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Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Lot's of Hindus are converting to Christianity. Entire villages in Guyana has become Christian .

Very true indeed. You do not see the muslims being converted. I do admire the muslim leaders for keeping the followers in the faith.

It is a lot more than just keeping the followers in faith. Muslim kids were going to madrassah every afternoon after school to learn about their faith and how to practice it. As kids we were learning to read the Qur'an and most of us even in a Guyanese environment completed the whole book before we finish high school. Some even memorized it. You could ask any small Muslim child in Guyana to tell you what their religion was and never get the comment that "it too confusing". They knew what it was, who God was and who the religious figures were. They can tell what heaven and hell was and how they pray amongst other things. We didn't stay away from madrassah because we spent so many hours in school already. The madrassh more than anything was responsible for Muslims knowing well what their identity was.   

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

I think the conversion has more to do with escaping all the necessary stuff one has to do with being a Hindu...lots of rules for marriage, funerals etc etc

The Pastors give them food, money and promise them to help get a visa to America. When the people relaised that they were duped, they bolted.

There are 2 Christian churches in Line Path D that had a lot of worshippers in the 80s. Now I see the pastors going to Scottsburg and other areas to bring in worshippers.

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

I think the conversion has more to do with escaping all the necessary stuff one has to do with being a Hindu...lots of rules for marriage, funerals etc etc

Perhaps. At the mandir one time, this Hindu woman told me that "all this stuff is confusing". Her husand told her to not say that. And she wasn't a young person. She was perhaps over .


Back to that pandit I mentioned earlier. It was my mother-in-law nau raat work. So the pandit was supposed to do the work but he did not show up because one of his friends died and he went to do that dead work instead. No problem with that. But since we were all waiting his uncle who was the pandit before him decided to start the work. He was almost through the who work wen the pandit showed up and started the whole work over again. Many people left because it was now around 10 or 11 at night and some kids were tired. We thought that all of that was unnecessary because he was telling us about the stories that we just heard.

Originally Posted by Chief:

Then again these Hindu men do not go to Mandirs. According to the Pandits here in NY women makes up for 80% of the congregation.


Gilbaka I sure the Mrs. Gilbacka is praying her namaaz, when last you wentt to the Mandir?

Chief, Mrs G does say her namaaz indeed. Likewise, I say my prayers. Mandir? I never visited one in Canada but the only thing missed is the fellowship. My mandir is within me, as my God is within me. I commune with God directly.

If it's of any interest to you, I own a copy of the Holy Bible, Holy Qur'an, Ramayana [Valmiki version] and a few copies of the Bhagavad Gita. And I read all of them in varying degrees.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

I think the conversion has more to do with escaping all the necessary stuff one has to do with being a Hindu...lots of rules for marriage, funerals etc etc

The Pastors give them food, money and promise them to help get a visa to America. When the people relaised that they were duped, they bolted.

There are 2 Christian churches in Line Path D that had a lot of worshippers in the 80s. Now I see the pastors going to Scottsburg and other areas to bring in worshippers.

I had Line Path in mind when I made the post about Hindus being converted by villages.

How you doing Skelly?

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Then again these Hindu men do not go to Mandirs. According to the Pandits here in NY women makes up for 80% of the congregation.


Gilbaka I sure the Mrs. Gilbacka is praying her namaaz, when last you wentt to the Mandir?

Chief, Mrs G does say her namaaz indeed. Likewise, I say my prayers. Mandir? I never visited one in Canada but the only thing missed is the fellowship. My mandir is within me, as my God is within me. I commune with God directly.

If it's of any interest to you, I own a copy of the Holy Bible, Holy Qur'an, Ramayana [Valmiki version] and a few copies of the Bhagavad Gita. And I read all of them in varying degrees.

Gilbacka answer is why Hindus are converting to other religion in droves.

The nonsense about his Mandir being in him is not holding water with many Hindus. They are realizing that they need something better to worship other that all the Murtis.  Gilbacka other point about owning the the different religious books is another reason why Hindus are  choosing  the revealed books of the Holy  Bible and Holy  Quran better then the Bhagvat Gita.


Furthermore  Pandits are having a difficult  job  explaining to educated   Hindus as to why they must come to them  to name a child, find out what time they have to bury a dead or what time and day to do a work.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Then again these Hindu men do not go to Mandirs. According to the Pandits here in NY women makes up for 80% of the congregation.


Gilbaka I sure the Mrs. Gilbacka is praying her namaaz, when last you wentt to the Mandir?

Chief, Mrs G does say her namaaz indeed. Likewise, I say my prayers. Mandir? I never visited one in Canada but the only thing missed is the fellowship. My mandir is within me, as my God is within me. I commune with God directly.

If it's of any interest to you, I own a copy of the Holy Bible, Holy Qur'an, Ramayana [Valmiki version] and a few copies of the Bhagavad Gita. And I read all of them in varying degrees.

Gilbacka answer is why Hindus are converting to other religion in droves.

The nonsense about his Mandir being in him is not holding water with many Hindus. They are realizing that they need something better to worship other that all the Murtis.  Gilbacka other point about owning the the different religious books is another reason why Hindus are  choosing  the revealed books of the Holy  Bible and Holy  Quran better then the Bhagvat Gita.


Furthermore  Pandits are having a difficult  job  explaining to educated   Hindus as to why they must come to them  to name a child, find out what time they have to bury a dead or what time and day to do a work.

Indians/hindus belonging to a very old civilization-unbroken even by all the conquests. When every other race of people were worshiping stones, the ancient rishies sought the ONEness of God. They followed the line of thought handed down to Methuselah right up to modern times. Who ever came among them with the thought of God, they read their holy books. In the First Century, when Thomas landed in Kerala and Madras, the Brahmin priest were the first embrace his teachings. When Jews arrived in India, the rishies studied them too. When the Parsi arrived, they were studied too. When the Arabs, the Afghans and Timberlane arrived with Islam, the Rishies studied them too. And when the Europeans arrived with the corrupted version of Christianity, Ram Mohan Roy was educated well enough with God to point their faults.   


We Indians have a blessing for things of God-the God of Christ. It is strange though that even as were are attuned to God. Converted Indian Muslims still kill Indian Christans when they feel like it. As for the hindus, they kill Indian Christians simply because Christianity offers freedom of the mind. No more Untouchables to do dirty work.  

Originally Posted by Chief:



It's nice that Mrs G prays her namaaz. Can you imagine how dissapointed she must have been in her married life that she and her husband never prayed together.  Furhtermore if you did not take the shahada willingly as you claimed, then your wife as a muslim is living in sin.



I disagree about Gilly's wife living in sin. She married him under the assumption that he is taking the shahadah. The Qur'an has a condition for "what has already taken place" so her marriage is valid. No different from if she had married a 'born' Muslim who later changed his religion. The ahadith of the Prophet is "of all the things that God has made permissible, divorce is the most detestable". That is why Muslims have to use three talaq to finalize a divorce. Proper etiquette require that there be remedial efforts between those three talaqs. And that requirement gets even stronger if there is a newborn suckling child. So here again, this talaq talaq talaq which is usually mocked on has advance expectations. At least in the time of the Prophet.  

Originally Posted by Chief:


Gilly claimed that he did not take the shahada willingly and he further admitted that he is still a Hindu.

He did not say that she colluded with him on that so from where she stood, her nikah was valid. After that, they are on their own. Him being a Hindu now has no basis on her marriage. That is the wisdom of the Qur'anic passage "except for that which has already occurred" Like Riff Raff states below, we cannot judge.

Originally Posted by seignet:

Religion is not beautiful-it is a measure as to how the believer lives his or her life. All of mankind falls short.  

Islam intent is not to see how a person live their life. It is a manual as to how to live your life. There are many non-believers of God who live far more valuable and useful lives than many who proclaim to be religious. The Qur'an opens by stating that it is a guide for those who believe in God and the last day. If you don't it will not benefit you. That does not mean that you will be devoid of benefits.

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

who the heck are some of you to judge who living in sin or not???



It is a sin for a muslim person to have sex without marriage, that mean nikkha. For someone to do nikha they have to take the shahada. Samjay?


It is also a sin in Christianity I do not know what Hinduism has to say on this.

Originally Posted by Chief:

I am not hear to judge anyone , God is the final judge.

However Iam only stating what is requiered by our holy book and our Prophet on whom be peace. Islam is a way of life and we cannot make up our own rules as we go along.

Question Chiefie. Suppose that you still have small children and your wife came to you and said that she has decided to become a Christian. At that point do you separate from her and disrupt the lives of the kids because your nikah is not valid or do you continue to regard your marriage as valid and find ways to win her back to your faith? The Qur'an did not command the Muslims to go and dismantle all the marriages that occurred prior to them becoming Muslims. That same scenario can exist today.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

who the heck are some of you to judge who living in sin or not???



It is a sin for a muslim person to have sex without marriage, that mean nikkha. For someone to do nikha they have to take the shahada. Samjay?


It is also a sin in Christianity I do not know what Hinduism has to say on this.

Like I said, in in the end...we all will be judged by the higher or no book..lots of us think we know what's coming down the pike, but we have no clue

Originally Posted by Chief:

I am not hear to judge anyone , God is the final judge.

However Iam only stating what is requiered by our holy book and our Prophet on whom be peace. Islam is a way of life and we cannot make up our own rules as we go along.

depends on who doing the interpreting...ever listen to those Islamic fanatics in ENgland...they have no room for other religions...are you right or are they right?

I assume you fellas all read the same book

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

who the heck are some of you to judge who living in sin or not???



It is a sin for a muslim person to have sex without marriage, that mean nikkha. For someone to do nikha they have to take the shahada. Samjay?


It is also a sin in Christianity I do not know what Hinduism has to say on this.

Like I said, in in the end...we all will be judged by the higher or no book..lots of us think we know what's coming down the pike, but we have no clue

Book or no book? Can you operate your car without it's manual?

Look muslims like christians  has a book. If Hindus want to do things as they go along that's okay but it is not okay for us.


Riff Raff put it in your hard skull that Muslims follow the Quran and the Sunnah. You cannot make up things ti suit yourself. For example we have to make ablution before we pray then they are things that cause our ablution to become void.

'So stop being foolish trying  to validate that it is okay for muslims to live with a partner without doing the nikha.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Chief:

I am not hear to judge anyone , God is the final judge.

However Iam only stating what is requiered by our holy book and our Prophet on whom be peace. Islam is a way of life and we cannot make up our own rules as we go along.

Question Chiefie. Suppose that you still have small children and your wife came to you and said that she has decided to become a Christian. At that point do you separate from her and disrupt the lives of the kids because your nikah is not valid or do you continue to regard your marriage as valid and find ways to win her back to your faith? The Qur'an did not command the Muslims to go and dismantle all the marriages that occurred prior to them becoming Muslims. That same scenario can exist today.

answer: Chritians are people of the book, so my marriage will remain. If she backside said she will become an idol worshipper, she is history !!

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Chief:

I am not hear to judge anyone , God is the final judge.

However Iam only stating what is requiered by our holy book and our Prophet on whom be peace. Islam is a way of life and we cannot make up our own rules as we go along.

depends on who doing the interpreting...ever listen to those Islamic fanatics in ENgland...they have no room for other religions...are you right or are they right?

I assume you fellas all read the same book

On Nikha the issue is clear.Not much interpretations there.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Chief:

I am not hear to judge anyone , God is the final judge.

However Iam only stating what is requiered by our holy book and our Prophet on whom be peace. Islam is a way of life and we cannot make up our own rules as we go along.

depends on who doing the interpreting...ever listen to those Islamic fanatics in ENgland...they have no room for other religions...are you right or are they right?

I assume you fellas all read the same book

On Nikha the issue is clear.Not much interpretations there.

so all them women them Islamic fellas forcefully capture and nikka are ok in the name of Allah?


Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

who the heck are some of you to judge who living in sin or not???



It is a sin for a muslim person to have sex without marriage, that mean nikkha. For someone to do nikha they have to take the shahada. Samjay?


It is also a sin in Christianity I do not know what Hinduism has to say on this.

Like I said, in in the end...we all will be judged by the higher or no book..lots of us think we know what's coming down the pike, but we have no clue

Book or no book? Can you operate your car without it's manual?

Look muslims like christians  has a book. If Hindus want to do things as they go along that's okay but it is not okay for us.


Riff Raff put it in your hard skull that Muslims follow the Quran and the Sunnah. You cannot make up things ti suit yourself. For example we have to make ablution before we pray then they are things that cause our ablution to become void.

'So stop being foolish trying  to validate that it is okay for muslims to live with a partner without doing the nikha.

once some of those ME crazies can interpret things how they like, then anyone can interpret I said, in the end we'll see who right or wrong

whatever happens...happens...once I man live a decent live with the family, I really don't care about rules in books...

I am human first....and God gave me brains to think...if he wanted me to be sheep, then I would be grazing

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

once some of those ME crazies can interpret things how they like, then anyone can interpret I said, in the end we'll see who right or wrong

whatever happens...happens...once I man live a decent live with the family, I really don't care about rules in books...

I am human first....and God gave me brains to think...if he wanted me to be sheep, then I would be grazing

It's your perogotive to do what you feel is ringt but please do not come after the person who is giving you a reminder as to what the book says.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

once some of those ME crazies can interpret things how they like, then anyone can interpret I said, in the end we'll see who right or wrong

whatever happens...happens...once I man live a decent live with the family, I really don't care about rules in books...

I am human first....and God gave me brains to think...if he wanted me to be sheep, then I would be grazing

It's your perogotive to do what you feel is ringt but please do not come after the person who is giving you a reminder as to what the book says.

you seem to go after people...telling Gil he living in don't see me judging you or anyone you?

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

once some of those ME crazies can interpret things how they like, then anyone can interpret I said, in the end we'll see who right or wrong

whatever happens...happens...once I man live a decent live with the family, I really don't care about rules in books...

I am human first....and God gave me brains to think...if he wanted me to be sheep, then I would be grazing

It's your perogotive to do what you feel is ringt but please do not come after the person who is giving you a reminder as to what the book says.

you seem to go after people...telling Gil he living in don't see me judging you or anyone you?

Read what I said to Gilly and I will repeat it.

If he did not take the shahada as he stateted that he was forced then his Nikha can be null. Kaz is saying no.

I am repeating what the Holy Quran states about people living in sin sin without havving the nikha.

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Riff Raff you are no different from the ISIS and other terrorists when you want to interpret the religion as you see it to suit your needs.

last time I checked...I see YOU calling for negotiating with that murdering rapist group of people...

I called for their death!

I am saying that America will forever be in war if they do not start negotiaitng with someone.

Last week they gave Pakistan 500 million dollars in aid and by today already two main terrorists including Adnan Shukrima,  are dead in Pakistan.


Don't tell me that Pakistan did not knew that those guys were there before the 500 million dollars.

Last edited by Chief

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