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All you race baiters must realize that the 2011 elections were a racist blot on the nation. APNU showed that its supporters were racists to the core. How many cross-over votes did the PPP get? The answer has to be almost none. The PPP said that there was complacency in their votes. Nonsense. Jagdeo cost the Party thousands of votes because he cussed down everybody and Ramotar lacks the skills of a Cheddi J. So when Moses jumped ship the writing was on the wall for the PPP.
In recent TV interviews Ramotar looks out of sorts as if he does not know what to do. This is hardly the way to start the Presidency.
Originally posted by Alexander:
All you race baiters must realize that the 2011 elections were a racist blot on the nation. APNU showed that its supporters were racists to the core. .

I see you will accuse African Americans of being racists because they dont vote for the KKK. Well to AfroGuyanese the PPP is the IndoKKK, so why should they demand black votes?
Originally posted by Alexander:
Don't rule out a compromise between Ramotar and Granger and Ralph getting the job.

Word is the APNU will prefer Ramkarran to Nagamootoo if it comes to that. They know what Ramkarran will do. They dont know what Naga will do, and many suspect that Naga is making secret arrangements with the PPP and intimidating poor Ramjattan.

You see a second election and Ramjattan has yet to show he can get votes. His "success" was due to the Nagamootoo factor. So Ramjattan lost the Afro/mixed vote, but cant claim ownership of the IndoBerbice vote if Naga returns to the PPP.
Moses has shown us his Political Maturity again and how Important Timing is and not to expose your hands like de novices, Inexperienced Fellas and socall Political Pundits.

Timing: His Resignation from the PPP and the Timing of his announcement....caught those who dont know him with their pants down.

Timing : His withdrawal as AFC's choice as Speaker and his Support & Nomination of Raphel Trotman as the caught those who dont know him with their Panties completly off.

Where does this leave De Pundits, Sharma, Jinnah Rahaman and Friends who can only Go-tay-dhall or as Sonny-man say Lo-tay-bhougie?????

Hats off to our Next President.
look like ralph hearing from him???
Look you can't play it both ways. First of all Trotty said he did not want to be Speaker. He withdrew his name. Why is he taking it all of a sudden? Secondly,by Trotty taking it would freeze out Moses who badly wants it. But Jalil is making out Moses to be a hero. How come? And finally, APNU is saying that they don't Moses because he is tainted with the PPP. So who or what taints Trotman?
The election of Trotman has thrown a spanner in the works. First, where is Moses in all this? He badly wanted to be speaker. Why is he so quiet about the process? Second, Trotty withdrew his name in the beginning only to throw his hat in again, purposely to block Moses. If Moses has PPP experience what does Trotty have? A history in which elections were rigged. This set-up does not augur well for the country and in-fighting could take place.Don't rule out another election in a year's time.
Okay, why should we close this post? If the PPP had done its work properly it would have won a majority and it wouldn't be in this mess. If Jagdeo had conducted himself properly and stop cussing down the people the PPP wouldn't be in this mess. So blame Jagdeo. He give Ramotar basket to fetch water. Now Ramotar says he is disappointed that Trotman as Speaker. Why? By saying this Ramotar has already started to derail the democratic process.

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