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Former Member




OK Folks!


Take a good look at that billboard---it says it all---white Americans have awakened.







Will Hussein just be defeated in November or will Hussein be defeated in a landslide ?


DEFINITION: Losing by 10+ points is landslide.


We all know Hussein will be defeated----actually 96% of blacks, 99.99% of Muslims, and 80% of Guyanese US citizens will vote for Hussein---these folks are on their knees praying for Hussein to win---but thanks to white blue collar Americans---Hussein will be defeated.


The Rev is now 1000% confident that white capitalist Mitt Romney will be America's next President and black, muslim born Marxist Hussein will be soundly defeated.


What I am curious to know is this:





Replies sorted oldest to newest




Listen folks!


If you kill the entrepreneurial spirirt of America you kill America, and that is exactly what Obama was doing---he was killing the entrepreneurial spirit of America. The white people, especially the white blue collar Americans, saw Obama's wicked motive---he was killing the entrepreneurial spirit of America--and thereby killing America.





Originally Posted by Prashad:

Rev Al I hope you go the same way as Obama in the trash can.  You piece of garbage.




No need to be bitter my bwoy!


Leave the anger and bitterness to Hussein!




God bless America---and the blue white folks who are bent on taking back their country from the enemy.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

Rev Al I hope you go the same way as Obama in the trash can.  You piece of garbage.





No need to be bitter my bwoy!


Leave the anger and bitterness to Hussein!




God bless America---and the blue white folks who are bent on taking back their country from the enemy.



You a vicious nasty racist brown man will have to eat humble pie. This is his country as it is any white or blue folk.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

Rev Al I hope you go the same way as Obama in the trash can.  You piece of garbage.




No need to be bitter my bwoy!


Leave the anger and bitterness to Hussein!




God bless America---and the blue white folks who are bent on taking back their country from the enemy.



Welcome back! Seems you only post under Rev Al when the republicans have good news. What happens when the news is not so rosy? Is it then you post under the different aliases like Conscience?

 You talk of a bitter black man. How about his white side? Did you forget his mother was white? You only see his black side. I supose you are a strong supporter of Todd Akin too.

You obstructionists will not capture the white house or have a majority in the senate in 2012. 


Originally Posted by Stormborn:


You a vicious nasty racist brown man will have to eat humble pie. This is his country as it is any white or blue folk.




White blue collar Americans now know that Hussein is anti-business, anti-capitalist, anti-markets---Hussein is opposed to everything that made America a great country.


Darkies in America---blacks, muslims, Guyanese, etc, etc will vote overwhelmingly for Hussein in November, but thankfully blue collar white will turn on him and rescue America.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:


You a vicious nasty racist brown man will have to eat humble pie. This is his country as it is any white or blue folk.





White blue collar Americans now know that Hussein is anti-business, anti-capitalist, anti-markets---Hussein is opposed to everything that made America a great country.


Darkies in America---blacks, muslims, Guyanese, etc, etc will vote overwhelmingly for Hussein in November, but thankfully blue collar white will turn on him and rescue America.



I am sure you are believing your personal right wing fantasy but Romney is not winning the redneck  bible belt vote en mass this time for the republicans.


Muslims on the site ought to be offended by your assumption their religion is evil. You are obviously a seriously disturbed racist and religious bigot as well.


You are in fact the repugnant vestiges of this nation. The fact that you are from our country makes you more a worm.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:


Welcome back! Seems you only post under Rev Al when the republicans have good news. What happens when the news is not so rosy? Is it then you post under the different aliases like Conscience?





You are free to check with the esteemed admin of this site, Mr. amral. He will inform you that the Rev does not use multiple handles.




This country needs to get back on the right track---and the 2 white boys---Romney and Ryan are eminently qualified to get the job done---the black guy turned out to be an abysmal failure.





His rape remarks were disgraceful, insensitive, and ignorant.





Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:


Welcome back! Seems you only post under Rev Al when the republicans have good news. What happens when the news is not so rosy? Is it then you post under the different aliases like Conscience?





You are free to check with the esteemed admin of this site, Mr. amral. He will inform you that the Rev does not use multiple handles.




This country needs to get back on the right track---and the 2 white boys---Romney and Ryan are eminently qualified to get the job done---the black guy turned out to be an abysmal failure.





His rape remarks disgraceful, insensitive, and ignorant.





Ryan is a tea party poster boy with out of the mainstream slant. He has to downplay most of his political stances because it is clearly a deadweight to his candidate. Ryan tabled a bill in congress no different in language than used by Akin. And that black guy will be seen for what he is come November, a bit of basic Americana vs the looney fringe like you are.

Originally Posted by antabanta:

Consistent use of the name Hussein tells it all.

I learn something everyday. I never knew that in our community there are wicked nasty religious bigot as this. I know there are a little friction between muslims and hindus but never one where being muslim is seen as a liability. This man is clearly  from his manner and mode one of those who think they are white and protestant  under the skin

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:


Welcome back! Seems you only post under Rev Al when the republicans have good news. What happens when the news is not so rosy? Is it then you post under the different aliases like Conscience?





You are free to check with the esteemed admin of this site, Mr. amral. He will inform you that the Rev does not use multiple handles.




This country needs to get back on the right track---and the 2 white boys---Romney and Ryan are eminently qualified to get the job done---the black guy turned out to be an abysmal failure.





His rape remarks were disgraceful, insensitive, and ignorant.






Did we not have 2 white boys George and Dick who allowed this country to down the sewer?

What makes you think 2 more white republican rich boys will not bring us to our knees again? Like Joe Biden said "They will put you (us) back in chains". 


RE: Todd Akin

Even though the repubs condem him, he was preaching what the republicans believe and want. Stop listening to Fatso Druggie Limbaugh, Anne Coulter(a man in a woman's body) Shaun Hannity, Sarah Palin and Bill O'reilly.  

Originally Posted by antabanta:

What makes Obama a fake, phony, fraud president?


America will know the real truth about this trickster after he is kicked out of the white house in November.


Hussein aka Barry Soetoro did not seal his Columbia Uni transcripts because he was ashamed of his poor grades---he sealed his transcript because it would have revealed that he was accepted into Columbia from Occidental college as a foreign exchange student---Barry Soetoro---that was Hussein's Indonesian name.





Hussein will lose in November----WILL HE LOSE BY A LANDSLIDE ?




Al-satian.......the only thing people would be on their knees praying for is a return of the brains you lost.


Remember what I said about Chicago - it is to politics what Italians are to the Mafia. Don't mess with the pros in Chicago. As soon as Ryan was announced, they pulled out the attack sheet and got that Todd Atkin idiot to spew his rape and abortion bile. Then Axelrod and Plouffe jumped to connect his co-sponsor Ryan with his "forcible" rape jive. Ryan stutered Romney-like on his taxes and Bain Capital. The Swift-boating of Ryan was on, baby! Ryan was reminded that his hero Ayn (phonetically rhyming with swine) Rand hated people who limited individual choice in abortion. The rout was on. Look at Ryan imitate the Romney moon-walk. The polls show that their pile-on ads misrepresenting Obama's medicare approach is back-firing. All those millions of dollars are like the 9th glass of water - you get diminishing returns.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by antabanta:

What makes Obama a fake, phony, fraud president?


America will know the real truth about this trickster after he is kicked out of the white house in November.


Hussein aka Barry Soetoro did not seal his Columbia Uni transcripts because he was ashamed of his poor grades---he sealed his transcript because it would have revealed that he was accepted into Columbia from Occidental college as a foreign exchange student---Barry Soetoro---that was Hussein's Indonesian name.





Hussein will lose in November----WILL HE LOSE BY A LANDSLIDE ?



Is thou shalt not lie no longer a commandment?

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Ryan is a tea party poster boy with out of the mainstream slant.





Paul Ryan is a numbers guy---the man is genuinely smart---unlike that fake, phony, fraud we currently have in the white house--Odinga Hussein Obambi.



Obama is fake only in your racist mind.  I bet Ryan knows numbers as well as you do.

Originally Posted by Kari:

Al-satian.......the only thing people would be on their knees praying for is a return of the brains you lost.



Kari bhai:


You know the Rev's mantra: NUMBERS DON'T LIE!


And the numbers are crystal clear:





What the Rev is curious to know is this:


Will Obama be defeated by a landslide ?





That model, doing an economic analysis of all 50 states, has correctly predicted the winner of every presidential election since 1980---and right now they are predicting for Nov 2012:


Romney 53%; Obama 47% = Romney 320 electoral votes; Obama 218




Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by antabanta:

What makes Obama a fake, phony, fraud president?


America will know the real truth about this trickster after he is kicked out of the white house in November.


Hussein aka Barry Soetoro did not seal his Columbia Uni transcripts because he was ashamed of his poor grades---he sealed his transcript because it would have revealed that he was accepted into Columbia from Occidental college as a foreign exchange student---Barry Soetoro---that was Hussein's Indonesian name.





Hussein will lose in November----WILL HE LOSE BY A LANDSLIDE ?



He was top of his class at Harvard and on the Law review so he could not have done bad. But you folks only believe your own story line, however grotesquely made up it is. Here you are, probably a state school grad, and still wanting to pull intellectual rank on the President. You are reaching farther than even a ladder can take you.


Wishful thinking won't make him lose. He has more paths to victory than Romney who has basically a fork that includes PA, Florida and Ohio all together and he will not make all three of those. He will lose two of the three.


Rev Bhai


Welcome back. Bhai, many of these posters here were also calling me a racist for posting an astonishing fact..... There are over 40 million of Americans on food stamp today. 


That is more than the entire population of Canada. This is a proud achievement of this presidency. Time to vote out the foodstamp president. The polls are now in favour of Romney and he has an energetic running mate. The Republicans are now energised and will pump big money to elect a real president.


Time for Obama to start packing up and making way for a real American president. A man who will make Americans proud once more.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Al-satian.......the only thing people would be on their knees praying for is a return of the brains you lost.



Kari bhai:


You know the Rev's mantra: NUMBERS DON'T LIE!


And the numbers are crystal clear:





What the Rev is curious to know is this:


Will Obama be defeated by a landslide ?





That model, doing an economic analysis of all 50 states, has correctly predicted the winner of every presidential election since 1980---and right now they are predicting for Nov 2012:


Romney 53%; Obama 47% = Romney 320 electoral votes; Obama 218




What numbers are you speaking of? You are giving us statistical analysis which are probabilities not certainties. They  within a range.Even the statisticians of this model tells us they are not prophets but making a bast case given what they know.  I do not have to give  you other examples with different possible outcome. I merely want to tell you that your claims to being a numbers man is a farce, your numbers have a built in  "lie" margin, literally!

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Rev Bhai


Welcome back. Bhai, many of these posters here were also calling me a racist for posting an astonishing fact..... There are over 40 million of Americans on food stamp today. 


That is more than the entire population of Canada. This is a proud achievement of this presidency. Time to vote out the foodstamp president. The polls are now in favour of Romney and he has an energetic running mate. The Republicans are now energised and will pump big money to elect a real president.


Time for Obama to start packing up and making way for a real American president. A man who will make Americans proud once more.



You need to imagine if Canada can feed all its people on its own with none working to then see the strength of the American safety net. It is there not as an indicator of its misery but its strength. That is what completely bypassed that lump of granite on your shoulders.


Originally Posted by yuji22:

Rev Bhai


Welcome back. Bhai, many of these posters here were also calling me a racist for posting an astonishing fact..... There are over 40 million of Americans on food stamp today. 







The majority of posters here are in denial regarding Obama---that's understandable---96% of blacks will vote for Obama; 99.99% of muslims will vote for Obama; and 80% of Guyanese will vote for Obama.


Listen! Obama has been a colossal failure---25 million Americans either unemployed or underemployed; 48 million Americans on food stamps; 5 trillion in debt has been piled up under Obama.


America can no longer afford to have this clown as her leader---the good news is the white people will do the right thing and vote Obama out of office in November.


As I said in the lead post---I am 1000% confident Obama will be defeated---what I am curious to know is if America's first muslim born black marxist president will be defeated by a landslide.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Rev Bhai


Welcome back. Bhai, many of these posters here were also calling me a racist for posting an astonishing fact..... There are over 40 million of Americans on food stamp today. 







The majority of posters here are in denial regarding Obama---that's understandable---96% of blacks will vote for Obama; 99.99% of muslims will vote for Obama; and 80% of Guyanese will vote for Obama.


Listen! Obama has been a colossal failure---25 million Americans either unemployed or underemployed; 48 million Americans on food stamps; 5 trillion in debt has been piled up under Obama.


America can no longer afford to have this clown as her leader---the good news is the white people will do the right thing and vote Obama out of office in November.


As I said in the lead post---I am 1000% confident Obama will be defeated---what I am curious to know is if America's first muslim born black marxist president will be defeated by a landslide.



You are reciting spurious facts per the those of Coulter and Limbaugh ilk. The President has stopped the hemorrhaging from 7 million a month to a plus.  He did not accrue the debt. It is payment due on a war he did not start or an economy he did not cause to collapse.



He is Marxist and Muslim only in your reptilian brain which is more prone to instinctive grasping at right wing shrill messaging than facts. But that is the domain of stupid people. Self deception begins with pretending they know more than they do ie your claim to being a numbers man when you cannot even grasp the implications of your statistics.


You being 1000 percent sure is akin to going to the gypsy down the street for economic advice.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:


You are reciting spurious facts per the those of Coulter and Limbaugh ilk.




Did you know that America next president Mitt Romney intends to spur America into becoming an energy superpower ? Romney said, "we get growth and jobs from producing things."





While Romney wants America to produce more---Obama wants to sabotage and restrain production---Romney wants Americans to have jobs----Obama wants Americans to have more food stamps----like yuji said---Obama is the food stamp president.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:


You are reciting spurious facts per the those of Coulter and Limbaugh ilk.




Did you know that America next president Mitt Romney intends to spur America into becoming an energy superpower ? Romney said, "we get growth and jobs from producing things."





While Romney wants America to produce more---Obama wants to sabotage and restrain production---Romney wants Americans to have jobs----Obama wants Americans to have more food stamps----like yuji said---Obama is the food stamp president.



 I am convinced you are a nutcase. You are not worth interfacing with. Have a nice day. You an Yuji can have your racist religious bigoted love fest by yourselves.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 I am convinced you are a nutcase. You are not worth interfacing with. Have a nice day.




I see you have chosen to run away. I guess you can't handle the truth.


Mitt Romney is dead right Stormy---becoming energy indepemndent and exporting energy would put America on the path to prosperity again.


Obama wants food stamps for Americans; Romney wants jobs for Americans.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 I am convinced you are a nutcase. You are not worth interfacing with. Have a nice day.





I see you have chosen to run away. I guess you can't handle the truth.


Mitt Romney is dead right Stormy---becoming energy indepemndent and exporting energy would put America on the path to prosperity again.


Obama wants food stamps for Americans; Romney wants jobs for Americans.



I sometimes read craigslist rant and raves and wondered what kind of vile hole some of those people came out of. You apparently discovered that hole or is a resident yourself. One does not deal with nutcases. You are here on a racist rant, an anti Muslim rant and making a number of mind numbing idiotic allegations  that even Henry and his whole crew of Larouchites cannot hope to compete with. And they are way off the loop somewhere beyond reason. I may have to be kinder to Henry because compared to you he is mild and temperate. You are simply by nature amoral and vile.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I sometimes read craigslist 



Craigslist appeals folks from the lower class---folks like you.hahaha


By the way, did you read Paul Craig Roberts' article titled "AMERICA DESCENT INTO POVERTY" ?


Click on the link:


Obama has been terrible for America---check this:


* 20.5 million Americans in Obama's America have incomes less than $9500 a year.


* There are 6 million Americans in Obama's America whose only income is food stamps.





Obama has been a disaster for America----the only folks who want him re-elected are blacks, muslims, and 80% of Guyanese.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I sometimes read craigslist 



Craigslist appeals folks from the lower class---folks like you.hahaha


By the way, did you read Paul Craig Roberts' article titled "AMERICA DESCENT INTO POVERTY" ?


Click on the link:


Obama has been terrible for America---check this:


* 20.5 million Americans in Obama's America have incomes less than $9500 a year.


* There are 6 million Americans in Obama's America whose only income is food stamps.





Obama has been a disaster for America----the only folks who want him re-elected are blacks, muslims, and 80% of Guyanese.



The very sad effect of serious republican propaganda.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Which political party in America or in Guyana doesn't rely on propaganda? If you believe in clean politics you probably must be living in isolation.

My belief or lack of it in clean politics does not mitigate the sad effect of serious republican propaganda as displayed in this thread. People who unconditionally support one regime or another, despite their many deficiencies, are more likely to be living in isolation.

Originally Posted by Kari:

Al-satian.......the only thing people would be on their knees praying for is a return of the brains you lost.


Remember what I said about Chicago - it is to politics what Italians are to the Mafia. Don't mess with the pros in Chicago.

This too might backfire.  While they are wallowing in muck there are real things about the GOP agenda that are not being talked about.


How many Americans who do not watch MSNBC and CNN know that Ryan plans to "balance" the budget by removing tax dductions most used by the middle class, mortgage interest and retirement plan contributions?


How many know that Ryan's vouchers buy them nothing, at an age when they will have nothing?


How many know that when Romney gets rid of Obamacare he will force Americans to pay for their health insurance out of their own pockets?


How many know that income taxes as a % of govt revenues and GDP are the lowest ever, far lower than in the Reagan and Clinton eras when the eocnomy was much healthier?


How many know that Fed expenditures, other than Medicare/aid, Soc Sec, debt service, and defense are only 15% of the total?  And that defense is 2X as large as the rest of the govt combined?


Yes they think that the deficit is because of all of Obama's spending, which they think only benefits "foreigners and welfare loving blacks".


The most ardent Obama hater will hold their noses and vote for him, as many did last time, once they know these things.


But what we have instead are two sides yelling and screaming slogans and grossly distorted facts..which means that the Obama haters will hate him, not knowing what they are doing to themselves by supporting President Ryan (Romney is just an observer here).


Dont under estimate how stupid many working class people in the heartlands are.  Bible thumping, gay bashing, abortion banning, and gun promoting are all they think is important because they take Medicare and otrher govt programs for granted and are swallowing the nonsense that Ryan will "save" Medicare.


Romney is outraising Obama and this doesnt include Super PAC money.  So Obama has to make the best use of the sound bites he gets on CNN.  Demanding Romney's tax returns is a poor use of time, given that most people have no respect for any politician so might think that Obama is as corrupt as the next man.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I sometimes read craigslist 



Craigslist appeals folks from the lower class---folks like you.hahaha


By the way, did you read Paul Craig Roberts' article titled "AMERICA DESCENT INTO POVERTY" ?


Click on the link:


Obama has been terrible for America---check this:


* 20.5 million Americans in Obama's America have incomes less than $9500 a year.


* There are 6 million Americans in Obama's America whose only income is food stamps.





Obama has been a disaster for America----the only folks who want him re-elected are blacks, muslims, and 80% of Guyanese.



 I never categorized the people on any list by class. Stupid people like you come from every class.  You are too dumb to realize the play on the president name, his education, his intellect his place of birth is nothing but white folks formulating an "otherness" than them to which you belong.  You are to be pitied. You are that confused individual who is caught in a realm where you hate yourself because you cannot be what you want to be, white.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Al-satian.......the only thing people would be on their knees praying for is a return of the brains you lost.


Remember what I said about Chicago - it is to politics what Italians are to the Mafia. Don't mess with the pros in Chicago.

This too might backfire.  While they are wallowing in muck there are real things about the GOP agenda that are not being talked about.


How many Americans who do not watch MSNBC and CNN know that Ryan plans to "balance" the budget by removing tax dductions most used by the middle class, mortgage interest and retirement plan contributions?


How many know that Ryan's vouchers buy them nothing, at an age when they will have nothing?...........................


Romney is outraising Obama and this doesnt include Super PAC money.  So Obama has to make the best use of the sound bites he gets on CNN.  Demanding Romney's tax returns is a poor use of time, given that most people have no respect for any politician so might think that Obama is as corrupt as the next man.

The most ardent GOP supporters are bible trumpeters from the poverty belt in Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama and Tennessee. They vote against their interest not because  have a coherent philosophy but because of the idea that they are other than the backward others ( blacks and non western European immigrants).


Conservatism is often used as a euphemism  for a fictive elite claiming to  represent  family, god and the American way ( whatever that is). Trickle down economics has ever had a successful  run in reality despite what  supply siders and their graphs touting it say. It keeps these people poor but they do not care.


Most people would prefer to blame Obama for the unemployment ( dispute 8 years of decline under Bush and a reversal under Obama) the deficit  and the debt and conclude he us "un American" because they exist in that confused ether where it is preferable to believe lies than accept their faith is false.


Conservatives have never balanced a budged or run up a surplus. Every social advantages enjoyed from  minimum wage, social security,  the welfare safety net, medicare, environmental safety, workplace safety even safer cars etc were rejected by these people.


Indeed, immigrants like Al with a falsew sense of class  is to be pitied. Had it been for conservatives he would still be mucking out goobar in Gy Worse, he mimics them not realizing it is a self hating exercise since it is anti his location in a real culture.  He is the fool sipping  Port and munching on crackers and brie while  wishing he had rotie and aloo and a satisfying cup of chi.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:

Romney is outraising Obama and this doesnt include Super PAC money. 

What does Romney outraising Obama tell you ?


It tells you that the presidential forecasting model by those professors at University of Colorado will be right for the 9th time since 1980---they have a 100% record being correct!




Check those white faces in the photo above---those white faces will not be tricked 2 times in a row. They will send your black hero Hussein packing in November.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:

 Romney wants jobs for Americans.



Where will those jobs be?  IN China as was the case when he was with Bain?


What specifically will Romney do?  Lower taxes, reduce regulation.......didnt we hear this before.


Yes from Bush who in 2000 inherited inherited a healthy economy, federal budget surpluses and a strong job market and left us with the Great Depression with 700k jobs lost each month.


But I guess it doesnt bother you that no less then David Stockman, Reagan's budget director,thinks that Romney/Ryan are dangerous lunatics.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Rev Bhai


Welcome back. Bhai, many of these posters here were also calling me a racist for posting an astonishing fact..... There are over 40 million of Americans on food stamp today. 





You guys back from posting on Stormfront. Take care those white supremacist guys dont find out that you are a bunch of "black heathen foreigners" who need to be saved by accepting the Lord Jesus Christ in their lives and then having a chain fastened to their legs and sent to hang out with the other darkies.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Romney is outraising Obama and this doesnt include Super PAC money. 

What does Romney outraising Obama tell you ?


It tells you that the presidential forecasting model by those professors at University of Colorado will be right for the 9th time since 1980---they have a 100% record being correct!




Check those white faces in the photo above---those white faces will not be tricked 2 times in a row. They will send your black hero Hussein packing in November.



The frustration is very evident in America. They need change and an enconomic plan and a president who will bring back the lost pride to America. 


Obama is like Burnham, all talk and no substance. His proud record..... 48 million of Americans on foodstamp. 

Originally Posted by caribny:

Where will those jobs be?  IN China as was the case when he was with Bain?


What specifically will Romney do?  Lower taxes, reduce regulation.......didnt we hear this before.


Where will those jobs be you ask ?


Those jobs will be in the private sector. President Romney will get rid of many of the Obama regulations that are strangling businesses.




Romney says he wants America to become an energy superpower---we have enormous amounts of oil, natural gas, coal, etc.


And get this: If America starts exporting value added natural gas---in the form of fertilizers, plastics and other products---the US could have a positive trade balance in 10-20 years.


That would be a shock to the world---no one sees that coming!




By the way carib, right now many black men in the US are nervous---JOBS is a dirty word for many black men---they prefer food stamps and welfare---no wonder 96% of blacks will blindly vote for Obama---they prefer food stamps and welfare over jobs.



Originally Posted by yuji22:


Obama is like Burnham, all talk and no substance. His proud record..... 48 million of Americans on foodstamp. 


Yuji: When you get a chance check out the video above---it's the official hope and change movie trailer.


The anti Obama movie 2016 is now the #1 ranked movie in the United States---Americans are downright frustrated with their black, muslim born, marxist president.


Hussein tricked millions with his hope and change bull$hit in 2008----come Nov 2012 he will be voted out of office.



Originally Posted by caribny:

Where will those jobs be?  IN China as was the case when he was with Bain?


What specifically will Romney do?  Lower taxes, reduce regulation.......didnt we hear this before.


You sound like a true PNCite.  It takes a lot of effort to do as bad as Obama on the economy.  A Romney president will see massive investment, money moving off the sidelines, opening of credit and a surge in growth and employment due to pent-up demand.  Obama's failure to move to the center is his own albatros.  However, some new tax steam from the upper income group IS in order.  Romney will see to it.


Americans were conned by a Burnham like leader who never delivered on his promises but was never short of offering any. He sold snake oil and charm but Americans have woken up from the magic jadoo spell.


Millions of unemployed, millions on food stamps, no atmosphere for encouraging new business, more hardship for existing businesses. Tax burden for those who are struggling and he talks as if all is well. 


Time for change. No more jadoo and snake oil. I feel sorry for the millions who voted for Obama and got katahar in return. 





Read this:


It's 8:21 on a Saturday morning(Aug 25th) and according to this photo snapped by Sharon Broadie, this is the size of the crowd that showed up in Powell, Ohio, (just outside of Columbus) to see Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan:




Reality is hitting home folks.

Barack Hussein Obama is losing this thing.




Will America's first muslim born black marxist president be defeated in a landslide in November 2012 ? He will be defeated--that's a given--but will Obama be defeated in a landslide ?




Obama is a bright young man, but being President is too much for him to handle.  I voted for him last elections but not this time around.  He has done nothing to grow the economy, he promised to leave Afghanistan and we are still sending more troops there today...the stock market sucks, many small businesses are failing, the Financial companies are failing one after the other...unemployment rates are high and folks are so stressed with financial burdens they are turning to guns and mass shooting.


I predict a very close race in November!!



Originally Posted by alena06:

Obama is a bright young man, but being President is too much for him to handle.  I voted for him last elections but not this time around.  He has done nothing to grow the economy,


I predict a very close race in November!!



Well, we wil forgive you for your lapse in judgement.  Obama is not doing well against a pitiful GOP, this says alot.  He may very well lose.

Originally Posted by alena06:

Obama is a bright young man, but being President is too much for him to handle.  I voted for him last elections but not this time around.  He has done nothing to grow the economy, he promised to leave Afghanistan and we are still sending more troops there today...the stock market sucks, many small businesses are failing, the Financial companies are failing one after the other...unemployment rates are high and folks are so stressed with financial burdens they are turning to guns and mass shooting.


I predict a very close race in November!!



being President is too much for him to handle........????????

Show how. That way I will not think you are being religious here without an analysis comparing Obama with other Presidents of the USA to show why it's too much for him to handle.


he promised to leave Afghanistan and we are still sending more troops there today

Show us when he said he will pull the troops out of Afghanistan. Also critique the surge in troops with a timetable to bring them home. This way I know you're being informed when you make such conclusions about Afghasnistan and US troops.

the stock market sucks

Please show what the Dow Jones ended at yesterday and what it was when Obama took office. Also for good measure show us net incomes of all the companies listed on the NYSE, Nasdaq and S&P. This way we will know that you fully understand market data.

the Financial companies are failing one after the other

Please list the ones that failed in the last month. That way I know you're keeping up with market news and not just saying things for saying sake or providing us with false impressions.




America's next President and first lady on the eve of the Republican convention. What a genuine, heartwarming couple---saw them on Chris Wallace show today(Sunday)---the Romneys will surely return class to the White House. Come Jan 2013, it will be good riddance to angry Barack and bitter Michelle.





Originally Posted by Rev Al:



America's next President and first lady on the eve of the Republican convention. What a genuine, heartwarming couple---saw them on Chris Wallace show today(Sunday)---the Romneys will surely return class to the White House. Come Jan 2013, it will be good riddance to angry Barack and bitter Michelle.






What have you been smokin? I admire your imagination. Wait until after the election before your "Good Riddance". You watched Faux news today. No wonder you are brainwashed. The republican party is a party for rich or white men. You must be rich or white. After the election you will eat crow!!!!

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:



America's next President and first lady on the eve of the Republican convention. What a genuine, heartwarming couple---saw them on Chris Wallace show today(Sunday)---the Romneys will surely return class to the White House. Come Jan 2013, it will be good riddance to angry Barack and bitter Michelle.






What have you been smokin? I admire your imagination. Wait until after the election before your "Good Riddance". You watched Faux news today. No wonder you are brainwashed. The republican party is a party for rich or white men. You must be rich or white. After the election you will eat crow!!!!

I would not be so sure.  Obama is in a tight race and the latest report on the economy is not on his side.  Obama could very well become history.  The Reps do have an issue right now with a veer to the Right under pressure from the TEA party.  The Reps have always had the profile you described but, along with the Dems, they have served America well.  This will continue.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:



What have you been smokin? I admire your imagination. Wait until after the election before your "Good Riddance". 



It's the Rev's foresight not his imagination that imbues him with the confidence to predict President Odinga Hussian Obambi's demise.




And the numbers clearly reveal that President Boy Genius, the great whiner, will be kicked out of office in November.





Did you read today that Romney tapped Cardinal Timothy Dolan to deliver the closing prayer at the convention ?


That's a master stroke!


THE WINNER OF THE CATHOLIC VOTE WILL WIN THE ELECTION---check out the history of the catholic voting.


In 2008 Hussein won the catholic vote 54/45----in 2012 Romney will win the catholic vote----Hussein's embracing same sex marriage   and requiring catholic institutions to provide birth control---that will hurt him among cathlics.




America's first muslim born black marxist president will be sent back to Chicago in Jan 2013.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:



America's next President and first lady on the eve of the Republican convention. What a genuine, heartwarming couple---saw them on Chris Wallace show today(Sunday)---the Romneys will surely return class to the White House. Come Jan 2013, it will be good riddance to angry Barack and bitter Michelle.







Now that is a picture a real saviour sent to deliver America from the foodstamp president. May Romney be voted into the White house so that the suffering can end for all Americans who can wake up from this nightmare of a presidency that saw America on decline and an increase in foodstamps close to a total of 50 million.


May Lord Krsna bless Romney so that he can win the election and save America from further economic and social decline.


May the prayers from the catholic church help the future of this American who will bring back pride and dignity to the nation.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:



America's next President and first lady on the eve of the Republican convention. What a genuine, heartwarming couple---saw them on Chris Wallace show today(Sunday)---the Romneys will surely return class to the White House. Come Jan 2013, it will be good riddance to angry Barack and bitter Michelle.







Now that is a picture a real saviour sent to deliver America from the foodstamp president. May Romney be voted into the White house so that the suffering can end for all Americans who can wake up from this nightmare of a presidency that saw America on decline and an increase in foodstamps close to a total of 50 million.


May Lord Krsna bless Romney so that he can win the election and save America from further economic and social decline.


May the prayers from the catholic church help the future of this American who will bring back pride and dignity to the nation.

what happen to the mormon church? don't you think you need their prayers as well? 

Originally Posted by yuji22:


The frustration is very evident in America.

So here is what you want.  George Bush landed this countrry in what would have been the second Great Depression within a century.  Obama was asble to transform this into a slow growing economy.


Now you want Romney/Ryan to do the samethings that Bush did, and they will be even more aggressive at this.  I guess you thought that we were in a good place in Oct 2008.


Think of us.  In 2000 Clinton left us with a strong economy, and a budget SURPLUS.  Bush left us with a financial sector which was collapsing and threatened to destroy the entire world and as a result massive bailouts were needed to rescue that sector and to jump start the economy which in 2008 saw a complete implosion of consumer expenditures and private sector investment.  Bush left us with an unfunded war and tax cuts which failed to generate sustainable economic growth and as a result we ended up with record deficits.



I am willing to bet that the only think you have againt Obama is that he is a half white man.  Slaves like you like them 100% white.









This is great news for the Republicans---Hussein is guaranteed to lose the catholic vote----catholics make up 25% of the voters---and Hussein won the catholic vote 54-45 in 2008.




Hussein will lose in Nov 2012---that's a guarantee---but it was nice of him to have his fellow muslims hold Jumah at the DNC.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


The frustration is very evident in America.

So here is what you want.  George Bush landed this countrry in what would have been the second Great Depression within a century.  Obama was asble to transform this into a slow growing economy.


Now you want Romney/Ryan to do the samethings that Bush did, and they will be even more aggressive at this.  I guess you thought that we were in a good place in Oct 2008.


Think of us.  In 2000 Clinton left us with a strong economy, and a budget SURPLUS.  Bush left us with a financial sector which was collapsing and threatened to destroy the entire world and as a result massive bailouts were needed to rescue that sector and to jump start the economy which in 2008 saw a complete implosion of consumer expenditures and private sector investment.  Bush left us with an unfunded war and tax cuts which failed to generate sustainable economic growth and as a result we ended up with record deficits.



I am willing to bet that the only think you have againt Obama is that he is a half white man.  Slaves like you like them 100% white.



Carib Dunce,


Take a trip to Schenectady, New York and you will see African Americans living in poverty beyond any person's wildest imagination. What has Obama done for them lately ?


You remind me of the Burnham dictatorship era where Afro Guyanese remained silent while Guyana became the most impoverished nation in the world.


This election is about electing a "President" who will lift America out of poverty, and economic decline. Obama has been the worst president so far. The desperation of youths in places like Schenectady is hard to fathom. 


Take a trip from your subsidised housing and take a bus to Schenectady, New York and see the effects of the Obama presidency on Afro Americans for yourself before attacking anyone who speaks out against a president with a horrible record.


Stop blaming Bush, Obama had his term and made a zero impression. 


Romney is a real saviour and we pray for his victory. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


The frustration is very evident in America.

So here is what you want.  George Bush landed this countrry in what would have been the second Great Depression within a century.  Obama was asble to transform this into a slow growing economy.


Now you want Romney/Ryan to do the samethings that Bush did, and they will be even more aggressive at this.  I guess you thought that we were in a good place in Oct 2008.


Think of us.  In 2000 Clinton left us with a strong economy, and a budget SURPLUS.  Bush left us with a financial sector which was collapsing and threatened to destroy the entire world and as a result massive bailouts were needed to rescue that sector and to jump start the economy which in 2008 saw a complete implosion of consumer expenditures and private sector investment.  Bush left us with an unfunded war and tax cuts which failed to generate sustainable economic growth and as a result we ended up with record deficits.



I am willing to bet that the only think you have againt Obama is that he is a half white man.  Slaves like you like them 100% white.



Carib Dunce,


Take a trip to Schenectady, New York and you will see African Americans living in poverty beyond any person's wildest imagination. What has Obama done for them lately ?


You remind me of the Burnham dictatorship era where Afro Guyanese remained silent while Guyana became the most impoverished nation in the world.


This election is about electing a "President" who will lift America out of poverty, and economic decline. Obama has been the worst president so far. The desperation of youths in places like Schenectady is hard to fathom. 


Take a trip from your subsidised housing and take a bus to Schenectady, New York and see the effects of the Obama presidency on Afro Americans for yourself before attacking anyone who speaks out against a president with a horrible record.


Stop blaming Bush, Obama had his term and made a zero impression. 


Romney is a real saviour and we pray for his victory. 

Most assuredly they were living in poverty under George Bush.



You cannot tell us one reason why Romeny will be better except that you consider Obama to be a black man so that automatically means he is worse.  You even rant that blacks destroy countries, ignoring the fact that Indians have been forced to flee to little islands with black govts, leaving your Indian run country.


Its amzing that your bigotry and hatred of blacks is considered free speach on this PPP website.


No wonder the PPP will never get suport from blacks as for them to like a party so open in its hatred of them is suicide.  This site and its policies about which threads it closes and which it doesnt and its excuses for that is highly informative.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


The frustration is very evident in America.

So here is what you want.  George Bush landed this countrry in what would have been the second Great Depression within a century.  Obama was asble to transform this into a slow growing economy.


Now you want Romney/Ryan to do the samethings that Bush did, and they will be even more aggressive at this.  I guess you thought that we were in a good place in Oct 2008.


Think of us.  In 2000 Clinton left us with a strong economy, and a budget SURPLUS.  Bush left us with a financial sector which was collapsing and threatened to destroy the entire world and as a result massive bailouts were needed to rescue that sector and to jump start the economy which in 2008 saw a complete implosion of consumer expenditures and private sector investment.  Bush left us with an unfunded war and tax cuts which failed to generate sustainable economic growth and as a result we ended up with record deficits.



I am willing to bet that the only think you have againt Obama is that he is a half white man.  Slaves like you like them 100% white.



Carib Dunce,


Take a trip to Schenectady, New York and you will see African Americans living in poverty beyond any person's wildest imagination. What has Obama done for them lately ?


You remind me of the Burnham dictatorship era where Afro Guyanese remained silent while Guyana became the most impoverished nation in the world.


This election is about electing a "President" who will lift America out of poverty, and economic decline. Obama has been the worst president so far. The desperation of youths in places like Schenectady is hard to fathom. 


Take a trip from your subsidised housing and take a bus to Schenectady, New York and see the effects of the Obama presidency on Afro Americans for yourself before attacking anyone who speaks out against a president with a horrible record.


Stop blaming Bush, Obama had his term and made a zero impression. 


Romney is a real saviour and we pray for his victory. 

Most assuredly they were living in poverty under George Bush.



You cannot tell us one reason why Romeny will be better except that you consider Obama to be a black man so that automatically means he is worse.  You even rant that blacks destroy countries, ignoring the fact that Indians have been forced to flee to little islands with black govts, leaving your Indian run country.


Its amzing that your bigotry and hatred of blacks is considered free speach on this PPP website.


No wonder the PPP will never get suport from blacks as for them to like a party so open in its hatred of them is suicide.  This site and its policies about which threads it closes and which it doesnt and its excuses for that is highly informative.


Your hate for people of Indian origin shines brightly. Where did I post hate ?

You racist pig.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:






Your hate for people of Indian origin shines brightly. Where did I post hate ?

You racist pig.

Just try any post where you refer to black people.  You and Rev Al.


I see because I refuse to let Indians like you lambaste blacks I am a racist.....hmmmmm.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:






Your hate for people of Indian origin shines brightly. Where did I post hate ?

You racist pig.

Just try any post where you refer to black people.  You and Rev Al.


I see because I refuse to let Indians like you lambaste blacks I am a racist.....hmmmmm.


A dunce like yourself cannot show or prove one single post where I posted a racist comment. Get some proper schooling, it will do you lots of good.


Your hero Burnham brainwashed you and many more of your generations to come.


Your obsession with hate for Indo Guyanese is reflected in every single one of your post.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Where will those jobs be?  IN China as was the case when he was with Bain?


What specifically will Romney do?  Lower taxes, reduce regulation.......didnt we hear this before.


You sound like a true PNCite.  It takes a lot of effort to do as bad as Obama on the economy.  A Romney president will see massive investment, money moving off the sidelines, opening of credit and a surge in growth and employment due to pent-up demand.  Obama's failure to move to the center is his own albatros.  However, some new tax steam from the upper income group IS in order.  Romney will see to it.

Romney wants to CUT taxes for the wealthiest even below where Bush had it.  He wants to reduce the regulation of the financial sector, even though this lack of regulation is what landed us in a situation where the entire sector almost collapsed in Sept 2008 and only billions of dollars in bailouts saved this.


So where will all this investment come from?  There is no demand in the economy.







Your obsession with hate for Indo Guyanese is reflected in every single one of your post.

Yes which one?   Here is the difference between me and you.  I have stated that in 1964 BOTH PPP and PNC supporters attacked and killed each other and as a result many blacks and Indians were killed, injured, lost property and were forced to flee.  You see i show consideration for the suffering of BOTH.


You scream about what blacks did to Indians and show no remorse for what blacks suffered at the hands of Indians.

Originally Posted by caribny:



Your obsession with hate for Indo Guyanese is reflected in every single one of your post.

Yes which one?   Here is the difference between me and you.  I have stated that in 1964 BOTH PPP and PNC supporters attacked and killed each other and as a result many blacks and Indians were killed, injured, lost property and were forced to flee.  You see i show consideration for the suffering of BOTH.


You scream about what blacks did to Indians and show no remorse for what blacks suffered at the hands of Indians.

We know, you are your own historian.  This is why I say never again to the institutional perpetuators.  Anyone who believes the ideologies of the old PNC are history, just have to read such views, and you get the answer.  You sound just like a Nazi sympathizer who blames the massacres in the Warsaw Ghetto on the uprising or the Hutu leaders who claimed Tutsis did Hutus and Hutus did Tutsis.


You are a denier, and in my book a sympathizer, whether you are explicit or not.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Where will those jobs be?  IN China as was the case when he was with Bain?


What specifically will Romney do?  Lower taxes, reduce regulation.......didnt we hear this before.


You sound like a true PNCite.  It takes a lot of effort to do as bad as Obama on the economy.  A Romney president will see massive investment, money moving off the sidelines, opening of credit and a surge in growth and employment due to pent-up demand.  Obama's failure to move to the center is his own albatros.  However, some new tax steam from the upper income group IS in order.  Romney will see to it.

Romney wants to CUT taxes for the wealthiest even below where Bush had it.  He wants to reduce the regulation of the financial sector, even though this lack of regulation is what landed us in a situation where the entire sector almost collapsed in Sept 2008 and only billions of dollars in bailouts saved this.


So where will all this investment come from?  There is no demand in the economy.

Oh, now you are an Obama supporter?  I thought just the other day you claimed he did nothing for Blacks.

Originally Posted by yuji22:


Fact: 3000 Indo Guyanese were displaced and driven away from places like Wismar by PNC instigated supporters. Many were raped and killed, including women and children.

Example of your racism.


You forgot to add that many blacks suffered the same thing.  1964 was equal opportunity violence.  Both suffered and both participated in the violence.


Go find Eusi Kwayana's writings on that era.


But black lives dont matter to you as we see with your rant about Linden where you justify people being shot and killed in COLD blood because they exercise their right to protest.

Originally Posted by baseman:


Oh, now you are an Obama supporter?  I thought just the other day you claimed he did nothing for Blacks.

Where did I say that Obama did any thing for blacks.


The point is that he is the lesser of two evils.  Bush destroyed the country and Romney/Ryan are a Bush remake on steriods.


If you like where the entire world was in September/Oct 2008 vote Romney/Ryan.


I can assure you that as bad as we are now we are much better off than then.  Just look at the stock market and the fact that we have had no major bank collapses since then and the auto industry is back on its feet.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:


You sound like a true PNCite.  It takes a lot of effort to do as bad as Obama on the economy.  A Romney president will see massive investment, money moving off the sidelines, opening of credit and a surge in growth and employment due to pent-up demand.  Obama's failure to move to the center is his own albatros.  However, some new tax steam from the upper income group IS in order.  Romney will see to it.

Romney wants to CUT taxes for the wealthiest even below where Bush had it.  He wants to reduce the regulation of the financial sector, even though this lack of regulation is what landed us in a situation where the entire sector almost collapsed in Sept 2008 and only billions of dollars in bailouts saved this.


So where will all this investment come from?  There is no demand in the economy.

Oh, now you are an Obama supporter?  I thought just the other day you claimed he did nothing for Blacks.

Where did I say that Obama did any thing for blacks.


The point is that he is the lesser of two evils.  Bush destroyed the country and Romney/Ryan are a Bush remake on steriods.


If you like where the entire world was in September/Oct 2008 vote Romney/Ryan.


I can assure you that as bad as we are now we are much better off than then.  Just look at the stock market and the fact that we have had no major bank collapses since then and the auto industry is back on its feet.

Yea, we know, just like how you were stuck with the lessor of two evils in Guyana, Burnham or Jagan.  Caribj, you can find any reason to justify your racism, does not make it anything different.


Have you ever heard of a "dead cat bounce".





Have you ever heard of a "dead cat bounce".

Yes when you pretend that all the racism in Guyana is due to evil black people.


I have said BOTH sides.


You say black people.




Those weho know Guyanese histoiry can judge for themselves.



As to Romney.  well if your hatred of blacks forces you to vote for him go ahead.  Go and join rev al, yuji and cobra and ABIDHA, with their little friemd sugrim who loves every thing that they say.

Originally Posted by caribny:


Have you ever heard of a "dead cat bounce".

Yes when you pretend that all the racism in Guyana is due to evil black people.


I have said BOTH sides.


You say black people.




Those weho know Guyanese histoiry can judge for themselves.



As to Romney.  well if your hatred of blacks forces you to vote for him go ahead.

Banna, so if someone don't vote for Obama they are racist, you being your PNC politics here!  Last time around I switched away from McCain to Obama after McCain's Vice-Prez choice showed her colors.  I gave Obama the benefit of the doubt for over two years, but he seems stuck in his beliefs which means nothing will move, so he should move over.


What a bunch of racists, even Colin Powel, a potential Rep candidate jumped to Obama, why cuz of race, nothing else.




Banna, so if someone don't vote for Obama they are racist,

What a bunch of racists, even Colin Powel, a potential Rep candidate jumped to Obama, why cuz of race, nothing else.

No but Rev Al and yuji refuse to support him because he is black....maybe you to.


The former WHITE governor of FL, a Republican is supporting Obama because the GOP has been taken over by right wing lunatics.  Not content with the ruin that Bush brought this country to they now wish to pursue even more radially right wing tellingf rape victims that they cant get an abortion.


Powell is a moderate so why will he support right wing lunatics?  Romney is a far cry from Reagan and Bush Sr.

Originally Posted by Kari:



being President is too much for him to handle........????????

Show how. That way I will not think you are being religious here without an analysis comparing Obama with other Presidents of the USA to show why it's too much for him to handle.


How does Obama's compare with other presidents on unemployment?

This is the average unemployment rate for every president since Truman.

It is a fair comparison because every president is being measured by the same standard, the average unemployment rate for their time as president. The data came from the bureau of labor statistics.

4.263333333 Harry S. Truman Democratic
4.892708333 Dwight D. Eisenhower Republican
5.966666667 John F. Kennedy Democratic
4.171666667 Lyndon B. Johnson Democratic
5.0875 Richard Nixon Republican
8.0875 Gerald Ford Republican
6.535416667 Jimmy Carter Democratic
7.536458333 Ronald Reagan Republican
6.304166667 George H. W. Bush Republican
5.204166667 Bill Clinton Democratic
5.270833333 George W. Bush Republican
9.03 Barack H. Obama Democratic


18 Statistics That Prove That The Economy Has Not Improved Since Barack Obama Became President

February 20, 2012


Has the economy improved since Barack Obama became the president of the United States?  Of course not.  Despite what you may be hearing in the mainstream media, the truth is that when you compare the U.S. economy on the day that Barack Obama was inaugurated to the U.S. economy today, there is really no comparison.  The unemployment crisis is worse than it was then, home values have fallen, the cost of health insurance is up, the cost of gas is way up, the number of Americans living in poverty has soared and the size of our national debt has absolutely exploded.  Anyone that believes that things are better than they were when Barack Obama was elected is simply being delusional.  Yes, things have stabilized somewhat and our economy is not in free fall mode at this point.  But don’t be fooled.  This bubble of false hope will be short-lived.  The problems we are seeing develop in Europe will erupt into another full-fledged global financial crisis and economic conditions in the United States will get even worse.  When that happens, what possible ” economic solutions” will Barack Obama have for us?  We never even came close to recovering from the last great financial crisis, and now something potentially even worse is staring us in the face.  This is not a great time to have a total lack of leadership in Washington.

The following are 18 statistics that prove that the economy has not improved since Barack Obama became the president of the United Statesâ€Ķ.

#1 Today there are 88 million working age Americans that are not employed and that are not looking for employment.  That is an all-time record high.

#2 When Barack Obama was elected, the percentage of unemployed Americans that had been out of work for more than 52 weeks was less than 15%.  Today, it is above 30%.

#3 There are 1.2 million fewer jobs in America today than there were when Barack Obama was inaugurated.

#4 When Barack Obama first took office, the number of “long-term unemployed workers” in the United States was approximately 2.6 million.  Today, that number is sitting at 5.6 million.

#5 The average duration of unemployment in the United States is hovering close to an all-time record high.

#6 During the Obama administration, worker health insurance costs have risen by 23 percent.

#7 Since Barack Obama has been president, the average price of a gallon of gasoline in the United States has increased by 90 percent.

#8 Since Barack Obama has been president, home values in the United States have declined by another 13 percent.

#9 Under Barack Obama, new home sales in the U.S. set a brand new all-time record low in 2009, they set a brand new all-time record low again in 2010, and they set a brand new all-time record low once again during 2011.

#10 Since Barack Obama took office, the number of Americans living in poverty has risen by more than 6 million.

#11 Since Barack Obama entered the White House, the number of Americans on food stamps has increased from 32 million to 46 million.

#12 The amount of money that the federal government gives directly to Americans has increased by 32 percent since Barack Obama entered the White House.

#13 According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the percentage of Americans living in “extreme poverty” is now sitting at an all-time high.

#14 When Barack Obama first took office, an ounce of gold was going for about $850.  Today an ounce of gold costs more than $1700 an ounce.

#15 Since Barack Obama became president, the size of the U.S. national debt has increased by 44 percent.

#16 During Barack Obama’s first two years in office, the U.S. government added more to the U.S. national debt than the first 100 U.S. Congresses combined.

#17 During the Obama administration, the U.S. government has accumulated more debt than it did from the time that George Washington took office to the time that Bill Clinton took office.

#18 The U.S. national debt has been increasing by an average of more than 4 billion dollars per day since the beginning of the Obama administration.




he promised to leave Afghanistan and we are still sending more troops there today

Show us when he said he will pull the troops out of Afghanistan. Also critique the surge in troops with a timetable to bring them home. This way I know you're being informed when you make such conclusions about Afghasnistan and US troops.


Obama Promises to Bring Troops Home from Afghanistan Beginning July 2011


  Email 9 Smaller Font Text Larger Text | Print

ABC News' Kristina Wong reports: In his State of the Union address, President Obama reiterated his promise to begin a troops drawdown from Afghanistan this July.



the stock market sucks

Please show what the Dow Jones ended at yesterday and what it was when Obama took office. Also for good measure show us net incomes of all the companies listed on the NYSE, Nasdaq and S&P. This way we will know that you fully understand market data.



The Dow may have grown overall but there are segments of the market (e.g) financial stocks that have taken a beating.


the Financial companies are failing one after the other

Please list the ones that failed in the last month. That way I know you're keeping up with market news and not just saying things for saying sake or providing us with false impressions.


There are too many to name that failed under OBAMA.. Do your homework and google the names...  WE need to look at his ENTIRE term and not just the last month you moron.  And of course we CANNOT forget the numerous small businesses that are failing.




Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:


Have you ever heard of a "dead cat bounce".

Yes when you pretend that all the racism in Guyana is due to evil black people.


I have said BOTH sides.


You say black people.




Those weho know Guyanese histoiry can judge for themselves.



As to Romney.  well if your hatred of blacks forces you to vote for him go ahead.

Banna, so if someone don't vote for Obama they are racist, you being your PNC politics here!  Last time around I switched away from McCain to Obama after McCain's Vice-Prez choice showed her colors.  I gave Obama the benefit of the doubt for over two years, but he seems stuck in his beliefs which means nothing will move, so he should move over.


What a bunch of racists, even Colin Powel, a potential Rep candidate jumped to Obama, why cuz of race, nothing else.


Desperation in the Obama camp and his supporters. If someone opposes Obama they are seen as racists. Shame on these low life posters like Carib and Storm.


Elections are about choice and people are free to vote for and support a candidate of their choice.


Obama's record is terrible. 48 million of Americans on food stamps under his presidency. Is that a record to be proud of ? I guess that Storm and Carib are very comfortable and proud of Obama's record on food stamps.

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Kari:
 ritique the surge in troops with a timetable to bring them home. This way I know you're being informed when you make such conclusions about Afghasnistan and US troops.

Obama Promises to Bring Troops Home from Afghanistan Beginning July 2011


  Email 9 Smaller Font Text Larger Text | Print

ABC News' Kristina Wong reports: In his State of the Union address, President Obama reiterated his promise to begin a troops drawdown from Afghanistan this July.



the stock market sucks

Please show what the Dow Jones ended at yesterday and what it was when Obama took office. Also for good measure show us net incomes of all the companies listed on the NYSE, Nasdaq and S&P. This way we will know that you fully understand market data.



The Dow may have grown overall but there are segments of the market (e.g) financial stocks that have taken a beating.


the Financial companies are failing one after the other

Please list the ones that failed in the last month. That way I know you're keeping up with market news and not just saying things for saying sake or providing us with false impressions.


There are too many to name that failed under OBAMA.. Do your homework and google the names...  WE need to look at his ENTIRE term and not just the last month you moron.  And of course we CANNOT forget the numerous small businesses that are failing.



Kari will be very heart broken come November.  Don't worry buddy, you will be happy when you home price and 401k surges in the next 4 years.


Alena06, I know you do not know much about the US economy or US history so I won't engage you. Instead I will reiterate broadly the juncture that America is today, how we got here and what's being done to correct course.


Before Obama, the US has had close to 3 decades of mostly Republican rule (interrupted by Clinton) where the incomes of the US population stagnated except for the upper 5%. It is a given that when the middle 80% of society has disposable income their demand is highly elastic. The upper 5% cannjot spend on more yachts or houses. So the US economy needed a better distributed wealth curve to continue robust demand, anchored by housing and stock assets. During this time there has been two important demographic changes - two-parent working to keep up and a workforce that became more service oriented as manufacturing jobs walked. The years 2000 to 2008 were particularly brutal for the US economy. We had a housing bubble and a financial crash that wiped out wealth from consumers.


The figures under the Obama Presidency have to be judged against this backdrop and more. The entitlement portion of the society is now larger than the productive sector - unemployment insurance, Medicaid, Medicaid, welfare checks, social security, etc. Obama was saddled with two unpaid wars, and declining tax revenues due to a shrinking economy handed to him. Obama came into town to bring back American jobs in energy, auto, and manufacturing. He tried to overhaul the education system and engender jobs in a green sector. He knew he had a polarized Washington, woith Republicans sworn to block everything. Congress passes Bills. The President only signs them. When he can use Presidential power he has been a success - foreign policy and immigration are two areas. There is now net negative illegal immigration at the borders and America has been safe.


The old High School education, working in the factory down the road and being able to send your kids to College, own a car and a house and have vacation while salting away retirement income  are over. White working class high-school educated folks - the backbone of the Republican party now sees a brown and yellow demographic that is more educated than them and living the middle classed life they used to own and they are pissed. Maybe you, Alena06 empathizes with this group of disenchanted folks who see a Black man in the white house and wonder what happened. They deny science and want ot take the country back to social more that were settled in the 1950s. Maybe Alena06 this is the group that provides your hatred for Obama - probably the one President in recent memory who knows the Founding Fathers ideals for this Union better than the likes of Reagan and Bush.


I don't have to show off and impress anyone Alena06. I would invite you to understand the US economic history and you will understand the differences being offered. One path is to starve the beast, that is, shrink the entitlement society; lower taxes to all irrespective to the needs of balancing the budget; increase a military budget that's screaming obesity; and remove all regulatory compliance to ensure a healthy capitalism. The other recognizes that America needs to get better educated, to invest in R & D where private capital and venture capital clearly cannot venture (like DARPA investments that gave rise to advances in Internet protocols), to have a sustained demand economy by bolstering the middle portion of society. Yes, Alena06, maybe you need to impress me and show off your understanding of life around you. I pray for you.



"One path is to starve the beast, that is, shrink the entitlement society; lower taxes to all irrespective to the needs of balancing the budget; increase a military budget that's screaming obesity; and remove all regulatory compliance to ensure a healthy capitalism".


Military spending pay large dividends to the rest of society in terms of R&D and technical development.  The US military has always been the incubator on front-end technology, including the very internet which has transformed our world.  Too much regulations have saddled business with enormous burdens and setting the stages for the larger to do well.  Small businesses are struggling to gain traction due to this and is hurting the overall economy.  We need to get back to the roots, reduce leftist influences and return to pragmatic capitalism.


The problem in the US, too many theoreticians who never ran a cakeshop running the show.  They can make good speeches, write great thesis and academic dissertations but hardly know how to get things moving. What the US needs is people who know how to get tangible things done, not those who only know to horse-trade in the halls or power.  We need to move away from community-organized social welfare setting to a more business organized entrepreneur setting.


What is the relationship between military R & D and military spending? I mentioned the good thing about DARPA and the TCP/IP protocol. So what is this small spending in relation to the bulk of wasteful spending?


So you're now an expert on who's a theoretician? Base....go do something productive in your life for a change.

Originally Posted by baseman:


"One path is to starve the beast, that is, shrink the entitlement society; lower taxes to all irrespective to the needs of balancing the budget; increase a military budget that's screaming obesity; and remove all regulatory compliance to ensure a healthy capitalism".


Military spending pay large dividends to the rest of society in terms of R&D and technical development.  The US military has always been the incubator on front-end technology, including the very internet which has transformed our world.  Too much regulations have saddled business with enormous burdens and setting the stages for the larger to do well.  Small businesses are struggling to gain traction due to this and is hurting the overall economy.  We need to get back to the roots, reduce leftist influences and return to pragmatic capitalism.


The problem in the US, too many theoreticians who never ran a cakeshop running the show.  They can make good speeches, write great thesis and academic dissertations but hardly know how to get things moving. What the US needs is people who know how to get tangible things done, not those who only know to horse-trade in the halls or power.  We need to move away from community-organized social welfare setting to a more business organized entrepreneur setting.

You started off well and then quickly reverted to the stilted racist code talk and stupefying sloganism of republicans.


The deregulation of the markets got us to this place. There the crooks were spinning derivatives out of  air and bundling even their talk of these and selling it to the ignorant Chinese as their retirement funds. Lack of regulation means we cannot unravel these schemes so almost 3 trillion was milked by the rich from the middle class in the past administration. The idea that holding people to standards is always good.


And what the hell is pragmatic capitalism...some form of Ayn Rand dystopia where the rich do as they please and naked self interest being the motivation? Even Hayek in his seminal capitalist tome " The Road to Serfdom" advised the mediating role of social consciousness and a need to lift the weak. The bloody country was build on that puritanical notion of being ones brothers keeper as John Locke noted  "  we know God hath not left one man so to the mercy of another, that he may starve him if he please..." You take Ayn Rand pulp and shove it. We are obliged to a golden mean where nothing goes unchecked. Madison also expressed what this is in the new america in federalist 10 and Federalist 51. It is a core belief of americana and not this new mantra of naked laissez faire economics proposed by tea bagger republicans.


This crapola about speech writing and social welfare etc is your jaundice racist affinity for republican snot. Romney was almost last among states for job creation, give us a template for Obama's health plan, left office with an increased deficit after of course increasing taxes and his experience has been in pillaging company with little to show for that.

Last edited by Former Member


OK Folks!


The gallup poll before the start of the convention says:


Romney 47







In 12 of the past 15 presidential elections---the leader of the gallup poll at this stage has gone on to win the presidency.






What the Rev is curious about is this:


Will Hussein lose by a landslide ?


Hussein will lose---the numbers don't lie---but will Hussein lose by a landslide ?



Originally Posted by Rev Al:


OK Folks!


The gallup poll before the start of the convention says:


Romney 47







In 12 of the past 15 presidential elections---the leader of the gallup poll at this stage has gone on to win the presidency.






What the Rev is curious about is this:


Will Hussein lose by a landslide ?


Hussein will lose---the numbers don't lie---but will Hussein lose by a landslide ?



Just one question, if numbers dont lie ( actually the lie is in the fool interpreting them) then why is this number different from the ones showing the reverse?

Originally Posted by Stormborn:


Just one question, if numbers dont lie ( actually the lie is in the fool interpreting them) then why is this number different from the ones showing the reverse?



As you know the gallup poll is one of the most reputable polls in the US.


Romney 47; Obama 46


The leader of the gallup poll at this point has won 12 of the last 15 presidential elections----that's a fact.





As you may have noticed, Obama maxes out at 47% in most polls.


Now, for the past 25 years this(47%) has roughly been the floor for democratic candidates---all Obama has done to date is consolidate the democratic base.





It maxes out at 47%---this is a red flag for Obama.


Incumbents rarely win voters who disapprove of their performance in office.






Will Obama lose by a landslide ?


That's the big question!



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:


Just one question, if numbers dont lie ( actually the lie is in the fool interpreting them) then why is this number different from the ones showing the reverse?



As you know the gallup poll is one of the most reputable polls in the US.


Romney 47; Obama 46


The leader of the gallup poll at this point has won 12 of the last 15 presidential elections----that's a fact.





As you may have noticed, Obama maxes out at 47% in most polls.


Now, for the past 25 years this(47%) has roughly been the floor for democratic candidates---all Obama has done to date is consolidate the democratic base.





It maxes out at 47%---this is a red flag for Obama.


Incumbents rarely win voters who disapprove of their performance in office.






Will Obama lose by a landslide ?


That's the big question!



I know the practice of designing polling instruments better than you since once I worked  a short stint for what is still a reputable polling firm. I also know they are snapshots of trends and these can change like a slip on a banana peal in an instant. The idea that Obama will lose by a land slide is also piss pot predicting. Rasmussen whose polls you often use as your mantra has an electoral college map and it presently has Obama ahead with more toss up states in his favor.  Plus the real polling of women being up some 10% for Obama is a fly in your predicting ointment.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

The idea that Obama will lose by a land slide is also piss pot predicting.



Obama will lose in November---the Rev is 100% confident about that.





I am not sure about that---that is what I am curious to know.


But right now it looks like Romney 53 Obama 46 in November---that's is not a landslide.



Originally Posted by yuji22:



Desperation in the Obama camp and his supporters. If someone opposes Obama they are seen as racists. Shame on these low life posters like Carib and Storm.


Elections are about choice and people are free to vote for and support a candidate of their choice.


Obama's record is terrible. 48 million of Americans on food stamps under his presidency. Is that a record to be proud of ? I guess that Storm and Carib are very comfortable and proud of Obama's record on food stamps.

When your buddy Rev Al screams about what black people do and you back him up that is racist.


Now you continue to have your orgies at your IndoKKK meetings where you have mocl lynchings of blacks.

Originally Posted by baseman:



 We need to move away from community-organized social welfare setting to a more business organized entrepreneur setting.

Do you know that of the $3.6 trillion that the govt spends less than $500B is used for expenses other than debt service, defense, medicare,medicaid, and social security?  And that expenditures on defense are almost $900B?


So do you propose that old people starve on the streets of the USA? While military defense contractors grow fat dumb and happy?


Taking care of senior citizens isnt welfare.  Its the obligation of any decent society to take care of its aged and in the USA if one hasnt worked for a living one doesnt get medicare or social security.


You all babble about welfare but welfare accounts for less than 1% of the expenditures.  Medicaid is use dmainly by senior citizens on long term care and by working poor who lack access to health insurance.


Why dont you look over the border to see that Canada treats its people properly, has a healthier economy than we do and certainly doesnt have our budget deficits.




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