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Ray is consistently displaying is Pro PNC bias and is stifling free speech in exposing PNC racism. 

Anyone fair person can read the link of the thread posted and there is no racism. Ray needs to stop allowing his Pro PNC bias in stifling free speech.

Amral has to intervene and prevent free speech from being stifled by a self admitted PNC man. There has to be be balance at GNI. Guyanese suffered dictatorship at home and GNI is the last place where Ray's pro PNC bias should be used to stifle free speech.

The founders of this website created this space for ALL Guyanese to express an opinion ! Thanks to Amral for giving us that space and shame on Ray for suppressing free speech !


Last edited by Former Member
Prince posted:
yuji22 posted:

Shut your P. I am a loyal member of GNI. Nobody ain’t sending me anywhere !

You are no loyal member of GNI. GNI is a platform for you to share your racial bigotry at your leisure. Something that Guyana can do without.  

GNI is not - IS NOT - a place nor platform for one to share racial bigotry.

GNI offers a person participation on any section and post on the forum.

Administrators do allow a much wider range for posts and; as is noted; they do take actions when issues go far beyond the allowable tolerance.

Demerara_Guy posted:
Prince posted:
yuji22 posted:

Shut your P. I am a loyal member of GNI. Nobody ain’t sending me anywhere !

You are no loyal member of GNI. GNI is a platform for you to share your racial bigotry at your leisure. Something that Guyana can do without.  

GNI is not - IS NOT - a place nor platform for one to share racial bigotry.

GNI offers a person participation on any section and post on the forum.

Administrators do allow a much wider range for posts and; as is noted; they do take actions when issues go far beyond the allowable tolerance.

So if you know this, why were you mocking black members here by posting pictures of chimpanzees? Like yuh senility does act up one one time. 

Baseman posted:
Ray posted:

Closed because the discussion turns into personal and racist attacks 

So PNC supporters calling for war against Indians is not racist?  Have you looked at the responses come from Ronan when anyone highlights PNC racism?   You sanction people for less than that!

Baseman this is what you all have.  Black women singing some song and you all grown men running under your bed, quivering in terror and screaming for Trump to save you.

You all are petrified of black women because you suspect that many of them don't like you.  So why don't you PPP frauds go into PNC strongholds and assure them that their assumptions of you are wrong?  After all don't you all boast how much black people love the PPP?

I can see why homoerotic yearnings for black men pervade GNI.  You all wish that you had the self confidence and self esteem of black men who don't run under the bed when black women want to let off steam.

And RK isn't going to rescue you all either if you think that he will.

Last edited by Former Member

Stop attempting to rub lipstick on a pig.

PNC is clearly calling for war in PNC controlled regions where Afros are a majority. They are clearly intimidating and threatening Guyanese.

This is the most shameless act not worthy of defence and proves that your support PNC racism, holliganism, intimidation and threats. This is unacceptable behaviour in a civilized society.

Shame on You Carib !

yuji22 posted:


Two threads which revealed PNC calls for violence were closed. The second thread was very civil and posters were expressing their opinions.

Why are these threads being closed ?


Calling yourself GNI Fearless is about the last thing.  You are a tiny emasculated wimp of a man who is mortified by black women.

The "war" is about getting house to house registration.  The "war" is about mobilizing the base to ensure that the PPP (Jagdeo) is beaten.

It is your racist nature and cowardice which causes you to see this as violence.  It is the same tactics that a football team will use to excite the players.

You also need to understand that Guyana is a multi cultural and multi ethnic nation.  Creole language (as part of its African retention) makes dramatic use of words.

To you this is a war cry as those savage black brutes wage war.  To most Caribbean people it is just language.

Let me make it easy for people like you.  Go find some village in Uttar Pradesh where you can live in a place with no blacks.  45% of Guyanese have varying degrees of African ancestry and operate within an Afro Creole cultural context.  If this seems like a bloodthirsty rite then you shouldn't live anywhere near these people.

Last edited by Former Member
Dave posted:
yuji22 posted:

War !

I will share this video on Twitter , including the FBI, RCMP and all Embassy site. 

This is what  Black people knows of WAR, loot, rape,  burning.

Yujj let’s send it to our  local MP and raise awareness of this.

And they will laugh at you because this is no different from a coach warming up his team and telling them to do battle on their opponents.

But I am glad to see that your anti black racism is alive and well.  No white North American politician will go anywhere near you for fear of losing his job.  This isn't Guyana where Jagdeo can scream anti black epithets in bottom house meetings and get away with it.

yuji22 posted:

Why are then getting upset when Indos are brave enough to speak out against PNC hooliganism, racism and uncivilized behaviour calling for war ?


Oh my wonders. THAT is what you call being "brave"?

No wonder some excited middle aged and elderly black women has you screaming for "mummy" to come save you.

45% of Guyana has varying degrees of African ancestry and if you want to rule Guyana you will need to learn how to work with these people and to get them to respect you. 

You cannot shove them in a corner, tell them that their only role is to entertain you and to take your charity and think that they should shut up and accept bad treatment from the PPP.

caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Why are then getting upset when Indos are brave enough to speak out against PNC hooliganism, racism and uncivilized behaviour calling for war ?


Oh my wonders. THAT is what you call being "brave"?

No wonder some excited middle aged and elderly black women has you screaming for "mummy" to come save you.

45% of Guyana has varying degrees of African ancestry and if you want to rule Guyana you will need to learn how to work with these people and to get them to respect you. 

You cannot shove them in a corner, tell them that their only role is to entertain you and to take your charity and think that they should shut up and accept bad treatment from the PPP.


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caribny posted:
Dave posted:
yuji22 posted:

War !

I will share this video on Twitter , including the FBI, RCMP and all Embassy site. 

This is what  Black people knows of WAR, loot, rape,  burning.

Yujj let’s send it to our  local MP and raise awareness of this.

And they will laugh at you because this is no different from a coach warming up his team and telling them to do battle on their opponents.

But I am glad to see that your anti black racism is alive and well.  No white North American politician will go anywhere near you for fear of losing his job.  This isn't Guyana where Jagdeo can scream anti black epithets in bottom house meetings and get away with it.


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Dave posted:
yuji22 posted:

War !

I will share this video on Twitter , including the FBI, RCMP and all Embassy site. 

This is what  Black people knows of WAR, loot, rape,  burning.

Yujj let’s send it to our  local MP and raise awareness of this.

Go ahead nuh...send them the link to this site and while you at it, let them see the racist shit posted here by those same people who contacted them...I dare yall rass.

Ps: I know firsthand of RCMP who has read some of the stuff here. I mentioned this at the time.

Last edited by cain
Dave posted:
yuji22 posted:

War !

I will share this video on Twitter , including the FBI, RCMP and all Embassy site. 

This is what  Black people knows of WAR, loot, rape,  burning.

Yujj let’s send it to our  local MP and raise awareness of this.

I already did. This is uncivilized PNC behaviour inciting violence.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Baseman posted:
Ray posted:

Closed because the discussion turns into personal and racist attacks 

So PNC supporters calling for war against Indians is not racist?  Have you looked at the responses come from Ronan when anyone highlights PNC racism?   You sanction people for less than that!

Baseman this is what you all have.  Black women singing some song and you all grown men running under your bed, quivering in terror and screaming for Trump to save you.

You all are petrified of black women because you suspect that many of them don't like you.  So why don't you PPP frauds go into PNC strongholds and assure them that their assumptions of you are wrong?  After all don't you all boast how much black people love the PPP?

I can see why homoerotic yearnings for black men pervade GNI.  You all wish that you had the self confidence and self esteem of black men who don't run under the bed when black women want to let off steam.

And RK isn't going to rescue you all either if you think that he will.

You need to shut you rass too...homosexuality is not the domain of race...nothing is. The idea that people are here to satiate some morbid sexual desire is as racist as any of these people you call indoKKK. It attributes a difference by race ( utter nonsense since we are one specie) and presume a distinction of superior mores by it. This crap by you has to stop no less than the idiots who claim black people are stupid. 


At least three people here have black spouses including me and I know mine is a smart, determined and accomplished professional woman but I do not know she inspire trembling and fear in anyone. My son's mother is also black and she was a soldier in two wars and now a dentist and I do not know she also inspire fear in anyone. Actually both are very feminine woman. You need to be consistent. 


I did not watch the videos and do not care to because I am not inclined to hear what I know is tolerated on both sides of the aisle by the political powers that be. We cannot follow them. Why do we say we have been educated by America's finest schools yet peddle these racist tropes and considered ourselves  at the pinnacle of our nation's brain trust? We would be no less than crabs when we participate in these nonsense.  You are becoming a victim of what you claim you despises.

Last edited by Former Member
D2 posted:

You need to shut you rass too...homosexuality is not the domain of race...

On GNI it is.

1. Constant referencing to buggering.

2. Constant references to bussing people's balls.

3. Constant references to oral sex.

4. Constant need to show bravery.

5. Constant fear of "bullying" black women, always the ones who are over 50, many over 60.  What we see in that video is what one would see in a locker room where a coach is warming up his team to go out there and to fight battle.

When you see me, iguana or other blacks making these references than you can chat, but all of this comes out of a demographic on GNI with a particular ethnic, age, and political orientation..  At some point it isnt about a particular person.  It is a trend.

Last edited by Former Member
D2 posted:



At least three people here have black spouses including me and I know mine is a smart, determined and accomplished professional woman but I do not know she inspire trembling and fear in anyone.



Then you ought to be appalled by the fact that those who I call Indo Nazi describe black females as ugly, bullying brutes with foul odors. That you query why they should be described thus when you are married to a black women is for you to decide.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Dave posted:
caribny posted:
Dave posted:

So your kids told you to stop being an Indo Nazi so you no longer use a chimp to respond to blacks.


Admin, please take note.

So stop bringing them up then.  And this is about their comments about YOU!

I make a reference about my kids ( once ) where we cannot have a discussion about race in my home, but see everyone as human, irrespective that I had to push them under the bed that dreadful night. 

I am proud of what I did after, you spill my blood, you will NOT walk away free. 

 I have a stigma that  reminds me of black brutality, and I have that right to speak out. 

I still gives to blacks and will continue doing so . However, when I came across racist like you, it’s daunt the sprit and bring back those bad memories.. 


Dave posted:

I make a reference about my kids ( once ) where we cannot have a discussion about race in my home, but see everyone as human, irrespective that I had to push them under the bed that dreadful night. 

I am proud of what I did after, you spill my blood, you will NOT walk away free. 

 I have a stigma that  reminds me of black brutality, and I have that right to speak out. 

I still gives to blacks and will continue doing so . However, when I came across racist like you, it’s daunt the sprit and bring back those bad memories.. 

you come on here practically every day spewing the worst kind of hate speech aimed at Afro people

then playing victim when challenged on your sh!t with exculpatory talk of “bad memories” and “black brutality”

what exactly is that again?

the “right” to be a dutty racist primitive is a self-sanction that the worst among us smartly ‘confuse’ with the imperatives of civilized thinking

i will say without fear of contradiction that those “blacks” on the receiving end of your ‘charity’ would spit on your stinking ass if they had any idea what was actually going on in the sewer that stands in for your head

personally i would recommend that you shove your ‘goodwill’ right back up your bt

but that’s just me

Last edited by Former Member

You Black Dudes come here cussing Indians and expect the Indians must stay quiet, Well, those days are over, in Guyana yes, you would Rob us, beat us, rape our daughters, burn our houses and able to walk FREE because your Masters encourage and teach you at Rally to go out and plunder Indian Villages. It hurts when we expose the FACTS, many of us had personal experiences.

 So the Rawan and Carib have NO good intentions on GNI, their sole purpose is to spread HATE and distort the FACTS. 

 The truth hurts.

kp posted:

You Black Dudes come here cussing Indians and expect the Indians must stay quiet, Well, those days are over, in Guyana yes, you would Rob us, beat us, rape our daughters, burn our houses and able to walk FREE because your Masters encourage and teach you at Rally to go out and plunder Indian Villages. It hurts when we expose the FACTS, many of us had personal experiences.

 So the Rawan and Carib have NO good intentions on GNI, their sole purpose is to spread HATE and distort the FACTS. 

 The truth hurts.

please point to where i am “cussing Indians” on GNI

oh wait, you not talking about me . . . “Rawan” not “Ronan”

my bad

caribny posted:
D2 posted:



At least three people here have black spouses including me and I know mine is a smart, determined and accomplished professional woman but I do not know she inspire trembling and fear in anyone.



Then you ought to be appalled by the fact that those who I call Indo Nazi describe black females as ugly, bullying brutes with foul odors. That you query why they should be described thus when you are married to a black women is for you to decide.

Why should I be? Why should I take the words of ignorant people to heart when I know different. Three of the most beautiful black women I went to school with are in their fifties on serious news TV still making men drool, at least a few dozens others are on screen, are musicians or in politics. There are two beauty queens in the mix.   Why should I concern myself with bigots?

Last edited by Former Member
Dave posted:

I make a reference about my kids ( once ) where we cannot have a discussion about race in my home, but see everyone as human, irrespective that I had to push them under the bed that dreadful night. 

I am proud of what I did after, you spill my blood, you will NOT walk away free. 

 I have a stigma that  reminds me of black brutality, and I have that right to speak out. 

I still gives to blacks and will continue doing so . However, when I came across racist like you, it’s daunt the sprit and bring back those bad memories.. 


Dude, you followed by Ugli, Persaud, and then Lionel are among the most racist people I have ever encountered. Imagine that, the most racist people I ever met are here on GN&I!

caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

PNC is inciting racial hatred by calling for war in PNC stronghold regions.

And the PPP is screaming "we gun tek back de country" Take it back from WHO!   Those remarks are very provocative especially within the context of the assorted bomb threats that have been made!

When Congress place was singing and dancing of WAR in Region #6 ,#7 and so on , those are Indo populated areas . are they not instigating Violence, telling their leaders to go out and start a war.

D2 posted:
Dave posted:

I make a reference about my kids ( once ) where we cannot have a discussion about race in my home, but see everyone as human, irrespective that I had to push them under the bed that dreadful night. 

I am proud of what I did after, you spill my blood, you will NOT walk away free. 

 I have a stigma that  reminds me of black brutality, and I have that right to speak out. 

I still gives to blacks and will continue doing so . However, when I came across racist like you, it’s daunt the sprit and bring back those bad memories.. 


Dude, you followed by Ugli, Persaud, and then Lionel are among the most racist people I have ever encountered. Imagine that, the most racist people I ever met are here on GN&I!

What part of my comments pissed you off... 

You are a fkt racist.. don’t point fingers . 

ronan posted:
Dave posted:

I make a reference about my kids ( once ) where we cannot have a discussion about race in my home, but see everyone as human, irrespective that I had to push them under the bed that dreadful night. 

I am proud of what I did after, you spill my blood, you will NOT walk away free. 

 I have a stigma that  reminds me of black brutality, and I have that right to speak out. 

I still gives to blacks and will continue doing so . However, when I came across racist like you, it’s daunt the sprit and bring back those bad memories.. 

you come on here practically every day spewing the worst kind of hate speech aimed at Afro people

then playing victim when challenged on your sh!t with exculpatory talk of “bad memories” and “black brutality”

what exactly is that again?

the “right” to be a dutty racist primitive is a self-sanction that the worst among us smartly ‘confuse’ with the imperatives of civilized thinking

i will say without fear of contradiction that those “blacks” on the receiving end of your ‘charity’ would spit on your stinking ass if they had any idea what was actually going on in the sewer that stands in for your head

personally i would recommend that you shove your ‘goodwill’ right back up your bt

but that’s just me

Haul you BLACK S***T ... you don’t deserve my shit you fkt moron. 

Spilling the Blood of Indians is OK with you .. not in my books you mother fker . Ayo depend on Indian for economic survival  and would turn around and cuss Indians .. times have change... disappear you ****** . 

kp posted:

You Black Dudes come here cussing Indians and expect the Indians must stay quiet, Well, those days are over, in Guyana yes, you would Rob us, beat us, rape our daughters, burn our houses and able to walk FREE because your Masters encourage and teach you at Rally to go out and plunder Indian Villages. It hurts when we expose the FACTS, many of us had personal experiences.

 So the Rawan and Carib have NO good intentions on GNI, their sole purpose is to spread HATE and distort the FACTS. 

 The truth hurts.

what "black dudes" come her cussing Indians you disgusting lout??? Is disagreeing with the PPP and Jagdeo considered "cussing"?

And who is asking that "Indians must stay quiet" when you and the rest of your BIGOT posse are the majority posters here, free to post the most vile racist images and statements?

If you are so interested in "exposing facts" on black people and venting your "personal experiences" why don't alyuh contact Ravi Dev with yuh stories? Or Labba man, he mouthpiece hay pon GNI.

If you devoted HALF as much fking time to dealing with drinking malaton and rum sucking in yuh community as you do to talking about "black" dis and dat yuh community would be much better off. After all, rum til I die behavior and suicide are also FACTS and have killed MORE Indians than any black man could.

yuji22 posted:

We must not be afraid to talk about the brutal racism we suffered under two black dictators Burnham and Hoyte and after March 19, we could potentially have a third one.

This is the same racist piece of crapola that talks about "unity" out one side of he stink onion breath mouth while pissing pon black man DAILY hay. Same bigot who generates post after post of toxic, anti black hate speech is now talking about "inciting violence". What a fking disgrace you are!

Lissen punk, y'all can chat about "two black dictators", both of whom are dead, but you have ZERO plans for the future. NONE.And that is the problem with Guyana. A failure to move on from the past, even though no one, at least black posters here, deny the actions of the past.

Y'all are just steeped in a pure hatred of black people and want an Indian only country. We must talk about the "two black dicators" but not about the almost genetic bigotry of Indians like you that would like to see the elimination of black people from Guyana. Nah, let's not talk about what is plain as day and played out here daily by the vast majority of Indian posters here. The non racist Indians are treated by garbage by the cadre of bigots you lead here.

Just admit you want a black holocaust in Guyana and we'll be much further along in the discussion. Stop all the foolish, shitty talk about "unity" punk! Just let all yuh genocidal thoughts about black people out. If yuh need help, ask "uncle" Dave.

Iguana posted:
kp posted:

You Black Dudes come here cussing Indians and expect the Indians must stay quiet, Well, those days are over, in Guyana yes, you would Rob us, beat us, rape our daughters, burn our houses and able to walk FREE because your Masters encourage and teach you at Rally to go out and plunder Indian Villages. It hurts when we expose the FACTS, many of us had personal experiences.

 So the Rawan and Carib have NO good intentions on GNI, their sole purpose is to spread HATE and distort the FACTS. 

 The truth hurts.

what "black dudes" come her cussing Indians you disgusting lout??? Is disagreeing with the PPP and Jagdeo considered "cussing"?

And who is asking that "Indians must stay quiet" when you and the rest of your BIGOT posse are the majority posters here, free to post the most vile racist images and statements?

If you are so interested in "exposing facts" on black people and venting your "personal experiences" why don't alyuh contact Ravi Dev with yuh stories? Or Labba man, he mouthpiece hay pon GNI.

If you devoted HALF as much fking time to dealing with drinking malaton and rum sucking in yuh community as you do to talking about "black" dis and dat yuh community would be much better off. After all, rum til I die behavior and suicide are also FACTS and have killed MORE Indians than any black man could.

Why don't help find the FATHERS of the many Black kids, maybe you are a victim of that curse. 

 Perhaps, get yourself a decent job, would be better other than living off the American Welfare System. People like you I Chew and spit out in the gutter. Somehow you think it  is right to come here and BULLY posters, Well, those days are over keep that behaviour for Tiger Bay and Buxton. In Guyana Blacks don't have two jill to rub together, so they can't afford to buy a Drink, when Indians drink and celebrate, blacks call them drunks. Excite yourself.

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