, and that he personally was the one responsible for the polls. The latter was in conformity with what this newspaper had always understood, namely, that Mr Bisram was the pollster, and NACTA – at least latterly – was to all intents and purposes just a name."

Stabroek News: Editor's Note (Letters)
August 23, 2011

You PPP bitter enders pretending U can't read - let me re-post . . . (see above)

Check, er . . . CHECKMATE!!
When pressed about the current status of NACTA, Mr Bisram did admit it was at that point more-or-less dormant, and that he personally was the one responsible for the polls. The latter was in conformity with what this newspaper had always understood, namely, that Mr Bisram was the pollster, and NACTA – at least latterly – was to all intents and purposes just a name."

HaHaHa Ha Ha Ha!

Friday, 26 August 2011

The Ministry of Housing & Water has signed a $152M contract at Enmore, East Coast Demerara, under the Community Road Improvements Project (CRIP),

which is intended to benefit more than 6,900 residents living in the targeted Enmore/Hope NDC.

The project aims at improving access to housing, education, health, and other social infrastructure through the improvement and upgrading of 11 roads in existing housing schemes.
According to Minister of Housing and Water, Ir­faan Ali, CRIP will be implemented in 12 Neighbourhood Democratic Councils (NDCs) in Regions 3 (Essequibo Is­lands/West Demerara), 4 (Demerara/Mahaica), 5 (Mahaica/Berbice) and 6 (East Berbice /Corentyne) and caters for the construction of 204 roads in specified areas.

Courtney Benn Contracting Services Ltd was awarded the contract for the roads in the communities and the firm’s Senior Manager, Darren Nurse , along with Project Coordi­nator Karen Roopchand, NDC chairman, Jainath Bhikhari signed the contracts in the presence of Minister Ali on Thurs­day at the Enmore Community Policing Group’s office.
The Minister emphasized that the implementation of the initiative was as a result of extensive consultations with all of the stakeholders, most importantly the members of the communities.

As such, he declared that CRIP is a people’s project, as the stakeholders have worked assiduously and should be involved, pointing out that there have been tremendous de­velopments in the community already, referring specifically to the Enmore Packaging Plant at a cost of US $12.5 Mln. and the new Well that cost more than GYD $95 Mln.
“This is a per capita investment of millions and forms part of the comprehensive package of development in Enmore,” he said.
In addition to this, he noted that the Government of Guy­ana remains cognizant of not only the economic aspect of such development, but more importantly, the social aspects.

The enhancement of drainage networks in the community is another vital component of the project.
“In these communities, drainage is very important for the community members to ensure that the roads are protected,” he explained.
Ali noted that the Government of Guyana recognises that there needs to be equitable development and as such, seeks to ensure that existing communities are enhanced and devel­oped in a massive way.
In light of this, CRIP and the Miscellaneous Roads Pro­gramme (MRP) were simultaneously launched to address these areas.
After the completion of the roads, a Road Maintenance Plan will be handed over to the RDC that would educate the local management on how to effectively and efficiently main­tain the infrastructure.

Project Coordinator, Karen Roopchand emphasized that in addition to the rehabilitation of roads in the community, improvement works were also carried out on the buildings that house the NDC Offices in the targeted areas.
Minister Ali pointed to the importance of road linkages and development, which he said creates a lot of positive im­pacts on communities.
“You can have the best health centre, but if you do not have proper road access then it does not allow you to realize the full potential of that asset, so these roads are very important for a number of reasons,” he stated.

In the Enmore/Hope NDC, 4.5 kilometres of roads will be improved with Double Bituminous Surface Treatment (DBST) or Asphaltic Concrete (AC) in Blossom Scheme, BeeZie, Newtown, Enmore Pasture, Logwood and Enmore North.
The roads will be cleaned, reshaped, and realigned, and new drains will be built where necessary, in addition to this, two culverts will be rehabilitated and safety features such as signage, road markings, and speed humps on the roads will be put in place.
NDC Vice Chairman, Mr. Roopnarine, extended his gratitude to the Government of Guyana and to the Minis­try of Housing for initiating the “timely” project.

“Thank God for this day, it is a significant step in moving forward and yet another programme that would enhance our lives,” he said.


“Thank God for this day, it is a significant step in moving forward and yet another programme that would enhance our lives,” he said.

And so the PPP/C is having the same response in almost every villages, shows the confidence that the populace has for the PPP/C.

Originally posted by Horse Man:
Originally posted by Horse Man:
ASJ whats the word on libya there man, I see the americans bail dem out big time.

I heard that our muslim brothers in Libya are extremely grateful for the help Uncle Sam provided.

ASJ whappen you not acknowledging or what? we cannot be hypocrites you know?

Bai, once the oil is would come from all quarters, UK US France and many others countries.......dem eyeballing de liquid gold.

I guess that a new era has dawned for Libyans, they will have to thread carefully as there can be problems down the road.

Is not always about oil my friend not always about oil.

If america did not send in infrastructure when needed we could not have helped out muslim brothers.

No other Muslim nation stepping up for these offensives you seeing that right? Dubai send a few planes thats about it but no one else getting rid of these muslim dictators who are oppressing our brothers and sisters no one else.

At the end of the day we always have to go to america. Did you read about the largest oil find in the US Dakotas?

Who is the largest supplier of Oil to Uncle Sam can you fellas answer that question anyone.
Originally posted by asj:

President Bharrat Jagdeo speaking to the massive gathering at the inaugural Parika Night and Expo 2011.

Presidential Candidate and Adviser Donald Ramotar speaking to the gathering at the Parika Night and Expo 2011.

First ever Parika Expo attracts massive crowd - President shares news of major Region Three development plans

Georgetown, GINA, August 28, 2011

Organisers of the first ever Parika Night and Expo 2011 are deeming it as an event similar to the Main Big Lime after a massive crowd turned out in support on the evening of August 27, in the popular Region Three village. They were so impressed at its success that they gave the nod of approval for it to become an annual feature of the East Bank Essequibo village and a calendar event of the Tourism Ministry.

The inaugural Parika Night and Expo 2011 event was organised through a partnership effort of the Mara/Parika Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC), Business community and the Ministry of Tourism Industry and Commerce.

President Bharrat Jagdeo was among those who appeared at the fun filled event in the company of Minister of Housing and Water Irfaan Ali and was later joined by Presidential Candidate and Adviser Donald Ramotar who mingled with the crowd in customary meet and greet fashion.

A section of the road leading to the expo in the vicinity of Hydronia was cordoned off to vehicular traffic and as patrons made their way in they were greeted by a towering "Welcome" sign.

The sale of local cuisines and popular sound systems, stationed at various locations augmented the party like atmosphere while sections of the business community were represented by booth displays.

Patrons were also treated to live band and dance performances with special appearances by some popular local and regional artistes such as Guyanese born "Natural Black" from Jamaica and Little Joey from Trinidad and Tobago.

While addressing the gathering President Jagdeo commended the organisers for staging the event that attracted a crowd of such magnitude and used the occasion to provide an update on major development plans in the making for Region Three.
Foremost on the agenda is the extension of the road into a four lane highway from the Demerara Harbour Bridge, West Bank Demerara to Parika, East Bank Essequibo which he said will significantly ease traffic congestion. The plan is one of several to be implemented on sections of the countries roads laden with heavy traffic. The Head of State also spoke of the $600M being spent at present on the construction of a state of the art synthetic track at Leonora which he described as a necessary component of community development.

"That facility when completed, will be lighted, hundreds of events will run off there, you're going to have a series of hotels and restaurants and a number of things built around it so that the West Coast too will enjoy a whole range of facilities that people in Georgetown and other parts have access to," President Jagdeo said.

The Leonora Technical Institute, which is under construction according to President Jagdeo will attract students from across Guyana and the islands. More importantly, he said, residents of the West Coast will no longer have to bear the coast of travelling to the city for such education.
Such investments, President Jagdeo said are testimony to the country's robust economy and Government's commitment to progress.
Ramotar, a native of Region Three subsequently joined the expo and addressed the gathering and compared the Parika of today, to that of the past.

"Today we have three banks, functioning here and the community itself has become very vibrant," Ramotar said.

Parika Night and Expo 2011 attracted over 30 participants according to Chairman of the Parika NDC Parmanand Samlall, the majority of which are the business community, commercial banks and NDC.


Correct me if I am wrong but the President is speakling and few seem to be interested. This in a PPP stronghold!!!

I can imagine when the "future" President began to speak somebody probably put on a jam session to prevent crowds from fleeing such a boring man.
Originally posted by cain:
You notice dat too eh caribj? I was wondering when someone would ketch it. Dem boys went there for the liquor,food and music.

DG doesnt notice that because his nurse drugged him up tonight.

Guyanese, especially young Guyanese, arent interested in politics and have long stopped thinking that politicians are any good.

Last time the PPP spent million sto entertain LIndeners. More showed up to party at a free PPP event than even voted PPP. I bet most of those who showed up didnt vote.
Originally posted by Mitwah:

You don't speak for most Guyanese.

AFC!!! Big Grin cheers flag

supwermike said the same thing. One thing you know mitwah is the PPP will get more votes than the AFC. The question will be will those disgusted with the PPPNC bother to vote? My bet is that they will not bother.

As many say AFC excitement seems to be mostly with overseas Guyanese. In Guyana they seem to struggle to attract crowds.

Prove me wrong.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Mitwah:

You don't speak for most Guyanese.

AFC!!! Big Grin cheers flag

supwermike said the same thing. One thing you know mitwah is the PPP will get more votes than the AFC. The question will be will those disgusted with the PPPNC bother to vote? My bet is that they will not bother.

As many say AFC excitement seems to be mostly with overseas Guyanese. In Guyana they seem to struggle to attract crowds.

Prove me wrong.

Edison failed 10, 000 times before he made the electric light.

The AFC should not be discouraged if it fails. Persistence and determination have solve the problems of the human race.

Changes will happen. AFC press on!!! Big Grin cheers flag
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Mitwah:

The AFC should not be discouraged if it fails. ! Big Grin cheers flag

They also need to be realistic. Wishing doesnt mean getting. As of now they havent convinced Guyanese that they will be anything other than a small party. They will not get votes unless this perception changes.

This is a huge challenge especially when 60% of the youths graduating have intentions of migrating to the USA, Canada, the Islands, Botswana .... How can you build a country when the youths who are the backbone of the country develops this kind of mentality?

AFC must press on however. Failure is not fatal.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Mitwah:

The AFC should not be discouraged if it fails. ! Big Grin cheers flag

They also need to be realistic. Wishing doesnt mean getting.

As of now they havent convinced Guyanese that they will be anything other than a small party.

They will not get votes unless this perception changes.

Correct CaribJ.

They should have been focused with practical approaches since 2006.
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Mitwah:

The AFC should not be discouraged if it fails. ! Big Grin cheers flag

They also need to be realistic. Wishing doesnt mean getting.

As of now they havent convinced Guyanese that they will be anything other than a small party.

They will not get votes unless this perception changes.

Correct CaribJ.

They should have been focused with practical approaches since 2006.

Like you have convenient memory or wuh.

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