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Ramotar administration is a mirror image of the

corruption, thievery, drugs & nepotism that were

the hallmark of the Jadgeo

November 4, 2012Leave a comment

Donald Ramotar has lived up to the expectations of his detractors NOVEMBER 4, 2012 | BY KNEWS | FILED UNDER LETTERS


Dear Editor, It was clear to many political observers and other interested parties that the Peoples Progressive Party Civic, did not field the best candidate at the November 2011 elections.  The critics at that time argued that Ramotar was weak and an untested; that he was not a critical thinker and had never held elected office or managed any complex governmental or non-governmental organization. Ramotar was perceived as a party hack, who was hand chosen by then president Bharatt Jagdeo, for all of the reasons mentioned. However, in keeping with Stalinist tradition the other more prepared and credible candidates all bowed out and acceded to the dictate of the Jagdeo faction at Freedom House. To be fair there were voices that championed the candidacy of Donald Ramotar, they claimed that he was a man who had come from humble beginnings and was involved in the labour movement, that he was a fair and honest man; in other words he was not Jagdeo. Today as we approach the one year anniversary of the Ramotar presidency what I find interesting but not surprising is that the naysayers were right. Donald Ramotar the seventh president of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana has lived up to the expectations of his detractors; he is a weak, ineffective and visionless head of state. In December 2011 at his inauguration president Ramotar told the nation that he would appoint his cabinet in two days and even flirted with the possibility of a cross-party government. Integrity, inclusivity and impartiality were the hallmark of a well balanced inaugural address; however, forty eight hours later Ramotar retained his predecessor’s cabinet, dashing all hopes for inclusivity, integrity and impartiality. Within days of forming his new government, on December 6th 2011 peaceful demonstrators were shot by the police while processing in Georgetown. This was followed by a bitter budget debate that saw for the first time in recorded history a sitting government picketing against the parliamentary opposition. Ramotar had promised that he was prepared to work together with all the political parties and stakeholders, but when it came to the National Budget, his minority government was not prepared to work with the Parliamentary majority APNU/AFC. The budget crisis spawned the Linden electricity crisis, when the PPPC government imposed on the people of Linden an undue hardship (an increase in the electric tariff), without negotiating or consulting with the peoples representatives.  In his inaugural address president Ramotar spoke of the exciting task of creating opportunities for all Guyanese, yet within three months of taking office he was imposing a draconian tax on a community (Linden) where 70% of the people are unemployed or severely under-employed. It was becoming quite clear that the new Head of State’s rhetoric were equidistant from his actions and his government’s treatment of the poor and depressed communities. As the situation escalated at Linden and the people and their Regional and national leaders called on the president to meet with them, to sit down and listen and consult, this president refused. Then came July 18th  2012 and three young men were brutally murdered after the Guyana Police Force again opened fire on peaceful protestors at the Mackenzie-Linden bridge. The following day the president met with the Opposition Leader and Regional representatives, but by this time it was too late; property would be destroyed and more people would be shot by the police, all because of a government’s refusal to meet it constitutional mandate of consulting with the people and their elected representatives. Consumed by crisis, and showing no real flair for bold and innovative leadership, the Ramotar administration continued as a mirror image of the corruption, thievery, drugs and nepotism that were the hallmark of the Jadgeo years. Once again innocents lives of young African men were taken, killed at the hands of the police; Shaquille Grant at Agricola; Dameon Belgrave in Georgetown. In a side note, it was no surprise a few days ago that the longest serving member of the cabinet and president Ramotar’s Minister of Home Affairs Clement Rohee admitted under oath, when answering a question from Attorney Basil Williams(at the Linden Commission of Inquiry), that he(Rohee) was not a visionary. So, with a head of state that has proven to be weak, ineffective and visionless, surrounded by a cabinet that is mediocre for the most part, but generally less than stellar there is not much hope for the ensuing period of the Ramotar presidency. Mr. Editor I truly searched for something complimentary to say about this period, but all I could find was controversy and conflict. In a country where most of the people would be classified as poor, the Ramotar government celebrates things and calibrates its development based on big buildings, poorly conceived roads and brand name hotels rather than human development. The level of unemployment in this country is unsustainable, the under education of our children and the school dropout rate nationally is unsustainable, the crime situation and the lawlessness of our law enforcement agencies is unsustainable, yet this president has been deathly silent and has failed to lead on all of these important issues facing our nation. Even if one graded on a curve it would be difficult to give this president anything but a failing grade in his first year in office. Mark Archer


PPP cannot win a majority in any new elections


May 5, 2014 · By Staff Writer · 3 Comments Next Article »



Dear Editor,

Conventional wisdom dictates that almost all of the adults and most of the children in Guyana are fully aware of the fact that Afro-Guyanese overwhelmingly voted for the PNC and similarly East Indians voted en masse for the PPP, with Amerindians and the mixed races by and large supporting the Government in power. However, with the arrival of the AFC on the political scene in 2006, this tradition has been tested and combined with the extraordinary migration rate especially of East Indians from Guyana, we can say with much certainty that the PPP cannot win a majority in any new elections. For one reason, the AFC has changed the political dynamics/landscape in Guyana. For another, the East Indian population on the Corentyne which is the PPP stronghold has been drastically reduced by 22% due largely to migration. Hence the wisdom of Dr. Roger Luncheon to throw cold water on early elections has dampened the enthusiasm of the Jagdeoites in the PPP. Simply put, their political immaturity has been exposed for all to see.

( govt-wont-go-polls-budget-cut-says-luncheon/)

This means that the opposition has ample time to prepare properly for the constitutionally due elections in 2016. One of the things the opposition must do is to pressure the minority PPP regime to amend the constitution before the next election. Second, they must dive into the villages and instill confidence in the people to vote on issues rather than race; thus breaking from the conformist tradition of racial voting in Guyana. The PPP has already started their grassroots operation with some 500 plus paid PYO operatives, funding for which is unclear. Unfortunately, the opposition (APNU/AFC) will have to depend on donations from the diaspora and the local private sector to drive such an operation since the PPP has caused the death of volunteerism in Guyana. Unlike the olden times when the cost of living was low, people use to volunteer but today they cannot afford to volunteer because of the high cost of living which has forced many to seek two jobs.

One must note that state resources were misused by the PNC in the past to conduct political activity through an outfit called the Ministry of National Mobilization. Today the PPP is conducting the same kind of political activity using PYO activists. The PPP is working craftier but unfortunately their operation continues to fail since people at the bottom rung of the economic ladder cannot eat propaganda, distortions and untruths for dinner or to support their children with unfilled and empty promises. Most live by paycheck to paycheck. In their 22 years in power, the PPP has not learnt that Guyana cannot progress or develop without the majority of the people being happier and wealthier. But some in the regime are too blind to see that their policies of helping their friends and relatives and the marginalization of a large section of the population are hampering the human and economic development of Guyana. It is Abraham Lincoln who said “no nation can survive half slave and half free.”

For the 285,000 citizens of Guyana who remain at the bottom rung of the economic ladder, it matters not whether Guyana’s GDP grew by 5 percent or 10 percent since their personal wealth has not improved and thus they cannot connect with the PPP propaganda message.

So if the PPP really wants a landslide victory in the next election, they have to ensure that there is personal security for all, there must be equality for all especially to have access to the national resources and there must be a genuine effort by the PPP to create jobs for the youths and to treat everyone equally and fairly irrespective of their race or political affiliations.

But this is not the case as more than 70 percent of the children of Guyana continue to fail English, Mathematics, and other science subjects at the CXC Exam under Minister Priya Manickchand; thus making them unable to further their education at a university of their choice.

But it seems that Guyana is not blessed because we have an opposition that seems incapable of capitalizing on the opportunity to convert the political mistakes and gross incompetence of the PPP into political success for them. We believe that the time is now for the opposition to have their grassroots soldiers in every town, village and district carrying the truth to the people and pleading with them for their support. The time is now for the opposition to demand that the constitution be changed/amended. This is the same constitution the PPP had condemned when they were in opposition but today they are using it to deny the people their rights.

Press conferences, TV interviews and public meetings in Georgetown cannot be the only communication tools at the disposal of the opposition. They have to be in the field preparing the ground for victory in 2016. The combined opposition has to find a way to reach out to those Guyanese who did not vote in the last election. The AFC in particular has to wage a vigorous campaign in every region and not only in regions 5, 6, and 8 as they did in the last election. Can the opposition do it? Well if the record of the last two-and a half years is any guide to go by, then the people of Guyana are in for sadder times and will be doomed for another term with a PPP minority government.

Yours faithfully,

Dr. Asquith Rose and

Harish S. Singh.


Govt. scraps birth certificate requirement for passports

July 31, 2014 | By | Filed Under News


- says process will take longer


Government has reversed the controversial requirements, which mandated applicants to submit a recently issued birth certificate in order to acquire a machine-readable passport. Last month, the Ministry of Home Affairs announced a new requirement mandating first time applicants to present a birth certificate that was obtained no more than six months prior to the date of application. The Ministry of Home Affairs had outlined that the requirement was for integrity purposes. It said “this process is necessary to enable Guyana to comply with international best practices and prevent illegal use of travel documents.” The new policy, however, sparked public outrage and one applicant moved to the courts to have the policy reversed. Attorney-at-Law, Saphier Husain-Subedar, in a court action last month described the requirement as not legal and “unconstitutional.” He, too, like many others had been turned down and asked to apply for a new birth certificate that had not been issued beyond six months Chief Justice (Ag), Ian Chang later made a ruling which commanded the Chief Immigration Officer/ Commissioner of Police, Seelall Persaud, his agent, servant and subordinate officers to accept Husain’s birth certificate, which was issued on January 22, 2004, and consider his application for an electronic machine readable passport. The Commissioner of Police was further ordered to pay the applicant costs in the sum of $15,000. The Ministry of Home Affairs then announced that it had shifted the six months birth certificate requirement to two years. However, the policy continued to attract criticisms. On Wednesday, businessman Gainlal Sookraj opted to take Top Cop, Seelall Persaud to court over the new requirement. With yet another court case looming, the Ministry of Home Affairs issued a statement yesterday outlining that persons applying for passports are required to submit a passport application form, birth certificate, one (1) passport-size photograph and a fee of $4000. The advisory made specific reference to previous press statements issued on June 5 and July 16 in relation to the birth certificate requirements to acquire passports. “With the introduction of the machine-readable passport system, there was a requirement by the Ministry that the Guyana Police Force would implement an arrangement where members of the public applying for passports for the first time, would present to the Immigration Department birth certificates that were issued not more than six (6) months prior to the date of the application.” “The intention was to guarantee the integrity of the newly implemented machine-readable passport system. Unfortunately this arrangement was not implemented by the Guyana Police Force, as required by the Ministry of Home Affairs,” the release stated. The Ministry noted that it is cognizant of the concerns of members of the public, and therefore reviewed the entire system pertaining to the issuance of passports along with the Guyana Police Force. “In relation to lost/damaged passport the processing fee is $15,000, and additional conditionalities are required to be satisfied to facilitate issuance.” It was explained that given the need for a “more robust” verification process to accompany the production of the travel document, “the five (5) day processing time previously guaranteed by the Guyana Police Force is not likely to be honoured.” The Ministry promised that the Guyana Police Force through its Immigration Department will make all reasonable efforts to expedite the processing of the applications.


How more stupid can the PPP/C and their Ministers get?


Jagdeo’s benefits are mother of immoralities – says anti corruption advocate

July 15, 2014 | By | Filed Under News


…but Rohee defends Jagdeo’s pension benefits

General Secretary for the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) has come out in defence of the exorbitant benefits which former

General Secretary of the PPP Clement Rohee

General Secretary of the PPP Clement Rohee

President Bharrat Jagdeo is benefiting from under the Former Presidents (Benefits and Facilities) Act which Jagdeo made law in 2009. Under this controversial law which was vehemently opposed at the time, it costs taxpayers an average of $3M each month to support Jagdeo. His security, electricity and transportation alone, average $1.7M each month. Then there is his $1.2M pension each month. Using the monthly average of $1.2M for his security, transportation, electricity and pension, it means that Jagdeo to date, since leaving office would have cost taxpayers in excess of $83M. Rohee in defence of the benefits that Jagdeo is accruing said that “aren’t all of those things within what the Parliament provide him with, so what is the problem?” He said that there “will always be objections and there will continue to be objections, like we are seeing everyday in the headlines of the Kaieteur News.” The PPP General Secretary continued, “Kaieteur News is never giving up on Jagdeo, all that I am saying is that whatever spending was done it was not illegal it was authorized by the Parliament, you are free like the Kaieteur News is free and every citizen of Guyana is free to express a view on this money.” Rohee said that one has to be certain and take clearly into account that “the money was not illegitimately spent, not illegally spent and not spent outside of what was provided by the Parliament.” It was Alliance for Change (AFC) Leader Khemraj Ramjattan, who back in 2009 computed that the Former President’s pension package would amount to just over $3M monthly. This was vehemently denied by the administration at the time. Carl Greenidge, of A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), had attempted to cap the benefits, under the controversial piece of legislation by bringing amendments to the National Assembly. This was approved by the opposition using its majority but President Donald Ramotar, has never assented to it. Addressing the cap that the opposition approved for the President’s benefits, Rohee said that “any cap that is coming from the opposition I would bag it.” Rohee said that he does not agree with the combined opposition’s position that the money Jagdeo is receiving is exorbitant. “I disagree with anything the opposition says in respect of Jagdeo, I disagree because I believe that they are being personally vindictive towards the ex- President; that’s my position as the General Secretary of the PPP,” said Rohee. The PPP, according to Rohee, supported the Bill in the Parliament with respect to the benefits of the President’s Bill. “We consciously did that in the Parliament, every single MP supported that, including Mr. Nagamootoo who at the time was sitting on the government benches, so if we did that at that time, that is a manifestation of where the PPP stood clear and simply.”

Former President Bharrat Jagdeo

Former President Bharrat Jagdeo

Asked whether that position conflicts with that of founder of the PPP Dr. Cheddi Jagan, Rohee said, “I would leave that for the so called political pundits to speculate on, that I’m not getting into.” Rohee was then asked that in a democratic society the government and the opposition are the people who would generally engage in discussions, bargain and work together or negotiate, but from his position the opposition is inconsequential. Rohee said that “as far as I am personally concerned, the opposition doesn’t want anything to do with me, so why should I have anything to do with them.” He said, however, from the position of General Secretary when it comes to the interest of the party “that’s a different question because the party’s position rest with the central committee, the congress rests with the executive committee which are collective bodies where all the leaders sit. “When they make a decision with which I am a part of, well then those decisions would be faithfully followed and implemented.” And an anti corruption advocate is contending that even though the benefits might be legal it is the “height of immorality; it’s the mother of all moralities.” His comments came against the backdrop of Guyana’s economic standing where wealth is highly skewed with the few rich and the many poor. He said the perpetuation of the former Presidents benefits “lacks serious consideration for the poor, for the disadvantaged, the unemployed youths. “Look how many people are living in Guyana with minimum wage; so many people are unemployed, in abject poverty.” “This thing is a national disgrace, it’s a national embarrassment, it lacks morality, integrity, fair play, justice and equality,” said the advocate.


PPP losing East Indian support-base; time to share power with opposition - Ramkarran

PPP's Headquarters, Freedom House.

PPP's Headquarters, Freedom House. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Former People’s Progressive Party (PPP) Executive Committee member, Ralph Ramkarran has said that that political organization would ultimately have to give into power-sharing because the latest population census shows that its traditional East Indian support continues to decline. “With confirmation of the reducing Indian population by the census, if the PPP wants to continue holding political power, it has to be prepared to share it,” he said in his weekly column on his website , Conversation Tree ( The Guyana Bureau of Statistics would not be releasing the ethnic composition of the 747,884 persons until next year. But Ramkarran relied on results showing that in Region 6, a stronghold of the PPP, the population declined by 15,000 at the end of 2012. Adding Regions 5 and 3, also strongholds of the PPP, there was a total decline of 20,000 persons. While Ramkarran appeared not to have considered inward migration and the percentage of the 20,000 persons who might be of voting age, he said the latest census figures have confirmed his previous reasoning that the PPP lost its simple parliamentary majority in 2011 due to a decline in its East Indian support base in addition to apathy and loss of support. “The confirmation of what I and others have predicted and which is now supported by the census figures as to the decreasing Indian population, holds considerable implications for the outcome of any future elections,” he said. He observed that the PPP-aligned Indian Arrival Committee (IAC) and PPP Executive Member, Hydar Ally have been talking recently about the implications of the census results on Guyana’s governance, a signal that the higher echelons of the party might be conducting similar analyses. “. Together, they give public recognition from these  important PPP sources that more than a minority government is needed in the current conditions. It would not be an exaggeration to conclude that these statements probably reflect an internal PPP view at a high level which is now finding its way in the public domain,” said Ramkarran. Ramkarran, a former House Speaker, believes that correcting political mistakes alone will not be enough to restore the PPP’s political fortunes. “It needs to expand its political support across ethnic or traditional lines,” he suggested and indicated that would be an almost impossible task.  Despite doing more than any other political party to expand its political base with little permanent success- except among Amerindians, he said the major obstacle was the ethnic hold on political expression and opinion. The Indian Arrival Committee (IAC) is close to the PPP. It issued a statement last week expressing its “alarm” over the census figures and its implications for economic growth. After contrasting figures between Guyana and Singapore showing a similar level of development in 1960, it then showed how Singapore moved ahead dramatically while Guyana stagnated. The statement concluded that: “This reality should be cause for urgent action… The IAC strongly feels that the time has come for a serious re-examination of Governance initiatives which will enhance a feeling of inclusiveness and togetherness by all ethnic groups.” He recommended that the PPP seize the golden opportunity to transform Guyana’s political landscape by boldly seizing the initiative and inviting the entire Opposition in the Government, even for a limited period with limited objectives, to restore political sanity. Ramkarran predicted that the current governance situation could resume and probably worsen, if the PPP does not alternatively consider accepting the AFC’s invitation for dialogue on the issue of governance. “ Its ten-point plan, whether meritorious or not, shows that it is prepared to shelve its plan to consider a no confidence motion, which is an immediate threat to the survival of the government. If the PPP is interested in survival with dignity, it can do worse than consider the ten-point plan along with a new coalition mechanism involving the AFC, if PNCR/AFC electoral collaboration is not on the cards,” he added. Should the opposition pass a no-confidence vote in the government, the President would have no other alternative but to dissolve government and call elections in three months.

General election looms

as APNU decides to support

AFC's no-confidence motion...

Parliament Building where the opposition's no-confidence motion will be debated and more than likely passed.

Parliament Building where the opposition's no-confidence motion will be debated and more than likely passed.

Guyanese could return to the polls later this year in an early general election after Tuesday's decision by the opposition A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) to support the Alliance For Change’s (AFC) no-confidence motion against the Donald Ramotar administration.

The Constitution states that on the House's approval of a no-confidence motion, the President and Cabinet have to resign and make way for general and regional elections within three months.

“The position of the Shadow Cabinet is to give support to the AFC…we have resolved to support it and we have to discuss it further with our own partners who have not yet been informed of our decision,” Opposition Leader, David Granger told Demerara Waves Online News shortly after wrapping up a Shadow Cabinet meeting.
The AFC has already formally informed President Donald Ramotar that it would be going ahead with the no-confidence motion because of the alleged unauthorized spending of billions of dollars from the Consolidated Fund on projects and programmes that have been already disapproved by the opposition-controlled House during consideration of the 2014 estimates of expenditures. Pending in the House is the approval of a Statement of Excesses for GUY$4.5 billion dollars that have been already spent so far.
Now that Granger's parliamentary coalition has agreed to support the motion, which was submitted by the AFC on August 1, he said the next step would be internal consultations among APNU’s partners and another round of talks with the AFC to fine-tune the text of the motion. “We will have to work out with the AFC the full text. What we have is enough but we need to maybe flesh it out a little bit more but the whole idea is that in principle we have agreed to support the AFC," he said.
With the 65-seat House expected to go into recess later this month, Granger expects parliamentarians to debate and approve the motion around October when sittings resume.  With the APNU deciding to add its 26 seats to the AFC’s seven, the motion is expected to be approved and so leave the governing People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) out in the cold with its 32 seats.
President Ramotar has repeatedly said that he is not afraid of going to back to the polls earlier than the constitutional deadline of 2016 to seek a fresh mandate from the electorate.  Passage of the no-confidence motion would trigger the resignation of the President and his Cabinet and a return to the polls.
The Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) has already begun preparing a Voters List which would be valid until October 31, 2014. The PPPC and government have questioned the motive behind the electoral management body preparing the voters roll in the absence of an announcement by the President.
The Opposition Leader dismissed suggestions that APNU had attached conditions such as a pre-electoral alliance before deciding to lend its support to the motion.
Granger said APNU did not believe that an AFC complaint to the police against Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh for his alleged breach of the law and constitution in relation to using money from the Consolidated Fund in the way that he has done. 
House Speaker, Raphael Trotman has already ruled that Singh should be sent to the Privileges Committee, a move that has seen government contemplating taking his decision to court because the issue is a legal and constitutional one rather than procedural.
Government has insisted that its spending of money and seeking the House’s approval for a Statement of Excess was not unprecedented and was in keeping with the Guyana Constitution and the Fiscal Management and Accountability Act.

Rev, Yuji, Kwame

& all Dem Pubic Louse....

Now...."Got De Itch"

Originally Posted by asj:

The Corrupt PPP/C is now shitting in their pants, Guyanese needs to keep away from these stinkers

the last one get shitings the guyanese had to pay his bills


$10M road starts to crumble days after construction

July 6, 2014 | By | Filed Under News

Even as the Ramotar Administration continues to talk about value for money, residents of Den Amstel

A section of the road which has already started to crumble.

A section of the road which has already started to crumble.

and De Kinderen, West Coast Demerara, are complaining that the government is splurging funds and reaping nothing but substandard work. At Den Amstel, West Coast Demerara, there’s a $10M road leading up to the community koker which according to a Neighbourhood Democratic councilor, is already falling apart. The project was awarded by the Regional Democratic Council. When Kaieteur News visited the area last week residents said that a contractor from Berbice completed the road within two days. The road, according to the councilor, is no more than an inch thick. There is no edging on the road and the heavy duty machines that traverse have caused a “break-way”.  Kaieteur News was told that the entire project has been shrouded in secrecy. Several attempts to obtain the “Bill of quantities” from the officials were always blocked by excuses. “Government spend ten million on a road that build in two days and it start to break up already,” one resident told Kaieteur News. Efforts to contact officials from the RDC proved futile. Meanwhile, in nearby Meten-Meer-Zorg, residents have been left without a sturdy bridge which would allow them to easily enter and exit their area through the adjacent De Kinderen village. Kaieteur News was told that the bridge would be utilized mainly by school children whose schools are located in De Kinderen. According to residents, the bridge began to deteriorate in early February 2011, and both the Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC) and the Regional Democratic Council (RDC) were notified that speedy repairs were necessary. Kaieteur News was further told that it wasn’t until late March 2011 after heavy flooding that Regional Chairman,

Boeraserie East Bank Essequibo RDC spends one million dollar to build this toilet.

Boeraserie East Bank Essequibo RDC spends one million dollar to build this toilet.

Julius Faerber, and members of the NDC paid the area a visit. They then witnessed the further deterioration of the bridge and subsequently dismantled the remaining structure with promises to rebuild a new bridge within a short period of time. It is now three years, and residents are still without a bridge in the community. This newspaper was told that the National Assembly through the Ministry of Public Works had voted for the bridge to be repaired. But nothing has been done and residents are unaware when the works would commence. Residents in Boeraserie Housing Scheme complained to Kaieteur News bitterly about flooding in the area also. Kaieteur News was told that the scheme which consists of about 32 homes has no proper drainage.  Residents said that they would clean the “small drains” in the area, but that isn’t enough.  According to Colbert Leander, who is the Vice Chairman of the scheme, residents are deprived of most services other neighbouring communities enjoy. He explained that the last thing that the RDC did for the community was build a “toilet” on a play field at a cost of $1M. Leander said that the community has few street lights and roads are in need of repair.



$10M road starts to crumble days after construction

July 6, 2014 | By | Filed Under News

Even as the Ramotar Administration continues to talk about value for money, residents of Den Amstel


Corruptions and kickbacks order of the day.


No happiness living in a divided, backward and corrupt country

July 26, 2014 | By | Filed Under News

…lets fight against PPP, not ourselves- Granger tells congress

By Abena Rockcliffe The oxymoron ‘bitter sweet’ is what characterized the atmosphere yesterday at Congress place as hundreds gathered for the opening ceremony of the 18th Biennial Delegates’ Congress of the People’s National Congress Reform.

PNCR leaders hold up their candles during the congress to give Guyana light to find its way back

PNCR leaders hold up their candles during the congress to give Guyana light to find its way back


Even though most of the attendees took up seating inside, small pockets of people gathered at different points in the compound conversing on issues relating to the event. But nevertheless, the show went on. The event is being held under the theme “PNCR For National Unity, Good Governance and Development.” Aubrey Norton, who is running for party leadership, spent most of his time outside while Sharma Solomon sat inside with the Linden delegation. Incumbent leader, David Granger delivered his speech in his capacity as is traditional at the event. The politician centered his address on the dream of Guyana being “one nation” as the motto suggests. Granger explained that the dream of National Unity is not a new one. He said that PNC entered government as part of a coalition administration in December 1964 and started the transformation of colonial Guyana into modern statehood. Granger reminded that the PNC led Guyana to Independence 18 months later, on 26th May 1966, under the national motto – One People, One Nation, One Destiny. He said that his party remains committed to making the motto a reality, but noted that “We cannot become One Nation if we are divided.” Granger said that the idea of having one nation was the vision of founder leader Forbes Burnham. He said that Burnham started talks with the People’s Progressive Party – PPP – in 1976 and resumed talks in 1984 to establish a government of national unity. The politician added that it was the party’s second leader Desmond Hoyte who invited members of civil society into the party and succeeded in changing its name to PNC/ Reform. “His aim was to promote national unity through shared governance,” Granger added. According to Granger, that vision was shared by the party’s third leader Robert Corbin who forged the PNC/R-One Guyana alliance. “It is with that vision that, today, as the fourth leader of our party, I am proud to continue the PNCR’s tradition of leadership in advancing the One Nation project and in reaffirming A Partnership for National Unity’s commitment to that objective,” said Granger. He told the gathering that his mission is to lead the PNCR and APNU into the next elections and establish a government of national unity. Granger said that the results of the 28th November 2011 General and Regional elections should have made it clear that the majority of Guyanese want an ‘inclusionary democracy’ in order to promote national unity. He noted that Guyanese, increasingly, are calling on the PPP to abandon its “winner-takes-all” attitude to governance and work with the majority to build ‘One Nation.’ He added that the current ‘dispensation’ in the National Assembly requires consultation and cooperation between the Legislative and Executive branches of government instead of the current “convention of confrontation favoured by the PPP.” The party leader pointed out that the PNC/R is an integral part of APNU and said that “We will together continue to fulfill our obligation to the nation both through the legislative process in the National Assembly and in the country at large.” He said the party and the coalition will continue to work with the major sections of society – including other political parties; trade unions; private sector and civil society – to realize a common quest for consensus on a broad national programme to move the country forward. Among many other things, Granger said that the PNCR will continue the struggle to ensure that Municipal and Neighbourhood Democratic Councils which have been damaged or dismantled by the PPP are restored. He said that the Party will continue to battle against poverty, to establish working people’s economic independence and to improve their livelihood. As he pointed out all that is wrong with the country, Granger said that Guyana is definitely in a crisis. He said that the PPPC’s dismal 21-year record has ensured that Guyana remains an unequal and poor society in which a few people enjoy an extremely high income while most endure an extremely small income.  He said that four out of ten Guyanese are classified as poor of which three are considered to be extremely poor. Granger said that Guyana is most definitely a corrupt country. He cited the Transparency International Corruption Perception Index 2013, which ranked Guyana 136th out of 177 countries – 121 places behind Barbados. Granger said that growth is hampered by extensive corruption and lack of economic and employment opportunities. Granger then moved to address the notion that Guyana is an “unequal society.” He said that the PPPC’s attitudes and policies are harming social cohesion, undermining the  sense of solidarity, impoverishing a large section of the population, alienating the hinterland regions and gradually creating ‘two nations’ instead of cementing One Nation. Addressing what he dubbed the “government crisis,” Granger said that this is because of PPPC’s reluctance to acknowledge its minority status in the National Assembly and to join the majority in the movement towards establishing a government of national unity. The politician said that the President’s refusal to assent to certain Bills passed by the Assembly has stuck like a bone in the throat of the Opposition. He added that the Minister of Finance’s management of the nation’s assets has been a major source of political contention and noted, “We shall soon settle that!” Granger said that President Donald Ramotar had the opportunity at the PPP’s first congress (the party’s 30th congress) in five years to drop his party’s time-worn, winner-takes-all approach and adopt an inclusionary approach to governance. But, “He lost it. He went instead on an unapologetic and uncompromising offensive against the Opposition in the National Assembly and the independent media.” Granger reminded that Speaker of the National Assembly Raphael Trotman had to warn the Executive of the danger of a constitutional crisis and said that Ramotar precipitated this crisis. “He declared publicly, since 13th June 2012, that he had no intention of supporting any Bill piloted by the Opposition. This is not democracy at all. It is autocracy.” Granger told his people that the PPP/C has undermined local democracy for the past 20 years. He said that has led to the imposition of the worst form of colonial-era direct rule. The politician added that this has paralyzed the entire local government system and undermined the economic development of many municipalities and neighbourhoods. He said that progress has been impeded, most of all, by the PPP/C’s failure to conduct Local Government elections under reformed legislation and thereby allow the people themselves to take decisions that affect the development of their communities. Granger spoke as well about the “Hinterland crisis, Public security crisis and the Social protection crisis. He said that the only end to the overall state of crisis Guyana has found itself in is the “One Nation solution.” He said however that, “We cannot become ‘One Nation’ if gross disparities persist between the hinterland and the coastland and between the educated and a mass of semi-literates. Dark forces – poverty, oppression and hatred – threaten to pull us apart. A united nation ought to be one in which cooperation prevails over confrontation and national integration over communal disintegration.” According to Granger, such a change inevitably, must be based on recognition of the authority and autonomy of the National Assembly. He added that there must be respectful relations between the Executive and Legislative branches of government and reverence for the institutions of the state. Granger put forward that the President and the PPP/C must understand that the way out of the crisis is to promote national unity, ensure human safety and foster economic development. He said that the PNCR’s ‘One Nation’ approach could be the main means of combining the talents of a wider constituency and of creating the conditions for social cooperation and economic progress. He noted that the three-fold purpose of such a project would be to reach a broad consensus on the goals of national development, to establish a sustainable institutional architecture and to create effective policy instruments for the achievement of the common objectives. According to the leader, “Our resilient and resourceful people and communities are eager to play their part in rebuilding our country as One Nation.” He said that the big question facing Congress is  “…are you happy living in Guyana today?” He described Guyana as a divided, backward, corrupt, PPP one party, narco country and asked those gathered if they are happy living in such a county. The response was a resounding “No”. Granger said, “Come with me; let us fight the PPP not one another. Let us keep the pressure up to push the PPP out of office, elect a government of national unity and give the Guyanese people the good life that they deserve.  May God bless you. May God bless the PNC/R. May God bless Guyana!”


He described Guyana as a divided, backward, corrupt, PPP one party, narco country and asked those gathered if they are happy living in such a county. The response was a resounding “No”. Granger said, “Come with me; let us fight the PPP not one another. Let us keep the pressure up to push the PPP out of office, elect a government of national unity and give the Guyanese people the good life that they deserve.  May God bless you. May God bless the PNC/R. May God bless Guyana!”


Parliament to probe Finance Minister’s excess spending

July 25, 2014 | By | Filed Under News

- Govt. mulls options


Speaker of the National Assembly, Raphael Trotman, has ruled that the spending of $4.5B by Finance Minister Dr. Ashni


House Speaker Raphael Trotman

House Speaker Raphael Trotman


Singh without the approval of the National Assembly has raised sufficiently serious questions to be inquired into by the Committee of Privileges. The Attorney General, Anil Nandlall, has since responded, saying that it is for the courts to decide on constitutional matters and not a Committee of Parliament. Nandlall who has responded to the Speaker’s ruling on his social media ‘facebook’ page says that the Article of the Constitution that the Finance Minister is relying on regarding the expenditure is an exception to the section that primarily deals with expenditure from the Consolidated Fund. Article 217 of the Constitution provides that no monies shall be expended from the Consolidated Fund except by way of an Appropriation Act, commonly referred to as the Budget, but Article 218 (3) (B) provides for the Minister to make an expenditure and subsequently provide the National Assembly with a Statement of Excess. It has been argued that the Minister illegally spent the money and the Alliance for Change (AFC) has lodged a formal complaint with the Guyana Police Force and the Director of Public Prosecutions over what the party deems illegal expenditure to the tune of $4.5B. Nandlall, in response to the ruling by the Speaker, says that while he is bound to be guided by Trotman’s decision, “I do not consider myself restrained from expressing a view on the ruling, even a critical and outspoken one.” According to Nandlall, the issue raised in the Motion by A Partnership for National Unity (APNU)’s Carl Greenidge, to have the Minister committed to a Committee of Privileges, is purely a legal one. “It concerns the interpretation of several provisions of the Constitution, including Articles 217 and 218…Article 217 essentially provides when, and in what circumstances, monies can be withdrawn from the Consolidated Fund.” According to Nandlall, Article 218 provides for monies to be drawn from the Consolidated Fund outside of the strictures imposed by Article 217. “In short, Article 218 is but an exception to Article 217…In other words, Article 217 sets out the general rule and Article 218, the exceptions to that rule.” He contends that this is precisely why the wording of Article 218 succeeds the words of Article 217. Nandlall argues that the very two articles were examined by the Chief Justice (ag), Ian Chang in the Budget Cut case and interpreted along the same vein he is suggesting. “The Chief Justice did so in both his interim as well as his final rulings…The Speaker, the Leader of the Opposition and all the lawyers in the National Assembly for the Opposition participated in this case, either as parties or as attorneys at law…I presume therefore that they have read the two rulings. Indeed they have appealed.”

Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh

Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh


Nandlall has since argued that what has been referred to the Privileges Committee by the Speaker is hardly a matter of “privilege,” rather it is a matter of law and constitutional interpretation. “The simple truth is, that, a Member of the House cannot act in conformity with the Constitution and at the same time violate a privilege…Constitutional supremacy, which is the cornerstone upon which our constitutional democracy rests, mandates that the glories of the common law, statute law, by-laws, standing orders, rules and regulations and indeed administrative policies, must bend and bow to the provisions of the Constitution.” According to Nandlall, under the doctrine of separation of powers, the Court, and not the Privileges Committee of the National Assembly, or any other forum for that matter, is exclusively vested with the constitutional responsibility of interpreting and determining matters of law, whenever there is any controversy. He said (Speaker) Trotman has fallen into error in determining that there was a serious question of privilege and transmitting same to the Privileges Committee. Nandlall, who is the legal advisor to the Government, is of the opinion that the Privileges Committee is without jurisdiction to deal with the matter for several reasons. He argues that the persons who will constitute the Committee will come from the membership of political parties that have an interest to serve and “have indeed said publicly that the Minister has violated the Constitution and the law; in short they have made up their minds.” Nandlall opined that it will be impossible for the Minister to get a fair hearing at the Committee. He said that the persons who will sit on this Committee are simply unqualified to determine the legal issues which will arise. He said too that, significantly, the very issue is sub judice, and is the subject of an appeal pending before the Guyana Court of Appeal, and therefore ought not to be the subject of any consideration, either in the National Assembly as a whole, or in any of its Committees. As a result, Nandlall said that over the next few days, Government will be considering its options, and a resort to a legal challenge of this ruling is one of them.


Chikungunya virus outbreak…Health Minister must lead from the front – insists APNU MP

July 8, 2014 | By | Filed Under News


The efficacy of fogging exercises being undertaken by the Ministry of Health to tackle the Chikungunya virus is

Minister of Health, Dr Bheri Ramsaran

Minister of Health, Dr Bheri Ramsaran

being called into question by A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) Member of Parliament, Ernest Elliott. Elliott, during the past week, convened a community meeting in Canje, Berbice, Region Six, where the virus was first detected over a month ago. During his visit there, Elliott said that community members expressed great concerns about the mosquito borne virus. They even shared their belief that Ministry officials have not been highlighting the real state of affairs regarding the outbreak. “The people are saying that the numbers are more than what the Minister is giving,” said Elliott, as he disclosed that reports out of the Region suggest that the ongoing fogging activities are forcing the virus carrying mosquitoes to migrate. “We are getting reports that since they started the fogging the mosquitoes have gone over to New Amsterdam and spreading…They are not killing the mosquitoes.” The Member of Parliament is calling on Minister of Health, Dr. Bheri Ramsaran, to travel to Berbice to better understand the situation before be seeks to pronounce on its progression.  “The Minister needs to stop sitting down in his office; he has to come on the scene and see what’s happening for himself…he has to visit places like Canje and New Amsterdam,” added Elliott. While in Berbice, Elliott recalled seeing several persons inflicted with the virus. Some of them are suffering from intense joint pains. “When I left Berbice there was one lady who was barely able to walk properly because of her pains,” recounted the Member of Parliament. He related another woman’s story of the disease on her household. It started with her daughter, then herself, before her husband too developed the virus. They were all eventually diagnosed with the virus. “She said she carried her daughter to the doctor with symptoms of the virus and by the time she returned home she too had to be taken to the doctor, and by that time her husband was on his way to get medical attention…it is a really worrying situation,” said Elliott. “People are afraid, and they are convinced they are not getting the truth from the Ministry…it is very difficult and people are very skeptical about the information they are getting.”

Member of Parliament, Ernest Elliott

Member of Parliament, Ernest Elliott

Elliott is of the belief that the people in Canje are at a disadvantage since they are not always afforded treatment for their symptoms. According to him, residents said that a doctor at the Goed Bananen Land clinic is only on duty there on Mondays leaving patients to travel to other facilities to access needful attention. “I am saying that the Minister should and must visit; be on the ground with the people and give needful information to the people…he has to be forthcoming about this situation,” insisted Elliott. APNU members during the past week were engaged in an outreach to the Ancient County to discuss a number of issues including the need for the holding of Local Government Elections when the subject of the Chikungunya virus was raised by residents. Elliott was designated to meet with residents of Canje. The Chikungunya virus is transmitted by the Aedes Aegypti mosquito which also transmits dengue fever. According to reports out of the Health Ministry, as at last week, there were a total of 31 confirmed cases of the virus. Following the detection of the first cases in Region Six, the Health Minister had told this publication that efforts were being made to contain the virus to that section of the country. However, he disclosed last week that the virus has since been confirmed in Regions Three, Four and Five. The cases of the virus were confirmed by the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) in Trinidad since Guyana does not have trained personnel to utilise the testing equipment available at the local National Public Health Reference Laboratory. The symptoms of the virus include headache, joint and muscle pains, high fever, nausea and rash. There is no cure for the virus but the symptoms are treatable though some may be long lasting, such as the joint pains, with death rarely occurring. The Ministry is urging the public to take precautions by keeping their environment clean and free of water that can allow the breeding of mosquitoes and protect themselves by using insect repellent as far as possible and/or wear long clothing.


Police Force denies stripping AFC Councillor naked during Essq Protest

July 5, 2014 1:45 pmCategory: latest newsA+ / A-


Unpaid/disgruntled Rice farmers burning on the Essequibo Coast.

Unpaid/disgruntled Rice farmers burning on the Essequibo Coast.

[] – The Guyana Police Force is denying that it stripped naked Alliance For Change (AFC) Councillor, Naith Ram during a protest action by rice farmers in Essequibo last night.

Ram is also Chairman of the Essequibo Paddy Farmers’ Association. The farmers were protesting the late payment of monies for their produce by millers.

In a statement, the police noted that on June 30, the Association applied to the police for approval to hold a protest march on July 04, 2014, commencing at 0930h. from the Bush Lot New Market to the Anna Regina High Bridge where a meeting was to be held. Approval was subsequently given by the police.

The protest march and meeting commenced at 10:00h and proceeded peacefully with about 200 persons which included farmers. At the conclusion of the protest march and meeting, at about 1230h; most of the persons left, but some remained and began imbibing.

“At about 1715h. yesterday those who were imbibing and some others that included Mr. Naith Ram, boarded their motor vehicles, including tractors and trailers, and proceeded to drive along the middle of the main roadway in the vicinity of the villages of Reliance and Land of Plenty, Essequibo Coast, at a very slow rate.

“This action resulted in a back up of traffic as other motor vehicles could not pass, and they continued their actions despite efforts by police ranks to get them to drive on the left hand side of the road,” the police statement noted.

On reaching a short distance before the Land of Plenty Bridge, at about 1800h; the men continued breaching the laws by proceeding to block the entire roadway with the use of their motor vehicles that included tractors and trailers and to set fire to tyres and other debris that were thrown on the roadway. A utility pole was also used to block the roadway.

By this time the crowd had increased to over 400 persons and efforts by the police to get them to remove the vehicles from across the roadway proved futile.

“Missiles comprising bricks, bottles and other articles were thrown at police ranks in their attempt to remove the burning obstacles on the roadway, causing them to cease their efforts.

“Personnel from the Guyana Fire Service at Anna Regina could not reach the scene owing the blockages on the road. The police continued to appeal to the residents, but to no avail. The police then arrested Naith Ram, who was leading the protest, at which stage a number of other persons surged forward and accosted the ranks and took him away from the police. During this incident his clothing was torn and several police ranks were thrown into a nearby trench.”

“Naith Ram then stood among the protestors and stripped himself, and several persons took his photograph. He then left the area and later returned dressed in a change of clothing.”

“At about 2245h. the police once more appealed to the protestors, informing them that they were in breach of the laws, but they steadfastly refused to remove saying that they will only do so if His Excellency The President comes to address their concerns. The police then used tear smoke to clear the unruly crowd and nineteen (19) men, including Naith Ram, were arrested. They are presently still in police custody.”

Two tractors, four trailers, two motor cars and two motor cycles that were among the vehicles used to block the roadway have been seized by the police.

A member of the Guyana Defence Force who was dressed in uniform, and in a motor vehicle that was caught up in the congestion caused by the blockage of the road, was assaulted by a number of protestors. He was later treated at the Suddie Hospital.


Crime and corruption have led to moral decay in Guyana

July 1, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters

DEAR EDITOR, The social and moral decay in Guyana’s society is perhaps the most important issue facing the people as a nation. It ranks above the challenges in the economy, the failing educational and health systems and that of corruption, crime and violence, although the level of corruption, crime and violence is also a reflection of the moral decadence which prevails. In 1989, when President Desmond Hoyte launched a programme to reduce corruption, crime and violence, unfortunately, and regrettably, some in the PPP, including its leaders, dubbed it as a political stunt, and this prevented many ordinary and well-intended Guyanese from taking part in the programme. In essence, it was a bold initiative aimed at weeding out those scourges and instilling more moral values in Guyanese. Initially, the programme gained traction but later fizzled because of the PPP criticisms, distortions and propaganda. Since 2000 when Mr. Jagdeo assumed power, we have and continue to witness a fundamental shift in the moral values of the people for the worse and one critical aspect of this shift is an abandonment by the regime of the moral and altruistic attitudes and the replacement of these by a narrow individualism based on greed and the shallow understanding of what necessitates morality. Today the situation has reached crisis proportion mainly because of party affiliation and supremacy.  The ruling administration has demanded loyalty for the PPP from almost everyone before giving them a job. It has marginalized a large section of the population, indulged in nepotism and cronyism, and has aided and abetted the corrupt practices that are taking place every day. Now 25 years after the moral values and attitudes programme was instituted, the country’s social and moral situation has deteriorated beyond belief. Guyana is facing a moral crisis which cuts across all social, political and economic classes. Despite all the efforts by the opposition to stamp out corruption and reduce crime, rather than getting better, the situation is getting worse by the hour while the regime looks the other way. Not only adults killing one another but teenagers are also killing each other as well. There is a sense that the common bond amongst the people is becoming weaker and weaker; that altercations can develop at any moment; that people hurl abuse at and kill one another in the most violent and brutal manner in response to what seems to be insignificant misunderstandings. In some instances, simple politeness and civility are perceived to be a fatal display of weakness, and that people indulging in such nasty behaviour are not even aware of their action until after the fact. In Guyana, power and money have become the most important sources of political power, identity, and status, but this came about only in the absence of a social context with rules, norms, shared values, mutual respect and mutual trust which has been discarded by the Jagdeo/Ramotar cabal a long time ago. Today, we have a very sad state of affairs in Guyana with an antiquated judicial system where alleged criminals are locked up for years before trial. These alleged criminals have no recourse against the state if they are not convicted at trial. In fact, their lives are ruined in the same manner Jagdeo ruined the lives of Mark Benschop and those of the Monroes on trumped up charges of treason. What a shame! We acknowledged that the administration of law and economic prosperity provide a necessary platform for the development of Guyana. However, this is not sufficient. This must be underpinned with a sense of moral obligation and with a sense of duty towards society. The decline in morality in Guyana and the increase in crass and uncivilized behaviour have led to an undermining of moral values among the citizens. Perhaps the most debilitating and contentious aspect of our drifting moral values is the double standard that exists in our society. We cite a few examples: 1. There are well-heeled persons in Guyana who engage in the practice of the illegal abstraction of electricity without having to suffer the indignity of punitive action. They seem to be viewed in a different way from those who are also found engaged in the same practice. 2. There are some who were charged for serious crimes, including murder and rape, but because of party affiliation, the charges were dismissed or dropped and instead, they are elevated and promoted and given unprecedented power. 3. One well-known member of the medical profession who was charged and convicted some years ago in New York and was barred from practicing medicine in the US, was allowed to work at the Georgetown Hospital and was only fired because of the media. 4. Based on an investigation, a prominent PPP official in an NDC allegedly breached a number of regulations at that institution by awarding contracts to family members, yet he is still on the job and is allowed to continue his illegal practices. These are just a few examples of the double standards that have occurred under the Jagdeo/Ramotar regime and this has created a serious challenge in the efforts to tackle the moral deterioration in literally every sector of the society. Let us be very clear in saying that Guyana will only prosper and become the nation that it can be when we restore moral values and altruistic attitudes. Every sector of society, but particularly the government, must play its part in helping to bring back our moral values. These include: The political parties and their representatives who act and speak on their behalf, but the onus is even more so on the PPP that forms the Government. Nothing must be done or seen to be done to send a mixed signal to the populace as it relates to the ethical and moral efficacy of these representatives. No one under the radar of the police and who is believed to be engaged in illegal activities must be elected or appointed to any position of prominence in government. On the contrary, the ruling party must do everything to distance itself from such persons. The educational system, which is the national catchment of thousands of students, must find ways and means to wage a systematic and sustained campaign against the social and moral deterioration taking place. Churches, Mosques and Mandirs, despite religious and philosophical differences, must unite and find common ground to help pull Guyana back from the social and moral dilemma in which it finds itself.  The Private Sector must be in the forefront of promoting ethically correct and sound moral behaviour and attitudes. And last but not least, the regime must stop the marginalization of a certain ethnic group and must be more sensitive to what is transmitted and broadcast, particularly to the children and youth, who are themselves confused by the double standards that they established in the society. It is time to get back to a sense of a nurturing society which promotes civility, compassion and mutual respect, thus leading to the moral order we all desire. It is important for the cabal to protect and preserve what we have left of our moral and shared values. They have a duty to rescue the nation from its corrosive behaviour that they implanted, and focus on achieving political and economic stability. Asquith Rose and Harish Singh


New York case…Ramroop gifted Sanata complex despite failing employment requirement

June 22, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

Court papers trace linkages between New GPC, TVG, Guyana Times

The veil of secrecy over New GPC Inc. is slowly lifting with the company admitting in a New York court this month

Dr. Ranjisinghi “Bobby” Ramroop

Dr. Ranjisinghi “Bobby” Ramroop

that it was employing just 138 workers, at the end of 2012. The company also admitted that it shared a common principal with the Guyana Times newspaper and TVG 28… Dr. Ranjisinghi “Bobby” Ramroop. And owning New GPC would be Atlantic Investments Incorporated and the National Industrial Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL). Atlantic Investments also has Ramroop as a principal while NICIL is a Government-owned company charged with overseeing investments for the state. NICIL has a 10 per cent stake in New GPC. The number of staffers employed by New GPC would be significant as its parent company, Queens Atlantic Incorporated Inc. (QAII), had promised to provide up to 1200 jobs with the acquisition of the Sanata complex. It has been several years now since that that acquisition New GPC, the largest supplier of pharmaceuticals to the Government has been in news in recent years after revelations that all was not right with those drug purchases. With questions over the procurement procedures used in granting New GPC the contracts to supply drugs, the spotlight was thrown on its close relationship with the Ministry of Health and Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation and former President Bharrat Jagdeo. Questions over the cost of certain drugs being paid for by Government led to a court action in August 2012 by New GPC against Kaieteur News both in Guyana and in the US suing for US$1M.  The company said it suffered because of the publications and even lost overseas business and customers. Initially, New GPC had objected to several questions being asked by lawyers for Kaieteur News, eventually asking Judge Joan Kenney, in the New York court, to have the answers remain confidential. However, the Judge denied the request and last month ordered that the answers be provided within 20 days. New GPC was unable to provide evidence that it lost market overseas. It was also unable to explain what it understood by “Sole Sourcing”, a method used Government to award the billions in drugs supply contracts to New GPC, almost exclusively. According to the court documents provided, the names of the officers and directors of New GPC supplying the answers were Ramroop, Paul Fredericks, C.C.H, and Rudolph Collins, C.C.H. New GPC denied it owned, operated, or sponsored any public events in 2012. The Opposition has been incensed over the arrangements between Government and New GPC and its other sister companies.

Bharrat Jagdeo

Bharrat Jagdeo

For this year alone, Government is set to spend upwards of $5B for drug purchases. Last year, Guyana spent $4.69B.  The drugs bills would represent half of the total Ministry’s budget of $10B. Drug purchases have accounted for a large chunk of the Ministry of Health’s expenses with New GPC in 2011 being awarded almost 80 per cent of the $13B expended. The Opposition parties in the National Assembly have expressed alarm over the developments with members of its Public Accounts Committee arm, clashing during examinations of the 2010 Auditor General’s report. Hotly debated also was how the Ministry did not follow competitive bidding processes and as such allowed $1.252B in contracts to be granted to New GPC to deliver drugs in 2010. Last December, the pre-qualification period expired and Government immediately moved to invite companies to apply. However, local suppliers and the Opposition again criticized the “unfair” conditions which included among other things, large spaces for storage and evidence that it supplied hundreds of millions of dollars in drugs. The conditions, in effect, tipped the scales in favour of New GPC. Ramroop is said to be close friends to Jagdeo.

          June 21, 2014 10:05 AM

US condemns Guyana again on human trafficking

June 21, 2014 | By | Filed Under News

- cites little money, poor prosecution


For the fourth year running, Guyana has been placed on the Tier 2 Watch List of the US Trafficking


Simona Broomes, President of the Guyana Women Miners Organisation, during one of her campaigns.

Simona Broomes, President of the Guyana Women Miners Organisation, during one of her campaigns.

in Persons (TIP) 2014 report that was released yesterday. In a scathing report on Guyana that is bound to again elicit a dismissive response from Government, the US said that the country is a source and destination country for men, women, and children subjected to sex trafficking and forced labour. Released by Secretary of State, John Kerry, the report said that Guyana made minimal efforts to prevent trafficking. A Government’s ministerial taskforce that was designated to monitor and assess the government’s anti-trafficking efforts did not report any results. The report was also critical of a delay by the taskforce to allow the Guyana Women Miners Organisation (GWMO), a “leading” non-governmental organisation, to be part of it. GWMO which has actively been highlighting cases had requested to be part of the body but has not received a reply. GWMO President, Simona Broomes, was honored by the US for her work in highlighting incidences of human trafficking. The annual report of the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons which falls under the United States Department of State, is designed to record investigations and create programmes to prevent human trafficking globally. The office presents the report annually to Congress and is designed to raise awareness about human exploitation and trafficking, and to prevent it. According to the 2014 report, while the full extent of forced labour is unknown in Guyana, there have been reports of forced labour in the mining, agriculture, and forestry sectors, as well as in domestic service and shops.

Mining attraction “Traffickers are attracted to Guyana’s interior mining communities where there is limited government control, but Guyanese and foreign nationals are also vulnerable to trafficking in urban centers and elsewhere in the country. Children are particularly vulnerable to forced labour.” Guyanese nationals are also subjected to human trafficking in other countries in the Caribbean region. “The Government of Guyana does not fully comply with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking; however, it is making significant efforts to do so. The government’s Ministry of Labour, Human Services, and Social Security demonstrated concrete efforts to assist trafficking victims.” Despite these efforts, the government did not demonstrate evidence of overall increasing efforts to address human trafficking over the previous reporting period. “Guyana has an adequate trafficking law and achieved three trafficking convictions during the reporting period; however, all three convicted traffickers were released on bail pending the appeal of their convictions.” The US report said that the Government of Guyana did not provide information regarding the basis on which the defendants sought to appeal their convictions or on which the court determined to grant them bail. “The inability to hold traffickers accountable creates an enabling environment for human trafficking. Trafficking victims have accused police officers and other government employees of cooperating with traffickers.” Law enforcement officials did not provide data on the number of trafficking investigations they undertook during the reporting period, compared with two labour trafficking investigations and 16 sex trafficking investigations the previous year. The TIP report disclosed that according to a statement by an official from the Human Services Ministry before Parliament, authorities “brought before the courts” six trafficking cases, one of which was dismissed, compared with seven prosecutions during the previous period. The government confirmed that a police officer was accused of trafficking, and the Guyana Police Force and Office of Public Prosecution were reviewing the allegation.

Dismissed cases “For many years, the majority of Guyana’s trafficking prosecutions have ultimately been dismissed. A high-profile prosecution of child trafficking covered in the media was dismissed late in the reporting period, with the magistrate citing a lack of evidence.” In that case, the US said, NGOs claimed that trafficking victims willing to testify were not notified of court dates and were not allowed to present evidence. The government did not report any additional action involving prosecution of a high-profile child trafficking case investigated in 2012, and there were reports that police did not investigate all alleged incidents of human trafficking.” “The government did not report that it provided any specialized anti-trafficking training for law enforcement in 2013.” While Guyana made efforts to protect victims of trafficking, the continued lack of accountability for perpetrators further endangered victims. “The Human Services Ministry reported identifying 23 victims in 2013, among them 10 children, five male labour trafficking victims, and 18 sex trafficking victims, compared with 19 girls, two boys, three women, and two adult men identified the previous year.” One NGO reported rescuing 29 victims, mostly children, in 2013 and additional victims in 2014. “The Human Services Ministry reported that 16 victims consented to be referred to care facilities during the reporting period. Government-provided services reportedly consisted of psycho-social support, basic medical care, transportation, and some assistance for victims’ reintegration, but sources claimed that government resources devoted to victim protection were inadequate.” There were reports that authorities failed to provide assistance specific to the needs of trafficking survivors, and that victims who had been rescued were re-trafficked or became homeless after they did not receive adequate protection services from the government.

Little money “An NGO operated a shelter for victims of domestic violence, as well as a “safe home” for children in the capital that reportedly provided assistance to trafficking victims during the reporting period. The shelter received a government subsidy of the equivalent of approximately US$14,800.” The Government also paid the equivalent of approximately US$1,452 for alternative accommodation for three victims. “The Government reportedly provided specialized care for adult male victims. Donor-funded organizations provided much of the support for victims. In areas outside of the capital, NGOs provided shelter and assistance to trafficking victims, often in dangerous conditions, without any funding from the government.” The US report said that it found longer-term shelter and protection was not available in Guyana, putting victims at risk of traffickers’ reprisals, as the government also failed to punish most traffickers with incarceration. “Stakeholders reported that there were still no clear, written, government-wide operating procedures to guide officials in handling human trafficking cases in coordination with NGO partners.” While Guyana’s law contains incentives to encourage victims to participate in the prosecution of traffickers, including protection from punishment for crimes committed as a result of being subjected to human trafficking, in practice, victims often did not testify in court. “Media reports indicate that many trafficking prosecutions were dismissed because victims, many of whom were children, did not appear in court; the government did not take steps to ameliorate this problem. Guyana has not adopted methods of allowing children to testify that ensure their safety and officials reportedly did not inform victims of court dates nor take them to testify.” Under the four-tiered ranking system Tier One is a country that is meeting the minimum standards of fighting human trafficking. A Tier Two country is one that is not meeting those goals but is striving to do so. A Tier Two Watch List is a warning that countries are in danger of falling to Tier Three, which says that there is not sufficient response to the trafficking problem. Last year, the Government of Guyana made it clear that it will not be responding to the yearly questionnaires on trafficking in persons as requested by the embassy of the United States of America in Georgetown. This was following another unfavourable US State Department report on Guyana’s position on Trafficking in Persons. The Ministerial Task Force on Trafficking in Persons (MTFTIP) had expressed deep concern that the 2013 US State Department’s Report on TIP in Guyana has not reviewed Guyana fairly. “Consequently, the Government of Guyana wishes to make it clear that in the future it will not be completing and returning questionnaires on trafficking in persons to the US authorities.” the MTFTIP said in a statement yesterday. The task force, through the Ministry of Home Affairs, said that the Report contains several inaccuracies and misrepresentations with regard to the scope of trafficking in persons in Guyana and therefore attracts little merit on the part of the Government of Guyana.


The man said he opposed the introduction of the legislation not the legislation as voted on in parliament. We know once decided in party conference the parliamentarians who have no native constituency to back them up but who are essentially creatures of the president has to vote his way. This is political theater for the benefit of dullards like you. Why dont they afford us the list of PPP parliamentarians who ever voted against their party?


At least Bro Jalil did open our eyes with all the House of Israel Thugs  alligned with the Corrupt PPP/C:

No wonder their support is fastly dwindling,

This current bunch of Politician that calls themselves PPP is totally different from the PPP of yesteryear: What we currently have is a bunch of crooks.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

This is nothing New.....

We see all the PPP MP's supporting a PPP Bill to give Jagdeo a Super Pension.

This was a vote along Party line.

Moses explained that he did not support the Super Pension for Jagdeo...

But he voted along with all the other PPP Members.


Nandalall must tell us if it is true he has personal connection with Drug Dealers?


Nandalall must tell us who is the Lady in Red?


Nandalall must tell us which Drug Lord was in his vehicle terrorizing the Kaiture News Staff last week....and his connection to this Drug Runner???


Nandalall is not telling us Dr Jagan personally.....made every single PPP MP support and Vote for A PNC bill to Nationalize the Sugar and Bauxite Industry.....De Now Famous Critical Support.

These things happen in the PPP....nothing new.

Originally Posted by asj:

At least Bro Jalil did open our eyes with all the House of Israel Thugs  alligned with the Corrupt PPP/C:

No wonder their support is fastly dwindling,

This current bunch of Politician that calls themselves PPP is totally different from the PPP of yesteryear: What we currently have is a bunch of crooks.

Rev, Yuji, Kwame

& all Dem Pubic Louse....

Now...."Got De Itch"....



with all dem

Black House of Israel thugs in

Freedom House

& Office of the President


Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by asj:

At least Bro Jalil did open our eyes with all the House of Israel Thugs  alligned with the Corrupt PPP/C:

No wonder their support is fastly dwindling,

This current bunch of Politician that calls themselves PPP is totally different from the PPP of yesteryear: What we currently have is a bunch of crooks.

Rev, Yuji, Kwame

& all Dem Pubic Louse....

Now...."Got De Itch"....



with all dem

Black House of Israel thugs in

Freedom House

& Office of the President


Why would the black thugs alone fill you with consternation? Do you not think you need to give those Indian crooks in the PPP some airtime?


D2....Why would the black thugs alone fill you with consternation?

Do you not think you need to give those Indian crooks in the PPP some airtime?


I agree with the Respected D2.....

Today the PPP is made up of

Indian Crooks + Drug Lords + Black House of Israel Thugs....

All Dem Duty Pubic Louse


Rev, Yuji, Kwame

& all Dem Pubic Louse....

Now...."Got De Itch"....

Originally Posted by asj:

The Corrupt PPP/C is now shitting in their pants, Guyanese needs to keep away from these stinkers

PNC in chaos. Do really think that they will win?  Because it will definitely NOT be the AFC.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by asj:

The Corrupt PPP/C is now shitting in their pants, Guyanese needs to keep away from these stinkers

PNC in chaos. Do really think that they will win?  Because it will definitely NOT be the AFC.


I commend Carib for his realistic view on the Election Outcome.


The opposition are a bunch of fools on taking on the PPP when the PNC and AFC are at their weakest.


Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by asj:

The Corrupt PPP/C is now shitting in their pants, Guyanese needs to keep away from these stinkers

PNC in chaos. Do really think that they will win?  Because it will definitely NOT be the AFC.


I commend Carib for his realistic view on the Election Outcome.


The opposition are a bunch of fools on taking on the PPP when the PNC and AFC are at their weakest.


PPP 42% APNU 40% AFC 18%.  The PPP is also quite weak themselves.  When they see PPP supporters rioting against them, and knowing that it is now accepted that the Indian population has tumbled they must be frequently running to the toilet and scheduling their private jets to fly them to Miami to deal with the diarrhea.


Parliament is gone soon so nothing can get done to October.  If GECOM isn't ready for LGE they cant be ready for this, so expect early 2015.


What is interesting is that the mixed voters will be having real impact in this election as many of them who were born in the 90s will now be old enough to vote.  APNU tends to win this bloc.


I guess we will have annual no confidence votes before some one decides that the problem is that the constitution needs changing.  Change it and then have a referendum to allow post election alliances.  I think the days of one party having majority rule are over.

Last edited by Former Member

Using Article 218 (3) as permission to illegally withdraw public funds is farcical

July 24, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters

DEAR EDITOR, Despite a lack of legal training, I consider myself like many other Guyanese to be reasonably intelligent and capable of understanding what is written in the Constitution of Guyana. I am therefore quite clear on the meaning of the following Article of our Constitution: 217 (1) No moneys shall be withdrawn from the Consolidated Fund except— a) to meet expenditure that is charged upon the Fund by this Constitution or by any other Act of Parliament; or b) where the issue of those moneys has been authorised by an Appropriation Act; or c) where the issue of those moneys has been authorised under Article 219. What this tells me is that there are only three provisions in the Constitution for withdrawing money from the Consolidated Fund. The first two are self-explanatory, while the third (c) refers to another Article (219) of the Constitution which simply provides for expenditures necessary for carrying on the business of Government during the period before the approval of the budget or up to the end of April of each year, whichever comes first. Another Article (220) of the Constitution provides for the establishment of a Contingencies Fund, and for advances to be made from the Fund, and for the fund to be replenished. Article 220 is made specific by the Fiscal Management and Accountability (FMA) Act of 2003, Article 41(4) of which limits withdrawals from the fund to two percent of the estimated annual expenditure of the previous fiscal year. Since the Contingencies Fund is a sub-fund of the Consolidated Fund and ultimately requires a withdrawal from the Consolidated Fund for its establishment, this withdrawal is provided for in Article 217(1)(a) above by an Act of Parliament (FMA Act). A retroactive appropriation by the National Assembly allows the Contingencies Fund to be replenished by withdrawing from the Consolidated Fund under Article 217(1)(b). This has to be so in order to conform to the very explicit requirements of Article 217(1) of the Constitution which contains the only allowable provisions for withdrawals from the Consolidated Fund. It is with this understanding that I wish to comment on the response by President Donald Ramotar to the formal notification by Leader of the Alliance for Change, Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan of the party’s intention to pursue the use of a vote of confidence against the Government of Guyana. In his letter to Mr. Ramjattan, the President emphatically defends the unauthorized withdrawals from this country’s Consolidated Fund by his Minister of Finance by stating: Article 218 (3) is unambiguous in allowing for expenditure to be incurred in the absence, or in excess of available appropriations as approved in the extant Appropriations Act. That Article reads thus: “In respect of any financial year it is found… that any moneys have been expended for any purpose in excess of the amount appropriated for that purpose by the Appropriation Act or for a purpose for which no amount has been appropriated by that Act… a statement of excess showing the amounts…spent shall be laid before the National Assembly by the Minister responsible for Finance…” The President seems to have completely missed the point of Article 218 (3) (b) of our Constitution which he quotes above as the constitutional basis on which his Minister is permitted to spend public moneys that have not been appropriated.  Nowhere in that Article is there a permission to spend money in excess of amounts appropriated or for purposes for which no amounts have been appropriated. Instead this Article prescribes what is to be done if it is found that any moneys have been expended for any purpose in excess of the amount appropriated for that purpose by the Appropriation Act or for a purpose for which no amount has been appropriated by that Act. In other words, if it is found that the primary constitutional provision (Article 217 (1)) governing withdrawals from the Consolidated Fund has been breached, Article 218 spells out the process to be followed in order to bring all withdrawals back under the authority of the National Assembly. This in no way exonerates the unlawful spending. An appropriate analogy can be found in Section 63(1) of the Motor Vehicles and Road Traffic Act which states: If in any case owing to the presence of a motor vehicle on the road an accident occurs resulting in injury or death… the driver of any such vehicle shall- a) immediately stop his vehicle at the scene of the accident b) give his name, address and the registration number of his vehicle and exhibit his driver’s licence to……… The existence of this legal provision does not authorize a driver to go and crash his or her vehicle into someone else’s. It simply sets out a legal obligation to be followed in the event that such an incident occurs. In no way does it legitimize the act of causing the accident. The President also writes: I resolutely maintain that the actions taken by my government about which you complain are expressly authorised and permitted by both the letter and spirit of the constitution. Indeed, you yourself participated in this identical process in the years 2012 and 2013 by supporting Financial Papers 1 of 2012 and 1 of 2013. When it comes to public spending, the Fiscal Management and Accountability Act of 2003 contains the relevant laws, and Article 16 of that Act states: “There shall be no expenditure of public moneys except in accordance with Article 217 of the Constitution”. The margin note to this Article reads: “No expenditure without appropriation” and captures the spirit of the Constitution in a way that clearly eludes the President. He also seems to believe that having retroactively appropriated some of the unauthorized spending in 2012 and 2013, the National Assembly forfeits the right to put its foot down now that it has become clear that his Government will no longer recognize its authority to authorize all public spending. The unprecedented grey area created by the Chief Justice’s fuzzy provisional ruling and the long-delayed final decision may have contributed to an uncertainty over how the National Assembly should deal with the unauthorized spending. The President should not misinterpret this to mean that the opposition did not have a serious problem with what was done by his Minister of Finance in the previous years. Further, the President posits: The Honourable Chief Justice, Mr. Ian Chang in his 18 July, 2012 ruling on the budget cuts case is equally unambiguous. He states thus: “The application of article 218(3) is premised on a finding of insufficiency of an appropriated amount for a stated purpose or of no amount for a purpose for which a need has arisen and which has received no appropriation it is not this court to substitute itself for the Minister of Finance. It is he who must make the perquisite “finding” under Article 218(3) of the constitution…” The President must be blessed with an incredibly high IQ if he finds the above to be an unambiguous permission for his Minister of Finance to spend without parliamentary approval. Once again I draw, not on any legal training, but on basic common sense when I suggest that the part of Article 218(3) quoted to by the President in his excerpt from the Chief Justice’s ruling is perhaps not the same part of Article 218 (3) which he quoted earlier in his letter. Article 218 (3) describes two separate circumstances, designated (a) and (b) respectively, under which the Minister of Finance is required to lay before the National Assembly, either a supplementary estimate or a statement of excess. The Article first quoted by the President in defence of the unauthorized spending is 218(3)(b) which is premised on a “finding” that “moneys have been expended for any purpose in excess of the amount appropriated…”.  His quote from the Chief Justice’s ruling clearly refers to Article 218(3)(a) which describes a situation where it is found - that the amount appropriated by the Appropriation Act for any purpose is insufficient or that a need has arisen for expenditure for a purpose for which no amount has been appropriated by that Act It is this part of Article 218(3) that is premised on a “finding of insufficiency of an appropriated amount for a stated purpose ….” as quoted from the CJ’s ruling.  Unfortunately this is not applicable to what has occurred in this case and has no bearing on the unauthorized spending of his Minister. It should also be pointed out that the Contingencies Fund for this year would be capped at G$4.16B and any advances from this fund requires the Minister to lay before the National Assembly at its next sitting a supplementary estimate for the purposes of authorizing the replenishing of the fund. Financial Paper # 1 of 2014 introduced in the National Assembly last month is a statement of excess and therefore not applicable to withdrawals from the Contingencies Fund, which some are suggesting might have been misused by the Minister in his attempt to bypass the National Assembly. It would be good for the public to know the current status of the Contingencies Fund. This is everyone’s business. As a layperson I can find no constitutional basis for the Minister’s withdrawals of G$4.5B outside of this year’s Appropriation Act. The use of Article 218 (3) as permission to do so is farcical. Anyone looking at Article 218 in its entirety will quickly see that it sets out how authorization should be obtained for withdrawals from the Consolidated Fund and offers no guidance on making those withdrawals. The AFC has made public the fact that it has lodged a formal complaint with the Guyana Police Force over these illegal withdrawals from the nation’s consolidated fund. It falls entirely within the purview of the Police to investigate such a complaint and to document the results of their investigation so that it can be determined if criminal charges are appropriate. We expect that the Police Force will give this matter the attention it deserves and not be guided by the attitudes of our Minister of Finance and our Attorney General whose referrals to this matter as frivolous and vexatious are in line with previously demonstrated attitudes to breaches of the laws of this country. Dominic Gaskin



July 31, 2014 | By | Filed Under Editorial 

Guyanese would be hard pressed to accept that the Guyana some politicians speak of is the same country that the rest of the population know and experience on a daily basis.

These high government officials are on a mission to convince us poor mortals that we are living in a utopia of their making instead of daily sinking deeper into a morass of hopelessness – again of their making.
Regardless of how much some sections of society would wish to ignore their condition, the reality is that the people in this country are in a crises of survival.  The unemployment situation does not make things any easier, and therefore each day the Guyanese people are into ingenious legal and illegal methods of coping with their life condition.
Depending on one’s perspective an examination of some of the resourceful ways employed by some people may unearth some mundane or even eye-opening strategies.  Depressed economic circumstances have forced families to compromise on the quality of their meals, and in many instances, forego at least one meal daily.
Although unemployment figures are unknown, the fact remains that unlike their counterparts in other countries, Guyanese do not have the luxury of turning to other jobs or even entering into some informal arrangement to garner the necessary additional income to survive at any appreciable level above the poverty line.
Since independence one surefire way of escaping the socio-economic privation occasioned by bad policies and hardnosed ideologies has been outward migration.  Examples are legion about the places where our countrymen can be found giving yeoman service to their adopted homeland.
And they seem quite happy despite expressing some nostalgia about the land of their birth which the truth be told, is not enough of a pull factor to ensure their remigration.
The Ministries of Education, and Human Services and Social Security have their hands full addressing reported and unreported cases of truancy and parents’ deliberate decision to not send their children to school.
No one seems inclined to come to grips with the possibility that such actions are one way of coping with the circumstances people have been forced to accept as their lot.  The front page picture of Kaieteur News of Friday July 25 last is enough to make one weep.  Readers are shown a structure on the Lusignan Railway Embankment which is home to over 20 human beings.
Maybe someone will be telling us that the relevant ministries’ officials were unaware that such a monstrosity existed.  The sad fact is that that photograph represents what is normal in other areas across the country.
No one should be surprised if suddenly corporate Guyana gets an attack of conscience and descends en masse in some public relations blitz.  It goes without saying that East Coast Demerara residents have been looking at that picture for a long time and probably in some perverse way may have gloated at the obvious misfortune of their fellow man.  Why else would it have taken so long for this example of social neglect to be highlighted?
But even for the employed, the low income that people are expected to accept as a living wage is in itself a stress factor.  It is no wonder that many people show signs of severe anxiety and even trauma resulting from an inability to provide adequately for their family and honour their financial obligations.
The ready availability of hire purchase agreements touted by annoying letters of solicitation certainly adds to an illusion of affordability; the reality is quite different just ask those who can still be embarrassed by the Agro Siezeman turning up at their door to repossess a item.
The dogmatic insistence by the government to maintain the 16 per cent value added tax is enough to drive persons to extreme thoughts.  Maybe it is time that the authorities reexamine the reasons why people seem bent on making this country the suicide capital of the region.
Arguments about the relationship between crime and economic circumstance do not impress families in crisis trying to surviving under the threat of chronic malnutrition, unacceptable public health care standards, and high levels of stress.
These only serve to aggravate an already perilous situation and lend themselves to anti-social behaviors to the discomfort of everyone.


US condemns Guyana again on human trafficking

June 21, 2014 | By | Filed Under News

- cites little money, poor prosecution


For the fourth year running, Guyana has been placed on the Tier 2 Watch List of the US Trafficking


Simona Broomes, President of the Guyana Women Miners Organisation, during one of her campaigns.

Simona Broomes, President of the Guyana Women Miners Organisation, during one of her campaigns.

in Persons (TIP) 2014 report that was released yesterday. In a scathing report on Guyana that is bound to again elicit a dismissive response from Government, the US said that the country is a source and destination country for men, women, and children subjected to sex trafficking and forced labour. Released by Secretary of State, John Kerry, the report said that Guyana made minimal efforts to prevent trafficking. A Government’s ministerial taskforce that was designated to monitor and assess the government’s anti-trafficking efforts did not report any results. The report was also critical of a delay by the taskforce to allow the Guyana Women Miners Organisation (GWMO), a “leading” non-governmental organisation, to be part of it. GWMO which has actively been highlighting cases had requested to be part of the body but has not received a reply. GWMO President, Simona Broomes, was honored by the US for her work in highlighting incidences of human trafficking. The annual report of the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons which falls under the United States Department of State, is designed to record investigations and create programmes to prevent human trafficking globally. The office presents the report annually to Congress and is designed to raise awareness about human exploitation and trafficking, and to prevent it. According to the 2014 report, while the full extent of forced labour is unknown in Guyana, there have been reports of forced labour in the mining, agriculture, and forestry sectors, as well as in domestic service and shops.

Mining attraction “Traffickers are attracted to Guyana’s interior mining communities where there is limited government control, but Guyanese and foreign nationals are also vulnerable to trafficking in urban centers and elsewhere in the country. Children are particularly vulnerable to forced labour.” Guyanese nationals are also subjected to human trafficking in other countries in the Caribbean region. “The Government of Guyana does not fully comply with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking; however, it is making significant efforts to do so. The government’s Ministry of Labour, Human Services, and Social Security demonstrated concrete efforts to assist trafficking victims.” Despite these efforts, the government did not demonstrate evidence of overall increasing efforts to address human trafficking over the previous reporting period. “Guyana has an adequate trafficking law and achieved three trafficking convictions during the reporting period; however, all three convicted traffickers were released on bail pending the appeal of their convictions.” The US report said that the Government of Guyana did not provide information regarding the basis on which the defendants sought to appeal their convictions or on which the court determined to grant them bail. “The inability to hold traffickers accountable creates an enabling environment for human trafficking. Trafficking victims have accused police officers and other government employees of cooperating with traffickers.” Law enforcement officials did not provide data on the number of trafficking investigations they undertook during the reporting period, compared with two labour trafficking investigations and 16 sex trafficking investigations the previous year. The TIP report disclosed that according to a statement by an official from the Human Services Ministry before Parliament, authorities “brought before the courts” six trafficking cases, one of which was dismissed, compared with seven prosecutions during the previous period. The government confirmed that a police officer was accused of trafficking, and the Guyana Police Force and Office of Public Prosecution were reviewing the allegation.

Dismissed cases “For many years, the majority of Guyana’s trafficking prosecutions have ultimately been dismissed. A high-profile prosecution of child trafficking covered in the media was dismissed late in the reporting period, with the magistrate citing a lack of evidence.” In that case, the US said, NGOs claimed that trafficking victims willing to testify were not notified of court dates and were not allowed to present evidence. The government did not report any additional action involving prosecution of a high-profile child trafficking case investigated in 2012, and there were reports that police did not investigate all alleged incidents of human trafficking.” “The government did not report that it provided any specialized anti-trafficking training for law enforcement in 2013.” While Guyana made efforts to protect victims of trafficking, the continued lack of accountability for perpetrators further endangered victims. “The Human Services Ministry reported identifying 23 victims in 2013, among them 10 children, five male labour trafficking victims, and 18 sex trafficking victims, compared with 19 girls, two boys, three women, and two adult men identified the previous year.” One NGO reported rescuing 29 victims, mostly children, in 2013 and additional victims in 2014. “The Human Services Ministry reported that 16 victims consented to be referred to care facilities during the reporting period. Government-provided services reportedly consisted of psycho-social support, basic medical care, transportation, and some assistance for victims’ reintegration, but sources claimed that government resources devoted to victim protection were inadequate.” There were reports that authorities failed to provide assistance specific to the needs of trafficking survivors, and that victims who had been rescued were re-trafficked or became homeless after they did not receive adequate protection services from the government.

Little money “An NGO operated a shelter for victims of domestic violence, as well as a “safe home” for children in the capital that reportedly provided assistance to trafficking victims during the reporting period. The shelter received a government subsidy of the equivalent of approximately US$14,800.” The Government also paid the equivalent of approximately US$1,452 for alternative accommodation for three victims. “The Government reportedly provided specialized care for adult male victims. Donor-funded organizations provided much of the support for victims. In areas outside of the capital, NGOs provided shelter and assistance to trafficking victims, often in dangerous conditions, without any funding from the government.” The US report said that it found longer-term shelter and protection was not available in Guyana, putting victims at risk of traffickers’ reprisals, as the government also failed to punish most traffickers with incarceration. “Stakeholders reported that there were still no clear, written, government-wide operating procedures to guide officials in handling human trafficking cases in coordination with NGO partners.” While Guyana’s law contains incentives to encourage victims to participate in the prosecution of traffickers, including protection from punishment for crimes committed as a result of being subjected to human trafficking, in practice, victims often did not testify in court. “Media reports indicate that many trafficking prosecutions were dismissed because victims, many of whom were children, did not appear in court; the government did not take steps to ameliorate this problem. Guyana has not adopted methods of allowing children to testify that ensure their safety and officials reportedly did not inform victims of court dates nor take them to testify.” Under the four-tiered ranking system Tier One is a country that is meeting the minimum standards of fighting human trafficking. A Tier Two country is one that is not meeting those goals but is striving to do so. A Tier Two Watch List is a warning that countries are in danger of falling to Tier Three, which says that there is not sufficient response to the trafficking problem. Last year, the Government of Guyana made it clear that it will not be responding to the yearly questionnaires on trafficking in persons as requested by the embassy of the United States of America in Georgetown. This was following another unfavourable US State Department report on Guyana’s position on Trafficking in Persons. The Ministerial Task Force on Trafficking in Persons (MTFTIP) had expressed deep concern that the 2013 US State Department’s Report on TIP in Guyana has not reviewed Guyana fairly. “Consequently, the Government of Guyana wishes to make it clear that in the future it will not be completing and returning questionnaires on trafficking in persons to the US authorities.” the MTFTIP said in a statement yesterday. The task force, through the Ministry of Home Affairs, said that the Report contains several inaccuracies and misrepresentations with regard to the scope of trafficking in persons in Guyana and therefore attracts little merit on the part of the Government of Guyana.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Why the US tolerated the PPP for 22 years?

This has nothing to do with the USA and everything to do with the people.


Why the majority of the people continue to vote for the PPP AND PNC?

Originally Posted by asj:

US condemns Guyana again on human trafficking

June 21, 2014 | By | Filed Under News

- cites little money, poor prosecution


For the fourth year running, Guyana has been placed on the Tier 2 Watch List of the US Trafficking


Simona Broomes, President of the Guyana Women Miners Organisation, during one of her campaigns.

Simona Broomes, President of the Guyana Women Miners Organisation, during one of her campaigns.

in Persons (TIP) 2014 report that was released yesterday. In a scathing report on Guyana that is bound to again elicit a dismissive response from Government, the US said that the country is a source and destination country for men, women, and children subjected to sex trafficking and forced labour. Released by Secretary of State, John Kerry, the report said that Guyana made minimal efforts to prevent trafficking. A Government’s ministerial taskforce that was designated to monitor and assess the government’s anti-trafficking efforts did not report any results. The report was also critical of a delay by the taskforce to allow the Guyana Women Miners Organisation (GWMO), a “leading” non-governmental organisation, to be part of it. GWMO which has actively been highlighting cases had requested to be part of the body but has not received a reply. GWMO President, Simona Broomes, was honored by the US for her work in highlighting incidences of human trafficking. The annual report of the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons which falls under the United States Department of State, is designed to record investigations and create programmes to prevent human trafficking globally. The office presents the report annually to Congress and is designed to raise awareness about human exploitation and trafficking, and to prevent it. According to the 2014 report, while the full extent of forced labour is unknown in Guyana, there have been reports of forced labour in the mining, agriculture, and forestry sectors, as well as in domestic service and shops.

Mining attraction “Traffickers are attracted to Guyana’s interior mining communities where there is limited government control, but Guyanese and foreign nationals are also vulnerable to trafficking in urban centers and elsewhere in the country. Children are particularly vulnerable to forced labour.” Guyanese nationals are also subjected to human trafficking in other countries in the Caribbean region. “The Government of Guyana does not fully comply with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking; however, it is making significant efforts to do so. The government’s Ministry of Labour, Human Services, and Social Security demonstrated concrete efforts to assist trafficking victims.” Despite these efforts, the government did not demonstrate evidence of overall increasing efforts to address human trafficking over the previous reporting period. “Guyana has an adequate trafficking law and achieved three trafficking convictions during the reporting period; however, all three convicted traffickers were released on bail pending the appeal of their convictions.” The US report said that the Government of Guyana did not provide information regarding the basis on which the defendants sought to appeal their convictions or on which the court determined to grant them bail. “The inability to hold traffickers accountable creates an enabling environment for human trafficking. Trafficking victims have accused police officers and other government employees of cooperating with traffickers.” Law enforcement officials did not provide data on the number of trafficking investigations they undertook during the reporting period, compared with two labour trafficking investigations and 16 sex trafficking investigations the previous year. The TIP report disclosed that according to a statement by an official from the Human Services Ministry before Parliament, authorities “brought before the courts” six trafficking cases, one of which was dismissed, compared with seven prosecutions during the previous period. The government confirmed that a police officer was accused of trafficking, and the Guyana Police Force and Office of Public Prosecution were reviewing the allegation.

Dismissed cases “For many years, the majority of Guyana’s trafficking prosecutions have ultimately been dismissed. A high-profile prosecution of child trafficking covered in the media was dismissed late in the reporting period, with the magistrate citing a lack of evidence.” In that case, the US said, NGOs claimed that trafficking victims willing to testify were not notified of court dates and were not allowed to present evidence. The government did not report any additional action involving prosecution of a high-profile child trafficking case investigated in 2012, and there were reports that police did not investigate all alleged incidents of human trafficking.” “The government did not report that it provided any specialized anti-trafficking training for law enforcement in 2013.” While Guyana made efforts to protect victims of trafficking, the continued lack of accountability for perpetrators further endangered victims. “The Human Services Ministry reported identifying 23 victims in 2013, among them 10 children, five male labour trafficking victims, and 18 sex trafficking victims, compared with 19 girls, two boys, three women, and two adult men identified the previous year.” One NGO reported rescuing 29 victims, mostly children, in 2013 and additional victims in 2014. “The Human Services Ministry reported that 16 victims consented to be referred to care facilities during the reporting period. Government-provided services reportedly consisted of psycho-social support, basic medical care, transportation, and some assistance for victims’ reintegration, but sources claimed that government resources devoted to victim protection were inadequate.” There were reports that authorities failed to provide assistance specific to the needs of trafficking survivors, and that victims who had been rescued were re-trafficked or became homeless after they did not receive adequate protection services from the government.

Little money “An NGO operated a shelter for victims of domestic violence, as well as a “safe home” for children in the capital that reportedly provided assistance to trafficking victims during the reporting period. The shelter received a government subsidy of the equivalent of approximately US$14,800.” The Government also paid the equivalent of approximately US$1,452 for alternative accommodation for three victims. “The Government reportedly provided specialized care for adult male victims. Donor-funded organizations provided much of the support for victims. In areas outside of the capital, NGOs provided shelter and assistance to trafficking victims, often in dangerous conditions, without any funding from the government.” The US report said that it found longer-term shelter and protection was not available in Guyana, putting victims at risk of traffickers’ reprisals, as the government also failed to punish most traffickers with incarceration. “Stakeholders reported that there were still no clear, written, government-wide operating procedures to guide officials in handling human trafficking cases in coordination with NGO partners.” While Guyana’s law contains incentives to encourage victims to participate in the prosecution of traffickers, including protection from punishment for crimes committed as a result of being subjected to human trafficking, in practice, victims often did not testify in court. “Media reports indicate that many trafficking prosecutions were dismissed because victims, many of whom were children, did not appear in court; the government did not take steps to ameliorate this problem. Guyana has not adopted methods of allowing children to testify that ensure their safety and officials reportedly did not inform victims of court dates nor take them to testify.” Under the four-tiered ranking system Tier One is a country that is meeting the minimum standards of fighting human trafficking. A Tier Two country is one that is not meeting those goals but is striving to do so. A Tier Two Watch List is a warning that countries are in danger of falling to Tier Three, which says that there is not sufficient response to the trafficking problem. Last year, the Government of Guyana made it clear that it will not be responding to the yearly questionnaires on trafficking in persons as requested by the embassy of the United States of America in Georgetown. This was following another unfavourable US State Department report on Guyana’s position on Trafficking in Persons. The Ministerial Task Force on Trafficking in Persons (MTFTIP) had expressed deep concern that the 2013 US State Department’s Report on TIP in Guyana has not reviewed Guyana fairly. “Consequently, the Government of Guyana wishes to make it clear that in the future it will not be completing and returning questionnaires on trafficking in persons to the US authorities.” the MTFTIP said in a statement yesterday. The task force, through the Ministry of Home Affairs, said that the Report contains several inaccuracies and misrepresentations with regard to the scope of trafficking in persons in Guyana and therefore attracts little merit on the part of the Government of Guyana.

who the fruck believes the lying KN LIES?

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Why the majority of the people continue to vote for the PPP AND PNC?

After 1992 there are free and fair elections.

Free and fair elections also mean holding the elections when they are due, not like the PPP stalling the Local Government Elections for years now. 


Corrupt and despotic PPP leadership fear loss of party control with Local Govt. elections

August 6, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,
In 1992, the current hijackers of the PPP leadership, secure in power through a manipulated congress election in 2013 were in love with elections. Today, they will fight to their dying breath to prevent local government elections. Some have alluded to the despotic nature of the current PPP leadership as the reason for this refusal to call local government elections.
They are correct. However, I feel the bigger reason is the fear of the PPP leadership of a loss of power from local government elections. There are many disgruntled PPP members, some of whom have been marginalized, ostracized and rejected by the inner core that controls the party. The padded delegate list that carefully selected and excluded party members, the fact that there were more ballots than voting delegates and the last minute disenfranchisement of delegates at the 2013 PPP congress, mirroring what happened at the 2014 PNC congress, further fueled this outrage.
The current PPP leadership dominated by the Jagdeoite-Ramotarian clan is deathly afraid of facing its membership at local government elections. They know that many PPP members and groups will resist their handpicked candidates in many districts, triggering an open insurrection against the current cabal dominating Freedom House. They know that some PPP members will run against the failed and corrupt candidates Freedom House tries to impose on local communities.
The Jagdeoites dominating the PPP know that immense pressure will be brought to bear by party members against the corrupt and failed leadership and that they could lose their hold on the party through the democracy of local government elections. Some party members will not vote in protest. Others will support independent candidates.
Some will run as independents. The PPP also knows that local government elections will send a resounding rejection of its politics, making it even more vulnerable in the coming national election in 2016. So, this is the real reason for the PPP’s refusal to call local government elections. The Jagdeoite cabal running Freedom House with its Stalinist practices are afraid of facing their own party members. In an attempt to save their own skin, they are willing to refuse their own party members the freedom of participating in local government elections.
Some have publicly expressed the rumour that President Ramotar will try to delay any no-confidence vote election until the 2016 general election. If this is to occur, it would partly be because he is deathly afraid the Jagdeoites will remove him as a candidate in any new election before 2016 and partly because of the undemocratic nature of the PPP. The risk with trying to delay by court action a legitimate no-confidence vote that constitutionally triggers new elections is that it puts the PPP into the realm of illegitimacy and illegality.
At that point, the PPP conceivably will not have any constitutional power over the armed forces of this country, which could act in accordance with the constitution and force the PPP to either call the election right away or step down from power. Similarly, any civil protest against PPP refusal to step down would be legitimate. The constitution is clear on a no-confidence vote. It does not accommodate any delaying tactic. If a no-confidence motion is passed, the opposition must ensure it passes as part of the motion that elections must be called by the constitutionally prescribed time and that failure to do so is constitutional transgression.
M. Maxwell


Bharrat Jagdeo embarrassed East Indians and paid the price


Dear Sir, The results of the November 2011 General Elections should be a wake-up call for the leadership of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic. Now more than ever, there is a need for introspection and a willingness to accept that the party has failed miserably to understand the hurt and betrayal felt by its traditional supporters – the East Indians of this country. It will be a further act of denial if the PPP/C wants to clutch at the straws to believe that it got any cross-over votes from Afro-Guyanese. Any simple analysis would reflect four basic truths: 1. Blacks voted solidly for APNU; 2 Amerindians votes were divided among AFC, APNU and PPP/C; 3.The PPP/C won the presidency by virtue of its East Indian support base; 4.And lost the parliament on the basis of withdrawal of that support by significant sections of the East Indian population The East Indians of this country voiced their disgust at the leadership of the PPP/C by the withdrawal of their support by (i) not voting and (ii) by transferal of their support to Khemraj Ramjattan’s AFC. Dr. Cheddi Jagan built the PPP/C through the dint of hard work, commitment and sacrifice. Bharrat Jagdeo destroyed the PPP/C through greed, arrogance and a megalomaniac personality. Bharrat Jagdeo and Robert Persaud as architects of the PPP/C campaign, epitomize the story of the Emperor’s new clothes. It is the nature of bullies to surround themselves with sycophants who are there simply to offer slavish praise for non-existent virtues. The PPP/C election campaign was devoid of decency and coherence and trampled on middle class sensibilities and opened the East Indian population to ridicule for its vulgarity and crassness. The personality of Bharrat Jagdeo was on public display when he started to believe in the myth of his own brilliance and invincibility. It will be the job of social scientists to decipher and segregate his personality, but all of his characteristics point to an insecure and mediocre person. It is the tragedy of our Nation that such a person had been placed on the national platform of a presidency and has brought the PPP/C to disgrace. The very future of East Indians in this country, which is inextricably linked to the uncertain future of the PPP/C, now faces a most critical dilemma. This is where I wish to take to task the leadership of the PPP/C to allow Bharrat Jagdeo to hijack a party that was rooted in fundamental decency and working class ideology, to become a party that served the needs of a selected group and one that became mired in corruption and scandal. The first signal that Bharrat Jagdeo was an unstable person was his public criticism and ridicule of former President Mrs. Janet Jagan. It showed a personality lacking in humility and gratitude. His praising of Glenn Lall and Kaieteur News and the withdrawal of Stabroek News advertisements and subsequent criticizing of Kaieteur News whilst quietly supporting Guyana Times was opportunistic and dishonest. His personal attack on Freddie Kissoon and ‘attempted’ humiliation of Dr. Yesu Persaud reflects the base nature of his character and utmost disrespect for basic decency. Many writers have already commented on the incestuous relationships he maintained with investors, business associates and friends and the questionable awards of contracts, favours and largesse. It has to be a matter of utmost shame that the PPP/C did not seek to reign in Bharrat Jagdeo immature and destructive antics but instead rewarded him to take a lead role in the campaign for the National Elections 2011. I guess it was too much to expect that Bharrat Jagdeo would have been gracious at that point to conduct himself very differently. Every decent-minded person had a sense of revulsion when he referred to the media as carrion crows and vultures (preying on dead flesh). He further degenerated in reiterating his ‘cuss mode’ status and his infamous ‘jackass’ comment. It was tragic to see Bharrat Jagdeo seeking to elevate such debase behaviour into some sort of virtue. It was a ‘fitting end’ that the high point of the PPP/C campaign was the concert at the Providence Stadium where a largely East Indian crowd was ‘treated’ to a performance by Destra. The inappropriateness and vulgarity of Destra’s performance will haunt East Indian sensitivity for a long time. The image of a young East Indian girl gyrating and mirroring the vulgarity of Destra was broadcast on National TV. This was PPP/C’s gift to East Indians. Their disregard for the norms of respectful behaviour knew no limits and our disappointment and sense of betrayal and shame had no end. The elections results could not have been different. This should be no shock or surprise. The campaign was outlandish and vulgar. Traditional supporters were shocked, undecided voters were horrified and the young people could not believe that the PPP/C expects them to give blind support. They rejected being taken for granted. The verdict is out; the electorate has rejected both Bharrat Jagdeo (this election must be seen as a referendum on his person) and Robert Persaud as campaign manager and strategist. If the campaign wasn’t bad enough the reaction of Robert Persaud was one of abrasive belligerence at blaming East Indians for the PPP/C loss of majority. Robert Persaud, a clone of Bharrat Jagdeo, assumed proprietary rights over the East Indians of this country and does not possess the intelligence or integrity to ask himself why large sections of the East Indian population rejected the PPP/C. This is the tragedy but it brings out two points (a) how much the PPP/C has taken its traditional support base for granted, and (b) that the PPP/C have not recognized that the population is intelligent. It is clear that by and large our population has grown and out-paced the intellectual development of the key campaign strategists — Robert Persaud and Bharrat Jagdeo.The time has now come for the PPP/C to save itself from itself. The first step in doing this is to ask Bharrat Jagdeo and his protégé, Robert Persaud, to remove themselves from the public life of this country. Their continued presence and influence can only lead to an implosion of the PPP/C and a humiliating defeat at the next election. Thereafter, it is my considered view that His Excellency Donald Ramotar should call for a meeting extraordinaire with individuals and groups who may not be party members per se but sympathetic to the Peoples Progressive Party/Civic. A frank contribution by independently minded persons would be a healthy beginning on the way forward. Deonarine Persaud


Originally Posted by asj:

Bharrat Jagdeo embarrassed East Indians and paid the price


Dear Sir, The results of the November 2011 General Elections should be a wake-up call for the leadership of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic. Now more than ever, there is a need for introspection and a willingness to accept that the party has failed miserably to understand the hurt and betrayal felt by its traditional supporters – the East Indians of this country. It will be a further act of denial if the PPP/C wants to clutch at the straws to believe that it got any cross-over votes from Afro-Guyanese. Any simple analysis would reflect four basic truths: 1. Blacks voted solidly for APNU; 2 Amerindians votes were divided among AFC, APNU and PPP/C; 3.The PPP/C won the presidency by virtue of its East Indian support base; 4.And lost the parliament on the basis of withdrawal of that support by significant sections of the East Indian population The East Indians of this country voiced their disgust at the leadership of the PPP/C by the withdrawal of their support by (i) not voting and (ii) by transferal of their support to Khemraj Ramjattan’s AFC. Dr. Cheddi Jagan built the PPP/C through the dint of hard work, commitment and sacrifice. Bharrat Jagdeo destroyed the PPP/C through greed, arrogance and a megalomaniac personality. Bharrat Jagdeo and Robert Persaud as architects of the PPP/C campaign, epitomize the story of the Emperor’s new clothes. It is the nature of bullies to surround themselves with sycophants who are there simply to offer slavish praise for non-existent virtues. The PPP/C election campaign was devoid of decency and coherence and trampled on middle class sensibilities and opened the East Indian population to ridicule for its vulgarity and crassness. The personality of Bharrat Jagdeo was on public display when he started to believe in the myth of his own brilliance and invincibility. It will be the job of social scientists to decipher and segregate his personality, but all of his characteristics point to an insecure and mediocre person. It is the tragedy of our Nation that such a person had been placed on the national platform of a presidency and has brought the PPP/C to disgrace. The very future of East Indians in this country, which is inextricably linked to the uncertain future of the PPP/C, now faces a most critical dilemma. This is where I wish to take to task the leadership of the PPP/C to allow Bharrat Jagdeo to hijack a party that was rooted in fundamental decency and working class ideology, to become a party that served the needs of a selected group and one that became mired in corruption and scandal. The first signal that Bharrat Jagdeo was an unstable person was his public criticism and ridicule of former President Mrs. Janet Jagan. It showed a personality lacking in humility and gratitude. His praising of Glenn Lall and Kaieteur News and the withdrawal of Stabroek News advertisements and subsequent criticizing of Kaieteur News whilst quietly supporting Guyana Times was opportunistic and dishonest. His personal attack on Freddie Kissoon and ‘attempted’ humiliation of Dr. Yesu Persaud reflects the base nature of his character and utmost disrespect for basic decency. Many writers have already commented on the incestuous relationships he maintained with investors, business associates and friends and the questionable awards of contracts, favours and largesse. It has to be a matter of utmost shame that the PPP/C did not seek to reign in Bharrat Jagdeo immature and destructive antics but instead rewarded him to take a lead role in the campaign for the National Elections 2011. I guess it was too much to expect that Bharrat Jagdeo would have been gracious at that point to conduct himself very differently. Every decent-minded person had a sense of revulsion when he referred to the media as carrion crows and vultures (preying on dead flesh). He further degenerated in reiterating his ‘cuss mode’ status and his infamous ‘jackass’ comment. It was tragic to see Bharrat Jagdeo seeking to elevate such debase behaviour into some sort of virtue. It was a ‘fitting end’ that the high point of the PPP/C campaign was the concert at the Providence Stadium where a largely East Indian crowd was ‘treated’ to a performance by Destra. The inappropriateness and vulgarity of Destra’s performance will haunt East Indian sensitivity for a long time. The image of a young East Indian girl gyrating and mirroring the vulgarity of Destra was broadcast on National TV. This was PPP/C’s gift to East Indians. Their disregard for the norms of respectful behaviour knew no limits and our disappointment and sense of betrayal and shame had no end. The elections results could not have been different. This should be no shock or surprise. The campaign was outlandish and vulgar. Traditional supporters were shocked, undecided voters were horrified and the young people could not believe that the PPP/C expects them to give blind support. They rejected being taken for granted. The verdict is out; the electorate has rejected both Bharrat Jagdeo (this election must be seen as a referendum on his person) and Robert Persaud as campaign manager and strategist. If the campaign wasn’t bad enough the reaction of Robert Persaud was one of abrasive belligerence at blaming East Indians for the PPP/C loss of majority. Robert Persaud, a clone of Bharrat Jagdeo, assumed proprietary rights over the East Indians of this country and does not possess the intelligence or integrity to ask himself why large sections of the East Indian population rejected the PPP/C. This is the tragedy but it brings out two points (a) how much the PPP/C has taken its traditional support base for granted, and (b) that the PPP/C have not recognized that the population is intelligent. It is clear that by and large our population has grown and out-paced the intellectual development of the key campaign strategists — Robert Persaud and Bharrat Jagdeo.The time has now come for the PPP/C to save itself from itself. The first step in doing this is to ask Bharrat Jagdeo and his protégé, Robert Persaud, to remove themselves from the public life of this country. Their continued presence and influence can only lead to an implosion of the PPP/C and a humiliating defeat at the next election. Thereafter, it is my considered view that His Excellency Donald Ramotar should call for a meeting extraordinaire with individuals and groups who may not be party members per se but sympathetic to the Peoples Progressive Party/Civic. A frank contribution by independently minded persons would be a healthy beginning on the way forward. Deonarine Persaud


Jagdeo awoke Indians to the reality, they don't need to cower in the face of Black bullyism.  Blackman poke you in the eye, you punch him back in the nose.  Massa day done.  Deonaraine probably alive today to write shyte due to the actions of Jagdeo and the boys.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Jagdeo awoke Indians to the reality, they don't need to cower in the face of Black bullyism.  Blackman poke you in the eye, you punch him back in the nose.  Massa day done.  Deonaraine probably alive today to write shyte due to the actions of Jagdeo and the boys.



Let me correct you.  An Indian elite protects itself by paying black criminals. Those same criminals, once armed by Indian elites, then harass small business owners of ALL RACES (black business people get attacked all the time but the Indo centric PPP goons here refuse to admit this).


So who is benefitting?


Let me also add that a new group of petty Indo hoodlums is also growing and focusing their energies on harassing poor Indians as well, especially in Berbice.


So continue to scream "ahbe pan tap".

Last edited by Former Member

Bai Shan Lin’s “kickbacks” seem to have silenced Govt. – MP Harmon

August 13, 2014 | By | Filed Under News

“The government is silent about this immoral and abusive act and there can only be one logical conclusion for that—they are benefitting financially in exchange for allowing the rape to continue. Citizens need to understand the corrupt beast that it (Govt.) is dealing with. It is only a win-win deal for the parties involved and Bai Shan Lin’s kickbacks seem to have silenced the government.” This is the contention of A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) member on the Parliamentary Sectoral Committee on Natural Resources, Joseph Harmon.

Joseph Harmon, APNU Parliamentarian

Joseph Harmon, APNU Parliamentarian


After seeing the aerial view pictures of huge piles of hundreds of Guyana’s precious logs stocked and waiting to be shipped from one of Bai Shan Lin’s Kwakwani areas, Harmon believes that the evidence showcased by Kaieteur News yesterday is simply “horrendous.” “It is sickening to come to grips with the reality that former President Bharrat Jagdeo invited Bai Shan Lin to this country under the pretext that it was going to foster good developments, and all along the true intention was to rape this country of its resources. This underscores the need for the Ramotar administration to resign en bloc. “They have no interest in protecting the people. They have fooled this country. It seems that this Government is being paid to shut its mouth.” The MP pointed out that at a meeting of the Natural Resources Committee in the Parliament Office, Head of the Guyana Forestry Commission, James Singh, was requested to provide information in relation to the contractual arrangements that Government has with Bai Shan Lin, a Chinese company that has been in the spotlight for several months now, for its questionable activities. Singh, according to Harmon, said that the Commission does not have a copy of the contract. The Parliamentary Committee was referred to the Guyana Office for Investment (GO-Invest) for more information. But when contacted, GO-Invest was not even aware of the agreements. “This is a most serious matter, because we have a Government that is so greedy and selfish that it is incapable of understanding that it has the responsibilities to protect the natural resources of this country.” Commissioner Singh had defended GFC saying that Bai Shan Lin is not operating in an illegal manner, but Harmon contends that he does not trust what the nation is being told about what is legal and what isn’t in this matter.

Workers at the log pond site, east of Kwakwani bauxite mines, Berbice River.

Workers at the log pond site, east of Kwakwani bauxite mines, Berbice River.

“These companies are just being encouraged to gut this country, and indicators show that Guyana is slipping further into the abyss of poverty.” The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) had made it clear that Bai Shan Lin does not have permission to cut or log.  In fact, EPA denied ever giving the Chinese company any permission to do logging. A senior official at the EPA explained it is currently in discussions with the company in relation to “scoping”. “Scoping” is another aspect of its Environmental Assessment which Bai Shan Lin needs to complete. This publication understands that once everything is done in accordance with the prescribed requirements, the EPA would grant Bai Shan Lin an “Environmental Authorization Permit.” This would give the company the right to log and harvest timber. Though it is currently without a logging licence, Bai Shan Lin has teamed up with four others in joint ventures to export billions of dollars in logs.

GFC stamped logs awaiting pickup by Bai Shan Lin.

GFC stamped logs awaiting pickup by Bai Shan Lin.

It is in possession of a State Forest Exploration Permit (SFEP) which allows for an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment, not large-scale logging. A Forestry official said that at present, the company should only be engaging in limited exploration logging. In June, Bai Shan Lin submitted an application to the EPA seeking environmental authorization to undertake a large-scale logging and sawmill operation for several areas, including on the left bank of the Essequibo River, along the Berbice River and in Regions Nine and Six. That application is still pending. The Environmental Protections Act of 1996 says that an “Environmental Impact Assessment” is required before any decision is taken to approve or reject a project of this magnitude. EPA had invited members of the public to submit, within 28 days of the notice, questions or objections. It is not clear whether this process is completed. Bai Shan Lin has claimed access to forestry concessions that amount to close to one million hectares of rainforest, from which it plans to extract logs and ship them out of Guyana. However, Government has denied it was that much. The company estimates that it will make US$1,800 from each hectare of land, giving it profits totaling US$1.7 billion, according to Additionally, the company sought permission to dig up a 20-kilometre stretch of river to look for gold. Other plans include setting up what it is called a Guyana-China Timber Industry Economic and Trading Corporation Park, plus a 400-acre real estate development. The plans were announced in 2012 by Chu Wenze, Chairman of Bai Shan Lin, at the Second World Congress on Timber and Wood Products Trade in Taicang, China.

These logs were but part of several piles along the Kwakwani/Ituni trail

These logs were but part of several piles along the Kwakwani/Ituni trail

Those plans were announced even before Guyana knew of it. The country became aware of what was happening only when Bai Shan Lin officials visited Guyana and held discussions with President Donald Ramotar and other government officials. stated that in November 2012, Chu Wenze’s plans have threatened Guyana’s proposals to reduce deforestation and forest degradation. Bai Shan Lin is part of a group of 11 companies operating in Guyana. They are all part of the China Forest Industry Group (Hong Kong).

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by asj:

The Corrupt PPP/C is now shitting in their pants, Guyanese needs to keep away from these stinkers

PNC in chaos. Do really think that they will win?  Because it will definitely NOT be the AFC.


I commend Carib for his realistic view on the Election Outcome.


The opposition are a bunch of fools on taking on the PPP when the PNC and AFC are at their weakest.


well guyanese have to be the worse fools to vote the ppp into power,unless they plan to migrate by boat, train and plane


THE CORRUPT PPP/C APPEARS TO BE SELLING OUT GUYANA: Several other Chinese companies also exporting

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Several other Chinese companies also exporting

August 14, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

- manufacturing association holds emergency meeting on Bai Shan Lin

The exposure of the Bai Shan Lin logging activities in Guyana has led to more revelations.
On Monday, during a fly over by Kaieteur News of the Linden/Ituni/Kwakwani trail in Region 10, several logging activities were in progress. At a location between Ituni and Kwakwani, and not far from Aroaima Mining Company, two container trucks were being loaded. The logs were strictly of the prime Wamara species which is in hot demand by especially Chinese companies.

Two 40-foot containers of Wamara logs being loaded on Monday in the Aroaima area, Region 10, by a small Chinese logging outfit.

Two 40-foot containers of Wamara logs being loaded on Monday in the Aroaima area, Region 10, by a small Chinese logging outfit.

A young Chinese national was on the ground overseeing the packing of the logs into the containers by the loader. When asked if he was part of the Bai Shan Lin group, he smiled and in a jovial manner said, “No…no…me company have own business.”
When further questioned, he disclosed that his company is shipping at least 10 containers per month. He gladly gave his name as “Cly”.
According to “Cly”, his operation is concentrating only on Wamara, a wood that is renowned for its exotic-looking flooring, walls and furniture.
Some of the logs on the ground were marked with official looking numbers but without the tags of the Guyana Forestry Commission (GFC). The ones in the containers had tags, though.
According to “Cly”, there are other Chinese companies scattered across Guyana and involved in gold mining also.
There have been growing questions over the extent of logging activities in Guyana with the glare of the spotlight falling on Bai Shan Lin a few weeks ago after a Parliamentary Committee questioned Government about the arrangements.
Figures indicate a more than 50 per cent increase in exports of forest products for the first half of the year as compared to 2013, despite a significant hike in the tax and royalties being charged by GFC.
Earlier this week, huge piles of logs and significant activities were seen at Bai Shan Lin locations in Kwakwani, Upper Berbice River in Region 10.
The activities are being described as unprecedented in terms of the level of equipment being used and the number of logs – Wamara and Purpleheart being the preferred choices- that are being harvested.
The situation triggered alarm with the members of the Guyana Manufacturing and Services Association (GM&SA) holding an emergency meeting yesterday to discuss the issue.

This Chinese national, whose name is “Cly”

This Chinese national, whose name is “Cly”

The association’s members include operators in the forestry sector.
GM&SA’s President, Clinton Williams, who also chairs the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission, has now been tasked with preparing a letter to President Donald Ramotar, asking for copies of the investment agreement with Bai Shan Lin to be released.
Among other things, GM&SA members want to know details of Bai Shan Lin’s joint ventures with companies and other parties that are in possession of forestry concessions.
Government will also be requested to submit details of log exports by Bai Shan Lin for the last five years.
Kaieteur News was told that the members want the letter to be sent as soon as possible to the President in light of the revelations.
In addition to Bai Shan Lin, there is a company called Rong-An Inc, which is also a Chinese company and Vaitarna Holdings, an Indian-owned operator that has been exporting logs too.
GFC Commissioner, James Singh, last week, following the publications of damning photos of Bai Shan Lin operations, claimed that the Chinese company had only exported 375 containers between January and June. This translated to an average of two containers per day.
However, industry insiders and residents alike have refuted this saying it is more like 20 per day.
Bai Shan Lin, from all indications, has been using third parties to export, to mask the true extent of its logging operations. The company has since released what it claims to be details of its investment and its operations in Guyana.

Originally Posted by asj:

No one in thier right mind will vote for a Corrupt PPP/C

They are many in their "wrong" mind who will though, especially when they see that APNU looks little better, and that no one who is serious will expect the AFC to win more than 50% of the votes.


AFC blazes Gov’t over Chikungunya epidemic

August 30, 2014 10:01 amCategory: PoliticsA+ / A-


By Tracey Khan Drakes

AFC's Michael Carrington

AFC’s Michael Carrington

[] – The Alliance for Change (AFC) believes the Government is ill equipped and prepared to deal with the soaring cases of the Chikungunya virus that has affected hundreds and pose a threat to all Guyanese.

At the Party’s weekly press conference on Friday (August 29), Executive Member, Michael Carrington, who himself is infected with the Chikungunya virus, said the response at the Georgetown Public Hospital is disappointing.

He told reporters that the institution is not adequately equipped to treat patients. According to Carrington numerous other persons were at the hospital displaying symptoms of the Chikungunya virus.

“The Government seems to have no ability whatsoever to deal with it,” he said

The AFC executive is also alleging that there was no water at the hospital on Monday last for patients to use. “The nurse and the doctors you can’t blame them they are trying their best to do what they can do. They are basically asking you what pain you have and what the problem is but they tell you nothing G you just get some injection and you go.”

Carrington stressed on how painful this virus is and called for more to be done in the health sector since “it is in a total mess, “ saying that “because anytime Guyana hit with any major disease we are in big big problem, the health sector cannot cope with any major disease.”

Meanwhile, General Secretary David Patterson explained that there is no testing facility for persons who are suspected to contract the disease to confirm this. He said Government has had enough time to have a targeted intervention to deal with this virus.

Further he reminded that the AFC objected to the $125 M Specialty ‎Hospital and instead asked Government to invest in upgrading existing hospitals and health institutions around the country.


 Chikungunya virus that has affected hundreds of thousands  and pose a threat to all Guyanese.


Slowly the aged are dying off in Guyana, whils't this Corrupt PPP/C government does not have a clue.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

But I am hearing Tyrone Kimraj a' JB ak Tarron want join PPP now.  Oi, YUJI and REV, you all will tek this political grasshopper?



LOL me see you envy Mr TK like Mr Bisram. 

Originally Posted by asj:

 Chikungunya virus that has affected hundreds of thousands  and pose a threat to all Guyanese.


Slowly the aged are dying off in Guyana, whils't this Corrupt PPP/C government does not have a clue.

This should read that slowly, the Corrupt PPP/C who is clueless, is killing of the those elderly citizens (their own supporters) who is too feeble to fight this sickness with the diabetes and now chikungunya.


Clueless PPP/C


Mother, unborn baby die at GPHC – Relatives say doctors erred ‘big time’

September 8, 2014 8:05 am Category: latest news A+ / A-

By: Leroy Smith

Dead: Evita Singh

Dead: Evita Singh

[] – Evita Singh, a mother of two, died early yesterday morning, two days after her unborn child died inside her while she was a maternity patient at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC).

iNews in an interview with the dead woman’s relatives on Sunday learnt that the 34 – year – old went into the hospital on Monday last and by Wednesday she had started experiencing problems while in the care of doctors at the institution.

The woman who was not ready to deliver, according to relatives, was being treated at the hospital for the symptoms of the Chikungunya Virus.

Relatives told iNews that the woman died as a result of severe internal bleeding brought on by six Cytotec pills which were inserted into her to induce labour even though she did not indicate that she was having labour pains.

It was reported by relatives that the dosage which were administered to the woman was way above the normal amount and according to persons who are familiar with the use of the pill which is also administered to animals, six pills are not even administered to an animal under no circumstances.

The pills reportedly caused the woman to bleed internally and burst the baby’s head and her internal organs. Her uterus was reportedly split into half; relatives say they were told by at least one doctor.

iNews was told that a health worker who was in the room between Thursday night and Friday morning when the woman began experiencing severe discomfort told relatives that the pills were given to the woman for her to deliver so that they can treat her for the Chikungunya Virus.

They said that the pills were administered because the doctors were not willing to perform a C-Section on the woman although they knew she did not have enough passage for the baby.

“Doctors were not willing to do a C-Section and when they finally realized that the woman was still having a hard time after they administered the pills they decided to cut her. But by that time, when the woman was taken to the operation room she could not be operated on since someone was already in the room and on the machine,” iNews was told.

Doctors reportedly told relatives that they realized that the baby’s heart rate had dropped but there was nothing that they could have done since they had to get the machine to operate on her and remove the child. They had to wait fifteen minutes and by that time the child was believed to have already died inside the woman.

Family members are not taking the death lightly since according to them they have evidence and witnesses who can prove that doctors were misleading them on the condition of the woman and the events leading up to her death.

They told iNews that one doctor who telephoned them on Friday morning when the woman went into her distress informed them that “their relative loose her baby because of carelessness and laziness;” pointing to the failure and reluctance of the workers on shift at the time to have the woman do a C-T scan.


Ramjattan endorsed a Nagamootoo/Hughes ticket for general elections and said that he believes that they are a team capable of running the party and they can gain countrywide support. 

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

“Those two candidates will be hugely popular,” Ramjattan told Stabroek News yesterday.

Nagamootoo and Kathy Hughes will be the PPP/C nightmare, would bother them in their sleep.


Guyana has highest suicide rate globally – WHO

September 4, 2014 2:01 pmCategory: CrimeA+ / A-





The World Health Organisation (WHO) in its first global report on suicide prevention revealed that Guyana is the country with the highest estimated suicide rate for 2012 globally with Suriname ranking as the sixth highest.

According to the report, “Suicide rates in this Region show a first peak among the young, remain at the same level for other age groups and rise again in elderly men. In high-income countries, hanging accounts for 50% of suicides, and firearms are the second most common method, accounting for 18% of suicides.”

The WHO further noted that the relatively high proportion of suicides by firearms in high-income countries is primarily driven by high-income countries in the Americas where firearms account for 46% of all suicides; in other high-income countries firearms account for only 4.5% of all suicides.

The report noted that more than 800, 000 people die by suicide every year – around one person every 40 seconds. Some 75% of suicides occur in low- and middle-income countries.

Pesticide poisoning, hanging and firearms are among the most common methods of suicide globally. Evidence from Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, the United States and a number of European countries reveals that limiting access to these means can help prevent people dying by suicide.

The report noted that another key to reducing deaths by suicide is a commitment by national governments to the establishment and implementation of a coordinated plan of action.

Currently, only 28 countries are known to have national suicide prevention strategies. Globally, suicide rates are highest in people aged 70 years and over.

In some countries, however, the highest rates are found among the young. Notably, suicide is the second leading cause of death in 15-29 year-olds globally.

“This report is a call for action to address a large public health problem which has been shrouded in taboo for far too long” said Dr Margaret Chan, Director-General of WHO.

According to the report, generally, more men die by suicide than women. In richer countries, three times as many men die by suicide than women. Men aged 50 years and over are particularly vulnerable.

Govt scraps Specialty Hospital contract with Surendra Engineering citing alleged fraud, lack of accountability

The Guyana government on Tuesday announced that it has scrapped the contract with an Indian company, Surendra Engineering Company Limited (SECL), to build the Specialty Hospital at Liliendaal after that...

Read more

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. The Guyana government on Tuesday announced that it has scrapped the contract with an Indian company, Surendra Engineering Company Limited (SECL), to build the Specialty Hospital at Liliendaal after that company allegedly failed to account for public funds and allegedly engaged in fraud.
Demerara Waves Online News was told that the company has already drawn down US$3,636,000 as a mobilization advance. India has provided a US$18 million line of credit to construct the facility that has failed to gain support from Guyana’s opposition for, among other reasons, SECL’s track record in building Specialty Hospital compared to another bidder, Fedders Lloyd that was unsuccessful.
In a statement, the Guyana government The Government of Guyana said it has written SECL “about its deep concerns about its execution of the contract for the design and construction of the Specialty Hospital.”
Despite publicly advocating the merits of the project and continuing to lambaste the opposition for its non-support, the Donald Ramotar administration broke its silence and said that its own concerns date back to June of this year. “Since late June 2014, the Government of Guyana had been engaging SECL on a number of issues regarding allegation of fraud and financial irregularities.”
Government said that initially, the Government’s concerns related to delayed milestones and inadequate accountability by SECL for public funds the company had received on signing the contract with the Ministry of Health.
But subsequently, the Government of Guyana said it discovered that SECL’s representative in Guyana had allegedly submitted a fraudulent document purporting to emanate from the Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago.
Since the allegedly fraudulent Act by SECL was confirmed by the Central Bank of Trinidad & Tobago, the Government said it has written SECL informing the Company of its intention to terminate the contract, pursue legal action against the company for alleged fraud and recover public funds from SECL for which it has allegedly failed to account fully.


Demerara Waves Online News was told that the company has already drawn down US$3,636,000 as a mobilization advance.


Jagdoe and Donald Duck, I cannot believe they are such frigging dunces


Aussie mining company calls out Guyana government on bribes


When the dust is settled, PPP will still be the ruling party. AFC or PNC can never get a majority of votes to form a legitimate government. No amount of name calling (skoantholes) on this board will help them. 


Stagnant water increases Chikungunya virus concerns in Region Three

September 27, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

 – Region benefiting from training to tackle health challenge

Stagnant water at the Vreed-en-Hoop junction is a cause for concern for persons

A child is seen manoeuvering the flooded section of the Vreed-en-Hoop junction.

A child is seen manoeuvering the flooded section of the Vreed-en-Hoop junction.

living in the Region Three area. This is due to the fact that the water stinks and pedestrians are sometimes forced to walk closer to the middle of the thoroughfare to get about their business.
This is particularly in light of the fact that Guyana is battling to reduce the prevalence of the Chikungunya virus which was first detected in Guyana in May. The virus is transmitted by the Aedes Aegypti mosquito which easily breeds in stagnant water.  Like many other parts of the country, there have been many clinical cases of the virus reported in the Region Three locale, and Alliance for Change (AFC), Region Three Councillor, Harry Narine Deokinanan is adamant that the situation at the junction is doing nothing to help improve the prevailing Chikungunya situation.
Deokinanan, who has in recent times taken a proactive stance to ensure that value for money is had in the Region, informed this publication that it was a few months ago that he brought the situation to the attention of the Best/Klien/Pouderoyen Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC). The NDC, he noted, has responsibility for the Vreed-en-Hoop junction and should have long addressed the situation even before reports surfaced of the mosquito-borne virus.
“The situation that obtains is that there is an indentation at a section of the junction which results in water accumulating for prolonged periods every time it rains. There is no proper drainage, therefore, when the rain falls the water floods the road and people walk onto the road and this even causes traffic congestion at the busy junction,” informed the AFC Councillor.
Director of the Ministry of Health’s Vector Control Services Unit, Dr. Reyaud Rahman in an invited comment yesterday said that “stagnant water is and will continue to be a breeding site for mosquitoes that transmit disease.” It is for this reason, he said, that persons are constantly advised to eradicate such sites to ease the disease burden.
Currently, the Director and other officials of the Vector Control Unit are facilitating training for environmental officers in Region Three to put them in a better position to tackle the Chikungunya virus. And according to Dr. Rahman, efforts will be made to encourage regional officials to address the stagnant flood water situation.
Meanwhile, another evident challenge at the same junction is what has been described as an inoperable traffic lights system which was installed a few years ago. While the lights worked well for a period, they have been continuously flashing red for a prolonged period. And the absence of the fully functioning lights has been particularly upsetting to a number of motorists who are required to traverse that section of the roadway during the congested periods of the morning.
In fact, it was the state of congestion that forced police ranks from the Vreed-en-hoop Police Station to direct traffic at the junction in order to ensure that there is free flow.
However, the efforts at ensuring this free flow is however at times affected by the large puddle created by the accumulated water at the junction as pedestrians and motorists, at times, struggle to use the same section of the roadway.
The traffic light dilemma is one that was raised during a recent Regional Democratic Council meeting by Deokinanan, who was promptly informed that the fact that the lights are flashing red suggest that they are working.  This, according to the AFC Councillor, suggests that the administration of the Region has no intention of taking the necessary actions to ensure that the traffic lights work effectively.


Posted by Jalil 

6 hours ago


If yuh Talkin about Auntyman....

PPP is #1

Bharat, Manni, Young Brian & Kwame




 If yuh Talking about Black House of Israel Thugs...

PPP is #1

Lamumba, Hamilton, Edgehill, Bynoe, Witicka,






 If yuh Talking about

"Dem Thiefman & Scamp during PNC 28 Years"...

PPP is #1

Kit Nascimento, Norman McClean, Bynoe, Lamumba,



  If yuh Talking about

"Dem Thiefman & Scamp in Govt since 1992"...

PPP is #1

Bharat, Manniram, Nandalall, Irfan, Prya, Robert



If yuh Talkin about

Man chasing dem wife out de bedroom....

PPP is #1

Bharat, Manni, Rohee & Robert





 If yuh Talking about

Corruption, Crime & Scams...

PPP is #1

Hydro-Seed Project, Skeldon Factory,

Marriot Hotel, Specialty Hospital





 If yuh Talking about

"Bareface Thiefing"...

PPP is #1

Fip and the Hydro Project,

Alexi and De Internet Connection from Brazil

Robert and De Gold Smuggleing



  If yuh Talking about

"Dem New Thiefman  & Crooks in Govt since 1992"...

PPP is #1

Brassington, Kurshid Sattaur, Raj Singh,

Prem, Fuzzie & Leslie




If yuh Talkin about

Con Men who getting de Contracts....

PPP is #1

Bobby Ramsaroop, Brian Young,

 Brian Tiwari & Jerry Gouviea




 If yuh Talking about

Decent & Honest People

walking away from

Dishonesty, Thiefing & Corruption...

PPP is #1

Nagamootoo, Ramjattan, Ramkarran,

Boyo, Fazil, O'Lall





 If yuh Talking about

"Dem Bigtime Scam & Fraud

where people should be Jailed"...

PPP is #1

Clico Investment, Sandford Investment,

Jagdeo Helicopter, Skeldon Factory,

Hydro Project, Roger Khan Spy Computers



  If yuh Talking about

"Man who Promote,

Practice & Defend Kwame & Buggery"...

PPP is #1

Rev Yuji, Councie, Skeldon, Cobra

Originally Posted by asj:

Posted by Jalil 

6 hours ago


If yuh Talkin about Auntyman....

PPP is #1

Bharat, Manni, Young Brian & Kwame




 If yuh Talking about Black House of Israel Thugs...

PPP is #1

Lamumba, Hamilton, Edgehill, Bynoe, Witicka,






 If yuh Talking about

"Dem Thiefman & Scamp during PNC 28 Years"...

PPP is #1

Kit Nascimento, Norman McClean, Bynoe, Lamumba,



  If yuh Talking about

"Dem Thiefman & Scamp in Govt since 1992"...

PPP is #1

Bharat, Manniram, Nandalall, Irfan, Prya, Robert



If yuh Talkin about

Man chasing dem wife out de bedroom....

PPP is #1

Bharat, Manni, Rohee & Robert





 If yuh Talking about

Corruption, Crime & Scams...

PPP is #1

Hydro-Seed Project, Skeldon Factory,

Marriot Hotel, Specialty Hospital





 If yuh Talking about

"Bareface Thiefing"...

PPP is #1

Fip and the Hydro Project,

Alexi and De Internet Connection from Brazil

Robert and De Gold Smuggleing



  If yuh Talking about

"Dem New Thiefman  & Crooks in Govt since 1992"...

PPP is #1

Brassington, Kurshid Sattaur, Raj Singh,

Prem, Fuzzie & Leslie




If yuh Talkin about

Con Men who getting de Contracts....

PPP is #1

Bobby Ramsaroop, Brian Young,

 Brian Tiwari & Jerry Gouviea




 If yuh Talking about

Decent & Honest People

walking away from

Dishonesty, Thiefing & Corruption...

PPP is #1

Nagamootoo, Ramjattan, Ramkarran,

Boyo, Fazil, O'Lall





 If yuh Talking about

"Dem Bigtime Scam & Fraud

where people should be Jailed"...

PPP is #1

Clico Investment, Sandford Investment,

Jagdeo Helicopter, Skeldon Factory,

Hydro Project, Roger Khan Spy Computers



  If yuh Talking about

"Man who Promote,

Practice & Defend Kwame & Buggery"...

PPP is #1

Rev Yuji, Councie, Skeldon, Cobra

The above enumeration makes no difference come election time. After the elections, Jalil will run and hide behind Kwame and Practice & Defend Kwame & Buggery

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

Posted by Jalil 

6 hours ago


If yuh Talkin about Auntyman....

PPP is #1

Bharat, Manni, Young Brian & Kwame




 If yuh Talking about Black House of Israel Thugs...

PPP is #1

Lamumba, Hamilton, Edgehill, Bynoe, Witicka,






 If yuh Talking about

"Dem Thiefman & Scamp during PNC 28 Years"...

PPP is #1

Kit Nascimento, Norman McClean, Bynoe, Lamumba,



  If yuh Talking about

"Dem Thiefman & Scamp in Govt since 1992"...

PPP is #1

Bharat, Manniram, Nandalall, Irfan, Prya, Robert



If yuh Talkin about

Man chasing dem wife out de bedroom....

PPP is #1

Bharat, Manni, Rohee & Robert





 If yuh Talking about

Corruption, Crime & Scams...

PPP is #1

Hydro-Seed Project, Skeldon Factory,

Marriot Hotel, Specialty Hospital





 If yuh Talking about

"Bareface Thiefing"...

PPP is #1

Fip and the Hydro Project,

Alexi and De Internet Connection from Brazil

Robert and De Gold Smuggleing



  If yuh Talking about

"Dem New Thiefman  & Crooks in Govt since 1992"...

PPP is #1

Brassington, Kurshid Sattaur, Raj Singh,

Prem, Fuzzie & Leslie




If yuh Talkin about

Con Men who getting de Contracts....

PPP is #1

Bobby Ramsaroop, Brian Young,

 Brian Tiwari & Jerry Gouviea




 If yuh Talking about

Decent & Honest People

walking away from

Dishonesty, Thiefing & Corruption...

PPP is #1

Nagamootoo, Ramjattan, Ramkarran,

Boyo, Fazil, O'Lall





 If yuh Talking about

"Dem Bigtime Scam & Fraud

where people should be Jailed"...

PPP is #1

Clico Investment, Sandford Investment,

Jagdeo Helicopter, Skeldon Factory,

Hydro Project, Roger Khan Spy Computers



  If yuh Talking about

"Man who Promote,

Practice & Defend Kwame & Buggery"...

PPP is #1

Rev Yuji, Councie, Skeldon, Cobra

The above enumeration makes no difference come election time. After the elections, Jalil will run and hide behind Kwame and Practice & Defend Kwame & Buggery

Skellydon Man, you mean you and the PPP are advocate of Kwame and BeeTee action?  Shame on Mr Bharat Kwame.


PPP is like “an ungrateful dog” to the people – Nagamootoo

November 12, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

The prorogation of the Parliament by President Donald Ramotar has elicited strong responses from leaders of the

AFC Vice Chairman, Moses Nagamootoo

AFC Vice Chairman, Moses Nagamootoo


opposition parties, with Vice Chairman of the Alliance For Change (AFC), Moses Nagamootoo, asserting that the action by the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) administration is tantamount to being an “ungrateful dog” to the people.
The attorney-at-law commented that the government has certainly served the Parliament, and by extension the citizens, a “devastating blow”. He predicted, too, that the government would most likely use the “break” to start a campaign to garner lost votes.
Nagamootoo told Kaieteur News that he is worried about the financial improprieties that will take place, in light of the absence of scrutiny that will result from the suspension of the National Assembly.
The AFC Parliamentarian opined that government will now use the opportunity to go on a spending campaign in an effort to recover lost ground.
“They will be spending. They will probably commit themselves to activating certain programmes to show that they care. So what is going to happen is a campaign of social bribes. They will focus on Amerindian areas and other communities, for it is all about catching as many votes as it can now.
“They will also use state media to the maximum to sell the party, because at this point, the government is terribly wounded. The PPP is more concerned about recovering lost ground. The government is also going to use this six-month breathing period to deal with internal problems.”
The Vice Chairman said that there is an internal crisis in terms of deciding who will be the Party’s next Presidential candidate should there be a general election.
“And obviously Ramotar knows he is being challenged, and talks of the likes of Rohee and others – who would be standing and looking on to see where they would come in – are already in the air. I am not at all enamored by the idea that we are going to see the PPP focusing on the bigger developmental projects; they always miss the bigger picture,” Nagamootoo said.
Asked to what extent he believes the Parliament will be affected by the six-month suspension, the AFC Executive said that he believes that the decision will be a huge setback.
He made reference to the fact that members of the regional districts rely on their representing Members of Parliament to bring their troubles to the national table for discussion.  However, he said, those citizens will now have to suffer from a huge “disconnect”. He deemed this to be a most dangerous implication of the decision taken by the government.
“If you are not able to bring the feelings or the concerns of the people to the Parliament, then you are asking for trouble. In any democracy, a Parliament is considered a cooling-off pool where people can come and peacefully resolve issues, but in an extra-parliamentary situation, such as what we have today, it breeds confrontation. That for me is an ingredient in our politics that we shouldn’t have,” the politician asserted.
Nagamootoo was also asked if he believes that the move to prorogue parliament has, in a sense, made the people powerless for six months. He answered in the affirmative.
“President Donald Ramotar has undone the power of the people. While some sections of society voted for the government, they have now realized that they are not worth anything, considering that it (Gov’t) has withdrawn from the place to talk the people’s business. The people want the government to face the edge of the sword and it is hiding from its inevitable end.”
“The problem with the current administration is that it continues to beat its chest at the top of the highest tower and shout about its belief of empowering the people, and when it gets down from the tower, it goes on a hypocritical stage and acts out its true feelings—that being that it doesn’t care about the people.”
“It’s like training your own dog to be a pet and it has turned back to bite you. That’s what the PPP has done. It has turned its back on the people. It’s an ungrateful dog!” Nagamootoo stated emphatically.
The Parliamentarian said that the government’s decision to make the Parliament impotent sends a “terrifying message” for politics in Guyana.

Originally Posted by Martha Lucci:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by asj:

There is no way that the PPP/C will win if Elections were held today.



Thankfully, there aren't enough DIRTY PNC INDIANS to deny the PPP victory in the next election in Guyana.



Rev Roly Poly Aly, you seem to forget that your mother was a Dirty PNC INdian.

Bai we need not get to Rev Mama,

HIs mother and father supported Burnham.


Martha, you have hit the nail directly with the hammar, this Antiman, send me a Magic mirror and asked what I see and lo and behold, and the mirror shows the he his mama and papa were in a Burnham Orgy. One day I give a discriptive views of that magic mirror, and those orgies.


Man gets suspended sentence for 67 kilos of cocaine

November 13, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

A confessed drug dealer who admitted to trafficking in more than 67 kilograms of cocaine may not spend a day in prison.

Leonard Bacchus

Leonard Bacchus

Leonard Bacchus who was arrested three years ago after a police raid netted the $300M worth of narcotics, which was contained in kunds, was handed a five year suspended sentence by Magistrate Alex Moore when the matter came to a close on Tuesday.
Bacchus was also given a slap on the wrist suspended sentence of two years for being in unlawful possession of 125, 12-guade cartridges and 115, .32 rounds of ammunition, which also stemmed from the raid on his block 20 Enmore/Haslington Housing Scheme, East Coast Demerara home on August 16, 2001.
In addition to being spared a mandatory prison term, Bacchus was fined a measly $2.5M.
This means that he will only go to jail if he commits another offence within the five year period.
When the prosecution, which was started by Superintendent Karim Baksh and concluded by Inspector Stephen Telford, closed its case, the court found that a case was made out against Bacchus and Magistrate Moore ordered him to lead a defence.
But in a surprise move, Bacchus, who was represented by Attorney at Law James Bond, changed his plea to guilty on both charges.
Magistrate Moore accepted the plea and then informed Bacchus that in addition to possible jail time he was staring at a fine of more than $300M.
But, then to the amazement of most of the persons in the courtroom, the Magistrate handed down the suspended sentence for both of the charges.
He then considered the pleas of Bacchus’ lawyer that he could only afford to pay a fine of $2.5M, which he was given up to the end of June next year to do.
Meanwhile, Bacchus’ wife Indranie was set free by the Magistrate.
His 17- year old son was also acquitted by the Magistrate who said that no evidence was offered against him.
Legal sources have indicated that the law hardly provides for a suspended sentence when a person is found guilty of trafficking in narcotics and possession of ammunition.
The Director of Public Prosecutions has indicated that the Magistrate’s decision would be appealed.
The case of the cocaine in kunds attracted much public interest when it first came to light in 2011.
Back then, the now late attorney Vic Puran, who in representing the Bacchus family had said that Leonard Bacchus had given police a statement saying that he was merely doing a job of sanding and polishing the Kunds, “which were delivered to him by someone else.”
The lawyer had also accused investigators of trying to force Mr. Bacchus into a plea bargain deal and into implicating others in the drug find.
After the bust, the police had questioned a housing scheme developer after allegedly being informed that he was the person shipping the kunds overseas.
Police said that the Bacchus family had been under surveillance for three months prior to the discovery of the cocaine in their home.
The Bacchus family members were remanded to prison when they made their first court appearance on August 23, but were able to secure high court bail to the tune of $1M each on November 23rd.

Originally Posted by asj:

Shows clearly what kind of Justice System the Corrupt PPP/C operates

De President can Drop all De Bogus Charges against Glen Lall...... if he stop exposeing Corruption fuh one week.

Originally Posted by asj:


Are you saying that APNU would win?


What people need to discuss isn't whether the PPP will lose or not, but what do they think are the chances that APNU will win.  I some how don't think that many think that APNU will win, at least not unless the AFC really savages the PPP in its base.


A likely scenario will be a PPP plurality with a smaller number of seats.  I hope that APNU and the AFC have a plan for that, but knowing how stupid the APNU is, and how full of self delusion the AFC is, I doubt it.


I will suggest that APNU has a 30% floor and a 40% cap, while the PPP has a 40% floor.  The race vote still exists and the PPP will always gain some non Indian votes by their ability to buy it.  This suggests that the AFC has a 30% cap.


Enduring shame of the underpaid

November 3, 2014 | By | Filed Under Editorial 

One of this nation’s most enduring shames is the fact that a significant number of hardworking Guyanese do not earn a living wage and feel as though they are holding on to life by a thread. It seems as though many of our decision-makers regard this shame solely as an economic issue, inextricably linked to the state of the economy.
We had the Public Service Minister some time ago expressing that public servants should be happy with a five percent increase, citing that this is one of the few countries in the world that has been offering any salary increases to its public servants, and doing so on an annual basis. It was emphasised that in several Caribbean territories and further afield, workers are being laid off and some have had to take pay cuts in order to remain employed.
The Minister then attempted to provide a strong dose of reality by asserting that the cupboard is bare. “We can’t give what we don’t have,” was the blunt assertion. She concluded by urging workers to be more understanding of the prevailing economy not just in Guyana, but worldwide.
By now, those in the ruling administration with a modicum of understanding would have recognised that this is much more than an economic issue; it is a matter of ensuring basic human rights. Every working Guyanese has a basic right to a fair living wage.
Low wage earners account for a substantial part of the country’s workforce. Some minimum wage workers are young adults just out of school who are cushioned by family earnings, but many are women with children who are the sole source of income in their households. Unfortunately, the earnings of lowest paid workers in Guyana put them well below the international poverty line of US$1.25 (G$250) a day.
By most accounts, the average monthly earnings by low-income workers in Guyana are barely in this range, and many earn even less. Their ranks include some of the most important workers in Guyana, like teachers, nurses and members of the disciplined forces. These workers simply cannot meet their basic needs without subsidies of some kind, mainly from overseas-based relatives.
Meanwhile, the cost of the fundamental amenities of life has increased much faster than wages and salaries. Food, clothing, and particularly the cost of housing and rent are rising steadily.
Even with the government’s housing drive in full flow, it is still increasingly difficult for low-income families to afford even modest accommodation. Guyana continues to endure the disastrous social consequences of endemic poverty. Unfortunately, many of the lowest incomes are earned by public sector workers.
What government needs to do is to once and for all set a standard, giving precisely the minimum amount of money full-time workers need to meet all basic needs in Guyana’s economy without government subsidies. It should then set goals attached to realistic time-frames that would move the minimum wage upwards to meet that standard, which would be updated at appropriate intervals.
The administration might also find it useful to mandate that businesses under contract with the government, and businesses receiving grants, subsidies, tax breaks or any other concessions from government must pay their employees a living wage. Leaving it up to the laws of supply and demand has not worked in the interest of Guyanese workers. Workers have had to accept whatever wages they could get or simply remain unemployed, and the most desperate workers accept absurdly low wages and salaries.
Setting a standard living wage and seeking to move the legal minimum wage towards it in a specific time-frame is the way to go. Workers want to see purposeful, distinctly positive steps towards giving low wage earners a fair living wage. Otherwise, workers will feel they are clinging to life by a thread and the labour market in Guyana as well as labour relations would be plagued with turmoil.
The ongoing protests might just be the tip of the iceberg.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by asj:


Are you saying that APNU would win?


What people need to discuss isn't whether the PPP will lose or not, but what do they think are the chances that APNU will win.  I some how don't think that many think that APNU will win, at least not unless the AFC really savages the PPP in its base.


A likely scenario will be a PPP plurality with a smaller number of seats.  I hope that APNU and the AFC have a plan for that, but knowing how stupid the APNU is, and how full of self delusion the AFC is, I doubt it.


I will suggest that APNU has a 30% floor and a 40% cap, while the PPP has a 40% floor.  The race vote still exists and the PPP will always gain some non Indian votes by their ability to buy it.  This suggests that the AFC has a 30% cap.

If we can see a marriage between AFC/APNU then the Corrupt PPP/C would be history. But would the AFC willing to take this gamble?

With mutual discussion on this subject, I think that understanding between both parties are workable:


Meaning that Parties AFC/APNU retain what they have now, and going as a coalition, divvy up the gains between themselves equally, and that will be going into any elections as a coalition. If they win, then they form the Government based on amount of seats they have after elections, AFC with their Gains, and APNU with their gains. 


Going it alone, might very well bring the PPP/C back to power again, now is the time, I do hope that in order to kick the PPP/C out, this is the decision they need to arrive at.

Originally Posted by asj:
There is no way that the PPP/C will win if Elections were held today

Whether today, tomorrow, next month, next year, etc., the PPP/C will win the elections and form the government.

Originally Posted by asj:
If we can see a marriage between AFC/APNU then the Corrupt PPP/C would be history. But would the AFC willing to take this gamble?

The marriage was formally established immediately after the elections in 2011.


De Hydro Seed Engineer...

tell us about how Burnham sign yuh Card

and giv yuh Wuk when Rodney could not get wuk.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by asj:
If we can see a marriage between AFC/APNU then the Corrupt PPP/C would be history. But would the AFC willing to take this gamble?

The marriage was formally established immediately after the elections in 2011.

Dont be silly. They are in opposition, do you expect them to be in agreement with the shenanigans of the blasted corrupted govt, NO.

If they do decide to join in an effort to throw out those sleazy bastards then I would stand behind them,ANYTHING TO THROW OUT THOSE SLIMY BASTARDS AND TOSS THEIR ASSES INTO THE CLINK.


The unity of the opposition has been imposed on them by the PPP and ironically that is essentially going to be the most powerful undoing of this racist, thiefin PPP government.

Originally Posted by asj:

Are you saying that APNU would win?


What people need to discuss isn't whether the PPP will lose or not, but what do they think are the chances that APNU will win.  I some how don't think that many think that APNU will win, at least not unless the AFC really savages the PPP in its base.


A likely scenario will be a PPP plurality with a smaller number of seats.  I hope that APNU and the AFC have a plan for that, but knowing how stupid the APNU is, and how full of self delusion the AFC is, I doubt it.


I will suggest that APNU has a 30% floor and a 40% cap, while the PPP has a 40% floor.  The race vote still exists and the PPP will always gain some non Indian votes by their ability to buy it.  This suggests that the AFC has a 30% cap.

If we can see a marriage between AFC/APNU then the Corrupt PPP/C would be history. But would the AFC willing to take this gamble?

With mutual discussion on this subject, I think that understanding between both parties are workable:


Meaning that Parties AFC/APNU retain what they have now, and going as a coalition, divvy up the gains between themselves equally, and that will be going into any elections as a coalition. If they win, then they form the Government based on amount of seats they have after elections, AFC with their Gains, and APNU with their gains. 


Going it alone, might very well bring the PPP/C back to power again, now is the time, I do hope that in order to kick the PPP/C out, this is the decision they need to arrive at.

  The AFC isn't open to a pre election coalition and I don't see that they should be.  The fact is that many who support them do so out of the hope that at some point, even if not in the immediate future, they will emerge as a major party, lifting Guyana out of the morass that it has been in for more than 50 years.  They will not if they become as absorbed by APNU as the WPA has become.


People need to face the fact that the most likely scenario will be a PPP plurality again, most likely with an even smaller vote than before. The PPP also knows this as Luncheon admitted that a minority gov't might be a "permanent" feature.


So I suggest that APNU and the AFC should begin addressing the possibility of this rather than foolishly hoping that APNU will win.  The AFC needs to learn how to anticipate their support because on the last two occasions they guessed wrong. 


They need to stop thinking that the mere fact that people aren't happy with the major players means that they will get the vote.  I was told that several people liked them last election but supported APNU as they saw a vote for the AFC as wasted as they didn't see them able to win. 


I doubt that much has changed, even though a further encroachment into the PPP strongholds is likely as that party implodes into extreme arrogance as noted by their AG.  Even Priya had to speak out against Anil's behavior so there is no point for the PPP chorus to deny or excuse this thuggery.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

The unity of the opposition has been imposed on them by the PPP and ironically that is essentially going to be the most powerful undoing of this racist, thiefin PPP government.

I assume that you mean unity in coordinating strategies because I doubt the AFC wants to be part of that APNU mess, which Granger seems unable/unwilling to handle.


quote "So I suggest that APNU and the AFC should begin addressing the possibility of this rather than foolishly hoping that APNU will win.  The AFC needs to learn how to anticipate their support because on the last two occasions they guessed wrong."unquote


Just like I am suggesting, this would not be a merger per se, but an agreement for both opposition parties to keep their now strength plus whatever collectively

gains in the next elections, so it is not a permanent thing like the WPA.

This way if they merged then I think that the Corrupt and thiefing PPP/C will be I say they need to have discussion, nothing to lose, but more to gain. If they do pull it off, (and I think it is the only way to defeat the PPP/C ) then they form the Government on their new strength, but retain their own indentity with an increase amount of seats.


Anything to shove those scumbags of the PPP/C to the wayside forever.

Last edited by Former Member

As a member of the PPP/C, I condemn this move that borders on dictatorship


Dear Editor, Mr. Ramotar’s decision to “prorogue” Parliament is a decision that I, a member of the PPP/Civic list in the 2011 general election, cannot accept, but only condemn as anti-democratic and boarding on dictatorship. As a member of the PPP/Civic list, I was never consulted, invited to any PPP/Civic meeting nor even canvassed over the telephone for an opinion. I remember at Freedom House on the night of the 2011 General Elections, telling Mr. Ramotar that he has to be a President of compromise, reconciliation and dialogue in the five years of his term, faced with a Parliamentary minority.  I further told Mr. Ramotar in emails, personal conversation and at the one meeting, I was invited to in the last three years- to bring Mr. Granger and some of his APNU operatives into a Government of united efforts for our dear Nation.  I furthermore always urged local elections which were promised personally to me by President Ramotar, and which have never materialized- a grave mistake on the PPP’s part and which will come to haunt this regime. The no-confidence motion by the AFC is the excuse used to close down Parliament; I felt that that motion was not a tool to be used by the opposition at the present time.  However, the presumptiveness of this government in not holding local elections in combination with financial irregularities and “strange happenings” with foreign investments convinces me that the decision to close down Parliament is definitely not in the interest of our Nation, especially the dread effects it will have on the business climate in Guyana. President Cheddi would never have suspended the constitution as this PPP government has done.  Even after the riots and bloodshed of the 1960s, Jagan offered a solution of coalition government, with compromise and national reconciliation. Therefore, Editor, I would like the Guyanese public to know that I completely disassociate myself from the PPP’s decision to shut down our Parliament and more than that, to head down the road to perdition by breaking the backbone of democracy in our country.  Parliament, in your heritage as an English speaking country, is  the backbone of any democracy (along with the Press) and to close down Parliament, where Jagan was molded and nurtured as a politician, is a slap in the face of his legacy, and to his service to this nation.  Shame on those who made this decision and shame on those who agree to it- a disgrace and calamity for our nation. Cheddi (Joey) Jagan (Jr)

Originally Posted by asj:


Just like I am suggesting, this would not be a merger per se, .

The constitution prevents post election alliances, and awards the executive arm of governance to who ever wins the plurality. So if the AFC wins 21%, APNU keeps its 40% and the PPP is reduced to 39% then APNU wins.


Were this to happen I can already anticipate the yelling and screaming at Freedom House where they will demand that there is a run off between the PPP and APNU, even though the constitution doesnt require that.


Emails, recorded telephone conversation expose…Jagdeo/Nandlall/Sattaur plot to kill staff and shutdown K/News

October 4, 2014 | By | Filed Under Heist of Guyana, News 

September 21, 2014

Jagdeo/Sattaur plot to destroy Kaieteur News unearthed

Publisher of the Kaieteur News, Glenn Lall, is in possession of incontrovertible evidence of a plot by former President, Bharrat Jagdeo, and Commissioner-General of the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA), Khurshid Sattaur, to bring down Kaieteur News. Confidential documentation, leaked to this publication, reveals that the Commissioner-General provided the former President with detailed tax information of a number of independent media houses in - a a The disclosure of the information by GRA’s Commissioner-General to Jagdeo, represents a grave breach of the ‘Oath of Secrecy’ sworn to by Sattaur as an officer of the Guyana Revenue Authority, said one lawyer. In taking the Oath, Sattaur solemnly declared that he would “truly, faithfully, impartially and honestly execute the powers vested in him.” He also swore that he would “judge and determine upon all matters and things before him without fear, affection, or malice”. And he swore, too, not to disclose any tax information concerning any taxpayer, but this has not been the case. Both Jagdeo and Sattaur are fully aware of the impropriety of their action and as such Sattaur even acknowledged, in the documents, that Jagdeo is expected to treat the information with confidence, said the lawyer. The documents would lift the lid off a few Government officials who have been insisting that all is right in Guyana and democracy is very much alive, he added. Both Kaieteur News and Stabroek News have been on the receiving end of Government’s anger over critical issues like corruption, value for money on projects, and local government elections. This publication is of the firm view that former President Jagdeo is not entitled to receive financial or tax information of any taxpayer, let alone a private citizen, as it would be highly improper, and clearly a breach of regulations. The information received revealed that Jagdeo advised Sattaur on “an impending major audit of the Kaieteur News” as a public ploy to defend the GRA and Sattaur against criticisms by the Kaieteur News. There is strong indication, according to the documents seen by Kaieteur News, that the plot between Sattaur and Jagdeo was hatched after a news report a few weeks ago raised questions over the employment of three children of the Commissioner-General at GRA. The report had questioned whether it was proper. Sattaur had also been highly defensive and upset with Kaieteur News and the private media, after questions were asked of GRA’s role in granting Bai Shan Lin, a Chinese logging company that is being investigated by Parliament, tens of millions of dollars in duty free concessions. When asked about details of the duty free concessions granted to Bai Shan Lin, Sattaur made it clear that the laws that are in place barred him from ever disclosing the information. He said that the matter was closed. As such, the public was kept in the dark over those duty free concessions for high-end SUVs, like a Lexus, an Infiniti series, and even a number of luxury vans. The granting of duty free concessions for vehicles pertaining to investments has to be relevant to the type of investment being made. GRA remained silent on this and also how it granted the duty free concessions even before Bai Shan Lin was given permission to freely operate its concessions. According to Kaieteur News’s publisher, Glenn Lall, he is now even more convinced that certain members within the ruling People’s Progressive Party/Civic and Government are determined to silence the voice of the independent media. “The use of the Guyana Revenue Authority, a body to which members of the public entrust their most private information, as a weapon against the media is a dangerous development indeed, and a violation of press freedom… “Kaieteur News is forced to ask what other tax information has not been compromised by Sattaur and Jagdeo?” Lall opined that it is time for Sattaur to step down as Commissioner-General of GRA with an independent, criminal investigation launched to enquire the role played by Jagdeo, and to ensure that the tax agency is operating within its mandate. “We also call on President Donald Ramotar to take steps to prevent Mr. Jagdeo from interfering further in his administration of the country,” Lall said.


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