Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by caribny:
As for poor Mitt. We still do not know who he is.
carib bai:
You and the pitiful folks who support Obama will never acknowledge Romney and what a great success he has been in life.
* He inherited a fortune from his father and gave every penny of it away.
I see thats what they are telling you. Romney a man of privilege went to harvard, a school of privilege. Being the son of a rich white man put him in a circle of rich white men and so had access to opportunity that you will never have. Graduated with no loans you can bet, so was able to take career risks that others cant.
Also understand this. Romney made loads of cash for himself and his partners and those who invested with him. Some employees of the companies they acquired probably did OK. Others not only lost their jobs but watched while Romney and his gang raided their pensions.
Romney's goal was to make as much money for himself, his partners and his investors. If that meant screwing over others well then that is life.
Dont envy his success but please do not make him into Michael Bloombeg. His parents were teachers and other non entities. He most likely went to publci school, not some high priced prep school, so every thing he got he worked for, including learning how to succeed among the rich and the powerful.
Now Bloomberg I respect. Even if I dont necessarily agree with his views.
Any Guyanese set up a PE or large hedge fund lately? No we will be lucky just to get a job in one of these places.
So dont play this poor little Romney who struggled on his own. He didnt. his grandfather did and maybe his father.
He was a child of privilege.
BTW Romney makes sure to take advantage of every loop hole possible.This is why he is scared to show his tax returns. The reason why he wants estate tax to be eliminated is w/o this his bill will be $70 million, and thgis despite $100 million beingt placed outside of his estate. Now imagine how much can be done with that!!!!!!
I am sure you think that you can be like Romney if you work hard enough...the nonsense that they fill your head with. Maybe Romney might pat you on the head while he walks passed you, not bothering to lok at you.
You are a slave. Your esteem is based on what your massa has, even if you have no chance of ever getting anything near to it/