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Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


The Democrats are proving to hate muslims by excluding them form the prayer convention.  This is subtle racism. They are showing their true colors.

Muslims are democrats too stupid man.

Hey dunce/cry baby,


My post went right over your head. Carry on.

Indeed it did. Being of air, it rose rapidly above my head and just as quickly dissipated into the background cacophony of your usual stratospheric noise

Originally Posted by God:
Yugi, there were no Muslim prayers at the Republican Convention either. Does it mean that Republicans hate Muslims by excluding them from the Republican Convention? Is this subtle racism on the part of Republicans and is this a display of their true colors?

The party is inclusive. It was refreshing to see Ms. Rice endorse fututre president, Mr. Romney. Obama is finished with his supporters hoping for more vodoo. The bottle is now empty, he has ran out of excuses and blaming other presidents for his failed presidency.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Cry baby/dunce,


I did not expect any better from you. When is your next trip to admin ?

You to me is an ant to a an anteater. Reminding the admin to take care of the riffraff is a social obligation.

Cry baby/dunce


"the fool in  his heart thinks he is wise..." the wise man knows the fool would first have to start to truly think...that comes with the Socratic first principle that one must first.....fill in the rest.

Originally Posted by Wally:

The Republican convention reminds me of the Royal Wedding.  Not one dark face around.  Baseman you were not in the crowd.

The republican party is an old white man's party. One has to go back to Lincoln to find a compassionate republican party. Not one of the prominent minority in that party represents the mainstream of their culture. Since the defection of the southern democrats to the Republicans it has remained faithful to the that creed. Look behind the scenes and you see the old bush crew that almost ruined the society... neocons like Rove and John Bolton are there as its rudder and keel. It cannot tack other than it is.

Originally Posted by Wally:

Any of you guys saw Clint's speech? 




"We own this country, and when someone(Barack Hussein Obama) doesn't do the job, we have to let them go."



Clint Eastwood was fabulous! He relentlessly and hilariously mocked President Boy Genius--Mr. "Islam will dominate the world"---Republicans loved Clint!


Clint hit all the sweet spots---in decimating Obama, he pointed out the incompetence, the lies, the empty, pretentious rhetoric of America's first muslim born black marxist president.





Other than an empty suit--there is no sharper metaphor to describe Hussein.



Originally Posted by Wally:

It look like God is voting Obama.  The Republican convention is looking like a mad circus because of the storm.

Lots of crying and nothing of substance.


What does Romney plan to do to generate 12 million jobs.  Cant just be reduce taxes and regulatuions because his buddy George did it and we ended up with 700,000 jobs lost per month.


Cutting teh deficit.  How?  He will reduce taxes and even if he shuts down every Federal agency other than Defense he will still have a $700B deficit...and it will be more as he plans to invade Syria and Iran shortly after becoming President....another TWO unfunded with a monster which has millions of soldiers...all fired up to die for Allah.  Both only two willing to vent their rage against Israel which seems to control the USA.


Question. Where is the capital of the USA?....Tel Aviv/Jerusalem.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:




Clint Eastwood was fabulous!



Funny every one else thinks he has dementia.


As for poor Mit.  We still do not know who he is.  Or what he plans to do.  His five steps were GOALS...not strategies or tactics.  As a Harvard MBA who knows the difference, but knows that you dont so he doesnt have to tell you what his real plans are.


And its not kissing sick babies, or pretending that he cares about storm victims in Louisiana.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by God:
Yugi, there were no Muslim prayers at the Republican Convention either. Does it mean that Republicans hate Muslims by excluding them from the Republican Convention? Is this subtle racism on the part of Republicans and is this a display of their true colors?

The party is inclusive. It was refreshing to see Ms. Rice endorse fututre president, Mr. Romney. Obama is finished with his supporters hoping for more vodoo. The bottle is now empty, he has ran out of excuses and blaming other presidents for his failed presidency.

I didn't expect that you would be able to answer the questions directly with anything of substance and you proved me correct.


You obviously do not know the American Republican Party if you think that they are inclusive. Ask yourself why can't they get any significant amount of votes from minorities if they are so inclusive.


Originally Posted by caribny:


As for poor Mitt.  We still do not know who he is. 


carib bai:


You and the pitiful folks who support Obama will never acknowledge Romney and what a great success he has been in life.




* He inherited a fortune from his father and gave every penny of it away.


* He wanted to prove that he could be a self made success, based on his own hard work and capability.


* Romney is a rich man because he is one of the most successful men in America.


* He became rich by creating prosperity for his familty, hundreds of thousands of other families, and for America.





Mitt Romney is exactly what America is looking for at this moment in her history---Obama has been a colossal failure---23 million people in American are unemployed or underemployed----that's a national disgrace according to the iconic Clint Eastwood.  


Thank god white Americans like Clint Eastwood will rescue this great country---you blacks, muslims, and Guyanese are free to vote for Hussein----but the white folks will elect Mitt Romney as America's next president.






Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by caribny:


As for poor Mitt.  We still do not know who he is. 


carib bai:


You and the pitiful folks who support Obama will never acknowledge Romney and what a great success he has been in life.



* He inherited a fortune from his father and gave every penny of it away.









I see thats what they are telling you. Romney a man of privilege went to harvard, a school of privilege.  Being the son of a rich white man put him in a circle of rich white men and so had access to opportunity that you will never have.  Graduated with no loans you can bet, so was able to take career risks that others cant. 


Also understand this.  Romney made loads of cash for himself and his partners and those who invested with him.  Some employees of the companies they acquired probably did OK. Others not only lost their jobs but watched while Romney and his gang raided their pensions.


Romney's goal was to make as much money for himself, his partners and his investors.  If that meant screwing over others well then that is life.


Dont envy his success but please do not make him into Michael Bloombeg. His parents were teachers and other non entities. He most likely went to publci school, not some high priced prep school, so every thing he got he worked for, including learning how to succeed among the rich and the powerful.


Now Bloomberg I respect.  Even if I dont necessarily agree with his views.


Any Guyanese set up a PE or large hedge fund lately? No we will be lucky just to get a job in one of these places.


So dont play this poor little Romney who struggled on his own.  He didnt.  his grandfather did and maybe his father.


He was a child of privilege.


BTW Romney makes sure to take advantage of every loop hole possible.This is why he is scared to show his tax returns.  The reason why he wants estate tax to be eliminated is w/o this his bill will be $70 million, and thgis despite $100 million beingt placed outside of his estate.  Now imagine how much can be done with that!!!!!!


I am sure you think that you can be like Romney if you work hard enough...the nonsense that they fill your head with.  Maybe Romney might pat you on the head while he walks passed you, not bothering to lok at you.


You are a slave.  Your esteem is based on what your massa has, even if you have no chance of ever getting anything near to it/


I agree with Carib again here.  The capitalist system is structured in a certain way so that the 1 percent of the 1 percent remains on top.  It is almost impossible to become the 1 percent. It is not about working hard. 


I know of a woman who inherited from her mother's family thousands upon thousands of acreas of land in the American south.  From her father she inherited two multinational corporations.  She has not worked a single day in her life. The capitalist system does not reward hard work.  It rewards people who are smart or ruthless enough to get into the 1 percent.  It is a selfish system.   

Originally Posted by caribny:



I am sure you think that you can be like Romney if you work hard enough...the nonsense that they fill your head with. 


You are a slave. 



carib bhai:


The Rev senses your pain and horror and frustration. You may need to see a shrink when Mitt Romney becomes the 45th president of the United States.


Listen up!


Like the Rev---Mitt Romney is a numbers guy---he is a doer---a problem solver----Mitt Romney has what it takes(the leadership) to get this broken country back on track.









Originally Posted by Wally:

I agree with Carib again here.  The capitalist system is structured in a certain way so that the 1 percent of the 1 percent remains on top.  It is almost impossible to become the 1 percent. It is not about working hard. 


I know of a woman who inherited from her mother's family thousands upon thousands of acreas of land in the American south.  From her father she inherited two multinational corporations.  She has not worked a single day in her life. The capitalist system does not reward hard work.  It rewards people who are smart or ruthless enough to get into the 1 percent.  It is a selfish system.   

Fine, so what, inheritance is part of almost most society.  Why you suggest, take away and share and leave the decendents empty handed?  If you don't like it, then promote the Soviet/Cuban system.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Wally:

Any of you guys saw Clint's speech? 




"We own this country, and when someone(Barack Hussein Obama) doesn't do the job, we have to let them go."



Clint Eastwood was fabulous! He relentlessly and hilariously mocked President Boy Genius--Mr. "Islam will dominate the world"---Republicans loved Clint!


Clint hit all the sweet spots---in decimating Obama, he pointed out the incompetence, the lies, the empty, pretentious rhetoric of America's first muslim born black marxist president.





Other than an empty suit--there is no sharper metaphor to describe Hussein.



Rev, when Clint Eastwood said ("These people are all like-minded, like all of us")

("We own this country")  he was not refering to people like you and I.  Because I did not see anyone there in that place that remotely had the color of me and you.  So don't jump up as yet.  That was a thinly disguised "Support our own people" talk from a man who is married to a woman who was fathered by a blackman.


But at the end of the day it is good that Obama is experiencing this "support our own people" talk.  This fool Obama did everything possible to show white people that he is part of them.  So in the end he is getting a taste of his own medicine.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:

i see the "rev" continues to copy & paste furiously from ignar hate sites . . .


I see you are an avid fan of


Anyway, check out the video:



Read this:


"Youth unemployment remains high, with 18-24 year olds facing unemployment over 15%. In a poll conducted by Crossroads Generation of 800 registered voters aged 18-29, only 22% said that they thought Obama had put into place policies that have made it easier for young people to find jobs. We can do better."



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by redux:

i see the "rev" continues to copy & paste furiously from ignar hate sites . . .

I see you are an avid fan of

ahh yesss . . . Breitbart, the 'conservative' home for dunces, jokers and those who think 'Perez Hilton' is a journalist.


so, [ignar?] hate sites aren't the only places you frequent . . . what's your point?


MY POINT is that you don't know jack about American politics . . . your shrill, attention seeking, bigot dance(s) on GNI notwithstanding

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev Al:


Americans deserve better---college grads deserve better---Romney/Ryan will create Jobs---Obama/Biden will offer more foodstamps and welfare---read that Ryan comment again:


College graduates should not have to live out their 20s in their childhood bedrooms, staring up at fading Obama posters and wondering when they can move out and get going with life.

It is strange how racism and self hate makes an individual vote against their interest and against reason. How Romney will do whatever it is he hopes to do is never a matter for analysis. Stupidity and craven racism causes the mind to hiccup further into race bating that he will save the nation from food stamps and welfare! 


It did not take the time to assimilate the fact that  it is the very policy they plan to put in place is what put these people on public assistance...deregulation and tax breaks for the rich.Obama has  taken this nation from one where it was hemorrhaging some 700,000 jobs a month to where it is on the plus side. Had it not been for deliberate sabotage for political reason he would have gotten further. His mistake is he trust those bigots.


Romney is not getting college grads, or women or Hispanics or black folks or the young professional. His constituency is and has always been the same. You only need to look into the sea of rich, and mainly old white men at the republican convention to get that fact.


The odium of Eastwood caricature of making a black man disappear is not lost on thinking people. The republican has made color disappear from their ranks for a long time and only the few self hating, wish they were white fools follow them into their mythical paradise.


The fact remains that Ryan advised the congress to vote against Simpson. Bowles, refuses to budge on any deficit reduction deal because it would lead to Obama's re election. They immediately chant "class warfare" when any propose that the the rich be made to pay their fair share. I wonder if the Rev ever paid 13% income tax ever. Romney did. They always link paying their fair share to "job loss" when that claim is pure baloney.


Then there is their policy offering, start a few more wars! Cutting and pasting hate site art will not make any feel better about republicanism. It simply reaffirms the nature of their constituency.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:


MY POINT is that you don't know jack about American politics . . .



You are absolutely entitled to your opinion--no matter how wrong or inferior they may be.


The Rev may not know jack about American politics, but the Rev and the majority of Americans know that Barack Hussein Obama has been an abysmal failure as President.


Mitt Romney in his convention speech said, "when the world needs someone to do the really big stuff they need an American."


Clint and Hussein


The Clint Eastwoods and the majority of America now realize that America needs a "real American" to get this country back on track---in November the muslim born Kenyan marxist Odinga Hussein Obambi will be fired.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by redux:


MY POINT is that you don't know jack about American politics . . .



You are absolutely entitled to your opinion--no matter how wrong or inferior they may be.


The Rev may not know jack about American politics, but the Rev and the majority of Americans know that Barack Hussein Obama has been an abysmal failure as President.


Mitt Romney in his convention speech said, "when the world needs someone to do the really big stuff they need an American."



Clint and Hussein


The Clint Eastwoods and the majority of Americas now realize that America needs a "real American" to get this country back on track---in November the muslim born Kenyan marxist Odinga Hussein Obambi will be fired.



You are as shallow as those rednecks to whom this bilge is dispense. The majority of Americans saw the Eastwood affair as unfortunate and even the candidate's wife made excuses for it on national TV. The constant repetition of Marxist, Kenyan, etc etc is simply you being your nasty shallow hateful talentless self.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

You are as shallow as those rednecks to whom this bilge is dispense.



Like redux, you are also entiled to your opinion--no matter how shitty they may be.hahaha



That is not an opinion. That is a fact. It may be disregarded by you but the reason I post is not for those like yourselves who rely on posting asinine imagery from hate sites but for people concerned with the facts. You will not gain any following with this. It does not appeal to the senses of those seeking to make up their mind in the polls. It is crass diatribe  receptive only to the hate mongers and self haters among us. That population, unfortunately for you, is less than a hand of fingers to this point.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

That is not an opinion. That is a fact.



That is your problem Stormy!




As you know--there are 3 things in life you can't hide for long:




And America now knows the truth about Odinga Hussein Obambi---the country's first muslim born kenyan marxist president---Odinga Hussein is a trickster---he fooled the majority of Americans(52.88%) in 2008 with his empty, pretentious rhetoric---he said he was going to lower the oceans, cool the sun, heal the planet---and a bunch of baloney---the truth is now known about that blowhard and empty suit---and he will be kicked out of office in November.




rev which government it remind you of the only thing lacking is the thiefing put in the thiefing and you have the ppp REV how come you can find somuch fault will OBAMA and you is praising the worst government in the caribbean,you is the last person in the world to give a opion on anybody you is a very dishonest person who condone the ppp crime family to loot the people tax money

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

You mean one man was able to fool 52 per cent of Americans, including  whites, blacks , Asians, Hispanics, native Americans, etc. Something is not right here.




When the history books are written---it will be described as one of the great mysteries---how could Barack Hussein Obama---a muslim born kenyan marxist---fool the majority(52.88%) of Americans in 2008 that he was real ?




And the truth has now been revealed---the majority of Americans in 2012 now know they were hoodwinked by Obama in 2008---he is a trickster---a con artist---a fake phony fraud.




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