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Former Member


OK Folks!


How many of you saw Paul Ryan's speech at the Republican National Convention last night ? The election is over folks! Paul Ryan eviscerated the Obama presidency. He delivered his attacks on Obama with lethal precision.


Ryan's line about "college graduates in their 20s staring up at fading posters of Obama in their childhood bedrooms"---that was Reaganesque.


What we saw in Ryan last night was sincerity and authenticity---he delivered hard facts with passion, conviction, knowledge, and heart---the man was Reaganesque.


Obama is a gutter politician---a fake, phony fraud---the biggest trickster America has ever seen. Paul Ryan delivered a fatal blow to the Obama presidency last night.



Replies sorted oldest to newest

Rev Bhai,


A landslide victory for the Romney/Paul ticket is evident. America will finally bounce back from period of zero growth, mounting debt, 48 million on food stamps and a demoralized population.


This convention laid the framework for Americans to win back their country that they so love and bring back American pride and dignity to all Americans. A failed Obama presidency and broken promises are not enough. Americans deserve better.


The silent majority are now speaking out and boy, are they expressing their frustration at the failed Obama presidency.


Hang tight and prepare for a Romney landslide victory. God Bless America.


Originally Posted by Rev Al:



OK Folks!


How many of you saw Paul Ryan's speech at the Republican National Convention last night ? The election is over folks! Paul Ryan eviscerated the Obama presidency. He delivered his attacks on Obama with lethal precision.


Ryan's line about "college graduates in their 20s staring up at fading posters of Obama in their childhood bedrooms"---that was Reaganesque.


What we saw in Ryan last night was sincerity and authenticity---he delivered hard facts with passion, conviction, knowledge, and heart---the man was Reaganesque.


Obama is a gutter politician---a fake, phony fraud---the biggest trickster America has ever seen. Paul Ryan delivered a fatal blow to the Obama presidency last night.



You saw stage craft and lies which the press is having a field day with today in all the major papers and which is cannon fodder for Democratic message makers.


The news cycle over the next week will simply be them doing damage control when they need to build a constituency base based on some tangible difference.


Instead they have the same useless swill as you have in your last sentence which does not build support. That merely make bigots and liars happy.


It is why the PPP, for example, is losing the battle for credibility in Guyana. They depend too much on slight of hand deceptive tricks and dissimulation over substance and fact.


Believers think it is manna from heaven, dissenters are fortified in their dissent and independents become revolted by its insincerity, lack of substance and outright lies.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Rev Bhai, A landslide victory for the Romney/Paul ticket is evident. 




As of today, the Rev is 100% confident Romney/Ryan will win the November by 5-7 points.


Romney 53


Obama 46


A landslide(winning by 10 points) is quite possible---but I am not 100% confident about that.




The country needs a real leader---a turnaround expert who can solve the country's problems and get it back on the right track.




Odinga Hussein Obambi was sent by his god to destroy the entrepreneurial spirit of America---Hussein knows if you kill the entrepreneurial spirit in America---you kill America.




Hussein will fail in his effort to kill the entrepreneurial spirit in America.


Thank heavens Romney/Ryan will rescue America.




Paul Ryan spoke eloquently last night about the $5 trillion increase in the national debt during the Obama presidency and the potential for a financial collapse of the state like what happened to some European countries. Some of us are wondering how can the Republicans cut taxes and reduce the national debt at the same time. We are no longer surprised to know that every week an AMerican company closes shop at home to re-stard operations in China just to stay in business. How do you keep American companies at home and competitive at the same time?  That's a calculus for the American Administration.


Billy Ram Balgobin

Ryan is a lying hypocrite.


1.  He screams about Obama's bailout yet took money.  He screams about deficits, yet supported an unfunded war and other budget busting maneuvers by Bush.  Ryan doesnt care one fig about the deficit.  He just doesnt see why middle class and the poor ought to receive any benefits.


2. Obama in his first year operated under the Bush budget which meant the same deficits that he has because of the bailout.  The subsequent deficits have been largey due to reduced income tax collection.  If the Feds only spend $500B on discretionary expenditures (everything other than Medicare/medicaid, sociual security, defense and debt service) then how is Obama's wil expenditures to blame?  The subsidies under Obamacare arent effeectrive until the mandates become effective.


3.  Income tax as a % of GDP and Fed govt revenue is the lowest that its ever been so the notion that high taxes are crimping the economy is as sumptious as what cows drop from their rear ends.


4.  Ryan himself plans to take $700B from Medicare, and unlike Obama wants it out of Traditional Medicare which will cut benefits for seniors.  Obama was going to take it from the Medicare Advantage, which would force seniors to but medigap plans, or fund that % of what traditional medicare doesnt cover out of pocket.


So how is Obama destroying Medicare and Ryan not.


5.  Why doesnt Ryan tell us how he plans to clse the deficit.  He will increase defense, even if he shuts down every govt agency aside from Defense he will still have deficits of $700B, and clearly he cant do that.


He is fashioning a lie that massive amounts are spent on welfare.  Well medicare and socials ecurity arent welfare.  Large chunks of Medicaid goes towards taking care of the indigent elderly and special needs children.


So where are these cuts coming from?


Rev Al, so blinded by his hatred of nblacks doesnt want to know.



And by the way not only will the GOP prevent your daughters from having an abortuiion if raped, or using birth control against unwanted, but they will pass gun laws that will allow large caliber assault weapons to be obtained almost w.o restriction.  Now imagine if that guy at the Empire State Building had this how many would have died?


This group are a scary bunch, so scary that even moderate GOP like the former gov of FL CHriste, are fleeing, or shivering.


The most frightful aspect of this is Romney is being forced further right than his instincts indicate, this accounting for his shifting positions that he had as governor.  The rioght wing loonies led by Ryan will force him to do things that are against his will.


The GOP need to be slapped into submission until the become a ;prty of moderate Republicans.  Then they will deserve to be considered.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Rev Bhai, A landslide victory for the Romney/Paul ticket is evident. 








Oh the two racists babble.  Well I was under the impression that the entrepreneurial spirit was alive and kicking, but maybe you arent aware of the very dynamic innovations in the tech sector that are occurring at present.

Maybe you live in Canada so you dont know.  But then you use much of this no doubt so your racism is so blinding that you cant see facts.


The US remains as entrepreneurial as ever.  The US remains the safe haven to the point where our interest rates are aqt record lows because our economy is stronger and more stable than those of other advanced nations, aside from commodity producers like Canada and Australia.


And not only that but there is now INSOURCING as some US manufacturers are bring jobs BACK to the USA from China and elsewhere.


Now speculate amongst yourself about what the GOP is not telling you while they encourage in this masquerade of lies.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Some of us are wondering how can the Republicans cut taxes and reduce the national debt at the same time.


Romney wants to cut takes 20% across the board plus a 10% cut in corporate income tax. He says this would put more money in people's pocket---they would spend more.


Romney also talked about eliminating loopholes and deductions.


He expects from his tax cuts:


* stronger economic growth


* Broadening the base of taxpayers.



Most important of all---Romney intends to reduce govt spending to 20% of GDP----right now it's over 25%




Romney has a plan for getting this country back on track---it is by no means perfect----he might be engaging in some wishful thinking---but Hussein has no plan---he hasn't even passed a budget in his 4 years.


Thankfully the white folks have come to their senses----they now realize that the muslim born black marxist Odinga Hussein Obambi is a trickester who wants to destroy their country.


Come November it will be GOOD RIDDANCE HUSSEIN!







Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Some of us are wondering how can the Republicans cut taxes and reduce the national debt at the same time.


Romney wants to cut takes 20% across the board plus a 10% cut in corporate income tax. He says this would put more money in people's pocket---they would spend more.


Romney also talked about eliminating loopholes and deductions.


He expects from his tax cuts:


* stronger economic growth


* Broadening the base of taxpayers.



Most important of all---Romney intends to reduce govt spending to 20% of GDP----right now it's over 25%




Romney has a plan for getting this country back on track---it is by no means perfect----he might be engaging in some wishful thinking---but Hussein has no plan---he hasn't even passed a budget in his 4 years.


Thankfully the white folks have come to their senses----they now realize that the muslim born black marxist Odinga Hussein Obambi is a trickester who wants to destroy their country.


Come November it will be GOOD RIDDANCE HUSSEIN!







Romney has a plan for sure.  The issue is that he hasnt told you.  The GOP have told their campaigners not to discuss it.


Incomes taxes are not hiogher than they were under Bush, and under OBama 98% of the population will not see any increase. 


Indeed income taxes much lower than in the booming Clinton and Reagan years.  So why were those years booming and the Bush era ended as such a bust?


So why arent people rushing out to spend?


And when he says "broadening the tax base"  he is saying that he wil cut taxes for billionaires while forcing poor people to pay income tax.  He is saying that 401(k) and mortgage interest deductions will be disallowed forcing the middle class to pay MORE income taxes.  Further he is saying that the middle class will have ti pay taxes on any amount that their employer contributes towards their health insurance.


So the rich will pay less and the middle class will pay MORE.  That is how Romney/Ryan plan to fill the deficit....that plus chopping medicare/medicaid/social security, programs much needed by the poor and the middle class.


You are a slave who is enraged that you dont have an owner.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:




Thankfully the white folks have come to their senses----they now realize that the muslim born black marxist Odinga Hussein Obambi is a trickester who wants to destroy their country.


Come November it will be GOOD RIDDANCE HUSSEIN!







I wonder how come those who wail about racism, simply becausesome of us object to the bashing of blacks by some posters here and by the PPP, have nothing to say.


Comments sugrim.   Rev Al claims that blacks destroy countries....yes Barbados, that nation a haven for so many PPP supporters (both the rich and the poor), is such a mess that they flee Guyana to live there, or in the case of the rich ones, park some of their $$$ there. 

Originally Posted by caribny:

Oh and by the. That GM plant closure in his town that he blames Obama for SHUT DOWN IN 2008!!!!


Who was the President, and which party was in power in 2008.






Ryan did not blame Obama for the GM plant closing in 2008.


Read what Ryan said in his speech last night:


"I believe that if our government is there to support you … this plant will be here for another hundred years.’ That’s what [Obama] said in 2008. Well, as it turned out, that plant didn’t last another year. It is locked up and empty to this day. And that’s how it is in so many towns today, where the recovery that was promised is nowhere in sight.”




Ryan never said the plant was closed by Obama; he said Obama promised to revive the plant and couldn’t deliver. That is a fact.




Last edited by Former Member

Quote by: Rev Al

How many of you saw Paul Ryan's speech at the Republican National Convention last night ? The election is over folks! Paul Ryan eviscerated the Obama presidency. He delivered his attacks on Obama with lethal precision.

As much as I am a republican, I would be very careful to jump the gun and say the election is over. I have been watching the convention religiously and I love Ryan's speech. Let's see how Romney will make his case to the American public after he accept his nomination. Romney have to work hard to connect with the people and convinced the independent voters that he's the man for the job and can fulfill on his promise. I am confident he will do better that Obama in his first 100 days in office. Obama is likable among white, black and Hispanic voters even as his domestic record is poor. The democratic convention is coming up soon and Obama is a good talker. He can pull a rabbit of his butt if necessary to get reelected.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:



As much as I am a republican, I would be very careful to jump the gun and say the election is over.



I dont fault you for being cautious! Hussein is a man with remarkable voodoo powers---he hoodwinked millions of white Americans in 2008.


But as of today, only 44% of Americans, according to the respectable gallup poll, approve of the job Obama is doing as President.


Keep this in mind:


It is extraordinarily difficult for incumbent presidents, even those with magical voodoo powers like the muslim born black marxist Hussein Obambi, to win over the votes of people who disapprove of the job they are doing.




America is in crisis and the country needs a "Mr. Competent"(Romney) not a "Mr. Cool"(Hussein)







Originally Posted by Rev Al:

 That’s what [Obama] said in 2008. Well, as it turned out, that plant didn’t last another year. It is locked up and empty to this day. And that’s how it is in so many towns today, where the recovery that was promised is nowhere in sight.”




Ryan never said the plant was closed by Obama; he said Obama promised to revive the plant and couldn’t deliver. That is a fact.




 Ryan  said saying that the plant didnt last another year.  Clearly implying that the plant closed in 2009.


He did NOT say that by the time Obama assumed office on Jan 2009 that they plant had already been closed.



He also did NOT give Obama credit for the auto bailout, which he opposed, for guaranteeing the survival of the auto industry in the USA.  By 2008 GM and Chrysler were near bankrupcy.



Now why did Ryan oppose the auto bailout while he endorsed the financial bailout?  Something to do with protecting the interests of the wealthy while not caring two figs about the working class!!!!  Clearly the collapse of either sector would have done severe damage to the economy.


GM is NOW in a healthier position than it has been for a very long time so he cannot claim that the closure was because of difficulties in the sector.  The closure was part of the same consolidation that Bain did to those companies which they ran.  GM did not need that capacity so it REMAINED closed.


Do you suggest that Obama tell GM what to do?  That seems like a govt take over!



It appears that not only are you a liar but a STUPID one at that.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:


As much as I am a republican, I would be very careful to jump the gun and say the election is over.

The issue is that while Obama has not done a good job in revitalizing the economy.


1.  Romney/Ryan promise the same approaches that Bush had and we know where that led us in Oct 2008.


2. Romney/Ryan plan to balance the deficit on the backs of the middle class and if the Democrats were smart they woulkd force them to admit it.


With all the Federal agencies, aside from Defense, only accounting for about 15% of expenditures of the Federal govt the deficit will only be fixed with major cuts to entitlement programs...which Americans oppose...knowing exactly how sad their lives will be as their 401(k) plans arent going to sustain them.   The GOP will raise revenues by reducing deductions that are key to the middle class...401(k)/mortgage interest...or by taxing health insurance paid for by their employers.


The EFFECTIVE income tax rate by the middle class will INCREASE.


Rev and his merry band of anti black bigots dont have the blames to see this but I will challenge them to prove me wrong.




When politicians make promises we just have to look back to prior campaigns and recall what they promised us and what they delivered. We never failed to recognize that our politicians are great promisers and exaggerators who rarely deliver. Think about George Bush's promise of "no more new taxes". When he got into the office he simply raised the old ones.

That much for promises.



Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

When politicians make promises we just have to look back to prior campaigns and recall what they promised us and what they delivered. We never failed to recognize that our politicians are great promisers and exaggerators who rarely deliver. Think about George Bush's promise of "no more new taxes". When he got into the office he simply raised the old ones.

That much for promises.



iF Romney/Ryan win...and that is very likely for the reasons that I told Kari last year, remember their promise not to touch medicare and 12 million new jobs.


How can we be so hard on Obama when he inherited an economy in dire straits?  Economists from both sides of the political spectrum agreed that the US economy was in the worst recession since the great depression when George Bush left office. The housing crisis, banking crisis, and many major industries especially the auto industry was on the brink of collapse. Ronald Reagan, who the Republicans boasted about had two terms to bring us out of a recession. He inherited an economy dogged by high interest rates and high unemployment. We now have low interest rates and high unemployment today. The Feds have used every macro-economic tool to the max to help the economy but the results is nothing but disappointing. There is no quick fix to America's economy. It's going to be long and painful. Lowering taxes might not bring about the kind of economic change the Republicans are hoping for.  

Billy Ram Balgobin




4 years ago Hogan supported Obama---but now he says he wants action---action speaks louder than words---Obama is all words---he expects action from Romney/Ryan.



Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

How can we be so hard on Obama when he inherited an economy in dire straits?  Economists from both sides of the political spectrum agreed that the US economy was in the worst recession since the great depression when George Bush left office. The housing crisis, banking crisis, and many major industries especially the auto industry was on the brink of collapse. Ronald Reagan, who the Republicans boasted about had two terms to bring us out of a recession. He inherited an economy dogged by high interest rates and high unemployment. We now have low interest rates and high unemployment today. The Feds have used every macro-economic tool to the max to help the economy but the results is nothing but disappointing. There is no quick fix to America's economy. It's going to be long and painful. Lowering taxes might not bring about the kind of economic change the Republicans are hoping for.  

The issue that I have with Obama is he should have placed 100% focus on the economy leaving the healthcare issue for later.


Now there is a possibility that an alliance of robber barons and the Christian Taliban uniting to destroy this country.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:




4 years ago Hogan supported Obama---but now he says he wants action---action speaks louder than words---Obama is all words---he expects action from Romney/Ryan.



So now we have a man whose most intelligent body parts are his biceps telling us whats good for the USA.

Originally Posted by caribny:


Now there is a possibility that an alliance of robber barons and the Christian Taliban uniting to destroy this country.


What is destroying America is not the "robber barons and Christian taliban"--what is destroying America is the policies of America first muslim born black marxist president.


In November the good white people of America will vote that cancer out of office-----businesses will be relieved----and America will get back on the road of progress and prosperity.





Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by caribny:


Now there is a possibility that an alliance of robber barons and the Christian Taliban uniting to destroy this country.


What is destroying America is not the "robber barons and Christian taliban"--what is destroying America is the policies of America first muslim born black marxist president.


In November the good white people of America will vote that cancer out of office-----businesses will be relieved----and America will get back on the road of progress and prosperity.





And the Rev continues his bigotry and folks like sugrim, baseman and the others who pretend not to be anti black will let him continue.


Indeed I do recall Sugrim even defending his right to make racist remarks, calling it "freedom of speech".

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Rev Bhai, A landslide victory for the Romney/Paul ticket is evident. 








Oh the two racists babble.  Well I was under the impression that the entrepreneurial spirit was alive and kicking, but maybe you arent aware of the very dynamic innovations in the tech sector that are occurring at present.

Maybe you live in Canada so you dont know.  But then you use much of this no doubt so your racism is so blinding that you cant see facts.


The US remains as entrepreneurial as ever.  The US remains the safe haven to the point where our interest rates are aqt record lows because our economy is stronger and more stable than those of other advanced nations, aside from commodity producers like Canada and Australia.


And not only that but there is now INSOURCING as some US manufacturers are bring jobs BACK to the USA from China and elsewhere.


Now speculate amongst yourself about what the GOP is not telling you while they encourage in this masquerade of lies.

Hey Carib,


For your information, the combined figure of unemployed and on foodstamps in America under Obama's watch is TWICE the population of Canada. 


Your intelligence will not be able to fathom that figure. Are you still defending  this record ?


Canada has the strongest economy in the developed world. Every citizen has health care, we do not discriminate between rich or poor, white or black. All are treated equally.


Canada never had slavery like the USA.


Read up your history books and subscribe to some financial publications if you still have some left over social assistance funds.


Canada has a strong conservative government not like our neigbouring socialist leader.

Last edited by Former Member




Hey Carib,


For your information, the combined figure of unemployed and on foodstamps in America under Obama's watch is TWICE the population of Canada. 


Your intelligence will not be able to fathom that figure. Are you still defending  this record ?


Canada has the strongest economy in the developed world. Every citizen has health care, we do not discriminate between rich or poor, white or black. All are treated equally.


Canada never had slavery like the USA.


Read up your history books and subscribe to some financial publications if you still have some left over social assistance funds.


Canada has a strong conservative government not like our neigbouring socialist leader.

Do some home work.  How many jobs were lost from Dec 2007 to Jan 2009? How many gained since then?


What was the budget deficit for the fiscal year ending 2009.  This was George Bush's l;asst budget and you will note that it differs little from Obama's.


Also what was the Dow in Jan 2009 when Bush left, and what is it now?


More home work for you.  Guess what the Fiscal situation was in Jan 2001 when Clinton left. SURPLUS.  Guess where the economy was. BOOMING.


Guess who destroyed what Clinton built.


A client of mine in said that she knew that a George Bush presidency meant war and recession.  Now how did she know in Nov 2000 where Bush would leave the ecopnomy in Jan 2009?


Also racist yuji, why do you deny to Americans the universal health care and pension system that you all have in Canada?  You should be screaming that your pensions should be invested in the stock market,k and if it crashes and your retirement disappears, so what!  Also you shouild scream that rather than having GOVERNMENT DIRECTED health care in Canada you should demand that every one be forced to buy their own health insurance, and if they cant afford it then they should die on the streets.


This is what you wish for us with your blind support for Romney.  Your Conservative govt is no more conservative than is the Democratic party which will never dare to try to do in the USA what you take for granted in Canada for fear of being called "socialist".



Further comparison. Canada has a finacial system that is wsay kore egulated than what w ehave in the USA so you didnt have the crisis that we had.


Not only do you deny us the priviledges that you all have with your more comprehensive healthcare and pension systems but you deny us thet protections that your tightly regulated financial sector must conform to.  So us banks in less regulated USA and the UK collapsed those in Canada thrived.

Last edited by Former Member


Paul Ryan wages war on facts

Published: Sunday, September 02, 2012, 7:49 AM


By any relevant historical measure, the 2012 presidential election should be something close to a layup for Republicans, a piece of cake, no heavy lifting.

The incumbent Democrat in the White House is presiding over the longest economic slump in more than 70 years, inherited to be sure but his responsibility now after more than three years in office. Unemployment remains stubbornly above 8 percent. Public optimism about the direction of the country and the future of the economy is in the pits.

Incumbents don’t normally win re-election with that kind of baggage.

All the GOP would seem to need to exploit this advantage are: 1) a clear, credible message about how we got into this mess and how to fix it, and 2) absolute honesty on both counts. 
But if the storm-tossed Republican National Convention in Tampa is any measure, the Grand Old Plutocrats are in danger of blowing it.

The Tuesday night appearance of Ann Romney and Gov. Chris Christie provided the convention’s “Entertainment Tonight”-style highlights and worked pretty well. But it was the anxiously awaited oration of Rep. Paul Ryan, the party’s veep nominee and reputed Big Brain on government economics, that was to make the substantive case for a Republican return to power.

Instead, what the Ryan speech delivered was a field day for fact-checkers among the journalists covering the conclave and an unintended bonanza for Democrats.

Sure, the GOP delegates loved it all. But they’re not the audience Ryan and Mitt Romney need; they’ve already got them, presumably. They need undecided independents and wavering Democrats. But it’s doubtful that Ryan’s rhetoric, once put through the fact-check wringer, will do much to win them over.

For starters, there’s his now widely debunked claim that President Obama oversaw the shutdown of an auto plant in his Wisconsin hometown. Trouble is, the plant was shuttered in 2008 and Obama didn’t take office until Jan. 20, 2009. How inconvenient!

Consider a couple of his other whoppers. Obama, he said, will take some $700 billion out of Medicare to help fund the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare. It’s dastardly, Ryan implied. But he neglected to mention that his own budget pulls almost exactly the same amount from Medicare. Just an oversight, right?

He also laid into Obama over the president’s failure to embrace the Simpson-Bowles commission proposal for dealing with the deficit. A presidential lack of leadership, Ryan charged, with some justification.

But his criticism would have had more bite if he’d acknowledged that he, too, took a walk on the Simpson-Bowles proposal. And he was a member of the commission. (Ryan liked its spending cuts, but was frightened away by tea party opposition to its tax increases. Another congressional profile in courage by another self-proclaimed reformer.)

There’s more. Some of Ryan’s most telling political points involved the burst of federal spending under Obama. Actually, Ryan knows something about big federal spending and borrowing. Almost without exception, he voted for the explosion of spending under President George W. Bush, including the now-controversial tax cuts, the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, the huge prescription-drug expansion of Medicare, even TARP, the bank bailout now considered almost treason by some in the GOP.

Ryan was just another of those big-spending Bush Republicans he now disavows. When did he change and why, a television analyst was asked. “When a Democrat was elected president,” was the response.

Will Ryan’s elaborate fabrications hurt him and the GOP? Only if enough voters paid close attention to the big Republican show and the reaction to it in the media and academia — of which, after years of covering these things, I’m doubtful.

For the moment, Ryan gets a break. Mitt Romney’s acceptance speech, not great but not bad either, has pushed Ryan’s losing battle with the truth into the background for a while. But the GOP ticket will be under a close fact-check watch from now until the votes are tallied in November.

Which should cause the Romney-Ryan team to clean up its act, right? Not necessarily, if you believe Neil Newhouse, the team’s chief pollster. As he reportedly snapped to an interviewer in the wake of Ryan’s truth-trashing, “We’re not going to let our campaign be dictated by fact-checkers.”

There. Take that! 







America is no better off, and in many ways worse off, than it was when Preisdent Obama came to office.




We know that your governor’s over there, and your lieutenant governor--and we also know that President Obama’s over there. [Boos] And President Obama’s going to be giving a big speech. And there are going to be lots of speeches--a lot of words. Let me quote President Obama four years ago: “If you don’t have a record to run on, then you paint your opponent as someone people should run from.” Ladies and gentlemen, that is exactly what Barack Obama is doing today. [Cheers] You see, the President has no record to run on. [Audience: “That’s right!] In fact, every president since the Great Depression who asked Americans to send them into a second term could say that you were better off today than you were four years ago. Except for Jimmy Carter and for President Barack Obama. [Cheers]





Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan is calling former President Jimmy Carter's leadership "the good old days" compared to the last four years under President Barack Obama.


The Wisconsin congressman campaigned Monday at East Carolina University in Greenville, about 230 miles east of where thousands of Democrats were gathering at the Democratic National Convention.


Ryan says voters will hear a lot of words from Democrats in Charlotte this week. But he says they won't hear evidence of how the nation is better off under Obama's leadership.


Ryan says the only way to change the direction of the country is to change the president.


The message is part of a broader messaging strategy by Republicans in North Carolina and across the country this week.


© Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:




Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan is calling former President Jimmy Carter's leadership "the good old days" compared to the last four years under President Barack Obama.


The Wisconsin congressman campaigned Monday at East Carolina University in Greenville, about 230 miles east of where thousands of Democrats were gathering at the Democratic National Convention.


Ryan says voters will hear a lot of words from Democrats in Charlotte this week. But he says they won't hear evidence of how the nation is better off under Obama's leadership.


Ryan says the only way to change the direction of the country is to change the president.


The message is part of a broader messaging strategy by Republicans in North Carolina and across the country this week.


© Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.





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