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Jinnah Rahaman should change her name. Her moslem brotherhood is killing their fellow Christian Nigerians. The place where she probably came from. This woman is a Black woman who feels principles takes a back seat to honouring black folks just because they are black.

She should consider her ability to live free. In Ghana or the whole of West Africa, they make examples of the lower caste. Slavery was their Superiors solution. They were sold by blacks and why must countries pay reparations.
Originally posted by seignet:
Jinnah Rahaman should change her name. Her moslem brotherhood is killing their fellow Christian Nigerians. The place where she probably came from. This woman is a Black woman who feels principles takes a back seat to honouring black folks just because they are black.
Which is it? Either you have a problem or you don't have a problem with barefaced People>
She should consider her ability to live free. In Ghana or the whole of West Africa, they make examples of the lower caste. Slavery was their Superiors solution. They were sold by blacks and why must countries pay reparations.
The more I read these threads the more I realise that the PPP stalwarts on GN&I know absolutely nothing about politics.

You guys really believe Moses will run back and join the PPP. If you do ... you are saying the man has no shame and is a charlatan. Give the man a little credit for kicking the PPP's ass last elections.
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Nuff:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
You are what you think you are..

Jagdeo is no longer there..
You want to bet ... were you drinking when you stated last week he was the supreme leader of the PPP. Big Grin

No! He will not be running the Government. He will be running the PPP..
]The government and the PPP has never been separate entity. Party paramountcy has been taken to new levels with the PPP
Originally posted by Alexander:
Bai Moses could very well back Ralph. Anything is possible in politics. Don't rule this out.

If he does, it will be right thing for him to do. Moses, too emotionally driven, is not the right person for the Speaker. He will be too violatile as a Speaker and Ralph is level-headed.

Moses may very well operate behind the scenes and ask Ralph to do more than what he might not have done in the years he held the position. This may be a deal as he having with Ralph. And Moses may want some other appointment in exchange, which may not be a bad thing for him (to save face).
Originally posted by Apollo:
Originally posted by Alexander:
Bai Moses could very well back Ralph. Anything is possible in politics. Don't rule this out.

If he does, it will be right thing for him to do. Moses, too emotionally driven, is not the right person for the Speaker. He will be too violatile as a Speaker and Ralph is level-headed.

Moses may very well operate behind the scenes and ask Ralph to do more than what he might not have done in the years he held the position. This may be a deal as he having with Ralph. And Moses may want some other appointment in exchange, which may not be a bad thing for him (to save face).
Supporting the PPP controlling the parliamentary agenda is not in the interest of the AFC and it is to them that Moses is beholden and not the PPP. You folks are thinking as though Moses represent himself and not his party.
Does anyone get the impression that, since Trotman, has retreated from wanting to be the Speaker, that both Trotman and Ramjattan are not confident in themselves? That they prefer the impassioned Nagamootoo to the work for them? I am most disappointed at Trotman.

Moses is not the right person for the Speaker's job, but if this is the best alternative, then only time will tell - his performance will be the best judge as one never knows if a man will change his strips and we have seen that Nagamootoo can change his strips. So who knows what will happen.
Originally posted by Alexander:
Did anyone bother to read Jinnah's piece? He said at one point that he used to work with Moses but that Moses 'cannot be trusted' etc. This is a man who knows Moses well from the Mirror days.

Jinnah Rahaman say Moses Cant be Truster.
Dhanpaul Narine say Sharma is not a Rapist.

Jinnah Rahaman is Dhanpaul Friend and Sharma spokesman.
Jinnah ia also Dhanpaul inside source.

Jagdeo & Ramjattan say Sharma rape a lil girl.
So where does this leave Dhanpaul and his Inside Source?
Banna you mixed up, whether Sharma did what he did is for the courts to decide. The man in the newspaper was reporting what Sharma said so that Sharma could give his side of the story. The newspaperman was not taking sides.
You said, " Jagdeo and Ramjattan say Sharma rape a lil girl." Does that mean that Sharma did it? You need to be careful.
Originally posted by Alexander:
Banna you mixed up, whether Sharma did what he did is for the courts to decide.
The man in the newspaper was reporting what Sharma said so that Sharma could give his side of the story. . ...Ok ....I understand...
you prefer & choose to Report as Your News what Sharma a Child Rapist say.
You also conviently choose NOT TO REPORT AS YOUR NEWS what Jagdeo & Ramotar say about Sharma.

The newspaperman was not taking sides
But you are Reporting ....(Your Informed Source saying you) something totally different from what Moses or the AFC said.....
and you are also refusing to say Moses and AFC say you are LIEING.

You said, " Jagdeo and Ramjattan say Sharma rape a lil girl."
Yes...I am telling you exactly what Jagdeo & Ramotar said.

Does that mean that Sharma did it?
Do you disbelieve Jagdeo & Ramotar??????

You need to be careful.
Careful about what......You are the one Making up Stories about Moses supporting Ramkarran....
Go ahead and Name your Reliable and Informed Scource....Just like I named mine
My informed scource is "Jagdeo & Ramotar"
Originally posted by Apollo:
Does anyone get the impression that, since Trotman, has retreated from wanting to be the Speaker, that both Trotman and Ramjattan are not confident in themselves? That they prefer the impassioned Nagamootoo to the work for them? I am most disappointed at Trotman.

Moses is not the right person for the Speaker's job, but if this is the best alternative, then only time will tell - his performance will be the best judge as one never knows if a man will change his strips and we have seen that Nagamootoo can change his strips. So who knows what will happen.

Apollo.....according to Alexander everything you said so far is Horse-$hit......
Moses is making a push for why he should be nominated speaker, but I still think Deborah will get the nod.

AFC should be given Speaker of the House post on principle – Nagamootoo
By Stabroek staff | Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Veteran politician Moses Nagamootoo, now with the Alliance for Change (AFC) believes that his party should be given the speakership of the National Assembly even if it has to secure some votes from the governing People’s Progressive Party/Civic.

“The Speaker of the National Assembly must receive at least 51 per cent of the votes of the House so it is up to APNU [A Partnership for National Unity] to endorse the AFC’s candidate. If not, it should be open season for the AFC to solicit the votes from the PPP for its candidate,” Nagamootoo told Stabroek News in an exclusive interview.

The former PPP Central Committee member acknowledged that the three parties can legitimately nominate their candidates for the position, although his view was that the final decision should be made on the matter of principle.

“I believe that getting the Speaker of the House position is just a misplaced judgment. This is not an issue, it’s a principle. The PPP takes the presidency and cabinet, the APNU the Leader of the Opposition or in this case the majority, chairman of the finance committee and the chief whip. In principle then the AFC is a partner, not a junior partner; in principle the Speaker must, I repeat must, go to the AFC.”

Nevertheless Nagamootoo expects APNU with its 26 seats to vote in favour of him.

On the issue of whether Nagamootoo who has been a PPP member for at least 50 years could be trusted in such a key position, he pointed to evidence of his struggle for fairness and justice over the course of those years sometimes, he said, even when it meant defying respective presidents of the time.

“There has been a demonstration of my trust through the yearsâ€Ķ 31,000 people cannot be wrong. I oppose things on principle and support on principle. Those people who, for their own reasons, say they can’t trust [me], I would say that they should rather look at themselves in the mirror and see why they are filled of so much distrust in themselves, and maybe that is why they can’t trust Nagamootoo,” he said.

Emphasizing that he was not what many other politicians labelled him, he said his work speaks for itself, referring to his ability to stand his ground even if it meant defying those in authority knowing that the consequences could sometimes be dire.

He said, “Politics is not like a watermelon; you can’t be red and green, you have to either be red or green. That’s how I see things. I have been criticizedâ€Ķ alienated, ostracized by my own, so I know first hand how it feels to hear these things said. However, I will continue my fightâ€Ķ I looked Burnham in the eye and continued my fight. I have fought with members in the PPP on matters I believeâ€Ķ I have defied the executive President and his lawlessnessâ€Ķ and if it means that I am called this or that I don’t care because I will continue to fight.”

When asked why he should be chosen as the Speaker and not one of the proposed candidates from the other two parties the executive AFC member stated that he did not have to berate anyone to get the job since he should be chosen not only because of his qualifications but also because of his previous meritorious contributions in parliament. In addition, he continued, there was the experience he had acquired in politics and at a parliamentary level. Speaking with confidence he said, “Yes I feel that I am the best suited person for the job as Speaker of the House. My many years in working in Parliament with constitutional committeesâ€Ķ [are] testimony to this. I have tremendous experience in reformâ€Ķ I also have under my experience 20 years as a journalist and over 50 years as a politician.”

He went on to add, “I am intimately committed to the workings of that institution. If we want a democracy then I am the man for the job.”

Racial problem

Reflecting on the November 28 regional and general elections when the AFC garnered only seven seats, the aspiring Speaker of the House first said, “The elections have come back like a ghost from the past, perhaps to haunt us or maybe to mock us so that we know that there is a racial problemâ€Ķ

“The results however from an AFC point of view were not what we expected judging from the large rallies and meetings we had. Many it seemed were in acceptance of AFC especially the youths. We had felt that since the AFC was making a non-ethnic appeal and focusing on issues and reason not race, [this] was a sure way of convincing the voters more – so too the young voters who constituted about 60 per cent of the voters on the list. We felt that those youths would vote for usâ€Ķ that they would have made a choice that was non- traditional in content and we were looking forward to that. After the elections we have been left asking, ‘where have these young votes gone?’”

Asked if he felt that the youths had regressed into racial voting he replied, “This is reflective of a status quo as far back as 1964.The result this time is virtually the same as it was back then, only with the AFC taking the role of the then UFâ€Ķ If you look at what happened in the sixties you would not say that young people have ethnic cleavages, you would say that they now recognised that there is place to run back toâ€Ķ they have run back into their respective ethnic shelter for a number of reasons and possibly because they are fearful of the unknown.” He added that for them it meant more than an acceptance of the AFC and that the sentimental way is the way to go. In terms of making the choice one has to look at what offers securityâ€Ķ We have a bizarre, macabre political culture now and however bizarre we have to deal with it.”

Nagamootoo said by way of the streets he heard the AFC referred to as the seven dwarfs in parliament. From his point of view, it will instead be the magnificent seven or lucky seven, since in cards the house wins and that house is the Guyanese people.

He feels too that his friend for over 50 years, President Ramotar, should put aside political rancour and now gear his party towards building consensus since the elections had given all parties a new mandate and no one should just be in parliament to oppose or propose. “I do not see the ruling party using parliament as a rubber stamp nor do I want to see the opposition using their advantage in seats as sledgehammer either,” he said.
Originally posted by Alexander:
Nuff, thanks for posting this, he said we have a bizarre political culture and we wonder what Trotman is making of all this since Trotman also wants the Speaker position.
Trotman withdrew his name last week.

He no longer desires the position. There are 3 candidates vying for the slot, one from each party ... Ramkarran, Deborah Backer, Moses.
Moses does not understand that you can't cross party lines. The PPP does not want him as speaker.

He put up a good show as to why he should have been Leader of the PPP. It didn't work then and it is not going to work now.

Moses said that the jagdeo and donald are not in his class and now he has the nerve to ask them for their votes.

principle is the thing , moses. You live and die with it.

Cheddi will have wanted the PPP to work with the PNC and you know it. Donald is a product of the Jagan institute of politrics.
Originally posted by Nuff:
Originally posted by Alexander:
Nuff, thanks for posting this, he said we have a bizarre political culture and we wonder what Trotman is making of all this since Trotman also wants the Speaker position.
Trotman withdrew his name last week.

He no longer desires the position. There are 3 candidates vying for the slot, one from each party ... Ramkarran, Deborah Backer, Moses.

My money is on Ramkarran. AFC will support him if they get something in return. Many chairmanships in Parliament up for grabs. AFC also should realize that for them to take control of the Executive, they need to weaken the PNC further. If they do not know that by now, then they are simpletons who has achieved as much as they can. If the PNC takes the Speaker position, you can expect a snap election and the AFC stands to lose the most. They may very well see themselves losing significant seats.

Besides, imagine if the petty criminals, PNC, were to be in the Speakers seat. They would steal the benches.
Moses does not understand that you cannot cross the floor. He also does not believe that the PPP does not want him to be the speaker. The PPP prefers to deal and work with the PNC/APNU. Chedi would have wanted them to do so. Donald is a product of the Chedi institute of politrics. Moses, after you stood on the AFC flatform and redicule the PPP and all their ministers, you now have the nerve to ask the PPP for their help. How rude. Trotman said that the PPP is corrupt and he will not support a corrupt government. Coolieman, you just don't get it..
Originally posted by DND:
Originally posted by Nuff:
Originally posted by Alexander:
Nuff, thanks for posting this, he said we have a bizarre political culture and we wonder what Trotman is making of all this since Trotman also wants the Speaker position.
Trotman withdrew his name last week.

He no longer desires the position. There are 3 candidates vying for the slot, one from each party ... Ramkarran, Deborah Backer, Moses.

My money is on Ramkarran. AFC will support him if they get something in return. Many chairmanships in Parliament up for grabs. AFC also should realize that for them to take control of the Executive, they need to weaken the PNC further. If they do not know that by now, then they are simpletons who has achieved as much as they can. If the PNC takes the Speaker position, you can expect a snap election and the AFC stands to lose the most. They may very well see themselves losing significant seats.

Besides, imagine if the petty criminals, PNC, were to be in the Speakers seat. They would steal the benches.
This is a game of strategy and as such the opposing sides do not give unnecessary advantages to the other. Ramkarran getting the job is akin to the AFC and the PNC putting a roadblock in their path unnecessarily. The PPP can depend on rosters laying eggs than them ever having one of their own in the speakers job. The PPP did not do well with a few million dollars budget and the state resources at their disposal how will they manage in a snap elections this quick? Let them take the chance so they can lose worse. The Guyanese people already sees the benefit of accountability in this stalemate.
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by DND:
Originally posted by Nuff:
Originally posted by Alexander:
Nuff, thanks for posting this, he said we have a bizarre political culture and we wonder what Trotman is making of all this since Trotman also wants the Speaker position.
Trotman withdrew his name last week.

He no longer desires the position. There are 3 candidates vying for the slot, one from each party ... Ramkarran, Deborah Backer, Moses.

My money is on Ramkarran. AFC will support him if they get something in return. Many chairmanships in Parliament up for grabs. AFC also should realize that for them to take control of the Executive, they need to weaken the PNC further. If they do not know that by now, then they are simpletons who has achieved as much as they can. If the PNC takes the Speaker position, you can expect a snap election and the AFC stands to lose the most. They may very well see themselves losing significant seats.

Besides, imagine if the petty criminals, PNC, were to be in the Speakers seat. They would steal the benches.
This is a game of strategy and as such the opposing sides do not give unnecessary advantages to the other. Ramkarran getting the job is akin to the AFC and the PNC putting a roadblock in their path unnecessarily. The PPP can depend on rosters laying eggs than them ever having one of their own in the speakers job. The PPP did not do well with a few million dollars budget and the state resources at their disposal how will they manage in a snap elections this quick? Let them take the chance so they can lose worse. The Guyanese people already sees the benefit of accountability in this stalemate.

Both Ramjatan and Nagamooto are more aligned with the principles and policies of the PPP. They are more inclined to support the PPP than the PNC. From my understanding Nagamooto is interested in shared governance not obstructing. His problem has always been with Jagdeo. Secondly, the same folks who voted for the AFC will now switch their votes since they know that the AFC can't take the Executive on their own. In addition, Ramoutar has been bringing the old guard back into the fold. Thirdly, the people have not seen anything yet. When parliament starts and it becomes clear that Parliament is used as a vehicle to obstruct governance then the mood of those who voted AFC will change.

This game has just started. The second pawn has not even been moved as of yet.

Guyana has a golden opportunity here... only time will tell us if it is wasted. Hate for individuals in the previous administration can't be the guiding force.
Originally posted by DND:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by DND:
Originally posted by Nuff:
Originally posted by Alexander:
Nuff, thanks for posting this, he said we have a bizarre political culture and we wonder what Trotman is making of all this since Trotman also wants the Speaker position.
Trotman withdrew his name last week.

He no longer desires the position. There are 3 candidates vying for the slot, one from each party ... Ramkarran, Deborah Backer, Moses.

My money is on Ramkarran. AFC will support him if they get something in return. Many chairmanships in Parliament up for grabs. AFC also should realize that for them to take control of the Executive, they need to weaken the PNC further. If they do not know that by now, then they are simpletons who has achieved as much as they can. If the PNC takes the Speaker position, you can expect a snap election and the AFC stands to lose the most. They may very well see themselves losing significant seats.

Besides, imagine if the petty criminals, PNC, were to be in the Speakers seat. They would steal the benches.
This is a game of strategy and as such the opposing sides do not give unnecessary advantages to the other. Ramkarran getting the job is akin to the AFC and the PNC putting a roadblock in their path unnecessarily. The PPP can depend on rosters laying eggs than them ever having one of their own in the speakers job. The PPP did not do well with a few million dollars budget and the state resources at their disposal how will they manage in a snap elections this quick? Let them take the chance so they can lose worse. The Guyanese people already sees the benefit of accountability in this stalemate.

Both Ramjatan and Nagamooto are more aligned with the principles and policies of the PPP. They are more inclined to support the PPP than the PNC. From my understanding Nagamooto is interested in shared governance not obstructing. His problem has always been with Jagdeo. Secondly, the same folks who voted for the AFC will now switch their votes since they know that the AFC can't take the Executive on their own. In addition, Ramoutar has been bringing the old guard back into the fold. Thirdly, the people have not seen anything yet. When parliament starts and it becomes clear that Parliament is used as a vehicle to obstruct governance then the mood of those who voted AFC will change.

This game has just started. The second pawn has not even been moved as of yet.

Guyana has a golden opportunity here... only time will tell us if it is wasted. Hate for individuals in the previous administration can't be the guiding force.
Ramjattan has clearly grown since he was last with the PPP. He is completely committed to constitutional reform, an abolishing of the executive presidency and a devolution of power. I would assume that Moses also has a similar epiphany since he joined a party committed to those things as detailed in their party platform. These are not ad hoc power sharing but institutional and structural changes that by design distributes power to the people and abandons any form of elite accommodation in conventional power sharing paradigms. Constitutional reform is an anathema to the PPP so clearly they do not share a similar outlook as these gentlemen.

I am sure the people are being educated as to what this hung parliament means and for the first time they will become aware of the gross democratic deficits in our system as embraced by the PPP where they can select their president and dominate the legislature with a simple majority. That time is long past so any other allusions to reforming the old autocracy is not viable.

There is only one way this game will play out and in all possible outcome the PPP loses.
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
How many times have we been told that constitutional reform is not possible without the support of the PNC??? The governing party never had enough seats in parliament to unilaterally change the constitution.
Constitution is never possible except for the thinking on it. Where is there a PPP scholar who commented on necessary changes or inadequacies of the present one? Even the PNC has a commentary dating back to close to a decade so to say they will have to come along is like saying one has to get a bridge to cross a river with no contemplation on the building of bridges.

ALLIANCE FOR CHANGE says: "..the ugly scourge of racism has once again reared its head..."
The two principal leaders of the Alliance for Change - AFC - Raphael Trotman and Khemraj Ramjattan have put out their Christmas message stating the following: "we have observed that the ugly scourge of racism has once again reared its head, and unfortunately, too many Guyanese chose to vote race, rather than reason, and this alone tells us that our struggle to achieve healing, reconciliation, security and the establishment of a just and equitable society must continue".

The caption of their message was: "We Will continue the Work of Nation Building". The Alliance for Change must be credited for its fierce opposition towards the rottenness of the last Jagdeo-led administration. Both of these gentlemen took a lot of flask from the former tin-pot dictator, Mr. Jagdeo, but they can now take comfort that they have seen the back of the worst president this country has ever seen.

In this new dispensation, where the PPP is placed in a very tight corner, in a minority position in parliament, the two opposition forces must work closely together - with a common perspective and a common agenda that reflects the interest of the overwhelming majority of our citizenry.

To say that our people voted for race in the "ugly scourge of racism" is the height of ignorance - defeating the AFC's own results at the polls and that of the biggest coalition in the country, "A Partnership for National Unity" (APNU).

I was on the campaign trail - organising, speaking at public meetings, on the television stations in Essequibo Coast and on CN Sharma channel 6 on a regular basis. I did not find an ounce of racism or discrimination among the people who attended the rallies , the public meetings or on the streets or in their homes.

Our members and supporters were comprised of people of all races, age group and gender. No area in the country was treated differently. The PPP said that they will win over 60 percent of the votes and they will take votes in non-traditional areas - meaning Buxton and Linden. But none of that happened. The AFC told the nation that they will at least win the presidency. That did not happen. They cannot balme people for being racist for making a choice.

That is their freedom to choose - it is not racism or racial preference. They were clearly not impressed with Ramjattan or Trotman. The AFC did not want want to join the APNU because it was mortally afraid that the Indian people will associated them with the PNC. That was the PPP propaganda - but failed miserably.

Politics is about tactics and they failed to take the opportunities that were presented to them - the rest is not history. They would have been part of a government with the APNU - had they joined the coalition at the latter part of the campaign.

The PPP lost badly in their traditional areas - like region 6 on the Corentyne, Berbice, where they lost the entire region and totally destroyed them their invincibility. The predominately Indian voters voted for the AFC in large numbers, due to the Moses Nagamootoo factor. It was not a race factor. They voted for change and choose the AFC on the Corentyne. They were fed up with the way in which Jagdeo was running the country.

The APNU did not preach any form of racism nor it encourage its activists or supporters to vote race. The fact that the AFC lost the support of the people of African descent who voted for them in 2006 does not mean that they voted along the lines of race. They voted for a coalition - a new movement that preached racial unity and national unity - two seeds in the same pod.

The AFC must know that the young people in Guyana are interested in a programme that will secure and protect their present and long-term welfare and that of their family. The AFC must seize the times and work openly for a united force that will make race an issue of the past.

They must fully support the election of Deborah Backer as first step in the direction of unifying the movement. The must vote for the first woman, who is Black - as Speaker of the National Assembly. They will go down in history as supporting the equality of women and the advancement of women in our male-dominated society. They must put an end to the infantile behaviour of Moses Nagamootoo and stand up for a new type of politics - as they claim to be practicing.

The New Year must see real changes and the AFC and the APNU must be seen as giving leadership to the these changes that all of us expect. The PPP is well aware that the people of Guyana and our sisters and brother in the far off lands are sincerely behind us in the quest for fundamental changes. Just note that "Dem a watching yu", just be careful" !!!!
Now the Truth is out.
Jinnah is Alexander "Inside Source"
Alexander and Jinnah are on the same page.

Both Alexander & Jinnah have a Relationship with a Rapist who was identify by Jagdeo and Ramotar.

Dhanpaul is the only Person who Trust Sharma
Dhanpaul Believes Sharma is a Saint .....and is being framed by Jagdeo & Ramotar.

Alexander & Jinnah......
Who is the Prostitute???? and Who is the Pimp????
Originally posted by Alexander:

ALLIANCE FOR CHANGE says: "..the ugly scourge of racism has once again reared its head..."
The two principal leaders of the Alliance for Change - AFC - Raphael Trotman and Khemraj Ramjattan have put out their Christmas message stating the following: "we have observed that the ugly scourge of racism has once again reared its head, and unfortunately, too many Guyanese chose to vote race, rather than reason, and this alone tells us that our struggle to achieve healing, reconciliation, security and the establishment of a just and equitable society must continue".

The caption of their message was: "We Will continue the Work of Nation Building". The Alliance for Change must be credited for its fierce opposition towards the rottenness of the last Jagdeo-led administration. Both of these gentlemen took a lot of flask from the former tin-pot dictator, Mr. Jagdeo, but they can now take comfort that they have seen the back of the worst president this country has ever seen.

In this new dispensation, where the PPP is placed in a very tight corner, in a minority position in parliament, the two opposition forces must work closely together - with a common perspective and a common agenda that reflects the interest of the overwhelming majority of our citizenry.

To say that our people voted for race in the "ugly scourge of racism" is the height of ignorance - defeating the AFC's own results at the polls and that of the biggest coalition in the country, "A Partnership for National Unity" (APNU).

I was on the campaign trail - organising, speaking at public meetings, on the television stations in Essequibo Coast and on CN Sharma channel 6 on a regular basis. I did not find an ounce of racism or discrimination among the people who attended the rallies , the public meetings or on the streets or in their homes.

Our members and supporters were comprised of people of all races, age group and gender. No area in the country was treated differently. The PPP said that they will win over 60 percent of the votes and they will take votes in non-traditional areas - meaning Buxton and Linden. But none of that happened. The AFC told the nation that they will at least win the presidency. That did not happen. They cannot balme people for being racist for making a choice.

That is their freedom to choose - it is not racism or racial preference. They were clearly not impressed with Ramjattan or Trotman. The AFC did not want want to join the APNU because it was mortally afraid that the Indian people will associated them with the PNC. That was the PPP propaganda - but failed miserably.

Politics is about tactics and they failed to take the opportunities that were presented to them - the rest is not history. They would have been part of a government with the APNU - had they joined the coalition at the latter part of the campaign.

The PPP lost badly in their traditional areas - like region 6 on the Corentyne, Berbice, where they lost the entire region and totally destroyed them their invincibility. The predominately Indian voters voted for the AFC in large numbers, due to the Moses Nagamootoo factor. It was not a race factor. They voted for change and choose the AFC on the Corentyne. They were fed up with the way in which Jagdeo was running the country.

The APNU did not preach any form of racism nor it encourage its activists or supporters to vote race. The fact that the AFC lost the support of the people of African descent who voted for them in 2006 does not mean that they voted along the lines of race. They voted for a coalition - a new movement that preached racial unity and national unity - two seeds in the same pod.

The AFC must know that the young people in Guyana are interested in a programme that will secure and protect their present and long-term welfare and that of their family. The AFC must seize the times and work openly for a united force that will make race an issue of the past.

They must fully support the election of Deborah Backer as first step in the direction of unifying the movement. The must vote for the first woman, who is Black - as Speaker of the National Assembly. They will go down in history as supporting the equality of women and the advancement of women in our male-dominated society. They must put an end to the infantile behaviour of Moses Nagamootoo and stand up for a new type of politics - as they claim to be practicing.

The New Year must see real changes and the AFC and the APNU must be seen as giving leadership to the these changes that all of us expect. The PPP is well aware that the people of Guyana and our sisters and brother in the far off lands are sincerely behind us in the quest for fundamental changes. Just note that "Dem a watching yu", just be careful" !!!!
Thia is from an ignorant fool and commentary is not necessary but would be redundant.
Originally posted by Alexander:
Jinnah calls Moses behaviour 'infantile'but he fails to realize that Moses is in a good position to influence the outcome of many of the policies of the future. Jinnah also said that APNU did not preach racism but APNU's votes did not show breakthroughs in Indian areas.

The Verdic is in on Jinnah and his Friend.....
he is an ignorant fool and commentary is not necessary but would be redundant.

Dem like Sharma who is a child Rapist.

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