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Originally posted by Alexander:
Bai, Jalil why don't you wait till the courts decide on Sharma, rather than take the words of Jagdeo and Ramotar?

Ok lets wait on the court to decide.

But we know whoever was saying Moses was Backing Ralph for Speaker is a Bareface Liar.

We know Jinnah is an Ignorant fool, and he is` a Liar, We know he is not Credible and he is not informed......and you were 100% WRONG in following de fool.
Originally posted by Nuff:
Originally posted by DND:
Besides, imagine if the petty criminals, PNC, were to be in the Speakers seat. They would steal the benches.
Dude ... the PPP are the biggerst crooks. They make the PNC/APNU look like choir boys.

The PPP have murder, embezzlement, fraud cronyism ... etc on it's hand.

And the PNC never did...?
Originally posted by Alexander:

ALLIANCE FOR CHANGE says: "..the ugly scourge of racism has once again reared its head..."
The two principal leaders of the Alliance for Change - AFC - Raphael Trotman and Khemraj Ramjattan have put out their Christmas message stating the following: "we have observed that the ugly scourge of racism has once again reared its head, and unfortunately, too many Guyanese chose to vote race, rather than reason, and this alone tells us that our struggle to achieve healing, reconciliation, security and the establishment of a just and equitable society must continue".

It appears the AFC realized too late that it neglected the blacks in GT during its rallies and now it cries racism. If you don't reach out to me, how do you expect me to vote for you? Sounds like sour grapes to me.
Originally posted by Nuff:
Originally posted by Alexander:

ALLIANCE FOR CHANGE says: "..the ugly scourge of racism has once again reared its head..."
The two principal leaders of the Alliance for Change - AFC - Raphael Trotman and Khemraj Ramjattan have put out their Christmas message stating the following: "we have observed that the ugly scourge of racism has once again reared its head, and unfortunately, too many Guyanese chose to vote race, rather than reason, and this alone tells us that our struggle to achieve healing, reconciliation, security and the establishment of a just and equitable society must continue".

It appears the AFC realized too late that it neglected the blacks in GT during its rallies and now it cries racism. If you don't reach out to me, how do you expect me to vote for you? Sounds like sour grapes to me.

The PPP reached out blacks and they didn't vote for them.. two faced aren't you?
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Nuff:
Originally posted by Alexander:

ALLIANCE FOR CHANGE says: "..the ugly scourge of racism has once again reared its head..."
The two principal leaders of the Alliance for Change - AFC - Raphael Trotman and Khemraj Ramjattan have put out their Christmas message stating the following: "we have observed that the ugly scourge of racism has once again reared its head, and unfortunately, too many Guyanese chose to vote race, rather than reason, and this alone tells us that our struggle to achieve healing, reconciliation, security and the establishment of a just and equitable society must continue".

It appears the AFC realized too late that it neglected the blacks in GT during its rallies and now it cries racism. If you don't reach out to me, how do you expect me to vote for you? Sounds like sour grapes to me.

The PPP reached out blacks and they didn't vote for them.. two faced aren't you?

Many of the lesser educated blacks vote race - no question - they were used to Burnham (even the children of the older ones follow mummy and daddy on the race-based PNC).

However, the educated blacks are more independent in their choices - some vote for PPP, some for APNU and some for AFC. Many returned to the PNC folder under a new APNU brand - they just did not like Corbin and wanted to give Granger a chance as what he is doing - rebranding and repositioning and Granger is not a stupid man. He may not have charisma, but he is shrewed and he has his aces in his back pocket, ready to be pulled out. If the AFC had joined up with him, they would have commanded the majority and be the new government. AFC was too proud and did not want their new supporters to see them as going backwards. Besides, when Trotman left the PNC it was for good and he is to be congratulated for this.

The PPP needs to do some party work and gain back support from its traditional bases and untapped support base. It needs to bring in some young people into its fold - of all racial origins.

Some say that the AFC is fighting a race-based politics, and is bent on have a 'raceless' voting pattern. This will never happen. You just have to look around the world and see - if it is not race, it is religion.
Originally posted by Alexander:
Actually a lot of money was spent in Buxton before Granger. Corbin was the man who campaigned for the PPP to put in a lot of resources in the area. The PPP did hoping to stem the crimes that were coming out of Buxton but when it came time for the people there to vote PPP the party had to flee.
When over 50 black males go missing and wind up dead due to the employment of "phantoms" by the gov't ... voters don't forget very quickly.
Originally posted by Apollo:
Many of the lesser educated blacks vote race - no question - they were used to Burnham (even the children of the older ones follow mummy and daddy on the race-based PNC).

Are you freakking crazy?

Are you teling me indos don't vote race. Stop attacking blacks and look in the mirror.

No where in your posts do you say who indos vote for.
The topic was not about Indians or Amerindians or any of the other races. It was directly regarding the blacks in Buxton and inspite of Corbin's attempts at appeasement and possible cooperating with the PPP, the blacks still went for the PNC (APNU) whose main supporters are blacks.

If we are now wishing to talk about Indians voting pattern, yes, they too are the PPP's traditional supporters.

But if you check what I am saying is that blacks (except for the educated ones) do not vote PPP or AFC. They VOTE PNC(aka APNU). The same can be said for the Indians in the PPP. However, history has shown us that many Indians voted PNC or WPA. In this election, many Indians did not vote PPP. They went to the AFC or stayed home. Yet, the blacks did not stay home - they do what they always do, VOTE PNC.

You get it now? Big Grin
Originally posted by Nuff:
Originally posted by Alexander:
Actually a lot of money was spent in Buxton before Granger. Corbin was the man who campaigned for the PPP to put in a lot of resources in the area. The PPP did hoping to stem the crimes that were coming out of Buxton but when it came time for the people there to vote PPP the party had to flee.
When over 50 black males go missing and wind up dead due to the employment of "phantoms" by the gov't ... voters don't forget very quickly.

Tell dem deh. Dem kill few Afros gang members who killed scores of Indian men, women and children, then came Fineman. Tell dem bai, Indos wutliss and 10 Indos aint worth 1 Afro, afterall, Guyana is for Afros. Abie look foa wah we gett.
Originally posted by Apollo:
But if you check what I am saying is that blacks (except for the educated ones) do not vote PPP or AFC. They VOTE PNC(aka APNU). The same can be said for the Indians in the PPP. However, history has shown us that many Indians voted PNC or WPA. In this election, many Indians did not vote PPP. They went to the AFC or stayed home. Yet, the blacks did not stay home - they do what they always do, VOTE PNC.

This is tendentious and ahistorical . . . a cheap attempt at sowing resentment and dividing (AFC?) constituencies to the PPP's benefit.

Either that, or your IGNORANCE is profound!

Baseman/Sledgehammer does it better . . .
Originally posted by Apollo:
, history has shown us that many Indians voted PNC or WPA. ? Big Grin

Apollo Indians have never voted PNC in significant numbers. The WPA never won significant votes for any group.

So stop trying to blame blacks for racist voting while implying that Indians are less guilty.

Blacks supported Cheddi in 1953. Name ONE election where Indians supported an Africans.
Originally posted by Alexander:
Also the political leadership should show maturity and not rile their supporters to violence.

QWhat has Granger done to "rile up violence". Aside from the attack by the PPP (through its agents who operate on the orders ofa PPP appointed Police Commissioner and a PPP Minister) what violence has there been this election?

Guyanese shopped happily this XMas so clearly werent disturbed by APNUs PEACEFUL marches.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Apollo:
, history has shown us that many Indians voted PNC or WPA. ? Big Grin

Apollo Indians have never voted PNC in significant numbers. The WPA never won significant votes for any group.

So stop trying to blame blacks for racist voting while implying that Indians are less guilty.

Blacks supported Cheddi in 1953. Name ONE election where Indians supported an Africans.

bridley benn and cedric Nunes got support from Indians to win their seats in 1957,1961
and 1964
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by albert:
49% the Guyanese populace may pity them...

This is what you really meant to say.

Note that 95% of the African/mixed population are solidly behind APNU and AFC. The PPP has
been revealed to be a party scorned by the overwheliming majority of non Indians.

Tell dem deh, but wenn did Afros and mix held anything but scorn for the PPP. The AFC under coolied leadership is also scorned. Anything coolie is scorned. But to your point, you right Afros and half-Afro own Guyana so 95% means at least 90% jobs and stuff. Coolies, goa back and cut cane and dig guttah.
Originally posted by albert:
the P.P.P/C lost the majority simply because many supporters were complacent......

Yes they saww those huge AFC meetings in the Corentyne, large APNU meetings in Corriverton of all places and still thought the PPP was going to win.

Yet BEFORE the election jagdeo was begging them to vote.

Albert Guyanese are tired of the PPP. Accept that fact.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
, you right Afros and half-Afro own Guyana so 95% means at least 90% jobs and stuff. .

dont pull me into your racist gutter. I never claimed any one race owned Guyana. You did.

Bai me wan lil stupid coolie hey in GT, me cannot pull you in woa done deh inside you. Soa wenn you gon leff America and come hey and help out yuh mattie.
We are lucky that there has been no violence in Guyana pre or post election. But one has to be vigilant because there is tension around. The election of the Speaker will have bearing as to how the race question will play out. Apart from making deals race is very much a factor in the political set up. And while the pundits are giving their verdicts one should be reminded that the APNU did remarkably well in the elections.Their votes held up while the PPP could not muster that required 50 per cent.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Apollo:
, history has shown us that many Indians voted PNC or WPA. ? Big Grin

Apollo Indians have never voted PNC in significant numbers. The WPA never won significant votes for any group.

So stop trying to blame blacks for racist voting while implying that Indians are less guilty.

Blacks supported Cheddi in 1953. Name ONE election where Indians supported an Africans.

Yes, Indians voted PNC during Burnham era and Hoyte era, perhaps not because they wanted to, given the PNC's nastiness and discriminatory trait - Party card got you a job!!! The diabolical PNC! The incompetent PNC! But Indians had no choice, but they DID vote PNC - even if it was a fake support. Regardless, the RIGGING was the game.

As for blacks and indians voting pattern, they will continue to do with they have done - PNC (aka APNU)) and PPP and now AFC. Perhaps over time, AFC may very well draw the vote, but that may be a long time from now. The leadership in AFC is nothing to scream about. Trotman has not emerged as one had hoped, but then, there is still time.

As for racism, I think Indians (especially the educated ones) are more racist than blacks. They come from that color scheme thinking (light skin betta than dark skin). Years ago, when parents arranged for their sons to marry, they would say, 'she prapa nice, she fair fair'. This mentality has not changed, and it filters in everyday life.

As for blacks, especially the educated ones, they see themselves as superior to Indians too. They look at Indians as having a strange culture - religion plays out here. They think Christianity is better than Hinduism. They look down upon those who are uneducated, working in the fields. They used to say, "Berbicians are stupid, backwards'.

All in all, the two races need to have an 'educational system' and 'social system' that will help to bridge the gap in appreciating each other. Race Relations Commission can do a better job... be more resourcesful in the schools, etc.
Originally posted by Apollo:
Yes, Indians voted PNC during Burnham era and Hoyte era, perhaps not because they wanted to, .

So then Burnham didnt rig the elections.

Jagdeo is just as nasty and racist as Burnham was. No PPP fact more Indians played meaningful roles under Burnham than blacks under Jagdeo. Luncheon, Benn....nobody else.
Originally posted by Apollo:
Race Relations Commission can do a better job... be more resourcesful in the schools, etc.

Guyana's problem is not race relations. It is ethnic insecurity. AfroGuyanese play a bigger role in Phagwah and Diwali than one would expect, given the disdain that Christians (including Indo Christians) have for those who they call pagans.

The issue is under the PPP only their ELITE supporters get access...ditto under the PNC. Given these are race based parties obviously there is a racial dimension to this.
Originally posted by Alexander:
Apart from making deals race is very much a factor in the political set up. And while the pundits are giving their verdicts one should be reminded that the APNU did remarkably well in the elections.Their votes held up while the PPP could not muster that required 50 per cent.

Agreed. Hopefully the PPP understands this.
The Speaker needs 51 per cent to win so this throws up a number of probabilities: AFC and PPP coming together to support either Moses or Ralph or PPP and APNU coming together to support either Ralph or Deborah or APNU and AFC to support Moses or Deborah. Who will it be? Moses seems to be the common denominator so he might get the nod. But Guyanese politics is unpredictable so it could be anybody listed.

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