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Originally Posted by baseman:

Belly wuk, cyar you rass.  Not sure what the hell you refer to, I don't read every shit posted.  I will confront all alyuh clueless inept asses anytime.

Confrontation was never your problem. It's your stupidity, ignorance, lack of a cohesive argument, bare naked racism not to mention YOUR LIARD WAYS that is. Keep confronting and I'll keep digging it in yuh dumb ass!

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by seignet:
I suspect every Afro-Guyanese have some inward resentment towards East Indians. As Priya Manichand had said, "we know dey doan like us.

I guess this includes Neville Bourne, the black man who took your shoeless arse off the plantation and taught you the skills that mek you into the millionaire you boast of hay. Note Priya's party whether he would didn't have time for you although you were pimping their policies everywhere. 


Yes, old Neville must be turning his grave now to see the racist monster he helped.

Mr. Bourne was not a prejudice man. Thank goodness, he was before the time L.F.S. Burnham.


Your mindset is coined in the Burnham era. There was a time before that when we were decent people. Burnham emergence in Guyana's politic, turned possibly every Afro into a coolie racists. That includes dem old people u getting your info from.


You're a liar. You mek a bold proclamation that every black man "have some inward resentment toward indians". Now you come telling we that Bourne (a black man) was not prejudiced. So you're a liar. Or senility setting in?


Your own testimony about Bourne proves my point. Black folks, before you and your apan jhaat crowd, were civil toward indians. People like YOU, Baseman, Yugi, Rama, Nehru, Cobra, Skeldon Ape, Anan, and others here created Burnham. Alyuh got the same mentality as those old indians back then, you haven't evolved into the 21st century. 


Right hay Baseman seh black man duz eat grass and edda stew. Rama seh if it wasn't for indians black man would starve. Yugi tell we last month that indians drive the economy and have lots of disposable income while black man lives in tenement yard, even in the US. So nothing has changed.


This is the racist mindset that the majority of indians possess that give rise to Burnham. And the likes of Baseman, Yugi, Cobra and others will give rise to another Burnham in Guyana.


You Indians (primarily rural Hindus) such as the noted pandit Yugi - are predisposed to racism. Whether it be your religion, some subconscious adherence to the caste system or whatever, you all feel you are morally, spiritually, economically and socially superior to black folks. And that is the attitude spread across GNI every day to the extent black folks would not even register to post here.

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by seignet:
I suspect every Afro-Guyanese have some inward resentment towards East Indians. As Priya Manichand had said, "we know dey doan like us.

I guess this includes Neville Bourne, the black man who took your shoeless arse off the plantation and taught you the skills that mek you into the millionaire you boast of hay. Note Priya's party whether he would didn't have time for you although you were pimping their policies everywhere. 


Yes, old Neville must be turning his grave now to see the racist monster he helped.

Mr. Bourne was not a prejudice man. Thank goodness, he was before the time L.F.S. Burnham.


Your mindset is coined in the Burnham era. There was a time before that when we were decent people. Burnham emergence in Guyana's politic, turned possibly every Afro into a coolie racists. That includes dem old people u getting your info from.


You're a liar. You mek a bold proclamation that every black man "have some inward resentment toward indians". Now you come telling we that Bourne (a black man) was not prejudiced. So you're a liar. Or senility setting in?


Your own testimony about Bourne proves my point. Black folks, before you and your apan jhaat crowd, were civil toward indians. People like YOU, Baseman, Yugi, Rama, Nehru, Cobra, Skeldon Ape, Anan, and others here created Burnham. Alyuh got the same mentality as those old indians back then, you haven't evolved into the 21st century. 


Right hay Baseman seh black man duz eat grass and edda stew. Rama seh if it wasn't for indians black man would starve. Yugi tell we last month that indians drive the economy and have lots of disposable income while black man lives in tenement yard, even in the US. So nothing has changed.


This is the racist mindset that the majority of indians possess that give rise to Burnham. And the likes of Baseman, Yugi, Cobra and others will give rise to another Burnham in Guyana.


You Indians (primarily rural Hindus) such as the noted pandit Yugi - are predisposed to racism. Whether it be your religion, some subconscious adherence to the caste system or whatever, you all feel you are morally, spiritually, economically and socially superior to black folks. And that is the attitude spread across GNI every day to the extent black folks would not even register to post here.

Suh, yuh seying Burnham was correct in his perception of East Indians in Guyana-and that made him the Racist he became. Like I said, before Forbes, Guyanese din even consider race as an issue. 


Yuh think Blacks became predominantly PNC members bcz Forbes had good policies. And even in your own words, yuh claim we operate with an appan jhaat mentality. When we came to BG, we were housed in the logies-away from every body else. 


Suh, Blacks somehow know were appan jhaat people even before they meet us in the villages.


Stop being a silly black fellow, yuh sound stupidee. U razz spreading lies. And yuh guessing about history.


Originally Posted by seignet:

Suh, yuh seying Burnham was correct in his perception of East Indians in Guyana-and that made him the Racist he became. Like I said, before Forbes, Guyanese din even consider race as an issue. 


Yuh think Blacks became predominantly PNC members bcz Forbes had good policies. And even in your own words, yuh claim we operate with an appan jhaat mentality. When we came to BG, we were housed in the logies-away from every body else. 


Suh, Blacks somehow know were appan jhaat people even before they meet us in the villages.


Stop being a silly black fellow, yuh sound stupidee. U razz spreading lies. And yuh guessing about history.


Look, you just acting stupid. You know very well what I'm talking about. I don't have time to waste with you. Ah gon mek it short.


1. Forbes was interested in power, he was a meglomaniac. Nuff nuff black man seh suh, matter of fact Ashton Chase and others never backed him.


2. Blacks cared more about Forbes protecting blacks from alyuh RACIST clowns. Blacks were in Guyana first, dug the canals, built the infrastructure of the country then indians came. They survived together against the British until your RACIST, CLANNISH subset of Hindus wanted Apan Jhaat, espousing that GUYANA belonged only to them and that black man was a subhuman to be subjugated in alyuh new hindutva home away from home in india. How do you think black folks should react? Forbes was the leader they rallied around, faults and all, because he got wind of what alyuh planned to do to black folks, especially after his trip to India.


You got a problem with apan jhaat, don't blame us. Go talk to Daniel Debidin (if he's still alive) and the other jihagi clowns who used to call for it and say the land was YOURS only. Confront them, not me. And they still around. One of them even posts here demanding he own country.


3. You were housed in the logies away from everyone else. When you had to assimilate later on, most of you DID NOT, preferring to cling to being "superior" because you were boat brahmins. Those indians who assimilated had all sorts of stigmas attached to them for daring to embrace black folks even as friends. You are not even kind to your own indians who, in the name of humanity, venture out to embrace other races that you deign as "inferior".


And do you think black man lived in palaces at that time? We lived in possibly worse conditions than you all did.


And all this back and forth for what? Black people are no better off and readily admit that. And the average Indian is no better off either. Travel across Guyana and you see Indians in abject poverty, naked and eating rice and salt. They too have nothing, a crying shame after 23 years of PPP rule. 


But NOOOOOOOO.... according to the likes of Yugi, Cobra, Rama, et al, Indians are SUPERIOR IN EVERY WAY to black folks. Poor (possibly low caste) Indians don't matter. Rich Indians are your barometer for success, but black man is defined as the poor, criminal. This is you all RACIST mindset at work. And this is TODAY, right on this website.


It is my opinion that rural hindus like you, rama, yugi, prashad, cobra et al have no interest in assimiliating in Guyana. You want to rule and reign over black folks by any means necessary. And if so, Guyana is headed for a blood bath because fools like you and the rest above will give rise to another Burnham.


Why is it so important to Afro-Guyanese how Indo-Guynaese think of them?


There are no laws in this world that can make another person respect another. Christ even been begging people to treat their fellow man as they would like to be treated. As Priya Manichand said, "we know dey doan like us." It is an ingrained hatred on the part of Afro-Guyanese to dislike their fellow Guyanese. Indoes in particular. And yuh have found all the reasons to justify ur prejudices. As I read them in your comments.


It is easier to legislate laws than the hope of hateful people to adopt proper attitudes.


Originally Posted by seignet:

Why is it so important to Afro-Guyanese how Indo-Guynaese think of them?


There are no laws in this world that can make another person respect another. Christ even been begging people to treat their fellow man as they would like to be treated. As Priya Manichand said, "we know dey doan like us." It is an ingrained hatred on the part of Afro-Guyanese to dislike their fellow Guyanese. Indoes in particular. And yuh have found all the reasons to justify ur prejudices. As I read them in your comments.


It is easier to legislate laws than the hope of hateful people to adopt proper attitudes.


...this post of yours is so poop infested it doesn't merit a response. Your opening line says it all. You are beyond help. I am now convinced that your tribal, separatist, ass doesn't deserve to live in a first world society.

Originally Posted by seignet:

Ow! why can't we get along?


Yuh gat too much hateful things in u about coolie people-that is plenty demons. 


Asking the question for Priya, "Why you all hate us." We nah one people, one nation and one destiny.


R u HM_Redux? If u r, then I promise to stop pissing u off.

Why can't we get along? Go ask the Indo KKK why. And look how they treat their own Indian mattie (read Moses, Ramjattan, TK, Gilbakka etc) who work toward the races getting along. If these guys don't have a chance with the Indo KKK then what chance does a black person have?


We can't get along as long as you all maintain you are superior and practice textbook racism. I don't hate Indians; I single out the racist ones like you for special treatment.


In a short time here I've called for the death penalty for the murderous gangs and am in favor of any efforts to bring about racial reconciliation. It is futile though, because you and the Indo KKK clan will not stop unless black people are subjugated to you all. You are just wired that way. The hope is in the younger generation when you old racists die off.


You don't piss me off. I just feel sorry for you.

Last edited by Former Member


Excerpt from script:


RAM: Y'all blackman nah like coolie.

BERTRAM: Suh wuh? Y'all coolies ent like black people.


JUAN [looking through a high-powered telescope]: Hey amigo, I see Indo y Afro fighting over there mano-a-mano.

PEDRO: Caramba! Forward march! To reclaim our Essequibo!


BERTRAM: Look down deh! Venezuelans invade we land. Leh we unite and confront dem.

RAM: Haul yuh ass. You and Grainja try wid dem. Me a fly out to Richmand Hill New Yark tonight.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:


Excerpt from script:


RAM: Y'all blackman nah like coolie.

BERTRAM: Suh wuh? Y'all coolies ent like black people.


JUAN [looking through a high-powered telescope]: Hey amigo, I see Indo y Afro fighting over there mano-a-mano.

PEDRO: Caramba! Forward march! To reclaim our Essequibo!


BERTRAM: Look down deh! Venezuelans invade we land. Leh we unite and confront dem.

RAM: Haul yuh ass. You and Grainja try wid dem. Me a fly out to Richmand Hill New Yark tonight.

LMAO. So true. Ram = Baseman.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by seignet:
I suspect every Afro-Guyanese have some inward resentment towards East Indians. As Priya Manichand had said, "we know dey doan like us.

I guess this includes Neville Bourne, the black man who took your shoeless arse off the plantation and taught you the skills that mek you into the millionaire you boast of hay. Note Priya's party didn't have time for you although you were pimping their policies everywhere. 


Yes, old Neville must be turning his grave now to see the racist monster he helped.

Oi Siggy, who's dis here Neville Bourne?

Read "Kindness" and "Kindness contd" www. 



RE: 3. You were housed in the logies away from everyone else. When you had to assimilate later on, most of you DID NOT, preferring to cling to being "superior" because you were boat brahmins. Those indians who assimilated had all sorts of stigmas attached to them for daring to embrace black folks even as friends. You are not even kind to your own indians who, in the name of humanity, venture out to embrace other races that you deign as "inferior".



We see this right here on GNI by a few.

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Ow! why can't we get along?


Yuh gat too much hateful things in u about coolie people-that is plenty demons. 


Asking the question for Priya, "Why you all hate us." We nah one people, one nation and one destiny.


R u HM_Redux? If u r, then I promise to stop pissing u off.

Why can't we get along? Go ask the Indo KKK why. And look how they treat their own Indian mattie (read Moses, Ramjattan, TK, Gilbakka etc) who work toward the races getting along. If these guys don't have a chance with the Indo KKK then what chance does a black person have?


We can't get along as long as you all maintain you are superior and practice textbook racism. I don't hate Indians; I single out the racist ones like you for special treatment.


In a short time here I've called for the death penalty for the murderous gangs and am in favor of any efforts to bring about racial reconciliation. It is futile though, because you and the Indo KKK clan will not stop unless black people are subjugated to you all. You are just wired that way. The hope is in the younger generation when you old racists die off.


You don't piss me off. I just feel sorry for you.

Serious bro, yuh leff Guyana a long time ago wid some weird concept of its race relations. You and a few here thinks that Indians r racists. The fact is, majority of Indians live in communities void of Afro-Guyanese. I do not know weh yuh come from. But I have concluded, ur rants are mythical just as the few Afro-Guyana that I know who seems to thinks WE HATE BLACK PEOPLE.


It is a lie manufactured by the Peoples National Congress.


Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Ow! why can't we get along?


Yuh gat too much hateful things in u about coolie people-that is plenty demons. 


Asking the question for Priya, "Why you all hate us." We nah one people, one nation and one destiny.


R u HM_Redux? If u r, then I promise to stop pissing u off.

Why can't we get along? Go ask the Indo KKK why. And look how they treat their own Indian mattie (read Moses, Ramjattan, TK, Gilbakka etc) who work toward the races getting along. If these guys don't have a chance with the Indo KKK then what chance does a black person have?


We can't get along as long as you all maintain you are superior and practice textbook racism. I don't hate Indians; I single out the racist ones like you for special treatment.


In a short time here I've called for the death penalty for the murderous gangs and am in favor of any efforts to bring about racial reconciliation. It is futile though, because you and the Indo KKK clan will not stop unless black people are subjugated to you all. You are just wired that way. The hope is in the younger generation when you old racists die off.


You don't piss me off. I just feel sorry for you.

Serious bro, yuh leff Guyana a long time ago wid some weird concept of its race relations. You and a few here thinks that Indians r racists. The fact is, majority of Indians live in communities void of Afro-Guyanese. I do not know weh yuh come from. But I have concluded, ur rants are mythical just as the few Afro-Guyana that I know who seems to thinks WE HATE BLACK PEOPLE.


It is a lie manufactured by the Peoples National Congress.


Come on Siggy no need to search for more proof,the hilted could be seen daily on GNI by some, obviously it is out there.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Ow! why can't we get along?


Yuh gat too much hateful things in u about coolie people-that is plenty demons. 


Asking the question for Priya, "Why you all hate us." We nah one people, one nation and one destiny.


R u HM_Redux? If u r, then I promise to stop pissing u off.

Why can't we get along? Go ask the Indo KKK why. And look how they treat their own Indian mattie (read Moses, Ramjattan, TK, Gilbakka etc) who work toward the races getting along. If these guys don't have a chance with the Indo KKK then what chance does a black person have?


We can't get along as long as you all maintain you are superior and practice textbook racism. I don't hate Indians; I single out the racist ones like you for special treatment.


In a short time here I've called for the death penalty for the murderous gangs and am in favor of any efforts to bring about racial reconciliation. It is futile though, because you and the Indo KKK clan will not stop unless black people are subjugated to you all. You are just wired that way. The hope is in the younger generation when you old racists die off.


You don't piss me off. I just feel sorry for you.

Serious bro, yuh leff Guyana a long time ago wid some weird concept of its race relations. You and a few here thinks that Indians r racists. The fact is, majority of Indians live in communities void of Afro-Guyanese. I do not know weh yuh come from. But I have concluded, ur rants are mythical just as the few Afro-Guyana that I know who seems to thinks WE HATE BLACK PEOPLE.


It is a lie manufactured by the Peoples National Congress.


Come on Siggy no need to search for more proof,the hilted could be seen daily on GNI by some, obviously it is out there.

Yuh doan really tek dem guys serious? They cannot be speaking for the 300,000 Indoes in Guyana. Or even consider, the samples is great enough to sey that all East Indians thinking Apaan Jhaat.


The Blacks on here are not representative of all blacks in Guyana. Maybe, they have never returned to Guyana since leaving its shores.

Originally Posted by seignet:

Serious bro, yuh leff Guyana a long time ago wid some weird concept of its race relations. You and a few here thinks that Indians r racists. The fact is, majority of Indians live in communities void of Afro-Guyanese. I do not know weh yuh come from. But I have concluded, ur rants are mythical just as the few Afro-Guyana that I know who seems to thinks WE HATE BLACK PEOPLE.


It is a lie manufactured by the Peoples National Congress.


Forget about Yugi and his herd of Indo KKK. We just had 23 years of institutionalized racism where blacks were left out of jobs, contracts, etc. We just had a former president stand at babu john and scream the then ruling party, the PPP is a coolie party. So Indian racism against blacks is a figment of our imagination eh? 


I and other black folks fully admit Indians have valid ethnic security concerns but you and the Indo KKK deny that blacks have ANY ethnic security concerns. We should just tek what alyuh dish out cuz alyuh superior. And God knows, were it not for alyuh we blacks won't even have our lil eddoe stew and grass in our tenement yard where we waiting to pounce pon alyuh and rob yuh so we can go and party.


A careful read of your post will make it pellucidly clear why Guyana is in a quagmire re race relations. You all are so jaded to your racism, your consciences seared to the point of not even knowing how RACIST you are!


The first step toward healing is for you and your ilk to admit you have a disease!


Last edited by Former Member

Stop making this KKK indo-referencing to me. I have not labelled yuh in any way. 


If yuh think Indians hate yuh because yuh look a little bit different than they do. Then leh me suggest that yuh mek friends wid a few indoes. You will see how wrong you are, all dis time.


As for Jagdeo and his speechs. Whole lot of PNCites have done much worse to Indians. Currently, Sean Hinds spilling the beans on dem. 


I think, it is a scheme to rid the Indians of the leader who stands up to Black tyranny and bullyism.

Originally Posted by seignet:

Stop making this KKK indo-referencing to me. I have not labelled yuh in any way. 


If yuh think Indians hate yuh because yuh look a little bit different than they do. Then leh me suggest that yuh mek friends wid a few indoes. You will see how wrong you are, all dis time.


As for Jagdeo and his speechs. Whole lot of PNCites have done much worse to Indians. Currently, Sean Hinds spilling the beans on dem. 


I think, it is a scheme to rid the Indians of the leader who stands up to Black tyranny and bullyism.

So it had nothing to do with the way the bimbos mismanaged the country's finances, etc?


Those Indian leaders as you mentioned, stood up alright, they stood up to Decency,Morality,Trust and They lost

Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Stop making this KKK indo-referencing to me. I have not labelled yuh in any way. 


If yuh think Indians hate yuh because yuh look a little bit different than they do. Then leh me suggest that yuh mek friends wid a few indoes. You will see how wrong you are, all dis time.


As for Jagdeo and his speechs. Whole lot of PNCites have done much worse to Indians. Currently, Sean Hinds spilling the beans on dem. 


I think, it is a scheme to rid the Indians of the leader who stands up to Black tyranny and bullyism.

So it had nothing to do with the way the bimbos mismanaged the country's finances, etc?


Those Indian leaders as you mentioned, stood up alright, they stood up to Decency,Morality,Trust and They lost

This election exposed the prejudices of the whole country. Granger promises. And his actions.


If the idolizing of Forbes is again fashionable by Afroes, then Indians must stand with their leader, as bad as he may be. Forbes was no saint-and he still revered by Afroes. It is our destiny for us to continue to bury ourselves into poverty. Simply by the racism that Afro/Indo thrive in.

Originally Posted by seignet:

Stop making this KKK indo-referencing to me. I have not labelled yuh in any way. 


If yuh think Indians hate yuh because yuh look a little bit different than they do. Then leh me suggest that yuh mek friends wid a few indoes. You will see how wrong you are, all dis time.


As for Jagdeo and his speechs. Whole lot of PNCites have done much worse to Indians. Currently, Sean Hinds spilling the beans on dem. 


I think, it is a scheme to rid the Indians of the leader who stands up to Black tyranny and bullyism.

I know of what I speak. My Indian friends corroborate my feelings, and many of them too are ostracized for not being "indian" enough. Go bury your head in the sand and deny that most of you all rural hindus hate black people. The reasons proferred are many.


"Black tyranny and bullyism" today in 2015, eh? Are you one of the friendly Indians you suggest I befriend? The contradictions in each of your posts is just amazing!

Last edited by Former Member

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