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In high school there was a little group,  mostly 3 of us and sometimes there was a fourth who was a cousin to one of the other 2.
man we did some crazy stuff

one time we ended up with ONE cigarette and the 4 of us took turns taking drags…I think that was the craziest thing I ever did in HS…. For the rest of that day and many days ahead I kept on worrying about how (what way) my mom might end my life…I knew she would’ve taken me out of school if she had found out and I was sure the beating would’ve left more scars

of course yrs later when they came to Canada, I told my dad!

bad gyal ta rass😁 and gawdam don’t care anymore πŸ₯ƒ


Lil abc story..

so whn i started primary sch, almost all f the classes had 2 teachers. My mom n the senior tr for lil ABC were friends so she knew me before I started sch.. Not so long after I started sch, the HM left n Ms B became acting HM n then retired. They planned a farewell event. Since I was her fave kid, her assistant (who was left alone to teach lil ABC) picked me to do poem on stage (10 little fingers..).  Well Fri aft used to be play time so there i was running n playing all messed up n I went up on the stage n did wht i had to do.  The kids were all laughing as i was all ruffled up..

my big sis who used to look after me dress me n comb hair etc was livid because she was embarrassed ..i was untidy!! She took pride in seeing that we were all neat n tidy n presentable for sch..n there i was onstage..

she scolded be badly after sch..asking why i didnt tell her that iw as picked to go on stage..then she would have combed back my hair after lunch n change my white shirt other words β€˜clean me up’


Another incident from primary sch..accident!! Talk abt calamity jane eh!

so we were practising on the road..sand n brick as we didnt have β€˜paved’ or β€˜pitch’ roads..just as i was approaching the finish line..this girl didnt wantme to win so she β€˜cut across infront of me’ n i β€˜pitched’ fwd with great a lot of bruises but 1 of my kneecap slipped!! PAIN..PAIN galore..i bawled n a teacher came n  β€˜fixed’ it

i had to go to the local masseuse to get massage for a wk..i stopped running races after that!!


In high sch..form 2, my knee cap slipped out again..this time i was doing long jump n i couldnt move the legn started to cry. Everyone thought i was crying because i wasnt  satisfied with my jump but whn they saw that i wasnt moving they became concerned n Ms J came n hugged me called a male teacher to lift me  out of sand pit n they β€˜fixed’ back the knee cap!! I came in 2nd ..luckily it was my 3rd n final jump.. I was teased abt this for a long because i cried !!..yeah..CRYBABY!!


How I got into athletics in high sch..sheer accident!!

During recess times, some of the girls used to tie the gold cords that we wore to form a rope n we would just do high jumps..well yrs truly with her skinny self n LONG legs was clearing all the heights.  2 4th formers were looking out the windows from upstairs( Cham..a girl names shobha n her friend..i dont rem her name but they were bff’s) walked down to the yard n pulled me aside, asked which house i was in n whn i said D..they were so excited, they literally dragged me to meet me Hanf, who was D house-master! So Mr H then tested me for long jumps n sprint..  i wasnt  that fast of a runner but i was chosen for the relay n i did good for the long jump! BTW Chams, after u fell, I stopped the participating in the  relay ! I stuck to the high n long jumps n came in 2nd after Ms Claudette ..Debbie was put in the open category n got 1st ..that way we ended up with 1st n 2nd for both jumps..rather than getting 2nd n 3rd .  Mr H was very wise ,as Deb couldnt beat claudette.

poor D house..they called us DEAD house..we never  got more than 20 points ..C n B houses were more than 50 points . F. Nedd was our best athlete..rem him Chams..n debs of course

sports day was the best u rem once it was healt at Uitvlugt community centre n it rained badly that day..we waited until after lunch n the teachers decided that were were going to let us run in the rain n mud?? Omg i had to borrow my friend’s clothes to go home as mine was all mud!! But it was was hard to run in the rain ..lots of falls/slides

@Wildflower posted:

That’s a lot of jumps girlie. My last jump was at West Dem Sch representing Zgss….as I recall, I β€œflew” to the end of the sand pit then fell backward…I remember running at that sch too but don’t remember if you were there.

No i was scared to run/jump  inter sch lol So just did inter-house!! But I was Captain for our rounders team (interschool)

Last edited by Lynn
@Wildflower posted:

Hey Lynn, how many high school couples you know who are still together?

Gosh, there were so many couples

Few…not all of them got married though…

.the teachers/students ones  r still going good

had some hot scenes under those steps..n also behind the new building!!

chabilall n ruby r still going n live in Venezuela chune  nhis wife r still going strong.

.aki n pet broke up

i dont know too many of student couple who got married

tr/stud..the 2 C’s, Jaip, misr, Shkr/lila..all going strong


Still on primary sch..

i used to get β€˜runnings’ after i drank d powder milk in sch..but i  wanted the biscuits n sometimes i went twice (glutton) ie whn they had left over..drink it just to get extra biscuits..(damn those biscuits were delicious)

so we lived in a street dam next to the sch..i used to have to run home cuz or sis would see me running n would open the gate n tell me to go in back yard where she set newspapers ..(i mentioned the latrine was "a mile”  away from our house ..) n then she wud take it to the latrine for me ..

lord dat milk gave belly wuk like crazy..

it tasted nasty  too,…i think it was skim milk


Oh..xmas party time.

.we all had to donate items n teachers baked cake n made icecream..i always took eggs as we got abt a doz eggs daily.  That icecream was sooo good..teacher churned it in the icecream bucket or whtever it was called..omg..just thinking of it makes me salivate.

teachers dressed up as santa..they used pillow to get big belly

we had pine trees in sch yard so the xmas tree was cut  right there

we sang all the xmas carols every fave time

n my fave ones were Once in  Royal David City, We 3 Kings, Good King Wenseslas ? Sp  n Joy to the world

i rem dancing once ( was scared to dance in case my mother found out) to Parde Mein Rehne Do ..this was my last yr in primary ..n everyone liked how i danced it..hehehehe i copied Asha Parekh as i saw the movie Shikar

(In form 1..high sch i danced β€œbangle ke peeche β€œ n β€˜Monica o my darling” for xmas party too..hehe) after that i didnt dance anymore in sch..i got shy because my classmates started to  teasing me abt my moves )

ok i think im done with primary sch on to high sch n i have a lot to share abt high many wonderful stuff, which i rem in details as my memories r like movies playing in my mind’s eyes

@Lynn posted:

Few…not all of them got married though…

.the teachers/students ones  r still going good

had some hot scenes under those steps..n also behind the new building!!

chabilall n ruby r still going n live in Venezuela chune  nhis wife r still going strong.

.aki n pet broke up

i dont know too many of student couple who got married

tr/stud..the 2 C’s, Jaip, misr, Shkr/lila..all going strong

There are three couples in Toronto who I used to see occasionally….former Prez brother and his beautiful wife who had the longest hair in high sch…former poster on GNI sister and her hubby and hass and his wife ( who live few blocks from me) these couples were all in higher class than us.
Pi don’t recall Jaip nor mis relationships…maybe after I taken out of sch in form 5…. ( luckily I had help from teachers n students to study for exams)


Primary sch I didn’t like any milk except straight from cow teat and into my cup…this my nana got me do while he milked the cows…I also loved to mix the thick milk cream with sugar and eat it….mmmm sometimes I put two cups of milk in a pot and boil it on slow heat just to get the cream and when it boils down I scrape the red milk off and enjoy with roti.

I love milk powder…shhh I used to get dry powder milk in a pc newspaper to eat compliments of my teacher who later I later  became pupil teacher for. I didn’t like the arrowroot biscuits …well food was not my thing as a child ( I am making up for it πŸ˜„)

@Wildflower posted:

Primary sch I didn’t like any milk except straight from cow teat and into my cup…this my nana got me do while he milked the cows…I also loved to mix the thick milk cream with sugar and eat it….mmmm sometimes I put two cups of milk in a pot and boil it on slow heat just to get the cream and when it boils down I scrape the red milk off and enjoy with roti.

I love milk powder…shhh I used to get dry powder milk in a pc newspaper to eat compliments of my teacher who later I later  became pupil teacher for. I didn’t like the arrowroot biscuits …well food was not my thing as a child ( I am making up for it πŸ˜„)

Ever tried talking with powder milk in yr mouth? ( or stunking toe or ovaltine)??

u cant teef these easily.. lol

caz whn u get ketch dem ask u question n d minute u open yr mouth.. u choke( u cant hustle n swallow)


Anybody remember the subject β€œnature Study” ..primary sch??

that was very interesting..going in the sch yard n learning abt nature.  I rem picking a leaf n storying in a book until it got very dry/brown.  

Oh anyone did the ochro thng for ART? Cut the head off n dip in different coloring n then stamped drawing pape making very colorful n lovely patterns/designs

i loved playing BUN_HOUSE.  Whn it was my turn to run n slap the hand..i used to slap so hard, they all knew whn it was me..hahahaha ( did i mention i was a β€˜bad’ lil gal pickney )


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