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Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Boy, go back to Guyana...



Gilly Bhai:


* Guyana will always be dear to my heart---my roots will always be there. But The Rev has become a worldly man, travelling and seeking new adventures and new experiences.


* Next time you miss me on GNI, I'll be off on another adventure.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Boy, go back to Guyana...



Gilly Bhai:


* Guyana will always dear to my heart---my roots will always be there. But The Rev has become a worldly man, travelling and seeking new adventures and experiences.


* Next time you miss me on GNI, I'll be off on another adventure.



GNI Political is sheer misadventure for you.

Seriously, I'm angered because my friend Fazil Azeez got a bullet in his belly today.

While awaiting details, I hope your PPP scoundrels are not driving fear into Muslims who plan to vote APNU+AFC.

Fazil was in that Muslim delegation that visited Granger 2 days ago.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

GNI Political is sheer misadventure for you.



* It is understandable that supporters of the PNC/AFC would be aghast and dumbfounded by the Rev's political viewpoints,  and many would harbor deep dislike and animosity for me.


* But the Rev never gives a rat's ass what others think of him. It's what he thinks of himself that matters. And the Rev thinks he is a kind, loving, beautiful human being.




* Sorry to hear about his unfortunate death.



Last edited by Former Member

Moses denied his Indianness and we exposed him. Now he wants to pretend that D. Jagan would have joined the PNC/APNU. Burnham tried that too and failed. Tell Moses to try something original. Jagan's Freedom House is housing Donald Ramouar and Dr. Roger Luncheon. Tell Moses to go call his daddy Burnham name, like he should or he stink too much. You hear me girls and boys.


Simple is so simple, for him, it's a high level skill to understand that Moses said he is an Indian but a Guyanese Indian, and that as a Guyanese he works for all Guyana not just for one racial group.


But why do we expect Simple to understand that?  Isn't that the problem we have at Freedom House?


Simply, the Coalition will win because Moses joined with the APNU, and the PPP knows the end is near.  MOSES BROUGHT THE PPP KLEPTOS TO THEIR KNEES, and they are dreaming up new ways to hate him.






By Ralph Ramkarran


It required the renowned stature and nuanced diplomatic skills of President Carter to negotiate the necessary concessions that would guarantee free and fair elections. President Carter’s name will remain forever associated with Guyana’s democracy.

Hoyte welcomed President and Mrs. Carter during a visit to Guyana ...


After the 1992 elections the Carter Centre assisted in preparing the National Development Strategy (“NDS&rdquo in six volumes, which was launched by President Jagan on January 6, 1997.


With Cheddi

It was finalized in 2000 after civil society participation under the leadership of Dr. Kenneth King, a leading official of the PNCR at the time. It was thereafter described on the NDS website as seeking “to define our most urgent priorities and, in every case, clearly lays down concrete policy reforms and actions.

Speech delivered by Dr. Cheddi Jagan at swearing-in ceremony on ...

It is the product of many of us: Guyanese of all races and diverse professions. To implement it and to realize the dream it embodies would require the collaboration of the entire nationâ€Ķ”


... the swearing in of Dr. Jagan as Guyana’s third Executive President

The collaborative process by civil society opened up the real possibility of a social contract in Guyana based on the NDS, which would forge broad-based agreements as to the policies to move Guyana forward.

But the NDS was soon after, quietly, shunted aside and ignored, only to be dusted off from time to time to propagandize about government policies being in line with the nationally acclaimed NDS.


President Cheddi Jagan being congratulated by out-going former ...

Today we have the ludicrous spectacle

of both parties alleging

that the 2011 elections

were rigged against them.



Former First Lady Varshnie Singh, a genuine and authentic East Indian woman, firmly supports President Ramotar and the PPP



Former First Lady Varshnie Singh continues to maintain her support for the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC), although she and former President Bharrat Jagdeo have long parted ways.

Singh has been seen crisscrossing Guyana with her father to PPPC rallies. And on Saturday, if ever anyone thought she was merely following the campaign, she turned up at the launch of the party’s manifesto.



Last edited by Former Member





By Ralph Ramkarran


It required the renowned stature and nuanced diplomatic skills of President Carter to negotiate the necessary concessions that would guarantee free and fair elections. President Carter’s name will remain forever associated with Guyana’s democracy.

Hoyte welcomed President and Mrs. Carter during a visit to Guyana ...

 After the 1992 elections the Carter Centre assisted in preparing the National Development Strategy (“NDS&rdquo in six volumes, which was launched by President Jagan on January 6, 1997.

Speech delivered by Dr. Cheddi Jagan at swearing-in ceremony on ...

In 2010 the late Winston Murray, a PNCR leader and MP, attempted to rescue the NDS from oblivion and re-introduce it into the national discourse.

He tabled a motion in the National Assembly for its revision by a Special Select Committee. The Government rejected his argument and amended the motion, which was passed, to refer the NDS to the Ministry of Finance for revision. It was so referred and no one has since heard of it. Having invested a great deal of time and money to get the NDS prepared and accepted, and having seen its abandonment after 2000, may have contributed to President Carter’s negative assessment about Guyana which he expressed in 2004.

Winston Murray, flanked by Dr Richard Van West Charles [left) and ...


In 2004 President Carter visited Guyana for the last time at the invitation of President Jagdeo. He had wide consultations in an effort to resolve the political problems confronting Guyana, as so many have tried to do in the past.

... the swearing in of Dr. Jagan as Guyana’s third Executive President

On leaving Guyana, he said: “Instead of achieving this crucial goal of inclusive and shared governance, the Guyanese Government remains divided with a winner-take-all concept that continues to polarize many aspects of the nation’s lifeâ€ĶThere are only spasmodic meetings between political leaders and publicized agreements between those rare and brief sessions have not been fulfilled.”


With Cheddi

He recommended substantive governance and electoral reforms and the formation of an independent civil society forum to lead a structured discussion on a vision of governance for Guyana to promote reconciliation in an ethnically divided landscape.

President Donald Ramotar[l) and former President Bharrat Jagdeo[r)

President Carter’s views found no favour with the government or the PPP and the Carter Centre thereafter disengaged from Guyana.



President Carter would be aware of the deteriorating political realities in Guyana after the 2011 elections.

The loss of the majority by the PPP and the formation of a minority government, which has tried to cling to office for three plus years, have led to gridlock, lack of progress and frustration.


Instead of forming a coalition government which would have aided national unity and result in much progress, the government has steadfastly resisted any such approach and stubbornly held on to the winner-take-all policy, about which President Carter complained.

President Cheddi Jagan being congratulated by out-going former ...

With this background, it is not known what President Carter expects the outcome of his visit to be. His engagement with Guyana and the investment in time and money that the Carter Centre has made, suggest that his visit could involve a bit more than mere observing of the elections.


It could well be that he recognizes its uncertain outcome and that he wishes to make an input in restraining any negative reactions to the results, whatever they are.


President Carter’s presence can also potentially lead to new political realities, whichever party wins. His message of 2004 is still powerfully resonant today. Hopefully, this true friend of Guyana may still find a way, without interfering, about which he is always careful, to reinforce that message.




Today we have the ludicrous spectacle

of both parties alleging

that the 2011 elections

were rigged against them.




President Donald Ramotar addressing the audience at his Party’s manifesto launch at the Marriott Hotel Guyana on Saturday




While the PPP manifesto focuses entirely on planned and future development in Guyana and how the Guyanese people will benefit from these developments, the PNC/AFC manifesto focuses almost entirely on personal development and personal power for Moses, Khemraj, Cathy, Nigel, etc, etc.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Rev:




* Power drunk Moses wants Presidential power cut and Prime Ministerial power increased.



Why is Moses only attracting PNC supporters?


Moses can only hide under Granger's Kilt.


He has less than one percent of Dirty Indian support, Kari Included.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:





By Ralph Ramkarran


It required the renowned stature and nuanced diplomatic skills of President Carter to negotiate the necessary concessions that would guarantee free and fair elections. President Carter’s name will remain forever associated with Guyana’s democracy.

Hoyte welcomed President and Mrs. Carter during a visit to Guyana ...

 After the 1992 elections the Carter Centre assisted in preparing the National Development Strategy (“NDS&rdquo in six volumes, which was launched by President Jagan on January 6, 1997.

Speech delivered by Dr. Cheddi Jagan at swearing-in ceremony on ...

In 2010 the late Winston Murray, a PNCR leader and MP, attempted to rescue the NDS from oblivion and re-introduce it into the national discourse.

He tabled a motion in the National Assembly for its revision by a Special Select Committee. The Government rejected his argument and amended the motion, which was passed, to refer the NDS to the Ministry of Finance for revision. It was so referred and no one has since heard of it. Having invested a great deal of time and money to get the NDS prepared and accepted, and having seen its abandonment after 2000, may have contributed to President Carter’s negative assessment about Guyana which he expressed in 2004.

Winston Murray, flanked by Dr Richard Van West Charles [left) and ...


In 2004 President Carter visited Guyana for the last time at the invitation of President Jagdeo. He had wide consultations in an effort to resolve the political problems confronting Guyana, as so many have tried to do in the past.

... the swearing in of Dr. Jagan as Guyana’s third Executive President

On leaving Guyana, he said: “Instead of achieving this crucial goal of inclusive and shared governance, the Guyanese Government remains divided with a winner-take-all concept that continues to polarize many aspects of the nation’s lifeâ€ĶThere are only spasmodic meetings between political leaders and publicized agreements between those rare and brief sessions have not been fulfilled.”


With Cheddi

He recommended substantive governance and electoral reforms and the formation of an independent civil society forum to lead a structured discussion on a vision of governance for Guyana to promote reconciliation in an ethnically divided landscape.

President Donald Ramotar[l) and former President Bharrat Jagdeo[r)

President Carter’s views found no favour with the government or the PPP and the Carter Centre thereafter disengaged from Guyana.



President Carter would be aware of the deteriorating political realities in Guyana after the 2011 elections.

The loss of the majority by the PPP and the formation of a minority government, which has tried to cling to office for three plus years, have led to gridlock, lack of progress and frustration.


Instead of forming a coalition government which would have aided national unity and result in much progress, the government has steadfastly resisted any such approach and stubbornly held on to the winner-take-all policy, about which President Carter complained.

President Cheddi Jagan being congratulated by out-going former ...

With this background, it is not known what President Carter expects the outcome of his visit to be. His engagement with Guyana and the investment in time and money that the Carter Centre has made, suggest that his visit could involve a bit more than mere observing of the elections.


It could well be that he recognizes its uncertain outcome and that he wishes to make an input in restraining any negative reactions to the results, whatever they are.


President Carter’s presence can also potentially lead to new political realities, whichever party wins. His message of 2004 is still powerfully resonant today. Hopefully, this true friend of Guyana may still find a way, without interfering, about which he is always careful, to reinforce that message.




Today we have the ludicrous spectacle

of both parties alleging

that the 2011 elections

were rigged against them.

It is time.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Rev:




* Power drunk Moses wants Presidential power cut and Prime Ministerial power increased.



Why is Moses only attracting PNC supporters?


Moses can only hide under Granger's Kilt.


He has less than one percent of Dirty Indian support, Kari Included.

We, as overseas Guyanese can write all the the Ms. Cleo's articles we want. Most of the Guyanese on this BB will not vote in Guyana. Some of us can just sit and laugh at their postings, especially the Buckman Sakawinki Parrot boy. The Guyanese in Guyana will tell us who will win this election. Let's sit back and wait. 

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

We, as overseas Guyanese can write all the the Ms. Cleo's articles we want. Most of the Guyanese on this BB will not vote in Guyana. Some of us can just sit and laugh at their postings, especially the Buckman Sakawinki Parrot boy. The Guyanese in Guyana will tell us who will win this election. Let's sit back and wait. 


Skelly Bhai:


* It's a done deal. We already know the results of the May 11th election. 50+1% of the Guyanese electorate will re-elect the PPP.


* The DIRTY INDIANS can pontificate and sermonize all they want about being ashamed of the PPP and wanting to see the PNC bring unity to Guyana, but come May 11th those wretched scoundrels and their beloved PNC will be soundly rejected by the voters in Guyana.



Originally Posted by Rev:

Former First Lady Varshnie Singh, a genuine and authentic East Indian woman, firmly supports President Ramotar and the PPP



Former First Lady Varshnie Singh continues to maintain her support for the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC), although she and former President Bharrat Jagdeo have long parted ways.

Singh has been seen crisscrossing Guyana with her father to PPPC rallies. And on Saturday, if ever anyone thought she was merely following the campaign, she turned up at the launch of the party’s manifesto.




This is biggest blow to the Dirty Indians.


Varsh does not want to be governed by or associated with Dirty Indians and a bunch of politicians in the PNC who cannot even run a cake shop.


Ha Ha !


AFC/PNC eat crow.




* He is now in bed with the PNC.


* But PPP supporters all across Guyana know him as a degenerate---a rotten and despicable son who cussed and verbally abused his parents, Cheddi and Janet. Joey was ashamed of their communist propensity and he publicly attacked them using the most profane and obscene language.


* The evil and depraved PNC deserve a scoundrel like Joey as supporter.





Later down I would hear other cruel rumours, but the worst had to be this year after the Lusignan  Massacre when I was requested by the families of the victims to organise a peace rally, which never materialised. 

I met the Leader of the Opposition Mr Corbin and his wife in the yard of one of the victims’ the day after the tragedy.  He shook my hand, introduced me to his wife and told me to keep up the good work as I am helping everyone and not to let anything prevent me from doing so.  I thanked them for coming and they left. 

By that evening the propaganda was in full effect, the word on the street was that I am collaborating with the PNC and Mr CN Sharma to bring down the Government and organising a protest march.  I was oblivious to this until 2 friends of the President came to the wake where I was meeting the families and informed me that this was the case and they had come to find out if this was true.   


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