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The terrorist truck driver who killed 84 people in the French Riviera city of Nice was a bitter divorced delivery man with a violent criminal record — but no apparent ties to any religious extremist group.

Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel — identified as the 31-year-old Tunisian-born Frenchman shot dead by cops after the Thursday night massacre — was known to police for his lengthy criminal record.

The delivery man was previously convicted for armed robbery, domestic violence and making threats, and he was once arrested after he fell asleep while driving for work, according to France’s BFM-TV.

Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel was shot dead by police after the thursday night attack.

Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel was shot dead by police after the thursday night attack.

But despite his domestic rap sheet, he was not on any terror watch list, sources told the TV station. The dad of three had no known ties to any terrorist group, and no radical organization has claimed responsibility for his deadly Bastille Day siege.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

RiffRaff posted:

Well...he got a Muslim, you have to expect the usual suspects to jump the gun and blame an entire religion

What is sad is the extent of hate that is being expressed here on GNI by our fellow Guyanese towards Muslims.

When Yugi expressed himself about not blaming all Muslims for this horrible incident in France, all the gni non Muslims jump on him.

These GNIers  really hate us Muslims, they are showing their true colors by attacking YUGI.


Chief posted:

The terrorist truck driver who killed 84 people in the French Riviera city of Nice was a bitter divorced delivery man with a violent criminal record — but no apparent ties to any religious extremist group.

Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel — identified as the 31-year-old Tunisian-born Frenchman shot dead by cops after the Thursday night massacre — was known to police for his lengthy criminal record.

The delivery man was previously convicted for armed robbery, domestic violence and making threats, and he was once arrested after he fell asleep while driving for work, according to France’s BFM-TV.

Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel was shot dead by police after the thursday night attack.

Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel was shot dead by police after the thursday night attack.

But despite his domestic rap sheet, he was not on any terror watch list, sources told the TV station. The dad of three had no known ties to any terrorist group, and no radical organization has claimed responsibility for his deadly Bastille Day siege.

Because for the past few decades you all have let these criminals, use your religion, and make life hell for the rest of us.

This wasn't a criminal act where there was personal gain.  No this is the behavior of a confused soul who did it because some imam thug told him that this was the thing to do.

If Muslims don't care about what thugs do to them in the name of Allah, that is YOUR business, but when a thug kills little kids because of his warped interpretation of the Koran, then it becomes OUR business.

Turkey's tourism will suffer immensely as tourists avoid that nation because of some thugs.  In fact France as well.  Jazz festival canceled, so all of Nice must suffer, because some lunatic thinks that he is doing this to0 get into the Muslim heaven.

Muslims need to ask themselves why them and not other religions have crazies acting based upon their religion.  What is it about Islam, which allows this, and what can be done to stop it.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

That is why I am saying that the good Muslims have to stand up and condemn these terrorist acts. 

That is not the point.  Most Muslims do condemn this, and it isn't Islam itself which is responsible. 

The issue that Muslims need to address is why so many of these acts are committed in the name of their religion.  Why do segments of Islam insist upon literal and archaic interpretations of the Koran, when other religions have moved on.  Why is Islam stuck in the Middle Ages, in the eyes of Wahhabis, and other conservative elements?

When Roof entered a church and killed blacks he didn't do this because of his "Lord and savior".  He did this because he hated blacks.

Mateen is a closet gay, and exercised his demons by killing gays, and felt perfectly find using a religious justification.  Why did he think that he could do so?


The entire religion should not be blamed for the actions of a few. However, to deny that the people who commit these crimes are Muslim is simply ludicrous. One does not somehow lose your religion because you commit a sin. We all commit sins and do things that are against the teachings of the religious books but this does not disqualify us from the religion. If that were the case all you sinners would have already been disqualified from being Muslim, Christian or whatever religion you belong to. The Catholic priests who molested children are Catholics who committed grave sins. Convicts who convert to Islam in the prison are Muslims with a rap sheet. It does not disqualify them from being Muslims because they have a rap sheet. Many of you were saying duas for Osama Bin Laden the night he went to swim with the fishes because he was a Muslim like yourselves.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

That is why I am saying that the good Muslims have to stand up and condemn these terrorist acts.  Several here on GNI are looking for excuses for the terrorist rather than condemning him.  Why are all the Muslim religious leaders silent?  They need to stand up against terrorism if they really want peace.  Charity begins at home.  Until that happens, the crime spree will escalate with Islam on one side and the rest of the world on the other side of the war.


Several here on GNI are looking for excuses for the terrorist....

You really need to furnish proof of this statement or else this is a statement of hate and it's bigotry pure and simple. It's hatred by Bibi against a people based on religion. BTW, why do you co-opt that Muslim moniker when you are not a Muslim. I know you're not because I know ho you are.

So here to help you out is the template of the proof you need to furnish:

Mr. so-and-so excuses the Terrorists from their evil, murderous deeds because they are Muslims and because they are faithfully following the religion of Islam. Show where on this forum someone excused these scoundrels and waste of the earth. If not I must call you a hateful bigot.

Chief just showed you evidence that this guy was on nobody's watch list and had no religion to speak of and yet all I hear from you is how people on this Board are excusing murders like this fellow.

I'll repeat what you wrote - "Several here on GNI are looking for excuses for the terrorist rather than condemning him." Give me the evidence who is looking for an excuse for this Algerian-French murderer and who is not condemning. It's a simple enough task so do it. Show the evidence.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

That is why I am saying that the good Muslims have to stand up and condemn these terrorist acts.  Several here on GNI are looking for excuses for the terrorist rather than condemning him.  Why are all the Muslim religious leaders silent?  They need to stand up against terrorism if they really want peace.  Charity begins at home.  Until that happens, the crime spree will escalate with Islam on one side and the rest of the world on the other side of the war.


name names instead of wildly accusing people on GNI of making excuses...I have not seen anyone make excuses for terrorism...instead, people have said not to blame the entire religion for the acts of these crazy people

Muslim organizations have condemned terrorism, maybe you should google it

Demerara_Guy posted:

Are other individuals specifically identified by their ethnic or religious associations when criminal activities are committed?

Yes, Muslims rip into Catholic priests for molesting children and Jews for killing Palestinians.

caribny posted:
Chief posted:

The terrorist truck driver who killed 84 people in the French Riviera city of Nice was a bitter divorced delivery man with a violent criminal record — but no apparent ties to any religious extremist group.

Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel — identified as the 31-year-old Tunisian-born Frenchman shot dead by cops after the Thursday night massacre — was known to police for his lengthy criminal record.

The delivery man was previously convicted for armed robbery, domestic violence and making threats, and he was once arrested after he fell asleep while driving for work, according to France’s BFM-TV.

Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel was shot dead by police after the thursday night attack.

Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel was shot dead by police after the thursday night attack.

But despite his domestic rap sheet, he was not on any terror watch list, sources told the TV station. The dad of three had no known ties to any terrorist group, and no radical organization has claimed responsibility for his deadly Bastille Day siege.

Because for the past few decades you all have let these criminals, use your religion, and make life hell for the rest of us.

This wasn't a criminal act where there was personal gain.  No this is the behavior of a confused soul who did it because some imam thug told him that this was the thing to do.

If Muslims don't care about what thugs do to them in the name of Allah, that is YOUR business, but when a thug kills little kids because of his warped interpretation of the Koran, then it becomes OUR business.

Turkey's tourism will suffer immensely as tourists avoid that nation because of some thugs.  In fact France as well.  Jazz festival canceled, so all of Nice must suffer, because some lunatic thinks that he is doing this to0 get into the Muslim heaven.

Muslims need to ask themselves why them and not other religions have crazies acting based upon their religion.  What is it about Islam, which allows this, and what can be done to stop it.

CaribJ hold your horse.

Because  ISIS did not take responsibility So now an Imam advised this troubled thug to carry this out?  

Hello no one is acting on my religion because my religion does not teach that.

You out of all person, fall prey to the media and their nonsense about extreme Islam and Islamic Terrorist. Try learning about Islam before blaming the religion.


caribny posted:

Because for the past few decades you all have let these criminals, use your religion, and make life hell for the rest of us.

This wasn't a criminal act where there was personal gain.  No this is the behavior of a confused soul who did it because some imam thug told him that this was the thing to do.

If Muslims don't care about what thugs do to them in the name of Allah, that is YOUR business, but when a thug kills little kids because of his warped interpretation of the Koran, then it becomes OUR business.

Turkey's tourism will suffer immensely as tourists avoid that nation because of some thugs.  In fact France as well.  Jazz festival canceled, so all of Nice must suffer, because some lunatic thinks that he is doing this to0 get into the Muslim heaven.

Muslims need to ask themselves why them and not other religions have crazies acting based upon their religion.  What is it about Islam, which allows this, and what can be done to stop it.

Because for the past few decades you all have let these criminals, use your religion, and make life hell for the rest of us.

CARIBNY, you're no different from Donald Trump by spreading this hatred of Muslims. that Algerian-French is nowhere close to the religion of Islam. What else do you want for proof that he is not Islamic.

.....this is the behavior of a confused soul who did it because some imam thug told him that this was the thing to do.

Can you show the evidence where this guy went to some mosque or watched a video where an Imam said to go do these acts? If criminals, terrorists and killers post some video years ago in the name of so-called Islam then how come I did not do like this Algerian-French? 


What is it about Islam, which allows this, and what can be done to stop it.

Why do you say Islam allows this? Show proof where Islam says to go murder babies and slaughter innocents. You realize this is a total lie!

RiffRaff posted:

Muslim organizations have condemned terrorism, maybe you should google it

And yet segments of Islam continue to commit these barbarous acts against other Muslims usually.

What are Muslims doing to undo the damage of the Wahhabis, who sent a bunch of criminals who dressed themselves up as imams, and then brainwashed confused European kids that they could kill in the name of Allah and they would get a fast track to the Muslim heaven.

To say that "this isn't Muslim behavior" when these people are being instigated by Muslim clerics is no longer enough.  Not when we see that Saudi Arabia sanctions the murder of apostates.  Did any Muslim group suggest the boycott of Mecca until that government changed its ways?

Mars posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Are other individuals specifically identified by their ethnic or religious associations when criminal activities are committed?

Yes, Muslims rip into Catholic priests for molesting children and Jews for killing Palestinians.

Show the evidence where Muslims rip Christians. you stated they ripped Priests....just like the media did. Is the media guilty of ripping Christians? Is the English language so difficult?

Bibi Haniffa posted:

That is why I am saying that the good Muslims have to stand up and condemn these terrorist acts.  Several here on GNI are looking for excuses for the terrorist rather than condemning him.  Why are all the Muslim religious leaders silent?  They need to stand up against terrorism if they really want peace.  Charity begins at home.  Until that happens, the crime spree will escalate with Islam on one side and the rest of the world on the other side of the war.


Muslim leaders do speak out but they are not given the same air time as others who are blaming Islam.

caribny posted:
RiffRaff posted:

Muslim organizations have condemned terrorism, maybe you should google it

And yet segments of Islam continue to commit these barbarous acts against other Muslims usually.

What are Muslims doing to undo the damage of the Wahhabis, who sent a bunch of criminals who dressed themselves up as imams, and then brainwashed confused European kids that they could kill in the name of Allah and they would get a fast track to the Muslim heaven.

To say that "this isn't Muslim behavior" when these people are being instigated by Muslim clerics is no longer enough.  Not when we see that Saudi Arabia sanctions the murder of apostates.  Did any Muslim group suggest the boycott of Mecca until that government changed its ways?

No Cribmna....these are not Muslims acting on behalf of Islam (the religion) or Muslims (the people). These are disaffected people (like the IRA in the 70s, and Kampuchians in the 70s, the Jews in the 50s, etc.) no one tagged a religion for these. Now you've had the Arab world upended for decades (see Bush, US ,oil, etc.) and Arab immigrants in France and Belgium ghettoized and this breeds these murdering scums. Is it Islam that breeds these dirtbags?

Mars posted:

The entire religion should not be blamed for the actions of a few. However, to deny that the people who commit these crimes are Muslim is simply ludicrous. One does not somehow lose your religion because you commit a sin. We all commit sins and do things that are against the teachings of the religious books but this does not disqualify us from the religion. If that were the case all you sinners would have already been disqualified from being Muslim, Christian or whatever religion you belong to. The Catholic priests who molested children are Catholics who committed grave sins. Convicts who convert to Islam in the prison are Muslims with a rap sheet. It does not disqualify them from being Muslims because they have a rap sheet. Many of you were saying duas for Osama Bin Laden the night he went to swim with the fishes because he was a Muslim like yourselves.

This is deep.

Bottom line Mars, Muslims are caught between a rock and  a hard place.

i understand the frustration by non muslims however in that same line I can argue that I understand the frustration of Whites who see Blacks, Minorities and others as a threat.

However as  minority and person of color, do you and Carib J really f agree that you are a threat to whites?




Bibi Haniffa posted:

Why are we blaming this act on the terrorist's divorce rather than facing the truth?  Over 40% of American marriages face divorce,  I don't see them driving a truck into innocent people and killing them because they are getting divorced.

By defending a terrorist, you have shown the rest of us what side of the fence you are on.  Clear and simple as that!!!!

You are yet to show where anyone on this Board is defending terrorists.

Can't get clearer than that. 

To perpetuate your bigotry you now use the angle of divorcees not being disaffected enough to be terrorists, so it HAS to be Islam. You are easy to see through - you must nail Islam somehow, somewhere. You have to be called a hateful, bigoted person trolling for "evidence" to nail Islam. In the process you accuse people on this Board of defending this Algerian-French criminal who is not even in the ball park of any religion let alone Islam.

RiffRaff posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

That is why I am saying that the good Muslims have to stand up and condemn these terrorist acts.  Several here on GNI are looking for excuses for the terrorist rather than condemning him.  Why are all the Muslim religious leaders silent?  They need to stand up against terrorism if they really want peace.  Charity begins at home.  Until that happens, the crime spree will escalate with Islam on one side and the rest of the world on the other side of the war.


name names instead of wildly accusing people on GNI of making excuses...I have not seen anyone make excuses for terrorism...instead, people have said not to blame the entire religion for the acts of these crazy people

Muslim organizations have condemned terrorism, maybe you should google it

I've seen the excuses here time and again. Bush brought down the twin towers, Al Qaeda, the Taliban are not Muslims. The West should not attack ISIS, leave them to duke it out. It creates an air of distrust when people deny the obvious. 


Chief posted:

Because  ISIS did not take responsibility


You all need to stop scape goating ISIS when we can name Islamist groups all over the world sanctioning murder in the name of Allah.

Now tell me about all of those Christian and Hindu groups whose behavior makes boarding a plane the same as entering a jail in terms of the security that we must go through?

This isn't the behavior of common criminals, whose motivation is greed. This is done by people, who have been brainwashed by others who purport to be Muslim clerics.

So why do Muslims allow people to act on behalf of their religion to commit such acts?  What is it in the psyche of a segment of the Muslim population to commit such acts where these is no personal gain?  What motivates so many to do this, and such violence has now become endemic to Europe?

The Sunnis and the Shiites have their centuries old war.  The Wahhabis want every one to practice Sharia Law, which involves stonings, amputation and death of apostates, all of which they interpret literally.

Saudi Arabia is the center of your religion, and you all boost that country's economy by engaging in your annual pilgrimage.  You turn a blind eye to the barbarity which is committed in that savage land, all in the name of religion.

There is something fundamentally wrong, and weak pleas have long since outlived their usefulness.  Pretending as if there isn't something wrong with how some Muslims behave, killing in the name of religion, is not going to solve the problem.

This is getting worse and worse and the world is increasingly sick of it.


Chief, Osama bin laden was a criminal and terorist. His young son is plotting revenge as the new head of Al Qaida. You was angry when the American buried him at sea. You said by his religious right, he should be given a proper burial. You and your fellow Muslims give dua  for a criminal and now you want to make yourself an ass?

Last edited by Former Member
Mars posted:

I've seen the excuses here time and again. Bush brought down the twin towers, Al Qaeda, the Taliban are not Muslims. The West should not attack ISIS, leave them to duke it out. It creates an air of distrust when people deny the obvious. 


The West is damned by whatever they do.  Bin laden hates the USA because he felt that his religious warriors were abandoned when the USSR was driven out and the USA lost interest in Afghanistan.

The issue is that Muslim terrorist groups are NOT leaving the West alone.  Kari and Chief better hope that what happened in Nice doesn't happen in NYC on Labor Day or else I will be sorry for Muslims, or any one who looks as if he might be one.  Trump will be elected president, were that to happen.

Kari posted:
Mars posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Are other individuals specifically identified by their ethnic or religious associations when criminal activities are committed?

Yes, Muslims rip into Catholic priests for molesting children and Jews for killing Palestinians.

Show the evidence where Muslims rip Christians. you stated they ripped Priests....just like the media did. Is the media guilty of ripping Christians? Is the English language so difficult?

Why you don't rest your ole self? On this very forum I've seen Muslims condemn Catholic priests for molesting children and Jews for killing Palestinians. Is that so hard for you to understand? It's time for you clowns to take your head out of the sand or wherever you have it buried.

Chief posted:
Kari posted:

CARIBNY, you're no different from Donald Trump by spreading this hatred of Muslims.

Believe as you wish while you ignore the slaughter of hundreds of people.

If a Muslim kills 100 Americans on Labor Day in the USA Trump becomes president. 

You all already saw how 9/11 strengthened Bush, who prior to that was destined to become a one term president.  The man even won 45% of the Hispanic vote!

Last edited by Former Member
Chief posted:
Mars posted:

The entire religion should not be blamed for the actions of a few. However, to deny that the people who commit these crimes are Muslim is simply ludicrous. One does not somehow lose your religion because you commit a sin. We all commit sins and do things that are against the teachings of the religious books but this does not disqualify us from the religion. If that were the case all you sinners would have already been disqualified from being Muslim, Christian or whatever religion you belong to. The Catholic priests who molested children are Catholics who committed grave sins. Convicts who convert to Islam in the prison are Muslims with a rap sheet. It does not disqualify them from being Muslims because they have a rap sheet. Many of you were saying duas for Osama Bin Laden the night he went to swim with the fishes because he was a Muslim like yourselves.

This is deep.

Bottom line Mars, Muslims are caught between a rock and  a hard place.

i understand the frustration by non muslims however in that same line I can argue that I understand the frustration of Whites who see Blacks, Minorities and others as a threat.

However as  minority and person of color, do you and Carib J really f agree that you are a threat to whites?




I'm not a threat to a single soul. They can view me however they want. The only time I'll be a threat is if I'm attacked and then I will retaliate accordingly.

Mars posted:
RiffRaff posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

That is why I am saying that the good Muslims have to stand up and condemn these terrorist acts.  Several here on GNI are looking for excuses for the terrorist rather than condemning him.  Why are all the Muslim religious leaders silent?  They need to stand up against terrorism if they really want peace.  Charity begins at home.  Until that happens, the crime spree will escalate with Islam on one side and the rest of the world on the other side of the war.


name names instead of wildly accusing people on GNI of making excuses...I have not seen anyone make excuses for terrorism...instead, people have said not to blame the entire religion for the acts of these crazy people

Muslim organizations have condemned terrorism, maybe you should google it

I've seen the excuses here time and again. Bush brought down the twin towers, Al Qaeda, the Taliban are not Muslims. The West should not attack ISIS, leave them to duke it out. It creates an air of distrust when people deny the obvious. 


I've seen the excuses here time and again.

Another idiot. A hater. A bigot.

Cobra posted:

Chief, Osama bin laden was a criminal and terorist. His young son is plotting revenge as the new head of Al Qaida. You was angry when the American buried him at sea. You said by his religious right, he should be given a proper burial. You and your fellow Muslims give dua  for a criminal and now you want to make yourself an ass?

If you take your time and try to understand Islam then you will not make foolish statements.

When a Muslim dies, regardless if he is a good or an evil person, certain rights has to be performed, among them washing and shrouding of the body and Janaza prayers. After that it is up to God to Judge the individual.


Kari posted:
Mars posted:
RiffRaff posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

That is why I am saying that the good Muslims have to stand up and condemn these terrorist acts.  Several here on GNI are looking for excuses for the terrorist rather than condemning him.  Why are all the Muslim religious leaders silent?  They need to stand up against terrorism if they really want peace.  Charity begins at home.  Until that happens, the crime spree will escalate with Islam on one side and the rest of the world on the other side of the war.


name names instead of wildly accusing people on GNI of making excuses...I have not seen anyone make excuses for terrorism...instead, people have said not to blame the entire religion for the acts of these crazy people

Muslim organizations have condemned terrorism, maybe you should google it

I've seen the excuses here time and again. Bush brought down the twin towers, Al Qaeda, the Taliban are not Muslims. The West should not attack ISIS, leave them to duke it out. It creates an air of distrust when people deny the obvious. 


I've seen the excuses here time and again.

Another idiot. A hater. A bigot.

That's what you fools resort to whenever you are confronted with facts. What don't you understand about me seeing the excuses here, Numpty? 

Mars posted:
Kari posted:
Mars posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Are other individuals specifically identified by their ethnic or religious associations when criminal activities are committed?

Yes, Muslims rip into Catholic priests for molesting children and Jews for killing Palestinians.

Show the evidence where Muslims rip Christians. you stated they ripped Priests....just like the media did. Is the media guilty of ripping Christians? Is the English language so difficult?

Why you don't rest your ole self? On this very forum I've seen Muslims condemn Catholic priests for molesting children and Jews for killing Palestinians. Is that so hard for you to understand? It's time for you clowns to take your head out of the sand or wherever you have it buried.

Mars, if you want to get personal, why don't you say who you are and maybe this ole self of a person can have a beer with you. How 'bout it, eh?

You know who I am. I'm an ole self. You know where I live and work and my email address. Show up man. Be a man instead of a whining b1tch behind a keyboard.

Mars posted:

That's what you fools resort to whenever you are confronted with facts. What don't you understand about me seeing the excuses here, Numpty? 

Yeah, time to slap this Numpty ole man, eh! I live in Ozone Park and work in Manahttan. I'm around. Time to slap me silly big boy. Stop hiding in your dainty skirt and slap the sh1t out of me.


Why is it when I called for Mosques to be monitored, its Finance scrutinize, the Imams be on watchful eyes and listening ears, some get dem Panties all hot???  WHY????  Why would any foreign Country Finance million of dollars and not want some leverage???


Do these hypocrites expect we Americans to sit like idle ducks waiting to be slaughtered???   Dont we Americans have the RIGHT to use every resources to ensure our safety in our own country????

Chief posted:

This is deep.

Bottom line Mars, Muslims are caught between a rock and  a hard place.

i understand the frustration by non muslims however in that same line I can argue that I understand the frustration of Whites who see Blacks, Minorities and others as a threat.

However as  minority and person of color, do you and Carib J really f agree that you are a threat to whites?




Chief the people who suffer most from this are Muslims.

1.  When 250 people were killed in Iraq no one cared, maybe not even other Muslims.

2. When it happened in Turkey there was some concern as that is a nation with a huge tourist industry and a vibrant economy attracting thousands of foreign business people.

3. When Westerners die Muslims also die.

4. When you mess with the French, the British and the Americans you bring hell and damnation on your head.  They will look for a scape goat and the easiest one will be Muslims living in those countries.

So I am perplexed why you and Kari damn people like me, stormborn and Mars and classify us with bigots like bibi and baseman.  We are AGAINST all Muslims being blames.  We know that it isn't the religion itself (which is no different from Christianity or Judaism) but an archaic INTERPRETATION of it by mentally ill Muslim clerics.

If you wish to throw all of us into the category of bigots, I am sorry for you should an attack occur within the USA, because hell has no fury like a white American who feels that the safety of his kids has been jeopardized.  Even Hillary will justify acts against Muslims in order to win the election!

Mars posted:
Chief posted:
Mars posted:

The entire religion should not be blamed for the actions of a few. However, to deny that the people who commit these crimes are Muslim is simply ludicrous. One does not somehow lose your religion because you commit a sin. We all commit sins and do things that are against the teachings of the religious books but this does not disqualify us from the religion. If that were the case all you sinners would have already been disqualified from being Muslim, Christian or whatever religion you belong to. The Catholic priests who molested children are Catholics who committed grave sins. Convicts who convert to Islam in the prison are Muslims with a rap sheet. It does not disqualify them from being Muslims because they have a rap sheet. Many of you were saying duas for Osama Bin Laden the night he went to swim with the fishes because he was a Muslim like yourselves.

This is deep.

Bottom line Mars, Muslims are caught between a rock and  a hard place.

i understand the frustration by non muslims however in that same line I can argue that I understand the frustration of Whites who see Blacks, Minorities and others as a threat.

However as  minority and person of color, do you and Carib J really f agree that you are a threat to whites?




I'm not a threat to a single soul. They can view me however they want. The only time I'll be a threat is if I'm attacked and then I will retaliate accordingly.

Thank you Mars. You have just spoken for every Muslim. 

I rest my case!

Nehru posted:

Why is it when I called for Mosques to be monitored, its Finance scrutinize, the Imams be on watchful eyes and listening ears, some get dem Panties all hot???  WHY????  Why would any foreign Country Finance million of dollars and not want some leverage???


Do these hypocrites expect we Americans to sit like idle ducks waiting to be slaughtered???   Dont we Americans have the RIGHT to use every resources to ensure our safety in our own country????

Bai Pavi, you know how many people got murdered today alone in the US?

Now that is slaughter. Let's send in the Marines to Black communities. 

Do you realize you are doing Trump's bidding? Yes, the FBI should monitor and do surveillance on some centers where a radical or two have taken over. I'm all for that. But when you make it so universal it moves from necessary profiling to bad profiling. 

Kari posted:
Mars posted:
Kari posted:
Mars posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Are other individuals specifically identified by their ethnic or religious associations when criminal activities are committed?

Yes, Muslims rip into Catholic priests for molesting children and Jews for killing Palestinians.

Show the evidence where Muslims rip Christians. you stated they ripped Priests....just like the media did. Is the media guilty of ripping Christians? Is the English language so difficult?

Why you don't rest your ole self? On this very forum I've seen Muslims condemn Catholic priests for molesting children and Jews for killing Palestinians. Is that so hard for you to understand? It's time for you clowns to take your head out of the sand or wherever you have it buried.

Mars, if you want to get personal, why don't you say who you are and maybe this ole self of a person can have a beer with you. How 'bout it, eh?

You know who I am. I'm an ole self. You know where I live and work and my email address. Show up man. Be a man instead of a whining b1tch behind a keyboard.

Sorry, I do not drink and even if I did I won't have a drink with an uninteresting fool like you. 

Whining bitch? You're more of a bitch after someone walked into your bedroom, found a man on your back and deserted you afterwards. 

The reason why Infidels have developed an air of distrust with the Muslim community is because of liars like you. On this very forum, I've seen Muslims over and over condemn the Catholic priests and Jews and yet you are trying to tell me that it never happened. The ones like you who claim to be moderate Muslims and who will deny the obvious to cover for the Jihadists, those are the ones we have to fear the most because we will be stabbed in the back by you two faced people before we know it. 

Kari posted:
Nehru posted:

Why is it when I called for Mosques to be monitored, its Finance scrutinize, the Imams be on watchful eyes and listening ears, some get dem Panties all hot???  WHY????  Why would any foreign Country Finance million of dollars and not want some leverage???


Do these hypocrites expect we Americans to sit like idle ducks waiting to be slaughtered???   Dont we Americans have the RIGHT to use every resources to ensure our safety in our own country????

Bai Pavi, you know how many people got murdered today alone in the US?

Now that is slaughter. Let's send in the Marines to Black communities. 

Do you realize you are doing Trump's bidding? Yes, the FBI should monitor and do surveillance on some centers where a radical or two have taken over. I'm all for that. But when you make it so universal it moves from necessary profiling to bad profiling. 

So tell us how else can the US Govt know cause from what I am hearing the TRUTH dont always come out from some Mosques. However, if you have any ideas Mr Obama would gladly listen.

Chief posted:

If you take your time and try to understand Islam then you will not make foolish statements.


Cease with your nonsense that Islam is such a perfect religion, especially when lunatics are free to use this to commit thuggish acts, because of a warped interpretation of the Koran.

It is clear that Islam is too weak and decentralized to demand that certain standards be adhered to by those purporting to be religious leaders.  It was extremist imams who set the stage in Europe, by brainwashing confused European kids of North African and South Asian backgrounds.  This all funded by Saudi Arabia.

It is clear that Saudi Arabia is a hell hole where almost none of us will want to live, or have our daughters be exposed to, as they have a savage interpretation of the Koran, which sanctions the murder of those Muslims who decide that the religion shouldn't be for them any longer.

Clearly Islam, as it is practiced has serious problems, and you need to admit to this, and urge that Muslims begin to figure a solution. You cannot demand that non Muslims should fix how Islam is actually practiced.

caribny posted:
Chief posted:

This is deep.

Bottom line Mars, Muslims are caught between a rock and  a hard place.

i understand the frustration by non muslims however in that same line I can argue that I understand the frustration of Whites who see Blacks, Minorities and others as a threat.

However as  minority and person of color, do you and Carib J really f agree that you are a threat to whites?




Chief the people who suffer most from this are Muslims.

1.  When 250 people were killed in Iraq no one cared, maybe not even other Muslims.

2. When it happened in Turkey there was some concern as that is a nation with a huge tourist industry and a vibrant economy attracting thousands of foreign business people.

3. When Westerners die Muslims also die.

4. When you mess with the French, the British and the Americans you bring hell and damnation on your head.  They will look for a scape goat and the easiest one will be Muslims living in those countries.

So I am perplexed why you and Kari damn people like me, stormborn and Mars and classify us with bigots like bibi and baseman.  We are AGAINST all Muslims being blames.  We know that it isn't the religion itself (which is no different from Christianity or Judaism) but an archaic INTERPRETATION of it by mentally ill Muslim clerics.

If you wish to throw all of us into the category of bigots, I am sorry for you should an attack occur within the USA, because hell has no fury like a white American who feels that the safety of his kids has been jeopardized.  Even Hillary will justify acts against Muslims in order to win the election!

I do hear what you D2, Mars are saying but it does not make sense.  Seems like you guys are not listening to me Kari and a few others.

Bottom line,    no one can rewrite what has already been written in the Quran and the teachings from our Holy Prophet on whom be peace.

These terrorists are not acting according to those teachings, plain and simple.

YOU, d2 and others (who really means well) are saying that Islam need to be revised and that is where we part  company.


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