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For albert:

In the shoes of a homeless person, life goes unnoticed
By Rabindra Rooplall

In almost every society there are homeless persons (vagrants). These people have their own stories to tell.

A vagrant’s lifestyle is ill-defined but usually includes homelessness, unemployment and severed relationships with family and friends.
Meet 37-year-old David Rampersaud who has been living on the road for the past 22 years. He is a man nobody wants to know because he’s dirty; he wouldn’t do what we would consider the usual work, either because of choice or because of his inability to be regularly employed.

David Rampersaud

“I was 15-years-old when my mother and father left four (of us) since we were small. I got two sisters and a brother that I had to take care of after the family problems.” Rampersaud said, “my mother went over Suriname and my father went his own way. We use to live in Carmichael Street then, and the landlord put us out after that. And from then I deh pon the road, and my brother and sister take husband and wife and I left pun the street.”

Rampersaud from then decided to make the streets his home and the sky his roof since he resented family life. “I get accustomed to life pon the road where nothing does bother me. I am free, I work whenever I get work and I don’t thiefâ€Ķpeople does want me to come and fetch out their goods in the market and do work for them because dem know I does work hard and don’t thief.”

Acknowledging that life on the road is hard, Rampersaud said that he would rather live on the road than live between family members. Since his experience with his father and mother, he doesn’t want anything to do with relatives or family members. Noting that he might want to have his own family in the future, he said as life comes he will accept it and live accordingly to please himself with each step of the way. Sleeping most of the times under a store on Saffon Street, Charlestown or anywhere life carries him, he is comfortable with his cardboard bed and sheet.

After a hard day’s work Rampersaud would buy food stuff to cook only one meal for his dinner and he would only worry about the other day when he wakes up to life once more for another cycle of what he calls freedom. “I would help people fetch their load, empty their garbage and any work where work deh to do to get money to survive another dayâ€Ķ.People always running me down for work.” A satisfying smile came to Rampersaud’s face when he boasted that since he has been on the streets for the past 22 years, he has never had health issues and has rarely if ever at all fell sick.

Rampersaud prepares his dinner in his makeshift kitchen on the parapet of the roadside.

Smoking cigarettes and drinking have been part of Rampersaud’s life for as long as he can remember, since there is not much to do and no one to help him out of the vortex which pulls him into another day. “The night shelters are not for me I rather the road. The shelters are crazyâ€Ķ.sometimes people would come in their car and drop food for us and life just is the same way.”

Some days the humane side of society would acknowledge his existence and bless him with whatever they could afford so he could then study about breakfast or lunch depending on his choice. “Life is hard on the roadâ€Ķ people should do what they got to do to live good cuz anybody can end up on the road.”

The AFC will not change the lives of those ppl and situation in the photographs.

The photographs simply is a medium aimed at embarrassing the PPP. Yes, I agree they have not done the right things.

To be of help to those impoverished, means to dole out money to them. Their intentions are not to seek gainful employment. That seems to be the norm for Guyanese of all walks of life. Free money-that is an addiction throughout the country.

The AFC has defined a lot of faults in the society. We all know it is all there. But can it be solved. That is yet to be divulged.
Originally posted by seignet:
The AFC will not change the lives of those ppl and situation in the photographs.

The photographs simply is a medium aimed at embarrassing the PPP. Yes, I agree they have not done the right things.

To be of help to those impoverished, means to dole out money to them. Their intentions are not to seek gainful employment. That seems to be the norm for Guyanese of all walks of life. Free money-that is an addiction throughout the country.

The AFC has defined a lot of faults in the society. We all know it is all there. But can it be solved. That is yet to be divulged.
If you took the time to read my questions to albert you will see solutions in almost all of them.

Solutions to retain our skilled people, solutions to increase opportunities, solutions to afford better education and health so that the vulnerable do not have to depend on handouts.

I respect your position. I am not demanding of anyone to support the AFC. However, you are being most unfair to say that I have not divulged solutions in particular, and the AFC in general. Our Action Plan is a public document and you can read it on our website.

Please do:
Originally posted by seignet:
The AFC will not change the lives of those ppl and situation in the photographs.

The photographs simply is a medium aimed at embarrassing the PPP. Yes, I agree they have not done the right things.

To be of help to those impoverished, means to dole out money to them. Their intentions are not to seek gainful employment. That seems to be the norm for Guyanese of all walks of life. Free money-that is an addiction throughout the country.

The AFC has defined a lot of faults in the society. We all know it is all there. But can it be solved. That is yet to be divulged.

The ills of Guyana have multi-dimensional roots. I have interacted, motivated and supported families over there who have moved beyond the state which I discovered them. People need to have hope, dreams and a sense of realization that they could actually achieve something better in their lives. The AFC have been talking about reforms and plans to engage the people in helping to solve their problms. The art of leadership is to motivate people to do the things they need to do for themselves because they want to do it. Corruption, nepotism, the rampant display the arrogance of power, the in your face theivery, the lack of hope except to migrate breeds a sense of dispair and lack of drive and motivation to do anything. Couple this with the welfare remittance coming from abroad, you get what you have in Guyana. The AFC have plans to address all, even engaging the dispora on how best remittaches shoud be channeled to create a positive vs a negative force in society.
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally posted by seignet:
The AFC will not change the lives of those ppl and situation in the photographs.

The photographs simply is a medium aimed at embarrassing the PPP. Yes, I agree they have not done the right things.

To be of help to those impoverished, means to dole out money to them. Their intentions are not to seek gainful employment. That seems to be the norm for Guyanese of all walks of life. Free money-that is an addiction throughout the country.

The AFC has defined a lot of faults in the society. We all know it is all there. But can it be solved. That is yet to be divulged.
If you took the time to read my questions to albert you will see solutions in almost all of them.

Solutions to retain our skilled people, solutions to increase opportunities, solutions to afford better education and health so that the vulnerable do not have to depend on handouts.

I respect your position. I am not demanding of anyone to support the AFC. However, you are being most unfair to say that I have not divulged solutions in particular, and the AFC in general. Our Action Plan is a public document and you can read it on our website.

Please do:

I am not against the AFC, I waiting for that moment when they actually move masses of the electorate. Their method right now is to showcase the disgruntled. That is not getting the votes. The approach as I c it, is like any other political party at election time.

The AFC should concentrate on what is available in the country and devise plans to make it work.

Show what can be done with what is available and the rest be added quickly.
Seignet, the process is slow. Anyway here is an extract from Khemraj's remarks in the Action plan. It's conforms that the AFC used the consultative process through out Guyana to design the ACtion Plan for the people by the people.

Development for Guyana means economic, political and social transformation in the shortest period of time. This transformation implies not only rapid economic growth, but also political and economic freedoms, eradication of poverty, sustainable and eco-friendly use of natural resources, access to opportunities for all ethnic groups, and gender equality.

The power to make Guyana right is in our hands. But accomplishing this requires quality leadership, integrity, and fearlessness. Our Alliance, after only a short time on the scene, has provided all of these. We can provide so much more.

The AFC has the right message, the right plan and the right team to take Guyana into the right direction. This Action Plan was assembled with you and your loved ones in mind and outlines in the simplest way our vision, goals and plans to overhaul Guyana. Many of these ideas came from you who yearn for a new Guyana that can fulfill its promise to be great, green and beautiful.
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Seignet, the process is slow. Anyway here is an extract from Khemraj's remarks in the Action plan. It's conforms that the AFC used the consultative process through out Guyana to design the ACtion Plan for the people by the people.

Development for Guyana means economic, political and social transformation in the shortest period of time. This transformation implies not only rapid economic growth, but also political and economic freedoms, eradication of poverty, sustainable and eco-friendly use of natural resources, access to opportunities for all ethnic groups, and gender equality.

The power to make Guyana right is in our hands. But accomplishing this requires quality leadership, integrity, and fearlessness. Our Alliance, after only a short time on the scene, has provided all of these. We can provide so much more.

The AFC has the right message, the right plan and the right team to take Guyana into the right direction. This Action Plan was assembled with you and your loved ones in mind and outlines in the simplest way our vision, goals and plans to overhaul Guyana. Many of these ideas came from you who yearn for a new Guyana that can fulfill its promise to be great, green and beautiful.

Is that making an impact on the masses of the electorate to give the AFC the mandate of a government.
Originally posted by seignet:
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Seignet, the process is slow. Anyway here is an extract from Khemraj's remarks in the Action plan. It's conforms that the AFC used the consultative process through out Guyana to design the ACtion Plan for the people by the people.

Development for Guyana means economic, political and social transformation in the shortest period of time. This transformation implies not only rapid economic growth, but also political and economic freedoms, eradication of poverty, sustainable and eco-friendly use of natural resources, access to opportunities for all ethnic groups, and gender equality.

The power to make Guyana right is in our hands. But accomplishing this requires quality leadership, integrity, and fearlessness. Our Alliance, after only a short time on the scene, has provided all of these. We can provide so much more.

The AFC has the right message, the right plan and the right team to take Guyana into the right direction. This Action Plan was assembled with you and your loved ones in mind and outlines in the simplest way our vision, goals and plans to overhaul Guyana. Many of these ideas came from you who yearn for a new Guyana that can fulfill its promise to be great, green and beautiful.

Is that making an impact on the masses of the electorate to give the AFC the mandate of a government.

Honestly I don't know. My hope is that the AFC makes an impact to hold the balance of power.

From recent postings of videos that were posted here, the responses from the electorate is very encouraging.
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by seignet:
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Seignet, the process is slow. Anyway here is an extract from Khemraj's remarks in the Action plan. It's conforms that the AFC used the consultative process through out Guyana to design the ACtion Plan for the people by the people.

Development for Guyana means economic, political and social transformation in the shortest period of time. This transformation implies not only rapid economic growth, but also political and economic freedoms, eradication of poverty, sustainable and eco-friendly use of natural resources, access to opportunities for all ethnic groups, and gender equality.

The power to make Guyana right is in our hands. But accomplishing this requires quality leadership, integrity, and fearlessness. Our Alliance, after only a short time on the scene, has provided all of these. We can provide so much more.

The AFC has the right message, the right plan and the right team to take Guyana into the right direction. This Action Plan was assembled with you and your loved ones in mind and outlines in the simplest way our vision, goals and plans to overhaul Guyana. Many of these ideas came from you who yearn for a new Guyana that can fulfill its promise to be great, green and beautiful.

Is that making an impact on the masses of the electorate to give the AFC the mandate of a government.

Honestly I don't know. My hope is that the AFC makes an impact to hold the balance of power.

They can make the government. They just going about the wrong way and wasting alot of resources and money in their present approaches.
Dr "albert", this is what BGurd_See said: "Govt must not keep subsidizing the public needs, as you see the harsh lesson with Greece. If a pontoon makes business sense, then private enterprise sill fill this need, until then, let them use the buses that traverse the bridge."

Now this describes the present Gov't's actions, and as we know, BGurd_See is your most fanatical supporter on this board. And if he is wrong, please let us know what actions are being taken that show the Gov't is pro-working-class in reference to the Berbice Bridge/Pontoon situation. Otherwise we will have no choice but to conclude that your pontifications are but mere words.
Hey albert! wavey

Cde Bookman is offering you this piece of advice:

"SJ4321, not to worry.
Gerhard and Company Limited could post 266 topics if they want.
Quantity is not quality.
Most of their "issues" are blank shots, foul smoke and farty air.
SJ4321, rise to the challenge.
Round up the troops.
Arm yourselves with facts and figures like Comrade Cheddi used to do.
Then, fire off some straight talk on the GNI board.

In no time all dem mischief-makers gon scatter and scamper off like giddy goats...farting fire!!!!"

I think it is sold advice. How about giving it a shot?
Has Albert been canned?

Albert has never denied in any form or manner, the assertion that in his heart he really supports the AFC, and purposefully makes his case to draw ridicule!

That non-denial, and the general reaction to his posts have been noted by those who call the shots.

Albert ... come back and prove me wrong!
Originally posted by squingy:
Has Albert been canned?

Albert has never denied in any form or manner, the assertion that in his heart he really supports the AFC, and purposefully makes his case to draw ridicule!

That non-denial, and the general reaction to his posts have been noted by those who call the shots.

Albert ... come back and prove me wrong!

Albert knows the PPP are "honorable" so he raises issues which slyishly exposes their ineptness and corruption so the AFC could move in and rip them to shreds. He is a tactical ally on the AFC.

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