My prediction: Obama will win 303 vs Romney 191. Obama will retain the Presidency. The Democrats will retain the Senate but lose Congress. George Will is a Republican-what do you expect.
Obama is on his way out.
My prediction: Obama will win 303 vs Romney 191. Obama will retain the Presidency. The Democrats will retain the Senate but lose Congress. George Will is a Republican-what do you expect.
Obama is on his way out.
It was a blowout!
Congratulation to President Obama. Folks remember what I've always been saying.
Obama will win the US election.The Democrats will lose Congress but will retain the Senate. If the truth walked up to Mitt Romney to shake his hands, Mitt won't recognize it. Mittey will walk away from the election wearing flip flops.
So who won? Rev.? What're the final numbers?
Many thanks from across the pond.
It was a blowout!
Awesome fabrication!... just like all the others... simply awesome fabrications.
Rev Al,
So whe you de bai. Like You gane a back dam to cut cane.
Obama rules
Rev you have now proven yourself to be a pathological liar. Gwaan and rub blackpat pon yuh face.
Rev you have now proven yourself to be a pathological liar. Gwaan and rub blackpat pon yuh face.
Sorry Rev. In democracy, one has to lose and one has to win. I saw Karl Rove on TV this morning. He had more excuses for the defeat than quaker has oats. The republican party needs a new breed of tacticians; guys like Plouffe and Axelrod(the Chicago dudes).
Kere him aside a talk some sense in hee heeed na maan. me know me na gree wid you all time. But dis time Yes.
On the eve of the election my prediction was Obama will win 303.Obama will retain the Presidency. The Democrats will retain the Senate but lose Congress. I am now revising my numbers to 332 Obama.
Rev Bhai
It is time to show some humility and congratulate President Obama. Your numbers sources were dead wrong.
Time to focus on Guyana politics.
Yes where is big mouth Rev AL ?
Pity the poor loser !
Yes where is big mouth Rev AL ?
Pity the poor loser !
He is out there doing penance for being such a racist creep
A good book and much needed one for the Rev..just saying!!
Well done Obama.
Rev Bhai
It is time to show some humility and congratulate President Obama. Your numbers sources were dead wrong.
Time to focus on Guyana politics.
Rev, you can come out now; it's safe. We all make mistakes in life. This is not the first or the last for you or anyone of us. Yuji is right, let's focus on Guyana politics.
Me thinks he gwan drink a good dose of poison ! Hehehe !
He and Romney consoling each other.
Yes where is big mouth Rev AL ?
Pity the poor loser !
This is serious. He might have had a heart attack.
Yes where is big mouth Rev AL ?
Pity the poor loser !
This is serious. He might have had a heart attack.
If he had a heart attack, he has Obamacare.
Yes where is big mouth Rev AL ?
Pity the poor loser !
This is serious. He might have had a heart attack.
If he had a heart attack, he has Obamacare.
Maybe he migrated to Canada.
Yes where is big mouth Rev AL ?
Pity the poor loser !
This is serious. He might have had a heart attack.
If he had a heart attack, he has Obamacare.
Maybe he migrated to Canada.
No. Canadians love Obama even more than Americans do.
Rev and his ilk are angry that apartheid no longer exists and Australia no longer peddles racist immigrationj policies or they would try to go there....thats when Rev will be told that he isnt white.
Yes where is big mouth Rev AL ?
Pity the poor loser !
This is serious. He might have had a heart attack.
If he had a heart attack, he has Obamacare.
That means nothing if he has no health insurance. Obamacare is not as transformative as some think. Aside from pre-existing and under 26 year old coverage not much is new.
Yes where is big mouth Rev AL ?
Pity the poor loser !
This is serious. He might have had a heart attack.
If he had a heart attack, he has Obamacare.
That means nothing if he has no health insurance. Obamacare is not as transformative as some think. Aside from pre-existing and under 26 year old coverage not much is new.
I know that. I was just being sarcastic.
The Rev, like Karl Rove, Dick Morris and others are still sliding around with mud on their faces and trying to regain their footing. At least he has the decency not to show up in public with so much muck on his face
The Rev, like Karl Rove, Dick Morris and others are still sliding around with mud on their faces and trying to regain their footing. At least he has the decency not to show up in public with so much muck on his face
Do not for one moment think that the GOP are sitting around crying. They have their plans and will make an aggressive move towards USborn middle class Hispanics who dont place the biggest priority on immigration reform. They need only 40% of that bloc to win.
They will ignore young white females and blacks. They dont need them. Listen to what they are saying on FOX and you will see. Remember Bush already got 40% and they now have two young half Hispanic Bush boys being groomed for the future.
They will ignore young white females and blacks. They dont need them. Listen to what they are saying on FOX and you will see. Remember Bush already got 40% and they now have two young half Hispanic Bush boys being groomed for the future.
The master of irrelevance............sheer tripe above......
They will ignore young white females and blacks. They dont need them. Listen to what they are saying on FOX and you will see. Remember Bush already got 40% and they now have two young half Hispanic Bush boys being groomed for the future.
The master of irrelevance............sheer tripe above......
Of course, they will be crying for a very long time.
They will ignore young white females and blacks. They dont need them. Listen to what they are saying on FOX and you will see. Remember Bush already got 40% and they now have two young half Hispanic Bush boys being groomed for the future.
The master of irrelevance............sheer tripe above......
Kari clearly you were promised a job with the Obama administration.
Even Democratic operatives are anticipating a major attempt by the GOP to recapture the part of the Latin vote that they got in 2004, but lost since then.
This is why all the talk about the Hispanic bloc, which gave Obama 15% of the votes received, and not the black bloc which gave him 25%. They know that blacks are so silly that they will give all their votes to one party, and then wonder why no one bothers with them. Not the GOP, Not the Democrats. Not even Obama.
Bush obtained 44%. Had Romney gotten that he would have won a few more states.
I do not know if you havent noticed some name dropping of certain Hispanic GOP politicians. You also ought to know that one of Jeb Bush's sons are being groomed, maybe for a VP role. He and his father are way more moderate than "W".
This is not about converting Hispanics to the GOP. Its about getting those Hispanics who already voted GOP back to that party.
If the Democratic party doesnt begin to tender more to its minority base than they currently do...their top leadership being almost as white as that of the GOP. And if the GOP is sensible enough to move to the center right, once the Tea Party and the Bible Thumpers are allowed to engage in their current tirade, the Democrats will have some real compatition on their hands.
This election was about people voting their fears and not their loves. Virtually every analyst not directly connected to the campaigns acknowledges this.
Of course, they will be crying for a very long time.
Fool yourself that they will. These people have a vested agenda and they are determined to have their way. They know that the single white female and the black voting blocs will be too tough for them to crack, so will focus on the Hispanic segment. They already have seen some successes from that bloc once it perceives that the GOP arent hostile.
This election broke out virtually 50:50, with a two % here and a two % there. So it will only need a slight shift in votes for either side to get what they want.
In fact even in FL its known that Puerto Ricans are more conservative than those in NY, and this group will be targeted next time. They have on occasion supported GOP candidates, most recently Rubio. So dont think that a segment cant be sliced off. THey have been known to support GOP leaning candidates in Puerto Rico, and some might be enticed by a center right GOP.
Get to know that name Rubio, because you will be hearing far more from him soon while he slowly and silently makes that move to the center right that Romney tried to do in one debate I am willing to bet that he will spearhead GOP moves to obtain immigration reform, which they now claim that they are ready to talk about.
Do you know that there are more GOP minority governors that Democratic minority governors? A center right GOP will ensure that people know this....that is if the GOP moves center right and that we will see over the next 12 months or so.
Of course, they will be crying for a very long time.
Structure, purpose, intricacies and in particular the ones who hold firm control of the GOP are paramount.
The best Rubio could become is perhaps GOP Presidential candidate.
Structure, purpose, intricacies and in particular the ones who hold firm control of the GOP are paramount.
The best Rubio could become is perhaps GOP Presidential candidate.
I will tell you what might happen...if the GOP have brains that is...and I dont necessarily think that they do.
Their INTERNAL agenda will remain the same. The EXTERNAL face that they show an electorate (which moves between center left and right, but hates either extreme) might become more moderate.
Rubio is like Romney except he is more charismatic and politically astute. He is an ideological nomad, going where ever the wind takes him. He will gradually shift from his right wing extremist rhetoric (which he put on to win over redneck tea party voters who otherwise wouldnt support a Hispanic) and move to the center. He will become more involved in Hispanic issues. And he might well be the next VP candidate in order to deliver 40-45% of that segment, as well as reassuring white suburban moderates that he isnt so bad.
The lessons from 2008, repeated again in 2012, is if the GOP means Gentleman's Old Party, they will never win again...and win the definitely want to do. Even Condi Rice is telling them this.
Even Condi Rice is telling them this.
And the GOP will continue to loose in 2016, 2020, 2024, etc., just like in 2012.
Bottom line for the 2012 elections is that the Democrats won in every area.
President -------- President Barack Obama
Senate ---------- Democrats increase in numbers
Representative -- Democrats increase in numbers
The Democrats got more votes in the Congressional races, and if the district boundaries were like the last election (before the GOP gerry-mandered them) the Democrats would have taken back some more seats from the Republicans in the House of Representatives.
The Republican Presidential candidate was flawed. He was secretive. He was not specific on his main plank - the economy. There is a Bloomberg report over the tax returns that were not made available where there are millions of dollars of charity deductions that reduced his tax share. He wiped out half the country with his 47% gaffe. HE was unsteady on foreign policy.
The GOP campaign relied on messaging and were trumped by the Democrats on the ground game of getting out the votes.
The GOP message of small government and less taxes could have resonated with the Hispanics and Asians, but it attacked their belief in smart government. Smart government - not whether big or small government - was Obama's message from Day 1. You needed BIG Government to tackle aggregate demand when the private sector was reeling from the 2008 banking and housing crises. Deficits WERE necessary. The GOP has to stop resuscitating the individualism and enterprise of the white puritans back then. The Hispanics and Asians are entrepreneurial and more hard working than white, a Pew Research showed. They are like Republicans so why dis Asians vote 3 to 1 for Obama and Hispanics 7 to 1?
CaribJ feels that Obama has done nothing for Blacks. Here is where his entitlement approach comes in. Obama signed legislation that are getting into the books to ensure that the banking system plays fair with minorities in the credit market. He can't put on the superman cape and overnight Harlem will be like Manhattan's 34th St. CaribJ overlooks the number of minority students who stop dropping out of schools. He doesn't acknowledge that Obama has done what he could without a Congress that wants him out and sees him as socialist and foreign - in R & D, in infrastructure, in foreclosures. CaribJ thinks that America runs like Guyana where Obama can decide o everything.
Kari, correction here if I may?
CaribJ thinks that America runs like Burnham Guyana where Obama can decide o everything.
The Democrats got more votes in the Congressional races, and if the district boundaries were like the last election (before the GOP gerry-mandered them) the Democrats would have taken back some more seats from the Republicans in the House of Representatives.
2014 elections will be quite interesting, with the Democrats perhaps winning the Senate and House of Representatives.
President Barack Obama will be able to campaign/support candidates in these two areas for elections.
Even Condi Rice is telling them this.
And the GOP will continue to loose in 2016, 2020, 2024, etc., just like in 2012.
Bottom line for the 2012 elections is that the Democrats won in every area.
President -------- President Barack Obama
Senate ---------- Democrats increase in numbers
Representative -- Democrats increase in numbers
I will suggest to you that they will not stand by and let this continue and I will suggest that you are stupid if you think that they will.
Despite Bush they won in 2004 because they captured 44% of the Hispanic vote.
The notion that they cannot win some Hispanic support is one that you are foolish to ignore.
In 2004 we were as shocked about Bush vbeing a two term president as folks like Rev Al (who has probably gone to storm front and other racist sites screaming his angst) are.
the biggest trap that the Democrats will fall into is believing that they own the Hispanic vote as they currently own the black vote...or at least think that they do.
The Democrats got more votes in the Congressional races, and if the district boundaries were like the last election (before the GOP gerry-mandered them) the Democrats would have taken back some more seats from the Republicans in the House of Representatives.
2014 elections will be quite interesting, with the Democrats perhaps winning the Senate and House of Representatives.
President Barack Obama will be able to campaign/support candidates in these two areas for elections.
DG the excuses of a failing economy will not be accepted two years from now.
Obama has one big priority and that is stimulating the economy and creating jobs. Otherwise 2014 will be a repeat of 2010. So I suggest you with hold your predictions until we have dealt with the Fiscal Cliff and the economy is creating at least 200k jobs/monthly.
If the economy is still weak Democratic candiadtes will run away from Obama in 2014 just as they did in 2010. Remember that the gains made by the GOP are in conservative parts of the country where only Blue Dog Democrats will win.
Kari I am glad that you FINALLY see the consequences of the loss of control of the House in 2010. Yes of course the GOP gerry mandered the district boundaries as one would expect any party in power to do. And yes because of this they maintain control of the House. And because of this it is more difficult, especially in the South, and in rural areas every where, to beat them in these districts.
You can whine as much as you wish, but just as Obama won a commanding victory based on the electoral college, despite only getting 50% of the vote, and the GOP needs to stop screaming that they have a mandate to laugh at "rising waters", you also need to accept that the boundaries will exist until the Democrats regain control over the House before 2020.
The GOP play rough and will not stand still and remain out of the executive, if they can help it.
Kari, correction here if I may?
CaribJ thinks that America runs like Burnham Guyana where Obama can decide o everything.
People vote for a govt which they think helps them. If the govt fails to help them they toss them out. They voted for the Democrats in 2006 and 2008, and tossed them out in 2010 and the GOP retained the House in 2012.
You can scream as much as you wish but we have the same scenario as we did before the election. The Democrats do not have a fillibuster proof control of the Senate and the GOP owns the House. The GOP has an agenda of seizing the Senate in 2014 and the presidency in 2016. We will see if their internal war that they are now waging will result in a move to the center right, or if they remain under the control of the Tea Party and the Christian Taliban.
At the end of the day its the party of the President which gets blamed when things go wrong. Not the party which controls the House. Most Congressional reps are in it for life unless found stealing, or peeping at little boiys in airport toilets. Gerry mandering districts ensures this.
Kari you argue like a college kid. Your arguments are based on what you consider morally correct. Mine are based on reality. The GOP arent constrained by morality except in getting into the business about who people sleep with and what women do with their private parts.
Even Condi Rice is telling them this.
And the GOP will continue to loose in 2016, 2020, 2024, etc., just like in 2012.
Bottom line for the 2012 elections is that the Democrats won in every area.
President -------- President Barack Obama
Senate ---------- Democrats increase in numbers
Representative -- Democrats increase in numbers
I will suggest to you that they will not stand by and let this continue and I will suggest that you are stupid if you think that they will.
Your usual irrelevant and uncalled-for comments.
The Democrats got more votes in the Congressional races, and if the district boundaries were like the last election (before the GOP gerry-mandered them) the Democrats would have taken back some more seats from the Republicans in the House of Representatives.
2014 elections will be quite interesting, with the Democrats perhaps winning the Senate and House of Representatives.
President Barack Obama will be able to campaign/support candidates in these two areas for elections.
DG the excuses of a failing economy will not be accepted two years from now.
As usual, your failure to grasp the nuances.
CaribJ feels that Obama has done nothing for Blacks.
So what has he done for blacks? Consider that it is the strong turn out that helped himj out TWICE, and without this he would have lost VA, PA, OH and FL. Why should blacks vote for a party which they think does nothing for them, while it battles to pander to women, Hispanics and gays?
Is it not funny that you think that the only people who should support the party whether or not it supports their interests are blacks?
Would you expect women to support the democrats if that party did nothing to advocate for their equality, or for their sexual/birth contraol privacy? Would you expect Hispanics to suuport the Democrats if it did nothing about immigration reform? NO!!!
But when blacks say that their interests should also be offered in exchange for their votes it suddenly becomes entitlement?
tell you what Kari. The next two years we will see both the Democrats and the GOP battling to get the Hispanic vote. They will pretend to attend to the interests which they think are important to Hispanics.
Note that even though the Democrats need the black vote MORE than they do the Hispanic vote (25% of their votes, vs 15% for the Hispanics) blacks will continue to be ignored...and Obama will do nothing about this fact.
Kari. Is it because lurking in your little head you carry the same attitudes about blacks that Rev Al does? So you feel comfortable about every group exchanging their votes for attention to their issues, but think that when blacks behave the same that is some form of laziness.
Kari a certain man talked about 47%. You have the same attitrude about 25% of the democratic voters.
I will suggest to you that they will not stand by and let this continue and I will suggest that you are stupid if you think that they will.
Your usual irrelevant and uncalled-for comments.
DG the USA is a center right/center left country and your Marxist leanings are of no relevance here. This is a country where the poor call themselves middle class because it is an aspirational society, and so waitresses can be wooeed to support the elimination of estate taxes.
You might consider this ridiculous, but this is what the USA is about. Reason why the POOREST regions supported Romney, and the rural populations, poorer than the suburban, also supported Romney. Given this the GOP have a built in advantage in the House, because congressional districts are drawn to favor rural over urban dwellers.
If this is beyond your thinking then you are stupid and ought not to talk about US politics.
Also a man like you who has dashed out all sorts of personal attacks in my direction ought to accept it when I attack you in exchange.
Kari when all those black graduate they are more likely to face unemployment, more likely to be crushed by student loans, and more likely to face long term unemployment and as a result 10% bof the blacks who used to own homes no longer do. This because of inbuilt institutinal biases against them.
Indeed the very "whiteness" Of Obama's closest advisers suggests that he too "cant find qualified blacks" the oft repeated lament from supposedly liberal whites when looking for people to hire. Let us see how many qualified Hispanics he finds as he seeks to ensure that the Democratic party maintains its 70% support from this group.
There have been enough surveys which show that a black male with acollege degree earns the same as a white male with only high cshool educational. And that a black man with NO criminal record earns the same as a white man with a criminal record.
But you dont think that these facts matter. And you do not lament the fact that even with the First Black President, these facts are as much the truth as they were before he arrived. And you think that any who pint this out should be accused of "demanding entitlements for this shiftless negroes". Oh how similar are your arguments and rev Als on this topic.
Tell you what Kari, the next Democratic candidate will not be a "brother". So they will be no conflict about whether the blacks should or should not support the "brother". If the white man doesnt perform they stay home. Clinton performed and so was rewarded, qnd this was transferred to Gore who emnjoyed very high black turn outs and won the popular vote, even if FL was stolen from him. Kerry didnt appeal and so lost.
I will suggest to you that they will not stand by and let this continue and I will suggest that you are stupid if you think that they will.
Your usual irrelevant and uncalled-for comments.
DG the USA is a center right/center left country and your Marxist leanings are of no relevance here..
Continued bellowing of nonsense and irrelevance.
Continued bellowing of nonsense and irrelevance.
Here is the deal DG. You live in canada. You do not live in the USA. You do not understand how the USA works and this is illustrated by the fact that you make inane one liner attacks rather than establishing your case.
CaribJ feels that Obama has done nothing for Blacks.
So what has he done for blacks? Consider that it is the strong turn out that helped himj out TWICE, and without this he would have lost VA, PA, OH and FL. Why should blacks vote for a party which they think does nothing for them, while it battles to pander to women, Hispanics and gays?
Is it not funny that you think that the only people who should support the party whether or not it supports their interests are blacks?
Would you expect women to support the democrats if that party did nothing to advocate for their equality, or for their sexual/birth contraol privacy? Would you expect Hispanics to suuport the Democrats if it did nothing about immigration reform? NO!!!
But when blacks say that their interests should also be offered in exchange for their votes it suddenly becomes entitlement?
tell you what Kari. The next two years we will see both the Democrats and the GOP battling to get the Hispanic vote. They will pretend to attend to the interests which they think are important to Hispanics.
Note that even though the Democrats need the black vote MORE than they do the Hispanic vote (25% of their votes, vs 15% for the Hispanics) blacks will continue to be ignored...and Obama will do nothing about this fact.
Kari. Is it because lurking in your little head you carry the same attitudes about blacks that Rev Al does? So you feel comfortable about every group exchanging their votes for attention to their issues, but think that when blacks behave the same that is some form of laziness.
Kari a certain man talked about 47%. You have the same attitrude about 25% of the democratic voters.
Obama cannot perform magic for anyone. His Social engineering agenda regarding housing and Obamacare will benefit the people at the lower economic ladder and as such Blacks will benefit with anyone else falling in that group. The other area is affordable education which will benefit the same group. There are limits on what he could do, you have to see what he is doing and try to capitalize for your benefit rather than complaining.
The greatest thing Obama could have done was to get this economy moving, which he has not, and as such blacks suffer. Caribj, with all what LFSB did for blacks in Guyana, you complain he did not do enough. So there is nothing Obama can do, even if he rule for 20 years, which will satisfy your need for "something getting done".
Continued bellowing of nonsense and irrelevance.
Here is the deal DG. You live in canada. You do not live in the USA. You do not understand how the USA works and this is illustrated by the fact that you make inane one liner attacks rather than establishing your case.
Continuation of rubbish that you peddle on GNI.
Continued bellowing of nonsense and irrelevance.
Here is the deal DG. You live in canada. You do not live in the USA. You do not understand how the USA works and this is illustrated by the fact that you make inane one liner attacks rather than establishing your case.
You watch all that TV and you have learned little. You are the one that doubted that Obama would win when most of us predicted a victory. The Dems owned the Hispanic vote, over 70 percent voted for Obama even though he did not reform immigration.Why. Because they trust him. You keep talking about race as usual but you forget the power of youth. Who brought out the votes for Obama and had Karl Rove in a muddle?
Obama cannot perform magic for anyone.
Funny thing that. Hispanics are already demanded a job stimulus program TAILORED to their needs as they take credit for landing FL, CO, and NV into Obama's lap.
Funny how no one will see anything wrong with that. Yes already about protecting the Hispanic vote from fleeing to the GOP.
Funny that when blacks demand the same for landing OH.PA,VA, and FL in Obama's lap we are told how unreasonable we are.
Well blacks have Obama 25% of his votes. Hispanics 15%. You can guess what % came from Gays. But an early priority for Obama will be to reward Hispanics and Gays for their votes in order to ensure their continued support in 2014. Just as it was an early priority for Obama to reward white woman by signing that Act aimed at reducing gender bias in pay. Nothing of course said about racial bias in pay which is as bad, maybe worse.
You watch all that TV and you have learned little. You are the one that doubted that Obama would win when most of us predicted a victory. The Dems owned the Hispanic vote, over 70 percent voted for Obama even though he did not reform immigration.Why. Because they trust him. You keep talking about race as usual but you forget the power of youth. Who brought out the votes for Obama and had Karl Rove in a muddle?
i see you never read my remarks to baseman, Rev Al, seignet, yuji and others.
I said that it will be a CLOSE election and that no one could predict who would win.
And indeed it was a close election with a mere 2% separation in votes in critical states like OH,VA,NC, and FL.
Now if you were listening to analysts you would have learned that much of teh swing to Obama came from mistakes by the GOP as in "rape is God's will", silly attempts to suppress the black vote, and a lying ad about Jeep shutting down plants in the USA. Because of this various groups, angered by these tactics registered their disgust by voting against the GOP.
This election was not a landslide for any body. Not for the GOP as they retained the majority of the seats in Congress. And not for Obama who won with only 50% of the popular vote, and similart margins in most swing states.
What we have is what you have in Guyana. Guyanese voted for the PPP (less than 50%), but deprived it of control over parliament.
Oh yes. Of course Caribj is the only one who specifically attempted a coalition of Hispanics, Blacks and Asians, with WHJITE youths to win, knowing that they couldnt win older WHITES.
This election is allabout various groups based on race, gender and sexual orientation. All, except blacks, will be pandered to in oder to ensure their continued support.
This is a FACT and I challenge you to contradict it.
Race, gender bender and more but on the day somebody had to get those people off their stools and go to vote for Obama. Who did it and how did it happen? You are the expert. Figure it out and come back.
Y'all wasting time with this eternal pessimist whose only goal is this campaign is to see what Obama can give to Blacks and hell begotten with any other issues of the day.
This is well put. Now more power to Obama as he shapes a better world.
Like the Rev went back to school to brush up pun he math?
The trouble is that the Congressional Republicans spent too much trying to sabotage the president's initiatives hoping it will guarantee he is a one term president instead of doing what the voters sent them to do which is good for the American people. Then they put all their stock on the 2010 elections not even stopping to think that the voter turnout was atypical of a general election turnout causing them to falsely believe that the American people had placed a referandum on the president. Now they are baffled and still refise to accept that the American society does not exist in that narrow world they live in. They are also mistaken by thinking that the voters want divided government sine most of them will return to congress not bothering to consider that they lost seats in both houses of congress especially when considering that the democrats outnumber the republicans three to one seeking re-election. But their holy prophet, Rush Linbaugh thinks that Obama won because he promised to keep supplying the "vagina group" with contraceptives. They should fisrt get rid of Rush.
But fortunately for America, there has been a game change. The drive to make him a one term president is dead. Now he will be able to do the things to move the country forward.
Something to consider, one of the excuses on Fix News is that Romney's campaign strategy was flawed despite the vast amount of money spent. They even said that his campaign wasted all that money.
If Romney could not successfully run a campaign, how can he successfully run a country as complex as the USA?
During the primaries, the republicans kept hoping that the right candidate enter the race and got temporary excited with every new entrant to the race. The trouble was not the messenger as much as the message that turned people off.
Basey and Rev would do themselves a lot of good by stop listening to Rush and Fix News. I listen to Rush as comic relief.
Y'all wasting time with this eternal pessimist whose only goal is this campaign is to see what Obama can give to Blacks and hell begotten with any other issues of the day.
Ok Kari. God that Obama signed a bill for pay equity for women. Supports gay issues and will make pleasing Hispanics a priority.
Note that the group which gave him 93% of their votes is wrong if it asks for the same attention that these other groups have asked, will ask and are getting.
The issue is either one has a policy where they do not look at different segments of the population or, when they do they look at ALL of them.
Instead the Dems pick and chose. Oh no need to bother with the blacks...they will vote for us regardless. less sure about the Hispanics and white females, so we cater to them.
Kari like many white liberals you view blacks a sgood for one thing. Being used to ensure victory for the Democrats and being forgotten immediately afterwards.
Note that the White House established a Women's Initiative. Expevt a Hispanic Initiative shortly.
Blacks ask for similar consideraion????? How dare they!! They need to shut up and be ready to vote for the Dems in 2014 and 2016.
Y'all wasting time with this eternal pessimist whose only goal is this campaign is to see what Obama can give to Blacks and hell begotten with any other issues of the day.
Ok Kari. God that Obama signed a bill for pay equity for women. Supports gay issues and will make pleasing Hispanics a priority.
Note that the group which gave him 93% of their votes is wrong if it asks for the same attention that these other groups have asked, will ask and are getting.
Alyuh look fuh dah. You gon vote black even if he kick you in the face. Obama knows that, so he panders to those who may not, thus blacks are shut-out. Obama will complete his 2nd term and leave you all scratching you two heads.
Romney would have got this economy moving and blacks and everyone else would have benefited from the job market. Socialism is a failed ideology.
Alyuh look fuh dah. You gon vote black even if he kick you in the face. Obama knows that, so he panders to those who may not, thus blacks are shut-out. Obama will complete his 2nd term and leave you all scratching you two heads.
Romney would have got this economy moving and blacks and everyone else would have benefited from the job market. Socialism is a failed ideology.
Well this is the type of response which Kari deserves. I mean if blacks support Obama, yet getting little for their extra energies, which guaranteed his victory TWICE. I expect mischief makes like baseman to say this.
And indeed what can I say? There is no way that a white President would have been so arrogantly sure of a high black turnout while delivering little to this group, yet pandering to other parts of his coalition.
You see what worries me is if this continues the GOP will come roaring back into states like OH,VA and FL next time, when lower black turn out allows them to win with a 1-2% margin.
Any way baseman given that Romney is part of a church which excluded blacks WITHIN HIS ADULT LIFE, and long after the Civil Rights lwas were past, excuse me if I express some skepticism that voting for Romney would have been a good idea. I do not recall any mention of Romney leading an effort to stop this bigotry.
First he kissed Rev Al, and now he's making nice with Baseman.
And Storborn-like or whatever D2 calls himself these days, CaribJ is now a Nate Silver making punditry over the 2016 Elections.
I see your hatred of Obama is fueling some creativity - like hugging up Baseman.
First he kissed Rev Al,
Clearly you couldnt be talking about me. I had daily arguments with Rev Al.
You cannot find ONE post where I agree with him and in fact compared him to you in your silly idolation of your heroes.
And ditto with baseman, even in the post above.
Your problem Kari is that you feel that blacks should be used.
Obama courted the votes from white females. From gays. From Hispanics.
In order to ensure that he got those votes he discussed THEIR issues.
Obama, like most Democrats, arrogantly assumed that he would get the vast majority of the black votes, so didnt see why he should waste time addressing issues of concern to the fact that the black middle class is DISAPPEARING under his administtration.
When one would have thought that, finally having a man in office who understood the problems, would have been willing to develop race neutral ways of solving the issue. Acknowledging that when the USA gets a cough, blacks get pneumonia, so have unique issues to deal with.
Instead we have a man less willing to entertain a discussion on the issue, except for silly episodes like the Beer Summit, than white presidents like Nixon, Carter and Clinton.
So Kari why do you think that it is OK for Obama to cater to white women, signing legislation to enforce fair pay, when black men suffer from the same issue of unfair pay and bias in the labor force?
You have no answer so will descend to Nehru type personal attacks and distortions.
Bai, you giving importance to the wrong things. Romney's church and other personal view should not be important. His economic plan if just what this country needs not populist social engineering, this will bring nothing. When a white man get's the support of blacks, he will reciprocate as he want's to keep it and to create a legacy. Just look how much Clinton did for Blacks. Obama has to please the non-blacks and is virtually pawned to them.
Blacks have to look past race and petty issues when seeking who to back. Caribj, a white man in your corner is better than 10 blacks. This goes for any minority, not only blacks.
Bai, you giving importance to the wrong things. Romney's church and other personal view should not be important. His economic plan if just what this country needs not populist social engineering, this will bring nothing. When a white man get's the support of blacks, he will reciprocate as he want's to keep it and to create a legacy. Just look how much Clinton did for Blacks. Obama has to please the non-blacks and is virtually pawned to them.
Blacks have to look past race and petty issues when seeking who to back. Caribj, a white man in your corner is better than 10 blacks. This goes for any minority, not only blacks.
look at this deformed wannabe GT klansman giving 'advice' to American Black people . . .
funny shit
Bai, you giving importance to the wrong things. Romney's church and other personal view should not be important. His economic plan if just what this country needs not populist social engineering, this will bring nothing. When a white man get's the support of blacks, he will reciprocate as he want's to keep it and to create a legacy. Just look how much Clinton did for Blacks. Obama has to please the non-blacks and is virtually pawned to them.
Blacks have to look past race and petty issues when seeking who to back. Caribj, a white man in your corner is better than 10 blacks. This goes for any minority, not only blacks.
look at this deformed wannabe GT klansman giving 'advice' to American Black people . . .
funny shit
Try something new nah.
Bai, you giving importance to the wrong things. Romney's church and other personal view should not be important. His economic plan if just what this country needs not populist social engineering, this will bring nothing. When a white man get's the support of blacks, he will reciprocate as he want's to keep it and to create a legacy. Just look how much Clinton did for Blacks. Obama has to please the non-blacks and is virtually pawned to them.
Blacks have to look past race and petty issues when seeking who to back. Caribj, a white man in your corner is better than 10 blacks. This goes for any minority, not only blacks.
look at this deformed wannabe GT klansman giving 'advice' to American Black people . . .
funny shit
Try something new nah.
why change, when i have ur profile down . . . juuust right, eh??
bai, relax & enjoy your 'fame'
Bai, you giving importance to the wrong things. Romney's church and other personal view should not be important. His economic plan if just what this country needs not populist social engineering, this will bring nothing. When a white man get's the support of blacks, he will reciprocate as he want's to keep it and to create a legacy. Just look how much Clinton did for Blacks. Obama has to please the non-blacks and is virtually pawned to them.
Blacks have to look past race and petty issues when seeking who to back. Caribj, a white man in your corner is better than 10 blacks. This goes for any minority, not only blacks.
Hundreds of years, and counting, of vehement racism, oppression, and violence is a petty issue?
Bai, you giving importance to the wrong things. Romney's church and other personal view should not be important.
Funny that6 you dont ask Indians in Guyana to look past race.
And how about 95 percent of Afro Guyanese voting PNC ?
Bai, you giving importance to the wrong things. Romney's church and other personal view should not be important.
Funny that6 you dont ask Indians in Guyana to look past race.
Of course, they should, but never forget what the PNC did. It's not Afros, it's the PNC they don't want. Unfortunately, 95% of the PNC are Afros.
And how about 95 percent of Afro Guyanese voting PNC ?
90% of Indians voting PPP and the rest for Nagamootoo. NONE voting for a non Indian.
Dont pretend that in Guyana Indians are any less racial in their voting than are blacks.
Funny that6 you dont ask Indians in Guyana to look past race.
Of course, they should, but never forget what the PNC did. It's not Afros, it's the PNC they don't want. Unfortunately, 95% of the PNC are Afros.
do you know that they same time that Burnham was oppressing Indians, according to you, the Mormons were excluding blacks, as recently as the mid 70s?
So why must blacks forget about the fact that Romney was perfectly happy with an all white church?
This speaks to the fact that Romney is not really bothered about whether all Americans have equal access to opportunity or not. An all white, all male environment in a society where 2/3 do not fit this criteria, does not bother him. He then whines when he lost.
But why the shock when his entire message was aimed at stimulating teh white male vote by playing the race and gender card.
Even now he claims his loss is due to indolent white youths, females and minorities who just want to live off the govt. Rather stupid given that these groups account for maybe 75% of the voters!!!
As usual you have different rules for blacks than you do for Indians.
Funny that6 you dont ask Indians in Guyana to look past race.
Of course, they should, but never forget what the PNC did. It's not Afros, it's the PNC they don't want. Unfortunately, 95% of the PNC are Afros.
do you know that they same time that Burnham was oppressing Indians, according to you, the Mormons were excluding blacks, as recently as the mid 70s?
So why must blacks forget about the fact that Romney was perfectly happy with an all white church?
This speaks to the fact that Romney is not really bothered about whether all Americans have equal access to opportunity or not. An all white, all male environment in a society where 2/3 do not fit this criteria, does not bother him. He then whines when he lost.
But why the shock when his entire message was aimed at stimulating teh white male vote by playing the race and gender card.
Even now he claims his loss is due to indolent white youths, females and minorities who just want to live off the govt. Rather stupid given that these groups account for maybe 75% of the voters!!!
As usual you have different rules for blacks than you do for Indians.
Circumstances are very different. Romney cannot roll back time even if he wanted to. His focus would be the economy or he would be out. PNC in power, it's back to beating, kicking, punching in the face and all the evil there was, and they have the military to back them up. Obama will finish and you will be left pondering what was accomplished.
Circumstances are very different. Romney cannot roll back time even if he wanted to.
Romney is now showing his true racist colors. He is calling the blacks and Hispanics who voted for Obama a bunch of lazy free loaders who just want to live off the govt. He didnt say that maybe he didnt listen to them, didnt show inclusion within those who surrounded him, and therefore didnt earn their trust.
So it appears as if we do not have to go back too far to see that Romney just has no respect for any one whose skin is darker than his.
So baseman I do not have to go back to 1978 to wonder about Romney. I need only go back to a few days ago, and then note that he was raised in an environment where blacks are scorned.
Now seriously. Who are the blacks around Romney? Does he know any blacks who will be part of his administration? Or does he have to go to the NAACP to get a binder?
Given his utterances what assurances do we have that he will be fair? If the economy grows but racists keep us out why should we care that it is growing?
Sorry baseman but nothing that Romney says or does assures me that he is not acloset racist. After all I still remember that his family used to vacation in a place called Ni99er Head. Again no protest from him.
According to the gospel of CaribJ Romney is just Obama in disguise. Who hates Blacks more than Romney? The answer, of course, is Obama.
Circumstances are very different. Romney cannot roll back time even if he wanted to.
Romney is now showing his true racist colors. He is calling the blacks and Hispanics who voted for Obama a bunch of lazy free loaders who just want to live off the govt.
What is Herman Cain's position? Romney needs to move off the scene, he is bitter and not the standard-bearer of the Rep message.
According to the gospel of CaribJ Romney is just Obama in disguise. Who hates Blacks more than Romney? The answer, of course, is Obama.
Caribj blame Burnham for blacks not having their share of the pie in Guyana. If he was alive, Burnham would have called Caribj a "katahar".
I can assure you that as bad as we are now we are much better off than then. Just look at the stock market and the fact that we have had no major bank collapses since then and the auto industry is back on its feet.
Baseman, please. Looking at the stock market tells you zero about the economy. You might as well look at Caesar's Palace. The reason we have had no major bank collapses is because of hyper-inflationary bailouts, culminating in the latest decision by the Fed to purchase $40 Billion per month of absolutely worthless crap from the megabanks, which is simply like giving them Christmas once a month. This will wipe out what little value the dollar has, while doing absolutely nothing for the economy. Imagine what could be done with that amount of money going into infrastructure. New York City could be saved, and people could have jobs. It's really rather silly to argue Republican vs. Democrat at this juncture -- they are both insane.
I can assure you that as bad as we are now we are much better off than then. Just look at the stock market and the fact that we have had no major bank collapses since then and the auto industry is back on its feet.
Baseman, please. Looking at the stock market tells you zero about the economy. You might as well look at Caesar's Palace. The reason we have had no major bank collapses is because of hyper-inflationary bailouts, culminating in the latest decision by the Fed to purchase $40 Billion per month of absolutely worthless crap from the megabanks, which is simply like giving them Christmas once a month. This will wipe out what little value the dollar has, while doing absolutely nothing for the economy. Imagine what could be done with that amount of money going into infrastructure. New York City could be saved, and people could have jobs. It's really rather silly to argue Republican vs. Democrat at this juncture -- they are both insane.
Henry, I don't think that was my post. I don't equate the stock market with the main street economy and the Auto industry would have been back even in a "managed bankruptcy" as some had proposed.
I've been hearing of the demise of the US dollar for quite some time now. It is supposed to be worthless by now. If anyone has this worthless piece of paper lying around you can dispose of them by giving it all to me. I will come pick up - just tell me the pick-up point and I'll be there
I've been hearing of the demise of the US dollar for quite some time now. It is supposed to be worthless by now. If anyone has this worthless piece of paper lying around you can dispose of them by giving it all to me. I will come pick up - just tell me the pick-up point and I'll be there
The USD will be the dominant reserve for the foreseeable future. The current debasing is expected given the deficits, sluggish economy and low interest rates. The low dollar is helping exports and making manfg in the US more competitive. Don't count the US out too quickly, even with Obama incharge.
The USD will be the dominant reserve for the foreseeable future. The current debasing is expected given the deficits, sluggish economy and low interest rates.
Not to mention the Fed's commitment to buy $40 Billion worth of worthless crap from the giant banks every month for the foreseeable future.
According to the gospel of CaribJ Romney is just Obama in disguise. Who hates Blacks more than Romney? The answer, of course, is Obama.
Caribj blame Burnham for blacks not having their share of the pie in Guyana. If he was alive, Burnham would have called Caribj a "katahar".
I see that you think that Burnham was a great man.
I however see Burnham as a man who destroyed Guyana.
Baseman go and erect your monument to Burnham's greatness.
I do not expect to read you whining about Burnham in the future when you advocate that black Guyanese ought to be punished by Indians.
You should praise him to the highest.
According to the gospel of CaribJ Romney is just Obama in disguise. Who hates Blacks more than Romney? The answer, of course, is Obama.
Kari tell me why Obama has OPENLY advocated programs opf interest to gays (6% ofr those who voted for him) and Hispanics (15% of those who voted for him) yet says NOTHING about issues that face blacks.
Like leading a discussion as to why 10% of black home owners have lost their homes, the black middle class is in deeper trouble than it has been for a generation and that 40% of those who have been unemployed for more than 6 months are blacks, and of course the fact that a black college graduate under Obama is as likely to be unemployed as a white male with only high school education (both with 7% unemployment).
Answer these questions. If you have no answers, other than personal insults I will understand. But making these silly and bitchy comments makes you look like Nehru.
At this point Kari I am beginning to wonder if you dont have a statue of Obama in your home, with burning incense and offerings.
Basically Kari black people are WORSE off relative to the rest of the country than we were under Bush. This when Obama would NOT have been elected, and re-elected without a very high black turn out.
So YES Kari Obama might hate blacks as much as Romney does!!!! The difference is that Romney hates us because we didnt vote for him.
According to the gospel of CaribJ Romney is just Obama in disguise. Who hates Blacks more than Romney? The answer, of course, is Obama.
Caribj blame Burnham for blacks not having their share of the pie in Guyana. If he was alive, Burnham would have called Caribj a "katahar".
I see that you think that Burnham was a great man.
I however see Burnham as a man who destroyed Guyana.
Baseman go and erect your monument to Burnham's greatness.
I do not expect to read you whining about Burnham in the future when you advocate that black Guyanese ought to be punished by Indians.
You should praise him to the highest.
Burnham was a great leader for the Afro community. If Indians ever had such an Indo-centric leader like LFSB was Afro-centric, Indians in Guyana would have been much better off than they are today. I don't say he was great for me, but was great for his community.
Burnham was a great leader for the Afro community. If Indians ever had such an Indo-centric leader like LFSB was Afro-centric, Indians in Guyana would have been much better off than they are today. I don't say he was great for me, but was great for his community.
The last thing Guyana needs is another "-centric" leader.
How would you know what Guyana wants? You too busy thieving from the country's coffers to even notice the greed of the PPP regime.
Burnham was a great leader for the Afro community.
Look at the condition of blacks in 1985 and then tell me again that Burnham was a great man.
The educational system was the most importnat ladder of upward mobility for blacks. Burnham destroyed that. The result is INCREASED illiteracy among blacks a s many of todays black kids have illiterate parents whose time ws spent on marching to praise Burnham, mass games, etc, instead of education..
THe system of slavery and the attempts by the former slave owners to destroy farms and other small enterprises owned by blacks resulted in blacks being risk averse and excessively dependent on the civil service instead of private sector employment.
Burnham destroyed buaxite industry one which many blacks depended on, not only in LInden, but many village households on the ECD and WCBerbice depended on remittances from those working in the mines.
Burnham fostered a dependency on him, instead of the creation of an independent business class, rewarded laziness and incompetence and chased out the black middle class, even though it was from this group that he came.
So please tell me how did blacks benefit from Burnham? By putting petty tyrants in positions to destroy and harrassing those blacks who dared speak out against him?
Much of the Indo business class today arose from the Burenham era. When he destroyed the economy it was the speculators who benefitted....many of them being Indians.
Now imagine if Cheddi had been around instead of Burnham. Cheddi would have destroyed the small business sector, much of that dominated by Indians. He would have created a class of incompetent and tyrannical brutes, charged with heading state owned agencies, whose power drunken actions would have destroyed Guyana. Much as Burnham's brutes did.
And Indians would have been experts of Marxist Leninism, because that, plus being Indian, would have been the only qualifications which mattered.
Just be glad that it was Burnham and not Cheddi who took Guyana down its communist path to destruction.
Can't argue much with CaribJ on the thesis that Burnham's rule helped small businesses, most of whom were Indians. We also see a situation today where the assets of the State are given to, and run by, a clique - call it an oligarchy if you like, that is anemic to small business.
Dr Cheddie Jagan post-1992 was interested in small business development, and especially from diaspora investment - the source of hard currency. Major infrastructure investments obviously lacked native capital involvement and would require foreign investments. You certainly would not have had state capitalism (the alternative economic organization that is dominant) or socialism. State involvement would have been to protect worker's rights yeah, but it would have guided small private investments.
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