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Former Member
Ramjattan must step down as minister of public security immediately. Accoding to an open letter posted by Nehru, entitled House Slave, the business community is totally against the 2 am curfew that Ramjattan swiftly put in place to reduce crime. According to the letter, some of the questions posed towards Ramjattan's crime fighting strategy is more political to avoid embarrassment of the PNC inability to tackle crime effectively. Ramjattan admitted that dealing with crime is not an easy task, yet he reserved the security position for himself without any knowledge of the security sector. This regime is gambling with Guyanese life on a daily basis to put unqualified people to run one of the most important ministry in Guyana because of a personal agreement made between him and Granger. Folks, we must keep up the pressure on this failed regime until Ramjattan is replaced.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Ramjattan put himself above innocent lives of Guyanese because of his power hungry attitude. The PNC will continue to look bad in the eyes of Guyanese and the international community of their incapability to move Guyana forward.
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Yep, PPP Mudhead Rule was a paradise for Guyana.


Home Ministers Rohee and Teixera did a great job of killing thousands of people, especially Indos.

Ramjattan was PPP inept MP.  You support the PPP and now you are supporting the PNC ineptness.  What excuse do you have for being a jackass?

It was foreseeable that the PNC is guessing their way of managing the country. Folks, the business community resentment of this quack regime is already in the news print for the entire nation to read. This will be the beginning of the end of Ramjattan career as minister of national security. The indos that help installed this regime have much more to regret.
Originally Posted by Cobra:
It was foreseeable that the PNC is guessing their way of managing the country.

While correct, it is immaterial because the PNC obtained its desire to be the government. It will be seen that the AFC will be whittled; similar to The United Force experiences after 1964.

The Guyanese people must uprise against this regime and demand answer or Ramjattan must go. They say they can do better than the PPP and they failed. A defense attorney that defended criminals cannot protect the people from criminals.
Originally Posted by Cobra:
The Guyanese people must uprise against this regime and demand answer or Ramjattan must go. They say they can do better than the PPP and they failed. A defense attorney that defended criminals cannot protect the people from criminals.


What is the weather like inside your own ass?

The Guyanese people rights must not be trampled on to speak against their government for better security. The people are the government in Guyana unlike the dictatorship regime of America.
Originally Posted by Cobra:
The Guyanese people rights must not be trampled on to speak against their government for better security. The people are the government in Guyana unlike the dictatorship regime of America.


Tell me when security and the "rights of the people" were pressing issues to you. We have archived threads here. Pull up a single post of yours on these issues prior to May 11th 2015.


Now these are issues not so as to solve them for the Indian people you profess to care so much about but just as a pile of shyte to point to in the public discourse as fresh PNC shyte when we all know these are the PPP's 23 year old calcified turds.


Own your shyte buddy!

The American installed PNC regime is solely responsible for the safety of 750,000 Guyanese to date. The Guyanese people are losing confidence in this quack regime daily. Ramjattan must step down and save the regime from embarrassment. Their _100 day promise to the nation is doomed to fail. That will be the sign of the return of dictatorship in Guyana. The dirty Indians will have to repent for helping the evil to control Guyana.
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
The Guyanese people must uprise against this regime and demand answer or Ramjattan must go. They say they can do better than the PPP and they failed. A defense attorney that defended criminals cannot protect the people from criminals.


What is the weather like inside your own ass?

Yu should either ask the "long John" PNC man who nightly poles him, or the super cyat PNC female who holds him down while this is going on.


Cobra is living evidence of freedom of speech under APNU.  Even though he is humiliated every night by them, they still allow him to run his mouth every day.



Last edited by Former Member
May I remind you that this is not a personal debate about me. This is a national failure of an incapable regime to protect innocent citizens from a criminal enterprise that overrun Guyana. Now if you have some positive to add, just keep me out of the discourse.
Originally Posted by Cobra:
May I remind you that this is not a personal debate about me. This is a national failure of an incapable regime to protect innocent citizens from a criminal enterprise that overrun Guyana. Now if you have some positive to add, just keep me out of the discourse.

This is a personal debate with you because you get poled by a PNC man every night.  Crime was a serious problem long before May 11th, and you were one of those who scoffed at the idea that the PPP was to blame.


You claimed that "the police cannot be every where" and that "Guyana isn't the only place with crime". 


Your obsession with the sexual proclivities of black men and women is what has you all confused.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
The PNC is the government of the day. Get used to it and their daily failure.

To the contrary the PNC has already successfully captured your buttocks.  You now belong to them.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
The PNC is the government of the day. Get used to it and their daily failure.




Guyana may experience some major setbacks in weeks and months ahead if the PNC regime doesn't change course. It's getting to a point where the people and government will clash.
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
May I remind you that this is not a personal debate about me. This is a national failure of an incapable regime to protect innocent citizens from a criminal enterprise that overrun Guyana. Now if you have some positive to add, just keep me out of the discourse.

This is a personal debate with you because you get poled by a PNC man every night.  Crime was a serious problem long before May 11th, and you were one of those who scoffed at the idea that the PPP was to blame.


You claimed that "the police cannot be every where" and that "Guyana isn't the only place with crime". 


Your obsession with the sexual proclivities of black men and women is what has you all confused.


I sometimes vacillate between engaging idiots, ignoring them, or just pouring a lil scorn and ridicule pon them in the hope however small that they might feel some shame for their stupidity and avoid such behavior/words in the future. However, I sometimes come across idiots (mostly estate coolies and those on the extreme right and left) who are immune to reason and just spout emotion-laden nonsense in place of arguments. I can forgive it from the truly ignorant like the "real" estate coolies (pun not intended actually) and not the ones who have the information and the tools to know better like Cousin Cobra here and others like VVP and Alunatic Gyal. Such stupidity is actually a choice. One has to choose to be this stupid and impervious to reason. Consequently, where intellectual discourse is just not possible ostracism and exile to the kiddie table should be employed.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Ramjattan must step down as minister of public security immediately. Accoding to an open letter posted by Nehru, entitled House Slave, the business community is totally against the 2 am curfew that Ramjattan swiftly put in place to reduce crime. According to the letter, some of the questions posed towards Ramjattan's crime fighting strategy is more political to avoid embarrassment of the PNC inability to tackle crime effectively. Ramjattan admitted that dealing with crime is not an easy task, yet he reserved the security position for himself without any knowledge of the security sector. This regime is gambling with Guyanese life on a daily basis to put unqualified people to run one of the most important ministry in Guyana because of a personal agreement made between him and Granger. Folks, we must keep up the pressure on this failed regime until Ramjattan is replaced.

48 days jacko in office.


But I recognise that greater policy action is necessary.


The 2 Am shut down is a start.


Time to purge the force of rogue cops - especially some superintendants.

Last edited by Former Member

The Guyanese people are losing confidence in the PNC regime. Half of Guyana's population is against an installed regime. The other half have been fooled into voting for the coalition.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

Time to purge the force of rogue cops - especially some superintendants.

Great strategy moron!!!!! Attack the cops first, dismiss them so they can  form their own guerilla groups now that they're unemployed and wreak further havoc! Oh, and let's not forget the minor detail about who will take their place, eh?.


The sheer stupidity that comes out of that shit spewer you call a mouth is astounding. Can't wait to read the puerile shit you're going to vomit out in the chronicle!

Originally Posted by KishanB:

The 2 Am shut down is a start.


Time to purge the force of rogue cops - especially some superintendants.

What does a 2 AM closure do other than assuage the jealousy of those going through middle aged crisis, as they see young folks enjoying life as they once did?


Most criminal activity in Guyana occurs BEFORE 2 AM. In fact the best environment for crime occurs when streets are empty, especially given how poorly lit most streets in Guyana are.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Time to purge the force of rogue cops - especially some superintendants.

Great strategy moron!!!!! Attack the cops first, dismiss them so they can  form their own guerilla groups now that they're unemployed and wreak further havoc! Oh, and let's not forget the minor detail about who will take their place, eh?.


The sheer stupidity that comes out of that shit spewer you call a mouth is astounding. Can't wait to read the puerile shit you're going to vomit out in the chronicle!

Why not.  Iraq is a great model of how to successfully fight crime.


Folks love populism like "fire the cops", "lock them up". "hang them".


That isn't proper crime fighting.  An effective, well trained, well equipped, and well paid police force is.


Those police men who engage in criminal behavior ought to be treated like the criminals there are.  Indiscriminate firing doesn't do much good.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

The Guyanese people are losing confidence in the PNC regime. Half of Guyana's population is against an installed regime. The other half have been fooled into voting for the coalition.

So what's new?  On May 10th people were losing confidence with the PPP.  half didn't vote for them, and the other half were fooled into voting for them.


Quit squawking because the proverbial shoe is now on the other foot.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Your puss is leaking on the Forum again gyal.

Too much pounding from that big strong PNC blackman.  What else you expect?  The man is totally delirious and confused.  His life has been pure hell since that PNC Amazonian female with the super cyat broke down the door and scrambled him.


I mean a man who has intense animosity at the notion of douglarization is being douglarized every night.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Ramjattan claimed that fighting crime is a hard task. Why was he blaming Rohee when he was AFC leader? You have to walk in a man's shoe before you know better.


What kinda antiman thinks that Rohee was doing such a great job?


WTF is Rohee qualified to do? What job outside Freedom House has he ever held. What skills does this twat bring to Government?


Your puss is leaking on the Forum again gyal.

The admin should give you some time off to relax. Your behavior stinks. I am telling you this just once. This is not a personal discourse. Thanks, Cobra.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cobra:

The admin should give you some time off to relax. Your behavior stinks. I am telling you this just once. This is not a personal discourse. Thanks, Cobra.

Cobra your nightly douglarization must really have you truly upset.  You never thought that such a day would come again.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Ramjattan claimed that fighting crime is a hard task. Why was he blaming Rohee when he was AFC leader? You have to walk in a man's shoe before you know better.


What kinda antiman thinks that Rohee was doing such a great job?


WTF is Rohee qualified to do? What job outside Freedom House has he ever held. What skills does this twat bring to Government?


Your puss is leaking on the Forum again gyal.

The admin should give you some time off to relax. Your behavior stinks. I am telling you this just once. This is not a personal discourse. Thanks, Cobra.


My Dear Madam Snake,


Thank you for taking the time out to reply to my query. However, I am disappointed that you have not outlined a plan of action for us to solve the most pressing matter at hand which is your leaking puss. I have written to you at length about your leaky puss and the slippery puddles it leaves at random places throughout this Forum.


Once again Madam, I ask you: what proactive steps will you be taking to alleviate the myriad issues which arise from your continued failure and outright refusal to adequately address the matter of your leaky puss?


Sincerely & With Much Respect etc. etc.,


Cousin Shaitaan


Ramjattan has no authority to enforce 2:00AM decree – Attorney

July 6, 2015 6:06 am Category: latest news A+ / A-
Vice President with responsibility for Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan

Vice President with responsibility for Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan

[] – Former Attorney General, Anil Nandlall says that Vice President and Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan lacks the authority to enforce an antiquated law which stipulates that bars, restaurants and night clubs should be closed by 2:00AM.


The enforcement of the law came into play at the weekend and while some proprietors heeded warnings and stopped their operations at the prescribed time, others ignored it.


According to Nandlall, the granting of licenses for the sale of intoxicating liquor, the regulation of such sale and the control of licensed premises, are largely governed by The Intoxicating Liquor Licenses Act and The Licensed Premises Act. Most of these licenses are granted by the Commissioner General of the Guyana Revenue Authority.


“The opening and closing hours of those licensed premises are fixed by law in the legislation. There is reference in both Acts to a “Minister”. However “Minister” is not defined. But it is beyond doubt that these Acts are administered by the Commissioner General of the Guyana Revenue Authority. The subject minister of the Guyana Revenue Authority is the Minister of Finance not the Minister of Public


Security, hitherto Minister of Home Affairs,” said Nandlall.

He pointed out too that careful examination of the gazette under the Public Security Minister shows that the administration of the Intoxicating Liquor Licenses Act and The Licensed Premises Act are not among his responsibilities.


“So from whence is Mr. Ramjattan deriving his authority to impose this curfew? The curfew itself seems to be in contravention of the hours of opening and closing which are fixed by the law. As far as I am aware, these have not been changed by way of any amendment, regulation or order issued by the relevant subject minister. So it would appear that not only is Mr Ramjattan acting ultra vires his authority, but he may be violating the relevant law,” the Former AG stated.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
“The opening and closing hours of those licensed premises are fixed by law in the legislation. There is reference in both Acts to a “Minister”. However “Minister” is not defined. But it is beyond doubt that these Acts are administered by the Commissioner General of the Guyana Revenue Authority. The subject minister of the Guyana Revenue Authority is the Minister of Finance not the Minister of Public Security, hitherto Minister of Home Affairs, said Nandlall.


Ramjattan has no authority to enforce 2:00AM decree – Attorney, July 6, 2015 6:06 am Category: latest news A+ / A-

Something that is basic yet not known by the current Minister.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Time to purge the force of rogue cops - especially some superintendants.

Great strategy moron!!!!! Attack the cops first, dismiss them so they can  form their own guerilla groups now that they're unemployed and wreak further havoc! Oh, and let's not forget the minor detail about who will take their place, eh?.


The sheer stupidity that comes out of that shit spewer you call a mouth is astounding. Can't wait to read the puerile shit you're going to vomit out in the chronicle!

Why not.  Iraq is a great model of how to successfully fight crime.


Folks love populism like "fire the cops", "lock them up". "hang them".


That isn't proper crime fighting.  An effective, well trained, well equipped, and well paid police force is.


Those police men who engage in criminal behavior ought to be treated like the criminals there are.  Indiscriminate firing doesn't do much good.

If curfews and firing the police is all Ramjattan can come up with then Guyana is in deep shit!


Guyana is in deep shit already by Ramjattan's inability to come up with a strategic plan to combat crimes. His curfew plan is failed. Firing of rogue cops is failed. His plan for the fisher people is rejected. He admitted that fighting crime is not an easy task. Yet, he wouldn't step down. How many more people will have to die at the hands of criminals before he can find a solution?

Originally Posted by Cobra:

His plan for the fisher people is rejected.


WTF are "fisher people"? Are they some recently discovered mythical race of mermaids and mermen?


LMAO@ fisher people

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Guyana is in deep shit already by Ramjattan's inability to come up with a strategic plan to combat crimes. His curfew plan is failed. Firing of rogue cops is failed. His plan for the fisher people is rejected. He admitted that fighting crime is not an easy task. Yet, he wouldn't step down. How many more people will have to die at the hands of criminals before he can find a solution?

And much more of his "off the cuff approach" will continue done as time progresses; or when he is dismissed by the president.


Granger is leading from behind. Such corrective action will be damaging to his administration. I believe Ramjattan pick the right position to damage his own credibility, and Granger may be allowing it to happen. They say if you can kill flies with honey, why give them poison.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Granger is leading from behind. Such corrective action will be damaging to his administration. I believe Ramjattan pick the right position to damage his own credibility, and Granger may be allowing it to happen. They say if you can kill flies with honey, why give them poison.

laud what fools


Originally Posted by Cobra:
Ramjattan must step down as minister of public security immediately. Accoding to an open letter posted by Nehru, entitled House Slave, the business community is totally against the 2 am curfew that Ramjattan swiftly put in place to reduce crime.

According to the letter, some of the questions posed towards Ramjattan's crime fighting strategy is more political to avoid embarrassment of the PNC inability to tackle crime effectively. Ramjattan admitted that dealing with crime is not an easy task, yet he reserved the security position for himself without any knowledge of the security sector.

This regime is gambling with Guyanese life on a daily basis to put unqualified people to run one of the most important ministry in Guyana because of a personal agreement made between him and Granger. Folks, we must keep up the pressure on this failed regime until Ramjattan is replaced.

I must assume the lunatics have once again absconded from the asylum and are here wandering on the site. First the Public sector is on board with the curfew. So says their chairman.


Second; Ramjatan is a lawyer and is better suited for the task than the last unqualified dunce who squatted in if for the PPP.  I doubt any can say he even sought to do some crime fighting. Instead he just held the office!


Indeed crime fighting is no easy task and no measure will be met with overnight success. It is a long term sustained task requiring many systems working in unison and one man with a vision to orchestrate the direction. Nothing prevent Ramjattan from being that man. He simply has to but his mind to the task, seek help where deficient and be firm when necessary since idiots like you abound in the PPP culture.


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