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Former Member

Yuji will try to make this post in social knowing that some excellent posters hang out here so please go easy on me.


Do you still remember your first love ?


I do.


It was a very young, handsome, educated and modern Bramhana boy who fell in love with the most beautiful "Red Skin" girl. They both loved each other deeply and would hide and meet at Radio City Cinema's Balcony in Corriverton Every Saturday.


The Red Skin girl's parents found out after one of her sisters snitched on her and her prevented parents her from seeing her boyfriend. The boyfriend's parents met with the girls parents and both sides mutually agreed to prevent this young couple from seeing each other.


It was very painful for the young couple to bear and they suffered the unbearable pain of separation.


The young man's parents shipped him off to Canada to further his studies as his girlfriend pined away and wrote him letters that he ket to this day. A year later, the young man received word that his girlfriend parents forced her into marrying someone.


She Worte her final letter that shattered the young man's heart.


They are now both happily married and are faithful to their partners but both of them will never forget each other.


Do you still remember your first love ?


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Originally Posted by yuji22:

Yuji will try to make this post in social knowing that some excellent posters hang out here so please go easy on me.


Do you still remember your first love ?


I do.


It was a very young, handsome, educated and modern Bramhana boy who fell in love with the most beautiful "Red Skin" girl. They both loved each other deeply and would hide and meet at Radio City Cinema's Balcony in Corriverton Every Saturday.


The Red Skin girl's parents found out after one of her sisters snitched on her and her prevented parents her from seeing her boyfriend. The boyfriend's parents met with the girls parents and both sides mutually agreed to prevent this young couple from seeing each other.


It was very painful for the young couple to bear and they suffered the unbearable pain of separation.


The young man's parents shipped him off to Canada to further his studies as his girlfriend pined away and wrote him letters that he ket to this day. A year later, the young man received word that his girlfriend parents forced her into marrying someone.


She Worte her final letter that shattered the young man's heart.


They are now both happily married and are faithful to their partners but both of them will never forget each other.


Do you still remember your first love ?


Bhai Yuji,

This thing sounds like "love bin  bruk jackass rass". 

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by cain:

I had three my first time out but it too sweet, Iman cyan say too much


Three ?

One became the mother of my son.One was a bit older and fulla spunk De other one was a xtra good fren.


You is one lucky man. Just like Gil.

You all can juggle a handful at de same time.


Dem were the days Aids an HIV wern't invented as yet, mind you, crabs was the goin thing, if you din get ketch a crab or two around the ..ahem..ahem...areas, you woulden be able to prove you did the deed.

Nahhh is joke Iman jokin, but is true about only crabs was the thing at the time if you weren't careful.


Hear nuh, everytime I say this in front of older folk they get a grin on their faces.


Those were also the days when it was ok to drink and drive.


What happen is, right now I'm sure there are twice as many drivers on the road that should not be because they cannot drive period. While studying I drove School bus for one year to supplement my income and I remember seeing a driver training vehicle go by me. The driver was the only one which had to be the instructor and she was driving with her knees while she counted her dollars.


They cause drunk people to crash into them... nah true? 


Dis kinda people does make drunk people run into them, is dem fault.




I kept watching her knees.


and I watched them again..... 




Of course I remember My First TRUE LOVE, my Beloved Most Handsome looking Husband in this whole world and Yes I will Love him till death do me part. Next time I shall post the Beautiful song that we both heard the next morning right after we had gotten married.  He was from America and I was from India, I got married when I was 18 and came to US when I was 19. He was also from India too.  The best man on this Earth. I was his Madhuri and he was my Amitabh.(More handsome than Amitabh). Gosh I get scared that what if the Angels get him before I do?? Uff it is too much worry for me, may God have mercy on me and give my Husband back to me. Period.


Arrite! Regarding this first love business sentimental yuji crying about in the lead post. I guess we are not talking about puppy love or crush or regular girlfriends or the fun times with the maid.


* My first love, from the day I met that woman, I had this feelings no words can explain. Rev can sometimes be "wordy"  but I can't explain that feelings. I'm sure you guys know what I'm talking about.


* My first love and definitely my last love is the woman I am spending the rest of my life with, adventuring with, having fun with.


* She is a world class wife, a world class mother, a world class human being. She is my best friend. She is the only woman in the world who is always right. That's the key right there to happiness for any man---accepting that his woman is always right. 


* Like I said my first love will be my last love.



Originally Posted by Rev:

Arrite! Regarding this first love business sentimental yuji crying about in the lead post. I guess we are not talking about puppy love or crush or regular girlfriends or the fun times with the maid.


* My first love, from the day I met that woman, I had this feelings no words can explain. Rev can sometimes be "wordy"  but I can't explain that feelings. I'm sure you guys know what I'm talking about.


* My first love and definitely my last love is the woman I am spending the rest of my life with, adventuring with, having fun with.


* She is a world class wife, a world class mother, a world class human being. She is my best friend. She is the only woman in the world who is always right. That's the key right there to happiness for any man---accepting that his woman is always right. 


* Like I said my first love will be my last love.



Rev that's the rule my friend. The wife says the same to me all the time. You accept that, even deep down inside you, you disagree. But you grin and bear.

Originally Posted by yuji22:


They are now both happily married and are faithful to their partners but both of them will never forget each other.




* Just like you will never forget your first love, hope you understand and accept that Mrs. Yuji will also never forget her first love.hahahaha


* There is an old saying, "you don't get in life what you want you get what you deserve."


* Yuji, your wife is your 2nd love and you are probably her 2nd love, maybe 3rd love. Glad to know you have a good marriage.




Bhai Rev, I must say that I am really impressed. I am so happy that you love "Bhabhi", so much. You referred to your Beloved Wife as World's Best Wife, best Mother, Best Human Being, & your Best Friend.(She must be a good Daughter and "Bahu" too), May God always keep you both together and always happy and in Love. Amen. And may you both get to spend happy and healthy 65th Wedding Anniversary together. Amen.  Sadly people these days are bragging about extra marital affairs, there is a saying in India when Men brag about too many affairs then there are none,meaning no affairs at all, they are just playing out their desires but they do not realize that in doing so they may be encouraging other's to follow such examples. Becuz these days people tend to learn B-d things faster than good things. That is why it is always advisable that even if one is doing such horrible acts of having extra marital affairs then they should keep it to themselves, who knows what STD's they will catch on?? Besides we all have to stand in front of God one day and be answerable to all our good and bad deeds. And they should also understand that their kids will follow in their foot steps. Please forgive me if I have written something unnecessary here. So I am sorry.

Once again I congratulate you for treating your woman as a Princess in your life. May she also treat you with love, understanding and a lot of respect for you.  

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


They are now both happily married and are faithful to their partners but both of them will never forget each other.




* Just like you will never forget your first love, hope you understand and accept that Mrs. Yuji will also never forget her first love.hahahaha


* There is an old saying, "you don't get in life what you want you get what you deserve."


* Yuji, your wife is your 2nd love and you are probably her 2nd love, maybe 3rd love. Glad to know you have a good marriage.






I love my wife with all my heart and will never leave her.


After losing your first love, you tend to make an extra effort so that the second love lasts until death do us part.



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