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VishMahabir posted:


If the man lived this long you cant find anything positive that he did for the Cuban people?. He had almost 100% literacy rate and he was helpful to the Guyanese people, especially when the Burnham dictatorship imposed his iron fist on the Guyanese people. Even as a dictator, Burnham was a nationalist (a good thing), though his evil outdid his good deeds.

Yes, he was a dictator, whose regime lasted more than it should, but he was a victim of Cold War politics. 

The only cool aid drinking pepole here is the likes of folks like you who fall in line with the anti-Castro crowd...the man is still revered in his country. 

We are not defending a dictatorship...

You must be a special kind of stupid, Numpty, to flee from one dictator and now worshiping one of the longest serving, most brutal dictators in the history of mankind. The Kool Aid must have overwhelmed you Commie Fools. Why didn't you run to Cuba or North Korea if Communism was so great?

Last edited by Mars


you clearly do not understand Castro's legacy, good or bad, and the influence he had on Guyanese politics. There are still many who continue to praise Burnham and Cheddi, both of whom were close friends.

There is no "or bad" here. It was bad. It emerged in the acceptance of Marxist praxis; the fundamental idea of work being the only agency of value and that workers will by historical inevitability overwhelmingly take over the means and modes of production and all will be merry just because a big jefe and his band of parasites situated in a "vanguard party" say so.

On every level of its fundamental assumptions, Marxism is grossly wrong.Everywhere a Marxist state emerged, it was on the backs of poor people and organize itself by constituting of a dictatorship. Everywhere it existed it was met with great depravities and lack of every essentials because its credo, "each according to his ability, each according to his need" is a bunch of bunk.

Peoples needs were replaced by the will of oppressive dictators who shaped everything and if indeed there was ability; artists, musicians, writers, thinker of all sorts; those talents emerged to be violations for long prison sentences if not death sentences resulted. With Fidel, all of that was realty.

In Guyana where our experience was not even half that of the Cuban people the jaundiced lot here still complain bitterly at the black man's disease while missing completely the diseased philosophy embraced by a coolie and then later a black.

Last edited by Former Member

I do not remember any Communist Policies instituted by Dr Jagan but remember quite well the Burnham Party Paramountcy travel Control, currency control, Enslavement of Public workers, North Korea type rallies, State sponsor violence and intimidation, squeezing the Balls of Businessmen to contribute to Sophia and other Party Projects. I will stop now and let you digest this first.

Nehru posted:

Chief, Fidel was not leading Cuba for about 5 years now, just to let you know.

His brother is and Fidel dictatorial policies are still in place.

Back in the 70s some Cuban youths came to Guyana that was during the Kabaka days. SO one night I took O e of them out , boy she was very careful with her underwear .  I asked why was that and she explained that because everything was rained they only get like 12  panties a year.

THE next day I went and bought her a years supply and she was so happy.

HAD a good time with the Cuban.

RIFF I do not know if you had any contact with them at Loo Creek.

Gilbakka posted:

Farewell, Fidel. You did plenty good but some bad things too. I understand; to err is human.

Fidel, I swear on your cremated ashes: When da fella baseman kick de fΓΊcking bucket me go laff me bellyful like skΓΊnt. 

There is a time and place for everything. I say no more.

No for a funeral. He has been long dead. He is just restructured as a trump zombie. It is a pernicious viral infection to which the dumb and the ignorant and those not taking seriously to learning is apt to be afflicted with on hearing the yellow haired orangutan and his band of necromancers. It is as the the lure of biblical milk and honey in paradise knowing fulll well that shit would kill you> It is no different from those strapping on explosive vests on  the promise of an ample share virgins. The weak always fall for the okie doke.

Mitwah posted:

Even though he was demonised by the United States and some of its allies he was admired by many leftists around the world, especially socialist revolutionaries in Latin America and Africa.  He was a dear friend of our late Prime Minister, Trudeau Snr. and also Cheddi Jagan.

Fidel RIP!

What I find interesting is that Fidel's admirers from 3rd world countries chose to migrate to the USA.

How come no Guyanese fled to Cuba? Even the Moscow trained PPP hacks, with their Marxist Leninist nonsense are spouting their pro Castro crap in Richmond Hill.

They ought to have been with their fellow revolutionaries on some commune in rural Cuba.

Gilbakka posted:

Farewell, Fidel. You did plenty good but some bad things too. I understand; to err is human.

Fidel, I swear on your cremated ashes: When da fella baseman kick de fΓΊcking bucket me go laff me bellyful like skΓΊnt. 

There is a time and place for everything. I say no more.

Exactly why you so peeved?  I see Cubans singing and dancing in Florida.  I don't go that far.  I only say he was not a hero to many in his country.  And funny, allyuh Guyanese Socialist wash-up flotsams honoring the memory of this dictator when the refugees from this man are celebrating!

May he RIP!

Why don't you attack Mars whose simple statement "Good Riddance" says more than anything I wrote!

Alyuh funny, Trump rising, Hillary crash and burn, now Castro kaput....rass alyuh Socialists having a rough patch!

Gilbakka posted:

Farewell, Fidel. You did plenty good but some bad things too.

Sure lots of bad things. He reduced Cuban women, some of them doctors, to offer their bodies for panties.

So what did Castro achieve.  Cuba was the whore house of the Americas in 1959 and in 2016 it still is. Still selling their bodies for food and panties.

And in 1959 Cuban doctors weren't spreading their legs for food and panties.

caribny posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Farewell, Fidel. You did plenty good but some bad things too.

Sure lots of bad things. He reduced Cuban women, some of them doctors, to offer their bodies for panties.

So what did Castro achieve.  Cuba was the whore house of the Americas in 1959 and in 2016 it still is. Still selling their bodies for food and panties.

And in 1959 Cuban doctors weren't spreading their legs for food and panties.

LOL...history has a way of repeating itself.

caribny posted:

So what did Castro achieve.  Cuba was the whore house of the Americas in 1959 and in 2016 it still is. Still selling their bodies for food and panties.

And in 1959 Cuban doctors weren't spreading their legs for food and panties.

It's an achievement, an advancement, progress. Lemme show yuh how: If yuh had sex wid a Cuban whore in 1959 you were a prime candidate for syphilis or gonorrhea.

If yuh have sex wid a Cuban whore in 2016 you are completely free from any sexually transmitted disease becaz de woman is a doctor. Yuh want better progress than that, Carib? 


Nehru posted:

I do not remember any Communist Policies instituted by Dr Jagan but remember quite well the Burnham Party Paramountcy travel Control, currency control, Enslavement of Public workers, North Korea type rallies, State sponsor violence and intimidation, squeezing the Balls of Businessmen to contribute to Sophia and other Party Projects. I will stop now and let you digest this first.

What you fail to remember is Jagan support that cause Burnham to nationalize  foreign entities and thus became a dictator.

caribny posted:

Sure lots of bad things. He reduced Cuban women, some of them doctors, to offer their bodies for panties.

So what did Castro achieve.  Cuba was the whore house of the Americas in 1959 and in 2016 it still is. Still selling their bodies for food and panties.

And in 1959 Cuban doctors weren't spreading their legs for food and panties.

Were you a patron?


RIP Dictator and Communist Fidel.

Cubans in South Florida who fled his dictatorship administration are celebrating.

Let us pray to the good lord that the country opens up and that democracy eventually prevails.

This reminds me of the Death of Afro Dictator Burnham. Communist Moses must be beating up his chest and wailing at the death of Castro.

Last edited by Former Member

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