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Originally Posted by Rev:




* The good news for the haters of the PPP and for those wet blankets on GNI who delight in bad news from Guyana is gold production in 2014 is down 16% from 2013 level.


* We are all aware that gold prices have dropped from a high of $1798/oz in 2012----gold prices closed today at $1307


* ANYWAY THE PPP GOVERNMENT IS OPENING NEW MINING LANDS----new miners will mean additional production---more economic progress for Guyana.


The Natural Resources Minister announced that a “competitive” and “open” auction for mining lands on August 11 and lotteries for new mining lands in the mining districts on August 18. “These two important activities would see hundreds of individuals who currently do not have access to their own properties would be able to be given the opportunity,” he said.


Click on link:


* By the way, I wont be surprised to see caribJ come here and celebrate the decreased gold production in 2014.





Whats your point.  Last year the miners told the PPP that they needed help.  The PPP laughed at them.  Now that smaller miners have a problem because gold prices dropped and costs of operation remain high, and production is down the PPP screams that they are hoarding.


And the PPP rants that their new white elephant airport will ensure that GEO will have flights to the moon!


They are now opening up new, probably more marginal lands.  So what's all your howling about?   The PPP prefers to waste money on a huge 8 jetway white elephant than investing in improving transportation in the interior.


Thanks Gil,
We had dealings with the likes of the Rev and know his tunnel vision will continue to destroy Guyana under an ALL INDIAN GOVERNMENT,or for others, an ALL BLACK GOVERNMENT.
Our program had some association with government  people, but after we noticed their greed on the backs of the people we were trying to assist, we dumped them, but they can be vindictive, when they don't get 'their' share of our 'wealth', that was mostly donations for the program.
I like your  description of the Rev 'uncontrollable loose cannon', a one-minded person like the PPP government,  fits that description well.
It is interesting to note that many post here when they have not seen the reality of Guyana, similar to some I know.  After a few weeks in Guyana  working with people at the bottom struggling to survive, they see the difference between the big houses and the suffering of the majority and say, WOW!! what a shit hole this place is and the government is doing little about it.
The one that gets me most is children having to use flooded outhouses, parents cannot buy pencils for school  and weeks and weeks of using kerosene lamps to do home work, while slapping mosquitoes.
While  'Barath de Beast' can use millions in taxpayers funds for his unfailing electricity.
Photography is doing well. Bought some new equipment and  just got back from a Mexican project. Indian photos was accepted for international publication and I am trying to publish my [500] 1960-1967 photos for Guyana's 50th anniversary. Some are of Michael Forde and numerous of CJ, [including his mother] on the campaign trail.
My prize was in 2007 when JJ agree  to my request to do a video interview about her relationship with CJ, nothing political.
I was surprised at her answer when I asked what was one of their best achievements  as a couple.
She said ' Oh me gosh, Cheddi used to be so upset at parents who want to put gold on dem gyal pickney teeth before dem get married', because he had to file good teeth to make the gold fit. Thus destroying healthy teeth. He refused to do it and we would show parents model magazines of beautiful natural teeth'.
A paper just did a story about my photography career. They highlight a bayonet wound on my stomach, as I was photographing a sugar workers protest in 1963, about 100 men  were carrying a banner stating 'DOWN WITH MPCA, WE WANT GAWU, Ramiah took land for bribe'. The dozen British soldiers with guns at the ready, resulted in my stomach being stabbed.  As a teenager I remember saying, 'this bugger tore my new shirt', but I got my shots.
You will remember this was a dangerous time to protest, during the national strike and curfew. There was a recent shooting of six and my school friend Motie brought me a filled magazine of British soldiers bullets that he found. It was given to a guy who switched parties.  Like some presently in the OP,  he is now a  nobody in Berbice, that people care little about.
I always enjoy yours, Feenie and others interaction with the book club, I also read extensively  and because of the work we do internationally, including Guyana, my favourite book is still 'THE MACHO PARADOX, why some men hurt women and how all man can help' by Jackson Katz.
He has a unique way to start his workshops, he would ask the men to write on a board all the precautions they have to take before they go out. All they can think of, is protection from other men in prison. 
When he asked the women to do the same, they ask for  second board, because they ran out of room.
Take care Gil, it bothers me a lot that many in the GY government are so corrupt, while the youthful future leaders of Guyana are committing suicide in large numbers, with little being done.
When others try to do something about it, those AHs don't have a heart to assist, but instead, demand their share, for doing nothing.
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Tola:



How come your performance is similar to the PPP government, when they are confronted with an issue, because of their corrupt members.  

Instead of working with a situation to make it better for the population, they degrade the messenger and all is lost. You just did that.

Tola, don't bang your head against a door post. That's Rev's nature and style, so ingrained that it's beyond expurgation.


You are NOT a PPP member !! You can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all.

Tola, Rev is telling the truth here. He is not a PPP member. He is an uncontrolled loose cannon defending the PPP for one thing only: A COOLIE GOVERNMENT AT ALL COST. For Rev, corruption is peanuts compared to the spectre of an opposition alternative to the PPP crooks.


Most of us were PPP members until 'Barath de Beast'  took over and we noticed the suffering of the needy, caused by those in authority.

Tola, that's an accurate observation. You will recall that when I was posting on this board as Bookman, I fought tooth and nail for the PPP. You and I crossed swords a few times on that account. Well, my eyes are wide open now, I cleaned out the PPP booboo, and I am like most of us here who were PPP members.

Welcome back, Tola. We'll chat about your photography another time.





Originally Posted by Tola:
Thanks Gil,
We had dealings with the likes of the Rev and know his tunnel vision will continue to destroy Guyana under an ALL INDIAN GOVERNMENT,or for others, an ALL BLACK GOVERNMENT.
Our program had some association with government  people, but after we noticed their greed on the backs of the people we were trying to assist, we dumped them, but they can be vindictive, when they don't get 'their' share of our 'wealth', that was mostly donations for the program.
I like your  description of the Rev 'uncontrollable loose cannon', a one-minded person like the PPP government,  fits that description well.
It is interesting to note that many post here when they have not seen the reality of Guyana, similar to some I know.  After a few weeks in Guyana  working with people at the bottom struggling to survive, they see the difference between the big houses and the suffering of the majority and say, WOW!! what a shit hole this place is and the government is doing little about it.
The one that gets me most is children having to use flooded outhouses, parents cannot buy pencils for school  and weeks and weeks of using kerosene lamps to do home work, while slapping mosquitoes.
While  'Barath de Beast' can use millions in taxpayers funds for his unfailing electricity.
Photography is doing well. Bought some new equipment and  just got back from a Mexican project. Indian photos was accepted for international publication and I am trying to publish my [500] 1960-1967 photos for Guyana's 50th anniversary. Some are of Michael Forde and numerous of CJ, [including his mother] on the campaign trail.
My prize was in 2007 when JJ agree  to my request to do a video interview about her relationship with CJ, nothing political.
I was surprised at her answer when I asked what was one of their best achievements  as a couple.
She said ' Oh me gosh, Cheddi used to be so upset at parents who want to put gold on dem gyal pickney teeth before dem get married', because he had to file good teeth to make the gold fit. Thus destroying healthy teeth. He refused to do it and we would show parents model magazines of beautiful natural teeth'.
A paper just did a story about my photography career. They highlight a bayonet wound on my stomach, as I was photographing a sugar workers protest in 1963, about 100 men  were carrying a banner stating 'DOWN WITH MPCA, WE WANT GAWU, Ramiah took land for bribe'. The dozen British soldiers with guns at the ready, resulted in my stomach being stabbed.  As a teenager I remember saying, 'this bugger tore my new shirt', but I got my shots.
You will remember this was a dangerous time to protest, during the national strike and curfew. There was a recent shooting of six and my school friend Motie brought me a filled magazine of British soldiers bullets that he found. It was given to a guy who switched parties.  Like some presently in the OP,  he is now a  nobody in Berbice, that people care little about.
I always enjoy yours, Feenie and others interaction with the book club, I also read extensively  and because of the work we do internationally, including Guyana, my favourite book is still 'THE MACHO PARADOX, why some men hurt women and how all man can help' by Jackson Katz.
He has a unique way to start his workshops, he would ask the men to write on a board all the precautions they have to take before they go out. All they can think of, is protection from other men in prison. 
When he asked the women to do the same, they ask for  second board, because they ran out of room.
Take care Gil, it bothers me a lot that many in the GY government are so corrupt, while the youthful future leaders of Guyana are committing suicide in large numbers, with little being done.
When others try to do something about it, those AHs don't have a heart to assist, but instead, demand their share, for doing nothing.
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Tola:



How come your performance is similar to the PPP government, when they are confronted with an issue, because of their corrupt members.  

Instead of working with a situation to make it better for the population, they degrade the messenger and all is lost. You just did that.

Tola, don't bang your head against a door post. That's Rev's nature and style, so ingrained that it's beyond expurgation.


You are NOT a PPP member !! You can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all.

Tola, Rev is telling the truth here. He is not a PPP member. He is an uncontrolled loose cannon defending the PPP for one thing only: A COOLIE GOVERNMENT AT ALL COST. For Rev, corruption is peanuts compared to the spectre of an opposition alternative to the PPP crooks.


Most of us were PPP members until 'Barath de Beast'  took over and we noticed the suffering of the needy, caused by those in authority.

Tola, that's an accurate observation. You will recall that when I was posting on this board as Bookman, I fought tooth and nail for the PPP. You and I crossed swords a few times on that account. Well, my eyes are wide open now, I cleaned out the PPP booboo, and I am like most of us here who were PPP members.

Welcome back, Tola. We'll chat about your photography another time.





Thanks for taking time to give the update on your photo-journalism projects, Tola. Keep it up. At your age you're still doing fine.

I'm glad you've reported here what you saw and experienced recently in Guyana. Those things underline the heartlessness of corrupt PPP officials in Berbice.

The PPP will pay dearly again in Berbice next elections. They've already lost two more seats through emigration, as the 2012 census shows.

Originally Posted by caribny:



Can you explain why the PNC won 41% of the votes if the PPP is increasing its black vote? 

* Here's how the PNC performed by race in 2011







* Mix that up and you'll arrive at 40.8% of the overall votes.


* Note! 16% of blacks did not vote for the PNC.





Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by caribny:



Can you explain why the PNC won 41% of the votes if the PPP is increasing its black vote? 

* Here's how the PNC performed by race in 2011







* Mix that up and you'll arrive at 40.8% of the overall votes.


* Note! 16% of blacks did not vote for the PNC.





If sixteen percent of the PNC base is dangling out there you are quite overly exuberant that the PPP will win. Note no one knew how much they were stealing until the last election forced a partial accounting. Do you think the people will stay with the source of their humiliation given they know they can be free from it?


The PNC stands the best chance to take the government. The mere fact that those currently in office who act as kings and queens with our nations assets can be unseated will  invigorate  the PNC vote. Practically every other person want to see the penguin, and anil squared in a cell for their corruption. Who do not want to see Sataeur and his kids sanitized from the tax office so that place cannot be an enforcement agency against opponents and lure to crony capitalism for the PPP? And that is only the tip of the iceberg.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Thanks Gil,
We had dealings with the likes of the Rev and know his tunnel vision will continue to destroy Guyana under an ALL INDIAN GOVERNMENT,or for others, an ALL BLACK GOVERNMENT.
Our program had some association with government  people, but after we noticed their greed on the backs of the people we were trying to assist, we dumped them, but they can be vindictive, when they don't get 'their' share of our 'wealth', that was mostly donations for the program.
I like your  description of the Rev 'uncontrollable loose cannon', a one-minded person like the PPP government,  fits that description well.
It is interesting to note that many post here when they have not seen the reality of Guyana, similar to some I know.  After a few weeks in Guyana  working with people at the bottom struggling to survive, they see the difference between the big houses and the suffering of the majority and say, WOW!! what a shit hole this place is and the government is doing little about it.
The one that gets me most is children having to use flooded outhouses, parents cannot buy pencils for school  and weeks and weeks of using kerosene lamps to do home work, while slapping mosquitoes.
While  'Barath de Beast' can use millions in taxpayers funds for his unfailing electricity.
Photography is doing well. Bought some new equipment and  just got back from a Mexican project. Indian photos was accepted for international publication and I am trying to publish my [500] 1960-1967 photos for Guyana's 50th anniversary. Some are of Michael Forde and numerous of CJ, [including his mother] on the campaign trail.
My prize was in 2007 when JJ agree  to my request to do a video interview about her relationship with CJ, nothing political.
I was surprised at her answer when I asked what was one of their best achievements  as a couple.
She said ' Oh me gosh, Cheddi used to be so upset at parents who want to put gold on dem gyal pickney teeth before dem get married', because he had to file good teeth to make the gold fit. Thus destroying healthy teeth. He refused to do it and we would show parents model magazines of beautiful natural teeth'.
A paper just did a story about my photography career. They highlight a bayonet wound on my stomach, as I was photographing a sugar workers protest in 1963, about 100 men  were carrying a banner stating 'DOWN WITH MPCA, WE WANT GAWU, Ramiah took land for bribe'. The dozen British soldiers with guns at the ready, resulted in my stomach being stabbed.  As a teenager I remember saying, 'this bugger tore my new shirt', but I got my shots.
You will remember this was a dangerous time to protest, during the national strike and curfew. There was a recent shooting of six and my school friend Motie brought me a filled magazine of British soldiers bullets that he found. It was given to a guy who switched parties.  Like some presently in the OP,  he is now a  nobody in Berbice, that people care little about.
I always enjoy yours, Feenie and others interaction with the book club, I also read extensively  and because of the work we do internationally, including Guyana, my favourite book is still 'THE MACHO PARADOX, why some men hurt women and how all man can help' by Jackson Katz.
He has a unique way to start his workshops, he would ask the men to write on a board all the precautions they have to take before they go out. All they can think of, is protection from other men in prison. 
When he asked the women to do the same, they ask for  second board, because they ran out of room.
Take care Gil, it bothers me a lot that many in the GY government are so corrupt, while the youthful future leaders of Guyana are committing suicide in large numbers, with little being done.
When others try to do something about it, those AHs don't have a heart to assist, but instead, demand their share, for doing nothing.
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Tola:



How come your performance is similar to the PPP government, when they are confronted with an issue, because of their corrupt members.  

Instead of working with a situation to make it better for the population, they degrade the messenger and all is lost. You just did that.

Tola, don't bang your head against a door post. That's Rev's nature and style, so ingrained that it's beyond expurgation.


You are NOT a PPP member !! You can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all.

Tola, Rev is telling the truth here. He is not a PPP member. He is an uncontrolled loose cannon defending the PPP for one thing only: A COOLIE GOVERNMENT AT ALL COST. For Rev, corruption is peanuts compared to the spectre of an opposition alternative to the PPP crooks.


Most of us were PPP members until 'Barath de Beast'  took over and we noticed the suffering of the needy, caused by those in authority.

Tola, that's an accurate observation. You will recall that when I was posting on this board as Bookman, I fought tooth and nail for the PPP. You and I crossed swords a few times on that account. Well, my eyes are wide open now, I cleaned out the PPP booboo, and I am like most of us here who were PPP members.

Welcome back, Tola. We'll chat about your photography another time.





Thanks for taking time to give the update on your photo-journalism projects, Tola. Keep it up. At your age you're still doing fine.

I'm glad you've reported here what you saw and experienced recently in Guyana. Those things underline the heartlessness of corrupt PPP officials in Berbice.

The PPP will pay dearly again in Berbice next elections. They've already lost two more seats through emigration, as the 2012 census shows.




I have to respectfully disagree.


The PPP will gain back significant support in Berbice. I spoke with several Berbicians over the past month and the actions of the AFC and PNC scare them. Berbicians mainly vote race and the idea that a Afro Led AFC by Nigel and a coalition with the PNC by and Afro led Granger scares the hell out of them.


The PPP has ratcheted up their campaign in Berbice with a focus of getting the votes out this time around and highlighting the Alliance of the AFC/PNC and Moses and Ramjattan working 24/7 to bring back the PNC does not bode well for the opposition.


Berbicians has reminded several generations at the injustices and racism and attempts by the PNC to exterminate them and they will Never vote for an Afro Led PNC.


This is a harsh reality of Guyanese politics and I call it as I see it. Many Berbicians are questioning why Nigel is the Chairman and why Moses has to play second fiddle to Nigel and Trotman who stole the Speakership from him. The PNC did not trust Moses because he was Indo. Notice how the Speaker and deputy speaker are both Black. 


Are Indos not qualified for these posts ?


Berbicians will never settle for second best. 


Originally Posted by yuji22:

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:


I have to respectfully disagree.

The PPP will gain back significant support in Berbice. I spoke with several Berbicians over the past month and the actions of the AFC and PNC scare them. Berbicians mainly vote race and the idea that a Afro Led AFC by Nigel and a coalition with the PNC by and Afro led Granger scares the hell out of them.

The PPP has ratcheted up their campaign in Berbice with a focus of getting the votes out this time around and highlighting the Alliance of the AFC/PNC and Moses and Ramjattan working 24/7 to bring back the PNC does not bode well for the opposition.

Berbicians has reminded several generations at the injustices and racism and attempts by the PNC to exterminate them and they will Never vote for an Afro Led PNC.

This is a harsh reality of Guyanese politics and I call it as I see it. Many Berbicians are questioning why Nigel is the Chairman and why Moses has to play second fiddle to Nigel and Trotman who stole the Speakership from him. The PNC did not trust Moses because he was Indo. Notice how the Speaker and deputy speaker are both Black.

Are Indos not qualified for these posts ?

Berbicians will never settle for second best.

You seem to miss the most salient point...if the PPP retains a hundred percent of their base in Berbice they will still lose. That is what the last census indicates!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Thanks Gil,
We had dealings with the likes of the Rev and know his tunnel vision will continue to destroy Guyana under an ALL INDIAN GOVERNMENT,or for others, an ALL BLACK GOVERNMENT.
Our program had some association with government  people, but after we noticed their greed on the backs of the people we were trying to assist, we dumped them, but they can be vindictive, when they don't get 'their' share of our 'wealth', that was mostly donations for the program.
I like your  description of the Rev 'uncontrollable loose cannon', a one-minded person like the PPP government,  fits that description well.
It is interesting to note that many post here when they have not seen the reality of Guyana, similar to some I know.  After a few weeks in Guyana  working with people at the bottom struggling to survive, they see the difference between the big houses and the suffering of the majority and say, WOW!! what a shit hole this place is and the government is doing little about it.
The one that gets me most is children having to use flooded outhouses, parents cannot buy pencils for school  and weeks and weeks of using kerosene lamps to do home work, while slapping mosquitoes.
While  'Barath de Beast' can use millions in taxpayers funds for his unfailing electricity.
Photography is doing well. Bought some new equipment and  just got back from a Mexican project. Indian photos was accepted for international publication and I am trying to publish my [500] 1960-1967 photos for Guyana's 50th anniversary. Some are of Michael Forde and numerous of CJ, [including his mother] on the campaign trail.
My prize was in 2007 when JJ agree  to my request to do a video interview about her relationship with CJ, nothing political.
I was surprised at her answer when I asked what was one of their best achievements  as a couple.
She said ' Oh me gosh, Cheddi used to be so upset at parents who want to put gold on dem gyal pickney teeth before dem get married', because he had to file good teeth to make the gold fit. Thus destroying healthy teeth. He refused to do it and we would show parents model magazines of beautiful natural teeth'.
A paper just did a story about my photography career. They highlight a bayonet wound on my stomach, as I was photographing a sugar workers protest in 1963, about 100 men  were carrying a banner stating 'DOWN WITH MPCA, WE WANT GAWU, Ramiah took land for bribe'. The dozen British soldiers with guns at the ready, resulted in my stomach being stabbed.  As a teenager I remember saying, 'this bugger tore my new shirt', but I got my shots.
You will remember this was a dangerous time to protest, during the national strike and curfew. There was a recent shooting of six and my school friend Motie brought me a filled magazine of British soldiers bullets that he found. It was given to a guy who switched parties.  Like some presently in the OP,  he is now a  nobody in Berbice, that people care little about.
I always enjoy yours, Feenie and others interaction with the book club, I also read extensively  and because of the work we do internationally, including Guyana, my favourite book is still 'THE MACHO PARADOX, why some men hurt women and how all man can help' by Jackson Katz.
He has a unique way to start his workshops, he would ask the men to write on a board all the precautions they have to take before they go out. All they can think of, is protection from other men in prison. 
When he asked the women to do the same, they ask for  second board, because they ran out of room.
Take care Gil, it bothers me a lot that many in the GY government are so corrupt, while the youthful future leaders of Guyana are committing suicide in large numbers, with little being done.
When others try to do something about it, those AHs don't have a heart to assist, but instead, demand their share, for doing nothing.
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Tola:



How come your performance is similar to the PPP government, when they are confronted with an issue, because of their corrupt members.  

Instead of working with a situation to make it better for the population, they degrade the messenger and all is lost. You just did that.

Tola, don't bang your head against a door post. That's Rev's nature and style, so ingrained that it's beyond expurgation.


You are NOT a PPP member !! You can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all.

Tola, Rev is telling the truth here. He is not a PPP member. He is an uncontrolled loose cannon defending the PPP for one thing only: A COOLIE GOVERNMENT AT ALL COST. For Rev, corruption is peanuts compared to the spectre of an opposition alternative to the PPP crooks.


Most of us were PPP members until 'Barath de Beast'  took over and we noticed the suffering of the needy, caused by those in authority.

Tola, that's an accurate observation. You will recall that when I was posting on this board as Bookman, I fought tooth and nail for the PPP. You and I crossed swords a few times on that account. Well, my eyes are wide open now, I cleaned out the PPP booboo, and I am like most of us here who were PPP members.

Welcome back, Tola. We'll chat about your photography another time.





Thanks for taking time to give the update on your photo-journalism projects, Tola. Keep it up. At your age you're still doing fine.

I'm glad you've reported here what you saw and experienced recently in Guyana. Those things underline the heartlessness of corrupt PPP officials in Berbice.

The PPP will pay dearly again in Berbice next elections. They've already lost two more seats through emigration, as the 2012 census shows.




I have to respectfully disagree.


The PPP will gain back significant support in Berbice. I spoke with several Berbicians over the past month and the actions of the AFC and PNC scare them. Berbicians mainly vote race and the idea that a Afro Led AFC by Nigel and a coalition with the PNC by and Afro led Granger scares the hell out of them.


The PPP has ratcheted up their campaign in Berbice with a focus of getting the votes out this time around and highlighting the Alliance of the AFC/PNC and Moses and Ramjattan working 24/7 to bring back the PNC does not bode well for the opposition.


Berbicians has reminded several generations at the injustices and racism and attempts by the PNC to exterminate them and they will Never vote for an Afro Led PNC.


This is a harsh reality of Guyanese politics and I call it as I see it. Many Berbicians are questioning why Nigel is the Chairman and why Moses has to play second fiddle to Nigel and Trotman who stole the Speakership from him. The PNC did not trust Moses because he was Indo. Notice how the Speaker and deputy speaker are both Black. 


Are Indos not qualified for these posts ?


Berbicians will never settle for second best. 

You seem to miss the most salient point...if the PPP retains a hundred percent of their base in berbice they will still lose. That is what the last census indites!


You miss my point, Indos will flock back to the PPP. The AFC is now seen as a Black Led party with Indos as windows dressers for AFC. Take back what the PPP lost and take the increase of Amerindian votes and the PPP will win a majority.


I await you to holler rigging after you a are soundly defeated this time around. It will send you to a mental institution.


The PPP will win be it Majority or Minority. The Executive Branch is where power, milk and honey resides.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Thanks Gil,
We had dealings with the likes of the Rev and know his tunnel vision will continue to destroy Guyana under an ALL INDIAN GOVERNMENT,or for others, an ALL BLACK GOVERNMENT.
Our program had some association with government  people, but after we noticed their greed on the backs of the people we were trying to assist, we dumped them, but they can be vindictive, when they don't get 'their' share of our 'wealth', that was mostly donations for the program.
I like your  description of the Rev 'uncontrollable loose cannon', a one-minded person like the PPP government,  fits that description well.
It is interesting to note that many post here when they have not seen the reality of Guyana, similar to some I know.  After a few weeks in Guyana  working with people at the bottom struggling to survive, they see the difference between the big houses and the suffering of the majority and say, WOW!! what a shit hole this place is and the government is doing little about it.
The one that gets me most is children having to use flooded outhouses, parents cannot buy pencils for school  and weeks and weeks of using kerosene lamps to do home work, while slapping mosquitoes.
While  'Barath de Beast' can use millions in taxpayers funds for his unfailing electricity.
Photography is doing well. Bought some new equipment and  just got back from a Mexican project. Indian photos was accepted for international publication and I am trying to publish my [500] 1960-1967 photos for Guyana's 50th anniversary. Some are of Michael Forde and numerous of CJ, [including his mother] on the campaign trail.
My prize was in 2007 when JJ agree  to my request to do a video interview about her relationship with CJ, nothing political.
I was surprised at her answer when I asked what was one of their best achievements  as a couple.
She said ' Oh me gosh, Cheddi used to be so upset at parents who want to put gold on dem gyal pickney teeth before dem get married', because he had to file good teeth to make the gold fit. Thus destroying healthy teeth. He refused to do it and we would show parents model magazines of beautiful natural teeth'.
A paper just did a story about my photography career. They highlight a bayonet wound on my stomach, as I was photographing a sugar workers protest in 1963, about 100 men  were carrying a banner stating 'DOWN WITH MPCA, WE WANT GAWU, Ramiah took land for bribe'. The dozen British soldiers with guns at the ready, resulted in my stomach being stabbed.  As a teenager I remember saying, 'this bugger tore my new shirt', but I got my shots.
You will remember this was a dangerous time to protest, during the national strike and curfew. There was a recent shooting of six and my school friend Motie brought me a filled magazine of British soldiers bullets that he found. It was given to a guy who switched parties.  Like some presently in the OP,  he is now a  nobody in Berbice, that people care little about.
I always enjoy yours, Feenie and others interaction with the book club, I also read extensively  and because of the work we do internationally, including Guyana, my favourite book is still 'THE MACHO PARADOX, why some men hurt women and how all man can help' by Jackson Katz.
He has a unique way to start his workshops, he would ask the men to write on a board all the precautions they have to take before they go out. All they can think of, is protection from other men in prison. 
When he asked the women to do the same, they ask for  second board, because they ran out of room.
Take care Gil, it bothers me a lot that many in the GY government are so corrupt, while the youthful future leaders of Guyana are committing suicide in large numbers, with little being done.
When others try to do something about it, those AHs don't have a heart to assist, but instead, demand their share, for doing nothing.
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Tola:



How come your performance is similar to the PPP government, when they are confronted with an issue, because of their corrupt members.  

Instead of working with a situation to make it better for the population, they degrade the messenger and all is lost. You just did that.

Tola, don't bang your head against a door post. That's Rev's nature and style, so ingrained that it's beyond expurgation.


You are NOT a PPP member !! You can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all.

Tola, Rev is telling the truth here. He is not a PPP member. He is an uncontrolled loose cannon defending the PPP for one thing only: A COOLIE GOVERNMENT AT ALL COST. For Rev, corruption is peanuts compared to the spectre of an opposition alternative to the PPP crooks.


Most of us were PPP members until 'Barath de Beast'  took over and we noticed the suffering of the needy, caused by those in authority.

Tola, that's an accurate observation. You will recall that when I was posting on this board as Bookman, I fought tooth and nail for the PPP. You and I crossed swords a few times on that account. Well, my eyes are wide open now, I cleaned out the PPP booboo, and I am like most of us here who were PPP members.

Welcome back, Tola. We'll chat about your photography another time.





Thanks for taking time to give the update on your photo-journalism projects, Tola. Keep it up. At your age you're still doing fine.

I'm glad you've reported here what you saw and experienced recently in Guyana. Those things underline the heartlessness of corrupt PPP officials in Berbice.

The PPP will pay dearly again in Berbice next elections. They've already lost two more seats through emigration, as the 2012 census shows.




I have to respectfully disagree.


The PPP will gain back significant support in Berbice. I spoke with several Berbicians over the past month and the actions of the AFC and PNC scare them. Berbicians mainly vote race and the idea that a Afro Led AFC by Nigel and a coalition with the PNC by and Afro led Granger scares the hell out of them.


The PPP has ratcheted up their campaign in Berbice with a focus of getting the votes out this time around and highlighting the Alliance of the AFC/PNC and Moses and Ramjattan working 24/7 to bring back the PNC does not bode well for the opposition.


Berbicians has reminded several generations at the injustices and racism and attempts by the PNC to exterminate them and they will Never vote for an Afro Led PNC.


This is a harsh reality of Guyanese politics and I call it as I see it. Many Berbicians are questioning why Nigel is the Chairman and why Moses has to play second fiddle to Nigel and Trotman who stole the Speakership from him. The PNC did not trust Moses because he was Indo. Notice how the Speaker and deputy speaker are both Black. 


Are Indos not qualified for these posts ?


Berbicians will never settle for second best. 

yuji, whenever the Rev is on board I will not deal with his deputy.



Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Thanks Gil,
We had dealings with the likes of the Rev and know his tunnel vision will continue to destroy Guyana under an ALL INDIAN GOVERNMENT,or for others, an ALL BLACK GOVERNMENT.
Our program had some association with government  people, but after we noticed their greed on the backs of the people we were trying to assist, we dumped them, but they can be vindictive, when they don't get 'their' share of our 'wealth', that was mostly donations for the program.
I like your  description of the Rev 'uncontrollable loose cannon', a one-minded person like the PPP government,  fits that description well.
It is interesting to note that many post here when they have not seen the reality of Guyana, similar to some I know.  After a few weeks in Guyana  working with people at the bottom struggling to survive, they see the difference between the big houses and the suffering of the majority and say, WOW!! what a shit hole this place is and the government is doing little about it.
The one that gets me most is children having to use flooded outhouses, parents cannot buy pencils for school  and weeks and weeks of using kerosene lamps to do home work, while slapping mosquitoes.
While  'Barath de Beast' can use millions in taxpayers funds for his unfailing electricity.
Photography is doing well. Bought some new equipment and  just got back from a Mexican project. Indian photos was accepted for international publication and I am trying to publish my [500] 1960-1967 photos for Guyana's 50th anniversary. Some are of Michael Forde and numerous of CJ, [including his mother] on the campaign trail.
My prize was in 2007 when JJ agree  to my request to do a video interview about her relationship with CJ, nothing political.
I was surprised at her answer when I asked what was one of their best achievements  as a couple.
She said ' Oh me gosh, Cheddi used to be so upset at parents who want to put gold on dem gyal pickney teeth before dem get married', because he had to file good teeth to make the gold fit. Thus destroying healthy teeth. He refused to do it and we would show parents model magazines of beautiful natural teeth'.
A paper just did a story about my photography career. They highlight a bayonet wound on my stomach, as I was photographing a sugar workers protest in 1963, about 100 men  were carrying a banner stating 'DOWN WITH MPCA, WE WANT GAWU, Ramiah took land for bribe'. The dozen British soldiers with guns at the ready, resulted in my stomach being stabbed.  As a teenager I remember saying, 'this bugger tore my new shirt', but I got my shots.
You will remember this was a dangerous time to protest, during the national strike and curfew. There was a recent shooting of six and my school friend Motie brought me a filled magazine of British soldiers bullets that he found. It was given to a guy who switched parties.  Like some presently in the OP,  he is now a  nobody in Berbice, that people care little about.
I always enjoy yours, Feenie and others interaction with the book club, I also read extensively  and because of the work we do internationally, including Guyana, my favourite book is still 'THE MACHO PARADOX, why some men hurt women and how all man can help' by Jackson Katz.
He has a unique way to start his workshops, he would ask the men to write on a board all the precautions they have to take before they go out. All they can think of, is protection from other men in prison. 
When he asked the women to do the same, they ask for  second board, because they ran out of room.
Take care Gil, it bothers me a lot that many in the GY government are so corrupt, while the youthful future leaders of Guyana are committing suicide in large numbers, with little being done.
When others try to do something about it, those AHs don't have a heart to assist, but instead, demand their share, for doing nothing.
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Tola:



How come your performance is similar to the PPP government, when they are confronted with an issue, because of their corrupt members.  

Instead of working with a situation to make it better for the population, they degrade the messenger and all is lost. You just did that.

Tola, don't bang your head against a door post. That's Rev's nature and style, so ingrained that it's beyond expurgation.


You are NOT a PPP member !! You can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all.

Tola, Rev is telling the truth here. He is not a PPP member. He is an uncontrolled loose cannon defending the PPP for one thing only: A COOLIE GOVERNMENT AT ALL COST. For Rev, corruption is peanuts compared to the spectre of an opposition alternative to the PPP crooks.


Most of us were PPP members until 'Barath de Beast'  took over and we noticed the suffering of the needy, caused by those in authority.

Tola, that's an accurate observation. You will recall that when I was posting on this board as Bookman, I fought tooth and nail for the PPP. You and I crossed swords a few times on that account. Well, my eyes are wide open now, I cleaned out the PPP booboo, and I am like most of us here who were PPP members.

Welcome back, Tola. We'll chat about your photography another time.





Thanks for taking time to give the update on your photo-journalism projects, Tola. Keep it up. At your age you're still doing fine.

I'm glad you've reported here what you saw and experienced recently in Guyana. Those things underline the heartlessness of corrupt PPP officials in Berbice.

The PPP will pay dearly again in Berbice next elections. They've already lost two more seats through emigration, as the 2012 census shows.




I have to respectfully disagree.


The PPP will gain back significant support in Berbice. I spoke with several Berbicians over the past month and the actions of the AFC and PNC scare them. Berbicians mainly vote race and the idea that a Afro Led AFC by Nigel and a coalition with the PNC by and Afro led Granger scares the hell out of them.


The PPP has ratcheted up their campaign in Berbice with a focus of getting the votes out this time around and highlighting the Alliance of the AFC/PNC and Moses and Ramjattan working 24/7 to bring back the PNC does not bode well for the opposition.


Berbicians has reminded several generations at the injustices and racism and attempts by the PNC to exterminate them and they will Never vote for an Afro Led PNC.


This is a harsh reality of Guyanese politics and I call it as I see it. Many Berbicians are questioning why Nigel is the Chairman and why Moses has to play second fiddle to Nigel and Trotman who stole the Speakership from him. The PNC did not trust Moses because he was Indo. Notice how the Speaker and deputy speaker are both Black. 


Are Indos not qualified for these posts ?


Berbicians will never settle for second best. 

yuji, whenever the Rev is on board I will not deal with his deputy.




That is cool with me. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


You miss my point, Indos will flock back to the PPP. The AFC is now seen as a Black Led party with Indos as windows dressers for AFC. Take back what the PPP lost and take the increase of Amerindian votes and the PPP will win a majority.


I await you to holler rigging after you a are soundly defeated this time around. It will send you to a mental institution.


The PPP will win be it Majority or Minority. The Executive Branch is where power, milk and honey resides.



It matters not where indians congregate. They do not have the numbers. They have to poach and the options are scarce.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Thanks Gil,
We had dealings with the likes of the Rev and know his tunnel vision will continue to destroy Guyana under an ALL INDIAN GOVERNMENT,or for others, an ALL BLACK GOVERNMENT.
Our program had some association with government  people, but after we noticed their greed on the backs of the people we were trying to assist, we dumped them, but they can be vindictive, when they don't get 'their' share of our 'wealth', that was mostly donations for the program.
I like your  description of the Rev 'uncontrollable loose cannon', a one-minded person like the PPP government,  fits that description well.
It is interesting to note that many post here when they have not seen the reality of Guyana, similar to some I know.  After a few weeks in Guyana  working with people at the bottom struggling to survive, they see the difference between the big houses and the suffering of the majority and say, WOW!! what a shit hole this place is and the government is doing little about it.
The one that gets me most is children having to use flooded outhouses, parents cannot buy pencils for school  and weeks and weeks of using kerosene lamps to do home work, while slapping mosquitoes.
While  'Barath de Beast' can use millions in taxpayers funds for his unfailing electricity.
Photography is doing well. Bought some new equipment and  just got back from a Mexican project. Indian photos was accepted for international publication and I am trying to publish my [500] 1960-1967 photos for Guyana's 50th anniversary. Some are of Michael Forde and numerous of CJ, [including his mother] on the campaign trail.
My prize was in 2007 when JJ agree  to my request to do a video interview about her relationship with CJ, nothing political.
I was surprised at her answer when I asked what was one of their best achievements  as a couple.
She said ' Oh me gosh, Cheddi used to be so upset at parents who want to put gold on dem gyal pickney teeth before dem get married', because he had to file good teeth to make the gold fit. Thus destroying healthy teeth. He refused to do it and we would show parents model magazines of beautiful natural teeth'.
A paper just did a story about my photography career. They highlight a bayonet wound on my stomach, as I was photographing a sugar workers protest in 1963, about 100 men  were carrying a banner stating 'DOWN WITH MPCA, WE WANT GAWU, Ramiah took land for bribe'. The dozen British soldiers with guns at the ready, resulted in my stomach being stabbed.  As a teenager I remember saying, 'this bugger tore my new shirt', but I got my shots.
You will remember this was a dangerous time to protest, during the national strike and curfew. There was a recent shooting of six and my school friend Motie brought me a filled magazine of British soldiers bullets that he found. It was given to a guy who switched parties.  Like some presently in the OP,  he is now a  nobody in Berbice, that people care little about.
I always enjoy yours, Feenie and others interaction with the book club, I also read extensively  and because of the work we do internationally, including Guyana, my favourite book is still 'THE MACHO PARADOX, why some men hurt women and how all man can help' by Jackson Katz.
He has a unique way to start his workshops, he would ask the men to write on a board all the precautions they have to take before they go out. All they can think of, is protection from other men in prison. 
When he asked the women to do the same, they ask for  second board, because they ran out of room.
Take care Gil, it bothers me a lot that many in the GY government are so corrupt, while the youthful future leaders of Guyana are committing suicide in large numbers, with little being done.
When others try to do something about it, those AHs don't have a heart to assist, but instead, demand their share, for doing nothing.
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Tola:



How come your performance is similar to the PPP government, when they are confronted with an issue, because of their corrupt members.  

Instead of working with a situation to make it better for the population, they degrade the messenger and all is lost. You just did that.

Tola, don't bang your head against a door post. That's Rev's nature and style, so ingrained that it's beyond expurgation.


You are NOT a PPP member !! You can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all.

Tola, Rev is telling the truth here. He is not a PPP member. He is an uncontrolled loose cannon defending the PPP for one thing only: A COOLIE GOVERNMENT AT ALL COST. For Rev, corruption is peanuts compared to the spectre of an opposition alternative to the PPP crooks.


Most of us were PPP members until 'Barath de Beast'  took over and we noticed the suffering of the needy, caused by those in authority.

Tola, that's an accurate observation. You will recall that when I was posting on this board as Bookman, I fought tooth and nail for the PPP. You and I crossed swords a few times on that account. Well, my eyes are wide open now, I cleaned out the PPP booboo, and I am like most of us here who were PPP members.

Welcome back, Tola. We'll chat about your photography another time.





Thanks for taking time to give the update on your photo-journalism projects, Tola. Keep it up. At your age you're still doing fine.

I'm glad you've reported here what you saw and experienced recently in Guyana. Those things underline the heartlessness of corrupt PPP officials in Berbice.

The PPP will pay dearly again in Berbice next elections. They've already lost two more seats through emigration, as the 2012 census shows.




I have to respectfully disagree.


The PPP will gain back significant support in Berbice. I spoke with several Berbicians over the past month and the actions of the AFC and PNC scare them. Berbicians mainly vote race and the idea that a Afro Led AFC by Nigel and a coalition with the PNC by and Afro led Granger scares the hell out of them.


The PPP has ratcheted up their campaign in Berbice with a focus of getting the votes out this time around and highlighting the Alliance of the AFC/PNC and Moses and Ramjattan working 24/7 to bring back the PNC does not bode well for the opposition.


Berbicians has reminded several generations at the injustices and racism and attempts by the PNC to exterminate them and they will Never vote for an Afro Led PNC.


This is a harsh reality of Guyanese politics and I call it as I see it. Many Berbicians are questioning why Nigel is the Chairman and why Moses has to play second fiddle to Nigel and Trotman who stole the Speakership from him. The PNC did not trust Moses because he was Indo. Notice how the Speaker and deputy speaker are both Black. 


Are Indos not qualified for these posts ?


Berbicians will never settle for second best. 

yuji, whenever the Rev is on board I will not deal with his deputy.


 Well said...


Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

yuji, whenever the Rev is on board I will not deal with his deputy.





* The Rev has utmost respect for Mr. Yuji.


* I view him as an equal on this forum.


* Yuji and I  are equally dedicated and committed to seeing the PPP remain in the executive branch and leading Guyana to continued economic growth and prosperity.


* We  also take great delight in seeing the PPP HATERS like yourself, Danyael, Kishan, HM-Redux, Mitwah, ASJ, redux, JB, carib, etc, etc, etc agonize and suffer and be mentally tormented by the PPP's success in ruling Guyana.hahahaha



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Thanks Gil,
We had dealings with the likes of the Rev and know his tunnel vision will continue to destroy Guyana under an ALL INDIAN GOVERNMENT,or for others, an ALL BLACK GOVERNMENT.
Our program had some association with government  people, but after we noticed their greed on the backs of the people we were trying to assist, we dumped them, but they can be vindictive, when they don't get 'their' share of our 'wealth', that was mostly donations for the program.
I like your  description of the Rev 'uncontrollable loose cannon', a one-minded person like the PPP government,  fits that description well.
It is interesting to note that many post here when they have not seen the reality of Guyana, similar to some I know.  After a few weeks in Guyana  working with people at the bottom struggling to survive, they see the difference between the big houses and the suffering of the majority and say, WOW!! what a shit hole this place is and the government is doing little about it.
The one that gets me most is children having to use flooded outhouses, parents cannot buy pencils for school  and weeks and weeks of using kerosene lamps to do home work, while slapping mosquitoes.
While  'Barath de Beast' can use millions in taxpayers funds for his unfailing electricity.
Photography is doing well. Bought some new equipment and  just got back from a Mexican project. Indian photos was accepted for international publication and I am trying to publish my [500] 1960-1967 photos for Guyana's 50th anniversary. Some are of Michael Forde and numerous of CJ, [including his mother] on the campaign trail.
My prize was in 2007 when JJ agree  to my request to do a video interview about her relationship with CJ, nothing political.
I was surprised at her answer when I asked what was one of their best achievements  as a couple.
She said ' Oh me gosh, Cheddi used to be so upset at parents who want to put gold on dem gyal pickney teeth before dem get married', because he had to file good teeth to make the gold fit. Thus destroying healthy teeth. He refused to do it and we would show parents model magazines of beautiful natural teeth'.
A paper just did a story about my photography career. They highlight a bayonet wound on my stomach, as I was photographing a sugar workers protest in 1963, about 100 men  were carrying a banner stating 'DOWN WITH MPCA, WE WANT GAWU, Ramiah took land for bribe'. The dozen British soldiers with guns at the ready, resulted in my stomach being stabbed.  As a teenager I remember saying, 'this bugger tore my new shirt', but I got my shots.
You will remember this was a dangerous time to protest, during the national strike and curfew. There was a recent shooting of six and my school friend Motie brought me a filled magazine of British soldiers bullets that he found. It was given to a guy who switched parties.  Like some presently in the OP,  he is now a  nobody in Berbice, that people care little about.
I always enjoy yours, Feenie and others interaction with the book club, I also read extensively  and because of the work we do internationally, including Guyana, my favourite book is still 'THE MACHO PARADOX, why some men hurt women and how all man can help' by Jackson Katz.
He has a unique way to start his workshops, he would ask the men to write on a board all the precautions they have to take before they go out. All they can think of, is protection from other men in prison. 
When he asked the women to do the same, they ask for  second board, because they ran out of room.
Take care Gil, it bothers me a lot that many in the GY government are so corrupt, while the youthful future leaders of Guyana are committing suicide in large numbers, with little being done.
When others try to do something about it, those AHs don't have a heart to assist, but instead, demand their share, for doing nothing.
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Tola:



How come your performance is similar to the PPP government, when they are confronted with an issue, because of their corrupt members.  

Instead of working with a situation to make it better for the population, they degrade the messenger and all is lost. You just did that.

Tola, don't bang your head against a door post. That's Rev's nature and style, so ingrained that it's beyond expurgation.


You are NOT a PPP member !! You can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all.

Tola, Rev is telling the truth here. He is not a PPP member. He is an uncontrolled loose cannon defending the PPP for one thing only: A COOLIE GOVERNMENT AT ALL COST. For Rev, corruption is peanuts compared to the spectre of an opposition alternative to the PPP crooks.


Most of us were PPP members until 'Barath de Beast'  took over and we noticed the suffering of the needy, caused by those in authority.

Tola, that's an accurate observation. You will recall that when I was posting on this board as Bookman, I fought tooth and nail for the PPP. You and I crossed swords a few times on that account. Well, my eyes are wide open now, I cleaned out the PPP booboo, and I am like most of us here who were PPP members.

Welcome back, Tola. We'll chat about your photography another time.





Thanks for taking time to give the update on your photo-journalism projects, Tola. Keep it up. At your age you're still doing fine.

I'm glad you've reported here what you saw and experienced recently in Guyana. Those things underline the heartlessness of corrupt PPP officials in Berbice.

The PPP will pay dearly again in Berbice next elections. They've already lost two more seats through emigration, as the 2012 census shows.




I have to respectfully disagree.


The PPP will gain back significant support in Berbice. I spoke with several Berbicians over the past month and the actions of the AFC and PNC scare them. Berbicians mainly vote race and the idea that a Afro Led AFC by Nigel and a coalition with the PNC by and Afro led Granger scares the hell out of them.


The PPP has ratcheted up their campaign in Berbice with a focus of getting the votes out this time around and highlighting the Alliance of the AFC/PNC and Moses and Ramjattan working 24/7 to bring back the PNC does not bode well for the opposition.


Berbicians has reminded several generations at the injustices and racism and attempts by the PNC to exterminate them and they will Never vote for an Afro Led PNC.


This is a harsh reality of Guyanese politics and I call it as I see it. Many Berbicians are questioning why Nigel is the Chairman and why Moses has to play second fiddle to Nigel and Trotman who stole the Speakership from him. The PNC did not trust Moses because he was Indo. Notice how the Speaker and deputy speaker are both Black. 


Are Indos not qualified for these posts ?


Berbicians will never settle for second best. 

yuji, whenever the Rev is on board I will not deal with his deputy.


 Well said...


Tola, I like your new icon. It speaks eloquently of humility and hard work.

A farmer, his cow, his plough, the land....I love that image.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

yuji, whenever the Rev is on board I will not deal with his deputy.





* The Rev has utmost respect for Mr. Yuji.


* I view him as an equal on this forum.


* Yuji and I  are equally dedicated and committed to seeing the PPP remain in the executive branch and leading Guyana to continued economic growth and prosperity.


* We  also take great delight in seeing the PPP HATERS like yourself, Danyael, Kishan, HM-Redux, Mitwah, ASJ, carib, etc, etc, etc agonize and suffer and be mentally tormented by the PPP's success in ruling Guyana.hahahaha



 One would not find you two claiming to be kindred surprising. It is already deduced.


Confronting the crooks in the PPP has little to do with hate. That is what those like you need to for your recipe of self deception. For good people confronting evil is a moral obligation.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

yuji, whenever the Rev is on board I will not deal with his deputy.





* The Rev has utmost respect for Mr. Yuji.


* I view him as an equal on this forum.


* Yuji and I  are equally dedicated and committed to seeing the PPP remain in the executive branch and leading Guyana to continued economic growth and prosperity.


* We  also take great delight in seeing the PPP HATERS like yourself, Danyael, Kishan, HM-Redux, Mitwah, ASJ, redux, JB, carib, etc, etc, etc agonize and suffer and be mentally tormented by the PPP's success in ruling Guyana.hahahaha



It's good to see you stand up for your team, Rev.


[One has to respect one's adversaries where respect is due.]


Now, back to the battlefront. Your eternal name-calling will be your downfall.


I and my team will fight you with facts and figures and independent reports and empirical and anecdotal evidence. And knowledge and wisdom.



Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Thanks Gil,
We had dealings with the likes of the Rev and know his tunnel vision will continue to destroy Guyana under an ALL INDIAN GOVERNMENT,or for others, an ALL BLACK GOVERNMENT.
Our program had some association with government  people, but after we noticed their greed on the backs of the people we were trying to assist, we dumped them, but they can be vindictive, when they don't get 'their' share of our 'wealth', that was mostly donations for the program.
I like your  description of the Rev 'uncontrollable loose cannon', a one-minded person like the PPP government,  fits that description well.
It is interesting to note that many post here when they have not seen the reality of Guyana, similar to some I know.  After a few weeks in Guyana  working with people at the bottom struggling to survive, they see the difference between the big houses and the suffering of the majority and say, WOW!! what a shit hole this place is and the government is doing little about it.
The one that gets me most is children having to use flooded outhouses, parents cannot buy pencils for school  and weeks and weeks of using kerosene lamps to do home work, while slapping mosquitoes.
While  'Barath de Beast' can use millions in taxpayers funds for his unfailing electricity.
Photography is doing well. Bought some new equipment and  just got back from a Mexican project. Indian photos was accepted for international publication and I am trying to publish my [500] 1960-1967 photos for Guyana's 50th anniversary. Some are of Michael Forde and numerous of CJ, [including his mother] on the campaign trail.
My prize was in 2007 when JJ agree  to my request to do a video interview about her relationship with CJ, nothing political.
I was surprised at her answer when I asked what was one of their best achievements  as a couple.
She said ' Oh me gosh, Cheddi used to be so upset at parents who want to put gold on dem gyal pickney teeth before dem get married', because he had to file good teeth to make the gold fit. Thus destroying healthy teeth. He refused to do it and we would show parents model magazines of beautiful natural teeth'.
A paper just did a story about my photography career. They highlight a bayonet wound on my stomach, as I was photographing a sugar workers protest in 1963, about 100 men  were carrying a banner stating 'DOWN WITH MPCA, WE WANT GAWU, Ramiah took land for bribe'. The dozen British soldiers with guns at the ready, resulted in my stomach being stabbed.  As a teenager I remember saying, 'this bugger tore my new shirt', but I got my shots.
You will remember this was a dangerous time to protest, during the national strike and curfew. There was a recent shooting of six and my school friend Motie brought me a filled magazine of British soldiers bullets that he found. It was given to a guy who switched parties.  Like some presently in the OP,  he is now a  nobody in Berbice, that people care little about.
I always enjoy yours, Feenie and others interaction with the book club, I also read extensively  and because of the work we do internationally, including Guyana, my favourite book is still 'THE MACHO PARADOX, why some men hurt women and how all man can help' by Jackson Katz.
He has a unique way to start his workshops, he would ask the men to write on a board all the precautions they have to take before they go out. All they can think of, is protection from other men in prison. 
When he asked the women to do the same, they ask for  second board, because they ran out of room.
Take care Gil, it bothers me a lot that many in the GY government are so corrupt, while the youthful future leaders of Guyana are committing suicide in large numbers, with little being done.
When others try to do something about it, those AHs don't have a heart to assist, but instead, demand their share, for doing nothing.
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Tola:



How come your performance is similar to the PPP government, when they are confronted with an issue, because of their corrupt members.  

Instead of working with a situation to make it better for the population, they degrade the messenger and all is lost. You just did that.

Tola, don't bang your head against a door post. That's Rev's nature and style, so ingrained that it's beyond expurgation.


You are NOT a PPP member !! You can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all.

Tola, Rev is telling the truth here. He is not a PPP member. He is an uncontrolled loose cannon defending the PPP for one thing only: A COOLIE GOVERNMENT AT ALL COST. For Rev, corruption is peanuts compared to the spectre of an opposition alternative to the PPP crooks.


Most of us were PPP members until 'Barath de Beast'  took over and we noticed the suffering of the needy, caused by those in authority.

Tola, that's an accurate observation. You will recall that when I was posting on this board as Bookman, I fought tooth and nail for the PPP. You and I crossed swords a few times on that account. Well, my eyes are wide open now, I cleaned out the PPP booboo, and I am like most of us here who were PPP members.

Welcome back, Tola. We'll chat about your photography another time.





Thanks for taking time to give the update on your photo-journalism projects, Tola. Keep it up. At your age you're still doing fine.

I'm glad you've reported here what you saw and experienced recently in Guyana. Those things underline the heartlessness of corrupt PPP officials in Berbice.

The PPP will pay dearly again in Berbice next elections. They've already lost two more seats through emigration, as the 2012 census shows.




I have to respectfully disagree.


The PPP will gain back significant support in Berbice. I spoke with several Berbicians over the past month and the actions of the AFC and PNC scare them. Berbicians mainly vote race and the idea that a Afro Led AFC by Nigel and a coalition with the PNC by and Afro led Granger scares the hell out of them.


The PPP has ratcheted up their campaign in Berbice with a focus of getting the votes out this time around and highlighting the Alliance of the AFC/PNC and Moses and Ramjattan working 24/7 to bring back the PNC does not bode well for the opposition.


Berbicians has reminded several generations at the injustices and racism and attempts by the PNC to exterminate them and they will Never vote for an Afro Led PNC.


This is a harsh reality of Guyanese politics and I call it as I see it. Many Berbicians are questioning why Nigel is the Chairman and why Moses has to play second fiddle to Nigel and Trotman who stole the Speakership from him. The PNC did not trust Moses because he was Indo. Notice how the Speaker and deputy speaker are both Black. 


Are Indos not qualified for these posts ?


Berbicians will never settle for second best. 

yuji, whenever the Rev is on board I will not deal with his deputy.


 Well said...


Tola, I like your new icon. It speaks eloquently of humility and hard work.

A farmer, his cow, his plough, the land....I love that image.



Thanks Gil, I also like the photo.... It was taken while travelling one evening between Mumbai and Gujarat to support a German youth trades skill centre.

I was trying to photograph near misses on the highway. I gave up because there were too many.


We stopped at a rest station and the man with his oxen went by on the highway, just leaving working in his field.


The photo was accepted for publication by in international magazine in NY, a cheque is coming soon, I hope. 

It was taken with one of my first DSLR cameras, Nikon D100 6.1 MP.

My recent Nikon D7100 is a 24 MP, among my other Nikon and Canon equipment.

Travelling while being paid, is such a wonderful experience.

I feel the photo is a traditional Indian representation, as you said, of a hard working man, not different from many in Guyana.     


Originally Posted by Rev:

* Note! 16% of blacks did not vote for the PNC.





And you do know that the AFC did get black votes.  Not as many as in 2006, but they did get some.


The AFC also got many mixed votes.


The PPP base is SHRINKING, and that being a minority party is its fate.


Berbicians has reminded several generations at the injustices and racism and attempts by the PNC to exterminate them and they will Never vote for an Afro Led PNC.


What you fail to understand is that playing ethnic politics in Guyana is a sure way to be minority gov't.  There are no longer enough Indians left to win, based solely on that vote.  When you play Indocentric politics you alienate the non Indians, who now collectively outnumber Indians.


The African/mixed voting bloc is fast approaching the Indian in size, if it isn't already at large.  So as the PPP does poorly, and as this bloc grows, as the mixed component grows, the PPPs appeal shrinks further.


Reality is not every Indian feels that they should be a PPP slave.

Originally Posted by caribny:

And you do know that the AFC did get black votes.  Not as many as in 2006, but they did get some.


The AFC also got many mixed votes.


* In 2011 the AFC received 4% of the black votes, 9% of Amerindians, 11% of Mixed and 15% of the Indian votes. Stir that up and the AFC received 10.3% of the overall votes.


Moses boss Nigel Hughes.


* Can you imagine a black led party---the AFC is controlled by Nigel and Cathy Hughes---only getting 4% of the black votes ?





Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Thanks Gil,
We had dealings with the likes of the Rev and know his tunnel vision will continue to destroy Guyana under an ALL INDIAN GOVERNMENT,or for others, an ALL BLACK GOVERNMENT.
Our program had some association with government  people, but after we noticed their greed on the backs of the people we were trying to assist, we dumped them, but they can be vindictive, when they don't get 'their' share of our 'wealth', that was mostly donations for the program.
I like your  description of the Rev 'uncontrollable loose cannon', a one-minded person like the PPP government,  fits that description well.
It is interesting to note that many post here when they have not seen the reality of Guyana, similar to some I know.  After a few weeks in Guyana  working with people at the bottom struggling to survive, they see the difference between the big houses and the suffering of the majority and say, WOW!! what a shit hole this place is and the government is doing little about it.
The one that gets me most is children having to use flooded outhouses, parents cannot buy pencils for school  and weeks and weeks of using kerosene lamps to do home work, while slapping mosquitoes.
While  'Barath de Beast' can use millions in taxpayers funds for his unfailing electricity.
Photography is doing well. Bought some new equipment and  just got back from a Mexican project. Indian photos was accepted for international publication and I am trying to publish my [500] 1960-1967 photos for Guyana's 50th anniversary. Some are of Michael Forde and numerous of CJ, [including his mother] on the campaign trail.
My prize was in 2007 when JJ agree  to my request to do a video interview about her relationship with CJ, nothing political.
I was surprised at her answer when I asked what was one of their best achievements  as a couple.
She said ' Oh me gosh, Cheddi used to be so upset at parents who want to put gold on dem gyal pickney teeth before dem get married', because he had to file good teeth to make the gold fit. Thus destroying healthy teeth. He refused to do it and we would show parents model magazines of beautiful natural teeth'.
A paper just did a story about my photography career. They highlight a bayonet wound on my stomach, as I was photographing a sugar workers protest in 1963, about 100 men  were carrying a banner stating 'DOWN WITH MPCA, WE WANT GAWU, Ramiah took land for bribe'. The dozen British soldiers with guns at the ready, resulted in my stomach being stabbed.  As a teenager I remember saying, 'this bugger tore my new shirt', but I got my shots.
You will remember this was a dangerous time to protest, during the national strike and curfew. There was a recent shooting of six and my school friend Motie brought me a filled magazine of British soldiers bullets that he found. It was given to a guy who switched parties.  Like some presently in the OP,  he is now a  nobody in Berbice, that people care little about.
I always enjoy yours, Feenie and others interaction with the book club, I also read extensively  and because of the work we do internationally, including Guyana, my favourite book is still 'THE MACHO PARADOX, why some men hurt women and how all man can help' by Jackson Katz.
He has a unique way to start his workshops, he would ask the men to write on a board all the precautions they have to take before they go out. All they can think of, is protection from other men in prison. 
When he asked the women to do the same, they ask for  second board, because they ran out of room.
Take care Gil, it bothers me a lot that many in the GY government are so corrupt, while the youthful future leaders of Guyana are committing suicide in large numbers, with little being done.
When others try to do something about it, those AHs don't have a heart to assist, but instead, demand their share, for doing nothing.
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Tola:



How come your performance is similar to the PPP government, when they are confronted with an issue, because of their corrupt members.  

Instead of working with a situation to make it better for the population, they degrade the messenger and all is lost. You just did that.

Tola, don't bang your head against a door post. That's Rev's nature and style, so ingrained that it's beyond expurgation.


You are NOT a PPP member !! You can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all.

Tola, Rev is telling the truth here. He is not a PPP member. He is an uncontrolled loose cannon defending the PPP for one thing only: A COOLIE GOVERNMENT AT ALL COST. For Rev, corruption is peanuts compared to the spectre of an opposition alternative to the PPP crooks.


Most of us were PPP members until 'Barath de Beast'  took over and we noticed the suffering of the needy, caused by those in authority.

Tola, that's an accurate observation. You will recall that when I was posting on this board as Bookman, I fought tooth and nail for the PPP. You and I crossed swords a few times on that account. Well, my eyes are wide open now, I cleaned out the PPP booboo, and I am like most of us here who were PPP members.

Welcome back, Tola. We'll chat about your photography another time.





Thanks for taking time to give the update on your photo-journalism projects, Tola. Keep it up. At your age you're still doing fine.

I'm glad you've reported here what you saw and experienced recently in Guyana. Those things underline the heartlessness of corrupt PPP officials in Berbice.

The PPP will pay dearly again in Berbice next elections. They've already lost two more seats through emigration, as the 2012 census shows.




I have to respectfully disagree.


The PPP will gain back significant support in Berbice. I spoke with several Berbicians over the past month and the actions of the AFC and PNC scare them. Berbicians mainly vote race and the idea that a Afro Led AFC by Nigel and a coalition with the PNC by and Afro led Granger scares the hell out of them.


The PPP has ratcheted up their campaign in Berbice with a focus of getting the votes out this time around and highlighting the Alliance of the AFC/PNC and Moses and Ramjattan working 24/7 to bring back the PNC does not bode well for the opposition.


Berbicians has reminded several generations at the injustices and racism and attempts by the PNC to exterminate them and they will Never vote for an Afro Led PNC.


This is a harsh reality of Guyanese politics and I call it as I see it. Many Berbicians are questioning why Nigel is the Chairman and why Moses has to play second fiddle to Nigel and Trotman who stole the Speakership from him. The PNC did not trust Moses because he was Indo. Notice how the Speaker and deputy speaker are both Black. 


Are Indos not qualified for these posts ?


Berbicians will never settle for second best. 

yuji, whenever the Rev is on board I will not deal with his deputy.


 Well said...


Tola, I like your new icon. It speaks eloquently of humility and hard work.

A farmer, his cow, his plough, the land....I love that image.



Thanks Gil, I also like the photo.... It was taken while travelling one evening between Mumbai and Gujarat to support a German youth trades skill centre.

I was trying to photograph near misses on the highway. I gave up because there were too many.


We stopped at a rest station and the man with his oxen went by on the highway, just leaving working in his field.


The photo was accepted for publication by in international magazine in NY, a cheque is coming soon, I hope. 

It was taken with one of my first DSLR cameras, Nikon D100 6.1 MP.

My recent Nikon D7100 is a 24 MP, among my other Nikon and Canon equipment.

Travelling while being paid, is such a wonderful experience.

I feel the photo is a traditional Indian representation, as you said, of a hard working man, not different from many in Guyana.     





Please permit me to congratulate you on your camera skills. I am a hobbyist and shoot pictures myself. I started with a Sony Nex DSLR and have since invested in a collection of lens that cost 100 x the cost of the camera. It is a very addictive and expensive hobby. 


Please post some of your pictures in Social or start a thread on Pictures and we can upload shots. I recently took some pictures of Rob Ford who showed up at an annual spiritual event at Centre Island attended by over 20,000 people. This man was as cool as cucumber and I took hundred of shots with him interacting with Hindus and his fans.


It is fun reading you interacting with the Honourable Rev. I am enjoying reading this thread as the Rev destroys his political opponent. You and I may not see eye to eye in political but we can see eye to eye through our camera lens in social.


Please start a thread and upload some of your pictures in Social.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:

Rev jump up and down but the fact remains that 90% of the black  AND mixed voters REJECT the PPP.  With Indians declining, and with voter turnout in the interior regions being lower than it is in the coast, I foresee the PPP becoming a "40%" party.


Because the only evidence that you can show that the PPP has black support is a black woman wining on Ramotar. Well those black people went to a free concert in Linden, left and then went to vote APNU.


The PNC stands the best chance to take the government.

The events unfolding at the PNC Congress show a party deeply divided.  They are not ready to contest because they aren't even able to mobilize their own party members around a common theme.


I suggest that the PNC fix its affairs before it thinks that it can move beyond its normal 41% and actually beat the PPP, even if unable to get 50.1% of the votes.


The current drama at the PNC has the PPP dunces smiling with glee.  Instead of focusing on how it can convince those who don't traditionally support them with the right to govern, there is an ongoing brawl between the various factions, including Linden, which is as PNC a constituency as is any, even more then Region 4.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by caribny:

And you do know that the AFC did get black votes.  Not as many as in 2006, but they did get some.


The AFC also got many mixed votes.


* In 2011 the AFC received 4% of the black votes, 9% of Amerindians, 11% of Mixed and 15% of the Indian votes. Stir that up and the AFC received 10.3% of the overall votes.


Moses boss Nigel Hughes.


* Can you imagine a black led party---the AFC is controlled by Nigel and Cathy Hughes---only getting 4% of the black votes ?





of course you cannot fathom a party being led by non Indians. The people who supported the AFC can.  Yet you are here with this nonsense of the PPP being democratic   with plural support.

Originally Posted by caribny:

Rev jump up and down but the fact remains that 90% of the black  AND mixed voters REJECT the PPP. 



* I don't care what percentage of blacks and Mixed reject the PPP---as long as the PPP continues to win elections in Guyana---that's all that matters.


* By the way, I know it deeply pains you to see the turmoil and chaos in your beloved PNC party.


* Those clowns can't even run a lil pi$$ing tail political party(PNC) how you expect them to run country ?


* You PPP HATERS need to be committed to some mental asylum.





Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Rev jump up and down but the fact remains that 90% of the black  AND mixed voters REJECT the PPP. 



* I don't care what percentage of blacks and Mixed reject the PPP---as long as the PPP continues to win elections in Guyana---that's all that matters.


* By the way, I know it deeply pains you to see the turmoil and chaos in your beloved PNC party.


* Those clowns can't even run a lil pi$$ing tail political party(PNC) how you expect them to run country ?


* You PPP HATERS need to be committed to some mental asylum.





If sons of dalits, after 6000 years of trudging in shit can govern why cant any other? It does not seem to take a special ingredient except you get the chance.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

If sons of dalits, after 6000 years of trudging in shit can govern why cant any other? It does not seem to take a special ingredient except you get the chance.

* The "sons of dalits" have won free and fair elections.


* But PPP HATERS like you want the PNC to rule Guyana without winning an election.


* May you continue to be mentally tormented by the PPP.




Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

If sons of dalits, after 6000 years of trudging in shit can govern why cant any other? It does not seem to take a special ingredient except you get the chance.

* The "sons of dalits" have won free and fair elections.


* But PPP HATERS like you want the PNC to rule Guyana without winning an election.


* May you continue to be mentally tormented by the PPP.




They "won" because the system gives them an edge. They are acutally a minority party. However, they lost out on unchecked stealing. In the future they are going to lose even further. They are down 4 points already just because they do not have the same support native base. I do not think they are winning any races on the black and mixed race side. In short, their goose is cooked. 


I cannot wait to see the day when a new tax man ask sattaeur and his sons to account for their wealth for example. Then there are those crooks with 10 bedroom homes who want to leech of the state and yet have the nerve to say not to trust others.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

They "won" because the system gives them an edge. They are acutally a minority party.

* So what if the PPP is a minority party ? The reality is the PPP is in charge of the executive branch in Guyana. And as long as election are free and fair in Guyana the PPP will likely rule forever. Majority, minority--it doesn't matter---the PPP is in charge and your beloved PNC will remain in the wilderness.





Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

They "won" because the system gives them an edge. They are acutally a minority party.

* So what if the PPP is a minority party ? The reality is the PPP is in charge of the executive branch in Guyana. And as long as election are free and fair in Guyana the PPP will likely rule forever. Majority, minority--it doesn't matter---the PPP is in charge and your beloved PNC will remain in the wilderness.





Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

They "won" because the system gives them an edge. They are acutally a minority party.

* So what if the PPP is a minority party ? The reality is the PPP is in charge of the executive branch in Guyana. And as long as election are free and fair in Guyana the PPP will likely rule forever. Majority, minority--it doesn't matter---the PPP is in charge and your beloved PNC will remain in the wilderness.





Dude, the PPP is likely to fall below 40 percent. In that eventuality there is so much changes they never dreamed will happen will begin to happen. A ham-hocked executive is not good for much.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

Dude, the PPP is likely to fall below 40 percent.

Danny bwoy!


* You are free to unmask your delusions and engage in fantasy, sophistry and wishful thinking. But lemme remind you that the probability favors the PNC dropping below 40%---not the PPP---but a graduate of a glorified high school(Howard University)---that's you Danyael-- wouldn't comprehend that.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Dude, the PPP is likely to fall below 40 percent.

Danny bwoy!


* You are free to unmask your delusions and engage in fantasy, sophistry and wishful thinking. But lemme remind you that the probability favors the PNC dropping below 40%---not the PPP---but a graduate of a glorified high school(Howard University)---that's you Danyael-- wouldn't comprehend that.



Look at who is speaking of comprehension! The maleducated twit who prattles about pop psychology and sexual perversion as the pinnacle of his intellectual creed!


I have a better track record than you since I predicted the PPP minority status and told you to your face your ability with comprehending statistics during the US presidential campaign was limited to mouthing the nonsense you got from CNN.


I believe we endured months of nonsensical bragging about numerical fluency and profound political understanding  with endless stupid cartoon flourishes about your high learning and all for a big fat zero!



You are obviously allergic to numbers. They inevitably come out wrong once you get our hands on them

Last edited by Former Member




* Does anyone know when this hotel will open ? It will be some time later this year, right ?


* Next time I visit Guyana I hope to be staying at the Marriott.





Originally Posted by Rev:

* I don't care what percentage of blacks and Mixed reject the PPP---as long as the PPP continues to win elections in Guyana---that's all that matters.


The PNC at least pretends to allow members to directly elect the party leader. even if the process is flawed.


PPP members do NOT directly elect the party leader.



I see the Indian population is shrinking, and the mixed is increasing and you don't care that the PPP only wins 90% of the black and mixed vote!  Clearly you want the PPP to remain a minority gov't, eventually to lose based purely on the ability to the mixed voting block.


Using YOUR numbers, the PPP wins 85% of the Indian vote, 5% of them voting PNC and the rest AFC.  That means that about 50% of the AFC vote came from black and mixed voters.


The PNC wins 41% of the votes.  They get 5% of the Indian vote, maybe 20% of the Amerindian, which means that they get 0ver 80% of the black votes.


So if the black and mixed vote together accounts for more than the Indian vote, likely by 2021,  it means that PPP is on track to an eventual PERMANENT seat in the opposition.


Continue to ignore the black and mixed voters (which are a very connected group) and you will one day by wailing and ranting, and screaming that you are not a Guyanese, when President Granger takes his vows.


Only because you don't care who black and mixed voters support.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

They "won" because the system gives them an edge. They are acutally a minority party.

* So what if the PPP is a minority party ? The reality is the PPP is in charge of the executive branch in Guyana. And as long as election are free and fair in Guyana the PPP will likely rule forever. Majority, minority--it doesn't matter---the PPP is in charge and your beloved PNC will remain in the wilderness.





So if the PPP can do get they want, why do they blame the opposition for every thing?




President Donald Ramotar and Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe during a bilateral meeting in Trinidad and Tobago yesterday


In their bilateral meeting, the leaders of Guyana and Japan took the opportunity to reiterate their desire to enhance the relations of the two countries. President Ramotar referred to renewable energy, infrastructure and science and technology as areas where Guyana could benefit from Japan’s expertise and assistance. He also encouraged investment from Japanese companies particularly in the area of extraction of minerals. It was agreed that the two sides would pursue these and other areas of cooperation in the near future.






* Moses saw the above headline in Today's Chronicle---he sucked his teeth, cussed his wife, and immediately called Ramjattan: "Yuh talk to Granger yet. AFC and PNC have to bring down the PPP as soon as possible. Donald getting too much attention. I am soooo f****ing mad right now."


* The PPP HATERS are going mad.




Last edited by Former Member



* Gerry Gouviea of Roraima airways recently took a video of the Guyana Marriott using a drone.


* Click on the link---then click on "TRAVELLING & VACATIONING IN GUYANA----and you'll see lovely aerial views of the Marriott and downtown Georgetown.





Originally Posted by Rev:



* Gerry Gouviea of Roraima airways recently took a video of the Guyana Marriott using a drone.


* Click on the link---then click on "TRAVELLING & VACATIONING IN GUYANA----and you'll see lovely aerial views of the Marriott and downtown Georgetown.



After you feast on your aerial view, step on firm ground and see the reality:


That Marriott will cost at least US$58 MILLION to complete.


Two Chinese businessmen are investing only US$8 MILLION.


As per the sellout deal with the PPP regime, those two Chinese smart men will own 67 percent of equity.


Whatever profits the hotel earns, a commensurate portion will be grabbed by the Chinese.


Guyanese taxpayers and investors will pick up and share the crumbs.






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