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Originally Posted by Sheik Ally:

There are people who just like to get attention by propagating a lot inaccuracies, opinions and lies, exhibiting their lack of knowledge. My advice to many who access this Discussion Forum to show that they are smart and educated by writing proper English, refrain from trash talk encourage frank, truthful in depth discussion on issues to assist those who can be learn something positive.

For example to operate a vehicle one need to learn to drive, learn all the tranportation Road Safety rules, have a valid driver license and car insurance, a car with fitness documentation and finally money to for petrol and necessary services. The lopsided comment about compulsion in religion, the Catholic called the Inhabitants of The New World Savages, forced them to be Catholics.

To educate those who do not want or cannot read in Chapter 2 Verse 256 of the Holy Quraan  Allah says "there shall be no compulsion in  Islaam". B>With ALL DUE RESPECT many muslim women all around the world including Guyana,Trinidad, India, Pakistan,Bangladesh, are not knowledgeable in the meaning of the Quraan. In Chapter 2 Verse 221"nor give believing  women in marriage to men who associate partners GOD, till they believe until they have believed.

Nikaah does not make some one muslim, you get the woman only. One has to attend classes for at least 3 months to understand the basics of being a muslim, understanding the true meaning of the Shahadah and the responsibilities that goes with being a muslim.

The next point that muslims hate Jesus, this is vicious lie and to educate all in the Holy Quraan Jesus AS name is recorded 26 times, the next lie is that Jesus AS has 4 brothers and 2 sisters. Jesus is the only creation of Allaah SWT without any male intervention. The next lie is that only Islaam has rituals, how about Hindus, Catholics, Christians, Jews. My final point all those who want to be on this site should enjoin goods deeds and forbid evil actions.


Dude shut the hell up. To lie means one knows the truth and is subverting it. The problem with your truth it that it is a religious truth and as worth all religious truths reliant on official interpreters of the faith.  You therefore proceeded to give us your interpretation per your official source.


Your reference to Catholics is a contravention of catholic truths at the time ie all who have not yet received Jesus as member of a triune god. Their cruelty to the natives are a consequence of their interpretations of the directive of their faith at a particular time hence to them they were doing gods will however perverse it was in retrospection.



I do not know who said Islam reject Jesus. They may accept him but not in the role of the Christian divinity.  All religion are possessed of rituals and it would be pointless to argue Islam or whichever is ones focus does not have ritual.


You do not get to say who participates in evil deeds or not per your belief. That is  absurd. It is hoped that those who are here be they Christian or Hindus or others all endeavor to do good.

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by ball:

Is the one wid duh name still around today?

Try publish a cartoon with his image, then you will know if he is around or not.

yuh see...that to me is a problem with Islam...did Muhammad appoint you guys to kill in his name?

Why do have a problem with Islam?


Were you ever in love, will you kill to protect the love of your life? Well in this case it is more than love.


Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by ball:

Is the one wid duh name still around today?

Try publish a cartoon with his image, then you will know if he is around or not.

yuh see...that to me is a problem with Islam...did Muhammad appoint you guys to kill in his name?

Why do have a problem with Islam?


Were you ever in love, will you kill to protect the love of your life? Well in this case it is more than love.


Did Muhammad appoint Muslims to kill in his name?

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by ball:

Is the one wid duh name still around today?

God has one son and his name is Jesus. How many sons does Allah have?

On numerous occasion you wrote that God and Allah is  the same, how come you asking this question. 

On a serious note. What process does a non muslim have to go through to become a muslim? Don't get me wrong; I dot want to be a convert.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
 And if I was depriving her of a life, why would her parents consider me their best in-law?

They are doing just that so that you don't deprive her of her life and turn her against her Hindu families like other fanatics. A person's insecurity comes from their own laziness; and not an indictment of their religion.  One who worships Allah / Bhagwaan in his/her inner temple never looks for God in outer temples, mosques or mandirs.

My in-laws didn't care for Hindu practices even before I met them. In fact the ate beef also. Even now they are barely ceremonious Hindus so why would they have to worry that I would deprive her of her life and turn her against them. And when it comes to fanaticism, you fit that description more based on your discourses here. You have proven time and again that Dharmic duties do you no good.  

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by ball:

Is the one wid duh name still around today?

God has one son and his name is Jesus. How many sons does Allah have?

On numerous occasion you wrote that God and Allah is  the same, how come you asking this question. 

This is the stage before he sinks into his cesspool and start cussing out.

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by ball:

Is the one wid duh name still around today?

Try publish a cartoon with his image, then you will know if he is around or not.

yuh see...that to me is a problem with Islam...did Muhammad appoint you guys to kill in his name?

Even Allah did not appoint anyone to kill in His name.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by ball:

Is the one wid duh name still around today?

God has one son and his name is Jesus. How many sons does Allah have?

On numerous occasion you wrote that God and Allah is  the same, how come you asking this question. 

 Because Allah gave us his only begotten son according to the Bible. Another Muslim Bhai is saying that Allah is not God.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
 And if I was depriving her of a life, why would her parents consider me their best in-law?

They are doing just that so that you don't deprive her of her life and turn her against her Hindu families like other fanatics. A person's insecurity comes from their own laziness; and not an indictment of their religion.  One who worships Allah / Bhagwaan in his/her inner temple never looks for God in outer temples, mosques or mandirs.

My in-laws didn't care for Hindu practices even before I met them. In fact the ate beef also. Even now they are barely ceremonious Hindus so why would they have to worry that I would deprive her of her life and turn her against them. And when it comes to fanaticism, you fit that description more based on your discourses here. You have proven time and again that Dharmic duties do you no good.  

I am not a religious fanatic. Go take a hard look in the mirror. You are a Muslim bigot and a dangerous one; you were certainly attracted to her because off her poor dharmic upbringing and like Satan in the garden of Eden, you preyed on the weak.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by ball:

Is the one wid duh name still around today?

Try publish a cartoon with his image, then you will know if he is around or not.

yuh see...that to me is a problem with Islam...did Muhammad appoint you guys to kill in his name?

Even Allah did not appoint anyone to kill in His name.

So why do you Muslims, kill in his name?

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by ball:

Is the one wid duh name still around today?

God has one son and his name is Jesus. How many sons does Allah have?

On numerous occasion you wrote that God and Allah is  the same, how come you asking this question. 

This is the stage before he sinks into his cesspool and start cussing out.

Just remember, you started the name calling on this thread. Show me where I cuss.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
 And if I was depriving her of a life, why would her parents consider me their best in-law?

They are doing just that so that you don't deprive her of her life and turn her against her Hindu families like other fanatics. A person's insecurity comes from their own laziness; and not an indictment of their religion.  One who worships Allah / Bhagwaan in his/her inner temple never looks for God in outer temples, mosques or mandirs.

My in-laws didn't care for Hindu practices even before I met them. In fact the ate beef also. Even now they are barely ceremonious Hindus so why would they have to worry that I would deprive her of her life and turn her against them. And when it comes to fanaticism, you fit that description more based on your discourses here. You have proven time and again that Dharmic duties do you no good.  

I am not a religious fanatic. Go take a hard look in the mirror. You are a Muslim bigot and a dangerous one; you were certainly attracted to her because off her poor dharmic upbringing and like Satan in the garden of Eden, you preyed on the weak.

So you are not a fanatic but think you have the right to label my wife as having poor dharmic upbringing. If your dharmic upbringing is so good, how come your behavior is constantly a cesspool. My wife is a treasure with a kind and good soul. And her family is way ahead of your given your behavior and your constant cussing of people even if they don't care too much for the nonsense that the Pandit would like them to.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by ball:

Is the one wid duh name still around today?

God has one son and his name is Jesus. How many sons does Allah have?

God got nothing on Krishna. He had 16,000 concubines and 160,000 children.

Unlike you, who would willingly enagage in Honor killings in the name of Islam, according to mythology, Krishna subsequently married 16,000 or 16,100 maidens who were held captive by the demon Narakasura, to save their honour. Krishna killed the demon and released them all. According to social custom of the time, all of the captive women were degraded, and would be unable to marry, as they had been under the Narakasura's control. However Krishna married them to reinstate their status in the society. This symbolic wedding with 16,100 abandoned daughters was more of a mass women rehabilitation.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by ball:

Is the one wid duh name still around today?

Try publish a cartoon with his image, then you will know if he is around or not.

yuh see...that to me is a problem with Islam...did Muhammad appoint you guys to kill in his name?

Even Allah did not appoint anyone to kill in His name.

So why do you Muslims, kill in his name?

Those who do are confused.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by ball:

Is the one wid duh name still around today?

God has one son and his name is Jesus. How many sons does Allah have?

On numerous occasion you wrote that God and Allah is  the same, how come you asking this question. 

This is the stage before he sinks into his cesspool and start cussing out.

Just remember, you started the name calling on this thread. Show me where I cuss.

Your are always cussing people out. Why do you think you get suspended from time to time.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by ball:

Is the one wid duh name still around today?

God has one son and his name is Jesus. How many sons does Allah have?

God got nothing on Krishna. He had 16,000 concubines and 160,000 children.

Unlike you, who would willingly enagage in Honor killings in the name of Islam, according to mythology, Krishna subsequently married 16,000 or 16,100 maidens who were held captive by the demon Narakasura, to save their honour. Krishna killed the demon and released them all. According to social custom of the time, all of the captive women were degraded, and would be unable to marry, as they had been under the Narakasura's control. However Krishna married them to reinstate their status in the society. This symbolic wedding with 16,100 abandoned daughters was more of a mass women rehabilitation.

So why do y'all bigots scoff at others who perform the same noble act. Because y'all bigotry has blinded y'all.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
 And if I was depriving her of a life, why would her parents consider me their best in-law?

They are doing just that so that you don't deprive her of her life and turn her against her Hindu families like other fanatics. A person's insecurity comes from their own laziness; and not an indictment of their religion.  One who worships Allah / Bhagwaan in his/her inner temple never looks for God in outer temples, mosques or mandirs.

My in-laws didn't care for Hindu practices even before I met them. In fact the ate beef also. Even now they are barely ceremonious Hindus so why would they have to worry that I would deprive her of her life and turn her against them. And when it comes to fanaticism, you fit that description more based on your discourses here. You have proven time and again that Dharmic duties do you no good.  

I am not a religious fanatic. Go take a hard look in the mirror. You are a Muslim bigot and a dangerous one; you were certainly attracted to her because off her poor dharmic upbringing and like Satan in the garden of Eden, you preyed on the weak.

So you are not a fanatic but think you have the right to label my wife as having poor dharmic upbringing. If your dharmic upbringing is so good, how come your behavior is constantly a cesspool. My wife is a treasure with a kind and good soul. And her family is way ahead of your given your behavior and your constant cussing of people even if they don't care too much for the nonsense that the Pandit would like them to.

You are the one who brought your wife and her dharmic upbringing into the discussion.  Do you read what you post? Do you not comprehend your own bigotry? Converting her to Islam, is credit to you and Allah would be pleased. Right?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by ball:

Is the one wid duh name still around today?

God has one son and his name is Jesus. How many sons does Allah have?

God got nothing on Krishna. He had 16,000 concubines and 160,000 children.

Unlike you, who would willingly enagage in Honor killings in the name of Islam, according to mythology, Krishna subsequently married 16,000 or 16,100 maidens who were held captive by the demon Narakasura, to save their honour. Krishna killed the demon and released them all. According to social custom of the time, all of the captive women were degraded, and would be unable to marry, as they had been under the Narakasura's control. However Krishna married them to reinstate their status in the society. This symbolic wedding with 16,100 abandoned daughters was more of a mass women rehabilitation.

I was shocked to see what Ksazma wrote, so I researched it, and found what you wrote here.  


Guys, it's Christmas season.  Please shake hands and make up or else Santa won't be nice to you all.  

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by ball:

Is the one wid duh name still around today?

God has one son and his name is Jesus. How many sons does Allah have?

On numerous occasion you wrote that God and Allah is  the same, how come you asking this question. 

This is the stage before he sinks into his cesspool and start cussing out.

Just remember, you started the name calling on this thread. Show me where I cuss.

Your are always cussing people out. Why do you think you get suspended from time to time.

I get suspended for not following rules. I am not a fanatic. You are. And a dangerous one too. You would kill in the name of Islam.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
 And if I was depriving her of a life, why would her parents consider me their best in-law?

They are doing just that so that you don't deprive her of her life and turn her against her Hindu families like other fanatics. A person's insecurity comes from their own laziness; and not an indictment of their religion.  One who worships Allah / Bhagwaan in his/her inner temple never looks for God in outer temples, mosques or mandirs.

My in-laws didn't care for Hindu practices even before I met them. In fact the ate beef also. Even now they are barely ceremonious Hindus so why would they have to worry that I would deprive her of her life and turn her against them. And when it comes to fanaticism, you fit that description more based on your discourses here. You have proven time and again that Dharmic duties do you no good.  

I am not a religious fanatic. Go take a hard look in the mirror. You are a Muslim bigot and a dangerous one; you were certainly attracted to her because off her poor dharmic upbringing and like Satan in the garden of Eden, you preyed on the weak.

So you are not a fanatic but think you have the right to label my wife as having poor dharmic upbringing. If your dharmic upbringing is so good, how come your behavior is constantly a cesspool. My wife is a treasure with a kind and good soul. And her family is way ahead of your given your behavior and your constant cussing of people even if they don't care too much for the nonsense that the Pandit would like them to.

You are the one who brought your wife and her dharmic upbringing into the discussion.  Do you read what you post? Do you not comprehend your own bigotry? Converting her to Islam, is credit to you and Allah would be pleased. Right?

I have the right to speak of my wife as she does to speak of me. You don't have the right to degrade her. Her not caring for Hindu teachings or rituals does not in any way degrade her value. If you want to degrade someone, you can start by looking at someone closer to you.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by ball:

Is the one wid duh name still around today?

Try publish a cartoon with his image, then you will know if he is around or not.

yuh see...that to me is a problem with Islam...did Muhammad appoint you guys to kill in his name?

Even Allah did not appoint anyone to kill in His name.

So why do you Muslims, kill in his name?

Those who do are confused.

You are confused.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by ball:

Is the one wid duh name still around today?

God has one son and his name is Jesus. How many sons does Allah have?

On numerous occasion you wrote that God and Allah is  the same, how come you asking this question. 

This is the stage before he sinks into his cesspool and start cussing out.

Just remember, you started the name calling on this thread. Show me where I cuss.

Your are always cussing people out. Why do you think you get suspended from time to time.

I get suspended for not following rules. I am not a fanatic. You are. And a dangerous one too. You would kill in the name of Islam.

Dangerous only because I know enough of the shit in your teachings that you would hope I didn't know. I don't need to kill you. I prefer to keep you alive and see your miserable state as I expose the nonsense you try to pass off as purity.

Originally Posted by Observer:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by ball:

Is the one wid duh name still around today?

God has one son and his name is Jesus. How many sons does Allah have?

God got nothing on Krishna. He had 16,000 concubines and 160,000 children.

Unlike you, who would willingly enagage in Honor killings in the name of Islam, according to mythology, Krishna subsequently married 16,000 or 16,100 maidens who were held captive by the demon Narakasura, to save their honour. Krishna killed the demon and released them all. According to social custom of the time, all of the captive women were degraded, and would be unable to marry, as they had been under the Narakasura's control. However Krishna married them to reinstate their status in the society. This symbolic wedding with 16,100 abandoned daughters was more of a mass women rehabilitation.

I was shocked to see what Ksazma wrote, so I researched it, and found what you wrote here.  


Guys, it's Christmas season.  Please shake hands and make up or else Santa won't be nice to you all.  

Were you shocked because you did not know that I knew about Krishna and his 16,000 concubines? There is a lot more that I know which makes bigots here uncomfortable. Knowledge is power.


The proof is in the pudding. Chami is a very smart girl and last night she commented that what I wrote on this topic was troublesome to her. It has now been nearly 24 hours later and she has not posted what I wrote that troubled her. I would have to conclude that she went back and read what I wrote and decided that there was nothing there that should have been troublesome to her. One cannot say the same about Mitwah. he is always getting reported on for cussing people out. Then when he comes back he would apologize and promise to behave better only to again sink into his cesspool. That guy is a sad soul and all those bhajan singing does him no good.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by ball:

Is the one wid duh name still around today?

God has one son and his name is Jesus. How many sons does Allah have?

On numerous occasion you wrote that God and Allah is  the same, how come you asking this question. 

This is the stage before he sinks into his cesspool and start cussing out.

Just remember, you started the name calling on this thread. Show me where I cuss.

Your are always cussing people out. Why do you think you get suspended from time to time.

I get suspended for not following rules. I am not a fanatic. You are. And a dangerous one too. You would kill in the name of Islam.

Dangerous only because I know enough of the shit in your teachings that you would hope I didn't know. I don't need to kill you. I prefer to keep you alive and see your miserable state as I expose the nonsense you try to pass off as purity.

You are a dangerous muslim. You are so stupid. Why do you expose your wife and family to ridicule?

Originally Posted by ksazma:

The proof is in the pudding. Chami is a very smart girl and last night she commented that what I wrote on this topic was troublesome to her. It has now been nearly 24 hours later and she has not posted what I wrote that troubled her. I would have to conclude that she went back and read what I wrote and decided that there was nothing there that should have been troublesome to her. One cannot say the same about Mitwah. he is always getting reported on for cussing people out. Then when he comes back he would apologize and promise to behave better only to again sink into his cesspool. That guy is a sad soul and all those bhajan singing does him no good.

You are a liar. Show me where I apologize.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

You are a dangerous muslim. You are so stupid. Why do you expose your wife and family to ridicule?

Just because they don't care for Hindu rituals, you think that they should be ridiculed? Now is that not fanatic? And you call me stupid. Stupid are you who gets suspended all the time for your nonsense.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

The proof is in the pudding. Chami is a very smart girl and last night she commented that what I wrote on this topic was troublesome to her. It has now been nearly 24 hours later and she has not posted what I wrote that troubled her. I would have to conclude that she went back and read what I wrote and decided that there was nothing there that should have been troublesome to her. One cannot say the same about Mitwah. he is always getting reported on for cussing people out. Then when he comes back he would apologize and promise to behave better only to again sink into his cesspool. That guy is a sad soul and all those bhajan singing does him no good.

You are a liar. Show me where I apologize.

So you prefer to say that you don't apologize for your nonsense. Now you are sounding like you are pompous.


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