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Originally Posted by Itaname:
. The last few days here reading his and Seignet's shit posts can make one lose all hope for Guyana and in humanity at large.

What is upsetting isn't the Indo KKK.  Every race has its share of not cases and blacks aren't an exception. 


What is saddening is the SILENCE from other Indians about these vile posts.  Yet the same folks will attack, me, you, and sometimes redux, calling us racists.

Originally Posted by Itaname:

I and other black folks fully admit Indians have valid ethnic security concerns but you and the Indo KKK deny that blacks have ANY ethnic security concerns. We should just tek what alyuh dish out cuz alyuh superior.

 And this is the point.  The blacks who post here do not pretend that Burnham was a saint when it came to Indians.  Recognize the validity of the Indian distrust of the PNC.  In fact when AFC decided to team up with APNU for their first few days I was very skeptical about that move, recognizing the Indian ethnic insecurity issues.


But here we have Indians (the moderate ones) raising Indian concerns as is their right.  Last year Kari screamed that the PNC should apologize to Indians, and called me a racist because I said that they shouldn't unless the PPP also apologize to Africans.


The point is that very few Indians here, with the exception of Riffraff, and Gilly, admit that the African ethnic insecurity dilemma exists, and is every bit as VALID as that of the Indian.  So when Africans celebrated in May 2015, as Indians celebrated in October 1992, the Africans were called racists, but no such charge was made against the Indians.


But of course I am a racist for pointing this out, whereas rama, seignet, baseman and others can go to white supremacist sites and lift up descriptions of blacks, and plant them here, and yet they aren't racist.  Or their racism is trivial, as it is against blacks, who apparently deserve this.


Little to do so called non racist Indians know this, but their behavior is contributing to the wide spread view among blacks that Indians are fundamentally racist, and refuse to see themselves as Guyanese first and foremost.

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by seignet:

My goodness all the cussing-if dem can't win a disagreement apply bullyism. Ahyuh do need Jagdeo to bully ayuh azz right back.

The administrators' notice says the political forum is not for the faint of heart. So stop being a sissy. Oh, thanks for sharing your approval of death squads to "bully" black man right back. Always knew you had it in you.

After the jail break, coolie were killed like flies. It takes a criminal to deal with criminals. No doubt Jagdeo is a criminal. And he answered back the PNC-bullets for bullets. And for a while there, he had alyuh pissing in the boots.


We is bad now, just like the PNC agitators.  

Yep, the criminals certainly dealt with Sash Sawh didn't they? That's why he who unleashed the hounds said he "knows who killed Sash Sawh". Sawh was worthwhile collateral damage to you I guess.


When you go to church this Sunday, firmly shake the Pastor's hand and beam while singing Amazing Grace, God should strike your old racist, hypocrite skont with a bolt of lightning.

Mek up your mind. The other day I was a Hindu racist. Now, I am a Christian, and a hypocritical one at that. And whats with the swearing. You a wan a dem Negro bullies from GT in the Mau Mau gang involved in killing coolie people. As Sean Hinds seying. 

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by seignet:


I think, it is a scheme to rid the Indians of the leader who stands up to Black tyranny and bullyism.

Here a man is a hero because he hired one set of black criminals to kill off another set.


Now the SAME black criminals who he hires rob Indians with the guns that HE GAVE THEM!


But being the silly Indo KKK man that you are, as you lust after SAVAGE BLACKMAN< you cannot see this.

It is like West Africa back in the 17th century. Africans selling lower caste Africans to the Buccras. The Ton Ton Macote in Guyana was at wuk-good blackmen killing bad blackmen.

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by seignet:


I think, it is a scheme to rid the Indians of the leader who stands up to Black tyranny and bullyism.

Here a man is a hero because he hired one set of black criminals to kill off another set.


Now the SAME black criminals who he hires rob Indians with the guns that HE GAVE THEM!


But being the silly Indo KKK man that you are, as you lust after SAVAGE BLACKMAN< you cannot see this.

Carib, the problem with the above (absolutely correct) scenario is not Jagdeo, it is that "afros cannot be trusted" (per Baseman). Such is the depravity of this fool baseman.

Baseman and the rest of the Indo KKK lust after blacks like Sean Hinds, who is a criminal.  They feel foolish when he double crosses them, and then blame honest black people.

Aside from not being too smart, Baseman is a morally bankrupt man who cheers lawlessness because he thinks his "side" is winning. The last few days here reading his and Seignet's shit posts can make one lose all hope for Guyana and in humanity at large.

U rite, there is no hope for Guyana. We will never get a Guyanese government. We are a CURSED NATION. Both coolies and blacks agreed on that-they will never return to live in that country. Our sins are like enormous sores-never healing. After 23 years of Coolie mayhem, one would think a coalition government would choose the middle ground. Instead, the three Coolie racists on here is an ample explanation as to why Guyana would always have either a coolie government or black government.



Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
. The last few days here reading his and Seignet's shit posts can make one lose all hope for Guyana and in humanity at large.

What is upsetting isn't the Indo KKK.  Every race has its share of not cases and blacks aren't an exception. 


What is saddening is the SILENCE from other Indians about these vile posts.  Yet the same folks will attack, me, you, and sometimes redux, calling us racists.

The whole world is reading all of the comments. And if u r a rational person u would be shock at ur comments. U hatred blinds u. 

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
bad now, just like the PNC agitators.  

Well, in their eyes "coolies" are not much more than flies, so cull them canecutters.  Jagdeo is no criminal, he just punched the MFs back in the eye.  Black people never faced a "coolie" like BJ.  He ain't no pacifist Jagan!


I also need to punch a hole in your Indo KKK superman illusions.  Jagdeo used BLACKMAN to kill BLACKMAN!


BJ, as head of state, used the armed forces of Guyana to take on and out terrorists and criminals, most of whom happened to be Afros.  This is legit Govt action in every sense of the word.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
bad now, just like the PNC agitators.  

Well, in their eyes "coolies" are not much more than flies, so cull them canecutters.  Jagdeo is no criminal, he just punched the MFs back in the eye.  Black people never faced a "coolie" like BJ.  He ain't no pacifist Jagan!


I also need to punch a hole in your Indo KKK superman illusions.  Jagdeo used BLACKMAN to kill BLACKMAN!


BJ, as head of state, used the armed forces of Guyana to take on and out terrorists and criminals, most of whom happened to be Afros.  This is legit Govt action in every sense of the word.

Base, there's a thing called the Rule of Law and another legal thing called Due Process. BJ as C-in-C should have instructed the armed forces to capture the suspected criminals and hand them over the police to lay charges and let the courts try them. As Rohee says in relation to Jennifer Westford and Bheri Ramsarran, a suspect is innocent until proven guilty.

That principle should apply to all suspects, or else the Law of the Jungle and the principle of Might is Right will prevail.

Please note that since May 12 the rate of violent crimes has jumped up but the new President is refraining from what BJ did. Instead, he is putting in place a slew of studied measures to combat the crime situation and those will take effect soon.

Originally Posted by seignet:
back in the 17th century. Africans selling lower caste Africans to the Buccras. The Ton Ton Macote in Guyana was at wuk-good blackmen killing bad blackmen.

You shouldn't babble about topics of which you know not.  There is no caste system in the regions of Africa from which most slaves were taken.


Now resume the new Indo KKK obsession of lusting after big baad blackman.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
. The last few days here reading his and Seignet's shit posts can make one lose all hope for Guyana and in humanity at large.

What is upsetting isn't the Indo KKK.  Every race has its share of not cases and blacks aren't an exception. 


What is saddening is the SILENCE from other Indians about these vile posts.  Yet the same folks will attack, me, you, and sometimes redux, calling us racists.

The whole world is reading all of the comments. And if u r a rational person u would be shock at ur comments. U hatred blinds u. 

And they have come to the conclusion that there is no difference between white supremacists and Indo supremacists.


Read YOUR comments about blacks and then go to a KKK site.  You will be shocked about how similar the commentary is.  You, baseman, yuji, cobra and Rama.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
bad now, just like the PNC agitators.  

Well, in their eyes "coolies" are not much more than flies, so cull them canecutters.  Jagdeo is no criminal, he just punched the MFs back in the eye.  Black people never faced a "coolie" like BJ.  He ain't no pacifist Jagan!


I also need to punch a hole in your Indo KKK superman illusions.  Jagdeo used BLACKMAN to kill BLACKMAN!


BJ, as head of state, used the armed forces of Guyana to take on and out terrorists and criminals, most of whom happened to be Afros.  This is legit Govt action in every sense of the word.

Base, there's a thing called the Rule of Law and another legal thing called Due Process. BJ as C-in-C should have instructed the armed forces to capture the suspected criminals and hand them over the police to lay charges and let the courts try them. As Rohee says in relation to Jennifer Westford and Bheri Ramsarran, a suspect is innocent until proven guilty.

That principle should apply to all suspects, or else the Law of the Jungle and the principle of Might is Right will prevail.

Please note that since May 12 the rate of violent crimes has jumped up but the new President is refraining from what BJ did. Instead, he is putting in place a slew of studied measures to combat the crime situation and those will take effect soon.

Capture or kill.  Many were dead-enders and got their wish.  These guys did not go down without a fight so they were dealt with appropriately.


This new president don't have military-style political-inspired gangsters held up and protected in villages slaughtering at will.  So his situation and actions are suited to the reality.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:

This new president don't have military-style political-inspired gangsters held up and protected in villages slaughtering at will.  So his situation and actions are suited to the reality.

At what stage did the PPP attempt to professionalize the police force and stream line the court systems to allow more rapid trials and speedier punishment of the guilty.


The PPP set up a paramilitia to protect the ELITES, and then you pretend as if Jagdeo was some hero to engage with criminals like Sean Hinds.  A criminal is a criminal and will behave like a criminal, so when the men who are given guns by the PPP to do their deeds, they then moved on to harass innocent people.


In any case there is evidence which suggests that Fineman had ties to Roger Khan.  Sat Sawh's family is convinced that his murder, and that of other family members lies at the foot of the PPP. Notable it is that the PPP never bothered to find out and prosecute the master mind behind that, even though Jagdeo screamed that he knew who the guilty parties were.


So quit your nonsense.  Guyana under the PPP remained every bit as lawless and as criminal as it was when House of Israel drove fear into the hearts of many.  In fact many of the people who the PPP employed were trained by that thug force.


Just goes to show that we have King Kong (Burnham) and Baby Kong (Jagdeo). Clearly it is your racist nature why you crown Jagdeo a hero when he was every bit as evil as Burnham.

Originally Posted by caribny:

Just goes to show that we have King Kong (Burnham) and Baby Kong (Jagdeo). Clearly it is your racist nature why you crown Jagdeo a hero when he was every bit as evil as Burnham.

When you consider Jagdeo's sins and that he did not rule for as long as Forbes, a case can be made that he's actually WORSE than Forbes. The pernicious plague of drugs formed and prospered under his reign. Stormborn made some excellent points regarding this drug plague and its scourge and irreversible effects on Guyanese society.


There were also death squads roaming Guyana that make the House of Israel plantain chip sellers look like choir boys. Yes, I say he is far more evil than Burnham, and that's quite an accomplishment.

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Just goes to show that we have King Kong (Burnham) and Baby Kong (Jagdeo). Clearly it is your racist nature why you crown Jagdeo a hero when he was every bit as evil as Burnham.

When you consider Jagdeo's sins and that he did not rule for as long as Forbes, a case can be made that he's actually WORSE than Forbes. The pernicious plague of drugs formed and prospered under his reign. Stormborn made some excellent points regarding this drug plague and its scourge and irreversible effects on Guyanese society.


There were also death squads roaming Guyana that make the House of Israel plantain chip sellers look like choir boys. Yes, I say he is far more evil than Burnham, and that's quite an accomplishment.

He played the game well a very cunning fella.

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Just goes to show that we have King Kong (Burnham) and Baby Kong (Jagdeo). Clearly it is your racist nature why you crown Jagdeo a hero when he was every bit as evil as Burnham.

When you consider Jagdeo's sins and that he did not rule for as long as Forbes, a case can be made that he's actually WORSE than Forbes. The pernicious plague of drugs formed and prospered under his reign. Stormborn made some excellent points regarding this drug plague and its scourge and irreversible effects on Guyanese society.


There were also death squads roaming Guyana that make the House of Israel plantain chip sellers look like choir boys. Yes, I say he is far more evil than Burnham, and that's quite an accomplishment.

Burnham rode to power on the back of PNC terrorism.  BJ had to break the back of PNC sponsored terrorism, a subtle difference for the simple-minded and liar class like you!

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Burnham rode to power on the back of PNC terrorism.  BJ had to break the back of PNC sponsored terrorism, a subtle difference for the simple-minded and liar class like you!

u say "quasi-apartheid" days are back . .

The PNC's options are limited.  The actions of the PNC today will boomerang.  You will never be able to reconstitute the type of power structure you had pre-1992.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Burnham rode to power on the back of PNC terrorism.  BJ had to break the back of PNC sponsored terrorism, a subtle difference for the simple-minded and liar class like you!

u say "quasi-apartheid" days are back . . . i guess Blow Job failed

The PNC's options are limited.  The actions of the PNC today will boomerang.  You will never be able to reconstitute the type of power structure you had pre-1992.

thanks Captain Obvious


now, try address something i am actually talking about, arite?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Itaname:


There were also death squads roaming Guyana that make the House of Israel plantain chip sellers look like choir boys. Yes, I say he is far more evil than Burnham, and that's quite an accomplishment.

I stand corrected.  Jagdeo made Burnham look like a peace loving saint.  Jagdeo is more reminiscent of the paramilitias of Colombia and Brazil.  House of Israel were petty street hooligans.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Burnham rode to power on the back of PNC terrorism.  BJ had to break the back of PNC sponsored terrorism, a subtle difference for the simple-minded and liar class like you!

Jagdeo was batty boy for a vicious drug lord who now rots in a US jail, no doubt being the batty boy for the many prisoners there.


Pity your racist nature prevents you from seeing this.

Last edited by Former Member

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