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Originally Posted by skeldon_man:


1.  They are owned by people who have contracts with Guysuco, and if they refused to transport they will lose those contracts.


2.  Black people DID NOT take up your offer.  That should indicate to you that they would rather spend their own money to go to APNU AFC events than to get a free ride to an Indo KKK rally.

Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by TK:

The openly racial campaigning and bringing up the past is scaring some Indians, but turning off the few Afros who vote PPP. Also turning off some of the relatively larger mixed population who vote for PPP. The election has teeth. For the first time since 1992, I can't say PPP will win an election. None of this is helpful when the Indo population is between 35 to 39%.

Problem is that the Indian vote is between 45 and 49%, and so the PPP doesn't have to buy too many non Indian votes to win.  The coalition has to turn out more Indians votes to win.  So unless Indians do the right thing and realize that, as their population dwindles, it isn't in their interest to endorse one race rule, then the PPP wins.

The PPP had done and will do everything legally possible(not anything) to win every election.

Skelly,the PPP is not doing everything legally to win

elections,using state resources for their election

campaign is not legal.


They have taken a page from Burnham's book,and

mastered the the plan how to brain washed their

supporters,keep them illiterate and raised the boogey

man during elections.

I don't think so. Burnham was a dictator and emperor. Burnham took all the money and starved the nation. If the PPP stole, at least the people are getting food. They tief  'lil bit' and leff de ress fuh de peeple. Guyana is 100% better today than under the PNC days. You just need to GO AND SEE FOR YOURSELF.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by TK:

The openly racial campaigning and bringing up the past is scaring some Indians, but turning off the few Afros who vote PPP. Also turning off some of the relatively larger mixed population who vote for PPP. The election has teeth. For the first time since 1992, I can't say PPP will win an election. None of this is helpful when the Indo population is between 35 to 39%.

Problem is that the Indian vote is between 45 and 49%, and so the PPP doesn't have to buy too many non Indian votes to win.  The coalition has to turn out more Indians votes to win.  So unless Indians do the right thing and realize that, as their population dwindles, it isn't in their interest to endorse one race rule, then the PPP wins.

The PPP had done and will do everything legally possible(not anything) to win every election.


I have a very very close up view of the tactics being employed in this campaign (especially by the PPP) and I can assure you that this election is being bought like a medieval papal conclave.


Every single dirty trick in the book is being used by the PPP. Every possible political conspiracy is afoot. This election is no real election. It is a mad scramble to hold onto power behind the scenes. The only people who seem surprised by all this (or oblivious to it) are the AFC madmen.


What astonishes (and others) is that it's actually working. Everyone is bribeable. There isn't an honest man (or woman) left in Guyana.


One active election campaign colleague of mine said to me "I didn't think the Blacks were so bribeable. Dem bais (at Freedom House) was right."

Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Django:

They have taken a page from Burnham's book,and


And they have even hired Burnham's goons!

That was Jaggy master stroke,invite them in

and we are in control.

The PNC is glad that you have taken their monsters as it demonstrates the true colors of the PPP. In fact one of your thugs was busted trying to instigate violence at the protest outside of the Marriott.  Is that what taxpayer funds should be used for, as you know these guys aren't working out of any love for the PPP.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
. If the PPP stole, at least the people are getting food.

They get food because of high gold prices (now dropping) and their overseas relatives.


1.  Guysuco on brink of collapse, with no prospects of recovery.


2.  Rice farmers not getting paid on time.


3.  Most PPP projects are failures and result in massive corruption and cost over runs.


Thank God Hoyte liberalized the economy so that an incompetent and corrupt PPP gov't cannot ruin it.

Originally Posted by TK:

The openly racial campaigning and bringing up the past is scaring some Indians, but turning off the few Afros who vote PPP. Also turning off some of the relatively larger mixed population who vote for PPP. The election has teeth. For the first time since 1992, I can't say PPP will win an election. None of this is helpful when the Indo population is between 35 to 39%.

You can say all of this again, TK, word for word. I couldn't have expressed it better, although I told a poster earlier today he was doing a fine job for the PPP in alienating Afros and douglas.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

One active election campaign colleague of mine said to me "I didn't think the Blacks were so bribeable. Dem bais (at Freedom House) was right."

Not surprised.  Blacks have long ago assigned themselves in the role of slaves to an Indian elite and think that their only hope is to get a few crumbs.  They have no vision of a Guyana where this will no longer occur.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by TK:

The openly racial campaigning and bringing up the past is scaring some Indians, but turning off the few Afros who vote PPP. Also turning off some of the relatively larger mixed population who vote for PPP. The election has teeth. For the first time since 1992, I can't say PPP will win an election. None of this is helpful when the Indo population is between 35 to 39%.

Problem is that the Indian vote is between 45 and 49%, and so the PPP doesn't have to buy too many non Indian votes to win.  The coalition has to turn out more Indians votes to win.  So unless Indians do the right thing and realize that, as their population dwindles, it isn't in their interest to endorse one race rule, then the PPP wins.

I doubt Indians account for 45 to 49% of the voting population. There is a difference between the voting population and the actual turn out. The point you made re Amerindians is a valid one.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

One active election campaign colleague of mine said to me "I didn't think the Blacks were so bribeable. Dem bais (at Freedom House) was right."

Not surprised.  Blacks have long ago assigned themselves in the role of slaves to an Indian elite and think that their only hope is to get a few crumbs.  They have no vision of a Guyana where this will no longer occur.


All the bright bais advising the PPP are actually quite astonished that the mudheads' strategy of bribing Black people when Blacks are this close to capturing power would not work. They were obviously wrong.


I confess that even I thought that appeasement and bribes can only work for so long and certainly not under this election's unique circumstances. Also, I confess I thought Blacks would just want the chest and the chest key instead of waiting for a few shillings from Uncle Persaud.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by TK:

The openly racial campaigning and bringing up the past is scaring some Indians, but turning off the few Afros who vote PPP. Also turning off some of the relatively larger mixed population who vote for PPP. The election has teeth. For the first time since 1992, I can't say PPP will win an election. None of this is helpful when the Indo population is between 35 to 39%.

Problem is that the Indian vote is between 45 and 49%, and so the PPP doesn't have to buy too many non Indian votes to win.  The coalition has to turn out more Indians votes to win.  So unless Indians do the right thing and realize that, as their population dwindles, it isn't in their interest to endorse one race rule, then the PPP wins.

I doubt Indians account for 45 to 49% of the voting population. There is a difference between the voting population and the actual turn out. The point you made re Amerindians is a valid one.

Indian turn out was down last time, even as APNU was able to get more of its supporters out.


So are you implying that the PPP has significant support among the African votes.  We already know that the Amerindian vote is not more than 50% of its representation in the voting age population, so around 4%.


Using your logic that the Indian voting age population is less than 45% you are implying that the black and mixed population are more than 50%.  So explain why the PPP only lost by 10k votes last time.


In any case if blacks stayed home last time, you think that Nagamootoo will get them out this time?  Because it is the same Granger heading the APNU ticket.


You don't make your case by under estimating the Indian voting age population.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Some kind of stronger statement from Granger that he is not Burnham, that the Coalition is not using Burnham's playbook, that Guyana will have an open free economy without banning of foods, will not be a bad strategy at this time.

What do you think?

This ban food is stupidness,Guyana is a free economy food

is imported by private business individuals,i see no reason

for the APNU/AFC to make any changes.


Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

One active election campaign colleague of mine said to me "I didn't think the Blacks were so bribeable. Dem bais (at Freedom House) was right."

Not surprised.  Blacks have long ago assigned themselves in the role of slaves to an Indian elite and think that their only hope is to get a few crumbs.  They have no vision of a Guyana where this will no longer occur.


All the bright bais advising the PPP are actually quite astonished that the mudheads' strategy of bribing Black people when Blacks are this close to capturing power would not work. They were obviously wrong.


I confess that even I thought that appeasement and bribes can only work for so long and certainly not under this election's unique circumstances. Also, I confess I thought Blacks would just want the chest and the chest key instead of waiting for a few shillings from Uncle Persaud.

The 2014 LAPOP poll and previous ones show the patronage has not been successful among Blacks. It is much more so among the mixed population, 20% of whom vote for PPP. The mixed population saves the PPP more than Amerindians.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


All the bright bais advising the PPP are actually quite astonished that the mudheads' strategy of bribing Black people when Blacks are this close to capturing power would not work. They were obviously wrong.



1.  Many blacks see Granger and his clique as bougie so don't necessarily equate an APNU AFC win with a "capturing power".  This is what sidelining people like KIssoon and Solomon who are closer to them results in, as well as the very low profile role which Hughes appears to be playing.  So some rather take the money not to vote.


2.  I assume that some of the bribes are to folks who will be responsible for turning out the vote.  If APNU AFC doesn't have a plan to offset this then they deserve to lose. Again I predicted this when I said that plans were afoot to bribe APNU AFC poll workers to turn a blind eye to PPP tricks.

Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Some kind of stronger statement from Granger that he is not Burnham, that the Coalition is not using Burnham's playbook, that Guyana will have an open free economy without banning of foods, will not be a bad strategy at this time.

What do you think?

This ban food is stupidness,Guyana is a free economy food

is imported by private business individuals,i see no reason

for the APNU/AFC to make any changes.



It's not that anyone thinks the PNC will be banning food bhai. It's to remind people how how much the PNC made the average man/woman punish when they were last in Government.


We all have to admit that the PNC's tenure from 1964 to 1992 was really friggin terrible by any measure. We can point to some instances of competence or what not but largely it was pretty awful.


The heart of the matter is that PNC rule made daily life difficult for everyone. From breakfast to gasoline for your car to toilet paper for your behind to oil to fry your phoulourie in.


Ironically, the PNC's reign of error sustains the PPP's reign of error because no matter what the PPP has done they do not personally punish the daily lives of ordinary nonpolitical people.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by TK:

The openly racial campaigning and bringing up the past is scaring some Indians, but turning off the few Afros who vote PPP. Also turning off some of the relatively larger mixed population who vote for PPP. The election has teeth. For the first time since 1992, I can't say PPP will win an election. None of this is helpful when the Indo population is between 35 to 39%.

Problem is that the Indian vote is between 45 and 49%, and so the PPP doesn't have to buy too many non Indian votes to win.  The coalition has to turn out more Indians votes to win.  So unless Indians do the right thing and realize that, as their population dwindles, it isn't in their interest to endorse one race rule, then the PPP wins.

I doubt Indians account for 45 to 49% of the voting population. There is a difference between the voting population and the actual turn out. The point you made re Amerindians is a valid one.

Indian turn out was down last time, even as APNU was able to get more of its supporters out.


So are you implying that the PPP has significant support among the African votes.  We already know that the Amerindian vote is not more than 50% of its representation in the voting age population, so around 4%.


Using your logic that the Indian voting age population is less than 45% you are implying that the black and mixed population are more than 50%.  So explain why the PPP only lost by 10k votes last time.


In any case if blacks stayed home last time, you think that Nagamootoo will get them out this time?  Because it is the same Granger heading the APNU ticket.


You don't make your case by under estimating the Indian voting age population.

So I take it you did some random samples that tells you there is a big difference between the actual demographics and that of the voters list?

Originally Posted by yuji22:

"From the chatter I am hearing from those close to both campaign teams, Moses Nagamootoo has proven to be a rank disappointment in the eyes of APNU as he is not really campaigning in Indian areas and not showing his Indian support (because he has none). This is probably due to the fact that he has no cult following outside of some homeless Jaganites on GNI and FB."

Hold on....

In 3 weeks...we will see who is right

and who is Goat Shit....


ask your PPP Chat-3 Contacts...

Let them name the Region in Guyana

Where Nandalall, Kwame, Lamumba + Jagdeo

got more supporters on the ground than Moses.



And give us the name of the APNU official

who is disappointed with Moses support.......


Please do not tell us

yuh listening to CaribJ and his Goat Shit again...


"The PPP is just worried about post-election violence in the expected event of their victory. They are confident about victory."

Yuji's 53 Percent PPP majority prediction stands.


Moses can talk and talk is cheap. AFC consists of a bunch of lazy politicians who can wine and dine and have nice speeches to stroke each other's ego.


PNC's biggest mistake was to refuse to apologize to Indos for their wrongdoings and rigging. They could have done so a year ago. 


Granger saying that he is not Burnham was not enough. He lost a golden opportunity to apologize in front of a crowd of mainly Indos in NY.


Victory is so close...

Change is on the horizon

APNUAFC's photo.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by TK:

The 2014 LAPOP poll and previous ones show the patronage has not been successful among Blacks. It is much more so among the mixed population, 20% of whom vote for PPP. The mixed population saves the PPP more than Amerindians.

The black voting age population is no more than 1/3.  My point being that APNU AFC has to convert more Indian voters than the PPP needs to convert more non Indian voters.  You confirm it.


The mixed and Amerindian votes for the PPP are about 5% of the votes, assuming the mixed vote at 15%.  Assuming that the PPP gets 5% of the African vote (less than 2% of the total) then it implies that  it implied that 42% of the voters are Indians for the PPP.  That is way more votes than the PNC gets from the black population (30% of the total votes).


if Nagamootoo doesn't bring Indian votes with him, not only does the APNU AFC lose, but the coalition ends. The PPP with regained control of the parliament and a thirst for revenge will run roughshod and the opposition will lack the votes to stop them. 


The AFC will then need fight with APNU for their seats.   So AFC supporters better get over any notion that they don't have to deliver.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Some kind of stronger statement from Granger that he is not Burnham, that the Coalition is not using Burnham's playbook, that Guyana will have an open free economy without banning of foods, will not be a bad strategy at this time.

What do you think?

This ban food is stupidness,Guyana is a free economy food

is imported by private business individuals,i see no reason

for the APNU/AFC to make any changes.



It's not that anyone thinks the PNC will be banning food bhai. It's to remind people how how much the PNC made the average man/woman punish when they were last in Government.


We all have to admit that the PNC's tenure from 1964 to 1992 was really friggin terrible by any measure. We can point to some instances of competence or what not but largely it was pretty awful.


The heart of the matter is that PNC rule made daily life difficult for everyone. From breakfast to gasoline for your car to toilet paper for your behind to oil to fry your phoulourie in.


Ironically, the PNC's reign of error sustains the PPP's reign of error because no matter what the PPP has done they do not personally punish the daily lives of ordinary nonpolitical people.

Shait's,talking about oil we had a small grocery business

was not looking for profits,it was like assisting my

community with the food shortage,it was my next half

idea being growing up in business and i had the contacts

to get some items.


Coconut oil was a big business in Wakenaam and Berbice

lots of Indos made money during that period.


I am sure you know the benefits of coconut oil.




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