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Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
[Nonsense, they splurge the money on high living for some 40 years and now money run out.

And you can prove this?????????

Of course, it is easy. Check out how they live high life overseas and finance the education of their children and grand children without holding down a job for over 40 years. You couple that with bad investments like overseas authors, mo fiah slow fiah, supporting gangs in Guyana and you can account for how the stolen money disappeared.
Ramotar in his New Year's message says that he will chart a new course for Guyana.Can he really do this given the fact that he has a minority government? The new year will present many challenges for Guyana and not only the Speaker question. There will be problems of accountability and expect Jagdeo's pension to be at the top of the list especially as Guyanese face rising prices for various items.
The Youth Coalition for Transformation (YCT), the unofficial youth arm of the opposition coalition A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), Friday night threatened to take to the streets to ensure Debra Backer becomes Speaker of the National Assembly

Source: Demerarawaves

It seems A.P.N.U is teaching the YCT...the tricks of bullyism and hooliganism...pity on them both...
Originally posted by albert:
The Youth Coalition for Transformation (YCT), the unofficial youth arm of the opposition coalition A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), Friday night threatened to take to the streets to ensure Debra Backer becomes Speaker of the National Assembly

Source: Demerarawaves

It seems A.P.N.U is teaching the YCT...the tricks of bullyism and hooliganism...pity on them both...

Indeed this group has anothe agenda and that is to create trouble in our dear land....Guyanese of all walks of life should come out and counter protest these creeps....i hope the police continue their good work and keep the peace so Guyana can continue to grow. Guyanese deserves better...PNC is still alive
Now some of the intrigue is being played out in the open. Trotman is out of Parliament. Moses makes a statement that the support of the PPP may be needed for the Speaker coming from the AFC. Trotman disagrees with Moses. The PPP may want favours later, he said. Where is Ramjattan in all this? It seems like the AFC position is being directed by Moses who wants to be Speaker. The outcome is likely to be more conflict within the AFC. Where is Jalil?
Originally posted by Alexander:
Now some of the intrigue is being played out in the open.
There is no Intrigue ......Jiiah Rahaman and Alexander representing a Rapist (Source:President Jagdeo & President Ramotar)

Trotman is out of Parliament.
Very, Very , Very Stale News.....those who follow what is happening in guyana....and speak the truth....know Trotman made this decision a long time ago.

Moses makes a statement that the support of the PPP may be needed for the Speaker coming from the AFC.
Alexander has a problem with the Truth....
Moses said if the PPP is talking about working together and Trusting each other it might be in the interest of the PPP to support AFC'c choice for Speaker.
What is so hard that the Child Rapist and his friends cant understand.

Trotman disagrees with Moses. The PPP may want favours later, he said.
Trotman is simply saying.....Lets Ignore what Sharma and his Friends think.
The Official Position of the Joint Opposition(APNU & AFC) is that the Position of Speaker goes to the AFC.

Where is Ramjattan in all this?
Ramjattan met Granger and told him exactly what Trotman said.
AFC will choose the Speaker.....and all De Corruption and Rape charges will move forward

It seems like the AFC position is being directed by Moses who wants to be Speaker.
It seems Sharma and his friends are really scared of Moses more than those to be charged with Corruption.

The outcome is likely to be more conflict within the AFC.
Where is the Conflict?????
Moses, Trotman & Ramjattan agree on the following.
(1) AFC will choose the Speaker.
(2) WE MUST follow thru on Investigations and press Charges for Corruption and Rape etc....if we want to correct the mess.

Where is Jalil?

My friend I am here.....and not trying to interfere with the new developments in Guyana...Nuff people will go to Jail fuh Crimes Commited.
Originally posted by SuperMike:
Thanks to those ungrateful collies who went with the AFC and those who drink good rum and did not get up next day to vote..thanks to these fools. Red Face

Prablim, alyuh coolie up deh send donk nuff piasa mek dem bais goa party urly. Alyuh mekking tings hard down hey wid all dis crazy stuff. Alyuh gafa behave betta come da early snap elections. Hold bak remittance and tell dem drunkies no vote, no money. Alyuh should also check with dem Afro bais, vote fao abie coolie, you gon share some remittance aroun'. We know you guys gatt money, everytime me visit up deh, is sheer JW Blue, Gold and Double Black.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by albert:
49% the Guyanese populace may pity them...

This is what you really meant to say.

Note that 95% of the African/mixed population are solidly behind APNU and AFC. The PPP has been revealed to be a party scorned by the overwheliming majority of non Indians.

Be thankful that Indians came from Indian and helped to build Guyana while the blacks took leave from the fields.

Also, you are so against Indians - Why? Is this your racist tendency that you cannot shake?

If all of the Indians left Guyana, what will you be left with?
Originally posted by Alexander:
We are lucky that there has been no violence in Guyana pre or post election. But one has to be vigilant because there is tension around. The election of the Speaker will have bearing as to how the race question will play out. Apart from making deals race is very much a factor in the political set up. And while the pundits are giving their verdicts one should be reminded that the APNU did remarkably well in the elections.Their votes held up while the PPP could not muster that required 50 per cent.

And rightly, if the Speaker can be anyone from any party, then they should consider that PNC will be more deserving because of the votes they received. It would not make sense for the AFC to have the Speaker position. Maybe they should be given something else as an appeasement.
Originally posted by Apollo:
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by albert:
49% the Guyanese populace may pity them...

This is what you really meant to say.

Note that 95% of the African/mixed population are solidly behind APNU and AFC. The PPP has been revealed to be a party scorned by the overwheliming majority of non Indians.

Be thankful that Indians came from Indian and helped to build Guyana while the blacks took leave from the fields.

Also, you are so against Indians - Why? Is this your racist tendency that you cannot shake?

If all of the Indians left Guyana, what will you be left with?

He nah hate abie coolie, he juss seh abie muss wuk full and leff half. Dem bais gatt rights too yuh know.

Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by albert:
49% the Guyanese populace may pity them...

This is what you really meant to say.

Note that 95% of the African/mixed population are solidly behind APNU and AFC. The PPP has been revealed to be a party scorned by the overwheliming majority of non Indians.

Note, you moron, that 95% of black/mixed population are only 35% of the population.
The WPA pulled in 5% of Indo votes. GAP pulled in 5% Amerind votes for APNU.

There are 60% of the population who voted against the PNC.

You are worried about blacks voted against the PPP. You should be more worried about Indians banding together and vote against the PNC and that means your people will be drinking soup for the rest of their lives..
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by albert:
49% the Guyanese populace may pity them...

This is what you really meant to say.

Note that 95% of the African/mixed population are solidly behind APNU and AFC. The PPP has been revealed to be a party scorned by the overwheliming majority of non Indians.

Note, you moron, that 95% of black/mixed population are only 35% of the population.
The WPA pulled in 5% of Indo votes. GAP pulled in 5% Amerind votes for APNU.

There are 60% of the population who voted against the PNC.

You are worried about blacks voted against the PPP. You should be more worried about Indians banding together and vote against the PNC and that means your people will be drinking soup for the rest of their lives..

Tell he deh. He tink only Afro gatt brains. Abie coolie, chinee, putagee, buck man and some Afro/mix freiken PNC rule baad. All ahwee ah waan fambily.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by albert:
49% the Guyanese populace may pity them...

This is what you really meant to say.

Note that 95% of the African/mixed population are solidly behind APNU and AFC. The PPP has been revealed to be a party scorned by the overwheliming majority of non Indians.

Note, you moron, that 95% of black/mixed population are only 35% of the population.
The WPA pulled in 5% of Indo votes. GAP pulled in 5% Amerind votes for APNU.

There are 60% of the population who voted against the PNC.

You are worried about blacks voted against the PPP. You should be more worried about Indians banding together and vote against the PNC and that means your people will be drinking soup for the rest of their lives..

Tell he deh. He tink only Afro gatt brains. Abie coolie, chinee, putagee, buck man and some Afro/mix freiken PNC rule baad. All ahwee ah waan fambily.
Happy New Year to all. There are some people here who have an obsession with Sharma but we should await the court case before making judgements. And what does his alleged activities has to do with the choice of a Speaker? Moses wants to be Speaker and the belief in some circles is that this may be a good thing. However, if Trotman is saying that the AFC may be compromised if Moses goes about making deals then that has to be looked at as well.
Where does Ralph fit in the equation? His candidacy is not mentioned a lot these days which leads one to assume that it could either be Moses or Debra.
Originally posted by Apollo:
Originally posted by Alexander:
We are lucky that there has been no violence in Guyana pre or post election. But one has to be vigilant because there is tension around. The election of the Speaker will have bearing as to how the race question will play out. Apart from making deals race is very much a factor in the political set up. And while the pundits are giving their verdicts one should be reminded that the APNU did remarkably well in the elections.Their votes held up while the PPP could not muster that required 50 per cent.

And rightly, if the Speaker can be anyone from any party, then they should consider that PNC will be more deserving because of the votes they received. It would not make sense for the AFC to have the Speaker position. Maybe they should be given something else as an appeasement.
the AFC have to see it self in a new role now,to make sure that these two part donot contune to distroy guyana.that is why AFC have to control the house.for 50 yrs these two party have devide guyana,now for the first time this could come to a stop but if only AFC get the chance to come between the fighting.AFC HAVE TO MAKE astand now for the guyanese people
Originally posted by Alexander:
There is the view that the PPP did not reach out to the grassroots and that is why they did not get a majority. The PPP is hoping to redress this at the next election and one man who has volunteered to bring an outright PPP victory is Joey Jagan.

PPP just too corrupt, they cannot reach the grassroots and their own pockets at the same time. Besides, they spent alot reaching to the Afro grass-roots neglecting Indos. The Afros kicked them in the teeth, the Indos turned to the AFC or stayed home. I met Ramotar, i'm certain he is aware and want to reach to the people and less to pockets.
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Apollo:
Be thankful that Indians came from Indian and helped to build Guyana while the blacks took leave from the fields.


Funny thing. Jamaica is quite successful in a broad range of agriculture and yet very few Indians stayed there. Is there something wrong with AfroGuyanese vs their Jamaican counterparts? Grenada, Dominica, St Vincent, St Lucia...other islands with successful agriculture.

I note your implication that AfroGuyanese are so helpless, even while Indians are forced to flee to majority black islands. To do menial work at that.
Originally posted by Alexander:
Nothing is wrong with Afro- Caribbeans building their countries in the agriculture and other sectors. Don't forget during the PNC govt thousands of Indians went to Surinam and built that country's rice industry at a time when Burnham was saying that coolie lazy.

Nuff abie coolie matie leff cazz PNC seh Coolie wuk wuk wuk and dem ah tek tek tek. Dem bai mad baad cazz di "tek tek tek" side gatt bruk up, now dem tink a time foa abie goa back to datt.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by Alexander:
Nothing is wrong with Afro- Caribbeans building their countries in the agriculture and other sectors. Don't forget during the PNC govt thousands of Indians went to Surinam and built that country's rice industry at a time when Burnham was saying that coolie lazy.

Nuff abie coolie matie leff cazz PNC seh Coolie wuk wuk wuk and dem ah tek tek tek. Dem bai mad baad cazz di "tek tek tek" side gatt bruk up, now dem tink a time foa abie goa back to datt.

When I told them that, they called me racial...
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by Alexander:
Nothing is wrong with Afro- Caribbeans building their countries in the agriculture and other sectors. Don't forget during the PNC govt thousands of Indians went to Surinam and built that country's rice industry at a time when Burnham was saying that coolie lazy.

Nuff abie coolie matie leff cazz PNC seh Coolie wuk wuk wuk and dem ah tek tek tek. Dem bai mad baad cazz di "tek tek tek" side gatt bruk up, now dem tink a time foa abie goa back to datt.

When I told them that, they called me racial...

Aye aye aye bai...all ahwe a waan fambily. But me wait foa nobady tek, me gi way lil cazz live and let live.
This is against Commonwealth Tradition, practice and Honor. You cannot reward substandard and destructive Parties.
Originally posted by Churchill:
Originally posted by albert:
Is clear to see the parliamentary opposition is obsess of the speaker's chair and doesn't seems to be thinking Nationalistic...

The real " nationalistic " picture should be the executive - PPP-C, The leader of the opposition - PNC, and the Speakership - AFC.....
Originally posted by Alexander:
If Debra gets the nod as Speaker the AFC won't like that since Moses has expressed an interest too. This means that the AFC and the PPP can unite to thwart the PNC thereby making the way smoother for the PPP to govern.

Look like dem PPP bais winning either way. PPP and PNC divide AFC and PPP only one vote short, so dem mussy glad PNC and AFC gatt lil fite. The race vote of the PNC constituency gatt da whole country moo divided and AFC kech in da middle. Mi hope AFC can navigate and extract justice from both PPP and PNC. Diss is good fa Guyana.

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