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Stormborn posted:

We are topical in international circles given our potential oil benefaction. Imagine someone coming here to find out who we are and the board is full of homophobic themes, and with a prodigious out pouring of " stick in the butt" kind of phrases form our apparently mean spirited cadre of village louts as the face of our nation. It takes but a little policing. Raymond was supposed to do that. He is too busy chasing the green. He needs help.  Please nominate someone to raise the class profile of our people on the world stage. We have been in the gutter for too long and cannot get out if these fellows who should know better continues to generate these vile memes that distort who we are. 

Met Errol and Prof. Randy at funeral yesterday. They were educated and classy GNI members. Don't know if they're here with new nicks.

Last edited by Former Member
cain posted:
antabanta posted:
Stormborn posted:

Poor Cain"But wither'd beldams, auld and droll, Rigwoodie hags wad spean a foal, Lowping and flinging on a crummock. I wonder didna turn thy stomach. "

One of my favorites.

That stormy bad for days banna, hehehehe

Indeed. Them laggo-bagoo must be don't even know the origin of the quote.

Leonora posted:
Stormborn posted:

We are topical in international circles given our potential oil benefaction. Imagine someone coming here to find out who we are and the board is full of homophobic themes, and with a prodigious out pouring of " stick in the butt" kind of phrases form our apparently mean spirited cadre of village louts as the face of our nation. It takes but a little policing. Raymond was supposed to do that. He is too busy chasing the green. He needs help.  Please nominate someone to raise the class profile of our people on the world stage. We have been in the gutter for too long and cannot get out if these fellows who should know better continues to generate these vile memes that distort who we are. 

Met Errol and Prof. Randy at funeral yesterday. They were educated and classy GNI members. Don't know if they're here with new nicks.

Me thinks Randy here !!! that bhai is my villager.

Django posted:

Ayuh can't resist the aunty man talk !!! Chief will say ayuh guh jam loley. One ah dem seh the forum is a cesspool, turned that way since ayuh show up.

This was decent forum, until bgrbattys showed up, followers of the fearless leader whose antics depicts that type of character.

I was wondering about that. It's a very specific group of men always putting out some serious extreme erotic homosexual fantasies. Even the gay community might be terrified of these GNI men.

antabanta posted:
Django posted:

Ayuh can't resist the aunty man talk !!! Chief will say ayuh guh jam loley. One ah dem seh the forum is a cesspool, turned that way since ayuh show up.

This was decent forum, until bgrbattys showed up, followers of the fearless leader whose antics depicts that type of character.

I was wondering about that. It's a very specific group of men always putting out some serious extreme erotic homosexual fantasies.

Even the gay community might be terrified of these GNI men.

yuji22 posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
yuji22 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Things get wild when one handle start talking to the other handle.  One handle ask a question and the other handle answers.  I think the medical terminology for that is cognitive schizophrenia, but I’m not too sure.

It gets even worse when some handles forgot what they originally posted. I will ask KP to diagnose the schizophrenic Storm D2 etc. 

GNI should clean up or ban members with multiple handles. That would be a good start. 

My favorite is when one handle is PPP and the other is PNC.  We need to take this show on the road and forget about that damn oil money.  I’m starting to see a lot of potential right here.

Hypocrite, how many handles do you have? We know you use Druggy's nick to talk porn about sucking. You're the biggest culprit dragging the site down and talking about posters children. You seem to have a special relations with Admin; allowing you to get away with your personal attacks.

get lost dummy. 

O rass, who gave Mits cheap liquor ? Bai Mits, why are you attacking Bibi for no reason ?

Ray is in banning mode right now, better apologize before he puts you in the pen again. Bossman indicated  that he might throw away the keys this time around. 

Yehhhh, and he gonna keep an antiman like you around to post your miasmic stuff. 


I am afraid many of you are oblivious to the dangers ahead with the illegal APNU/AFC government in power. Oil dollars will be used to fete a few and suppress the many. It is imperative that we get this government to respect the constitution and hold free elections. Guyana cannot afford another 28 years of PNC rule. We cannot allow our country to be ruined again. I am asking you people to put Guyana first by taking a stand against the illegal regime that uses threats and violence to silence its opponents.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

I am afraid many of you are oblivious to the dangers ahead with the illegal APNU/AFC government in power. Oil dollars will be used to fete a few and suppress the many. It is imperative that we get this government to respect the constitution and hold free elections. Guyana cannot afford another 28 years of PNC rule. We cannot allow our country to be ruined again. I am asking you people to put Guyana first by taking a stand against the illegal regime that uses threats and violence to silence its opponents.

Hogwash, straight out of Freedom House.

The SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE, said to seek the COURTS interpretation of CV. Guyana COURT OF APPEAL  never said the GOV'T is ILLEGAL.

Last edited by Django
Ray posted:

Standards are only as good as the people who post....

People on here need to raise their standards...especially Nehru

ANyway, back to chasing the green, maybe I can get some of that oil money

You are correct. Stormborn correctly referred to the offending posters here as village louts. Hardcore racist, rum boogie, low class, amoral, low IQ idiots lacking the prerequisites for decent conversation.

However, you do have standards, rules and regulations which need to be enforced EQUALLY. Suspending KP 3 times for the same infraction that Nehru is guilty of on a DAILY basis is nonsense! And it is because you are his friend or something.

Suspending Baseman for comments while Bibi rails on his family openly and without any sanction from you or Amral is also nonsense.

Oh, and let's not forget about "uncle" Dave. Suspended for posting pictures of monkeys next to black people. Somethign that admin Amral did HIMSELF. I think the cleanup D2 mentions needs to begin with you 2. Physician....heal thyself.

  • Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

I am afraid many of you are oblivious to the dangers ahead with the illegal APNU/AFC government in power. Oil dollars will be used to fete a few and suppress the many. It is imperative that we get this government to respect the constitution and hold free elections. Guyana cannot afford another 28 years of PNC rule. We cannot allow our country to be ruined again. I am asking you people to put Guyana first by taking a stand against the illegal regime that uses threats and violence to silence its opponents.

I do not see the Jagdeo crew as custodians of the state for whom one would with alacrity rush to the polls. The 23 years of their stewardship was awash with crony capitalism, friends and family nepotism and totalized arrogance, disrespect and disinterest in actually doing to work to make our nation  livable. Everywhere the people are at the mercy of crooks and natural disaster based on neglect.  

They formally introduced a system of patronage in the civil service and made poor black people serfs to the resident minister. Amerindians were completely "otherized" to the point that nits like Dharamlall could verbally abused them before senior ministers and get away with it.

I have no longing for the PPP and carry a similar contempt for the Granger regime. Given the PPP hand picked that slovenly fellow as their candidate we still have Jagdeo pulling a putin on us. The PPP offers no solace. 

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

I am afraid many of you are oblivious to the dangers ahead with the illegal APNU/AFC government in power. Oil dollars will be used to fete a few and suppress the many. It is imperative that we get this government to respect the constitution and hold free elections. Guyana cannot afford another 28 years of PNC rule. We cannot allow our country to be ruined again. I am asking you people to put Guyana first by taking a stand against the illegal regime that uses threats and violence to silence its opponents.

Hogwash, straight out of Freedom House.

The SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE, said to seek the COURTS interpretation of CV. Guyana COURT OF APPEAL  never said the GOV'T is ILLEGAL.

Your the mouthpiece for that infamous house in Sophia. What a bare faced man!

Billy Ram Balgobin
ksazma posted:

Y’all tek dis place too serious. This shouldn’t be life for any of us. Secondly, we commoners can never come close to destroying Guyana’s image like the politicians did. Everyone should just chill lil bit.

...ah shaddup you moron! Who takes this place more seriously than you? You are here talking BUNK at all hours of the day. Lengthy, dribbling, hundreds of words at a time posts that meander all over. Tek yuh nasty racist self and guh sit in de corner. Stop talking for talking sake. Idiot. 

Last edited by Former Member
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

I am afraid many of you are oblivious to the dangers ahead with the illegal APNU/AFC government in power. Oil dollars will be used to fete a few and suppress the many. It is imperative that we get this government to respect the constitution and hold free elections. Guyana cannot afford another 28 years of PNC rule. We cannot allow our country to be ruined again. I am asking you people to put Guyana first by taking a stand against the illegal regime that uses threats and violence to silence its opponents.

Hogwash, straight out of Freedom House.

The SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE, said to seek the COURTS interpretation of CV. Guyana COURT OF APPEAL  never said the GOV'T is ILLEGAL.

Your the mouthpiece for that infamous house in Sophia. What a bare faced man!

Address what i said, prove the GOV'T is ILLEGAL to date, instead acting like a sissy.

Last edited by Django
Stormborn posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

I am afraid many of you are oblivious to the dangers ahead with the illegal APNU/AFC government in power. Oil dollars will be used to fete a few and suppress the many. It is imperative that we get this government to respect the constitution and hold free elections. Guyana cannot afford another 28 years of PNC rule. We cannot allow our country to be ruined again. I am asking you people to put Guyana first by taking a stand against the illegal regime that uses threats and violence to silence its opponents.

I do not see the Jagdeo crew as custodians of the state for whom one would with alacrity rush to the polls. The 23 years of their stewardship was awash with crony capitalism, friends and family nepotism and totalized arrogance, disrespect.

They formally introduced a system of patronage in the civil service and made poor black people serfs to the resident minister. Amerindians were completely "otherized" to the point that nits like Dharamlall could verbally abused them before senior ministers and get away with it.

I have no longing for the PPP and carry a similar contempt for the Granger regime. Given the PPP hand picked that slovenly fellow as their candidate we still have Jagdeo pulling a putin on us. The PPP offers no solace. 

You are dishonest to say all those negative things about the PPP government.  Guyana's economy grew and the standard of living improved significantly in those 23 years.  By 2019, the GDP was 10 times the size of what it was in 1992. Blacks made up over 80 percent of the civil service. The PPP government refused to give in to pressure from the world bank to reduce the size of the civil service fearing riots from the PNC. Land distributions to the Amerindians was done a record scale which made the PNC angry charging that our native people has gotten too much from the PPP government and therefore should not get any of the oil revenues. A recent reports in the Stabroek News stated that they are over 600 Amerindian doctors.  Under whose government did they get scholarships to pursue a medical degree?  Certainly not the PNC.  


If you think that people are stupid to believe what's written just because it's written skillfully you are living in a fool's paradise. People know that the PPP did not do such an awful job governing. They know that corruption existed under Jagdeo but they also that the opposition magnified it. People know that government will always have dishonest people but the know some governments are less corrupt than others.  The PPP is better party to trust with Guyana's future, especially with oil becoming the major revenue earner.  We  don't a government that hides away millions in bonus from the people in secret bank accounts and blatantly lies about it. We don't need a government that rigs elections and defy the constitution.  If you think Shuman will make a difference then I must advise you that you are not thinking straight. You seriously need to relax your brain and crank it up to get a real view of things in Guyana.


Billy Ram Balgobin
Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

I am afraid many of you are oblivious to the dangers ahead with the illegal APNU/AFC government in power. Oil dollars will be used to fete a few and suppress the many. It is imperative that we get this government to respect the constitution and hold free elections. Guyana cannot afford another 28 years of PNC rule. We cannot allow our country to be ruined again. I am asking you people to put Guyana first by taking a stand against the illegal regime that uses threats and violence to silence its opponents.

Hogwash, straight out of Freedom House.

The SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE, said to seek the COURTS interpretation of CV. Guyana COURT OF APPEAL  never said the GOV'T is ILLEGAL.

Your the mouthpiece for that infamous house in Sophia. What a bare faced man!

Address what i said, prove the GOV'T is ILLEGAL to date, instead acting like a sissy.

You want me to prove 34 to 32 = 65?  Don't you feel embarrassed at the dismal performance of APNU's lawyers at the CCJ?  You people have sunk below low in the Caribbean.  Caribbean people, especially educated class with an interest an interest in politics are shocked at what the present government of Guyana is doing to stay in power.  


Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Stormborn posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

I am afraid many of you are oblivious to the dangers ahead with the illegal APNU/AFC government in power. Oil dollars will be used to fete a few and suppress the many. It is imperative that we get this government to respect the constitution and hold free elections. Guyana cannot afford another 28 years of PNC rule. We cannot allow our country to be ruined again. I am asking you people to put Guyana first by taking a stand against the illegal regime that uses threats and violence to silence its opponents.

I do not see the Jagdeo crew as custodians of the state for whom one would with alacrity rush to the polls. The 23 years of their stewardship was awash with crony capitalism, friends and family nepotism and totalized arrogance, disrespect.

They formally introduced a system of patronage in the civil service and made poor black people serfs to the resident minister. Amerindians were completely "otherized" to the point that nits like Dharamlall could verbally abused them before senior ministers and get away with it.

I have no longing for the PPP and carry a similar contempt for the Granger regime. Given the PPP hand picked that slovenly fellow as their candidate we still have Jagdeo pulling a putin on us. The PPP offers no solace. 

You are dishonest to say all those negative things about the PPP government.  Guyana's economy grew and the standard of living improved significantly in those 23 years.  By 2019, the GDP was 10 times the size of what it was in 1992. Blacks made up over 80 percent of the civil service. The PPP government refused to give in to pressure from the world bank to reduce the size of the civil service fearing riots from the PNC. Land distributions to the Amerindians was done a record scale which made the PNC angry charging that our native people has gotten too much from the PPP government and therefore should not get any of the oil revenues. A recent reports in the Stabroek News stated that they are over 600 Amerindian doctors.  Under whose government did they get scholarships to pursue a medical degree?  Certainly not the PNC.  


If you think that people are stupid to believe what's written just because it's written skillfully you are living in a fool's paradise. People know that the PPP did not do such an awful job governing. They know that corruption existed under Jagdeo but they also that the opposition magnified it. People know that government will always have dishonest people but the know some governments are less corrupt than others.  The PPP is better party to trust with Guyana's future, especially with oil becoming the major revenue earner.  We  don't a government that hides away millions in bonus from the people in secret bank accounts and blatantly lies about it. We don't need a government that rigs elections and defy the constitution.  If you think Shuman will make a difference then I must advise you that you are not thinking straight. You seriously need to relax your brain and crank it up to get a real view of things in Guyana.


Dishonest to say the PPP are crooks when it is clear they allocated dachas for all their party members on preferred  sea side community? That they give away our ornamental red wood for pennies to the Chinese and that one Chinaman owned more land than all Amerindian tribes combined and they refused to give Amerinds their lands?  And that is not counting the giveaway of lands to the berbice bridge, CGX, Crab island for refinance to the same people while, again, Amerindians cannot get their land!.  That these formerly church mice with income stream of less than a mickeydees manager somehow are able to amass enough wealth to be the new fat cats in town? 

I hope shuman picks up two seats, one from disenchanted urban youths and another from Amerindians so as to shut down the large scale thievery of the PPP and the PNC. This dictatorial constitution in the hands of the PPP or the PNC will mean the same thing...autocratic government  with thievery on their mind. Note the PPP abused the constitution no less than the PNC. For example they insisted a rejection of any line item means a rejection of the Budget in total Those bastards did not want scrutiny of their spending. Is that not why the finance ministers never installed the two of the most significant modules of the nation accounting system insisting ( contrary to the seller of the system) that it was too hard. 

I can list a thousand and one ways those crooks abused the state and the people but what would that matter. You have your eyes wide shut. 

Stormborn posted:
  • Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

I am afraid many of you are oblivious to the dangers ahead with the illegal APNU/AFC government in power. Oil dollars will be used to fete a few and suppress the many. It is imperative that we get this government to respect the constitution and hold free elections. Guyana cannot afford another 28 years of PNC rule. We cannot allow our country to be ruined again. I am asking you people to put Guyana first by taking a stand against the illegal regime that uses threats and violence to silence its opponents.

I do not see the Jagdeo crew as custodians of the state for whom one would with alacrity rush to the polls. The 23 years of their stewardship was awash with crony capitalism, friends and family nepotism and totalized arrogance, disrespect and disinterest in actually doing to work to make our nation  livable. Everywhere the people are at the mercy of crooks and natural disaster based on neglect.  

They formally introduced a system of patronage in the civil service and made poor black people serfs to the resident minister. Amerindians were completely "otherized" to the point that nits like Dharamlall could verbally abused them before senior ministers and get away with it.

I have no longing for the PPP and carry a similar contempt for the Granger regime. Given the PPP hand picked that slovenly fellow as their candidate we still have Jagdeo pulling a putin on us. The PPP offers no solace. 

Was talking earlier to my bro.  Wife and him were shining up at Short Hills Mall heading to Guyana for the big gala event next week for awardees.

From what he said, PNC doing some serious ground work for election.  Seems all the other stuff we hi-5ing are distractions to keep everyone looking the other way.  He told me a lot of stuff which I will not post.  I was surprised to hear.  As Cain said, squirrel ðŸŋ!!!

My other brother just fielded a Public Health team which arrived in Guyana yesterday and met with Trotman.  They will be looking into several issues including mercury and arsenic in the drinking water, byproduct of gold mining.  

Who knows, he might also get an award if PNC is returned, even though he supported Frank Anthony.😁

Ray posted:

Govt is illegal

They have delayed the inevitable as Romatar did in proroguing parliament but they are not illegal.  They will not even be illegal when they use delaying tactics to defer the polls for another nine months pending house to house registrations...crooked and corrupt maybe but not illegal. They are not winning the case before the CCJ. They know it because if the judges were to vote their way they will send a shock wave through Caribbean parliaments with this nonsense about what is the majority,

Stormborn posted:
Ray posted:

Govt is illegal

They have delayed the inevitable as Romatar did in proroguing parliament but they are not illegal.  They will not even be illegal when they use delaying tactics to defer the polls for another nine months pending house to house registrations...crooked and corrupt maybe but not illegal. They are not winning the case before the CCJ. They know it because if the judges were to vote their way they will send a shock wave through Caribbean parliaments with this nonsense about what is the majority,

In hindsight, PPP should have gone to the NCV, be defeated with 33/32 and today PNC would be trapped!

Stormborn posted:
Ray posted:

Govt is illegal

They have delayed the inevitable as Romatar did in proroguing parliament but they are not illegal.  They will not even be illegal when they use delaying tactics to defer the polls for another nine months pending house to house registrations...crooked and corrupt maybe but not illegal. They are not winning the case before the CCJ. They know it because if the judges were to vote their way they will send a shock wave through Caribbean parliaments with this nonsense about what is the majority,

PNC don’t intend to hold any early election, or just a few months. That I can tell you!

Dave posted:
cain posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

There is huge investment opportunity here. Amral could merge this site with and then file for an IPO.  All dem poor people here would become millionaires.

You musse rich like rasss nuh.

That’s all you interested in .. only nony 

People don’t have to thief to make money. You just have to be smart. And patient, to maximize the multiplier effect.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Iguana posted:
ksazma posted:

Y’all tek dis place too serious. This shouldn’t be life for any of us. Secondly, we commoners can never come close to destroying Guyana’s image like the politicians did. Everyone should just chill lil bit.

...ah shaddup you moron! Who takes this place more seriously than you? You are here talking BUNK at all hours of the day. Lengthy, dribbling, hundreds of words at a time posts that meander all over. Tek yuh nasty racist self and guh sit in de corner. Stop talking for talking sake. Idiot. 

Nah man, Kaz is an aright guy he jus like the wrong party.

Baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:
  • Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

I am afraid many of you are oblivious to the dangers ahead with the illegal APNU/AFC government in power. Oil dollars will be used to fete a few and suppress the many. It is imperative that we get this government to respect the constitution and hold free elections. Guyana cannot afford another 28 years of PNC rule. We cannot allow our country to be ruined again. I am asking you people to put Guyana first by taking a stand against the illegal regime that uses threats and violence to silence its opponents.

I do not see the Jagdeo crew as custodians of the state for whom one would with alacrity rush to the polls. The 23 years of their stewardship was awash with crony capitalism, friends and family nepotism and totalized arrogance, disrespect and disinterest in actually doing to work to make our nation  livable. Everywhere the people are at the mercy of crooks and natural disaster based on neglect.  

They formally introduced a system of patronage in the civil service and made poor black people serfs to the resident minister. Amerindians were completely "otherized" to the point that nits like Dharamlall could verbally abused them before senior ministers and get away with it.

I have no longing for the PPP and carry a similar contempt for the Granger regime. Given the PPP hand picked that slovenly fellow as their candidate we still have Jagdeo pulling a putin on us. The PPP offers no solace. 

Was talking earlier to my bro.  Wife and him were shining up at Short Hills Mall heading to Guyana for the big gala event next week for awardees.

From what he said, PNC doing some serious ground work for election.  Seems all the other stuff we hi-5ing are distractions to keep everyone looking the other way.  He told me a lot of stuff which I will not post.  I was surprised to hear.  As Cain said, squirrel ðŸŋ!!!

My other brother just fielded a Public Health team which arrived in Guyana yesterday and met with Trotman.  They will be looking into several issues including mercury and arsenic in the drinking water, byproduct of gold mining.  

Who knows, he might also get an award if PNC is returned, even though he supported Frank Anthony.😁

Banna...stop dwelling in FAKE NEWS....otherwise share the information with us...

VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:
  • Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

I am afraid many of you are oblivious to the dangers ahead with the illegal APNU/AFC government in power. Oil dollars will be used to fete a few and suppress the many. It is imperative that we get this government to respect the constitution and hold free elections. Guyana cannot afford another 28 years of PNC rule. We cannot allow our country to be ruined again. I am asking you people to put Guyana first by taking a stand against the illegal regime that uses threats and violence to silence its opponents.

I do not see the Jagdeo crew as custodians of the state for whom one would with alacrity rush to the polls. The 23 years of their stewardship was awash with crony capitalism, friends and family nepotism and totalized arrogance, disrespect and disinterest in actually doing to work to make our nation  livable. Everywhere the people are at the mercy of crooks and natural disaster based on neglect.  

They formally introduced a system of patronage in the civil service and made poor black people serfs to the resident minister. Amerindians were completely "otherized" to the point that nits like Dharamlall could verbally abused them before senior ministers and get away with it.

I have no longing for the PPP and carry a similar contempt for the Granger regime. Given the PPP hand picked that slovenly fellow as their candidate we still have Jagdeo pulling a putin on us. The PPP offers no solace. 

Was talking earlier to my bro.  Wife and him were shining up at Short Hills Mall heading to Guyana for the big gala event next week for awardees.

From what he said, PNC doing some serious ground work for election.  Seems all the other stuff we hi-5ing are distractions to keep everyone looking the other way.  He told me a lot of stuff which I will not post.  I was surprised to hear.  As Cain said, squirrel ðŸŋ!!!

My other brother just fielded a Public Health team which arrived in Guyana yesterday and met with Trotman.  They will be looking into several issues including mercury and arsenic in the drinking water, byproduct of gold mining.  

Who knows, he might also get an award if PNC is returned, even though he supported Frank Anthony.😁

Banna...stop dwelling in FAKE NEWS....otherwise share the information with us...

Nah. Relax!  It’s not fake!   But ok, if you say so!

Nehru posted:

If you open your eyes, you will see that CORRUPTION has tripled under the PNC!!

Kindly cite the study / research / publication etc. that supports your statement that corruption has tripled under the coalition. You have NONE, other than the "if you open your eyes" bilge.

You are just like a monkey throwing their feces, except you are more boorish than they are. Same reasoning, same mindset. A complete idiot who contributes NOTHING, yet makes the MOST posts.

You are allowed to get away with murder here daily because you are a friend of the admin. Typical Guyanese styleee....all about WHO you know around here!

Baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:
  • Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

I am afraid many of you are oblivious to the dangers ahead with the illegal APNU/AFC government in power. Oil dollars will be used to fete a few and suppress the many. It is imperative that we get this government to respect the constitution and hold free elections. Guyana cannot afford another 28 years of PNC rule. We cannot allow our country to be ruined again. I am asking you people to put Guyana first by taking a stand against the illegal regime that uses threats and violence to silence its opponents.

I do not see the Jagdeo crew as custodians of the state for whom one would with alacrity rush to the polls. The 23 years of their stewardship was awash with crony capitalism, friends and family nepotism and totalized arrogance, disrespect and disinterest in actually doing to work to make our nation  livable. Everywhere the people are at the mercy of crooks and natural disaster based on neglect.  

They formally introduced a system of patronage in the civil service and made poor black people serfs to the resident minister. Amerindians were completely "otherized" to the point that nits like Dharamlall could verbally abused them before senior ministers and get away with it.

I have no longing for the PPP and carry a similar contempt for the Granger regime. Given the PPP hand picked that slovenly fellow as their candidate we still have Jagdeo pulling a putin on us. The PPP offers no solace. 

Was talking earlier to my bro.  Wife and him were shining up at Short Hills Mall heading to Guyana for the big gala event next week for awardees.

From what he said, PNC doing some serious ground work for election.  Seems all the other stuff we hi-5ing are distractions to keep everyone looking the other way.  He told me a lot of stuff which I will not post.  I was surprised to hear.  As Cain said, squirrel ðŸŋ!!!

My other brother just fielded a Public Health team which arrived in Guyana yesterday and met with Trotman.  They will be looking into several issues including mercury and arsenic in the drinking water, byproduct of gold mining.  

Who knows, he might also get an award if PNC is returned, even though he supported Frank Anthony.😁

The PNC showed no creative capacity these past four years. They have instead demonstrated in so many ways that they are consummate crooks and intend on performing the same racist gut kick to Indians the PPP did.

Guyana under the PNC will show development with oil money but those fellows are going to be the ones with homes in France, Belgium and on the Riviera and they will keep the peasants happy with all diversions of festivals and drink up parades as every despot does.

Real development needs money. That they will keep. Expect camel races but not 5G broadband. Their supporters will want to kill you as PPP supporters presently does when you tell them of their party are kleptocrats That is how these third world crooks stay in power duping their supporters to live in the reflected glow of their success at being crooks.

Stormborn posted:
Baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:
  • Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

I am afraid many of you are oblivious to the dangers ahead with the illegal APNU/AFC government in power. Oil dollars will be used to fete a few and suppress the many. It is imperative that we get this government to respect the constitution and hold free elections. Guyana cannot afford another 28 years of PNC rule. We cannot allow our country to be ruined again. I am asking you people to put Guyana first by taking a stand against the illegal regime that uses threats and violence to silence its opponents.

I do not see the Jagdeo crew as custodians of the state for whom one would with alacrity rush to the polls. The 23 years of their stewardship was awash with crony capitalism, friends and family nepotism and totalized arrogance, disrespect and disinterest in actually doing to work to make our nation  livable. Everywhere the people are at the mercy of crooks and natural disaster based on neglect.  

They formally introduced a system of patronage in the civil service and made poor black people serfs to the resident minister. Amerindians were completely "otherized" to the point that nits like Dharamlall could verbally abused them before senior ministers and get away with it.

I have no longing for the PPP and carry a similar contempt for the Granger regime. Given the PPP hand picked that slovenly fellow as their candidate we still have Jagdeo pulling a putin on us. The PPP offers no solace. 

Was talking earlier to my bro.  Wife and him were shining up at Short Hills Mall heading to Guyana for the big gala event next week for awardees.

From what he said, PNC doing some serious ground work for election.  Seems all the other stuff we hi-5ing are distractions to keep everyone looking the other way.  He told me a lot of stuff which I will not post.  I was surprised to hear.  As Cain said, squirrel ðŸŋ!!!

My other brother just fielded a Public Health team which arrived in Guyana yesterday and met with Trotman.  They will be looking into several issues including mercury and arsenic in the drinking water, byproduct of gold mining.  

Who knows, he might also get an award if PNC is returned, even though he supported Frank Anthony.😁

The PNC showed no creative capacity these past four years. They have instead demonstrated in so many ways that they are consummate crooks and intend on performing the same racist gut kick to Indians the PPP did.

Guyana under the PNC will show development with oil money but those fellows are going to be the ones with homes in France, Belgium and on the Riviera and they will keep the peasants happy with all diversions of festivals and drink up parades as every despot does.

Real development needs money. That they will keep. Expect camel races but not 5G broadband. Their supporters will want to kill you as PPP supporters presently does when you tell them of their party are kleptocrats That is how these third world crooks stay in power duping their supporters to live in the reflected glow of their success at being crooks.

Don’t doubt you, just the way it is.  Go with the flow!

I still don’t know if their plan will work, but they are not idle!

cain posted:
Iguana posted:
ksazma posted:

Y’all tek dis place too serious. This shouldn’t be life for any of us. Secondly, we commoners can never come close to destroying Guyana’s image like the politicians did. Everyone should just chill lil bit.

...ah shaddup you moron! Who takes this place more seriously than you? You are here talking BUNK at all hours of the day. Lengthy, dribbling, hundreds of words at a time posts that meander all over. Tek yuh nasty racist self and guh sit in de corner. Stop talking for talking sake. Idiot. 

Nah man, Kaz is an aright guy he jus like the wrong party.

I don't care what party he supports. That is his right. His anti black hatred and dozens of racist posts including the one that black people "are the scourge of the earth" tell us exactly who he is. And it ain't an "aright guy".

He is one of the most vicious racists here who would be kicked off any site on the net given the content of his posts. That he is allowed to survive, coddled, embraced and even called "aright" here is an atrocity in itself. Speaks to how far down the chain we are as a people.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

I am afraid many of you are oblivious to the dangers ahead with the illegal APNU/AFC government in power. Oil dollars will be used to fete a few and suppress the many. It is imperative that we get this government to respect the constitution and hold free elections. Guyana cannot afford another 28 years of PNC rule. We cannot allow our country to be ruined again. I am asking you people to put Guyana first by taking a stand against the illegal regime that uses threats and violence to silence its opponents.

Hogwash, straight out of Freedom House.

The SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE, said to seek the COURTS interpretation of CV. Guyana COURT OF APPEAL  never said the GOV'T is ILLEGAL.

Your the mouthpiece for that infamous house in Sophia. What a bare faced man!

Address what i said, prove the GOV'T is ILLEGAL to date, instead acting like a sissy.

You want me to prove 34 to 32 = 65?  Don't you feel embarrassed at the dismal performance of APNU's lawyers at the CCJ?  You people have sunk below low in the Caribbean. 

Caribbean people, especially educated class with an interest an interest in politics are shocked at what the present government of Guyana is doing to stay in power. 

Well if that's your only argument, shake hands with Neeru. I have mentioned the argument of 34 votes for CM won't cut mustard.

Who are you people ???

Last edited by Django
Stormborn posted:

We are topical in international circles given our potential oil benefaction. Imagine someone coming here to find out who we are and the board is full of homophobic themes, and with a prodigious out pouring of " stick in the butt" kind of phrases form our apparently mean spirited cadre of village louts as the face of our nation. It takes but a little policing. Raymond was supposed to do that. He is too busy chasing the green. He needs help.  Please nominate someone to raise the class profile of our people on the world stage. We have been in the gutter for too long and cannot get out if these fellows who should know better continues to generate these vile memes that distort who we are. 

I have been saying this for a long time.  In fact the only reason I am here is to prevent the likes of Nehru, Yuji, drugb, etc., define what being Guyanese is.  There is much to talk about and we can do without all of the childish nonsense.

Yes it was deeply embarrassing to do a Google search and Guyana and see Drugb screaming about black baigan and slop carriers, or Dave pasting monkey pics to depict black people, and the moderators claiming that they saw no evidence of bigotry.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

You want me to prove 34 to 32 = 65?  Don't you feel embarrassed at the dismal performance of APNU's lawyers at the CCJ?  You people have sunk below low in the Caribbean.  Caribbean people, especially educated class with an interest an interest in politics are shocked at what the present government of Guyana is doing to stay in power.  


Guyana hit a low when Guyanese arrived in hordes into almost every island in CARICOM, so desperate that the accepted substandard housing, slave wages and cruel treatment from employers and immigration authorities.  This happened between 2000-2006. 

And during this period Jagdeo was sheltering a major drug dealer wanted by the USA authorities.  When the USA sought and received the cooperation of Suriname and T&T Jagdeo burst into hysterical tears screaming that fellow CARICOM nations betrayed Guyana by cooperating with the USA in the kidnapping of a Guyanese citizen. One would think that Roger Khan was an upstanding Guyanese known for his respect for the rule of law, based on this outburst.

Then we have a CARICOM nation where the Minister of Home Affairs and the Police Commissioner were barred from entering the ABC nations because of their open ties to drug dealers, human traffickers and gun runners.

I suggest to you that Guyana lost the respect of the Caribbean long before these recent events.  They see Guyana as a nation completely alien to at least pretending to commit to the rule of law as do the other former British colonies in the Caribbean.   They see a constitution installed by a dictator  that is so riddled with contradictions as to be impossible to implement and they see the two major parties completely unwilling to rectify this issue.

And they see a nation so tribal as both Granger and Jagdeo can well follow Trump and boast that they could commit murder in broad daylight and still command the support of 95% of their bases.   No other Caribbean nation, even similarly tribal T&T can pull that off.

Indo Nazis look at your PPP navel and see that the sickness of Guyana began with Burnham and Cheddi, and decades after the death of both men, the nation remains terminally ill because of dishonest and incompetent tribalists. 

Iguana posted:
Nehru posted:

If you open your eyes, you will see that CORRUPTION has tripled under the PNC!!

Kindly cite the study / research / publication etc. that supports your statement that corruption has tripled under the coalition. You have NONE, other than the "if you open your eyes" bilge.

You are just like a monkey throwing their feces, except you are more boorish than they are. Same reasoning, same mindset. A complete idiot who contributes NOTHING, yet makes the MOST posts.

You are allowed to get away with murder here daily because you are a friend of the admin. Typical Guyanese styleee....all about WHO you know around here!

In fact objective analysts claims that while corruption remains high it has begun to decline. 


But the Indo Nazi tribalists condone Jagdeo sheltering a criminal who even killed a PPP minister as well as his family and some employees, so what can I say.

caribny posted:

Indo Nazis look at your PPP navel and see that the sickness of Guyana began with Burnham and Cheddi, and decades after the death of both men, the nation remains terminally ill because of dishonest and incompetent tribalists. 

My Ajah who has no idea what the inside of a school looks like and actually had to teach himself to read and write used to say "One black man and one coolie man f#%k up the whole country."

Stormborn posted:
They know it because if the judges were to vote their way they will send a shock wave through Caribbean parliaments with this nonsense about what is the majority,

What happens in Guyana has nothing to do with the rest of CARICOM and indeed others are at a loss to even begin to understand Guyana. Starting with the fact that MPs aren't selected by voters but by party bosses.

And that a constitution was installed by a dictator 40 years ago and yet no one seems interested in changing it.

What the majority vote is will be based on what the constitution said that it is and now the CCJ is scratching its head trying to understand this piece of mess called the Guyana constitution.

They will remember 2 decades ago when the ENTIRE CARICOM had to sit the PPP and the PNC down because the PPP screamed "we gat mandate" so (despite Guyana's notorious tribalism).  This is a mere continuation of Guyana's sickness, which is why they despise the Guyanese who attempt to sneak into their countries to live illegally.

Guyana has been ill in the eyes of the rest of CARICOM for the past 40 years and they see themselves as radically different.  To them Guyana is a few steps above Haiti.  And despite its resource base Guyana remains backward when compared to the rest of CARICOM.  Just look at our maternity and infant mortality death rates as an example.  Consider that Guyana is now the ONLY country in the English speaking Caribbean where child labor is a huge problem.  And our CXC performance is in the pits when 50 years ago Guyana was extolled for having the best educational system in the English speaking Caribbean.

Guyana is a pariah as far as the rest of CARICOM is concerned.  And it doesn't even merit the condescension directed towards Haiti with its tragic history.  It doesn't because it entered independence behind only T&T and Jamaica, AHEAD of Barbados!

Nehru posted:


Defending known crooks has you convulsing in upper case.  You are just a loyal PPP sheep. I guess they say "baa-baa-baa" is sheep speak or short for barbarians. Be careful how you bleat!

Last edited by Former Member
Nehru posted:

And you are as DUMB, INCOMPETENT and Clueless as your PNC DUMMIES!!!

And what makes you so smart pappy? is it the ingratiating and slavish diligence to crooks because you identify with them... in kind? They ruined every industry yet gorged themselves like foie gras geese on the state largess.  And all they had to do was buy you a drink to make you happy!

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:

And despite all of this all we can do is scream "Is de PNC fault, no is de PPP to blame".  Before Freddie Kissoon became a mental case he correctly diagnosed Guyana's condition, but alas after decades of persecution from both parties his mental faculties are now nil.

Why you always fighting?  You might have Indian genes.  

antabanta posted:
caribny posted:

Indo Nazis look at your PPP navel and see that the sickness of Guyana began with Burnham and Cheddi, and decades after the death of both men, the nation remains terminally ill because of dishonest and incompetent tribalists. 

My Ajah who has no idea what the inside of a school looks like and actually had to teach himself to read and write used to say "One black man and one coolie man f#%k up the whole country."

he fuhget bout de pale face massa in de background..

do i have to take you down on ah istorical journey bhayah?

Last edited by Former Member

Wow 167 replies, at first I thought that this was an old thread that was brought up back for my attention.

I do agree with D2, that yes the board has really gotten bad. At the same time it is the rukus that keeps many coming back to the board.

Many here still love the rum shop atmosphere, likewise this  is the place where many of us are still in touch with our friends and associates.

Facebook and Instagram I find is boring and serves the younger crowd and everyone is on their best manners.

Anyways to get back to the topic on hand, indeed we should lift the standards. But you the members should be the ones to start setting the examples.

When we suspend someone everyone else complains. Being fair is very difficult since we are not here 24/7 nor do we read and keep track of everything.

I did mention a few months back that I intend to step away and move on to other things in my life in 2020. I was serious.

By mid 2020 I will like to remove myself as owner of this BB and have it taken over by someone else or group who can  steer it.

The year 2020 will mark 25 years for GNI and 23 years for this BB.

I think I have had my run and it is time for a new leader.

One person made it known that they might be interested. The floor is open and if someone thinks that they want to run the Forum and possibly GNI I will be happy to talk with them.

Do bear in mind there are costs and time involve in running everything. Example the cost of hosting. But on the other hand with the right exposure you can also make some money and break even.


I made a suggestion about having a rum shop forum that’s free for all where members are warned about the nature of that forum before posting and informed of the fact that bottles fly and brawls break out. 

There can be the existing Political Discussion forum where members adhere to a strict code of conduct and quick suspension if that forum rules are violated. While I hear talk about civility, I hear and read about old time members having big brawls. Leonora spoke about being threatened by members here. 

The issue of race discussion will still exist and those who hang onto the race crutch will continue being the biggest culprits. Guyana is still a racially divided country. 

I am interested in 2020 option. Will talk with bossman by the end of the year. It will have to be a buyout option. 

Last edited by Former Member
Tola posted:

167 replies with nothing accomplished, but GNI management laughing all the way to the bank. 

Destroy to conquer in Guyana and GNI, where everyone lose. Shameful indeed, but that is the Guyanese culture and we might die with it. 

Then what the heck are you doing here ? Members are still moderated and those who whine and complain are the biggest culprits. 


Ray has the toughest job being a moderator at GNI and has done an outstanding job and should be a part of any future revamped GNI. 

Amral made a very valid point about the nature of the forum which keeps it alive. A few GNI dinosaurs will destroy it if they want a school kid sandbox mentality. It is just not realistic. Members keep coming back for the drama. Agree or not, that’s the reality. 

There is also potential for a very nice cricket forum, food and entertainment and a gossip forum. The music forum has almost died since ASJ left.

The religion forum should be moderated by Chief and Nehru Bhai.

Mitwah and Cain can head up a music forum.

GNI has endless opportunities. 

Last edited by Former Member
Tola posted:

167 replies with nothing accomplished, but GNI management laughing all the way to the bank. 

Destroy to conquer in Guyana and GNI, where everyone lose. Shameful indeed, but that is the Guyanese culture and we might die with it. 

Lowest Coolie Dag mentality... watching the Indian investor taking the risk and his precious time to generate a  revenue to off set his expense , whereby, offering a free for all  to air their opinions. 

And at the same time everyone benefit from some knowledge... thanks and shout out to Django for sharing so much historical information. 

But Here is a example of a ungrateful Coolie who envy another after hearing about money. 

Some ayo can look around if any Archie, Kumbya would invest in such a forum so you all can air ayo FREE opinion. 

yuji22 posted:

I made a suggestion about having a rum shop forum that’s free for all where members are warned about the nature of that forum before posting and informed of the fact that bottles fly and brawls break out. 

There can be the existing Political Discussion forum where members adhere to a strict code of conduct and quick suspension if that forum rules are violated. While I hear talk about civility, I hear and read about old time members having big brawls. Leonora spoke about being threatened by members here. 

The issue of race discussion will still exist and those who hang onto the race crutch will continue being the biggest culprits. Guyana is still a racially divided country. 

I am interested in 2020 option. Will talk with bossman by the end of the year. It will have to be a buyout option. 

I have a interest also, it can be partnership. 

yuji22 posted:
Tola posted:

167 replies with nothing accomplished, but GNI management laughing all the way to the bank. 

Destroy to conquer in Guyana and GNI, where everyone lose. Shameful indeed, but that is the Guyanese culture and we might die with it. 

Then what the heck are you doing here ? Members are still moderated and those who whine and complain are the biggest culprits. 

Three replies in a row. The more you write the more insignificant you become. 

yuji22 posted:

Ray has the toughest job being a moderator at GNI and has done an outstanding job and should be a part of any future revamped GNI. 

Amral made a very valid point about the nature of the forum which keeps it alive. A few GNI dinosaurs will destroy it if they want a school kid sandbox mentality. It is just not realistic. Members keep coming back for the drama. Agree or not, that’s the reality. 

There is also potential for a very nice cricket forum, food and entertainment and a gossip forum. The music forum has almost died since ASJ left.

The religion forum should be moderated by Chief and Nehru Bhai.

Mitwah and Cain can head up a music forum.

GNI has endless opportunities. 

Why Mits? because he has a BAN!!

Dave posted:
yuji22 posted:

I made a suggestion about having a rum shop forum that’s free for all where members are warned about the nature of that forum before posting and informed of the fact that bottles fly and brawls break out. 

There can be the existing Political Discussion forum where members adhere to a strict code of conduct and quick suspension if that forum rules are violated. While I hear talk about civility, I hear and read about old time members having big brawls. Leonora spoke about being threatened by members here. 

The issue of race discussion will still exist and those who hang onto the race crutch will continue being the biggest culprits. Guyana is still a racially divided country. 

I am interested in 2020 option. Will talk with bossman by the end of the year. It will have to be a buyout option. 

I have a interest also, it can be partnership. 

Its called a backward option, one step forward and two in the grave.

Is your mind right to promote a rum shop forum. But you must be desperate to kill coolie rum drinkers, where coolie women are killed  left and center, from drunkards.     


This forum need owners who aren't biased and party hacks,they will kill it.I am tagging along, whenever i see changes that doesn't suit my taste, will be out of here. There aren't many participants like in the olden days, seems it's not attracting newbies. Tried to invite a few folks, apparently they aren't interested.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:

This forum need owners who aren't biased and party hacks,they will kill it.I am tagging along, whenever i see changes that doesn't suit my taste, will be out of here. There aren't many participants like in the olden days, seems it's not attracting newbies. Tried to invite a few folks, apparently they aren't interested.

Why would people be interested in a place where lunatics show up to fabricate lies and promote racism?

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:

This forum need owners who aren't biased and party hacks,they will kill it.I am tagging along, whenever i see changes that doesn't suit my taste, will be out of here. There aren't many participants like in the olden days, seems it's not attracting newbies. Tried to invite a few folks, apparently they aren't interested.

Why would people be interested in a place where lunatics show up to fabricate lies and promote racism?

Who are lunatics ?? well the liars stories can be debunked, that should be a piece of cake.

Last edited by Django
ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:

In hindsight, PPP should have gone to the NCV, be defeated with 33/32 and today PNC would be trapped!

I don't think the PPP would have violated the 33/32 defeat. They are not like the despotic PNC.

Did you and your quicky liker understand what I wrote?  Thats exactly what I meant.  The PPP would have accepted defeat and today the PNC could not make the 34 argument.

Amral posted:

Wow 167 replies, at first I thought that this was an old thread that was brought up back for my attention.

I do agree with D2, that yes the board has really gotten bad. At the same time it is the rukus that keeps many coming back to the board.

Many here still love the rum shop atmosphere, likewise this  is the place where many of us are still in touch with our friends and associates.

Facebook and Instagram I find is boring and serves the younger crowd and everyone is on their best manners.

Anyways to get back to the topic on hand, indeed we should lift the standards. But you the members should be the ones to start setting the examples.

When we suspend someone everyone else complains. Being fair is very difficult since we are not here 24/7 nor do we read and keep track of everything.

I did mention a few months back that I intend to step away and move on to other things in my life in 2020. I was serious.

By mid 2020 I will like to remove myself as owner of this BB and have it taken over by someone else or group who can  steer it.

The year 2020 will mark 25 years for GNI and 23 years for this BB.

I think I have had my run and it is time for a new leader.

One person made it known that they might be interested. The floor is open and if someone thinks that they want to run the Forum and possibly GNI I will be happy to talk with them.

Do bear in mind there are costs and time involve in running everything. Example the cost of hosting. But on the other hand with the right exposure you can also make some money and break even.

My personal advice to you is to move on with your life and close the site down in 2020 which is just a few months away.

Bibi Haniffa
Tola posted:

167 replies with nothing accomplished, but GNI management laughing all the way to the bank. 

Destroy to conquer in Guyana and GNI, where everyone lose. Shameful indeed, but that is the Guyanese culture and we might die with it. 

This is so contemptuous. GNI management don't ask any poster for a fee so it is quite unbecoming for any poster to make such a baseless and contemptuous statement.

ksazma posted:
Tola posted:

167 replies with nothing accomplished, but GNI management laughing all the way to the bank. 

Destroy to conquer in Guyana and GNI, where everyone lose. Shameful indeed, but that is the Guyanese culture and we might die with it. 

This is so contemptuous. GNI management don't ask any poster for a fee so it is quite unbecoming for any poster to make such a baseless and contemptuous statement.

If they asked for a fee no one would be posting here.  Some a dem still writing bounce rent checks in dem 60s.

Bibi Haniffa
ksazma posted:

This is so contemptuous. GNI management don't ask any poster for a fee so it is quite unbecoming for any poster to make such a baseless and contemptuous statement.

just so that someone knows about costs. Hosting this forum is $70.00 US dollars every month and this price is fixed at the moment for me as the owner and having it for so many years. It is a "grandfather" account.

Not sure how the formula will work if ownership gets transferred.  But I am just sharing this bit of knowledge.

But there are many other places that have free forums and cheaper. Only problem is shifting the years of content to another site, not so simple.

Last edited by Amral
Tola posted:
Dave posted:
yuji22 posted:

I made a suggestion about having a rum shop forum that’s free for all where members are warned about the nature of that forum before posting and informed of the fact that bottles fly and brawls break out. 

There can be the existing Political Discussion forum where members adhere to a strict code of conduct and quick suspension if that forum rules are violated. While I hear talk about civility, I hear and read about old time members having big brawls. Leonora spoke about being threatened by members here. 

The issue of race discussion will still exist and those who hang onto the race crutch will continue being the biggest culprits. Guyana is still a racially divided country. 

I am interested in 2020 option. Will talk with bossman by the end of the year. It will have to be a buyout option. 

I have a interest also, it can be partnership. 

Its called a backward option, one step forward and two in the grave.

Is your mind right to promote a rum shop forum. But you must be desperate to kill coolie rum drinkers, where coolie women are killed  left and center, from drunkards.     

The oil money coming, you will run the alcohol abuse / suicide office .... I man hear you gat nuf nuf experience. 

Dave posted:
yuji22 posted:

I made a suggestion about having a rum shop forum that’s free for all where members are warned about the nature of that forum before posting and informed of the fact that bottles fly and brawls break out. 

There can be the existing Political Discussion forum where members adhere to a strict code of conduct and quick suspension if that forum rules are violated. While I hear talk about civility, I hear and read about old time members having big brawls. Leonora spoke about being threatened by members here. 

The issue of race discussion will still exist and those who hang onto the race crutch will continue being the biggest culprits. Guyana is still a racially divided country. 

I am interested in 2020 option. Will talk with bossman by the end of the year. It will have to be a buyout option. 

I have a interest also, it can be partnership. 

Banna, Yuji isn't interested in any partnership. He prefers all the profit for himself. Afterall, GNI management laughs all the way to the bank. 

Leonora posted:

i nominate Mars and Stormborn to be Admin Assistants.      

Two of the worst offenders. Mars has been harassing me about goady fuh years until I invited him to suck de goady down. D2 is another scamp man with fraudulent claims about his wealth/education and prowess as a male stud impregnating women far an wide. Not to mention his attacks on Pria Manickchand calling her fat and all kinds of obscene names. Now the same crabdog come here claiming to be above board morally.  

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:

This forum need owners who aren't biased and party hacks,they will kill it.I am tagging along, whenever i see changes that doesn't suit my taste, will be out of here. There aren't many participants like in the olden days, seems it's not attracting newbies. Tried to invite a few folks, apparently they aren't interested.

Why would people be interested in a place where lunatics show up to fabricate lies and promote racism?

Who are lunatics ?? well the liars stories can be debunked, that should be a piece of cake.

Lad a mercy, though you had better sense... you walk straight into her arms and she put the cap on yo head .. 

Where did Bibi say you Django is a lunatic.

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:

In hindsight, PPP should have gone to the NCV, be defeated with 33/32 and today PNC would be trapped!

I don't think the PPP would have violated the 33/32 defeat. They are not like the despotic PNC.

Did you and your quicky liker understand what I wrote?  Thats exactly what I meant.  The PPP would have accepted defeat and today the PNC could not make the 34 argument.

The despotic PNC would have still made any argument they want regardless of what the PPP did. Look at how foolish they presented themselves at the CCJ last week.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:
Tola posted:

167 replies with nothing accomplished, but GNI management laughing all the way to the bank. 

Destroy to conquer in Guyana and GNI, where everyone lose. Shameful indeed, but that is the Guyanese culture and we might die with it. 

This is so contemptuous. GNI management don't ask any poster for a fee so it is quite unbecoming for any poster to make such a baseless and contemptuous statement.

If they asked for a fee no one would be posting here.  Some a dem still writing bounce rent checks in dem 60s.

It may also be that some of the fools pontificating here for a manageable GNI can't even manage their own house. This is a damn 2 cents message board for crying out loud. Well, Bossman just reminded us that it is more like a $70. per month message board. 


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