Hey Gil, I heard some Irish people conversing, then turned around to give them a second look because it sounded like Guyanese Creole.
Iguana posted:Mars posted:Django posted:Leonora posted:I never knew what was Pepperpot until I saw it mentioned on GNI few years ago. My villagers never cooked it because we felt it was sacrilegious to mix up meats!
That's Amerindian dish.The other population copied and made their own concoction.
Souse and black pudding are African and of course other dishes.
Black pudding is European. There are variations of blood pudding in many European countries. I think we got the Scottish version in Guyana. Not sure where souse originated.
Correct. Spaniards call it Morcilla. I think souse has european origins too.
What the hell is souse?
Gilbakka posted:Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) was an India-born English writer. Many of his stories are set in India during the British Raj. In these stories there are British soldiers that include Scotsmen. Kipling captures their speech well in the characters' dialogues. And that gave me an insight into Guyana creolese origins.
Many overseers in the Guyana plantations were Scotsmen who didn't speak standard English. Slaves and indentured labourers listened to those Scotsmen and copied their pronunciations.
Here is a sample which I've taken from Kipling's Indian tales: "at wan gulp" for "at one gulp"/ "av" for "of"/ "bleddy" for "bloody"/ "wid" for "with"/ "conduck" for "conduct"/ "bekaze" for "because"/ "meself" for "myself"/ "will larn you a lesson" for "will teach you a lesson", etc.
Gilbakka posted:Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) was an India-born English writer. Many of his stories are set in India during the British Raj. In these stories there are British soldiers that include Scotsmen. Kipling captures their speech well in the characters' dialogues. And that gave me an insight into Guyana creolese origins.
Many overseers in the Guyana plantations were Scotsmen who didn't speak standard English. Slaves and indentured labourers listened to those Scotsmen and copied their pronunciations.
Here is a sample which I've taken from Kipling's Indian tales: "at wan gulp" for "at one gulp"/ "av" for "of"/ "bleddy" for "bloody"/ "wid" for "with"/ "conduck" for "conduct"/ "bekaze" for "because"/ "meself" for "myself"/ "will larn you a lesson" for "will teach you a lesson", etc.
Some Newfies speak like Guyanese. Their Scottish background might be it.
Leonora posted:Hey Gil, I heard some Irish people conversing, then turned around to give them a second look because it sounded like Guyanese Creole.
Likely Scottish. My grandfather used to tell us that a lot of the plantation overseers and whites in Guyana were mostly Scottish. He was a teacher and had a lot of contact with them.
Mars posted:Iguana posted:Mars posted:Django posted:Leonora posted:I never knew what was Pepperpot until I saw it mentioned on GNI few years ago. My villagers never cooked it because we felt it was sacrilegious to mix up meats!
That's Amerindian dish.The other population copied and made their own concoction.
Souse and black pudding are African and of course other dishes.
Black pudding is European. There are variations of blood pudding in many European countries. I think we got the Scottish version in Guyana. Not sure where souse originated.
Correct. Spaniards call it Morcilla. I think souse has european origins too.
Yes, my Puerto Rican friend had some Morcilla at one of his parties and they must have gotten it from the Spaniards. Souse is probably European too from the days when there was no refrigeration and they pickled the meat to keep it from spoiling.
Yes. Spanish also have a version of souse. Note the kind of meat used in souse, basically throw away parts - ears, feet, etc. Affordable for the poorer population who are more likely to be migrants to the Caribbean. Garlic pork definitely came from Portugese migrants as did Cheese Straws.
Leonora posted:I remember Dad long ago mixing the ingredients into a paste, putting it in banana leaves, wrapping the leaves into 2"x2" squares and tying them with twine, then boiling them in a large pot. Delicious!
Konkee. I think the Amerindians used to put the banana leaf squares into a hole in the ground with coals around it. That is real old fashioned Guyanese stuff. Spanish people also make it. They call it Pasteles. Ricans boil it. Dominicans fry it.
Leonora posted:I've never eaten Black pudding. At a Kangan in Guyana (next day wedding feast), the guys were given this as a Cutter while drinking, a guy vomited and was very ill after that.
If you are a hindu this is strictly forbidden. Has cow blood in it. He vomit because he ass musta bin too dam drunk.
kp posted:Look it up , Vish asked about Loli and I asked him in kind. Never used the word Penis.
You asked about the man's dick. That is fcking GAY!!!! You (KP), Skeldon Man, Dave, Nehru, and de Yugli man gat one common trait in addition to yuh love fuh de PPP. Y'all love to talk about man dick / loli / penis or whateva yuh want call it, buggery and gay shit.
Nehru start a whole thread to discuss the size and shape of Trump's dick and de usual cast of characters come dribbling and running fuh talk about it. Sick shit!
Grown ass man like you with accomplished professional kids who would be embarassed to know what you goin' on wid hay. Every damn thread hay polluted with gay shit. And that's not even including Keffer and Prashad and they lil mental jam lolo sessions on every thread.
Y'all are a freaking sick bunch of Indians!!!!! NO other person hay behaves like that!
Iguana posted:Leonora posted:I've never eaten Black pudding. At a Kangan in Guyana (next day wedding feast), the guys were given this as a Cutter while drinking, a guy vomited and was very ill after that.
If you are a hindu this is strictly forbidden. Has cow blood in it. He vomit because he ass musta bin too dam drunk.
He was very drunk and vomited so much that we thought he was dying.
Don't know if I told you: your writing seems so familiar. Come on, fess up Guana Banna, who are you?
Iguana posted:VishMahabir posted:if this is the level of discourse that takes place in Guyana then maybe Trump is right to label this backwater country as a "s---hole" country.
The sad reality is that is seems like most of you here are Indos (my guess) who got nothing better to do with their time...rather than trade barbs...better be careful, if this is the level of intelligence reflected among PPP leaders (who dont give a heave ho about Indos) in Guyana then yall better be prepared to be out of power for 28 years....without being stereotypical hers, this level of discourse adds new meaning to the statement "dem coolies deserve what dey get"
No wonder you dont see the likes of Ronan, Iguana and Carib getting in the sewer.
Admin, you should close this thread, its not going anywhere.
KP asking if you have a penis. Skeldon man want to see a picture of it. "Dave" fantasizing about Django widout he clothes. Yugli man reading and dribbling, he imagination running wild with all of the above. Grown "men" with tendencies to buggery, all of them Indian, but they are NOT representative of all Indians. These are what would be called "country coolies" in Guyana, particularly by Indians in Georgetown.
Urban Indians like the ones from Georgetown are more sophisticated and mix more liberally with other races, cook and eat other than Indian foods, etc. They are more open to other races, music and cultures, and have a mixture of friends from other races much to the chagrin of the "country coolies" like Yugli and he crew. These urban Indians are often vilified by the "country coolie" types and referred to as "town coolies", "N.....r lovers" and suh on by Indians from the country.
Re the buggery thing - I've read where this practice may have its roots on the ships from India which lacked women. You certainly don't see Indians from India so wrapped up in buggery like ah we Guyanese Indian pals from the countryside. Note yuh pal Nehru MANY offers to "bugger" those he disagrees with. It is in every conversation on this board where Skeldon, KP, Yugli, Dave etc. participate.
So don't paint all Indians like you did. There is a difference between urban and country Indians. It's part of the cultural differences in Guyana, though yuh gon hearing nuff wailing and screaming about this.
Now, there is similiar among Guyanese blacks, but it is not location based. It is economic based. Bourgeois blacks versus common blacks. "Elite" blacks like Granger, Trotman, etc. versus the more "common" blacks. Suh we have it too (minus the buggery). More class based than location based.
A lil "education" fuh you on yuh homeland. Use it wisely. And doant tun yuh back pon de crew above.
...and there we have it all wrapped up in a nice package.
Iguana posted:Leonora posted:I've never eaten Black pudding. At a Kangan in Guyana (next day wedding feast), the guys were given this as a Cutter while drinking, a guy vomited and was very ill after that.
If you are a hindu this is strictly forbidden. Has cow blood in it. He vomit because he ass musta bin too dam drunk.
Different versions. Some with pig blood and pig runners (intestines), cow blood/intestines, sheep blood/intestines and also some with no blood called white pudding.
Iguana posted:kp posted:Look it up , Vish asked about Loli and I asked him in kind. Never used the word Penis.
You asked about the man's dick. That is fcking GAY!!!! You (KP), Skeldon Man, Dave, Nehru, and de Yugli man gat one common trait in addition to yuh love fuh de PPP. Y'all love to talk about man dick / loli / penis or whateva yuh want call it, buggery and gay shit.
Nehru start a whole thread to discuss the size and shape of Trump's dick and de usual cast of characters come dribbling and running fuh talk about it. Sick shit!
Grown ass man like you with accomplished professional kids who would be embarassed to know what you goin' on wid hay. Every damn thread hay polluted with gay shit. And that's not even including Keffer and Prashad and they lil mental jam lolo sessions on every thread.
Y'all are a freaking sick bunch of Indians!!!!! NO other person hay behaves like that!
This site is not meant for you, you should try posting on the Religion Forum. It was OK for you to talk about Black Pudding, that's a code word for a Black man's dick, If this shit bother you, don't read it , just move on to Social or Religion. I guess you so Straight, you never had Sex.
Django posted:caribny posted:One fact that needs to be understood is even though the two groups didn't trust each other they lived side by side so had great impact on each other.VishMahabir posted:
Admin, you should close this thread, its not going anywhere.
That's true in the Countryside, my neighboring village is Afro we get along fine, sometimes we go for a drink at the bars, same they will do in our village.
As I keep on saying the problem in Guyana isnt at the individual level. It is at the group level. Blacks dont trust Indians to lead the nation and Indians dont trust blacks to do so. This is because of the fact that they dont expect such leadership to be fair. I will add that the Indian leaders who are distrusted by blacks aren't just the PPP but also the Indian tycoons who dominate the private sector, even at DDL where I have heard reports of anti black racism.
kp posted:It was OK for you to talk about Black Pudding, that's a code word for a Black man's dick,
....WHAT?????!!!!!!! Suh black pudding, de Guyanese delicacy widely consumed by all races when dey drinking likka is a "code word for black man's dick"???????? LMFAO.
Dude, you are nothing but an old fag. Your wife should hide every cylindrical object in the house lest you molest yuh old self LMFAO!!!!!!
Iguana posted:kp posted:It was OK for you to talk about Black Pudding, that's a code word for a Black man's dick,
....WHAT?????!!!!!!! Suh black pudding, de Guyanese delicacy widely consumed by all races when dey drinking likka is a "code word for black man's dick"???????? LMFAO.
Dude, you are nothing but an old fag. Your wife should hide every cylindrical object in the house lest you molest yuh old self LMFAO!!!!!!
Hahaha. Me never laugh so much. If thatâs what the man fantasizes about when heâs eating black pudding, who are you to deny him his fun?
Mars posted:Iguana posted:kp posted:It was OK for you to talk about Black Pudding, that's a code word for a Black man's dick,
....WHAT?????!!!!!!! Suh black pudding, de Guyanese delicacy widely consumed by all races when dey drinking likka is a "code word for black man's dick"???????? LMFAO.
Dude, you are nothing but an old fag. Your wife should hide every cylindrical object in the house lest you molest yuh old self LMFAO!!!!!!
Hahaha. Me never laugh so much. If thatâs what the man fantasizes about when heâs eating black pudding, who are you to deny him his fun?
I was in a restaurant and laughed so much, everyone said they wanted what I was having.
Mars posted:Iguana posted:kp posted:It was OK for you to talk about Black Pudding, that's a code word for a Black man's dick,
....WHAT?????!!!!!!! Suh black pudding, de Guyanese delicacy widely consumed by all races when dey drinking likka is a "code word for black man's dick"???????? LMFAO.
Dude, you are nothing but an old fag. Your wife should hide every cylindrical object in the house lest you molest yuh old self LMFAO!!!!!!
Hahaha. Me never laugh so much. If thatâs what the man fantasizes about when heâs eating black pudding, who are you to deny him his fun?
Banna ah don't tink KP know what black pudding is. He doan know is actually something people in Guyana eat. Skeleton Man was asking me what is souse! Dese guys didn't get out much. LMBO!
Leonora posted:Mars posted:Iguana posted:kp posted:It was OK for you to talk about Black Pudding, that's a code word for a Black man's dick,
....WHAT?????!!!!!!! Suh black pudding, de Guyanese delicacy widely consumed by all races when dey drinking likka is a "code word for black man's dick"???????? LMFAO.
Dude, you are nothing but an old fag. Your wife should hide every cylindrical object in the house lest you molest yuh old self LMFAO!!!!!!
Hahaha. Me never laugh so much. If thatâs what the man fantasizes about when heâs eating black pudding, who are you to deny him his fun?
I was in a restaurant and laughed so much, everyone said they wanted what I was having.
Don't tell dem yuh having black pudding! Dem might misunderstand like KP!
Iguana posted:Mars posted:Iguana posted:kp posted:It was OK for you to talk about Black Pudding, that's a code word for a Black man's dick,
....WHAT?????!!!!!!! Suh black pudding, de Guyanese delicacy widely consumed by all races when dey drinking likka is a "code word for black man's dick"???????? LMFAO.
Dude, you are nothing but an old fag. Your wife should hide every cylindrical object in the house lest you molest yuh old self LMFAO!!!!!!
Hahaha. Me never laugh so much. If thatâs what the man fantasizes about when heâs eating black pudding, who are you to deny him his fun?
Banna ah don't tink KP know what black pudding is. He doan know is actually something people in Guyana eat. Skeleton Man was asking me what is souse! Dese guys didn't get out much. LMBO!
Tried making souse with chicken feet the other day. Must have missed a step. Friggin thing came out tasteless. Then again was a Trini recipe. Back to meh Guyanese Cook Book.
This thread started by Vish and one of the words he does not know was Loli. Well how this conversation swayed to Black Pudding and who are you to question my opinion, I lived in G/T and in WCD , yes you can call me old and I know what I am saying and it doesn't mean I am wrong. I frequently purchase Black Pudding from Norman Sue Bakery in Toronto. I say what I know for a fact it may not be politically correct.
Mitwah posted:Mars posted:I donât know half of the words that country folks use and many of them I only learned by seeing them mentioned here on GNI. I wouldnât expect Vish to be familiar with those words if he left Guyana at a young age.
me thinks he was wan lil dugla bacha.
Dugla is from hindi word doogalaa meaning many, much or mixed. Bacha in hindi means "child".
Well we can't doubt or confirm who or what he is since he's refused to answer when we ask at what age he migrated here. So on that note I have no further deliberations with him (or her).
Iguana posted:
So don't paint all Indians like you did. There is a difference between urban and country Indians. It's part of the cultural differences in Guyana, though yuh gon hearing nuff wailing and screaming about this.
Now, there is similiar among Guyanese blacks, but it is not location based. It is economic based. Bourgeois blacks versus common blacks. "Elite" blacks like Granger, Trotman, etc. versus the more "common" blacks. Suh we have it too (minus the buggery). More class based than location based.
A lil "education" fuh you on yuh homeland. Use it wisely. And doant tun yuh back pon de crew above.
Yes the dichotomy within the black/mixed population is more urban elites vs. the grass roots (urban and rural). You are correct about the rural/urban Indian dichotomy but there is also class issues. Jagdeo (now elite) looks down with scorn at poor and/or uneducated rural Indians and laughs at how gullible people like yuji are.
Jagdeo will slap hands and share in the spoils of corruption with Harmon but will spout bile bigotry to attract the likes of the Indo KKK.
kp posted:It was OK for you to talk about Black Pudding, that's a code word for a Black man's dick, If this shit bother you, don't read it , just move on to Social or Religion. I guess you so Straight, you never had Sex.
The Indo KKK are really interesting. They seriously hate black people but are really in love with black male organs. Now we know that it isnt just black baigan, but now its also black pudding.
I learn a lot on GNI.
Leonora posted:Mars posted:Iguana posted:kp posted:It was OK for you to talk about Black Pudding, that's a code word for a Black man's dick,
....WHAT?????!!!!!!! Suh black pudding, de Guyanese delicacy widely consumed by all races when dey drinking likka is a "code word for black man's dick"???????? LMFAO.
Dude, you are nothing but an old fag. Your wife should hide every cylindrical object in the house lest you molest yuh old self LMFAO!!!!!!
Hahaha. Me never laugh so much. If thatâs what the man fantasizes about when heâs eating black pudding, who are you to deny him his fun?
I was in a restaurant and laughed so much, everyone said they wanted what I was having.
Tell them yu having Black pudden!!
Iguana posted:
Banna ah don't tink KP know what black pudding is. He doan know is actually something people in Guyana eat. Skeleton Man was asking me what is souse! Dese guys didn't get out much. LMBO!
A Guyanese function isnt Guyanese if there isnt chow mien, fry rice, cook up rice, black pudding, pepper pot, roti/dhal puri, and an assorted variety of curried meats.
I am curious about these people who live within an ethnic bubble. Where do they live? The Corentyne?
GTAngler posted:Mitwah posted:Mars posted:I donât know half of the words that country folks use and many of them I only learned by seeing them mentioned here on GNI. I wouldnât expect Vish to be familiar with those words if he left Guyana at a young age.
me thinks he was wan lil dugla bacha.
Dugla is from hindi word doogalaa meaning many, much or mixed. Bacha in hindi means "child".
Well we can't doubt or confirm who or what he is since he's refused to answer when we ask at what age he migrated here. So on that note I have no further deliberations with him (or her).
He once stated how old he was when he left Guyana and I donât have any reason to doubt him. We canât confirm who or what anyone is on this forum so that would not be a reason to not interact with someone. What does it matter anyway? Itâs the internet and there are certain things you just have to overlook if you want to be a part of this community.
Mars posted:GTAngler posted:Mitwah posted:Mars posted:I donât know half of the words that country folks use and many of them I only learned by seeing them mentioned here on GNI. I wouldnât expect Vish to be familiar with those words if he left Guyana at a young age.
me thinks he was wan lil dugla bacha.
Dugla is from hindi word doogalaa meaning many, much or mixed. Bacha in hindi means "child".
Well we can't doubt or confirm who or what he is since he's refused to answer when we ask at what age he migrated here. So on that note I have no further deliberations with him (or her).
He once stated how old he was when he left Guyana and I donât have any reason to doubt him. We canât confirm who or what anyone is on this forum so that would not be a reason to not interact with someone. What does it matter anyway? Itâs the internet and there are certain things you just have to overlook if you want to be a part of this community.
That's my reason. Cain asked twice and so did I.
caribny posted:kp posted:It was OK for you to talk about Black Pudding, that's a code word for a Black man's dick, If this shit bother you, don't read it , just move on to Social or Religion. I guess you so Straight, you never had Sex.The Indo KKK are really interesting. They seriously hate black people but are really in love with black male organs. Now we know that it isnt just black baigan, but now its also black pudding.
I learn a lot on GNI.
So you have a Black Pudding, you never too old to learn.
GTAngler posted:That's my reason. Cain asked twice and so did I.
Youâre talking to me and you donât know what age I was when I left Guyana so why is that so important? Maybe I never lived in Guyana and Iâm 105 years old. You canât confirm the details for anyone here so What does it matter?
Mars posted:GTAngler posted:That's my reason. Cain asked twice and so did I.
Youâre talking to me and you donât know what age I was when I left Guyana so why is that so important? Maybe I never lived in Guyana and Iâm 105 years old. You canât confirm the details for anyone here so What does it matter?
I never asked you.......
GTAngler posted:Mars posted:GTAngler posted:That's my reason. Cain asked twice and so did I.
Youâre talking to me and you donât know what age I was when I left Guyana so why is that so important? Maybe I never lived in Guyana and Iâm 105 years old. You canât confirm the details for anyone here so What does it matter?
I never asked you.......
Yâall take this place too serious. Iâm asking you now and youâre evading the question. You canât confirm the details for anyone here so what does it matter?
Mars posted:GTAngler posted:Mars posted:GTAngler posted:That's my reason. Cain asked twice and so did I.
Youâre talking to me and you donât know what age I was when I left Guyana so why is that so important? Maybe I never lived in Guyana and Iâm 105 years old. You canât confirm the details for anyone here so What does it matter?
I never asked you.......
Yâall take this place too serious. Iâm asking you now and youâre evading the question. You canât confirm the details for anyone here so what does it matter?
Maybe I am taking this too seriously. The question was only pertinent in this case. Lots of questions asked and ignorance feigned.
GTAngler posted:Mitwah posted:Mars posted:I donât know half of the words that country folks use and many of them I only learned by seeing them mentioned here on GNI. I wouldnât expect Vish to be familiar with those words if he left Guyana at a young age.
me thinks he was wan lil dugla bacha.
Dugla is from hindi word doogalaa meaning many, much or mixed. Bacha in hindi means "child".
Well we can't doubt or confirm who or what he is since he's refused to answer when we ask at what age he migrated here. So on that note I have no further deliberations with him (or her).
Dah rass doan want us fo know what age he was when he lef...he hiding something deh.
Iguana posted:Leonora posted:Hey Gil, I heard some Irish people conversing, then turned around to give them a second look because it sounded like Guyanese Creole.
Likely Scottish. My grandfather used to tell us that a lot of the plantation overseers and whites in Guyana were mostly Scottish. He was a teacher and had a lot of contact with them.
Gaiutra Bahadur did much research, then wrote an excellent book 'Coolie woman'. She went to Scotland too to trace some overseers' families and explain about them. She said lots of Guyanese village and town names are still in existence in Scotland, e.g. Alness, Rosehall, etc.
Leonora posted:Iguana posted:Leonora posted:Hey Gil, I heard some Irish people conversing, then turned around to give them a second look because it sounded like Guyanese Creole.
Likely Scottish. My grandfather used to tell us that a lot of the plantation overseers and whites in Guyana were mostly Scottish. He was a teacher and had a lot of contact with them.
Gaiutra Bahadur did much research, then wrote an excellent book 'Coolie woman'. She went to Scotland too to trace some overseers' families and explain about them. She said lots of Guyanese village and town names are still in existence in Scotland, e.g. Alness, Rosehall, etc.
I believe my copy of the 'Coolie Woman' is still around the house, that I did not read yet. Regarding my Scottish background, I have to read it.
I have a number of photos of the logies and an aerial photo of Albion in 1945. This is now a vacant area, after the people moved to new settlements.
During my travels in the UK last summer, I was told the models for logie row houses in Guyana were from Scotland. The slaves first lived in it and also myself, doing my earlier years.
My great grand mother was from India and my G grandfather was a Scottish plantation manager. After witnessing sexual abuse of weeding gang women in the 1950s, I doubt that my great grandparents had a mutual relationship and she have been abused, when my grandmother Mary Murray was born.
Near Albion school was a guava field where we had lunch and filled our sauce pans with guavas. Many times the managers would abuse the women. Even if they pleaded that their husband might leave them, if they become pregnant, this did not prevent the assault.
Since our knowledge today indicate that Scotland don't have a great relationship with England, why were there so many people of Scottish heritage in Guyana ?
Hey Tols, do you know a place called Guava Bush near Albion?
Regarding your last question, that was part of Gaiutra's research and she answered it. I'll check it later.
Many plantations were owned by Scots who employed their countrymen to run them. The Church of Scotland played a big role in those plantations by establishing schools. I attended Uitvlugt Church of Scotland School which later morphed into Uitvlugt Primary School. The old cemetery alongside the church in the schoolyard has tombs with Scotsmen's bones, as indicated on the headstones.
Gilbakka posted:Many plantations were owned by Scots who employed their countrymen to run them. The Church of Scotland played a big role in those plantations by establishing schools. I attended Uitvlugt Church of Scotland School which later morphed into Uitvlugt Primary School. The old cemetery alongside the church in the schoolyard has tombs with Scotsmen's bones, as indicated on the headstones.
I remember that cemetery the teacher would take the class to do reading and we would sit on the tombs.
Skeldon had two Primary schools, Anglican Primary and Scotts Primary school. Chief and Skelly probably attended one of those prior to going to High School.
Thanks Gil, I now understand.
I attended Albion Canadian Presbyterian Mission school, but Rose Hall town that Leonora mentioned, had a Church of Scot school.
Leonora, FYI, There is Rose Hall Town [previous village] near Port Mourant and Rose Hall sugar estate is near Canje and New Amsterdam.
During Wilberforce efforts to free the slaves, he had an uphill battle, because many of the British MPs owned plantations in the Caribbean with slaves. But Scottish owners might not have been part of that history.
Leonora, I know Guava Bush very well. My school friend Nar who is the retired assistant head teacher at Lesbeholden Black Bush Polder school, lived at GB when we attended Albion school. They had many fruit trees where we had lunch.
In the early 1959 when our logie was broken down and we moved to Belvedere, I walked past the rice fields near Guava Bush and nearby Topoo to Albion school. I wrote many stories about this place for our Canadian GC, regarding my school days.
During our teenage years, Nar reminds me of the time his sister asked him to pick up a bra for her, from my sister Agnes, manager at Rose Hall Town Alim Shaw store. It was so embarrassing describing what we wanted and my sister on purpose did not provide any clue, until everyone in the store knew what we wanted.
I believe Nar's sister is now in the US and my sister Agnes was murdered by three men, during a robbery at her Rose Hall Town Reef house.