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Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by asj:


Guyana president Donald Ramotar

using his office budget

to hide paying Fat Cats, Big Poke

and Crab Louse big $$$$$$


David Degroot -  

Crab Louse/Ghost Writer


 Gail Taxiera

Fat-Cat $967,985

Mahendra Roopnarine Freedom House Operative

$395,000 per month


Kwame McCoy

Presidential Information Liason Officer

$334,850 per month

Chitraykha Dass - 

Freedom House Secretary

$250,000 per month

Shanta Goberdan

GINA Editor-in-Chief

$295,460 per month

Neaz Subhan

Gina Director

$295,530 per Month

Odinga Lamumba

Black House of Israel Thug

Dr Roger Luncheon

Head President Secretariat

$895,326 per month

Hydar Ally

Deputy Head President Secretariat

$550,064 per month

Office of the President

 Running a Dharam Shala

for Friends and Cronies

Charles Ramson Jr

Technical Legal Director

$430,196 per month

Joseph Singh

Special Assistant to the President

$667,440 per month

Eshwar Persaud

OP's Protocol Advisor

$268,000 per month

Kit Nascimento

Special Advisor

Leroy Cort

Cabinet Monitor Officer

$155,628 per month

Chitraykha Dass

Presidential Political Liason Officer

$255,000 per month

Kwame Gilbert

Social Policy Officer

$294,585 per Month


Black House Of Isreal Thug

Cheddi Jagan 11

(Joey Son)

$489,666 per month

Desmond Kissoon

President Political Liaison Officer Region 9


Clive Lloyd

Presidential Advisor on Sports

$721,000 per month

Norman McClean


Zulfikar Mustapha

Head, Community Relations Liaison Officer

$307,600 per Month

Philip Bynoe

Black House of Israel Thug


Pay Sugar Workers G$800. per punt

while others are paid more than 

800% above the average worker....

Originally Posted by asj:








Hate to say this. When Odeen Ishmael was in Minneapolis in the early 90's I spoke to him about drunk teachers and physical abuse of school children. His answer was "that's a culture we cultivate". Go ahead and criticise the PPP. I am sure if I told him about bribery, his answer would have been the same.

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by asj:



Signing of Bills does not mean the date for the damn Local Government Elections....dont wait till another 20 years.

One cannot believe the PPP/C with their corruptions and lies.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

hold your horses "asj" signing of the bills are a step closer to local government elections as of today those bills are now law, and GECOM will have no choice than to carry out the process, local government elections are literally months away.


When I see that Local Government Elections are announced, then I will believe, right now the PPP/C are crooks and corrupted, they are liers even the President Donald Ramotar lies,  I have had my experience.

I would not be surprised if they passed the bills that were tabled just for APNU/AFC to go with the anti money laundering bill.





President Donald Ramotar on Wednesday assented to three of the four Local Government Bills which were passed in the National Assembly three months after they were passed by the National Assembly, the Government Information Agency (GINA) reported.

Head of the Presidential Secretariat Dr. Roger Luncheon during his post-Cabinet media briefing said that the President assented to the Bills: the Fiscal Transfers Bill 2012, Municipal and District Councils (Amendment) Bill and the Local Government Commission Bill.

The Local Government (Amendment) Bill which engendered a lot of controversy during enactment, and which has not been resolved, was not assented to. The HPS expressed the hope that time would resolve the issue of this particular Bill.


Using its majority in the Select Committee, the opposition has stripped the Local Government minister of the right to hire and fire Neighbourhood Democractic Councillors and handed them to the Local Government Commission. Government's desire to give the minister the right to appoint Regional Executive Officers to the Neighbourhood Councils was also struck down by the opposition. Government has, however, argued that it should play a major role in local governnance since it is central government that spends the bulk of cash in locally governed areas. The opposition has countered by saying accusing government of attempting to dilute the local government system through ministerial diktat.

The Bills had seen strong debate in the National Assembly with arguments from both sides of the House before being eventually passed in early August.

The Local Government Commission Bill No. 13/2012 seeks to establish the Local Government Commission, as provided for by Article 78A of the Constitution, to provide for the Commission’s functions and procedure, and for connected and incidental purposes.

The Fiscal Transfers Bill 2012 seeks to enhance the autonomy of local authorities in Guyana, and assist in their quest to become financially viable.

The Municipal and District Councils (Amendment) Bill 2012 seeks to amend the Municipal and District Council’s Act, Chapter 28:01 so as to revise the provision for municipal councils.



QUOTE "The Local Government (Amendment) Bill which engendered a lot of controversy during enactment, and which has not been resolved, was not assented to. The HPS expressed the hope that time would resolve the issue of this particular Bill. UNQUOTE










AFC gives Government ultimatum

November 7, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 


As tension surrounds the controversial Anti Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Bill (AML/CFT), Leader of the Alliance For Change (AFC), Khemraj Ramjattan, has said that his party is prepared to go head to head with the government today. He added that it will not be giving its support unless certain conditions are effected sooner rather than later.
The anti-money laundering Bill that has caused the government and the Parliamentary opposition to be gridlocked over its passage into Law will be up for debate today.

Khemraj Ramjattan

Khemraj Ramjattan


Ramjattan said, “We will not support that Bill unless the Public Procurement Commission is established and we will not shift with regard to this position.”

The Attorney at Law has also indicated that his party will be calling for the Parliamentary Select Committee to be restarted for the purposes of getting a more perfect AML/CFT Bill. “We also want the work to be resumed so that stakeholders such as the revered economist, Dr. Clive Thomas can make his submissions before the committee.”
Ramjattan says that he feels that the Procurement Commission is necessary as it will serve as an internal scrutinizer of matters relating to money laundering and other processes that can create wealth through corruption. This, he said, will serve to excellently complement the inspection done by outside powers.
“No longer shall we allow our constitutional rights to be violated,” the AFC leader emphatically expressed.
More importantly, Ramjattan is saying that his party will not give its support to the Bill unless certain conditions are in place by next week.
He said, “By next week we want the government to firstly, send the names of its nominees to the Public Accounts Committee, then for the names to be sent back to Parliament and be given two-third of the majority support, then have these five persons sworn in by the President and then we want a financial paper approving that the five commissioners get monies to do its work.”
Ramjattan said that the Attorney General, Anil Nandlall, and his team can go to the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force (CFATF) and “tell them to bear with us as we are establishing a much needed Procurement Commission as well as fine tuning the AML Bill.”

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by asj:

There is no way that the PPP/C will win if Elections were held today.



Thankfully, there aren't enough DIRTY PNC INDIANS to deny the PPP victory in the next election in Guyana.



Rev Roly Poly Aly, you seem to forget that your mother was a Dirty PNC INdian.

Bai we need not get to Rev Mama,

HIs mother and father supported Burnham.

This and other picture shows the power of cooperation. All those that are so concerned about a PPP/C victory ask yourselves how many Indians have unity and want to shoe up at the polls on the day. On the other hane one can't help but marvel at black unity in Guyana. They will scream and fight and cuss and kick but when it comes time for voting they forget their differences and turn out in large numbers.

     Comrades how many of you Indians have switched parties and hang your mouths hoping for a morsel from the PNC? That is why you will be kicked because you lack unity. No wonder Granger is smiling because he has you K00lies in his pocket and he will twist you and turn you as he likes.  

Bhai Sugrim


During the PNC dictatorship days, they (PNC supporters) would prefer to eat grass and drink salt water but they worshipped Dictator Burnham like a God. Take a close look at what some of our people (PNC Indians) are doing today.




Opposition defeats amendments to

anti-money laundering bill,



Opposition defeats amendments to anti-money laundering bill

Guyana’s opposition-controlled National Assembly Thursday night voted down the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering of Financing Terrorism (AML/CFT) bill, placing the country on the path to international sanctions.

"Guyana is now in jeopardy of being labeled a high risk country for international financial transactions, the ramifications of which have already begun to see delays in banking and money transfer transactions. These financial delays will result in increased commodity pricing and higher transaction fees to all Guyanese," said Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh moments after the defeat.

The parliamentary coalition A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance For Change teamed up to vote solidly against the financial crimes bill 33- 28.

Among those on the government side not voting was Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee who was hospitalized Thursday night for an undisclosed medical condition. He was an in-patient at the Woodlands Hospital where he was undergoing a series of tests.

Voting down of the AML/CFT was almost a foregone conclusion after the combined opposition voted to throw out a petition by the Private Sector Commission for the 65-seat House to approve the amendments as required by the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force (CFATF) and the global watchdog, the Financial Action Task Force (FATF).

Government and the Western diplomatic community have repeatedly warned that if the amendments are not approved by this month, Guyana ccan face serious sanctions by the Financial Action Task Force. They include severe restrictions and higher costs in conducting international cash transactions including remittances for ordinary people and the purchase of necessary commodities like fuel and pharmaceuticals.

The AFC has said that it would support passage of amendments to the Anti Money Launderiing and Countering of Financing Terrorism (Amendments) Bill if government first establishes the constitutionally required Public Procurement Commission aimed at ensuring transparency. APNU's support is hinged on ensuring that the law is properly amended and the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) is adequately staffed and equipped.

Following is a statement issued by Finance Minister, Dr. Ashni Singh moments after the bill was defeated:

It is highly disappointing that the National Assembly was unable to pass the Anti-Money Laundering/Countering the Financing of Terrorism Amendment Bill (AML/CFT). It is even more disappointing that the much needed amendment has been impressed upon the Joint Opposition by the People and Government of Guyana, the Business Community and the Diplomatic Community.

Government has made exhaustive efforts over 6 months through 17 meetings to involve, inform and accommodate the Opposition in the Special Select Committee (SSC) of the National Assembly, to discuss the amendment to the Bill. Due to numerous failed attempts by the Joint Opposition to meet, Government proceeded with the business of the SSC as the Amendments are critical to the economic and social wellbeing of Guyana and its people. At no point in time did the Opposition offer any recommendations or suggestions on how the committee can move its business forward. Therefore, the Government representatives proceeded to conclude the work of the Committee without any input from the APNU or AFC and tabling it in the National Assembly.

It is disappointing that they have made no effort to cooperate or involve themselves at this critical juncture, over such vital legislation. Yet this lack of involvement and cooperation by the AFC and the APNU further supports Government’s long held position, that the Joint Opposition has but one intention: to disrupt the economic, social, infrastructural and international credibility of Guyana through its one seat majority. This is evident in their constant attacks and inflexible opposition to any and all developmental projects proposed by Government. The more prominent projects that have been subjected to the AFC and APNU’s unwavering opposition are the Amaila Falls Hydro Power Project, the Marriott Hotel Project, the Specialty Hospital and now, the AML/CFT amendments.

The failure of the National Assembly to pass this legislation has far reaching consequences that have been shared with the Opposition and the public over recent months. Guyana is now in jeopardy of being labeled a high risk country for international financial transactions, the ramifications of which have already begun to see delays in banking and money transfer transactions. These financial delays will result in increased commodity pricing and higher transaction fees to all Guyanese.

Despite this delay, the public should be assured that Government has done all it can, within reasonable scope, to prevent these unfortunate consequence from ensuing. While this was not the anticipated outcome, Government remains committed to finding a solution to this impasse so that the common man and woman will not have to bear the consequence to this failed legislative action. Government will now return to the drawing board where it will collectively regroup and weigh its options to decide on the most feasible course of action that will benefit all of Guyana.


REO executes Govt’s plan to stifle Region Eight

November 6, 2013 | By | Filed Under Letters 


Dear Editor I have observed from time to time that there are lots of negative reports being peddled by certain officials about the  Regional Chairman and Councillors of Region Eight. While it is not the policy of the RDC to be responding to every critic, it is important that we respond sometimes to set the record straight. First of all, the reasons we chose to be Councillors is because we want to assist in the development of our Region, and also to ensure that Region Eight plays an important role in Guyana’s development. To this effect we are prepared to work with Government and all the other stakeholders to make this a reality. However, while we from the RDC are working assiduously in the Region to realize this dream, we are not getting support from the Regional Administration and I guess it is because of politics. Had the Regional Executive Officer been cooperating with us, many of the issues affecting the residents in the Region could have been dealt with at the regional level, since our policy is to deal with issues at the regional level first and see how best we can address them. It is only when we are not getting anywhere that we would take it to another level. Because of this non cooperation from the REO, our every effort to bring development to the people is being stymied. When the GWI contractors  wanted the region excavator to  assist in clearing the pipelines around Mahdia so that the residents can access potable water he refused to  send the excavator. The operators claimed that the excavator keys were lost. After a little persuasion the keys were found and the excavator was sent. Lo and behold the excavator was re-directed a little after to load sand for a private person. When the Councillors wanted the region dump truck to do some self help road repairs  to the inner Mahdia road we were told by the operator that all the truck need was a pair of u- clamp to start working. When we sourced the u-clamp from a private person and took it, we were told by the REO that the truck need additional parts. He then give us a list of parts that the truck needed; the only thing missing from that list that he give us to make a complete truck was a shell for a truck. When the garbage site in Mahdia was filled to the road and the council requested that he send the RDC excavator to clear it. He refused, claiming that it was too small when in fact that was the same excavator the former REO was using to clear the dump site. What is important to note is whenever the region vehicle is required to do any work that will benefits the residents there is always a problem with the vehicle, however, when private persons need them they are always in working order. Our Regional Chairman wrote him of his concerns about his behaviour but he still continued with his anti-development behaviour, the Regional Chairman even wrote the Minister of Local Government complaining about behaviour to no avail. After he was continuing with this non-cooperative behaviour the council was forced to move a motion of no-confidence against him. Anybody with a modicum of common sense would realize that these negative behaviour by the REO is a sinister plan by Central Government to make the region ungovernable because they lost the Region at the last elections. However,  we will remain resolute in our obligations to the electorate of Region Eight as we are prepare to fight the struggle until good governance come to Guyana. We know that one day good will overcome evil. Naieem Gafoor Regional Democratic Councillor


Govt. used $3.3B without parliamentary


November 8, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 


Quite a slap in the face of the National Assembly, government went ahead and spent $3,384,528,708 to provide cash to several entities and projects that the Opposition didn’t see as worthy of receiving state funds.
Just like last year, the allocations set aside in 2013 for the National Communications Network (NCN) -$81,337,000 and Government Information Agency (GINA) – $135,858,000, were reduced to $1 each.  However, the capital funding remained as provided for by the government, with NCN having $65M and GINA $13M.
Allocations set aside for Guyana Power and Light Inc.(GPL) were cut almost directly in half, as the Minister of Finance had provided $10.2B which was reduced by $5.2B, leaving a subvention of $5B for the company.
Cuts were also made to the Ministry of Public Works and Health. The Ministry of Public Works suffered one of the largest cuts of $5.6B, while the Ministry of Health lost $1.25B that was provided for the Specialty Hospital.
But Minister of Finance Dr. Ashni Singh went ahead and spent, despite such actions by the Opposition.
According to a financial paper laid in parliament yesterday, the Office of the President through “Subsidies and contributions to Local Organizations” used $217,194,998; this was in addition to the money that was allocated to that line item. The document stated that that money was divided between NCN and GINA; GINA got $135,857,999 and NCN: $81,336,999.
It didn’t stop there; the government, through the Office of the Prime Minister, also spent $1,777,000,000 for capital transfer to the Guyana Power and Light Inc (GPL).
Then, under the Ministry of Public Works, government used $21,065,925 to aid in the completion of Hinterland airstrips and $80,000,000 as a grant for the acquisition of Civil Aviation equipment.
Also, for the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) Modernisation Project, government used $1,063,137,537 foreign cash and $65,432,848.
Further, under Ministry of Health – Regional and Clinical Services, saying its provisions for the Specialty Hospital Project, the government used $133,250,000 foreign cash and $34,456,400.
This year’s National Budget was approved $31.35 billion less than what was originally presented to the House.
Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh had presented a $208.8 billion budget on March 25.  After a series of amendments, the budget was reduced to $177.4 billion.
Nineteen billion dollars was cut from the allocation for the Low Carbon Development Strategy – this was the largest cut.


 Guyana Changing Politics

PPP loss = AFC Gain

PNC Loss = WPA Gain



Asj .....Rev can keep make up numbers

until"Jagdeo, Ramotar & De Black House Of Isreal Thugs"

get kicked out of office.... as soon as they call elections.


These Funny Fellas like experiment,

Push front in back....

or the other way round

Turning things over,

Backside, Inside-out,

Upside-down,and any Funny Position....

But however dem turn

the facts do not change...


PPP lose Votes because of

Jagdeo & Ramotar Corruption



PPP lose Votes because of their links to

Black House Of Isreal Thugs



PPP lose Votes because the

Indians decided they will not

waste their vote on the PPP like before.




AFC gained Votes because of

Moses Nagamootoo...



AFC Gains became....

PPP Loss




WPA joined PNC to form APNU.



PNC lost a lot of Votes too

This loss was of no effect to APNU



Because Every Vote Lost by PNC

was picked up by WPA.




Afro Guyanese Saw Dr Walter Rodney Party

teaming up with the Head of the GDF

to bring changes......



Dr Walter Rodney show Afro Guyanese

how easy the WPA can get

 all the PNC Votes & Supporters

Burnham was afraid of Walter Rodney WPA

that's why Rodney was Killed by PNC Agents...



Abolish these duty-free concessions for the ‘fat cats’

November 8, 2013 | By | Filed Under Letters 


Dear Editor, According to the saying, “There is no good tax,” and as much as we hate paying taxes, we must face the fact that taxes are necessary to fund social, infrastructural and other developmental projects which benefit all of us. As such, all patriotic Guyanese have an obligation to contribute by paying our fair share of taxes. The problem is, most ordinary citizens are forced to bear the burden of taxes while the political fat cats and their wealthy friends are given a free pass. This is unfair and often illegal. The working class in Guyana is generally underpaid and struggling to make ends meet, yet they are faced with an overwhelming tax burden, making it impossible for many to escape the clutches of poverty. Meanwhile, politicians and their friends, who earn millions and receive millions more in contracts and kickbacks, simply do not pay their share. This cannot be allowed to continue: we must all be treated equally under the law. Politicians must not be allowed to get away with non-payment of taxes in addition to getting duty free concessions on their luxury vehicles while ordinary Guyanese are suffering to make ends meet. I intend to run for Mayor of Georgetown and I fully intend to do my part by paying taxes. Moreover, I refuse to be a part of the duty free concession racket once I assume office. I wish that other politicians would follow my lead and play their part in national development instead of riding the breaking backs of the working poor. Mark A. Benschop Independent Party
















Dem Crab Louse Kwame & Rev

been coming here trying to fool us



that any member of the East Indian community

who joins or associates with the Opposition

loses their “Indianness”.


Show us which Law in Guyana...say

You lose your Indianness

if you Vote for AFC...

Rev must be reminded

both he and Kwame

don't mek del laws for us



“And apparently you (the East Indian)

need their (the PPP’s) permission to do so

(ie, join the Opposition)


—a permission which they would not give,”


Show us the Law which say

Indians Need Permission

From Kwame, Rev or Jagdeo

to Vote for AFC



“What they don’t understand

is that AFC Members fought for changes

in our Constitution and

has enshrined in it freedom of association,

which is a right inherited

by every single citizen in Guyana.


So members of any ethnic group

don’t need the permission of any person

to associate with any group or individual.”


Show us the Law which say

 Kwame, Dem_Guy & Jagdeo

must decide who we vote for



Here are the Laws of Guyana


Please see for yourself,

we are not making this up...


LAWS OF GUYANA....(go to page 19/146)

Criminal Law(offences)      Cap.  8:01       21


TITLE 25  Offence against Morality


351   Selling, Publishing or Exhibiting Obscene Matter

352   Committing acts of gross indecency with male person         

353   Attempt to commit unnatural offence  

354   Buggery  

355   Doing indecent act   



The Guyana law say Hang those

who Practice, Committ, or Encourage  

Buggery & Buggering .......

This is the Law

Rev, Kwame, Ewe-Gee or Bharrat

          Who Vex ....Vex            


So...People like Rev,  Kwame or Jagdeo

need to respect the constitution

 and Quit being Racist....

Further ....let those @untymen

who talk about "Dirty Indians"

Show us the Law which say

Berbicians must Vote for

or support Buggery


If they want to tell us about

the Constitution or the law...

Speak the Truth....

and Tell us @unty-men should be hanged.


Show us the Law which say

Indians must Vote for B@tty-Boy


Why Rev, Kwame or Jagdeo...

do not tell us the truth...

Now de Crab Louse

will refuse to tell us.....

what the Constitution say

we must do to Dem type of fellas????


Show us the Law which say

Clie must Vote for @unty-man


The PPP’s salaries to its top employees is shameless enrichment on the backs of Guyanese

July 29, 2012 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,


Trinidad and Tobago is an oil-rich Caribbean country. Its GDP per capita is US $17,158. Guyana is a downtrodden poor country with a GDP per capita of US $2869, almost six times less than Trinidad. Over a hundred thousand Guyanese have fled from Guyana to Trinidad for a better life. There are many starving themselves in Guyana by rationing what they can eat to make ends meet every day in this country. These people are the forgotten working class poor, discarded by the PPP. So, what is Trinidad with its GDP per capita six times Guyana paying its top civil servants compared to destitute Guyana? The 89th Report of the Salary Review Commission of Trinidad & Tobago noted that the Permanent Secretary to the Prime Minister and Head of the Public Service, a position similar to that held by Roger Luncheon as Head of OP, was paid TT $29,300 or $922,007 Guyana dollars per month. Roger Luncheon who is head of OP in a failed state created by the PPP gets paid $895,326 Guyana dollars. The Permanent Secretary to the Prime Minister of Trinidad & Tobago, a country with a GDP per capita six times that of Guyana and a nation that is a developed nation compared to the filth and wreckage of the PPP’s Guyana is paid just $26,681 more than Roger Luncheon, the very man who reportedly said under oath there were no qualified Africans in Guyana to hold key ambassadorial postings. Well, what qualifies Roger Luncheon to obtain a salary on par with his counterpart in wealthy Trinidad and Tobago? Presidential Advisor, Gail Teixeira, reportedly earns $967,985, which is shockingly more than the Head of the Presidential Secretariat and more than the Permanent Secretary to the Prime Minister of Trinidad & Tobago earns.


Hydar Ally as Deputy Head of the Office of the President collects $550,064, which is more than the Clerk of the Trinidad and Tobago Senate and Deputy Secretary to the T&T Cabinet. Major General (ret’d) Joseph G Singh who serves in the OP as a Special Assistant to the President is paid some $667,440, which is more than the monthly salaries of the Head of T&T’s Elections and Boundaries Commission and all of all the Chairmen of the various Service Commissions in Trinidad. When Kwame McKoy, that incredible danger to decency and mocker of competency, can earn more than a Junior Legal Officer, State Counsel, Parliamentary Counsel and State Solicitor in an advanced country like Trinidad & Tobago, it confirms the medieval degeneracy Guyana practices. The same applies to the Attorney-at-Law from OP with less than two years since graduation commanding a salary of $489,666 per month.


We have a situation of barefaced entitlement where those holding onto power see nothing wrong in fleecing this country by paying themselves handsomely while pensioners earn a measly $10,000 per month. If these figures do not represent a brazenly debauched act of enrichment from the public purse of an economically crippled country, what does? Has the opposition verified these salaries? Have they asked for proof that these salaries are as stated by the PPP? Because I don’t trust the PPP and who knows whether they have reduced these numbers to minimize the outrageousness of their enrichment. Furthermore, are these salaries before any gratuities, vacation pay and other perks? With Ashni Singh admitting that over 180 OP staff now out of work because of the budget cuts, who cares when this kind of money is being paid to people to be grossly incompetent? We are now witness to political patronage gone wild. The PPP has created a welfare system to benefit freeloading party members, friends and cronies. Did the PPP impose a crippling 16% VAT on poor people in this country to transfer this astounding kind of wealth to a few party elites? This is a downright travesty that the people of Guyana must condemn. They did not hand their taxes over for this kind of fattening while they suffer.

M. Maxwell


AG report uncoversâ€Ķ.Ramroop’s New GPC gifted more than US$15M in drug contracts

November 10, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 



â€Ķoverstocking leads to more than US$1.4M in waste – AG  

The Auditor General flagged the New Guyana Pharmaceutical Corporation (GPC), owned by Bharrat Jagdeo’s best friend, Dr Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’ Ramroop, for questionable transactions last year as it relates to drug purchases.

New GPC owner, Dr. Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’ Ramroop

New GPC owner, Dr. Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’ Ramroop

Speaker of the National Assembly, Raphael Trotman, made the report public this past week and it has revealed that Ramroop’s New GPC received in excess of $3B to supply drugs to the Ministry of Health and the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC). Another $1B was spread across more than a dozen local and international companies. Ramroop received the largest chunk of the drugs purchased by Government last year and according to the Auditor General, this was done based on the fact that he was pre-qualified since 2010. This means that in 2010 Ramroop’s New GPC would have been selected to supply drugs to Government without having to go to public tender until that prequalification status expires. The government through between the Ministry of Health and GPHC spent just over $4B in drug purchases last year. The Auditor General in his report did have cause to question several of the transactions given that they were undertaken without valid Bank Guarantees. GPHC last year spent $1.6B in drugs of which $1.1B was handed to Ramroop’s New GPC. The Ministry of Health last year spent $2.7B procuring drugs of which $1.8B was given to Ramroop’s New GPC. According to the Auditor General, of the $1.1B handed to Ramroop from the Hospital for drugs, the Ministry of Health was noted to have paid $117M to New GPC on behalf of GPHC. The report said, “It could not be determined whether the supplier had satisfied the requirements for bank guarantees with respect to the contracts, since these were not provided for examination.” GPHC in responding to the Auditor General’s request confirmed that “there were no bank guarantees since payments made to the New GPC Inc. were on a monthly basis and not a one-time payment to reflect the contracted value.” Deliveries from these contracts were also made periodically during the year. According to the Auditor General, at the time of writing the audit report earlier this year, New GPC Inc. was still to deliver more than $8M in medical supplies to the hospital. The Auditor General also found that GPHC entered into a supplementary contract with the New GPC Inc for medical supplies valued at $114.5M and this was paid for by the Ministry of Health. At the time of reporting, earlier this year, “New GPC Inc. was still to deliver medical supplies valued at $58.6M,” on that supplementary contract. This would mean that New GPC was still to supply a total of $66.6M in drugs to the Hospital at the time the report was completed earlier this year. The Auditor General additionally found when a physical verification exercise was conducted at the GPHC off site location and the Pharmacy Bond, that there were 265 instances of expired drugs as at June 2013, totalling $65M. Meanwhile over at the Ministry of Health, the Auditor General uncovered an even direr situation. According to the Auditor General, the transactions with New GPC Inc. and the Ministry of Health included fifteen contracts valued at $1.6B. The contracts were supported by five bank guarantees and while they were required to be valid for one year, each of those supplied by Ramroop’s New GPC, had a validity of only three months and a set expiry pattern in months ending August 2012, January 2013 and April 2013. “There were no guarantees in force at the time of the examination, but the contractor was still to deliver goods valued at $164.6M” Even more worrying was the fact that the Ministry was also still to receive drugs that it paid for as far back as 2008. “At the time of reporting, outstanding deliveries for the year 2011 totalled $59.8Mâ€ĶThe position remained the same for 2008, in that the Ministry is still to provide evidence to support deliveries valued at $79.3M,” the Auditor General said. The Auditor General also found that “large quantities of pharmaceuticals and other medical supplies were kept in stock at a number of bonds and warehousesâ€ĶIn consideration of the fact that there were 327 items of expired stock with an approximated value of $208.090M, overstocking must have been a contributory factor.” This would mean that between GPHC and the Ministry of Health, more than $273M in drugs had to be discarded last year.


[] - Chairman of the Governance and Security Committee of the Private Sector Commission (PSC) Captain Gerald Gouveia is now questioning the Combined Opposition’s friendliness to the Private Sector after A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) in conjunction with the Alliance for Change (AFC) voted against a petition by the Private Sector Commission (PSC) in the National Assembly on Thursday, November 7.

The PSC had decided to petition the National Assembly to pass the Amendments to the Anti – Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) Amendment Bill as they are fearful of the repercussions facing Guyana if the amendments are not made into law.

Gouveia who is currently abroad said he was made aware of the news this morning and expressed grave disappointment that both the petition and the AML/CFT bill was voted down by a majority opposition vote.

He told iNews, “I really don’t know what the opposition’s strategy and objective is, we have talked at length of the damages not passing the bill will have on the economy, businesses and jobs” he said, adding that “they are not meeting with the private sector, I’m simply shocked, this sounds very anti – Private Sector and scornful.”

Gouveia said the Private sector Commission submitted the petition in good faith and it is simply disappointing the stance the opposition took.






Here you go Gerry, read what's happening in your govt. Still feeling shocked as to why the bill won't be passed by the opposition?

Last edited by cain

Suriname police rescue teenage

Guyanese girls from sex trade

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Suriname police rescue teenage Guyanese girls from sex trade

PARAMARIBO, Suriname, CMC – The police have rescued three teenage Guyanese girls who were kept as sex slaves in a brothel in a gold mining township in the Suriname's interior.

The police report that during a raid of the brothel, three individuals including a Guyanese woman, allegedly the owner of the brothel, her husband and a bodyguard were arrested.

The girls reportedly told detectives that they were brought to Suriname under the pretence that they would be working in a shop. But instead they were forced into prostitution in a brothel in Cabanafo in the Lawa region, a gold field close to the border with French Guiana.

“The girls were forced into prostitution. If they refused they were beaten and all the money they received from customers were seized by the brothel owner”, said police spokesman Humphrey Naarden.

The victims allegedly crossed the Suriname-Guyana border illegally.

Meanwhile the authorities are still looking for two other Guyanese girls who at the time of the raid place were not present.

According to Naarden one victim is a fifteen-year old girl whose parents filed a missing persons report with the Guyana police some while ago.

Through their own efforts the parents received information that their daughter has been spotted in Cabanafo in Suriname’s interior.

This information was relayed to the office of the Prosecutor General in Suriname which subsequently ordered an investigation into the matter.

During a raid in Cabanafo by the Anti-Terror Squad, police and military officers, the girls were found.

The suspects are being charged with human smuggling, human trafficking and being member of a criminal organization. The Trafficking in Persons Unit of the Suriname Police Force is continuing investigations.




The planned fishing licences giveaway is a further assault on our sovereignty

November 9, 2013 | By | Filed Under Letters 


DEAR EDITOR, Only Guyana’s dim-witted regime, less than one month after an oil exploration vessel was seized in hostile fashion in its waters by a neighbouring power (Venezuela) with huge territorial ambitions on its territory, would consider giving fishing licences to 40 Chinese trawlers to fish in its territorial waters. Only clueless administrators would make this offer to a country, China, that is very close to Venezuela, is deepening its ties with Venezuela out of oil security and is on a serious mission to expand its maritime presence and power geographically. Only beggars and bandits would prostitute their nation in this fashion, seeking to reduce the number of Guyanese-owned trawlers to 100 licences while giving 40 new licences to a foreign power to trawl in waters these same failed leaders cannot even patrol and monitor. Who but a bunch of ‘sailors’ would not only miss these clear signs and dangers but would so enthusiastically deflate their own fishing industry to bend over and spreadeagle for crumbs so they can expand their Pradoville palaces in the mudflats. Only miscreants and new colonialists will think in this fashion, destroying their own to fatten outsiders. The Chinese have mega-trawlers with on-board factories that will catch, process and package humungous amounts of fish without ever coming to shore. A handful of Chinese mega-trawlers will catch the same amount of fish the entire Guyanese fishing industry catches. Plus, these Chinese super-trawlers can go further than any local trawlers dare to go. With the Guyanese government’s zero capability to monitor these mega-trawlers, we will also have local trawlers illegally selling to these factory ships and coming ashore with little to nothing, thus driving up fish and seafood prices for locals already burdened by rising prices in this inflationary economy. And it will be Chinese-only labour aboard these super-trawlers. Is the PPP so catastrophically stupid to think the Chinese will only catch certain species and will throw back other species? Now, the Pradoville profiteers have given the same Chinese a licence to study which fish species can be extracted without depleting our fish stocks. This is the level of tomfoolery we are dealing with here! Let’s not forget that the Chinese are one of the biggest culprits in illegal fishing, particularly in deep waters of nations like Guyana, unable to monitor and patrol their own waters and exclusive economic zone (EEZ). Armed with this knowledge, one has to assume that the Chinese along with other illegal fishing powers are already making a killing in our waters. With this knowledge, the question is this: could the challenged minds of the PPP be providing, by way of these 40 licences, legal cover to an already booming Chinese illegal fishing industry in Guyana territorial waters? After all, if the Chinese are fishing illegally in our waters, wouldn’t 40 licences to operate in waters we cannot patrol make it virtually impossible to determine which Chinese vessel is legally fishing and which isn’t? For all you know, 150 Chinese trawlers could operate with impunity in our exclusive economic zone, of which 40 of them will have licences, and those ‘sailing’ in Freedom House will not have a clue. Have they considered that the Chinese could strategically place their 40 licenced trawlers closer to shore where our patrol limit reaches and where our local trawlers have their utmost range? This will devastate our local fishing industry, as their small local trawlers plying the same waters would be dominated by the larger, faster and more advanced and effective Chinese trawlers, while other Chinese trawlers illegally fish in the deeper reaches of our territorial sea where we cannot patrol. Not only does this scenario destroy our local fishing industry which cannot compete with advanced Chinese mega trawlers, it runs the risk of severely depleting our fishing stocks at the same time. So, we end up with a collapsed fishing industry and a severely depleted fishing stock. Only in the watery Stalinist minds of the PPP leaders, led by Jagdeo and Ramotar, would this be a wonderful securement of our sovereignty. A nation with significant claims on its territorial waters from two neighbours (Venezuela and Suriname) cannot afford this senseless act from the rogues within the PPP, devoid of any inkling of patriotism and logic. Instead of encouraging local trawlers to expand, and to more forcefully commercialise our territorial waters by giving them 40 more licences, the PPP misfits want the Chinese to become the commercial presence in Guyana’s outer territorial waters and EEZ. Will these people ever do the right thing for this nation? How much is the PPP getting for these 40 licences? No nation faced with brazen claims on its territory should surrender control or allow economic exploitation in such reckless and destructive fashion. I commend the Chinese for doing what is right for their people. God bless them and their government for advancing the interests of their people. They are right to exploit those who will stoop for crumbs. It is up to the people of Guyana to deal with those among us who are operating blindly, not the Chinese government acting in its people’s interests. M. Maxwell



In 21 years no senior PPP official has been prosecuted in what has been the greatest orgy of corruption

November 10, 2013 · By Staff Writer ·

Dear Editor,

Here we go again! The press has reported that Mr Rohee, newly appointed General Secretary of the PPP, announced at a recent Press Conference the establishment of an internal Integrity and Discipline Commission to, “ensure that members of our Party serving in public offices at all levels, maintain the highest level of integrity in the performance of their duties.”

He also claimed that the Commission will investigate allegations of theft, bribery and forgery and that the Commission is mandated to investigate misconduct by Party Members who engage in activities unbecoming of a good member.

These could include defamation and sexual harassment or sexual misconduct.


The only members of the Committee named so far are Dr. Roger Luncheon and former Minister Clinton Collymore.


Can there be any reason to take this announcement seriously?


What has the PPP done about corruption since taking office 21 years ago?


Early in the life of their term details of a million dollar stone scam came to light when correspondence was sent to the wrong address.



That case was followed by numerous revelations of other examples of corruption.


In response, to the growing chorus of complaints Dr Cheddi Jagan appointed an Anti-corruption Committee chaired by Mrs Jagan, and including Mr Ramotar, to receive complaints and take action on corruption by senior PPP and Government officials.


Over the years the committee received information and complaints on a number of scandals including the following:

i. Home Affairs Minister receiving money for the granting of firearms licences – evidence of an exceptionally large spike in the issue of such licences was provided to Parliament



ii. A Minister’s son receiving a car from a contractor as a gift  and

another car from the T&T contractor rehabilitating the EB Demerara road




iii. In addition, when President Sam Hinds used the car which had been previously assigned to Dr Jagan in his capacity as President, Mrs Jagan claimed that it was a gift from a businessman and therefore Dr Jagan’s personal property. But no such gift had previously been declared as required by the rules.



Presidential Adviser on Empowerment Odinga Lumumba and Dr Roger Luncheon, Head of the Presidential Secretariat, were implicated in the illegal export of protected wildlife species. 

Mr Lumumba admitted to the offence and apologized.

Mr Lumumba has in addition been accused of claim jumping of mining concessions and of  having illegal access to state lands.



Presidential Liaison Officer Kwame McKoy, the centre of several child molestation allegations, including one involving a taped recording of a conversation with a child from Linden, has been named as a member to the Commission on the Rights/Protection of the Child, in flagrant contempt of the implications for such action on the standing of the body.



Minister Kellawan Lall has been variously reported as being involved in incidents of drunken brawling, pistol whipping, illegal discharge of a firearm in public and hit and run driving.

He has never been charged by the Police.

  He was eventually sent as Ambassador to the Federative Republic of Brazil from whence he was subsequently recalled under circumstances that remain cloudy.



A Minister against whom evidence emerged of involvement in selling firearms licences as well as organizing and directing a death squad, was similarly rewarded with a diplomatic post.



The most renowned of the PPP Ministers accused of such lawlessness has been Mr Jagdeo who, amongst other things, illegally granted to the enterprises headed by Dr Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’ Ramroop, an acknowledged personal friend,  extensive fiscal concessions.

One of his last actions in office in 2011 was to illegally grant to that very enterprise, radio and TV licences without reference to either the NFMU or Broadcast Authority.

Mr Jagdeo assigned to ten entities some twenty two frequencies, 17 of which were to family, friends and party supporters.

  These included PPP member of Parliament, Dharamkumar Seeraj and several persons associated directly and indirectly with Natural Resources Minister, Robert Persaud

as well as wireless cable licences to entities associated with Brian Young and Vishok Persaud, a son of late PPP executive member, Reepu Daman Persaud.



The PPP in opposition had bitterly denounced PNC members for supposed extravagance and regularly accused the PNC of squandermania and corruption.



Both Mr Burnham and Mr Hoyte took action in response to these and other allegations.

Several PNC Ministers including Ministers Haynes, Mingo and George King were either fired or prosecuted,

the latter primarily on the basis of PPP allegations (they labelled him ’Mr 10%&rsquo and rumours;

Messrs Hamilton Green and David Singh, were hauled before the Ombudsman

and while that investigation was underway Green, the Minister of Works, was transferred to an office and retitled Minister of Public Affairs within the OPM. This was a hitherto unknown agency and the Minister was given no staff.

In addition, several senior public servants were either fired or prosecuted for charges and allegations of seeking and receiving gifts etc.

These included Mr Scantlebury and Frank Noel, the PM’s Permanent Secretary.

These latter firings caused a firestorm among the middle class.

The dismissals  nonetheless stood.



Much later, Minister of Agriculture, Mr Robert Corbin, was removed from office whilst being investigated for allegations of sexual assault.



In the 21 years it has been in office, not a single PPP or Civic Minister has ever been sanctioned let alone fired or prosecuted in what has clearly been the greatest orgy of corruption ever seen in Guyana and with few parallels in the region. 


In spite of the sudden acquisition of wealth by PPP Ministers no investigation has been triggered. 


Not a single report or investigation of PPP Party functionaries was ever released or published by the Committee Mrs Jagan headed.



But whilst the PPP has managed to largely silence internal critics they have not had the same success notwithstanding their efforts.


Transparency International has classified Guyana as the most corrupt country in the Caribbean and the second most corrupt in Latin America. 


In keeping with the role of the administration in promoting this phenomenon, the PPP regime has been characterized in the academic literature as a kleptocracy.



But even as this type of behaviour characterizes the PPP regime they use the organs of the state to perpetrate human rights abuse on citizens.



Close to elections citizens have been jailed for years for treason and never prosecuted then Mr Jagdeo pardons one.



There has also been several cases of torture including torture of a minor either in retaliation or in a bid to extract evidence concerning a robbery of a PPP official.



Most recently, the sister of Minister Manickchand and a former member of the PPP delegation on the Elections Commission actually wrote a piece condoning the execution of suspects without trial.



It is a policy which was orchestrated by Mr Jagdeo whose call to the armed forces to kill suspected bank robbers was dramatically followed by the execution of six persons who had not even been accused of a capital offence. Not a fortnight ago three young men were murdered in this way.



The class, moral and community implications of this behaviour seem to have missed the leaders of the Party for whilst white collar crime  perpetrated by PPP officials and their associates are viewed by the leadership as not worthy of the attention of the Courts or even of internal disciplinary sanction, those persons believed to have committed robbery and theft, crimes associated with the poor in urban communities have attracted sanctions.



Public alarm is not helped by the fact that the officers accused of perpetrating some of the worst abuses such as torture at the behest of the Government have not only been promoted but have been placed in the public limelight – accompanying the President on trips abroad.


These decisions seem intended to display the PPP’s contempt for public opinion, good taste and our laws.


Sometimes this behaviour backfires as was seen in the inordinate delay three former Ministers encountered in securing the agreement of the host Governments when the Government named them as Ambassadors.



Little wonder then that Guyana under the PPP attracts the additional moniker of a criminalized state.


Officials use their powers both to facilitate criminal activity by others and to cover their own illegal activities.


It is one of the main reasons why significant sections of this population are reluctant to sanction without additional safeguards the granting of powers more draconian than currently exist, to the authorities, including the Police, in pursuit of anti-money laundering and financing of terrorism.



With the current widespread abuses of human rights and violence routinely directed against some segments of the community, the extension of police powers without additional adequate, impartial and non-political, civilian oversight of the power, would be foolhardy.



No one is fooled by Mr Rohee’s attempt to hoodwink the public into believing that these acts of executive lawlessness will be curbed.



We have heard it all before.

 Yours faithfully,

Carl Greenidge


Ramroop admits

to having items recorded

as already delivered to GPHC

November 11, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 


Bharrat Jagdeo’s best friend Dr. Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’Ramroop, who owns New Guyana Pharmaceutical Corporation (GPC), has lashed out at the Auditor General of Guyana over the discrepancies raised in his 2012 reports. Ramroop yesterday accused the Audit Office of “sloppy fieldwork by junior officials in the Office of the Auditor General.” But the Auditor General found among other things that there were several million dollars worth of drugs still to be supplied by Ramroop. These drugs were part of the more than US$15M worth of drug contracts Ramroop received from the Ministry of Health and the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC).

Dr. Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’ Ramroop

Dr. Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’ Ramroop



Ramroop admitted this and called on the Ministry of Health and GPHC, “to remove its goods from the corporation warehouses as soon as possible.” In seeking to explain the non supply of the drugs, Ramroop has also conceded that the New GPC is still currently storing a very large volume of items for the Ministry and GPHC which New GPC recorded as delivered. Ramroop said that Contracts, particularly the larger orders, sometimes overlap from a consumption point of view into the following financial year. Hence, it is not unusual that some items are not collected by the Ministry at the end of the fiscal year. However, it is unusual that these items would be recorded by New GPC as delivered. He said that national budgets are approved some time between March and July and hence the quantities being ordered sometimes cater for this overlap. But for more than a decade the budget has been presented in February. Ramroop said that the Ministry receives goods based on their own pre-determined consumption pattern and that means deliveries are staggered throughout the year. Ramroop also claims that contracts are signed at different times during the year, and so for those signed in the later months, deliveries are actually intended to roll over into the following year. On the matter of bank guarantees raised by the Auditor General, Ramroop claims that they are not meant to be valid for the original sum throughout the life of the contract. “As deliveries are made, the risk is obviously decreasing and hence a bank guarantee can be, and is, often renewed for a lesser amount.” In attempting to discredit the Auditor General, Ramroop said that the report appears to have been compiled on the basis of simplistic interactions with junior and non-technical personnel within the Ministry and GPHC administrations and does not take full cognisance of the nature of the supply chain process for pharmaceuticals and related products and the environment in which we operate. Speaker of the National Assembly, Raphael Trotman, made the report public this past week and it has revealed that Ramroop’s New GPC received in excess of $3B to supply drugs to the Ministry of Health and the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC). Another $1B was spread across more than a dozen local and international companies.


Ramroop received the largest chunk of the drugs purchased by Government last year and according to the Auditor General, this was done based on the fact that he was pre-qualified since 2010.
This means that in 2010, Ramroop’s New GPC would have been selected to supply drugs to Government without having to go to public tender until that prequalification status expires.
Between the Ministry of Health and GPHC, the government spent just over $4B in drug purchases last year.

Auditor General Deodat Sharma

Auditor General Deodat Sharma


In 21 years no senior PPP official has

been prosecuted in what has been the

greatest orgy of corruption



November 10, 2013 · By Staff Writer ·


Dear Editor,

Here we go again! The press has reported that Mr Rohee, newly appointed General Secretary of the PPP, announced at a recent Press Conference the establishment of an internal Integrity and Discipline Commission to, “ensure that members of our Party serving in public offices at all levels, maintain the highest level of integrity in the performance of their duties.” He also claimed that the Commission will investigate allegations of theft, bribery and forgery and that the Commission is mandated to investigate misconduct by Party Members who engage in activities unbecoming of a good member. These could include defamation and sexual harassment or sexual misconduct.

The only members of the Committee named so far are Dr. Roger Luncheon and former Minister Clinton Collymore.

Can there be any reason to take this announcement seriously? What has the PPP done about corruption since taking office 21 years ago?

Early in the life of their term details of a million dollar stone scam came to light when correspondence was sent to the wrong address. That case was followed by numerous revelations of other examples of corruption.

In response, to the growing chorus of complaints Dr Cheddi Jagan appointed an Anti-corruption Committee chaired by Mrs Jagan, and including Mr Ramotar, to receive complaints and take action on corruption by senior PPP and Government officials. Over the years the committee received information and complaints on a number of scandals including the following:

i. Home Affairs Minister receiving money for the granting of firearms licences – evidence of an exceptionally large spike in the issue of such licences was provided to Parliament

ii. A Minister’s son receiving a car from a contractor as a gift and another car from the T&T contractor rehabilitating the EB Demerara road

iii. In addition, when President Sam Hinds used the car which had been previously assigned to Dr Jagan in his capacity as President, Mrs Jagan claimed that it was a gift from a businessman and therefore Dr Jagan’s personal property. But no such gift had previously been declared as required by the rules.

Presidential Adviser on Empowerment Odinga Lumumba and Dr Roger Luncheon, Head of the Presidential Secretariat, were implicated in the illegal export of protected wildlife species.  Mr Lumumba admitted to the offence and apologized. Mr Lumumba has in addition been accused of claim jumping of mining concessions and of having illegal access to state lands.

Presidential Liaison Officer Kwame McKoy, the centre of several child molestation allegations, including one involving a taped recording of a conversation with a child from Linden, has been named as a member to the Commission on the Rights/Protection of the Child, in flagrant contempt of the implications for such action on the standing of the body.

Minister Kellawan Lall has been variously reported as being involved in incidents of drunken brawling, pistol whipping, illegal discharge of a firearm in public and hit and run driving. He has never been charged by the Police.  He was eventually sent as Ambassador to the Federative Republic of Brazil from whence he was subsequently recalled under circumstances that remain cloudy.

A Minister against whom evidence emerged of involvement in selling firearms licences as well as organizing and directing a death squad, was similarly rewarded with a diplomatic post.

The most renowned of the PPP Ministers accused of such lawlessness has been Mr Jagdeo who, amongst other things, illegally granted to the enterprises headed by Dr Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’ Ramroop, an acknowledged personal friend, extensive fiscal concessions. One of his last actions in office in 2011 was to illegally grant to that very enterprise, radio and TV licences without reference to either the NFMU or Broadcast Authority. Mr Jagdeo assigned to ten entities some twenty two frequencies, 17 of which were to family, friends and party supporters.  These included PPP member of Parliament, Dharamkumar Seeraj and several persons associated directly and indirectly with Natural Resources Minister, Robert Persaud as well as wireless cable licences to entities associated with Brian Young and Vishok Persaud, a son of late PPP executive member, Reepu Daman Persaud.

The PPP in opposition had bitterly denounced PNC members for supposed extravagance and regularly accused the PNC of squandermania and corruption.

Both Mr Burnham and Mr Hoyte took action in response to these and other allegations. Several PNC Ministers including Ministers Haynes, Mingo and George King were either fired or prosecuted, the latter primarily on the basis of PPP allegations (they labelled him ’Mr 10%&rsquo and rumours; Messrs Hamilton Green and David Singh, were hauled before the Ombudsman and while that investigation was underway Green, the Minister of Works, was transferred to an office and retitled Minister of Public Affairs within the OPM. This was a hitherto unknown agency and the Minister was given no staff. In addition, several senior public servants were either fired or prosecuted for charges and allegations of seeking and receiving gifts etc. These included Mr Scantlebury and Frank Noel, the PM’s Permanent Secretary. These latter firings caused a firestorm among the middle class. The dismissals none the less stood.

Much later, Minister of Agriculture, Mr Robert Corbin, was removed from office whilst being investigated for allegations of sexual assault.

In the 21 years it has been in office, not a single PPP or Civic Minister has ever been sanctioned let alone fired or prosecuted in what has clearly been the greatest orgy of corruption ever seen in Guyana and with few parallels in the region.  In spite of the sudden acquisition of wealth by PPP Ministers no investigation has been triggered.  Not a single report or investigation of PPP Party functionaries was ever released or published by the Committee Mrs Jagan headed.

But whilst the PPP has managed to largely silence internal critics they have not had the same success notwithstanding their efforts. Transparency International has classified Guyana as the most corrupt country in the Caribbean and the second most corrupt in Latin America.  In keeping with the role of the administration in promoting this phenomenon, the PPP regime has been characterized in the academic literature as a kleptocracy.

But even as this type of behaviour characterizes the PPP regime they use the organs of the state to perpetrate human rights abuse on citizens. Close to elections citizens have been jailed for years for treason and never prosecuted then Mr Jagdeo pardons one. There has also been several cases of torture including torture of a minor either in retaliation or in a bid to extract evidence concerning a robbery of a PPP official. Most recently, the sister of Minister Manickchand and a former member of the PPP delegation on the Elections Commission actually wrote a piece condoning the execution of suspects without trial. It is a policy which was orchestrated by Mr Jagdeo whose call to the armed forces to kill suspected bank robbers was dramatically followed by the execution of six persons who had not even been accused of a capital offence. Not a fortnight ago three young men were murdered in this way.

The class, moral and community implications of this behaviour seem to have missed the leaders of the Party for whilst white collar crime perpetrated by PPP officials and their associates are viewed by the leadership as not worthy of the attention of the Courts or even of internal disciplinary sanction, those persons believed to have committed robbery and theft, crimes associated with the poor in urban communities have attracted sanctions.

Public alarm is not helped by the fact that the officers accused of perpetrating some of the worst abuses such as torture at the behest of the Government have not only been promoted but have been placed in the public limelight – accompanying the President on trips abroad. These decisions seem intended to display the PPP’s contempt for public opinion, good taste and our laws. Sometimes this behaviour backfires as was seen in the inordinate delay three former Ministers encountered in securing the agreement of the host Governments when the Government named them as Ambassadors.

Little wonder then that Guyana under the PPP attracts the additional moniker of a criminalized state. Officials use their powers both to facilitate criminal activity by others and to cover their own illegal activities. It is one of the main reasons why significant sections of this population are reluctant to sanction without additional safeguards the granting of powers more draconian than currently exist, to the authorities, including the Police, in pursuit of anti-money laundering and financing of terrorism. With the current widespread abuses of human rights and violence routinely directed against some segments of the community, the extension of police powers without additional adequate, impartial and non-political, civilian oversight of the power, would be foolhardy.

No one is fooled by Mr Rohee’s attempt to hoodwink the public into believing that these acts of executive lawlessness will be curbed. We have heard it all before.


Yours faithfully,

Carl Greenidge

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Rev I take it you agree:


The Million Dollar Monthly

 Jagdeo & Ramotar paying Clive Lloyd

could have paid Kanhai, Hooper, Kalicharran

and Roger Harper too

and our cricket would have gained more



Rev....As you know....

Jagdeo & Ramotar give top jobs

to other Black Thugs, Rapist,

PNC Election Riggers & Killers



Rev why waste Millions on these Black Thugs

Kwame, Lamumba, Edghill,

Hamilton, Bynoe,

Kit Nascimento, McClean, Jerry Gouviea




I Do not Support or Understand

Why Black House Of Israel Thugs

or PNC Stooges were given these Positions

by Jagdeo & Ramotar....



Rev....Do You think by Giving these Top Jobs to

Kwame, Lloyd and Lamumba

Jagdeo & Ramotar has helped the Country,

The Govt or the PPP in any way...

Look at the results of the elections...





Is the Burnham Faction of the PPP &

The Jagdeo & Ramotar Funny Fellas 

above the law????


To date, it seems none of  the "big boys" of Burnham Faction of the PPP or Jagdeo & Ramotar Funny Fellas  have faced corruption charges, and not one has been found guilty and jailed for stealing from the public purse.


What this tells us is that we journalists and other media practitioners who have been largely responsible for exposing alleged acts of corruption have been wrong.


We have been "seeing things" where they did not exist, chasing apparitions, wrongfully and recklessly accusing honest politicians and public officials of dishonesty, of stealing, when all along they have been men and women of unimpeachable rectitude.


Well, it's either that—in which case journalists from Kaiteur News & Stabroek News owe these people and the public thousands of apologies—or there is in place a code of protection that straddles investigators and dispensers of justice, that ensures that elite white collar criminals get away with murder, almost literally.


In fact, there is an uncanny connection between corruption, perceived or real, and murder. The investigations patterns are similar.

The police or Integrity Commission or other agencies are always "hot on the trail" of perpetrators.

When, after months, we hear nothing further, someone says the case is not "cold".

Then an individual is gunned down and we are told that he was a suspect in five, ten murders. Cases closed.


Arrests rates are close to zero.

Of all the murders committed a year,

how many arrests are made?

And of those, how many reach the trial stage?

Of this miniscule number, how many convictions are secured?


So whether or not we implement the death penalty, which remains law, it makes no difference.

Murderers know they will hardly be caught, far less hanged.


The same holds true for corrupt officials.

The only cases of note that have been prosecuted

over the past 50 years

are those few involving persons

accused of corrupt acts or scandals

during the time Burnham and Hoyte was in power.


And you and I know

that those Funny Fellas under Jagdeo & Ramotar

seem to have to continue doing more....

and the Older PNC Criminals

who were thiefing up to 1992 

will sooner die of natural causes

 instead of facing the finality of their trials in courtrooms.


Indeed, one might ask

why should they pay a price for anything

while hundreds like them

are seen at social events

rubbing shoulders with the very people

who accused them of corruption?


If I may use the reverse scenario,

the Burnham & Hoyte administration

faced numerous allegations of corruption.

From the House Of Isreal Thugs 

to the Floating Barge that never worked ,

from billion-dollar projects that ran wildly beyond estimates

to siphoning funds off state enterprises,

the PNC regime was alleged to have broken corruption records.


Yet, twenty-one years

after the electorate voted the PNC out of office

based largely on perceptions of corruption and wastage,

not one of the PNC merry men (or women)

has been charged with anything!


Every now and then Jagdeo & Ramotar

will remind us about Crime & Corruption

under those Dark PNC Days..

But they never target any of the PNC Big-Boys or

 former directors and senior managers of state enterprises.

And, by the law of averages,

not only will they never be charged,

but over time they are likely to fizz out

like the proverbial you-know-what.


So, can we conclude that

the PNC regime was not corrupt,

that all such allegations were spurious, malicious?



the current Jagdeo and Ramotar Government

has faced innumerable allegations of

unethical conduct and downright banditry.


Hundreds of millions of dollars

are said to have been pocketed by ministers,

their families and friends, and party financiers.


Could it be that all these allegations,

all the investigative reports

that appear in the print media

with documentation to support them, are hoaxes?


Is it that journalists and media houses

have hidden agendas, ulterior motives?



Or could it be that this is a society

in which the public code of conduct

is premised on institutionalised deception

that allows the high and mighty

to get away with corruption, even murder,

while the poor and powerless suffer

the consequences of revenue stolen?


I don't know. I am confused. You tell me.

Last edited by Former Member

William Joseph “Bill” Bratton


If Jagdeo & Ramotar

was serious about

ending Crime & Corruption

they can call in

the Crime Doctor



US policing expert to  show T&T how it’s done

By Joel Julien


United States policing expert William Joseph “Bill” Bratton arrived in Trinidad and Tobago around 12.50 p.m. yesterday.

Bratton, who was instrumental in the murder rates of New York City and Los Angeles this year being the lowest figure in more than 50 years, is here for two days to help address this country’s crime scourge.

Speaking at a news conference following his arrival yesterday, Bratton likened his modus operandi to that of a medical doctor dealing with a disease.

Bratton said his two-day visit to this country was a “brief diagnostic”.

In 1994, Bratton introduced a data-driven management model in the New York City Police Department called CompStat (Comparative Statistics).

Bratton was the police commissioner at the time.

The implementation of CompStat has been credited with decreasing crime in New York City.

Bratton said New York City is currently on the way to recording its lowest murder toll since the 1950s.

Because of the success in New York, CompStat has been implemented across the US.

Bratton yesterday credited CompStat for Los Angeles also being on its way to recording 275 murders this year, the lowest figure in over 50 years.

Gang violence in Los Angeles was also reduced by 60 per cent, Bratton said.

He said CompStat had dealt with the gang and drug problems that were plaguing areas.

Bratton described CompStat as the “engine that is driving the crime reduction efforts”.

He said CompStat is geared at identifying where crime is taking place and will be an accountability system for those in charge of addressing the scourge.

He added: “It is pretty much what happens in medicine, you go see a doctor when you are not feeling well. The doctor proceeds to examine you, first your chest then chest to back. 

“You have a cancer, he wants to rapidly respond to that cancer to keep it from growing, that is rapid response. He may use chemotherapy, he may use radiation, he may use other forms of treatment that effectively deals with the cancer. 

“After the surgery he still wants to come back because that is his responsibility. That is CompStat, it is practised in medicine and it is now widely practised in policing.” 

Bratton said he would be looking to see why other crime prevention techniques implemented in this country have not worked.

However, the “good news” is crime can be addressed and this country’s crime scourge is “not unique”, Bratton said.

He believes CompStat is the answer.

“When a doctor discovers a new medicine, a new form of treatment that works for patients in the United States it also works for patients elsewhere,” he said.

Bratton said crime in this country is “not shocking”.

“Your situation as bad as it is, is not unique,” he said.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by asj:

There is no way that the PPP/C will win if Elections were held today.

Whether today, tomorrow, anytime before or on the appointed time, the PPP/C will win the election with 51-plus% of the votes.

Not anymore DG, there was a time when the PPP/C was the party to go with, not any more, those in the PPP/C now are a bunch of crooks, and thieves. The President Donald Ramotar is the biggest liar and cannot be trusted just like the rest.

I know that you liked the PPP/C maybe your reason for giving them 51% plus. This will never happen, as most of their supporters are fed up with them, come voting time, their supporters would just stay home, and if that happens then you are looking at 40%. Look at it this way, when they were tops, 2010 2011, they could have only muster 49%, Now they are down, 40% is very generous.

Any elections and the result will be surprising.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by asj:

There is no way that the PPP/C will win if Elections were held today.

Whether today, tomorrow, anytime before or on the appointed time, the PPP/C will win the election with 51-plus% of the votes.

Mitwa the last time dis Funny Fella

was good for 55% plus  Larwa....


Like eee cutback lil bit

to 51% plus Laar....

in de ole_hole


When eee teking de Laar from Kwame

do you think Kwame stop at

55% or 51% as he request...

Mits how do he verify de percentage...


According to Big_seed

Roto-Rooter set de Nembers fuh dis chap.

Last edited by Former Member

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