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Ramjattan has told Demerara Waves Online News ( ) that the AFC would be settling for nothing less than the Speaker because APNU would get the positions of Deputy Speaker, Chief Whip and Opposition Leader.

If there is no consensus between the two opposition parties and it comes down to a party-line vote, the PPPC would get the position with its 32 seats. The AFC wants either Moses Nagamootoo or Raphael Trotman. APNU is floating Debra Backer as its favourite.
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Alexander:
If Ralph gets the job that would leave the PPP with 21 seats that could vote on matters. Does that mean that the PPP can bring in another person from outside to fill that slot?

Ralph is not an MP...
who the heck cares,this man could not speak for himself in the ppp,how he will defend the people of guyana
Originally posted by Jalil:
Originally posted by Alexander:
The latest is that the AFC may cave in and let Moses have his way. Ralph could be the next speaker.

Ralph knows he do not stand a chance and has called it a day.
Ramotar blaming Jagdeo for PPP loss.
Alexander still crying ......and De Rat hiding in shame.
Originally posted by Jalil:
Originally posted by Jalil:
Originally posted by Alexander:
The latest is that the AFC may cave in and let Moses have his way. Ralph could be the next speaker.

Ralph knows he do not stand a chance and has called it a day.
Ramotar blaming Jagdeo for PPP loss.
Alexander still crying ......and De Rat hiding in shame.

Da-Rat a wach dem, Ramu-tar gat foa follow Rat-man orders. Datt Rat-man gatt he pulse pun everyting. Da-Rat in full control, nobady don't mek mistake bout datt.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by Jalil:
Originally posted by Jalil:
Originally posted by Alexander:
The latest is that the AFC may cave in and let Moses have his way. Ralph could be the next speaker.

Ralph knows he do not stand a chance and has called it a day.
Ramotar blaming Jagdeo for PPP loss.
Alexander still crying ......and De Rat hiding in shame.

Da-Rat a wach dem, Ramu-tar gat foa follow Rat-man orders. Datt Rat-man gatt he pulse pun everyting. Da-Rat in full control, nobady don't mek mistake bout datt.

Listen you rapist, keep your trap shut and watch your mannerisms..
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by Jalil:
Originally posted by Jalil:
Originally posted by Alexander:
The latest is that the AFC may cave in and let Moses have his way. Ralph could be the next speaker.

Ralph knows he do not stand a chance and has called it a day.
Ramotar blaming Jagdeo for PPP loss.
Alexander still crying ......and De Rat hiding in shame.

Da-Rat a wach dem, Ramu-tar gat foa follow Rat-man orders. Datt Rat-man gatt he pulse pun everyting. Da-Rat in full control, nobady don't mek mistake bout datt.

Listen you rapist, keep your trap shut and watch your mannerisms..
wait until rama take two more shot of that white rum and he will slap him
Originally posted by Kari:
I love Rama vs Sledgy......lemme kick back and relax and watch de show....... Big Grin

Rama must be thinking Sledgy is either
Reepu De Pundit
or Hennry De Green.....
or his former Cubie at Customs..Robert Corbin.

Rama is very Reckless to be exposing Known Rapist who are so close to him....he needs to heed his own advise and keep his trap shut.
Originally posted by Alexander:
It might be an ignorant post bro but lets wait and see the outcome. Then many of you will bite the dust.
OK ... tell me what is your prediction?

My prediction is the AFC will vote with the APNU and appoint Debra. I am man enough to make my prediction and bite the bullet if I am wrong.
Originally posted by Jalil:
Originally posted by Kari:
I love Rama vs Sledgy......lemme kick back and relax and watch de show....... Big Grin

Rama must be thinking Sledgy is either
Reepu De Pundit
or Hennry De Green.....
or his former Cubie at Customs..Robert Corbin.

Rama is very Reckless to be exposing Known Rapist who are so close to him....he needs to heed his own advise and keep his trap shut.

Ah think Rama needs some painous (de spoilt milk thing, not pain-oooze). Now ah see Sledgy get mixed up with some rapist..... Big Grin
Originally posted by albert:
Would be rug be pulled from under the A.F.C?....the Guyanese populace are watching.....political suicide seems inevitable once the A.F.C made a wrong turn...
FAT ALBERT it seems like THE AFC is your worse nightmare,well sit back and relax the fun just start.the ppp waste will have to go home let me name a couple green,rohee,killawan,ralph.and many more
Originally posted by Alexander:
Ramjattan is supporting Nagamootoo, the APNU is supporting Debra, the PPP is supporting Ralph, but what is interesting is that Moses is favoring Ralph too. In this pot who will have their way? Who will call the shots? Seems like Moses will.

Is Moses Nagamootoo a LOSER?

So far, if what u say is true, then the man has a serious problem. And perhaps,that is why the PPP has been or had dished him.

Maybe Jagan jhumbie scramble up his brains.
Originally posted by seignet:
Originally posted by Alexander:
Ramjattan is supporting Nagamootoo, the APNU is supporting Debra, the PPP is supporting Ralph, but what is interesting is that Moses is favoring Ralph too. In this pot who will have their way? Who will call the shots? Seems like Moses will.
Is Moses Nagamootoo a LOSER?

So far, if what u say is true, then the man has a serious problem. And perhaps,that is why the PPP has been or had dished him.

Maybe Jagan jhumbie scramble up his brains.
Alex is just spouting. Why would Moses support the PPP after how Jagdeo dissed him.

Also if Moses votes against his party lines he stands the chance of being kicked out of the AFC. What Alex is indirectly stating is that all the AFC is in favor of Ralph.

Alex is having a wet dream.

Wake up Alex, go wash up. It was quite an erotic dream.
Originally posted by Alexander:
Ramjattan is supporting Nagamootoo, the APNU is supporting Debra, the PPP is supporting Ralph, but what is interesting is that Moses is favoring Ralph too. In this pot who will have their way? Who will call the shots? Seems like Moses will.
it look like you stick in first gear,i will send rama to give you a push.
Originally posted by Nuff:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
[I don't know how stupid you are, but those are not PPP members. They are of the CIVIC faction..
Didn't Jagdeo declare there was no longer a CIVIC faction and after 18 years they should all be PPP?

Then again you are right they are CIVIC Soupies.


You are what you think you are..

Jagdeo is no longer there..
Originally posted by albert:
There seems to be factions in the A.F.C that have ideas of who they should support

There are four factions:

Trotman who thinks that the AFC has too much Indian flavour.

Ramjattan who wants to organised the indos and rename the Party PPP.

Nagamootoo who says jagdeo is not in his class. He is much more prettier than jags so therefore he shoukld be President.

GR the only man in the AFC with a heart for every faith, who has learned to labour and to wait..
Originally posted by Alexander:
You all need to see further than your noses. Moses backs Ralph and in 2 years Sam resigns, Moses becomes PM and if something happens to Donald who becomes President? Look further than the trees.

Dis fella Alexander does not have any to do with Moses....
But he comes here and pretend he is informed about a scheme dat Donald has concucted to Rescue their Minority Govt.

He dont realise Moses Left the PPP.....and Happily Moved on.

Moses is not Part of any such Schemes alexander is talking about.

Yes...Ramotar and Jagdeo are trying to beg Moses to Bail them out of the Problems they find themselves in........
But Moses wont even listen to them....They Burnt their Bridges.

If Alexander's info or Scheme had any credibility.....he would have been proud and happy to identify his source.

If we can Remember before the Elections this very fellas was comming here everyday with a Broken Record (LP) that Moses need to tell him (Alex) what are his plans for the Elections.

Now, Alex is behaving as if he is so much informed about Mr Nagamootoo's plans.

Alex stop fooling yuh self.
Jagdeo kicked Moses out a long tiime ago. Moses was very adamnt in remaiming with the PPP and begged for the Vice president's job.. Nobody in the Central committee liked him. They chosed Ramoutar instead of him. He had no choice than to run away. Out of respect for boysie, Ralph has been offered a ceremonial position. Joey jagan was taken in as he was a refugee from the other camps.
FROM JINNAH RAHMAN in Georgetown, Guyana. Jinnah is the campaign Manager of the Justice for All Party led by CN Sharma.

DEBORAH BACKER - as speaker of our new and vibrant National Assembly will make history in many ways. She will be the first woman to hold such a position and will be the first woman of African descent to hold such a high office. Mrs Backer's ascension to this high office is in keeping with "The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed the year beginning on 1 January 2011 the International Year for People of African Descent
"This Year aims at strengthening national actions and regional and international cooperation for the benefit of people of African descent in relation to their full enjoyment of economic, cultural, social, civil and political rights, their participation and integration in all political, economic, social and cultural aspects of society, and the promotion of a greater knowledge of and respect for their diverse heritage and culture."
"The UN General Assembly encourages Member States, the specialized agencies of the United Nations system, within their respective mandates and existing resources, and civil society to make preparations for and identify possible initiatives that can contribute to the success of the Year".
What better contribution can our men folks in the National Assembly make than to unanimously elect our sister - Debroah Backer - as our first woman speaker. She will send a very strong message to all the abusers of woman - from Jagdeo - who badly mistreated his former wife - that we would not tolerate any form of abuses against our women in Guyana, in the region and internationally.
I want use this opportunity to talk directly to Khemraj Ramjattan and Moses Nagamootoo - that our
sister Shiela Holder, who recently passed away - would have supported the election of our sister, Debroah Backer, as the speaker without hesitation.
Khemraj makes a false claim that he knows Sheila Holder more than anyone else. I have sat with Sheila in her office and in her garden on numerous occasions discussing everything on earth. There is no doubt in my mind that Sheila would have found a suitable compromise.
Ramjattan is a very unprincipled and arrogant person. I have spoken to Sheila on numerous occasions about his attitude to rice farmers, who did not vote in large numbers for the AFC- largely because of his infantile attitude.
In my telephone conversation (last Saturday) with Moses Nagamootoo on the position of speaker of the
National Assembly - he gave me an ear-full of garbage - why he should be the speaker. He said he was very annoyed with me for pushing Mrs. Backer. He said that I was making out a case for Deborah Backer, because she was a member of the APNU. In fact I would have supported Sheila Holder if she was alive. Let me say this now to all - I first discussed the idea with Shiela Holder of taking up the position as Prime Ministerial candidate for the AFC more than a year ago and she saw the wisdom in the idea. The rest is now history.
Personally speaking, Moses Nagamootoo can be a good speaker, but most people cannot trust him to be
consistent and the PPP will not support his vacillation. We all know Moses very well. I worked with him very closely as a fellow journalist at the Mirror newspaper, under the editorship of Mrs. Janet Jagan. It is
not surprising that Gail Texiera, adviser to Donald Ramotar, describes him as someone who is not highly regarded among his peers or words to that effect.
I have quoted relevantly his famous speech on Slave Trade and Reparation - which he sent to me when I was still living in the UK. I hope will reflect on it. The world will judge him today - if he was really sincere about what he said then.
In this seminal speech in the National Assembly during the Parliamentary Debate on African Slave Trade and SlaveryReparations- Brother Moses V. Nagamootoo, MP, July 27, 2007 said the following: "Mr. Speaker, I have been very moved by the contributions made by several of the speakers to this Motion. Like most of those who have spoken, I do not think that this is occasion for an academic excursion or a
scholastic contribution to a vast body of information and knowledge about African Slave Trade and Slavery."
He further said: "that slavery was not simply an abomination, but an act of the most massive inhumanity of men making other men as well as women and children, into slaves. We have all read the classic, most strikingly the conditions described by C.L.R. James in the Black Jacobins, which would apply to the situation then in Haiti, but in a general way reflected the agonies, the pains, the sufferings and also the resistance of Africans who had been enslaved in various territories of the West Indies and in the United States. We know, as was said in 1824 by Samuel Sharpe in Jamaica, that the life of a slave was that of a dog. He had said that he would rather be hung up on yonder gallows than to remain a slave; hence his heroic act of rebellion."
In his concluding remarks, he saidto our sister, Debroah Backer the mover of the motion in the National Assembly: " We have to understand the lesson can repeat itself in many guises. I have heard my friend, my learned and respectable friend on the other side [Deborah Backer], talking in a way, as if the victims of slavery and the victims of the slave trade should be compensated and recompensed by a government that sits here, here and now, as if this government were the perpetrator of the evil and the crime and the inhumanity of slavery; hence the need for this government to have rectification".
I hope that having re-read what he said in the National Assembly in 2007 - that he would be the most suitable person to nominate our Guyanese sister, Debroah Backer, as the first woman and a woman of African descent as the Speaker of the National Assembly. I am sure that he can be of great help to her, if he were to consider the position as deputy speaker for a certain period of time and allow this historic moment to become a reality. His wife, Sita, will be proud of him for doing such
an honourable thing!!!!!

Let me make clear where I stand on this lady who will inevitably be the next speaker. The APNU is definitely being their toxic self in presenting her for the job. She comes with the distasteful baggage of having participated in fraud against poor people in the Global trust deal. If she did not do anything wrong, ( highly unlikely when you don't repay debts) then the very aroma of corruption should prevent her from taking t he position.
Originally posted by D2:

Let me make clear where I stand on this lady who will inevitably be the next speaker. The APNU is definitely being their toxic self in presenting her for the job. She comes with the distasteful baggage of having participated in fraud against poor people in the Global trust deal. If she did not do anything wrong, ( highly unlikely when you don't repay debts) then the very aroma of corruption should prevent her from taking t he position.

Guyana is known as the Land of many waters.


Guyana is known to be the land of bareface people.
Originally posted by seignet:
Originally posted by D2:

Let me make clear where I stand on this lady who will inevitably be the next speaker. The APNU is definitely being their toxic self in presenting her for the job. She comes with the distasteful baggage of having participated in fraud against poor people in the Global trust deal. If she did not do anything wrong, ( highly unlikely when you don't repay debts) then the very aroma of corruption should prevent her from taking t he position.

Guyana is known as the Land of many waters.


Guyana is known to be the land of bareface people.

In other words you have no problem with Beborah Backer becoming the new speaker?

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