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Dave posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:

This forum need owners who aren't biased and party hacks,they will kill it.I am tagging along, whenever i see changes that doesn't suit my taste, will be out of here. There aren't many participants like in the olden days, seems it's not attracting newbies. Tried to invite a few folks, apparently they aren't interested.

Why would people be interested in a place where lunatics show up to fabricate lies and promote racism?

Who are lunatics ?? well the liars stories can be debunked, that should be a piece of cake.

Lad a mercy, though you had better sense... you walk straight into her arms and she put the cap on yo head .. 

Where did Bibi say you Django is a lunatic.

Does a guilty conscience need an accuser?

Bibi Haniffa
Drugb posted:
Leonora posted:

i nominate Mars and Stormborn to be Admin Assistants.      

Two of the worst offenders. Mars has been harassing me about goady fuh years until I invited him to suck de goady down. D2 is another scamp man with fraudulent claims about his wealth/education and prowess as a male stud impregnating women far an wide. Not to mention his attacks on Pria Manickchand calling her fat and all kinds of obscene names. Now the same crabdog come here claiming to be above board morally.  

I never lived a life outside the law. You claim to come from a long line of smugglers. Never said I am wealthy. Said I am not hurting for cash. My intellect speaks for itself. I also never bragged about impregnating many women. Said I have two baby mamas, That just happens to be the case and there is no medal given out for that fact.  I did not call Pryia another name th an she deserve. . That i nicknamed her "Plumpy" is self evident." Finegal" was not suitable.  Who called you goadyman knows best. 


About 15 years ago, a co-worker asked me to write a letter to the president of her HOA because she was being threatened that she did not use the correct shade of paint when she repainted the outside of her house. Although she had even showed them the receipt that she bought the correct paint, they kept insisting that it does not match the previous paint. This was because they were not considering the fade factor of the previous paint. Eventually they summoned her for a meeting with the board as they insisted that they were at an impasse. As everyone began introducing themselves, one man stated that he was the President of the HOA. With surprise in her voice, she asked, "wait, you are the person who has been sending me all these threatening messages? Your yard is one of the worst in this community" Nothing got resolved at that meeting but they never bothered her again about that paint job. There are possibly some like that HOA president around here.

ksazma posted:

About 15 years ago, a co-worker asked me to write a letter to the president of her HOA because she was being threatened that she did not use the correct shade of paint when she repainted the outside of her house. Although she had even showed them the receipt that she bought the correct paint, they kept insisting that it does not match the previous paint. This was because they were not considering the fade factor of the previous paint. Eventually they summoned her for a meeting with the board as they insisted that they were at an impasse. As everyone began introducing themselves, one man stated that he was the President of the HOA. With surprise in her voice, she asked, "wait, you are the person who has been sending me all these threatening messages? Your yard is one of the worst in this community" Nothing got resolved at that meeting but they never bothered her again about that paint job. There are possibly some like that HOA president around here.

What the hell are you talking about? Common decorum is a character trait not money, elegance or hypocrisy. It is who a person presents themselves to be. This place is a terrible reflection of who we are. It is a den of racists of the kind one see the nation complaining about that showed their faces in Charlottsville.

It is no easy thing for any of half a dozen persons here to casually mouth t the phrase "black man can't run a cakeshop" and say it with the earnestness of one reciting a passage from a holy book.  I saw it on the board even today! I have no qualms like Drug B saying my wife is black and I have a son who is black. I know for sure that both do not think of running cakeshops. That is setting the bar a bit too low.  

That is who they are. As annoying as Caribj is or any other black person is, the truth be told, none of them are ever as vile . They defend their heritage and their beliefs like gentleman. I do not doubt at times the are force to the profane but that is expected given how habitually nasty some of the fellows that post here are to black people. I doubt they care about Amerindians any better. I get the buck thing constantly as if that ever means anything but that a low life is hurling the insult.

Guyanese people do not want that sin to fall on their heads like rain. I say it is none of the crap you speak above since the poor and the humble do not have to pay for good manners no less than the rich and gentrified. It is who they are. For all intents and purpose this is a raging hate site at times. 

Last edited by Former Member
Stormborn posted:
ksazma posted:

About 15 years ago, a co-worker asked me to write a letter to the president of her HOA because she was being threatened that she did not use the correct shade of paint when she repainted the outside of her house. Although she had even showed them the receipt that she bought the correct paint, they kept insisting that it does not match the previous paint. This was because they were not considering the fade factor of the previous paint. Eventually they summoned her for a meeting with the board as they insisted that they were at an impasse. As everyone began introducing themselves, one man stated that he was the President of the HOA. With surprise in her voice, she asked, "wait, you are the person who has been sending me all these threatening messages? Your yard is one of the worst in this community" Nothing got resolved at that meeting but they never bothered her again about that paint job. There are possibly some like that HOA president around here.

What the hell are you talking about? Common decorum is a character trait not money, elegance or hypocrisy. It is who a person presents themselves to be. This place is a terrible reflection of who we are. It is a den of racists of the kind one see the nation complaining about that showed their faces in Charlottsville.

It is no easy thing for any of half a dozen persons here to lit the phrase "black man can't run a cakeshop" and say it with the earnestness of one reciting a passage from a holy book. That is who they are.

Guyanese people do not want that sin to fall on their heads like rain. I say it is none of the crap you speak above since the poor and the humble do not have to pay for good manners no less than the rich and gentrified. It is who they are. For all intents and purpose this is a raging hate site at times. 

With all due respect, what you see on GNI is who we are. We just don't wish our experiences away because it sounds good. This board isn't only now a cesspool. It always was. As I mentioned before, I was here only a very short while when a female poster told be in private message that another female had leaky p ussy. That was some 15 years ago. And I may submit that if I mention that poster's handle without disclosing what she told me, many posters would swear at what an upstanding person she was. I recently told you that there are many kinds of evil in the world and unless we are willing to condemn all, we shouldn't condemn any. No doubt Indians speak poorly of blacks here but blacks are not any less guilty of speaking poorly of Indians. I don't lose sleep of any one of them because they don't have any bearing on how I live my life. Guyana has the reputation it does because of what happens in Guyana through the behavior of its politicians as well as its inhabitants. The Coalition's current behavior is what the world is focused on, not us here.

ksazma posted:

I see you edited your post. Those black posters aren't as innocent as you are suggesting. Some black people have the ability to do something wrong and then swear that they are innocent. Since I see the black posters here fitting that description, I have no obligation to pretend that they don't.

I do not doubt some black people are as you say they are. I am addressing the reality of this board where it is mainly a few indians who are perpetually vile and nasty and represent the worse in humans. I do not want them to be the face of us. 

ksazma posted:
Stormborn posted:
ksazma posted:

About 15 years ago, a co-worker asked me to write a letter to the president of her HOA because she was being threatened that she did not use the correct shade of paint when she repainted the outside of her house. Although she had even showed them the receipt that she bought the correct paint, they kept insisting that it does not match the previous paint. This was because they were not considering the fade factor of the previous paint. Eventually they summoned her for a meeting with the board as they insisted that they were at an impasse. As everyone began introducing themselves, one man stated that he was the President of the HOA. With surprise in her voice, she asked, "wait, you are the person who has been sending me all these threatening messages? Your yard is one of the worst in this community" Nothing got resolved at that meeting but they never bothered her again about that paint job. There are possibly some like that HOA president around here.

What the hell are you talking about? Common decorum is a character trait not money, elegance or hypocrisy. It is who a person presents themselves to be. This place is a terrible reflection of who we are. It is a den of racists of the kind one see the nation complaining about that showed their faces in Charlottsville.

It is no easy thing for any of half a dozen persons here to lit the phrase "black man can't run a cakeshop" and say it with the earnestness of one reciting a passage from a holy book. That is who they are.

Guyanese people do not want that sin to fall on their heads like rain. I say it is none of the crap you speak above since the poor and the humble do not have to pay for good manners no less than the rich and gentrified. It is who they are. For all intents and purpose this is a raging hate site at times. 

With all due respect, what you see on GNI is who we are. We just don't wish our experiences away because it sounds good. This board isn't only now a cesspool. It always was. As I mentioned before, I was here only a very short while when a female poster told be in private message that another female had leaky p ussy. That was some 15 years ago. And I may submit that if I mention that poster's handle without disclosing what she told me, many posters would swear at what an upstanding person she was. I recently told you that there are many kinds of evil in the world and unless we are willing to condemn all, we shouldn't condemn any. No doubt Indians speak poorly of blacks here but blacks are not any less guilty of speaking poorly of Indians. I don't lose sleep of any one of them because they don't have any bearing on how I live my life. Guyana has the reputation it does because of what happens in Guyana through the behavior of its politicians as well as its inhabitants. The Coalition's current behavior is what the world is focused on, not us here.

No one here will tell you I spoke to them in private badly of any one. Who ever told you that ought to have been scolded and sent backing since you do not care to have such people as confidant.

I do not care for a myres briggs lesson in personality types or to peruse the spectrum of dysfunctional personality types. I am here to say that the level of discourse here is diseased and represents the worse of us. That has little to do what is our political stain. Here is is about individual doing their best to present as the worse. None of these people can act as they do here in real life. They would get killed or jailed or locked away.

Stormborn posted:
ksazma posted:

I see you edited your post. Those black posters aren't as innocent as you are suggesting. Some black people have the ability to do something wrong and then swear that they are innocent. Since I see the black posters here fitting that description, I have no obligation to pretend that they don't.

I do not doubt some black people are as you say they are. I am addressing the reality of this board where it is mainly a few indians who are perpetually vile and nasty and represent the worse in humans. I do not want them to be the face of us. 

While I can understand your sentiment, I am not sure any of us is able to alter how any of us behave. Ugliness is not limited to GNI only. Long before I became a GNI member, I was on other message boards and the level of ugliness was no different to how it is here. Even the Muslim versus everyone else right here on GNI used to be an ugly brawl. I decided that I didn't care anymore to fight that battle and just like I decided some time last year, that I had enough of GNI, I can see myself doing that again. Lastly, while I can appreciate you wanting a face of Guyana that is pleasant, I don't see myself caring one way or the other. Guyana was dead to me prior to me coming on GNI. Had my cousin not mentioned to me about some flooding in Guyana and me not promising to look it up, I would have never stumbled on GNI. 

Stormborn posted:

No one here will tell you I spoke to them in private badly of any one. Who ever told you that ought to have been scolded and sent backing since you do not care to have such people as confidant.

I do not care for a myres briggs lesson in personality types or to peruse the spectrum of dysfunctional personality types. I am here to say that the level of discourse here is diseased and represents the worse of us. That has little to do what is our political stain. Here is is about individual doing their best to present as the worse. None of these people can act as they do here in real life. They would get killed or jailed or locked away.

As I mentioned to you before, you have earned my respect so I don't even contemplate you speaking badly of someone in private. I stumbled on GNI and post here at my own behest. I can't worry about who others are or how they conduct themselves. Honestly, I am not really concerned with what other posters are doing. Of late, I have been trying to just make statements/comments as opposed to having discourses. I make an exception here for obviously reasons.

ksazma posted:
Stormborn posted:

No one here will tell you I spoke to them in private badly of any one. Who ever told you that ought to have been scolded and sent backing since you do not care to have such people as confidant.

I do not care for a myres briggs lesson in personality types or to peruse the spectrum of dysfunctional personality types. I am here to say that the level of discourse here is diseased and represents the worse of us. That has little to do what is our political stain. Here is is about individual doing their best to present as the worse. None of these people can act as they do here in real life. They would get killed or jailed or locked away.

As I mentioned to you before, you have earned my respect so I don't even contemplate you speaking badly of someone in private. I stumbled on GNI and post here at my own behest. I can't worry about who others are or how they conduct themselves. Honestly, I am not really concerned with what other posters are doing. Of late, I have been trying to just make statements/comments as opposed to having discourses. I make an exception here for obviously reasons.

I think both of you are taking things too seriously. 

This is not a forum for intellectual discourse. It is more a forum for the exchange of people's innermost feelings behind a well protected mask that separates our private and public personna. Most people here would not express the views they exchange here in public.

To that end, its useful to remember what Iguana once said about this is a sandbox...where some people come to play. And it is true that some of the "players" get off with some of the vile comments they promote on this site. 

Regarding the issue of how Guyanese are portrayed here...and it was Tola...who pointed out that others are reading the posted information on this site...we have to assume that these viewers, if they are academics and intellectuals, must have realize that this is not a site where one would come seeking to learn about Guyana. One has to wonder what kind of intellectuals are these people? They need to visit Guyana if they are looking to get a real taste of Guyana.    

cain posted:

Oi Kaz first you say you only came on GNI because of somebody say something bout a leaky then say yo cousin led you here while in a flood an then you stumbled. Is which story you stayin with, the patax story or the flood story? Oh skites...leaky patax..flood...stumbled ...hmmmm! Banna you talkin like in parables now.

Bai, leh meh try again. Shortly before joining GNI, Guyana was dead to me. I didn't follow anything about Guyana. Then in early 2005 while at the masjid for eid, my cousin asked me if I heard about the floods in Guyana. I told her that I did not but I will check it out. I started searching the internet for any information about it and in doing so, I stumbled on GNI. Now after I joined GNI, one of its female posters sent me a private message telling me that another female poster has a leaky p ussy. I was pointing out that even then members were vicious.

VishMahabir posted:
ksazma posted:
Stormborn posted:

No one here will tell you I spoke to them in private badly of any one. Who ever told you that ought to have been scolded and sent backing since you do not care to have such people as confidant.

I do not care for a myres briggs lesson in personality types or to peruse the spectrum of dysfunctional personality types. I am here to say that the level of discourse here is diseased and represents the worse of us. That has little to do what is our political stain. Here is is about individual doing their best to present as the worse. None of these people can act as they do here in real life. They would get killed or jailed or locked away.

As I mentioned to you before, you have earned my respect so I don't even contemplate you speaking badly of someone in private. I stumbled on GNI and post here at my own behest. I can't worry about who others are or how they conduct themselves. Honestly, I am not really concerned with what other posters are doing. Of late, I have been trying to just make statements/comments as opposed to having discourses. I make an exception here for obviously reasons.

I think both of you are taking things too seriously. 

This is not a forum for intellectual discourse. It is more a forum for the exchange of people's innermost feelings behind a well protected mask that separates our private and public personna. Most people here would not express the views they exchange here in public.

To that end, its useful to remember what Iguana once said about this is a sandbox...where some people come to play. And it is true that some of the "players" get off with some of the vile comments they promote on this site. 

Regarding the issue of how Guyanese are portrayed here...and it was Tola...who pointed out that others are reading the posted information on this site...we have to assume that these viewers, if they are academics and intellectuals, must have realize that this is not a site where one would come seeking to learn about Guyana. One has to wonder what kind of intellectuals are these people? They need to visit Guyana if they are looking to get a real taste of Guyana.    

I don't take GNI seriously. 

Dave posted:

Provocation is what causes members to react, no one will stay calm when they are cuss out, personally I am a cool guy and it upset me after such behaviour...I  will try to calm myself and donโ€™t get drag into the mud with some of these PIGS. 

As a grown adult, my parents never heard me cuss or saw me drank a beer... can still get that cut rass lol 

Bhai Dave, same here. I never uttered a swear word in front of my parents or ever insulted them.  They are now elderly and they could still give me a good scolding and I will never answer Back.  Our generation is unique. 

My family never drank and I never touched alcohol or a cigarette. My village had about 40 percent muslims and drinking was Haram. Even a pig was not allowed in the village. I hold those value to this day. 

yuji22 posted:
Dave posted:

Provocation is what causes members to react, no one will stay calm when they are cuss out, personally I am a cool guy and it upset me after such behaviour...I  will try to calm myself and donโ€™t get drag into the mud with some of these PIGS. 

As a grown adult, my parents never heard me cuss or saw me drank a beer... can still get that cut rass lol 

Bhai Dave, same here. I never uttered a swear word in front of my parents or ever insulted them.  They are now elderly and they could still give me a good scolding and I will never answer Back.  Our generation is unique. 

My family never drank and I never touched alcohol or a cigarette. My village had about 40 percent muslims and drinking was Haram. Even a pig was not allowed in the village. I hold those value to this day. 

Who you trying to impress ? do they know of your atrocious behavior on GNI.

VishMahabir posted:
ksazma posted:
Stormborn posted:

No one here will tell you I spoke to them in private badly of any one. Who ever told you that ought to have been scolded and sent backing since you do not care to have such people as confidant.

I do not care for a myres briggs lesson in personality types or to peruse the spectrum of dysfunctional personality types. I am here to say that the level of discourse here is diseased and represents the worse of us. That has little to do what is our political stain. Here is is about individual doing their best to present as the worse. None of these people can act as they do here in real life. They would get killed or jailed or locked away.

As I mentioned to you before, you have earned my respect so I don't even contemplate you speaking badly of someone in private. I stumbled on GNI and post here at my own behest. I can't worry about who others are or how they conduct themselves. Honestly, I am not really concerned with what other posters are doing. Of late, I have been trying to just make statements/comments as opposed to having discourses. I make an exception here for obviously reasons.

I think both of you are taking things too seriously. 

This is not a forum for intellectual discourse. It is more a forum for the exchange of people's innermost feelings behind a well protected mask that separates our private and public personna. Most people here would not express the views they exchange here in public.

To that end, its useful to remember what Iguana once said about this is a sandbox...where some people come to play. And it is true that some of the "players" get off with some of the vile comments they promote on this site. 

Regarding the issue of how Guyanese are portrayed here...and it was Tola...who pointed out that others are reading the posted information on this site...we have to assume that these viewers, if they are academics and intellectuals, must have realize that this is not a site where one would come seeking to learn about Guyana. One has to wonder what kind of intellectuals are these people? They need to visit Guyana if they are looking to get a real taste of Guyana.    

why is it not a forum for intellectual discourse? I have seen many of the people you see on the Guyanese news come here to test their views. Everyone from Hinds to Randy to TK to Batoram to Gampat, to Ruel to Dhanpaul etc. Many of these people left because the low life contingency usually begin a cussing spree. I know one very good scholar, from San Diego who contributed a lot here at one time. I was introduced to many Muslim philosopher through him. I would never even care to discuss them had he not come here.   The PPP even deployed an army of paid personnel to post their position daily. Elections is coming and this is the place where many will come to air their views If people needs to express their inner conflicts or reveal t heir inner demons the admin has a avenues for that. There is the social forum, religious forum etc. where 

I am the one who created the sand box metaphor some 20 years ago. I used it to illustrate playfulness not rude, insulting, vituperative banalities. I said one may throw the occasional sand in the face of another to illicit a response but in the end it should be in jest not purely to insult for insult sake.  And do not get me wrong. It is not only the low IQ folks who made this place a viper pit. Samaroo, Prince's cousin was here and he is one of the smartest people around and he was a "cuss burd". And one cannot forget the rev who, if he was Mr Alli, now sits as an ambassador in Kuwait. The point is we should all encourage information on this side or why come here? Where else can the ordinary man get to speak to people who's life work is  actually engaged in an are of study we as dilettantes can only peruse on the borders. I have seen mathematicians, physicists, computer scientists etc here over the years. 

Again, even if you are not serious or peek in here occasionally that is no excuse to be discourteous. There are a couple of fellows here who would appear to have some sense but they simply disgorge only abject nonsense here day in day out. Be it a playground or a place to waste time between doing work one has a responsibility to act with some modicum of decorum. 

ksazma posted:

I don't take GNI seriously. 

You should. I have seen how you have grown across the years. From being a dogmatic Muslim who I argued with endlessly on the religious forum I see you now grasping that even Muslims can be wrong and beliefs in religious books all come with their problems.

I watch your writing style start from mediocre to excellent and you understanding of the rules of logic clearly expressed in your thinking You no longer demand someone prove a negative and immediately grasp who has the burden of proof and even when you have the contrary view; you develop and defend an argument. 

By your own accounting you come to know about Guyana here. I suggest to you by being here you get a viewpoint that is clearly light years above even Guyanese at home. Most do not know or do not care what is going on. This place has value. 

antabanta posted:
VishMahabir posted:

They need to visit Guyana if they are looking to get a real taste of Guyana.    

Rant bai... like you see the benefit of my advice to talk to one old person from each race... When last you visited Guyana and what taste did you get?

He has gone into hiding. The professional scholar never visited Guyana. Sometimes I wonder if he is Guyanese.

Stormborn posted:
ksazma posted:

I don't take GNI seriously. 

You should. I have seen how you have grown across the years. From being a dogmatic Muslim who I argued with endlessly on the religious forum I see you now grasping that even Muslims can be wrong and beliefs in religious books all come with their problems.

I watch your writing style start from mediocre to excellent and you understanding of the rules of logic clearly expressed in your thinking You no longer demand someone prove a negative and immediately grasp who has the burden of proof and even when you have the contrary view; you develop and defend an argument. 

By your own accounting you come to know about Guyana here. I suggest to you by being here you get a viewpoint that is clearly light years above even Guyanese at home. Most do not know or do not care what is going on. This place has value. 

Thanks for the encouragement. The problem is that taking GNI seriously doesn't align with my current goals and objectives. Being on the other side of 50 doesn't afford me the will to get stressed out by the drama on GNI. Plus I am not civically inclined, especially where Guyana is concerned since Guyana has even more drama than GNI. 

Stormborn posted:
VishMahabir posted:
ksazma posted:
Stormborn posted:

No one here will tell you I spoke to them in private badly of any one. Who ever told you that ought to have been scolded and sent backing since you do not care to have such people as confidant.

I do not care for a myres briggs lesson in personality types or to peruse the spectrum of dysfunctional personality types. I am here to say that the level of discourse here is diseased and represents the worse of us. That has little to do what is our political stain. Here is is about individual doing their best to present as the worse. None of these people can act as they do here in real life. They would get killed or jailed or locked away.

As I mentioned to you before, you have earned my respect so I don't even contemplate you speaking badly of someone in private. I stumbled on GNI and post here at my own behest. I can't worry about who others are or how they conduct themselves. Honestly, I am not really concerned with what other posters are doing. Of late, I have been trying to just make statements/comments as opposed to having discourses. I make an exception here for obviously reasons.

I think both of you are taking things too seriously. 

This is not a forum for intellectual discourse. It is more a forum for the exchange of people's innermost feelings behind a well protected mask that separates our private and public personna. Most people here would not express the views they exchange here in public.

To that end, its useful to remember what Iguana once said about this is a sandbox...where some people come to play. And it is true that some of the "players" get off with some of the vile comments they promote on this site. 

Regarding the issue of how Guyanese are portrayed here...and it was Tola...who pointed out that others are reading the posted information on this site...we have to assume that these viewers, if they are academics and intellectuals, must have realize that this is not a site where one would come seeking to learn about Guyana. One has to wonder what kind of intellectuals are these people? They need to visit Guyana if they are looking to get a real taste of Guyana.    

why is it not a forum for intellectual discourse? I have seen many of the people you see on the Guyanese news come here to test their views. Everyone from Hinds to Randy to TK to Batoram to Gampat, to Ruel to Dhanpaul etc. Many of these people left because the low life contingency usually begin a cussing spree. I know one very good scholar, from San Diego who contributed a lot here at one time. I was introduced to many Muslim philosopher through him. I would never even care to discuss them had he not come here.   The PPP even deployed an army of paid personnel to post their position daily. Elections is coming and this is the place where many will come to air their views If people needs to express their inner conflicts or reveal t heir inner demons the admin has a avenues for that. There is the social forum, religious forum etc. where 

I am the one who created the sand box metaphor some 20 years ago. I used it to illustrate playfulness not rude, insulting, vituperative banalities. I said one may throw the occasional sand in the face of another to illicit a response but in the end it should be in jest not purely to insult for insult sake.  And do not get me wrong. It is not only the low IQ folks who made this place a viper pit. Samaroo, Prince's cousin was here and he is one of the smartest people around and he was a "cuss burd". And one cannot forget the rev who, if he was Mr Alli, now sits as an ambassador in Kuwait. The point is we should all encourage information on this side or why come here? Where else can the ordinary man get to speak to people who's life work is  actually engaged in an are of study we as dilettantes can only peruse on the borders. I have seen mathematicians, physicists, computer scientists etc here over the years. 

Again, even if you are not serious or peek in here occasionally that is no excuse to be discourteous. There are a couple of fellows here who would appear to have some sense but they simply disgorge only abject nonsense here day in day out. Be it a playground or a place to waste time between doing work one has a responsibility to act with some modicum of decorum. 

I was not here when those events you described above. However, this forum may have started out as a forum for intellectual discourse initially because, I am guessing, it happen to be one of a few sites that offered that type of expression for things Guyanese. It is certainly not now such a forum because of the nonsense being peddled here on this site.

From a personal standpoint, I happen to stumble on this site by accident because of a desire to learn more about the land of my parents and grandparents. Since I have been here I would say that I have not gotten much out of the discussions but it has been a source of information for me. AND, even then, one has to be careful with the information that is being provided. I have had useful information from Mars before visiting Guyana some months ago and Django has provided some reliable sources for me to look at.

Its difficult to reorganize the site to recapture those moments largely because the so-called cuss birds seem to dominate the site, and when they are not cussin, they are throwing insults and invectives, often guided by their own perception of who the โ€œenemyโ€ is. Guyanaโ€™s racial politics has infiltrated this site. Reorganizing this site, and restructuring the site with greater control by the Admins may help some, but it is not going to deter those who want to pollute and infiltrate the threads.

But, there is a more fundamental issue at hand when people seek to make contributions. You may be right about the intellectuals who may have visited this site in the past. Carib has pointed out this numerous times. But those people left, and I suppose they would have left eventually once they realize that the site is populated by folks who are seeking a few minutes of fame. The players in the sandbox will continue to wreak havoc here.

To make this an intellectual forum for discussion, I would argue that the posters have to abide by two fundamental truths. One, they have to reveal their professional identity. Two , admin should include their professional affiliations so that the posters are aware of the personโ€™s intellectual affiliation and professional affiliation. A case in point: TK has openly done so in the past, but the responders, who continue to remain anonymous, can pollute and infiltrate the threads with nonsensical responses for a variety of reasons (party affiliation, impending elections, etc.). This is the only way that sanity can be brought to this place and it is the only way you can encourage reliable and dependable discourse. There is no other wayโ€ฆ.regardless of the historical evidence you cited above. Furthermore, if I am going to debate an issue, I want to know about the personโ€™s professional background. If I am asking TK a question about economics I know I can get a reliable response, rather than asking a similar question to someone else. This will also week out some of the more contentious contributions from posters whose intentions are questionable.    

VishMahabir posted:
If I am asking TK a question about economics I know I can get a reliable response, rather than asking a similar question to someone else. This will also week out some of the more contentious contributions from posters whose intentions are questionable.    

TK is/was a dunce, not sure how you came up with the claim that he is reliable. Same with the other self proclaimed pundits. 

VishMahabir posted:
Stormborn posted:

To make this an intellectual forum for discussion, I would argue that the posters have to abide by two fundamental truths. One, they have to reveal their professional identity. Two , admin should include their professional affiliations so that the posters are aware of the personโ€™s intellectual affiliation and professional affiliation. A case in point: TK has openly done so in the past, but the responders, who continue to remain anonymous, can pollute and infiltrate the threads with nonsensical responses for a variety of reasons (party affiliation, impending elections, etc.). This is the only way that sanity can be brought to this place and it is the only way you can encourage reliable and dependable discourse. There is no other wayโ€ฆ.regardless of the historical evidence you cited above. Furthermore, if I am going to debate an issue, I want to know about the personโ€™s professional background. If I am asking TK a question about economics I know I can get a reliable response, rather than asking a similar question to someone else. This will also week out some of the more contentious contributions from posters whose intentions are questionable.    

I participate in a few more specialized  forum and everyone is an alias ( even if most are known.It is not the alias or the seemingly anonymity that caused people to misbehave.  They act according who they are. You cannot function without standards.  Since it is egalitarian, there is no necessity to show credentials....only good sense. 

BTW no one here is anonymous. That is a myth. Everyone here leaves a trail of crumbs that one can follow to their identity. I used to write here with my real identity. That was so long ago that probably only one or two remember my name.

Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:
VishMahabir posted:
If I am asking TK a question about economics I know I can get a reliable response, rather than asking a similar question to someone else. This will also week out some of the more contentious contributions from posters whose intentions are questionable.    

TK is/was a dunce, not sure how you came up with the claim that he is reliable. Same with the other self proclaimed pundits. 

You are the one saying it so any with discerning eye can  grasp the reliability of your statement. He has a PhD, is a tenured professor, has peer reviewed work currently being used as instruction tools. That is enough. 

Stormborn posted:

why is it not a forum for intellectual discourse? I have seen many of the people you see on the Guyanese news come here to test their views. Everyone from Hinds to Randy to TK to Batoram to Gampat, to Ruel to Dhanpaul etc. Many of these people left because the low life contingency usually begin a cussing spree. I know one very good scholar, from San Diego who contributed a lot here at one time. I was introduced to many Muslim philosopher through him. I would never even care to discuss them had he not come here.   The PPP even deployed an army of paid personnel to post their position daily. Elections is coming and this is the place where many will come to air their views If people needs to express their inner conflicts or reveal t heir inner demons the admin has a avenues for that. There is the social forum, religious forum etc. where 

I remember them all. GNI was superhot with talent. Don't forget Dr. Singh from Edmonton (Bushy), a tenured Professor who knew each bone in the body and its function, published many articles, etc. He messed with you because a Guyanese criminal had the same name. 

San Diego Professor told me they came here during class breaks to unwind.   

We had a strong PPP team headed by Tiger and a strong PNC team headed by Rabid. Everyone put up a great fight for his team! Rabid lived in our area and was a great cricketer. 

Drugb posted:
VishMahabir posted:
If I am asking TK a question about economics I know I can get a reliable response, rather than asking a similar question to someone else. This will also week out some of the more contentious contributions from posters whose intentions are questionable.    

TK is/was a dunce, not sure how you came up with the claim that he is reliable. Same with the other self proclaimed pundits. 

This is symptomatic of the very problem I described before....and why this is not a good forum for intellectual discourse...

TK is a professor at a university in Florida (I did my research) and contributes a column in SN.

Stormborn posted:

We are topical in international circles given our potential oil benefaction. Imagine someone coming here to find out who we are and the board is full of homophobic themes, and with a prodigious out pouring of " stick in the butt" kind of phrases form our apparently mean spirited cadre of village louts as the face of our nation. It takes but a little policing. Raymond was supposed to do that. He is too busy chasing the green. He needs help.  Please nominate someone to raise the class profile of our people on the world stage. We have been in the gutter for too long and cannot get out if these fellows who should know better continues to generate these vile memes that distort who we are. 

You did make there references before as I could remember, but raising the standard on GNI is a direct threat to Guyanese Pusser-pusser behavior. Read the four-page responses and you will get the essence of what I am saying. 


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