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Who are those? On examining the list I think only green is around. All the rest are in their 90's or dead. You and the PPP need to worry about real threats. It is clear you cannot continue as you do without electoral reform. Otherwise you idiots would be sure to encourage insurrection on your own accord and end up like Gaddafi. And he is in hiding even with tanks and Migs and well armed loyal troops.
Originally posted by D2:
Whor are those? On examining the list I think only green is around. All the rest are in their 90's or dead. You and the PPP needs to worry about real threats. It is clear you cannot continue as you do without electoral reform. Otherwise you idiots would be sure to encourage insurrection on your own accord and end up like Gaddaddi. And he is in hiding even with tanks and Migs and well armed loyal troops.

Originally posted by albert:
Granger was around in 1973 and 1978 rigged elections and still wag his tail today with tumbling hands...

Granger was not around for the socalled X13 plot (when are you all PPP thugs going to be honest about your own PYO plots to commit genocide against AfroGuyanese in 1964?).

In 1973 he not in charge of the GDF and so would have been court martialled if he didnt follow the orders of the Commander in Chief. This is just as the commander in chief Roger Khan ordered the murder of sat and has not been punished for this.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by albert:
Granger was around in 1973 and 1978 rigged elections and still wag his tail today with tumbling hands...

Granger was not around for the socalled X13 plot (when are you all PPP thugs going to be honest about your own PYO plots to commit genocide against AfroGuyanese in 1964?).

In 1973 he not in charge of the GDF and so would have been court martialled if he didnt follow the orders of the Commander in Chief. This is just as the commander in chief Roger Khan ordered the murder of sat and has not been punished for this.

The ballot box martyrs were murdered under his watch
Originally posted by albert:
Granger is no sunday school day his name was call in the ballot box martyrs murder
Who called his name and in what context? Please provide us with an accounting from the news of the day that suggested he played a part in the murder of these men.

It is clear he has a lot of explaining to do and as long as he shows no sign of contrition for being a part of a system that ruined many lives; he is lacking. However, he is in good company with the PPP since they never ever do wrong.

Every complaint of their autocratic rule is met with the same response, they are simply the best for they task and they know it and that is how it is going to be. They accept no deliberation or discussion and to hell with what anyone else think

Well, there is a saying in our society about night running until day catches um.
Originally posted by caribj:

Granger was not around for the socalled X13 plot (when are you all PPP thugs going to be honest about your own PYO plots to commit genocide against AfroGuyanese in 1964?).

In 1973 he not in charge of the GDF and so would have been court martialled if he didnt follow the orders of the Commander in Chief. This is just as the commander in chief Roger Khan ordered the murder of sat and has not been punished for this.

The Nuremberg Trials would conclusively prove your views to be totally incorrect.
Originally posted by Streetsmart:

The ballot box martyrs were murdered under his watch

Did he murder them? Did he order them to be murdered? Were they murdered in an area for which he was responsible?

If he happene dto have coimncidentaly been in teh GDF at the time that is not enough evidence to make accusations against him.

Once again you PPP folks show how ignorant you are. Isnt there any intelligence among the PPP supporters or are only morons available to you all?
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:

The Nuremberg Trials would conclusively prove your views to be totally incorrect.

They would not. Only those who committed acts, or who ordered those acts to be committed, or who had the responsibility and authority to stop those acts from being committed were held responsible.

Granger did not head the GDF at the time, was not the Commander in Chief at the time. And these acts did NOT occur around Timehri where he was present at the time.

So no DG Granger would NOT have been responsible.

Your line of attack should not be to accuse hiom of crime sfor which he was not responsible.

Your line of attack would be for him to reveal HIS opinions about these acts. For that he can be held responsible if he were to deny such acts or find excuses to justify the massive voter fraud which occurred in 1973.
Originally posted by albert:
One wonders where was Granger during the 2002-2003 crime

Why are you asking that question. Is it that the PPP is so inept that they didnt know who was directly connected to, or was beind those who committed the criminal wave in that period?

Making innuendos about these acts without furnishing proof with the intent of tarnishing the reputation of some one who you can find no evidence was involve dwill only reveal how inept and/or dishonets the PPP is.

This is alike accusing Ramotar of being responsible for violent acts committed by RK which allegedly include (even druggie admits this0 the muredr of a PPP minister na dmembers of his family. Should the PNC and AFC campaign on blaming Ramotar for St Sawh's murder?
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:

The Nuremberg Trials would conclusively prove your views to be totally incorrect.

They would not. Only those who committed acts, or who ordered those acts to be committed, or who had the responsibility and authority to stop those acts from being committed were held responsible.

Granger did not head the GDF at the time, was not the Commander in Chief at the time. And these acts did NOT accur around Timehri where he was present at the time.

So no DG Granger would NOT have been responsible.

Your line of attack should not be to accuse hiom of crime sfor which he was not responsible.

Your line of attack would be for him to reveal HIS opinions about these acts. For that he can be held responsible if he were to deny such acts or find excuses to justify the massive voter fraud which occurred in 1973.

Review the Trials at Nuremberg again and you will see clearly that .. The Nuremberg Trials would conclusively prove your views to be totally incorrect.
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Review the Trials at Nuremberg again and you will see clearly that .. The Nuremberg Trials would conclusively prove your views to be totally incorrect.

Will not do so. Why dont you reveal how some one who didnt not commit acts, did not authorize acts being committed and lacked the authority to stop these cats from being committed would have been held guilty.

If merely being in the gestapo or other nazi organizations during WWII was enough to make one guilty thousands of people would have been punished.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:

Review the Trials at Nuremberg again and you will see clearly that .. The Nuremberg Trials would conclusively prove your views to be totally incorrect.

Will not do so. Why dont you reveal how some one who didnt not commit acts, did not authorize acts being committed and lacked the authority to stop these cats from being committed would have been held guilty.

If merely being in the gestapo or other nazi organizations during WWII was enough to make one guilty thousands of people would have been punished.

Your choice for review / non-review.

Your additions continue to indicate your lack of knowledge of the Nuremberg Trials.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:

Your additions continue to indicate your lack of knowledge of the Nuremberg Trials.

Were you knowledgebale about those trials you would furnish data. As you know nothing you cant.

You continue to expand your lack of knowledge of the specific issues .. Nuremberg Trials.
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
You continue to expand your lack of knowledge of the specific issues .. Nuremberg Trials.

This is what I expect of you. One line pieces of ignorance. You dont even know WHAT these trials were. You probably saw them referenced in the Mirror so cannot say how applicable they are to this topic.
There is a saying "when a dog starts sucking egg he can't stop"....Granger was allegedly involved in rigged elections and hijacking ballot boxes....he recently met with his old cadres probably to think up their old tricks...but the Guyanese electorate are wise....the elderly solider and his follow senior citizens should be ashamed of themselves...May God have mercy on their souls..
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:

You continue to expand your lack of knowledge of the specific issues .. Nuremberg Trials.

This is what I expect of you. One line pieces of ignorance. You dont even know WHAT these trials were. You probably saw them referenced in the Mirror so cannot say how applicable they are to this topic.

You continue to show a profound lack of basic facts/truths and a propensity to manufacture nonsense to substantiate your continued flawed views.
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
You continue to show a profound lack of basic facts/truths and a propensity to manufacture nonsense to substantiate your continued flawed views.

Funny that you seem unalbe to "educate" me. Clearly you dont even know what the Nuremberg trials were. One thing that they were not was an attempt to indict every single person who was a Nazi, in the Gestapo or a German soldier. You seem unable to refute these facts.

Just remember albert gets PAID to post this PPP nonsense. you dont.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:

You continue to show a profound lack of basic facts/truths and a propensity to manufacture nonsense to substantiate your continued flawed views.

Funny that you seem unalbe to "educate" me. Clearly you dont even know what the Nuremberg trials were. One thing that they were not was an attempt to indict every single person who was a Nazi, in the Gestapo or a German soldier. You seem unable to refute these facts.

Your continued ramblings shows your lack of relevance to specific issues.

It is quite clear that the Nuremberg Trials did NOT indicate that every German was a Nazi.
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
It is quite clear that the Nuremberg Trials did NOT indicate that every German was a Nazi.

The trials did not indict every German Nazi unless they were guilty of war crimes, ordered such crimes to be committed, or had the authority to prevent such crimes from being committed.

No where did I say that all Germans were nazis....just your illiteracy given you cause to dream that up.

Now go rest your old brain and dream of your Mama Janet. Guyana is a mess and your PPP have been running tht nation for almost 19 years. It continues to amaze (in a bad way) and amuse the rest of the Caribbean as they watch Guyanese flock to their own problem plagued nations. So much so that some require visas of Guyanese and others wish they could looking at St Maarten, Anguilla and the BVI with envy.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:

It is quite clear that the Nuremberg Trials did NOT indicate that every German was a Nazi.

The trials did not indict every German Nazi unless they were guilty of war crimes, ordered such crimes to be committed, or had the authority to prevent such crimes from being committed.

No where did I say that all Germans were nazis....just your illiteracy given you cause to dream that up.

Now go rest your old brain and dream of your Mama Janet. Guyana is a mess and your PPP have been running tht nation for almost 19 years. It continues to amaze (in a bad way) and amuse the rest of the Caribbean as they watch Guyanese flock to their own problem plagued nations. So much so that some require visas of Guyanese and others wish they could looking at St Maarten, Anguilla and the BVI with envy.

Your typical nonsensical and irrelevant ramblings.

Read again the statements ..

[Quote - Your Statement]
One thing that they were not was an attempt to indict every single person who was a Nazi, in the Gestapo or a German soldier.
[Unquote - Your Statement]

[Quote - My Statement]
It is quite clear that the Nuremberg Trials did NOT indicate that every German was a Nazi.
[Unquote - My Statement]
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
[Your typical nonsensical and irrelevant statements.

Read again the statement ..

[Quote - Your Statement]
One thing that they were not was an attempt to indict every single person who was a Nazi, in the Gestapo or a German soldier.
[Unquote - Your Statement]

[Quote - My Statement]
It is quite clear that the Nuremberg Trials did NOT indicate that every German was a Nazi.
[Unquote - My Statement]

And where in all that do you see a statement taht every German was a nazi?

You are senile. Go to a nursing home and get help.

You cant offer proof that the Nuremberg trials punished every nazi, gestapo or soldier because they did not. If they did the trials would stil be going on.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:

[Your typical nonsensical and irrelevant statements.

Read again the statement ..

[Quote - Your Statement]
One thing that they were not was an attempt to indict every single person who was a Nazi, in the Gestapo or a German soldier.
[Unquote - Your Statement]

[Quote - My Statement]
It is quite clear that the Nuremberg Trials did NOT indicate that every German was a Nazi.
[Unquote - My Statement]

And where in all that do you see a statement taht every German was a nazi?

You are senile. Go to a nursing home and get help.

You cant offer proof that the Nuremberg trials punished every nazi, gestapo or soldier because they did not. If they did the trials would stil be going on.

Read carefully .. We are BOTH saying that NOT all Germans were Nazis.
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:

Read carefully .. We are BOTH saying that NOT all Germans were Nazis.[/QUOTE]

DG we are NOT saying teh same thing as your senile riddled brain cannot detect.

I am saying that not every nazi was punished as thousands of Germans were indeed nazis.

It is a fact that in every dictatorship many become involved in the apparatus of oppression in order to safe guard themselves and their livelihood. War crimes are not based merely on membership in these groups. They are based on whether some one DIRECTLY committed a war crime or; whether they ordered such to be committed or; whether they had the authority to stop such crimes but refused to do so.

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