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Originally Posted by Rev:

Mr. HM_redux:


* Judging from your numerous posts on GNI condemning and castigating the PPP, it is patently clear that you are a deeply frustrated and embittered man.


* I would like to say I empathize with you HM_redux, but then I'd be lying. May you continue to harbor deep resentment for the PPP and may your soul continue to be tortured and tormented.





Its not about me it is about your rotten PPP. If you can deduce from my posts that I am a bitter man you is a see far man. You mussy gat more than four eyes.


Attacking me demonstrates you cannot really defend your shallow ideas and or a shallow, uncaring, evil and vindictive government like the PPP.


I have nothing but empathy for you.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

Serendipitious benefits given the rich want to live like kings does not equate to progress. This government has been bad for us. They are greedy, grasping and completely disingenious. They did not take the struggle of the people to move to a dictatorship seriously. Instead, they have become rent seeking thieves whose grassing hands loots everything.



* It is obvious that you are deeply agitated and disturbed by the vast wealth elite members of the PPP have amassed during their time in office.


* BUT THAT IS POLITICS DANYAEL---99% of politicians are hustlers, scam artists----they have their hands in the cookie jar.


* Listen Danyael! If your beloved PNC/AFC were to ever occupy the executive branch they would be even  more crooked, corrupt, and disingenuous than the PPP.




* The PPP has feasted on the MILK & HONEY----their elite politicians have amassed great wealth----but Guyana has also experienced decent economic growth during the PPP years in office.



Last edited by Former Member

This is complete bull, Guyana has not experienced any growth. Guyana has become a NARCO state under the careful cultivation by your PPP.


Guyana receives 300 Million in remittances year over year it has become a pseudo welfare state.


The GDP growth numbers that Ashni Singh presents are all bogus and many persons have questioned those figures which the PPP has failed to answer any of them on. So the facts are that the PPP has taken Guyana backwards not forward as your shallow and weak assertions claim.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Serendipitious benefits given the rich want to live like kings does not equate to progress. This government has been bad for us. They are greedy, grasping and completely disingenious. They did not take the struggle of the people to move to a dictatorship seriously. Instead, they have become rent seeking thieves whose grassing hands loots everything.



* It is obvious that you are deeply agitated and disturbed by the vast wealth elite members of the PPP have amassed during their time in office.


* BUT THAT IS POLITICS DANYAEL---99% of politicians are hustlers, scam artists----they have their hands in the cookie jar.


* Listen Danyael! If your beloved PNC/AFC were to ever occupy the executive branch they would be even  more crooked, corrupt, and disingenuous than the PPP.




* The PPP has feasted on the MILK & HONEY----their elite politicians have amassed great wealth----but Guyana has also experienced decent economic growth during the PPP years in office.



Rev, why don't you shut yu rass, You are the PPP version of Mr. TK, who is the PNC version.


All you all want is position and soup with NO work.


Look carry yu backside from the place.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Interesting.  People have a hard time, so they leave.  People have a hard time so they must beg their overseas based relatives for cash.




* Remittances to Guyana in 2013 was $415 million(US)---17% of GDP.


* And by the way, not only Guyanese, but people all over the world migrate in order to better their lives.




* By the way, you should pay a visit to Guyana some day carib----make sure your eyes and mind are open----you'll see remarkable progress in a country you hate and despise because it is run by an East Indian led political party.



You know its interesting when an overseas based Guyanese goes back for ojne week and then returns claiming to be an expert.


The experts on Guyana are those WHO LIVE THERE.  130,000 of them fled between 2002 and 2012.  So everybody goes to the USA, you will say.  But 80,000 of those emigrants DID NOT GO TO THE USA.  I suspect that as many as 60,000 of thyem fled to neighboring Caribbean and South American countries.  Because the USA attracts way more Guyanese than does Canada.


So why did as many as 60,000 people flee Guyana to go live in another poor country?

Last edited by Former Member



You seem to have a lot of inside info and I have a question regarding suicide prevention in Guyana.


Why are [neutral] NGOs regarding suicide prevention  are discouraged from operating in Guyana ?


A case in point, an NGO operated in GY for six years and was making progress with dropouts returning to school and graduating, some are now teachers.

The NGO even had training sessions for hundreds of students and youth from communities, who  established peer counselling groups.


Now the 'big man' in that region sees fit to demand  a large 'fee' from the NGO to continue working in HIS territory. The same youth parents voted for the 'big man'.

When the NGO saw the 'fee' would be better spent assisting the youth and try explaining to the 'big man', he was adamant about his payment or else.


When the fee was not paid, he vindictively told those at schools and medical centres not to deal with the NGO. Thus shutting down the program.


When the matter was taken to the MOH/MOE, the NGO was told its a local matter and take it to the local authorities, the same people who were demanding the 'fee'.


What became of the Guyana National Suicide Prevention Committee and what action is in place by the GOG to assist the large numbers of youth who are committing suicide ?


The PPP government can only stall for so long, elections will eventually be held and this matter will be brought forward by the people who had experienced this evil, while their children continue to die.


Your comments BS like your other postings.   


Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

This is complete bull, Guyana has not experienced any growth. Guyana has become a NARCO state under the careful cultivation by your PPP.


Guyana receives 300 Million in remittances year over year it has become a pseudo welfare state.


The GDP growth numbers that Ashni Singh presents are all bogus and many persons have questioned those figures which the PPP has failed to answer any of them on. So the facts are that the PPP has taken Guyana backwards not forward as your shallow and weak assertions claim.



* You sound like donkey cart economist Tyrone Kimraj.


* Listen! Since you are such a rabid complainer, why don't lodge complaints with the IMF, the World Bank and the Caribbean Development Bank ? Those institutions have all praised the positive growth rates Guyana has experienced the past decade.



Originally Posted by Tola:



You seem to have a lot of inside info and I have a question regarding suicide prevention in Guyana.


Why are [neutral] NGOs regarding suicide prevention  are discouraged from operating in Guyana ?



Your comments BS like your other postings.   




* You are asking the Rev for a comment and at the same time telling him that his other postings are BS.


* Are you sure you want an honest comment from me ?


* Listen Tola---lemme begin by giving praise to the NGO's attempting to do valuable and meaningful work in Guyana. I have always admired the dedication and commitment of those folks.


* The problems confronted by the NGO's are those they would confront in most poor countries---inefficient bureaucracy and blatant corruption.


* You mentioned the "big man" wanted his "fee" ---well, there is an old saying, "a fish rots from the head"----and so if former President and biggest of the " Big Men" Barath wanted his cut----then "monkey see monkey do"----and so all the little "big men" will want their cut.




* Answer that and you'll win a Nobel Prize.





Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Serendipitious benefits given the rich want to live like kings does not equate to progress. This government has been bad for us. They are greedy, grasping and completely disingenious. They did not take the struggle of the people to move to a dictatorship seriously. Instead, they have become rent seeking thieves whose grassing hands loots everything.



* It is obvious that you are deeply agitated and disturbed by the vast wealth elite members of the PPP have amassed during their time in office.


* BUT THAT IS POLITICS DANYAEL---99% of politicians are hustlers, scam artists----they have their hands in the cookie jar.


* Listen Danyael! If your beloved PNC/AFC were to ever occupy the executive branch they would be even  more crooked, corrupt, and disingenuous than the PPP.




* The PPP has feasted on the MILK & HONEY----their elite politicians have amassed great wealth----but Guyana has also experienced decent economic growth during the PPP years in office.



Rev, why don't you shut yu rass, You are the PPP version of Mr. TK, who is the PNC version.


All you all want is position and soup with NO work.


Look carry yu backside from the place.

Mr sing why you envy mr TK like Mr rev?

Originally Posted by caribny:

For people not from Commonwealth countries, they need tolive in Guyana for at least 10 years to get citizenship and then the right to vote.  Virtually no Chinese live that long.  They either go back to China, or they move on elsewhere.  So stop counting Chinese votes.  they don't exist.


live in Guyana for at least 10 years to get citizenship and then the right to vote.  Virtually no Chinese live that long.


Rass....Chinese life expectancy had dropped to less than 10 years.......


At this rate China will have an 8-yr old President replace President Xi Jinping......

Originally Posted by Rev:

OK Folks:


* In this thread you'll read about exciting, positive developments that's taking place in Guyana.


* This thread will deeply offend the WHINERS & WETBLANKETS who daily bombard GNI with nonsense and negativity.


* The Rev is a cheerful, upbeat and optimistic gentleman, and I intend to share positive and encouraging news pertaining to economic progress in good old Guyana.




The Rev is a cheerful, upbeat and optimistic gentleman.....can we throw in a little doe of realism there buddy?

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

This is complete bull, Guyana has not experienced any growth. Guyana has become a NARCO state under the careful cultivation by your PPP.


Guyana receives 300 Million in remittances year over year it has become a pseudo welfare state.


The GDP growth numbers that Ashni Singh presents are all bogus and many persons have questioned those figures which the PPP has failed to answer any of them on. So the facts are that the PPP has taken Guyana backwards not forward as your shallow and weak assertions claim.

Guyana receives 300 Million in remittances year over year it has become a pseudo welfare state.



I think you meant to add....and Jagdeo is the biggest welfare Queen in Guyana..." right?

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Rev:



* Remittances to Guyana in 2013 was $415 million(US)---17% of GDP.



kari: Isn't that a damning statistic, and one not to be proud of?

* Over 47 million Americans on food stamps. Isn't that also a damning statistic ?


* 76% of Americans living from paycheck to paycheck.


* 44% of Americans have less than 3 months worth of savings




* There is poverty in every country on the planet---even in the richest---the great US of A.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Rev:



* Remittances to Guyana in 2013 was $415 million(US)---17% of GDP.



kari: Isn't that a damning statistic, and one not to be proud of?

* Over 47 million Americans on food stamps. Isn't that also a damning statistic ?


* 76% of Americans living from paycheck to paycheck.


* 44% of Americans have less than 3 months worth of savings




* There is poverty in every country on the planet---even in the richest---the great US of A.



We have more poverty in Guyana


Rev, my BS statement is saying you do not speak about the reality of Guyana, regarding the majority of the people.

Your 'economic growth' only seems to suit the PPP elite and most care less about those who suffers the most.


You are right about the 'big man' learned from Barath The Best. When we took a letter of intro to him, he swore at us saying he takes instructions only from his 'big man' Barath The Best.


It is most unfortunate due an AH, the youth will continue to take their own lives, because of no counselling programs.

Yet the PPP awarded him with a prestigious position, with a larger salary and little to do. What a great political party !!


Being an 'inside person', you fail to suggest a solution to the challenges experienced by the NGO. Or are you not as 'big' as they say you are ?  


How do we get rid of the rotten fish without getting rid of the PPP government?


Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Tola:



You seem to have a lot of inside info and I have a question regarding suicide prevention in Guyana.


Why are [neutral] NGOs regarding suicide prevention  are discouraged from operating in Guyana ?



Your comments BS like your other postings.   




* You are asking the Rev for a comment and at the same time telling him that his other postings are BS.


* Are you sure you want an honest comment from me ?


* Listen Tola---lemme begin by giving praise to the NGO's attempting to do valuable and meaningful work in Guyana. I have always admired the dedication and commitment of those folks.


* The problems confronted by the NGO's are those they would confront in most poor countries---inefficient bureaucracy and blatant corruption.


* You mentioned the "big man" wanted his "fee" ---well, there is an old saying, "a fish rots from the head"----and so if former President and biggest of the " Big Men" Barath wanted his cut----then "monkey see monkey do"----and so all the little "big men" will want their cut.




* Answer that and you'll win a Nobel Prize.






Originally Posted by Tola:

Rev, my BS statement is saying you do not speak about the reality of Guyana, regarding the majority of the people.

Your 'economic growth' only seems to suit the PPP elite and most care less about those who suffers the most.


You are right about the 'big man' learned from Barath The Best. When we took a letter of intro to him, he swore at us saying he takes instructions only from his 'big man' Barath The Best.


It is most unfortunate due an AH, the youth will continue to take their own lives, because of no counselling programs.

Yet the PPP awarded him with a prestigious position, with a larger salary and little to do. What a great political party !!


Being an 'inside person', you fail to suggest a solution to the challenges experienced by the NGO. Or are you not as 'big' as they say you are ?  


How do we get rid of the rotten fish without getting rid of the PPP government?


Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Tola:



You seem to have a lot of inside info and I have a question regarding suicide prevention in Guyana.


Why are [neutral] NGOs regarding suicide prevention  are discouraged from operating in Guyana ?



Your comments BS like your other postings.   




* You are asking the Rev for a comment and at the same time telling him that his other postings are BS.


* Are you sure you want an honest comment from me ?


* Listen Tola---lemme begin by giving praise to the NGO's attempting to do valuable and meaningful work in Guyana. I have always admired the dedication and commitment of those folks.


* The problems confronted by the NGO's are those they would confront in most poor countries---inefficient bureaucracy and blatant corruption.


* You mentioned the "big man" wanted his "fee" ---well, there is an old saying, "a fish rots from the head"----and so if former President and biggest of the " Big Men" Barath wanted his cut----then "monkey see monkey do"----and so all the little "big men" will want their cut.




* Answer that and you'll win a Nobel Prize.






EH Blast from the Past Mr. TOLA.




Is election time again and all the stalwart and veterans coming out fo the crack.



Thanks Brian, we are a returning team to get rid of the  rotten fish, described by the Rev.
Those trained by Barath The Best.
The Rev might get fired, because of that statement. 
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Tola:

Rev, my BS statement is saying you do not speak about the reality of Guyana, regarding the majority of the people.

Your 'economic growth' only seems to suit the PPP elite and most care less about those who suffers the most.


You are right about the 'big man' learned from Barath The Best. When we took a letter of intro to him, he swore at us saying he takes instructions only from his 'big man' Barath The Best.


It is most unfortunate due an AH, the youth will continue to take their own lives, because of no counselling programs.

Yet the PPP awarded him with a prestigious position, with a larger salary and little to do. What a great political party !!


Being an 'inside person', you fail to suggest a solution to the challenges experienced by the NGO. Or are you not as 'big' as they say you are ?  


How do we get rid of the rotten fish without getting rid of the PPP government?


Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Tola:



You seem to have a lot of inside info and I have a question regarding suicide prevention in Guyana.


Why are [neutral] NGOs regarding suicide prevention  are discouraged from operating in Guyana ?



Your comments BS like your other postings.   




* You are asking the Rev for a comment and at the same time telling him that his other postings are BS.


* Are you sure you want an honest comment from me ?


* Listen Tola---lemme begin by giving praise to the NGO's attempting to do valuable and meaningful work in Guyana. I have always admired the dedication and commitment of those folks.


* The problems confronted by the NGO's are those they would confront in most poor countries---inefficient bureaucracy and blatant corruption.


* You mentioned the "big man" wanted his "fee" ---well, there is an old saying, "a fish rots from the head"----and so if former President and biggest of the " Big Men" Barath wanted his cut----then "monkey see monkey do"----and so all the little "big men" will want their cut.




* Answer that and you'll win a Nobel Prize.






EH Blast from the Past Mr. TOLA.




Is election time again and all the stalwart and veterans coming out fo the crack.




Originally Posted by Tola:



Tola:Being an 'inside person', you fail to suggest a solution to the challenges experienced by the NGO. Or are you not as 'big' as they say you are ?  

Rev: LOL. Sorry to disappoint you Tola, but the Rev is not a PPP insider. Rev is not even a member of the PPP. I run a business here in New York.


Tola: How do we get rid of the rotten fish without getting rid of the PPP government?

Rev: You already know the answer to that----Regarding The "big man" asking for a bribe----why not post his name and photo ? You have to start publicly shaming the corrupt bribe seekers.

Anyway Tola, good luck with your efforts in Guyana. Keep up the good work.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Rev:



* Remittances to Guyana in 2013 was $415 million(US)---17% of GDP.



kari: Isn't that a damning statistic, and one not to be proud of?

* Over 47 million Americans on food stamps. Isn't that also a damning statistic ?


* 76% of Americans living from paycheck to paycheck.


* 44% of Americans have less than 3 months worth of savings




* There is poverty in every country on the planet---even in the richest---the great US of A.





This is the most accurate statement that I have heard here in a very long time. There is poverty everywhere. I just came back from the USA and Americans are really feeling the squeeze.


Despite this fact, they play a blind on the issue of Poverty in Developed Countries and blame the PPP for Guyana's poverty. 


I spoke to Guyanese who are now just visiting America and Canada for vacation, something that was unheard of during the rotten PNC days. Guyana has made tremendous progress in terms of economic development.


There could have been a lot more progress had the combined AFC/PNC and dirty Indians blocking development projects that create economic activity and spinoff jobs.


The dirty opposition cannot have it both ways. All that the opposition can do is talk and talk is cheap.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Rev:



* Remittances to Guyana in 2013 was $415 million(US)---17% of GDP.



kari: Isn't that a damning statistic, and one not to be proud of?

* Over 47 million Americans on food stamps. Isn't that also a damning statistic ?


* 76% of Americans living from paycheck to paycheck.


* 44% of Americans have less than 3 months worth of savings




* There is poverty in every country on the planet---even in the richest---the great US of A.





This is the most accurate statement that I have heard here in a very long time. There is poverty everywhere. I just came back from the USA and Americans are really feeling the squeeze.


Despite this fact, they play a blind on the issue of Poverty in Developed Countries and blame the PPP for Guyana's poverty. 


I spoke to Guyanese who are now just visiting America and Canada for vacation, something that was unheard of during the rotten PNC days. Guyana has made tremendous progress in terms of economic development.


There could have been a lot more progress had the combined AFC/PNC and dirty Indians blocking development projects that create economic activity and spinoff jobs.


The dirty opposition cannot have it both ways. All that the opposition can do is talk and talk is cheap.

Dirty Indians?

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Rev:



* Remittances to Guyana in 2013 was $415 million(US)---17% of GDP.



kari: Isn't that a damning statistic, and one not to be proud of?

* Over 47 million Americans on food stamps. Isn't that also a damning statistic ?


* 76% of Americans living from paycheck to paycheck.


* 44% of Americans have less than 3 months worth of savings




* There is poverty in every country on the planet---even in the richest---the great US of A.





This is the most accurate statement that I have heard here in a very long time. There is poverty everywhere. I just came back from the USA and Americans are really feeling the squeeze.


Despite this fact, they play a blind on the issue of Poverty in Developed Countries and blame the PPP for Guyana's poverty. 


I spoke to Guyanese who are now just visiting America and Canada for vacation, something that was unheard of during the rotten PNC days. Guyana has made tremendous progress in terms of economic development.


There could have been a lot more progress had the combined AFC/PNC and dirty Indians blocking development projects that create economic activity and spinoff jobs.


The dirty opposition cannot have it both ways. All that the opposition can do is talk and talk is cheap.

Dirty Indians?



A dirty Indian is an Indian who longs for the return of the Rotten PNC.

Last edited by Former Member



The number of NGOs has grown exponentially over the last 20 years, as has the scale of resources available. In 2010, it was estimated that humanitarian spending reached just shy of $17 billion.[4] Some NGOs have become transnational, with very large budgets. One American NGO, World Vision International, has a budget topping $2.6bn.


NGOs are often reluctant to talk about corruption for fear that it will lead to bad publicity and, consequently, a loss of funding


* Hmmmm! Interesting! Maybe Tola would be interested in addressing the article in the Link.





Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Rev:



* Remittances to Guyana in 2013 was $415 million(US)---17% of GDP.



kari: Isn't that a damning statistic, and one not to be proud of?

* Over 47 million Americans on food stamps. Isn't that also a damning statistic ?


* 76% of Americans living from paycheck to paycheck.


* 44% of Americans have less than 3 months worth of savings




* There is poverty in every country on the planet---even in the richest---the great US of A.





This is the most accurate statement that I have heard here in a very long time. There is poverty everywhere. I just came back from the USA and Americans are really feeling the squeeze.


Despite this fact, they play a blind on the issue of Poverty in Developed Countries and blame the PPP for Guyana's poverty. 


I spoke to Guyanese who are now just visiting America and Canada for vacation, something that was unheard of during the rotten PNC days. Guyana has made tremendous progress in terms of economic development.


There could have been a lot more progress had the combined AFC/PNC and dirty Indians blocking development projects that create economic activity and spinoff jobs.


The dirty opposition cannot have it both ways. All that the opposition can do is talk and talk is cheap.

Dirty Indians?



A dirty Indian is an Indian who longs for the return of the Rotten PNC.

You racial mind showing

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Serendipitious benefits given the rich want to live like kings does not equate to progress. This government has been bad for us. They are greedy, grasping and completely disingenious. They did not take the struggle of the people to move to a dictatorship seriously. Instead, they have become rent seeking thieves whose grassing hands loots everything.



* It is obvious that you are deeply agitated and disturbed by the vast wealth elite members of the PPP have amassed during their time in office.


* BUT THAT IS POLITICS DANYAEL---99% of politicians are hustlers, scam artists----they have their hands in the cookie jar.


* Listen Danyael! If your beloved PNC/AFC were to ever occupy the executive branch they would be even  more crooked, corrupt, and disingenuous than the PPP.




* The PPP has feasted on the MILK & HONEY----their elite politicians have amassed great wealth----but Guyana has also experienced decent economic growth during the PPP years in office.



Indeed I am up in arms against the PPP because they are crooks. It does not mean their obscene crookedness  has left me bereft of my senses as it has you folks who try to stand in their defense. My anger is a righteous anger and not  as your idle, addled brained, stringing together of nonsense words to deflect from their crude thievery


Further, one does not give up in the face of evil. One stand up and march to the front line because that is the way of the just. Insisting the battle is un-winnable because the odds are overwhelming is also never an option. Indeed good people are few and those that walk the straight and narrow walk a lonely road. However, every philosophical tome, every religious text, every common sense saying admonishes against thinking the fight against evil is easy or fair.


Whether  99 percent of  politician are evil ( pulling numbers out of your hat again) or not does not mean those in the one percent will recapitulate, role over and give up the ghost. No we fight and we in Guyana will fight the crooked PPP because that is what good people do.


Further, only in your world is evil ever productive of good benefits. If these fellows are crooks, the society looses what they steal. Their amassing of obscene wealth, and their piling up of bling which they flaunt as the nouveau riche is not lost on the society. Jagdeo spending 3 million G a month when the average Guyanese is force to live on 60KG represents this. It motivates anger against the commutative insult of this new class of super rich crooks. 99 percent of the PPP crooked politicians cannot be the source of our a 100 percent of our  misery.


Just to conclude, I am anti PPP not pro any other. I suggest as a supposed numbers man you take stock of the benefits of competition where it is not an either/or proposition. The PPP/PNC conflict makes for politics as a zero sum game and both would like for it to continue that way. The presence of the AFC makes alternative outcomes possible and that is what I am for.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Rev:



* Remittances to Guyana in 2013 was $415 million(US)---17% of GDP.



kari: Isn't that a damning statistic, and one not to be proud of?

* Over 47 million Americans on food stamps. Isn't that also a damning statistic ?


* 76% of Americans living from paycheck to paycheck.


* 44% of Americans have less than 3 months worth of savings




* There is poverty in every country on the planet---even in the richest---the great US of A.



 Where ever discomforts brought on by inconsistencies of human behavior one fights. One does not throw up their hands like you do and say lets like Job be thankful for small mercies.


The PPP is the source of our present discontent and it is against them we will leverage every means to the end of removing them from office. It is what one does if one has a wart on ones face or one's backside where it is not seen. It is just not right so we seek to remove it.

Originally Posted by Rev:



The number of NGOs has grown exponentially over the last 20 years, as has the scale of resources available. In 2010, it was estimated that humanitarian spending reached just shy of $17 billion.[4] Some NGOs have become transnational, with very large budgets. One American NGO, World Vision International, has a budget topping $2.6bn.


NGOs are often reluctant to talk about corruption for fear that it will lead to bad publicity and, consequently, a loss of funding


* Hmmmm! Interesting! Maybe Tola would be interested in addressing the article in the Link.







How come your performance is similar to the PPP government, when they are confronted with an issue, because of their corrupt members.  

Instead of working with a situation to make it better for the population, they degrade the messenger and all is lost. You just did that.

Is Ramotar ever going to address the NCN report ?


Exposing the person: Here again, I don't believe you fully understand the vindictiveness of the PPP government. What do you think will happen to NGO members in Guyana that were part of the program, after they place their names on a list of witnesses.


You are NOT a PPP member !! You can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all.

Most of us were PPP members until 'Barath de Beast'  took over and we noticed the suffering of the needy, caused by those in authority.

More to come Rev, at election time,  the voters are totally pissed that a program to help their children was derailed, by no other than a person who should be working to make their lives better.

Even if you cut off the head of the rotten fish, the rest of the rotten fish still remains intact.

The only solution is getting rid of the whole rotten fish.          


Originally Posted by Tola:

You are NOT a PPP member !! You can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all.




* You seem a tad peeved and annoyed.


* Listen! If you scroll up---3 hours ago--- you'll see my reply to you in which I stated I was not a member of the PPP. Here it is:


Tola:Being an 'inside person', you fail to suggest a solution to the challenges experienced by the NGO. Or are you not as 'big' as they say you are ?


Rev: LOL. Sorry to disappoint you Tola, but the Rev is not a PPP insider. Rev is not even a member of the PPP. I run a business here in New York.




* Anyway Tola, I had asked you if there was any truth to the article above, which addressed CORRUPTION IN THE NGO WORLD..




* Look! You come here and accuse government officials of being corrupt. I don't disbelieve you.


* But if government officials are on the take---their names can be released anonymously. Unless people demanding bribes and pay offs are exposed, the corruption will continue.


* Anyway Tola, I wish you well in your endeavors.







* The good news for the haters of the PPP and for those wet blankets on GNI who delight in bad news from Guyana is gold production in 2014 is down 16% from 2013 level.


* We are all aware that gold prices have dropped from a high of $1798/oz in 2012----gold prices closed today at $1307


* ANYWAY THE PPP GOVERNMENT IS OPENING NEW MINING LANDS----new miners will mean additional production---more economic progress for Guyana.


The Natural Resources Minister announced that a “competitive” and “open” auction for mining lands on August 11 and lotteries for new mining lands in the mining districts on August 18. “These two important activities would see hundreds of individuals who currently do not have access to their own properties would be able to be given the opportunity,” he said.


Click on link:


* By the way, I wont be surprised to see caribJ come here and celebrate the decreased gold production in 2014.



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Originally Posted by Tola:



How come your performance is similar to the PPP government, when they are confronted with an issue, because of their corrupt members.  

Instead of working with a situation to make it better for the population, they degrade the messenger and all is lost. You just did that.

Tola, don't bang your head against a door post. That's Rev's nature and style, so ingrained that it's beyond expurgation.


You are NOT a PPP member !! You can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all.

Tola, Rev is telling the truth here. He is not a PPP member. He is an uncontrolled loose cannon defending the PPP for one thing only: A COOLIE GOVERNMENT AT ALL COST. For Rev, corruption is peanuts compared to the spectre of an opposition alternative to the PPP crooks.


Most of us were PPP members until 'Barath de Beast'  took over and we noticed the suffering of the needy, caused by those in authority.

Tola, that's an accurate observation. You will recall that when I was posting on this board as Bookman, I fought tooth and nail for the PPP. You and I crossed swords a few times on that account. Well, my eyes are wide open now, I cleaned out the PPP booboo, and I am like most of us here who were PPP members.

Welcome back, Tola. We'll chat about your photography another time.




Originally Posted by Rev:





* The good news for the haters of the PPP and for those wet blankets on GNI who delight in bad news from Guyana is gold production in 2014 is down 16% from 2013 level.


* We are all aware that gold prices have dropped from a high of $1798/oz in 2012----gold prices closed today at $1307


* ANYWAY THE PPP GOVERNMENT IS OPENING NEW MINING LANDS----new miners will mean additional production---more economic progress for Guyana.


The Natural Resources Minister announced that a “competitive” and “open” auction for mining lands on August 11 and lotteries for new mining lands in the mining districts on August 18. “These two important activities would see hundreds of individuals who currently do not have access to their own properties would be able to be given the opportunity,” he said.


Click on link:


* By the way, I wont be surprised to see caribJ come here and celebrate the decreased gold production in 2014.



you are as naive as a cow. Mining is the worse thing that has happened to up. Further, as it is, fishing does better for us. Meanwhile, out environment is desecrated and poisoned by heavy metals and other poisonous chemicals.


Caribj is an ivy league graduate. Why would he want the hard,unrewarding life of a minor? Why do you think he would be longing for a short life?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Danyael:

you are as naive as a cow. Mining is the worse thing that has happened to up.


Caribj is an ivy league graduate.

* Danny bwoy! You are obviously consumed by negativity and pessimism.


* You must have had a hard life.


* Listen! Unlike you, the optimistic and forward looking Rev sees the positiveness in mining.


* Regarding carib---that boy is just as negative and fatalistic as you.





Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

you are as naive as a cow. Mining is the worse thing that has happened to up.


Caribj is an ivy league graduate.

* Danny bwoy! You are obviously consumed by negativity and pessimism.


* You must have had a hard life.


* Listen! Unlike you, the optimistic and forward looking Rev sees the positiveness in mining.


* Regarding carib---that boy is just as negative and fatalistic as you.





You are obviously living in a magical kingdom unconnected to the reality of life here. What would make you so full of nonsense? Confronting thieves does not require a state of mind other than one is against thieves. It is a defense of what is natural to good functioning of the human community


Fatalism is accepting the inevitability of  dominance of evil. To the contrary. We represent that hopeful side that does not think fighting crooks is an act of fu.cking door knobs. We know we will be the victors because such is the ways of things inevitably just. You go pontificating that accepting 99 percent evil people as normal. Now that is fatalism.


Hard or easy life has no bearing to your nonsense thesis. However, I was born lucky and even before birth my future was taken care of. That start made it easier.  None of this has to do with maintaining proper ethical standards. Poor people with hard lives are not deprived of moral grounding. Yours is not per a reasoned but peculiar philosophy for life but an incomplete and sketchy one. 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by caribny:


 You are smoking crack if you think that black people like Ramotar. 




* Do you see the love and affection those lovely Guyanese afro ladies are showing Prezzy ?




* You probably end up with a white chick in America.hahaha


* Anyway, Listen up carib! The PPP received just over 10% of the black votes in 2011.


* And in the next election---Prezzy expects to do slightly better among afros.


* By the way carib, did you see the article above on the asphalt investment in Berbice ? It was a black businessman who started that project. And he had glowing praises for the PPP and its support for the business community.







Can you explain why the PNC won 41% of the votes if the PPP is increasing its black vote?  By the way the PPP won 10% of the black AND mixed vote.  Even douglas prefer the PNC!


Jagdeo also loved pics with black women, and yet when the time came they didn't vote for him.



The PPP had a free concert in Linden, and thousands of black people showed up.  When the election came they got fewer votes than the number of people who showed up.


Business people will praise which ever govt is in power to protect their interests.  If Venezuela took over Guyana he would sing their praises as well.


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