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Originally Posted by baseman:

The PNC's options are limited.  The actions of the PNC today will boomerang.  You will never be able to reconstitute the type of power structure you had pre-1992.

Really? Yuh seh "ethnic cleansing" under the new govt is in full swing? Yuh even seh (around may/june) is time fuh indians to flee guyana or some such shit and lots more petulant, whining shit. You poor, confused, whining gender bender.

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The PNC's options are limited.  The actions of the PNC today will boomerang.  You will never be able to reconstitute the type of power structure you had pre-1992.

Really? Yuh seh "ethnic cleansing" under the new govt is in full swing? Yuh even seh (around may/june) is time fuh indians to flee guyana or some such shit and lots more petulant, whining shit. You poor, confused, whining gender bender.

When baseman, yuji,cobra, rama, and seignet look at Sean Hinds they look at him with extreme lust as he is "one strang, big, and ignorant blackman".  This is why they work themselves up into such a frenzy about the "violent black man, and the poor defenseless Indo" 


They even want to hand Guyana over to Maduro, all because of BLACKMAN.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by seignet:
back in the 17th century. Africans selling lower caste Africans to the Buccras. The Ton Ton Macote in Guyana was at wuk-good blackmen killing bad blackmen.

You shouldn't babble about topics of which you know not.  There is no caste system in the regions of Africa from which most slaves were taken.


Now resume the new Indo KKK obsession of lusting after big baad blackman.

Suh, what is iboo, yoruba and hauser-all from west africa.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
. The last few days here reading his and Seignet's shit posts can make one lose all hope for Guyana and in humanity at large.

What is upsetting isn't the Indo KKK.  Every race has its share of not cases and blacks aren't an exception. 


What is saddening is the SILENCE from other Indians about these vile posts.  Yet the same folks will attack, me, you, and sometimes redux, calling us racists.

The whole world is reading all of the comments. And if u r a rational person u would be shock at ur comments. U hatred blinds u. 

And they have come to the conclusion that there is no difference between white supremacists and Indo supremacists.


Read YOUR comments about blacks and then go to a KKK site.  You will be shocked about how similar the commentary is.  You, baseman, yuji, cobra and Rama.

Not my comments, Mau Mau.

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Just goes to show that we have King Kong (Burnham) and Baby Kong (Jagdeo). Clearly it is your racist nature why you crown Jagdeo a hero when he was every bit as evil as Burnham.

When you consider Jagdeo's sins and that he did not rule for as long as Forbes, a case can be made that he's actually WORSE than Forbes. The pernicious plague of drugs formed and prospered under his reign. Stormborn made some excellent points regarding this drug plague and its scourge and irreversible effects on Guyanese society.


There were also death squads roaming Guyana that make the House of Israel plantain chip sellers look like choir boys. Yes, I say he is far more evil than Burnham, and that's quite an accomplishment.

Since when killing and intimidating people have degrees of acceptability.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The PNC's options are limited.  The actions of the PNC today will boomerang.  You will never be able to reconstitute the type of power structure you had pre-1992.

Really? Yuh seh "ethnic cleansing" under the new govt is in full swing? Yuh even seh (around may/june) is time fuh indians to flee guyana or some such shit and lots more petulant, whining shit. You poor, confused, whining gender bender.

When baseman, yuji,cobra, rama, and seignet look at Sean Hinds they look at him with extreme lust as he is "one strang, big, and ignorant blackman".  This is why they work themselves up into such a frenzy about the "violent black man, and the poor defenseless Indo" 


They even want to hand Guyana over to Maduro, all because of BLACKMAN.

Bruddah man, you and the likes of you, NEVER GOING BACK to Guyana to live, invest or help black people. And Afro-Guyanese knows their own better than Indoes. You and Forbes has many things in common-but for the moment, Racism is high on the agenda. Many Afro-Guyanese have moved past Coolie Racism. As for Maduro and Venezuela, they have Guyana's destiny in limbo-your Racism ain't gonna help Guyana.

Originally Posted by seignet:

Since when killing and intimidating people have degrees of acceptability.

I said Jagdeo was worse than Burnham. How does that translate to accepting the behavior of EITHER one in your idle brain, eh? But since yuh ask, read the below and answa yuh own question:

After the jail break, coolie were killed like flies. It takes a criminal to deal with criminals. No doubt Jagdeo is a criminal. And he answered back the PNC-bullets for bullets. And for a while there, he had alyuh pissing in the boots.  We is bad now, just like the PNC agitators. 

Iz you who write de above. Read it and answa yuh own question. Tomorrow is church, suh answa truthfully and remember what you seh as you smile nicely at black man in church tomorrow.


Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Since when killing and intimidating people have degrees of acceptability.

I said Jagdeo was worse than Burnham. How does that translate to accepting the behavior of EITHER one in your idle brain, eh? But since yuh ask, read the below and answa yuh own question:

After the jail break, coolie were killed like flies. It takes a criminal to deal with criminals. No doubt Jagdeo is a criminal. And he answered back the PNC-bullets for bullets. And for a while there, he had alyuh pissing in the boots.  We is bad now, just like the PNC agitators. 

Iz you who write de above. Read it and answa yuh own question. Tomorrow is church, suh answa truthfully and remember what you seh as you smile nicely at black man in church tomorrow.


Yuh know, in Nigeria there is this proverb, "If a person choose to lie with dogs, he should expect to get up with fleas."


I consider my exchanges with u bruddahs as mere discussions. I could have avoided all yuhal rants. I choose to engage a discussion knowing full well your demeanor will get into the realm of very personal attacks. I know this, because I have encountered black people like u. Thank goodness, I have the commonsense let sleeping dogs lie safrie. In your particular case, I am convinced you are wrong in your concept of race relation between Indians and Blacks throughout our history in Guyana.


I maintain YOU ARE WRONG in your beliefs.


Since u r calling on God, I hope He responds to your racist baxside wid some good nightmares. Heaven knows yuh gat some bad demons in yuh. And only Holy Ghost fiah can deliver yuh.  

Originally Posted by seignet:

Yuh know, in Nigeria there is this proverb, "If a person choose to lie with dogs, he should expect to get up with fleas."


I consider my exchanges with u bruddahs as mere discussions. I could have avoided all yuhal rants. I choose to engage a discussion knowing full well your demeanor will get into the realm of very personal attacks. I know this, because I have encountered black people like u. Thank goodness, I have the commonsense let sleeping dogs lie safrie. In your particular case, I am convinced you are wrong in your concept of race relation between Indians and Blacks throughout our history in Guyana.


I maintain YOU ARE WRONG in your beliefs.


Since u r calling on God, I hope He responds to your racist baxside wid some good nightmares. Heaven knows yuh gat some bad demons in yuh. And only Holy Ghost fiah can deliver yuh.  

I ain't wrong. You prove my point with almost every one of your posts. You are a racist old charlatan, come here masquerading as a God fearing man then peddling your hatred.Exorcise your own demons of hatred and bigotry first before you rant and rave at others. 


When you get cornered it's always some demon, ghoul or goblin responsible. Save that shit for Halloween. 

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Yuh know, in Nigeria there is this proverb, "If a person choose to lie with dogs, he should expect to get up with fleas."


I consider my exchanges with u bruddahs as mere discussions. I could have avoided all yuhal rants. I choose to engage a discussion knowing full well your demeanor will get into the realm of very personal attacks. I know this, because I have encountered black people like u. Thank goodness, I have the commonsense let sleeping dogs lie safrie. In your particular case, I am convinced you are wrong in your concept of race relation between Indians and Blacks throughout our history in Guyana.


I maintain YOU ARE WRONG in your beliefs.


Since u r calling on God, I hope He responds to your racist baxside wid some good nightmares. Heaven knows yuh gat some bad demons in yuh. And only Holy Ghost fiah can deliver yuh.  

I ain't wrong. You prove my point with almost every one of your posts. You are a racist old charlatan, come here masquerading as a God fearing man then peddling your hatred.Exorcise your own demons of hatred and bigotry first before you rant and rave at others. 


When you get cornered it's always some demon, ghoul or goblin responsible. Save that shit for Halloween. 

There we go. Typical of Burnham racists proteges. How can better be expected of the demon possessed. My Nigerian pastor told me that prejudices are from demons controlled by Lucifer.


I understand your dilemma. You need deliverance, badly. It can be cancerous. Hate is a terrible thing.

Originally Posted by seignet:
There we go. Typical of Burnham racists proteges. How can better be expected of the demon possessed. My Nigerian pastor told me that prejudices are from demons controlled by Lucifer.


I understand your dilemma. You need deliverance, badly. It can be cancerous. Hate is a terrible thing.

is your "Nigerian pastor" aware of the anti-blackman hate speech you vomit in the name of the Lord on GNI ?


He understands the Indo predicament in Guyana. A Guyanese black brother in the church already gave confessions of how he harbored hatred for the Indians and the things he witnessed in Wismar on the children of Indians by Blackmen..


The pastor din find prejudices in me-I was spared many evils in life. I only have good things to say about Afro_Guyanese. Until I encountered the likes of u and the other bruddahs, I never venture to express the prejudices I faced during the Burnham era. It was small in comparison to the kindness of other Afro-Guyanese. But the devil does have his way wid the Blackman racists-who are fabricators of deceptions.


You all belong to the devil. Goodness ain't part of u all life. So far, it hasn't happened in the past, the present speaks volumes of it and the future doan show any hope for alyuh.


In this age of enlightenment, they would have people like you all. And not in backward places. 


Originally Posted by seignet:

He understands the Indo predicament in Guyana. A Guyanese black brother in the church already gave confessions of how he harbored hatred for the Indians and the things he witnessed in Wismar on the children of Indians by Blackmen..


The pastor din find prejudices in me-I was spared many evils in life. I only have good things to say about Afro_Guyanese. Until I encountered the likes of u and the other bruddahs, I never venture to express the prejudices I faced during the Burnham era. It was small in comparison to the kindness of other Afro-Guyanese. But the devil does have his way wid the Blackman racists-who are fabricators of deceptions.


You all belong to the devil. Goodness ain't part of u all life. So far, it hasn't happened in the past, the present speaks volumes of it and the future doan show any hope for alyuh.


In this age of enlightenment, they would have people like you all. And not in backward places. 


you are an evil, unreconstructed, bigoted ole man and transparent LIAR!


distorting scripture to sanction all manner of wickedness


in biblical parlance . . . a devil worshipper


going forward, please link to my post when u reply to me and doan hide yuh ole skont like a coward antiman

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by seignet:
There we go. Typical of Burnham racists proteges. How can better be expected of the demon possessed. My Nigerian pastor told me that prejudices are from demons controlled by Lucifer.


I understand your dilemma. You need deliverance, badly. It can be cancerous. Hate is a terrible thing.

is your "Nigerian pastor" aware of the anti-blackman hate speech you vomit in the name of the Lord on GNI ?

Hate speeches. I doan mek speeches. SOMETIMES, I express my opinions when others are overbearing with their racism. I seldom call on the Lord-his name is not to be messed with. He is holy and righteous. And especially when I dealing wid foul mouth Black racists. I seek not to implicate my Savoir. For the likes of u to associate his name wid evil. Like u doing now. Jesus needs to talk to u Black azz coolie bhai.. 

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by seignet:

He understands the Indo predicament in Guyana. A Guyanese black brother in the church already gave confessions of how he harbored hatred for the Indians and the things he witnessed in Wismar on the children of Indians by Blackmen..


The pastor din find prejudices in me-I was spared many evils in life. I only have good things to say about Afro_Guyanese. Until I encountered the likes of u and the other bruddahs, I never venture to express the prejudices I faced during the Burnham era. It was small in comparison to the kindness of other Afro-Guyanese. But the devil does have his way wid the Blackman racists-who are fabricators of deceptions.


You all belong to the devil. Goodness ain't part of u all life. So far, it hasn't happened in the past, the present speaks volumes of it and the future doan show any hope for alyuh.


In this age of enlightenment, they would have people like you all. And not in backward places. 


you are an evil, unreconstructed, bigoted ole man and transparent LIAR!


in biblical parlance . . . a devil worshipper


going forward, please link to my post when u reply to me and doan hide yuh ole skont like a coward antiman

 I told u once, I like wimen. U must be effimate-y this antiman thing. U gat no other choices. U need deliverance. I shouldn't get u sinning ur soul. 

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by seignet:
There we go. Typical of Burnham racists proteges. How can better be expected of the demon possessed. My Nigerian pastor told me that prejudices are from demons controlled by Lucifer.


I understand your dilemma. You need deliverance, badly. It can be cancerous. Hate is a terrible thing.

is your "Nigerian pastor" aware of the anti-blackman hate speech you vomit in the name of the Lord on GNI ?

Hate speeches. I doan mek speeches. SOMETIMES, I express my opinions when others are overbearing with their racism. I seldom call on the Lord-his name is not to be messed with. He is holy and righteous. And especially when I dealing wid foul mouth Black racists. I seek not to implicate my Savoir. For the likes of u to associate his name wid evil. Like u doing now. Jesus needs to talk to u Black azz coolie bhai.. 

idiot! . . . "hate speech" has nothing to do with making speeches


go find a dictionary and educate yourself . . . the internet is free, damnit!


then carry yuh vomiting ole rass and go peddle your vileness and bigotry to the Afro congregation u have (apparently, so far) been so successful in deceiving . . . it's Sunday after all

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by seignet:

Not going to church today. Today is my evangelizing day. Behind my keyboard I will have converts today. And guess what. U and the other two bruddahs are the candidates.


Suh leh the devil in u speaks. Prepare to froth at ur evil month when the demons exits.


Bring it on.

my purpose here is to place a spotlight on the dark places where creatures like u hide your true nature


do not mistake what i do as 'debate' when it comes to vermin like u


there is nothing to discuss . . . you are not on that level


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