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ba$eman posted:

The private sector must hire all races just like we expect the Afro dominated GPF/GDF to serve and protect all races.  I like what my relatives are doing there.  Walk into their businesses, all races working reflecting the make-up of Guyana.  In fact, one of my relatives indicated that Blacks are loyal, much more than Indians!

Blacks were crowded at the bottom level during the PPP era. No doubt that might have changed as private companies no longer feel that they will be protected in their racism by the PPP.

The fact that the GDF/GPF remains majority black is a question that you ought to address to the PPP. Cheddi tried to get them to join. Was very upset when every now class of recruits had MORE Amerindians than East Indians.   You cannot take a horse and force him to drink. Most blacks don't want to plant rice and most Indians don't want to join the disciplined forces.

On the other hand most Guyanese do want office jobs and the opportunity to be promoted into management slots if they merit this.

caribny posted:
VVP posted:

You cannot force a private company to hire anyone.

So then we will continue to have a race problem. The public sector CANNOT hire every one looking for employment, so if the private sector peddles racism then those who are discriminated against will resent those who are doing the discriminating.

You are NOT serious about wanting a solution to this problem if you do not insist that when the private sector hires people race should NOT be a consideration

Nobody should/could insist on who the private sector should hire, unless as D2 said, it's for a government contract.  

Top positions in the public sector should be filled with the best candidate regardless of race.  That's the basis for an inclusive government.  That is NOT happening under the PPP and coalition.  That where you have to start so all races could have a sense of belonging.

VVP posted:

Nobody should/could insist on who the private sector should hire, unless as D2 said, it's for a government contract.  


So we need to stop talking about improving race relations in Guyana. Indians will hire Indians except for the low level jobs, and will promote Indians over blacks, based not on merit, but on ethnic affilations. Blacks will then continue to distrust Indians thinking that;

1.  the goal of Indians is to throw them on the bread line AND

2.  Indians are clannish and racialist.

If you think that your average Guyanese cares for more than what goes into their own pockets you are mistaken. Guyanese are like every one else. What interests them is what benefits them and if it doesn't benefit them they don't care. 

So if one side thinks that the other side wants to starve them then none of the political posturing will matter. It is clear that the public sector cannot cater to the employment needs of the entire population, nor should it.

caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

The private sector must hire all races just like we expect the Afro dominated GPF/GDF to serve and protect all races.  I like what my relatives are doing there.  Walk into their businesses, all races working reflecting the make-up of Guyana.  In fact, one of my relatives indicated that Blacks are loyal, much more than Indians!

Blacks were crowded at the bottom level during the PPP era. No doubt that might have changed as private companies no longer feel that they will be protected in their racism by the PPP.

The fact that the GDF/GPF remains majority black is a question that you ought to address to the PPP. Cheddi tried to get them to join. Was very upset when every now class of recruits had MORE Amerindians than East Indians.   You cannot take a horse and force him to drink. Most blacks don't want to plant rice and most Indians don't want to join the disciplined forces.

On the other hand most Guyanese do want office jobs and the opportunity to be promoted into management slots if they merit this.

As expected, not you have the "coolie" boogie man to point your little dirty fingers to regarding the Afro plight.  You also blamed Burnham for not "teaching" Blacks to compete with Indians.  You are a sorrowful excuse and even your own Afros would be ashamed at your concoctions.  Shameless man!!

caribny posted:
VVP posted:

Nobody should/could insist on who the private sector should hire, unless as D2 said, it's for a government contract.  


So we need to stop talking about improving race relations in Guyana. Indians will hire Indians except for the low level jobs, and will promote Indians over blacks, based not on merit, but on ethnic affilations. Blacks will then continue to distrust Indians thinking that;

1.  the goal of Indians is to throw them on the bread line AND

2.  Indians are clannish and racialist.

If you think that your average Guyanese cares for more than what goes into their own pockets you are mistaken. Guyanese are like every one else. What interests them is what benefits them and if it doesn't benefit them they don't care. 

So if one side thinks that the other side wants to starve them then none of the political posturing will matter. It is clear that the public sector cannot cater to the employment needs of the entire population, nor should it.

You with your racist shit again.  Banna, you are hopeless, only biology can cure your mental shit disease!

caribny posted:
seignet posted:

In the nineteen hundreds India endured alot famines, and always did. Suh, the Luckhoos thought of easing the deprivation of few by bringing them to BG. Today, it is called humanitarian. I doan think Indo domination was on their mind. Besides, back then, the buccra ran everything, who would believe back then they would relinquish control of the colony. The Indians were in servitude, the blacks were the teachers, nurses, and many other uppity jobs, the coloreds were the adminstrators of the colony and the Amerindians were in the bush.

Well it was and at the time the black/colored as well as the Indian elites were jockeying to end white domination of Guyana.  Rather than working with the black/coloreds the Indian elites wanted to turn British Guiana into an Indian colony.

Indenture was also ended around that time because it was NOT a humanitarian system.

This type of bull sh-t thinking is at the foundation of racist hate against koolie by some. But I would not the carib with the bunch.


Last edited by Prashad
Prashad posted:
caribny posted:
seignet posted:

In the nineteen hundreds India endured alot famines, and always did. Suh, the Luckhoos thought of easing the deprivation of few by bringing them to BG. Today, it is called humanitarian. I doan think Indo domination was on their mind. Besides, back then, the buccra ran everything, who would believe back then they would relinquish control of the colony. The Indians were in servitude, the blacks were the teachers, nurses, and many other uppity jobs, the coloreds were the adminstrators of the colony and the Amerindians were in the bush.

Well it was and at the time the black/colored as well as the Indian elites were jockeying to end white domination of Guyana.  Rather than working with the black/coloreds the Indian elites wanted to turn British Guiana into an Indian colony.

Indenture was also ended around that time because it was NOT a humanitarian system.

This type of bull sh-t thinking is at the foundation of racist hate against koolie by some. But I would not the carib with the bunch.


I have to agree. The PNC apologist Carib spews a great deal of Indo hate at GNI. He has a crowd sheering him on. We must stand up and defend against his blatant racism.

Last edited by Former Member
ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:


As expected, not you have the "coolie" boogie man to point your little dirty fingers to regarding the Afro plight.  You also blamed Burnham for not "teaching" Blacks to compete with Indians.  You are a sorrowful excuse and even your own Afros would be ashamed at your concoctions.  Shameless man!!

I find it interesting that a Guyanese Indian will be very opposed to racism directed against him  at his job in North America but sees nothing wrong with it in Guyana, provided that its blacks who suffer.

Now as to Burnham. Yes Indians have proven themselves to be clannish. The first thing that former slaves did was to attempt to be economically dependent by establishing farming communities and small businesses.  the colonial authorities, fearing that an economically dynamic black population would be a threat to their dominance, set out to destroy these activities. 

The result being a people who were afraid of risk and dependent on the state, or on others for employment.  If Burnham really cared for his base he would have address this problem.  Instead he FURTHER undermined black economic independence and so when the PPP took over blacks were marginalized.

We see people hear advocating that businesses should hire they wish, engaging in discrimination if that is their desire.  This isn't a shock as it is known that Indians are ethnocentric, and seem unable to function within multi ethnic communities.


Prashad posted:

This type of bull sh-t thinking is at the foundation of racist hate against koolie by some. But I would not the carib with the bunch.


This is interesting.  A bunch of immigrants enter a society. They want to encourage other immigrants in so that they can out number the local population, in order to COMPLETELY DOMINATE.

According to you any one objecting to this is "anti koolie". 

Now a reasonable person would have suggested that this immigrant community, once it had decided to remain in Guyana, would instead focus on cooperating with the majority of the local population who also faced oppression by a colonial minority. That way BOTH groups would benefit.

But instead you advocate support for this immigrant group sweeping aside the local group and attempting to seize power for itself.  You see this is why people don't trust Indians.   This mentality is quite pervasive and Indians refuse to debate as to why others have the opinions of them that they do.

ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
VVP posted:

Nobody should/could insist on who the private sector should hire, unless as D2 said, it's for a government contract.  


So we need to stop talking about improving race relations in Guyana. Indians will hire Indians except for the low level jobs, and will promote Indians over blacks, based not on merit, but on ethnic affilations. Blacks will then continue to distrust Indians thinking that;

1.  the goal of Indians is to throw them on the bread line AND

2.  Indians are clannish and racialist.

If you think that your average Guyanese cares for more than what goes into their own pockets you are mistaken. Guyanese are like every one else. What interests them is what benefits them and if it doesn't benefit them they don't care. 

So if one side thinks that the other side wants to starve them then none of the political posturing will matter. It is clear that the public sector cannot cater to the employment needs of the entire population, nor should it.

You with your racist shit again.  Banna, you are hopeless, only biology can cure your mental shit disease!

Again another advocate for Indians who have the power to hire only hiring other Indians and excluding others. When this is exposed then you scream RACE!

Might it not have been better for you to suggest that if indeed Indians who have the power to hire do so on the basis of race instead of merit should cease doing so!

No instead you join the brigade of those who say that people can hire who they want, with the implication that if they hire based on race there is NOTHING wrong with that!

And then you have the balls to wonder why we have a race problem in Guyana!

caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

I find it interesting that a Guyanese Indian will be very opposed to racism directed against him  at his job in North America but sees nothing wrong with it in Guyana, provided that its blacks who suffer.

Now as to Burnham. Yes Indians have proven themselves to be clannish. The first thing that former slaves did was to attempt to be economically dependent by establishing farming communities and small businesses.  the colonial authorities, fearing that an economically dynamic black population would be a threat to their dominance, set out to destroy these activities. 

The result being a people who were afraid of risk and dependent on the state, or on others for employment.  If Burnham really cared for his base he would have address this problem.  Instead he FURTHER undermined black economic independence and so when the PPP took over blacks were marginalized.

We see people hear advocating that businesses should hire they wish, engaging in discrimination if that is their desire.  This isn't a shock as it is known that Indians are ethnocentric, and seem unable to function within multi ethnic communities.


Indians are clannish because they don't trust blacks the same way blacks don't trust Indians. You do not want to face the truth.
Burnham gave his base, the blacks every chance to better themselves at the expense of the Indians. The blacks then, believed that they, the PNC would rule for life and they can continue to depend on the entitlements which the PNC gave them. As you can see the Indians were not discouraged but took their punishment without crying marginalization.SO WHEN THE PPP TOOK OVER AND THE BLACKS HAD TO WORK FOR A LIVING, THEY SQUEAL MARGINALIZATION. There is no substitution for hard work.

VVP posted:


Answer these questions:

How many people are employed by:

1) Public sector/government?

2) Private sector?

3) Indian owned businesses?

For each give a breakdown of % by race.

If you cannot get official numbers what would be your guess?


Public sector employment, including the army is not even 20k people. Clearly even if  it was 100% black it isn't enough to hire every black person.  And clearly it isn't only blacks who work there.

So clearly the majority will need to find work within the private sector, which you know is disproportionately Indian owned.  That isn't the issue.   It is clear why its disproportionately Indian owned as a cursory examination of Guyanese history will indicate why.  Its the same reason why most public servants have been black since 1880.

The concern arises when an Indian owner or an Indian HR person hires on the basis  of race.  Its the perception of most blacks that the answer is that they do, especially for more desirable jobs. 

I already wrote of an Indian HR man in a Trinidadian owned company hiring 30 people, only 5 being black.  In G/T I will find it hard to believe that such a low % of blacks makes sense and clearly some bias is there. New Building Society some time ago not one black was in a management slot.  And others can find other examples.  I have heard complaints even about DDL where they claim that Indians get clear preference for promotions.

You want to know what solves the racial problem. Well if blacks feel that Indians discriminate against them and engage in clannish behavior then they may well behave in manners that Indians consider to be hostile.

Now if you don't want to deal with this perception then don't bother to query about how we can deal with our race situation. 

If you think that Keith Smith or Jennifer Williams cares about the constitution you are crazy. What they care about is whether they will be treated fairly by the public AND private sectors in terms of jobs or supply contracts.  If they think that Indians are favoring other Indians then they will resent Indians.


Indian business derive profits from operating within multi ethnic Guyana.  It isn't just Indians who generate money for these business owners.  So they cannot then feel that they can only hire Indians for the better jobs, or only source contracts with other Indians.

Guyana is a multi ethnic nation so there is no room for little tribal fiefdoms!

skeldon_man posted:

Indians are clannish because they don't trust blacks the same way blacks don't trust Indians.

If you think that Burnham gave his base every opportunity to then you consider Burnham a great man.  I am at a loss to understand how promoting incompetent soup lickers instead of rewarding enterprise can be seen as helping his base.  Colonial actions which destroyed black enterprise and reduced them to being dependent on others for work aren't rectified by making them even MORE dependent on the state, which Burnham did, when he promoted socialism instead of black capitalism.

Burnham was no more interested in a class of independent blacks emerging than were the white colonialists and planters. Like them he wanted blacks to remain dependent.

Any way it appears as if those who pretend that they wish the racial problem to end merely pretend.  Just understand that the Indian population is dwindling and that the vast majority of mixed people do NOT vote PPP. In fact its this mixed vote that delivered APNU/AFC 2 years ago. 

And don't squeal about douglas. In Trinidad where Afro vs. Indo hostilities are less and more douglas exist 2/3 of the mixed identified aren't dougla. When I see that most of the most people in Guyana are in Region 4 or in the interior I come to the conclusion that douglas will account for even a smaller % of the population in Guyana.

So continue to think that Indians can benefit within a racially divided nation.

Feel free to continue your "black man lazy" screams as well.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
VVP posted:


Answer these questions:

How many people are employed by:

1) Public sector/government?

2) Private sector?

3) Indian owned businesses?

For each give a breakdown of % by race.

If you cannot get official numbers what would be your guess?


Public sector employment, including the army is not even 20k people. Clearly even if  it was 100% black it isn't enough to hire every black person.  And clearly it isn't only blacks who work there.


So the salary and other benefits of this 20K is $161 billion per the budget?  I think you got the 20k from your backside.

I will read your other stuff later.


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